// -*- c++ -*- //***************************************************************************** /** @file countedref.cc * * @author Alexander Dreyer * @date 2012-08-15 * * This file defines reference countes interpreter objects and adds the * @c blackbox operations for high-level types 'reference' and 'shared'. * * @note This works was supported by the "Industrial Algebra" project. * * @par Copyright: * (c) 2012 by The Singular Team, see LICENSE file **/ //***************************************************************************** #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include "ipid.h" #include "countedref.h" #include "blackbox.h" #include "newstruct.h" #include "ipshell.h" /// Overloading ring destruction inline void CountedRefPtr_kill(ring r) { rKill(r); } /** @class CountedRefData * This class stores a reference counter as well as a Singular interpreter object. * It also take care of the context, e.g. the current ring, wrap object, etc. **/ class CountedRefData: public RefCounter { typedef CountedRefData self; public: typedef CountedRefWeakPtr back_ptr; private: typedef RefCounter base; /// Generate object linked to other reference (e.g. for subscripts) CountedRefData(leftv wrapid, back_ptr back): base(), m_data(wrapid), m_ring(back->m_ring), m_back(back) { } /// @name Disallow copying to avoid inconsistence //@{ self& operator=(const self&); CountedRefData(const self&); //@} public: typedef LeftvDeep::copy_tag copy_tag; /// Fix smart pointer type to referenced data typedef back_ptr::ptr_type ptr_type; /// Fix smart pointer type to ring typedef CountedRefPtr ring_ptr; /// Construct shared memory empty Singular object explicit CountedRefData(): base(), m_data(), m_ring(), m_back() { } /// Reference Singular object explicit CountedRefData(leftv data): base(), m_data(data), m_ring(parent(data)), m_back() { } /// Construct reference for Singular object CountedRefData(leftv data, copy_tag do_copy): base(), m_data(data, do_copy), m_ring(parent(data)), m_back() { } /// Destruct ~CountedRefData() { if (!m_back.unassigned()) { if (m_back == this) m_back.invalidate(); else m_data.clearid(root()); } } /// Generate object for indexing ptr_type wrapid() { return new self(m_data.idify(root()), weakref()); } /// Gerenate weak (but managed) reference to @c *this back_ptr weakref() { if (m_back.unassigned()) m_back = this; return m_back; } /// Replace with other Singular data self& operator=(leftv rhs) { m_data = rhs; m_ring = parent(rhs); return *this; } /// Write (shallow) copy to given handle BOOLEAN put(leftv res) { return broken() || m_data.put(res); } /// Extract (shallow) copy of stored data LeftvShallow operator*() const { return (broken()? LeftvShallow(): (const LeftvShallow&)m_data); } /// Determine active ring when ring dependency changes BOOLEAN rering() { if (m_ring ^ m_data.ringed()) m_ring = (m_ring? NULL: currRing); return (m_back && (m_back != this) && m_back->rering()); } /// Get the current context idhdl* root() { return (m_ring? &m_ring->idroot: &IDROOT); } /// Check whether identifier became invalid BOOLEAN broken() const { if (!m_back.unassigned() && !m_back) return complain("Back-reference broken"); if (m_ring) { if (m_ring != currRing) return complain("Referenced identifier not from current ring"); return m_data.isid() && m_data.brokenid(currRing->idroot) && complain("Referenced identifier not available in ring anymore"); } if (!m_data.isid()) return FALSE; return m_data.brokenid(IDROOT) && ((currPack == basePack) || m_data.brokenid(basePack->idroot)) && complain("Referenced identifier not available in current context"); } /// Reassign actual object BOOLEAN assign(leftv result, leftv arg) { if (!m_data.isid()) { (*this) = arg; return FALSE; } return put(result) || iiAssign(result, arg) || rering(); } /// Recover additional information (e.g. subexpression) from likewise object BOOLEAN retrieve(leftv res) { return m_data.retrieve(res); } /// Check whether data is all-zero BOOLEAN unassigned() const { return m_data.unassigned(); } private: /// Raise error message and return @c TRUE BOOLEAN complain(const char* text) const { WerrorS(text); return TRUE; } /// Store ring for ring-dependent objects static ring parent(leftv rhs) { return (rhs->RingDependend()? currRing: NULL); } protected: /// Singular object LeftvDeep m_data; /// Store namespace for ring-dependent objects ring_ptr m_ring; /// Reference to actual object for wrap structures back_ptr m_back; }; /// Supporting smart pointer @c CountedRefPtr inline void CountedRefPtr_kill(CountedRefData* data) { delete data; } /// blackbox support - initialization void* countedref_Init(blackbox*) { return NULL; } /// We use the function pointer as a marker of reference types /// for CountedRef::is_ref(leftv), see the latter for details BOOLEAN countedref_CheckAssign(blackbox */*b*/, leftv /*L*/, leftv /*R*/) { return FALSE; } class CountedRef { typedef CountedRef self; public: /// name type for identifiers typedef int id_type; /// Name type for handling referenced data typedef CountedRefData data_type; /// Fix smart pointer type to referenced data typedef CountedRefPtr data_ptr; /// Check whether argument is already a reference type /// @note We check for the function pointer @c countedref_CheckAssign here, /// that we (ab-)use as a unique marker. This avoids to check a bunch of /// of runtime-varying @c typ IDs for identifying reference-like types. static BOOLEAN is_ref(leftv arg) { int typ = arg->Typ(); return ((typ > MAX_TOK) && (getBlackboxStuff(typ)->blackbox_CheckAssign == countedref_CheckAssign)); } /// Reference given Singular data explicit CountedRef(leftv arg): m_data(new data_type(arg)) { } protected: /// Recover previously constructed reference CountedRef(data_ptr arg): m_data(arg) { assume(arg); } public: /// Construct copy CountedRef(const self& rhs): m_data(rhs.m_data) { } /// Replace reference self& operator=(const self& rhs) { m_data = rhs.m_data; return *this; } BOOLEAN assign(leftv result, leftv arg) { return m_data->assign(result,arg); } /// Extract (shallow) copy of stored data LeftvShallow operator*() { return m_data->operator*(); } /// Construct reference data object marked by given identifier number BOOLEAN outcast(leftv res, int typ) { res->rtyp = typ; return outcast(res); } /// Construct reference data object from *this BOOLEAN outcast(leftv res) { if (res->rtyp == IDHDL) IDDATA((idhdl)res->data) = (char *)outcast(); else res->data = (void *)outcast(); return FALSE; } /// Construct raw reference data data_type* outcast() { m_data.reclaim(); return m_data; } /// Kills a link to the referenced object void destruct() { m_data.release(); } /// Kills the link to the referenced object ~CountedRef() { } /// Replaces argument by a shallow copy of the references data BOOLEAN dereference(leftv arg) { m_data.reclaim(); BOOLEAN b= m_data->put(arg) || ((arg->next != NULL) && resolve(arg->next)); m_data.release(); return b; } /// Check whether object in valid in current context BOOLEAN broken() {return m_data->broken(); } /// Check whether (shared) data was initialized but not assigned yet. BOOLEAN unassigned() const { return m_data->unassigned(); } /// Get number of references pointing here, too BOOLEAN count(leftv res) { return construct(res, m_data.count() - 1); } // Get internal indentifier BOOLEAN enumerate(leftv res) { return construct(res, (long)(data_type*)m_data); } /// Check for likewise identifiers BOOLEAN likewise(leftv res, leftv arg) { return resolve(arg) || construct(res, operator*()->data == arg->data); } /// Check for identical reference objects BOOLEAN same(leftv res, leftv arg) { return construct(res, m_data == arg->Data()); } /// Get type of references data BOOLEAN type(leftv res) { return construct(res, Tok2Cmdname(operator*()->Typ())); }; /// Get (possibly) internal identifier name BOOLEAN name(leftv res) { return construct(res, operator*()->Name()); } /// Recover the actual object from raw Singular data static self