#include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_FANS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int coneID; int integerToInt(gfan::Integer const &V, bool &ok) { mpz_t v; mpz_init(v); V.setGmp(v); int ret=0; if(mpz_fits_sint_p(v)) ret=mpz_get_si(v); else ok=false; mpz_clear(v); return ret; } intvec* zVector2Intvec(const gfan::ZVector zv) { int d=zv.size(); intvec* iv = new intvec(1, d, 0); bool ok = true; for(int i=1;i<=d;i++) IMATELEM(*iv, 1, i) = integerToInt(zv[i-1], ok); if (!ok) WerrorS("overflow while converting a gfan::ZVector to an intvec"); return iv; } intvec* zMatrix2Intvec(const gfan::ZMatrix zm) { int d=zm.getHeight(); int n=zm.getWidth(); intvec* iv = new intvec(d, n, 0); bool ok = true; for(int i=1;i<=d;i++) for(int j=1;j<=n;j++) IMATELEM(*iv, i, j) = integerToInt(zm[i-1][j-1], ok); if (!ok) WerrorS("overflow while converting a gfan::ZMatrix to an intmat"); return iv; } gfan::ZMatrix intmat2ZMatrix(const intvec* iMat) { int d=iMat->rows(); int n=iMat->cols(); gfan::ZMatrix ret(d,n); for(int i=0;irows(); gfan::ZVector ret(n); for(int j=0;jData()!=NULL) { gfan::ZCone* zd = (gfan::ZCone*)l->Data(); delete zd; } newZc = new gfan::ZCone(); } else if (r->Typ()==l->Typ()) { if (l->Data()!=NULL) { gfan::ZCone* zd = (gfan::ZCone*)l->Data(); delete zd; } gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)r->Data(); newZc = new gfan::ZCone(*zc); } else if (r->Typ()==INT_CMD) { int ambientDim = (int)(long)r->Data(); if (ambientDim < 0) { Werror("expected an int >= 0, but got %d", ambientDim); return TRUE; } if (l->Data()!=NULL) { gfan::ZCone* zd = (gfan::ZCone*)l->Data(); delete zd; } newZc = new gfan::ZCone(ambientDim); } else { Werror("assign Type(%d) = Type(%d) not implemented",l->Typ(),r->Typ()); return TRUE; } if (l->rtyp==IDHDL) { IDDATA((idhdl)l->data)=(char *)newZc; } else { l->data=(void *)newZc; } return FALSE; } char * bbcone_String(blackbox *b, void *d) { if (d==NULL) return omStrDup("invalid object"); else { std::string s=toString(*((gfan::ZCone*)d)); char* ns = (char*) omAlloc(strlen(s.c_str()) + 10); sprintf(ns, "%s", s.c_str()); omCheckAddr(ns); return ns; } } void bbcone_destroy(blackbox *b, void *d) { if (d!=NULL) { gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*) d; delete zc; } } void * bbcone_Copy(blackbox*b, void *d) { gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)d; gfan::ZCone* newZc = new gfan::ZCone(*zc); return newZc; } static BOOLEAN jjCONERAYS1(leftv res, leftv v) { /* method for generating a cone object from half-lines (cone = convex hull of the half-lines; note: there may be entire lines in the cone); valid parametrizations: (intmat) */ intvec* rays = (intvec *)v->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); gfan::ZMatrix zm = intmat2ZMatrix(rays); gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(); *zc = gfan::ZCone::givenByRays(zm, gfan::ZMatrix(0, zm.getWidth())); res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (char *)zc; return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONERAYS2(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v) { /* method for generating a cone object from half-lines, and lines (any point in the cone being the sum of a point in the convex hull of the half-lines and a point in the span of the lines; the second argument may contain or entirely consist of zero rows); valid parametrizations: (intmat, intmat) Errors will be invoked in the following cases: - u and v have different numbers of columns */ intvec* rays = (intvec *)u->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); intvec* linSpace = (intvec *)v->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); if (rays->cols() != linSpace->cols()) { Werror("expected same number of columns but got %d vs. %d", rays->cols(), linSpace->cols()); return TRUE; } gfan::ZMatrix zm1 = intmat2ZMatrix(rays); gfan::ZMatrix zm2 = intmat2ZMatrix(linSpace); gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(); *zc = gfan::ZCone::givenByRays(zm1, zm2); res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (char *)zc; return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONERAYS3(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v, leftv w) { /* method for generating a cone object from half-lines, and lines (any point in the cone being the sum of a point in the convex hull of the half-lines and a point in the span of the lines), and an integer k; valid parametrizations: (intmat, intmat, int); Errors will be invoked in the following cases: - u and v have different numbers of columns, - k