#!/usr/local/bin/perl ########################################################################### # $Id: check_aso.pl,v 1.3 2000-08-14 12:55:54 obachman Exp $ ########################################################################### ## ## FILE: check_aso.pl ## PURPOSE: checks source files for Alloc(sizeof(..)) statements and ## fixes them, if requested ## AUTHOR: obachman (10/99) ## $Usage = <) { # Check for Alloc(sizeof(..)), Free(..,sizeof(..)) if (/(^|[^\w])(Alloc|Alloc0|AllocAligned|AllocAligned0)\s*\(\s*sizeof\s*\(\s*([^\)]*)\s*\)\s*\)/ || /(^|[^\w])(Free|FreeAligned)\s*\(.*,\s*sizeof\s*\(\s*([^\)]*)\s*\)\s*\)/) { $what = $3; $alloc = $2; $what =~ s/^\s*//; $what =~ s/\s*$//; if ($what !~ /^\w[\w\d]*$/) { print STDERR "Warning: Argument $what to $alloc does not match \w[\w\d]* at $ARGV:$.\n"; } else { # error if inside sizeof(..) is weird print STDERR "Warning: $alloc(sizeof($what)) found at $ARGV:$."; if ($fix) { s/sizeof\s*\(\s*$what\s*\)/$what/; $what = $alloc."SizeOf"; s/$alloc/$what/; $fixed = 1; print " (fixed)\n"; } else { print "\nRun '$0 -f $ARGV' to fix\n"; } } } $content .= $_ if $fix; } continue { if (eof) { close ARGV; if ($fix && $fixed) { print STDERR "Creating $ARGV.bak and fixing $ARGV\n"; system("cp $ARGV $ARGV.bak"); open(ARGV, ">$ARGV"); print ARGV $content; close(ARGV); $fixed = 0; } } }