cast(void* data) { assume(data != NULL); return self(static_cast(data)); } /// Recover the actual object from Singular interpreter object static self cast(leftv arg) { assume(arg != NULL); assume(is_ref(arg)); return self::cast(arg->Data()); } /// If necessary dereference. static BOOLEAN resolve(leftv arg) { assume(arg != NULL); while (is_ref(arg)) { if(CountedRef::cast(arg).dereference(arg)) return TRUE; }; return (arg->next != NULL) && resolve(arg->next); } /// Construct integer value static BOOLEAN construct(leftv res, long data) { res->data = (void*) data; res->rtyp = INT_CMD; return FALSE; } /// Construct string static BOOLEAN construct(leftv res, const char* data) { res->data = (void*)omStrDup(data); res->rtyp = STRING_CMD; return FALSE; } /// Construct void-style object static BOOLEAN construct(leftv res) { res->data = NULL; res->rtyp = NONE; return FALSE; } protected: /// Store pointer to actual data data_ptr m_data; }; /// blackbox support - convert to string representation void countedref_Print(blackbox */*b*/, void* ptr) { if (ptr) (*CountedRef::cast(ptr))->Print(); else PrintS(""); } /// blackbox support - convert to string representation char* countedref_String(blackbox */*b*/, void* ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return omStrDup(sNoName); return (*CountedRef::cast(ptr))->String(); } /// blackbox support - copy element void* countedref_Copy(blackbox*/*b*/, void* ptr) { if (ptr) return CountedRef::cast(ptr).outcast(); return NULL; } /// blackbox support - assign element BOOLEAN countedref_Assign(leftv result, leftv arg) { // Case: replace assignment behind reference if (result->Data() != NULL) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(result); return CountedRef::resolve(arg) || ref.assign(result, arg); } // Case: copy reference if (result->Typ() == arg->Typ()) return CountedRef::cast(arg).outcast(result); // Case: new reference if ((arg->rtyp == IDHDL) || CountedRef::is_ref(arg)) return CountedRef(arg).outcast(result); WerrorS("Can only take reference from identifier"); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN countedref_CheckInit(leftv res, leftv arg) { if (arg->Data() != NULL) return FALSE; res->rtyp = NONE; WerrorS("Noninitialized access"); return TRUE; } /// blackbox support - unary operations BOOLEAN countedref_Op1(int op, leftv res, leftv head) { if(op == TYPEOF_CMD) return blackboxDefaultOp1(op, res, head); if (countedref_CheckInit(res, head)) return TRUE; if ((op == DEF_CMD) || (op == head->Typ())) { res->rtyp = head->Typ(); return iiAssign(res, head); } CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(head); return ref.dereference(head) || iiExprArith1(res, head, op == LINK_CMD? head->Typ(): op); } /// blackbox support - binary operations (resolve seocnd argument) static BOOLEAN countedref_Op2_(int op, leftv res, leftv head, leftv arg) { if (CountedRef::is_ref(arg)) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(arg); return ref.dereference(arg) || iiExprArith2(res, head, op, arg); } return iiExprArith2(res, head, op, arg); } BOOLEAN countedref_Op2(int op, leftv res, leftv head, leftv arg) { if (countedref_CheckInit(res, head)) return TRUE; if (CountedRef::is_ref(head)) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(head); return ref.dereference(head) || countedref_Op2_(op, res, head, arg); } return countedref_Op2_(op, res, head, arg); } static BOOLEAN countedref_Op3__(int op, leftv res, leftv head, leftv arg1, leftv arg2) { if (CountedRef::is_ref(arg2)) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(arg2); return ref.dereference(arg2) || iiExprArith3(res, op, head, arg1, arg2); } return iiExprArith3(res, op, head, arg1, arg2); } static BOOLEAN countedref_Op3_(int op, leftv res, leftv head, leftv arg1, leftv arg2) { if (CountedRef::is_ref(arg1)) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(arg1); return ref.dereference(arg1) || countedref_Op3__(op, res, head, arg1, arg2); } return countedref_Op3__(op, res, head, arg1, arg2); } /// blackbox