not in [0..3]; if the 2^0-bit of k is set, then the lineality space is known to be the span of the provided lines; if the 2^1-bit of k is set, then the extreme rays are known: each half-line spans a (different) extreme ray */ intvec* rays = (intvec *)u->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); intvec* linSpace = (intvec *)v->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); if (rays->cols() != linSpace->cols()) { Werror("expected same number of columns but got %d vs. %d", rays->cols(), linSpace->cols()); return TRUE; } int k = (int)(long)w->Data(); if ((k < 0) || (k > 3)) { WerrorS("expected int argument in [0..3]"); return TRUE; } gfan::ZMatrix zm1 = intmat2ZMatrix(rays); gfan::ZMatrix zm2 = intmat2ZMatrix(linSpace); gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(); *zc = gfan::ZCone::givenByRays(zm1, zm2); //k should be passed on to zc; not available yet res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (char *)zc; return FALSE; } BOOLEAN cone_via_rays(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)) { if (u->next == NULL) return jjCONERAYS1(res, u); } leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)) { if (v->next == NULL) return jjCONERAYS2(res, u, v); } leftv w = v->next; if ((w != NULL) && (w->Typ() == INT_CMD)) { if (w->next == NULL) return jjCONERAYS3(res, u, v, w); } WerrorS("cone_via_rays: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONENORMALS1(leftv res, leftv v) { /* method for generating a cone object from inequalities; valid parametrizations: (intmat) */ intvec* inequs = (intvec *)v->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); gfan::ZMatrix zm = intmat2ZMatrix(inequs); gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(zm, gfan::ZMatrix(0, zm.getWidth())); res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (char *)zc; return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONENORMALS2(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v) { /* method for generating a cone object from iequalities, and equations (...) valid parametrizations: (intmat, intmat) Errors will be invoked in the following cases: - u and v have different numbers of columns */ intvec* inequs = (intvec *)u->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); intvec* equs = (intvec *)v->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); if (inequs->cols() != equs->cols()) { Werror("expected same number of columns but got %d vs. %d", inequs->cols(), equs->cols()); return TRUE; } gfan::ZMatrix zm1 = intmat2ZMatrix(inequs); gfan::ZMatrix zm2 = intmat2ZMatrix(equs); gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(zm1, zm2); res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (char *)zc; return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONENORMALS3(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v, leftv w) { /* method for generating a cone object from inequalities, equations, and an integer k; valid parametrizations: (intmat, intmat, int); Errors will be invoked in the following cases: - u and v have different numbers of columns, - k not in [0..3]; if the 2^0-bit of k is set, then ... */ intvec* inequs = (intvec *)u->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); intvec* equs = (intvec *)v->CopyD(INTVEC_CMD); if (inequs->cols() != equs->cols()) { Werror("expected same number of columns but got %d vs. %d", inequs->cols(), equs->cols()); return TRUE; } int k = (int)(long)w->Data(); if ((k < 0) || (k > 3)) { WerrorS("expected int argument in [0..3]"); return TRUE; } gfan::ZMatrix zm1 = intmat2ZMatrix(inequs); gfan::ZMatrix zm2 = intmat2ZMatrix(equs); gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(zm1, zm2, k); res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (char *)zc; return FALSE; } BOOLEAN cone_via_normals(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)) { if (u->next == NULL) return jjCONENORMALS1(res, u); } leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)) { if (v->next == NULL) return jjCONENORMALS2(res, u, v); } leftv w = v->next; if ((w != NULL) && (w->Typ() == INT_CMD)) { if (w->next == NULL) return jjCONENORMALS3(res, u, v, w); } WerrorS("cone_via_normals: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN jjGETPROPC(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v) { /* method for retrieving cone properties; valid parametrizations: (cone, string), Errors will be invoked in the following cases: - invalid property string (see below for valid ones) */ gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); char* prop = (char*)v->Data(); gfan::ZMatrix retMat; gfan::ZCone retCone; int retInt; gfan::ZVector retVec; int typeInfo; /* ################ properties with return type intmat: ################## */ if (strcmp(prop, "INEQUALITIES") == 0) { retMat = zc->getInequalities(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "EQUATIONS") == 0) { retMat = zc->getEquations(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "FACETS") == 0) { retMat = zc->getFacets(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "IMPLIED_EQUATIONS") == 0) { retMat = zc->getImpliedEquations(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "GENERATORS_OF_SPAN") == 0) { retMat = zc->generatorsOfSpan(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "GENERATORS_OF_LINEALITY_SPACE") == 0) { retMat = zc->generatorsOfLinealitySpace(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "RAYS") == 0) { retMat = zc->extremeRays(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "QUOTIENT_LATTICE_BASIS") == 0) { retMat = zc->quotientLatticeBasis(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "LINEAR_FORMS") == 0) { retMat = zc->getLinearForms(); typeInfo = INTMAT_CMD; } /* ################ properties with return type int: ################## */ else if (strcmp(prop, "AMBIENT_DIM") == 0) { retInt = zc->ambientDimension(); typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "DIM") == 0) { retInt = zc->dimension(); typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "LINEALITY_DIM") == 0) { retInt = zc->dimensionOfLinealitySpace(); typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "MULTIPLICITY") == 0) { bool ok = true; retInt = integerToInt(zc->getMultiplicity(), ok); if (!ok) WerrorS("overflow while converting a gfan::Integer to an int"); typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "IS_ORIGIN") == 0) { retInt = zc->isOrigin() ? 1 : 0; typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "IS_FULL_SPACE") == 0) { retInt = zc->isFullSpace() ? 1 : 0; typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "SIMPLICIAL") == 0) { retInt = zc->isSimplicial() ? 1 : 0; typeInfo = INT_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "CONTAINS_POSITIVE_VECTOR") == 0) { retInt = zc->containsPositiveVector() ? 1 : 0; typeInfo = INT_CMD; } /* ################ properties with return type ZCone: ################## */ else if (strcmp(prop, "LINEALITY_SPACE") == 0) { retCone = zc->linealitySpace(); typeInfo = coneID; } else if (strcmp(prop, "DUAL_CONE") == 0) { retCone = zc->dualCone(); typeInfo = coneID; } else if (strcmp(prop, "NEGATED") == 0) { retCone = zc->negated(); typeInfo = coneID; } /* ################ properties with return type intvec: ################## */ else if (strcmp(prop, "SEMI_GROUP_GENERATOR") == 0) { /* test whether the cone's dim = dim of lin space + 1: */ int d = zc->dimension(); int dLS = zc->dimensionOfLinealitySpace(); if (d == dLS + 1) retVec = zc->semiGroupGeneratorOfRay(); else { Werror("expected dim of cone one larger than dim of lin space\n" "but got dimensions %d and %d", d, dLS); } typeInfo = INTVEC_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "RELATIVE_INTERIOR_POINT") == 0) { retVec = zc->getRelativeInteriorPoint(); typeInfo = INTVEC_CMD; } else if (strcmp(prop, "UNIQUE_POINT") == 0) { retVec = zc->getUniquePoint(); typeInfo = INTVEC_CMD; } else { Werror("unexpected cone property '%s'", prop); return TRUE; } res->rtyp = typeInfo; if (typeInfo == INT_CMD) res->data = (void*)retInt; else if (typeInfo == INTMAT_CMD) res->data = (void*)zMatrix2Intvec(retMat); else if (typeInfo == coneID) res->data = (void*)new gfan::ZCone(retCone); else if (typeInfo == INTVEC_CMD) res->data = (void*)zVector2Intvec(retVec); else { WerrorS("implementation error in bbcone.cc::jjGETPROPC"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN getprop(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID)) { leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == STRING_CMD)) { if (v->next == NULL) return jjGETPROPC(res, u, v); } } WerrorS("getprop: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN cone_intersect(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID)) { leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == coneID)) { gfan::ZCone* zc1 = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); gfan::ZCone* zc2 = (gfan::ZCone*)v->Data(); int d1 = zc1->ambientDimension(); int d2 = zc2->ambientDimension(); if (d1 != d2) Werror("expected ambient dims of both cones to coincide\n" "but got %d and %d", d1, d2); gfan::ZCone zc3 = gfan::intersection(*zc1, *zc2); res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (void *)new gfan::ZCone(zc3); return FALSE; } } WerrorS("cone_intersect: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN cone_link(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID)) { leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == INTVEC_CMD)) { gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); intvec* iv = (intvec*)v->Data(); gfan::ZVector zv= intvec2ZVector(iv); int d1 = zc->ambientDimension(); int d2 = zv.size(); if (d1 != d2) Werror("expected ambient dim of cone and size of vector\n" "to be equal but got %d and %d", d1, d2); if(!zc->contains(zv)) { WerrorS("the provided intvec does not lie in the cone"); } res->rtyp = coneID; res->data = (void *)new gfan::ZCone(zc->link(zv)); return FALSE; } } WerrorS("cone_link: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONTAINS2(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v) { gfan::ZCone* zc1 = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); gfan::ZCone* zc2 = (gfan::ZCone*)v->Data(); int d1 = zc1->ambientDimension(); int d2 = zc2->ambientDimension(); if (d1 != d2) Werror("expected cones with same ambient dimensions\n but got" " dimensions %d and %d", d1, d2); res->rtyp = INT_CMD; res->data = (void *)(zc1->contains(*zc2) ? 1 : 0); return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN jjCONTAINS3(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v, leftv w) { gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); intvec* vec = (intvec*)v->Data(); int flag = (int)(long)w->Data(); gfan::ZVector zv = intvec2ZVector(vec); int d1 = zc->ambientDimension(); int d2 = zv.size(); if (d1 != d2) Werror("expected ambient dim of cone and size of vector\n" "to be equal but got %d and %d", d1, d2); res->rtyp = INT_CMD; if (flag) res->data = (void *)(zc->containsRelatively(zv) ? 1 : 0); else res->data = (void *)(zc->contains(zv) ? 1 : 0);; return FALSE; } BOOLEAN contains(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID)) { leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == coneID)) return jjCONTAINS2(res, u, v); if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == INTVEC_CMD)) { leftv w = v->next; if ((w != NULL) && (w->Typ() == INT_CMD)) return jjCONTAINS3(res, u, v, w); } } WerrorS("contains: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN jjSETPROPC3A(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v, leftv w) { gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); char* prop = (char*)v->Data(); int val = (int)(long)w->Data(); if (strcmp(prop, "MULTIPLICITY") == 0) { zc->setMultiplicity(gfan::Integer(val)); } else { Werror("unexpected cone property '%s'", prop); return TRUE; } res->rtyp = NONE; res->data = NULL; return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN jjSETPROPC3B(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v, leftv w) { gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*)u->Data(); char* prop = (char*)v->Data(); intvec* mat = (intvec*)w->Data(); gfan::ZMatrix zm = intmat2ZMatrix(mat); if (strcmp(prop, "LINEAR_FORMS") == 0) { zc->setLinearForms(zm); } else { Werror("unexpected cone property '%s'", prop); return TRUE; } res->rtyp = NONE; res->data = NULL; return FALSE; } BOOLEAN setprop(leftv res, leftv args) { leftv u = args; if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID)) { leftv v = u->next; if ((v != NULL) && (v->Typ() == STRING_CMD)) { leftv w = v->next; if ((w != NULL) && (w->Typ() == INT_CMD)) return jjSETPROPC3A(res, u, v, w); if ((w != NULL) && (w->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)) return jjSETPROPC3B(res, u, v, w); } } WerrorS("setprop: unexpected parameters"); return TRUE; } void bbcone_setup() { blackbox *b=(blackbox*)omAlloc0(sizeof(blackbox)); // all undefined entries will be set to default in setBlackboxStuff // the default Print is quite usefule, // all other are simply error messages b->blackbox_destroy=bbcone_destroy; b->blackbox_String=bbcone_String; //b->blackbox_Print=blackbox_default_Print; b->blackbox_Init=bbcone_Init; b->blackbox_Copy=bbcone_Copy; b->blackbox_Assign=bbcone_Assign; iiAddCproc("","cone_via_rays",FALSE,cone_via_rays); iiAddCproc("","cone_via_normals",FALSE,cone_via_normals); iiAddCproc("","getprop",FALSE,getprop); iiAddCproc("","cone_intersect",FALSE,cone_intersect); iiAddCproc("","cone_link",FALSE,cone_link); iiAddCproc("","contains",FALSE,contains); iiAddCproc("","setprop",FALSE,setprop); coneID=setBlackboxStuff(b,"cone"); Print("created type %d (cone)\n",coneID); } #endif /* HAVE_FANS */