// emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- // $Id: fglmhom.cc,v 1.11 1998-09-24 09:59:39 Singular Exp $ /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* * ABSTRACT - The FGLM-Algorithm extended for homogeneous ideals. * Calculates via the hilbert-function a groebner basis. */ #include "mod2.h" #ifdef HAVE_FGLM_HOM #ifndef NOSTREAMIO #include #endif #include "tok.h" #include "structs.h" #include "subexpr.h" #include "polys.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "ring.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "ipshell.h" #include "febase.h" #include "maps.h" #include "mmemory.h" #include "fglm.h" #include "fglmvec.h" #include "fglmgauss.h" #include "intvec.h" #include "kstd1.h" #include "stairc.h" // -> hHStdSeries, hFirstSeries usw. #include // obachman: Got rid off those "redefiende messages by includeing fglm.h #include "fglm.h" #if 0 #define PROT(msg) if (BTEST1(OPT_PROT)) Print(msg) #define STICKYPROT(msg) if (BTEST1(OPT_PROT)) Print(msg) #define PROT2(msg,arg) if (BTEST1(OPT_PROT)) Print(msg,arg) #define STICKYPROT2(msg,arg) if (BTEST1(OPT_PROT)) Print(msg,arg) #define fglmASSERT(ignore1,ignore2) #endif struct doublepoly { poly sm; poly dm; }; class homogElem { public: doublepoly mon; fglmVector v; fglmVector dv; int basis; int destbasis; BOOLEAN inDest; homogElem() : v(), dv(), basis(0), destbasis(0), inDest(FALSE) {} homogElem( poly m, int b, BOOLEAN ind ) : basis(b), inDest(ind) { mon.dm= m; mon.sm= NULL; } }; struct homogData { ideal sourceIdeal; doublepoly * sourceHeads; int numSourceHeads; ideal destIdeal; int numDestPolys; homogElem * monlist; int monlistmax; int monlistblock; int numMonoms; int basisSize; int overall; // nur zum testen. int numberofdestbasismonoms; // homogData() : sourceHeads(NULL), numSourceHeads(0), monlist(NULL), // numMonoms(0), basisSize(0) {} }; int hfglmNextdegree( intvec * source, ideal current, int & deg ) { int numelems; intvec * newhilb = hHstdSeries( current, NULL, currQuotient ); loop { if ( deg < newhilb->length() ) { if ( deg < source->length() ) numelems= (*newhilb)[deg]-(*source)[deg]; else numelems= (*newhilb)[deg]; } else { if (deg < source->length()) numelems= -(*source)[deg]; else { deg= 0; return 0; } } if (numelems != 0) return numelems; deg++; } delete newhilb; } void generateMonoms( poly m, int var, int deg, homogData * dat ) { if ( var == pVariables ) { BOOLEAN inSource = FALSE; BOOLEAN inDest = FALSE; poly mon = pCopy( m ); pSetExp( mon, var, deg ); pSetm( mon ); ++dat->overall; int i; for ( i= dat->numSourceHeads - 1; (i >= 0) && (inSource==FALSE); i-- ) { if ( pDivisibleBy( dat->sourceHeads[i].dm, mon ) ) { inSource= TRUE; } } for ( i= dat->numDestPolys - 1; (i >= 0) && (inDest==FALSE); i-- ) { if ( pDivisibleBy( (dat->destIdeal->m)[i], mon ) ) { inDest= TRUE; } } if ( (!inSource) || (!inDest) ) { int basis = 0; if ( !inSource ) basis= ++(dat->basisSize); if ( !inDest ) ++dat->numberofdestbasismonoms; if ( dat->numMonoms == dat->monlistmax ) { dat->monlist= (homogElem * )ReAlloc( dat->monlist, (dat->monlistmax)*sizeof( homogElem ), (dat->monlistmax+dat->monlistblock) * sizeof( homogElem ) ); int k; for ( k= dat->monlistmax; k < (dat->monlistmax+dat->monlistblock); k++ ) dat->monlist[k].homogElem(); dat->monlistmax+= dat->monlistblock; } dat->monlist[dat->numMonoms]= homogElem( mon, basis, inDest ); dat->numMonoms++; if ( inSource && ! inDest ) PROT( "\\" ); if ( ! inSource && inDest ) PROT( "/" ); if ( ! inSource && ! inDest ) PROT( "." ); } else { pDelete( & mon ); } return; } else { poly newm = pCopy( m ); while ( deg >= 0 ) { generateMonoms( newm, var+1, deg, dat ); pIncrExp( newm, var ); pSetm( newm ); deg--; } pDelete( & newm ); } return; } void mapMonoms( ring oldRing, homogData & dat ) { int * vperm = (int *)Alloc( (currRing->N + 1)*sizeof(int) ); maFindPerm( oldRing->names, oldRing->N, NULL, 0, currRing->names, currRing->N, NULL, 0, vperm, NULL ); nSetMap( oldRing->ch, oldRing->parameter, oldRing->P, oldRing->minpoly ); int s; for ( s= dat.numMonoms - 1; s >= 0; s-- ) { // dat.monlist[s].mon.sm= pPermPoly( dat.monlist[s].mon.dm, vperm, currRing->N, NULL, 0 ); // obachman: changed the folowing to reflect the new calling interface of // pPermPoly -- Tim please check whether this is correct! dat.monlist[s].mon.sm= pPermPoly( dat.monlist[s].mon.dm, vperm, oldRing, NULL, 0 ); } } void getVectorRep( homogData & dat ) { // Calculate the NormalForms int s; for ( s= 0; s < dat.numMonoms; s++ ) { if ( dat.monlist[s].inDest == FALSE ) { fglmVector v; if ( dat.monlist[s].basis == 0 ) { v= fglmVector( dat.basisSize ); // now the monom is in L(source) PROT( "(" ); poly nf = kNF( dat.sourceIdeal, NULL, dat.monlist[s].mon.sm ); PROT( ")" ); poly temp = nf; while (temp != NULL ) { int t; for ( t= dat.numMonoms - 1; t >= 0; t-- ) { if ( dat.monlist[t].basis > 0 ) { if ( pEqual( dat.monlist[t].mon.sm, temp ) ) { number coeff= nCopy( pGetCoeff( temp ) ); v.setelem( dat.monlist[t].basis, coeff ); } } } pIter(temp); } pDelete( & nf ); } else { PROT( "." ); v= fglmVector( dat.basisSize, dat.monlist[s].basis ); } dat.monlist[s].v= v; } } } void remapVectors( ring oldring, homogData & dat ) { nSetMap( oldring->ch, oldring->parameter, oldring->P, oldring->minpoly ); int s; for ( s= dat.numMonoms - 1; s >= 0; s-- ) { if ( dat.monlist[s].inDest == FALSE ) { int k; fglmVector newv( dat.basisSize ); for ( k= dat.basisSize; k > 0; k-- ){ number newnum= nMap( dat.monlist[s].v.getelem( k ) ); newv.setelem( k, newnum ); } dat.monlist[s].dv= newv; } } } void gaussreduce( homogData & dat, int maxnum, int BS ) { int s; int found= 0; int destbasisSize = 0; gaussReducer gauss( dat.basisSize ); for ( s= 0; (s < dat.numMonoms) && (found < maxnum); s++ ) { if ( dat.monlist[s].inDest == FALSE ) { if ( gauss.reduce( dat.monlist[s].dv ) == FALSE ) { destbasisSize++; dat.monlist[s].destbasis= destbasisSize; gauss.store(); PROT( "." ); } else { fglmVector p= gauss.getDependence(); poly result = pCopy( dat.monlist[s].mon.dm ); pSetCoeff( result, nCopy( p.getconstelem( p.size() ) ) ); int l = 0; int k; for ( k= 1; k < p.size(); k++ ) { if ( ! p.elemIsZero( k ) ) { while ( dat.monlist[l].destbasis != k ) l++; poly temp = pCopy( dat.monlist[l].mon.dm ); pSetCoeff( temp, nCopy( p.getconstelem( k ) ) ); result= pAdd( result, temp ); } } if ( ! nGreaterZero( pGetCoeff( result ) ) ) result= pNeg( result ); // PROT2( "(%s)", pString( result ) ); PROT( "+" ); found++; (dat.destIdeal->m)[dat.numDestPolys]= result; dat.numDestPolys++; if ( IDELEMS(dat.destIdeal) == dat.numDestPolys ) { pEnlargeSet( & dat.destIdeal->m, IDELEMS( dat.destIdeal ), BS ); IDELEMS( dat.destIdeal )+= BS; } } } } PROT2( "(%i", s ); PROT2( "/%i)", dat.numberofdestbasismonoms ); } BOOLEAN fglmhomog( idhdl sourceRingHdl, ideal sourceIdeal, idhdl destRingHdl, ideal & destIdeal ) { #define groebnerBS 16 int numGBelems; int deg = 0; homogData dat; // get the hilbert series and the leading monomials of the sourceIdeal: rSetHdl( sourceRingHdl, TRUE ); ring sourceRing = currRing; intvec * hilb = hHstdSeries( sourceIdeal, NULL, currQuotient ); int s; dat.sourceIdeal= sourceIdeal; dat.sourceHeads= (doublepoly *)Alloc( IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ) * sizeof( doublepoly ) ); for ( s= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ) - 1; s >= 0; s-- ) { dat.sourceHeads[s].sm= pHead( (sourceIdeal->m)[s] ); } dat.numSourceHeads= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ); rSetHdl( destRingHdl, TRUE ); ring destRing = currRing; // Map the sourceHeads to the destRing int * vperm = (int *)Alloc( (sourceRing->N + 1)*sizeof(int) ); maFindPerm( sourceRing->names, sourceRing->N, NULL, 0, currRing->names, currRing->N, NULL, 0, vperm, NULL ); nSetMap( sourceRing->ch, sourceRing->parameter, sourceRing->P, sourceRing->minpoly ); for ( s= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ) - 1; s >= 0; s-- ) { dat.sourceHeads[s].dm= pPermPoly( dat.sourceHeads[s].sm, vperm, sourceRing, NULL, 0 ); } dat.destIdeal= idInit( groebnerBS, 1 ); dat.numDestPolys= 0; while ( (numGBelems= hfglmNextdegree( hilb, dat.destIdeal, deg )) != 0 ) { int num = 0; // the number of monoms of degree deg PROT2( "deg= %i ", deg ); PROT2( "num= %i\ngen>", numGBelems ); dat.monlistblock= 512; dat.monlistmax= dat.monlistblock; dat.monlist= (homogElem *)Alloc( dat.monlistmax*sizeof( homogElem ) ); int j; for ( j= dat.monlistmax - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) dat.monlist[j].homogElem(); dat.numMonoms= 0; dat.basisSize= 0; dat.overall= 0; dat.numberofdestbasismonoms= 0; poly start= pOne(); generateMonoms( start, 1, deg, &dat ); pDelete( & start ); PROT2( "(%i/", dat.basisSize ); PROT2( "%i)\nvec>", dat.overall ); // switch to sourceRing and map monoms rSetHdl( sourceRingHdl, TRUE ); mapMonoms( destRing, dat ); getVectorRep( dat ); // switch to destination Ring and remap the vectors rSetHdl( destRingHdl, TRUE ); remapVectors( sourceRing, dat ); PROT( "<\nred>" ); // now do gaussian reduction gaussreduce( dat, numGBelems, groebnerBS ); Free( (ADDRESS)dat.monlist, dat.monlistmax*sizeof( homogElem ) ); PROT( "<\n" ); } PROT( "\n" ); destIdeal= dat.destIdeal; idSkipZeroes( destIdeal ); return TRUE; } ideal fglmhomProc(leftv first, leftv second) { idhdl dest= currRingHdl; ideal result; // in den durch das erste Argument angegeben Ring schalten: rSetHdl( (idhdl)first->data, TRUE ); idhdl ih= currRing->idroot->get( second->name, myynest ); ASSERT( ih!=NULL, "Error: Can't find ideal in ring"); rSetHdl( dest, TRUE ); ideal i= IDIDEAL(ih); fglmhomog( (idhdl)first->data, i, dest, result ); return( result ); } #endif // Questions: // Muss ich einen intvec freigeben? // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Variables: *** // compile-command: "make Singular" *** // page-delimiter: "^\\( \\|//!\\)" *** // fold-internal-margins: nil *** // End: ***