support - ternary operations BOOLEAN countedref_Op3(int op, leftv res, leftv head, leftv arg1, leftv arg2) { if (countedref_CheckInit(res, head)) return TRUE; if (CountedRef::is_ref(head)) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(head); return ref.dereference(head) || countedref_Op3_(op, res, head, arg1, arg2); } return countedref_Op3_(op, res, head, arg1, arg2); } /// blackbox support - destruction void countedref_destroy(blackbox */*b*/, void* ptr) { if (ptr) CountedRef::cast(ptr).destruct(); } class CountedRefShared: public CountedRef { typedef CountedRefShared self; typedef CountedRef base; /// Reinterprete @c CountedRef as @c CountedRefShared CountedRefShared(const base& rhs): base(rhs) { } /// Generate from data pointer CountedRefShared(data_ptr rhs): base(rhs) { } public: /// Default constructor for initialized, but all-zero, shared data object CountedRefShared(): base(new data_type) { } /// Construct internal copy of Singular interpreter object explicit CountedRefShared(leftv arg): base(new data_type(arg, data_type::copy_tag())) { } /// Construct new reference to internal data CountedRefShared(const self& rhs): base(rhs) { } /// Desctruct ~CountedRefShared() { } /// Change reference to shared data self& operator=(const self& rhs) { return static_cast(base::operator=(rhs)); } /// Recovering outcasted @c CountedRefShared object from interpreter object static self cast(leftv arg) { return base::cast(arg); } /// Recovering outcasted @c CountedRefShared object from raw data static self cast(void* arg) { return base::cast(arg); } /// Temporarily wrap with identifier for '[' and '.' operation self wrapid() { return self(m_data->wrapid()); } /// Generate weak reference (may get invalid) data_type::back_ptr weakref() { return m_data->weakref(); } /// Recover more information (e.g. subexpression data) from computed result BOOLEAN retrieve(leftv res, int typ) { return (m_data->retrieve(res) && outcast(res, typ)); } }; /// Blackbox support - generate initialized, but all-zero - shared data void* countedref_InitShared(blackbox*) { return CountedRefShared().outcast(); } /// Blackbox support - unary operation for shared data BOOLEAN countedref_Op1Shared(int op, leftv res, leftv head) { if(op == TYPEOF_CMD) return blackboxDefaultOp1(op, res, head); if (countedref_CheckInit(res, head)) return TRUE; if ((op == DEF_CMD) || (op == head->Typ())) { res->rtyp = head->Typ(); return iiAssign(res, head); } CountedRefShared ref = CountedRefShared::cast(head); if (op == LINK_CMD) { if (ref.dereference(head)) return TRUE; res->Copy(head); return (res->Typ() == NONE); } CountedRefShared wrap = ref.wrapid(); int typ = head->Typ(); return wrap.dereference(head) || iiExprArith1(res, head, op) || wrap.retrieve(res, typ); } /// blackbox support - binary operations BOOLEAN countedref_Op2Shared(int op, leftv res, leftv head, leftv arg) { if (countedref_CheckInit(res, head)) return TRUE; if (CountedRefShared::is_ref(head)) { CountedRefShared wrap = CountedRefShared::cast(head).wrapid(); int typ = head->Typ(); return wrap.dereference(head) || countedref_Op2_(op, res, head, arg) || wrap.retrieve(res, typ); } return countedref_Op2_(op, res, head, arg); } /// blackbox support - n-ary operations BOOLEAN countedref_OpM(int op, leftv res, leftv args) { if (args->Data() == NULL) return FALSE; if(op == SYSTEM_CMD) { if (args->next) { leftv next = args->next; args->next = NULL; char* name = (next->Typ() == STRING_CMD? (char*) next->Data(): (char*)next->Name()); next = next->next; if (strcmp(name, "help") == 0) { PrintS("system(, ...): extended functionality for reference/shared data \n"); PrintS(" system(, count) - number of references pointing to \n"); PrintS(" system(, enumerate) - unique number for identifying \n"); PrintS(" system(, undefined) - checks whether had been assigned\n"); PrintS(" system(, \"help\") - prints this information message\n"); PrintS(" system(, \"typeof\") - actual type referenced by \n"); PrintS(" system(, same, ) - tests for identic reference objects\n"); return CountedRef::construct(res); } if (strncmp(name, "undef", 5) == 0) { return CountedRef::construct(res, args->Data()? (CountedRef::cast(args).unassigned()? 