source: git/Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalStrategy.h @ 3f58b8d

Last change on this file since 3f58b8d was 3f58b8d, checked in by Oleksandr Motsak <motsak@…>, 9 years ago
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4#include <gfanlib/gfanlib_vector.h>
5#include <gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.h>
6#include <polys/simpleideals.h>
7#include <kernel/ideals.h> // for idSize
8#include <set>
9#include <callgfanlib_conversion.h>
10#include <containsMonomial.h>
11#include <flip.h>
12#include <initial.h>
13#include <witness.h>
15#ifndef NDEBUG
17#include <Singular/ipshell.h> // for isPrime(int i)
18#include <adjustWeights.h>
19#include <ppinitialReduction.h>
23/** \file
24 * implementation of the class tropicalStrategy
25 *
26 * tropicalStrategy is a class that contains information relevant for
27 * computing tropical varieties that is dependent on the valuation of the coefficient field.
28 * It represents the mutable part of an overall framework that is capable of
29 * computing tropical varieties both over coefficient fields without valuation and
30 * with valuation (currently: only p-adic valuation over rational numbers)
31 */
33typedef gfan::ZVector (*wAdjAlg1)(gfan::ZVector);
34typedef gfan::ZVector (*wAdjAlg2)(gfan::ZVector,gfan::ZVector);
35typedef bool (*redAlg)(ideal,ring,number);
37class tropicalStrategy
40  /**
41   * polynomial ring over a field with valuation
42   */
43  ring originalRing;
44  /**
45   * input ideal, assumed to be a homogeneous prime ideal
46   */
47  ideal originalIdeal;
48  /**
49   * the expected Dimension of the polyhedral output,
50   * i.e. the dimension of the ideal if valuation trivial
51   * or the dimension of the ideal plus one if valuation non-trivial
52   * (as the output is supposed to be intersected with a hyperplane)
53   */
54  int expectedDimension;
55  /**
56   * the homogeneity space of the Grobner fan
57   */
58  gfan::ZCone linealitySpace;
59  /**
60   * polynomial ring over the valuation ring extended by one extra variable t
61   */
62  ring startingRing;
63  /**
64   * preimage of the input ideal under the map that sends t to the uniformizing parameter
65   */
66  ideal startingIdeal;
67  /**
68   * uniformizing parameter in the valuation ring
69   */
70  number uniformizingParameter;
71  /**
72   * polynomial ring over the residue field
73   */
74  ring shortcutRing;
76  /**
77   * true if valuation non-trivial, false otherwise
78   */
79  bool onlyLowerHalfSpace;
81  /**
82   * A function such that:
83   * Given weight w, returns a strictly positive weight u such that an ideal satisfying
84   * the valuation-sepcific homogeneity conditions is weighted homogeneous with respect to w
85   * if and only if it is homogeneous with respect to u
86   */
87  gfan::ZVector (*weightAdjustingAlgorithm1) (const gfan::ZVector &w);
88  /**
89   * A function such that:
90   * Given strictly positive weight w and weight v,
91   * returns a strictly positive weight u such that on an ideal that is weighted homogeneous
92   * with respect to w the weights u and v coincide
93   */
94  gfan::ZVector (*weightAdjustingAlgorithm2) (const gfan::ZVector &v, const gfan::ZVector &w);
95  /**
96   * A function that reduces the generators of an ideal I so that
97   * the inequalities and equations of the Groebner cone can be read off.
98   */
99  bool (*extraReductionAlgorithm) (ideal I, ring r, number p);
101  ring copyAndChangeCoefficientRing(const ring r) const;
102  ring copyAndChangeOrderingWP(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w, const gfan::ZVector &v) const;
103  ring copyAndChangeOrderingLS(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w, const gfan::ZVector &v) const;
105  /**
106   * if valuation non-trivial, checks whether the generating system contains p-t
107   * otherwise returns true
108   */
109  bool checkForUniformizingBinomial(const ideal I, const ring r) const;
111  /**
112   * if valuation non-trivial, checks whether the genearting system contains p
113   * otherwise returns true
114   */
115  bool checkForUniformizingParameter(const ideal inI, const ring r) const;
116  int findPositionOfUniformizingBinomial(const ideal I, const ring r) const;
117  void putUniformizingBinomialInFront(ideal I, const ring r, const number q) const;
121  /**
122   * Constructor for the trivial valuation case
123   */
124  tropicalStrategy(const ideal I, const ring r, const bool completelyHomogeneous=true, const bool completeSpace=true);
125  /**
126   * Constructor for the non-trivial valuation case
127   * p is the uniformizing parameter of the valuation
128   */
129  tropicalStrategy(const ideal J, const number p, const ring s);
130  /**
131   * copy constructor
132   */
133  tropicalStrategy(const tropicalStrategy& currentStrategy);
136#ifndef NDEBUG
137  tropicalStrategy();
138  static tropicalStrategy debugStrategy(const ideal startIdeal, number unifParameter, ring startRing);
141  /**
142   * destructor
143   */
144  ~tropicalStrategy();
145  /**
146   * assignment operator
147   **/
148  tropicalStrategy& operator=(const tropicalStrategy& currentStrategy);
150  bool isConstantCoefficientCase() const
151  {
152    bool b = (uniformizingParameter==NULL);
153    return b;
154  }
155  bool isValuationTrivial() const
156  {
157    bool b = (uniformizingParameter==NULL);
158    return b;
159  }
160  bool isValuationNonTrivial() const
161  {
162    bool b = (uniformizingParameter!=NULL);
163    return b;
164  }
166  /**
167   * returns the polynomial ring over the field with valuation
