// solve_IP.cc // This file provides the interface to call the implemented IP-algorithms. // This includes a short help text on the choice of algorithms and their // arguments and the required formats of the input file. #ifndef SOLVE_IP_CC #define SOLVE_IP_CC #include "IP_algorithms.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // initialize arguments for the IP-algorithms (Buchberger) // with default settings BOOLEAN verbose=FALSE; int version=1; int S_pair_criteria=11; double interreduction_percentage=12.0; ///////////////////////// parse options ///////////////////////////////////// int alg_option=0; // no algorithm specified yet if(argc>=3) // argc has to be at least 3 (except when help is required, see below): // program name, (MATRIX or) GROEBNER file, PROBLEM file { for(int i=1;i=argc-2) // file arguments reached break; if(!strcmp(argv[i],"RP")) { S_pair_criteria|=1; continue; } if(!strcmp(argv[i],"M")) { S_pair_criteria|=2; continue; } if(!strcmp(argv[i],"F")) { S_pair_criteria|=4; continue; } if(!strcmp(argv[i],"B")) { S_pair_criteria|=8; continue; } if(!strcmp(argv[i],"2")) { S_pair_criteria|=16; continue; } // option does not belong to an S-pair criterion break; } while(1); i--; // reset counter so that the outer loop continue; // continues with the just considered argument } if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-p")) { // read interreduction percentage i++; char** rest; interreduction_percentage=strtod(argv[i],rest); // The function strtod converts a string into a double. As the // specification is not correct, it may cause trouble... // For example, if the argument can be read as a float, the value // of rest should be NULL. This is not the case. Therefore, we can // only check by the following string comparison if a float has been // built. An argument as 15xy is thereby considered as valid // (with interreduction_percentage==15.0). if(!(strcmp(argv[i],*rest))) // argument was no float { cerr<<"ERROR: invalid argument for interreduction percentage\n" <<"Type `solve_IP --help' for help on options.\n"; return 1; } continue; } if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-alg") || !strcmp(argv[i],"--algorithm")) { // check if next argument is a valid algorithm specification i++; if(!strcmp(argv[i],"ct") || !strcmp(argv[i],"pct") || !strcmp(argv[i],"ect") || !strcmp(argv[i],"pt") || !strcmp(argv[i],"hs") || !strcmp(argv[i],"du") || !strcmp(argv[i],"blr")) { alg_option=i; continue; } // When reaching this line, the algorithm argument was invalid. cerr<<"ERROR: unkwon algorithm\n" <<"Type `solve_IP --help' for help on options.\n"; return 1; } // When reaching this line, the argument is no legal option. cerr<<"ERROR: invalid option "<>format_string; if(!strcmp(format_string,"MATRIX")) { if(alg_option==0) { cerr<<"ERROR: first input file is a MATRIX file;\n" "algorithm has to be specified\n"; return 1; } // perform specified algorithm to compute a Groebner basis of the // toric ideal defined by the input matrix int success; if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"ct")) success=Conti_Traverso(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"pct")) success=Positive_Conti_Traverso(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"ect")) success=Elim_Conti_Traverso(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"pt")) success=Pottier(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"hs")) success=Hosten_Sturmfels(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"du")) success=DiBiase_Urbanke(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!strcmp(argv[alg_option],"blr")) success=Bigatti_LaScala_Robbiano(argv[argc-2], version, S_pair_criteria, interreduction_percentage, verbose); if(!success) { cerr<<"ERROR: could not perform required IP-algorithm,\n" "no GROEBNER file created\n"; return 1; } // Groebner basis successfully computed // now solve problems char* GROEBNER=new char[128]; memset(GROEBNER,0,128); int i=0; while(argv[argc-2][i]!='\0' && argv[argc-2][i]!='.' && argv[argc-2][i]>' ') { GROEBNER[i]=argv[argc-2][i]; i++; } strcat(GROEBNER,".GB."); strcat(GROEBNER,argv[alg_option]); success=solve(argv[argc-1],GROEBNER); delete[] GROEBNER; return(!success); // ! because 0 indicates in general a regular program termination } else // first input file is no MATRIX file, GROEBNER file assumed { if(argc>3) // input options are ignored when program is called with a // GROEBNER file cerr<<"WARNING: program called with a GROEBNER file,\n" "specified options will not have any effect\n"; return(!solve(argv[argc-1],argv[argc-2])); } } /////////////////////// provide help text /////////////////////////////////// // handle the case of "missing" arguments if((argc==2) && !strcmp(argv[1],"--help")) // help required { system("less solve_IP.hlp"); return 0; } else // invalid arguments cerr<<"USAGE: solve_IP [options] toric_file problem_file\n" <<"Type `solve_IP --help' for help on options.\n"; return 1; } #endif // SOLVE_IP_CC