1: 2): 0); } CountedRef obj = CountedRef::cast(args); if (next) { if (strcmp(name, "same") == 0) return obj.same(res, next); // likewise may be hard to interprete, so we not not document it above if (strncmp(name, "like", 4) == 0) return obj.likewise(res, next); } if (strncmp(name, "count", 5) == 0) return obj.count(res); if (strncmp(name, "enum", 4) == 0) return obj.enumerate(res); if (strcmp(name, "name") == 0) return obj.name(res); // undecumented if (strncmp(name, "typ", 3) == 0) return obj.type(res); } return TRUE; } if (op == LIST_CMD) { res->rtyp = op; return jjLIST_PL(res, args); } CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(args); return ref.dereference(args) || iiExprArithM(res, args, op); } /// blackbox support - assign element BOOLEAN countedref_AssignShared(leftv result, leftv arg) { /// Case: replace assignment behind reference if ((result->Data() != NULL) && !CountedRefShared::cast(result).unassigned()) { CountedRef ref = CountedRef::cast(result); return CountedRef::resolve(arg) || ref.assign(result, arg); } /// Case: new reference to already shared data if (result->Typ() == arg->Typ()) { if (result->Data() != NULL) CountedRefShared::cast(result).destruct(); return CountedRefShared::cast(arg).outcast(result); } if(CountedRefShared::cast(result).unassigned()) { return CountedRefShared::cast(result).assign(result, arg); } /// Case: new shared data return CountedRefShared(arg).outcast(result); } /// blackbox support - destruction void countedref_destroyShared(blackbox */*b*/, void* ptr) { if (ptr) CountedRefShared::cast(ptr).destruct(); } BOOLEAN countedref_serialize(blackbox */*b*/, void *d, si_link f) { sleftv l; memset(&l,0,sizeof(l)); l.rtyp = STRING_CMD; l.data = (void*)omStrDup("shared"); // references are converted f->m->Write(f, &l); CountedRefShared::cast(d).dereference(&l); f->m->Write(f, &l); return FALSE; } BOOLEAN countedref_deserialize(blackbox **/*b*/, void **d, si_link f) { // rtyp must be set correctly (to the blackbox id) by routine calling leftv data=f->m->Read(f); CountedRefShared sh(data); *d = sh.outcast(); return FALSE; } void countedref_reference_load() { int tok; if (blackboxIsCmd("reference", tok) == ROOT_DECL) return; blackbox *bbx = (blackbox*)omAlloc0(sizeof(blackbox)); bbx->blackbox_CheckAssign = countedref_CheckAssign; bbx->blackbox_destroy = countedref_destroy; bbx->blackbox_String = countedref_String; bbx->blackbox_Print = countedref_Print; bbx->blackbox_Init = countedref_Init; bbx->blackbox_Copy = countedref_Copy; bbx->blackbox_Assign = countedref_Assign; bbx->blackbox_Op1 = countedref_Op1; bbx->blackbox_Op2 = countedref_Op2; bbx->blackbox_Op3 = countedref_Op3; bbx->blackbox_OpM = countedref_OpM; bbx->blackbox_serialize = countedref_serialize; bbx->blackbox_deserialize = countedref_deserialize; bbx->data = omAlloc0(newstruct_desc_size()); setBlackboxStuff(bbx, "reference"); } void countedref_shared_load() { int tok; if (blackboxIsCmd("shared", tok) == ROOT_DECL) return; blackbox *bbxshared = (blackbox*)omAlloc0(sizeof(blackbox)); bbxshared->blackbox_String = countedref_String; bbxshared->blackbox_Print = countedref_Print; bbxshared->blackbox_Copy = countedref_Copy; bbxshared->blackbox_Op3 = countedref_Op3; bbxshared->blackbox_OpM = countedref_OpM; bbxshared->blackbox_serialize = countedref_serialize; bbxshared->blackbox_deserialize = countedref_deserialize; bbxshared->blackbox_CheckAssign = countedref_CheckAssign; bbxshared->blackbox_Assign = countedref_AssignShared; bbxshared->blackbox_destroy = countedref_destroyShared; bbxshared->blackbox_Op1 = countedref_Op1Shared; bbxshared->blackbox_Op2 = countedref_Op2Shared; bbxshared->blackbox_Init = countedref_InitShared; bbxshared->data = omAlloc0(newstruct_desc_size()); setBlackboxStuff(bbxshared, "shared"); }