168   */
169  ring getOriginalRing() const
170  {
171    rTest(originalRing);
172    return originalRing;
173  }
175  /**
176   * returns the input ideal over the field with valuation
177   */
178  ideal getOriginalIdeal() const
179  {
180    if (originalIdeal) id_Test(originalIdeal,originalRing);
181    return originalIdeal;
182  }
184  /**
185   * returns the polynomial ring over the valuation ring
186   */
187  ring getStartingRing() const
188  {
189    if (startingRing) rTest(startingRing);
190    return startingRing;
191  }
193  /**
194   * returns the input ideal
195   */
196  ideal getStartingIdeal() const
197  {
198    if (startingIdeal) id_Test(startingIdeal,startingRing);
199    return startingIdeal;
200  }
202  /**
203   * returns the expected Dimension of the polyhedral output
204   */
205  int getExpectedDimension() const
206  {
207    return expectedDimension;
208  }
210  /**
211   * returns the uniformizing parameter in the valuation ring
212   */
213  number getUniformizingParameter() const
214  {
215    if (uniformizingParameter) n_Test(uniformizingParameter,startingRing->cf);
216    return uniformizingParameter;
217  }
219  ring getShortcutRing() const
220  {
221    if (shortcutRing) rTest(shortcutRing);
222    return shortcutRing;
223  }
225  /**
226   * returns the homogeneity space of the preimage ideal
227   */
228  gfan::ZCone getHomogeneitySpace() const
229  {
230    return linealitySpace;
231  }
233  /**
234   * returns true, if v is contained in the homogeneity space; false otherwise
235   */
236  bool homogeneitySpaceContains(const gfan::ZVector &v) const
237  {
238    return linealitySpace.contains(v);
239  }
241  /**
242   * returns true, if valuation non-trivial, false otherwise
243   */
244  bool restrictToLowerHalfSpace() const
245  {
246    return onlyLowerHalfSpace;
247  }
249  /**
250   * Given weight w, returns a strictly positive weight u such that an ideal satisfying
251   * the valuation-sepcific homogeneity conditions is weighted homogeneous with respect to w
252   * if and only if it is homogeneous with respect to u
253   */
254  gfan::ZVector adjustWeightForHomogeneity(gfan::ZVector w) const
255  {
256    return this->weightAdjustingAlgorithm1(w);
257  }
259  /**
260   * Given strictly positive weight w and weight v,
261   * returns a strictly positive weight u such that on an ideal that is weighted homogeneous
262   * with respect to w the weights u and v coincide
263   */
264  gfan::ZVector adjustWeightUnderHomogeneity(gfan::ZVector v, gfan::ZVector w) const
265  {
266    return this->weightAdjustingAlgorithm2(v,w);
267  }
269  gfan::ZVector negateWeight(const gfan::ZVector &w) const
270  {
271    gfan::ZVector wNeg(w.size());
273    if (this->isValuationNonTrivial())
274    {
275      wNeg[0]=w[0];
276      for (unsigned i=1; i<w.size(); i++)
277        wNeg[i]=w[i];
278    }
279    else
280      wNeg = -w;
282    return wNeg;
283  }
285  /**
286   * If valuation trivial, returns a copy of r with a positive weight prepended,
287   * such that any ideal homogeneous with respect to w is homogeneous with respect to that weight.
288   * If valuation non-trivial, changes the coefficient ring to the residue field.
289   */
290  ring getShortcutRingPrependingWeight(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w) const;
292  /**
293   * reduces the generators of an ideal I so that
294   * the inequalities and equations of the Groebner cone can be read off.
295   */
296  bool reduce(ideal I, const ring r) const;
298  void pReduce(ideal I, const ring r) const;
300  /**
301   * If given w, assuming w is in the Groebner cone of the ordering on r
302   * and I is a standard basis with respect to that ordering,
303   * checks whether the initial ideal of I with respect to w contains a monomial.
304   * If no w is given, assuming that I is already an initial form of some ideal,
305   * checks whether I contains a monomial.
306   * In both cases returns a monomial, if it contains one, returns NULL otherwise.
307   **/
308  std::pair<poly,int> checkInitialIdealForMonomial(const ideal I, const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w=0) const;
310  /**
311   * given generators of the initial ideal, computes its standard basis
312   */
313  ideal computeStdOfInitialIdeal(const ideal inI, const ring r) const;
315  /**
316   * suppose w a weight in maximal groebner cone of >
317   * suppose I (initially) reduced standard basis w.r.t. > and inI initial forms of its elements w.r.t. w
318   * suppose inJ elements of initial ideal that are homogeneous w.r.t w
319   * returns J elements of ideal whose initial form w.r.t. w are inI
320   * in particular, if w lies also inthe maximal groebner cone of another ordering >'
321   * and inJ is a standard basis of the initial ideal w.r.t. >'
322   * then the returned J will be a standard baiss of the ideal w.r.t. >'
323   */
324  ideal computeWitness(const ideal inJ, const ideal inI, const ideal I, const ring r) const;
326  ideal computeLift(const ideal inJs, const ring s, const ideal inIr, const ideal Ir, const ring r) const;
328  /**
329   * given an interior point of a groebner cone
330   * computes the groebner cone adjacent to it
331   */
332  std::pair<ideal,ring> computeFlip(const ideal Ir, const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &interiorPoint, const gfan::ZVector &facetNormal) const;
335#ifndef NDEBUG
336BOOLEAN computeWitnessDebug(leftv res, leftv args);
337BOOLEAN computeFlipDebug(leftv res, leftv args);
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