// emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- // $Id: fglmzero.cc,v 1.14 1998-04-14 15:28:31 Singular Exp $ /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* * ABSTRACT - The FGLM-Algorithm * Implementation of the fglm algorithm for 0-dimensional ideals, * based on an idea by Faugere/Gianni/Lazard and Mora. * The procedure CalculateFunctionals calculates the functionals * which define the given ideal in the source ring. They build the * input for GroebnerViaFunctionals, which defines the reduced * groebner basis for the ideal in the destination ring. */ /* Changes: * o FindUnivariatePolys added */ #include "mod2.h" #ifdef HAVE_FGLM #include "tok.h" #include "structs.h" #include "polys.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "ring.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "febase.h" #include "maps.h" #include "mmemory.h" #include "fglm.h" #include "fglmvec.h" #include "fglmgauss.h" // assumes, that NOSTREAMIO is set in factoryconf.h, which is included // by templates/list.h. #include #define PROT(msg) #define STICKYPROT(msg) if (BTEST1(OPT_PROT)) Print(msg) #define PROT2(msg,arg) #define STICKYPROT2(msg,arg) if (BTEST1(OPT_PROT)) Print(msg,arg) #define fglmASSERT(ignore1,ignore2) // internal Version: // ============================================================ //! The idealFunctionals // ============================================================ struct matElem { int row; number elem; }; struct matHeader { int size; BOOLEAN owner; matElem * elems; }; class idealFunctionals { private: int _block; int _max; int _size; int _nfunc; int * currentSize; matHeader ** func; matHeader * grow( int var ); public: idealFunctionals( int blockSize, int numFuncs ); ~idealFunctionals(); int dimen() const { fglmASSERT( _size>0, "called to early"); return _size; } void endofConstruction(); void map( ring source ); void insertCols( int * divisors, int to ); void insertCols( int * divisors, const fglmVector to ); fglmVector addCols( const int var, int basisSize, const fglmVector v ) const; fglmVector multiply( const fglmVector v, int var ) const; }; idealFunctionals::idealFunctionals( int blockSize, int numFuncs ) { int k; _block= blockSize; _max= _block; _size= 0; _nfunc= numFuncs; currentSize= (int *)Alloc( _nfunc*sizeof( int ) ); for ( k= _nfunc-1; k >= 0; k-- ) currentSize[k]= 0; func= (matHeader **)Alloc( _nfunc*sizeof( matHeader * ) ); for ( k= _nfunc-1; k >= 0; k-- ) func[k]= (matHeader *)Alloc( _max*sizeof( matHeader ) ); } idealFunctionals::~idealFunctionals() { int k; int l; int row; matHeader * colp; matElem * elemp; for ( k= _nfunc-1; k >= 0; k-- ) { for ( l= _size-1, colp= func[k]; l >= 0; l--, colp++ ) { if ( ( colp->owner == TRUE ) && ( colp->size > 0 ) ) { for ( row= colp->size-1, elemp= colp->elems; row >= 0; row--, elemp++ ) nDelete( & elemp->elem ); Free( (ADDRESS)colp->elems, colp->size*sizeof( matElem ) ); } } Free( (ADDRESS)func[k], _max*sizeof( matHeader ) ); } Free( (ADDRESS)func, _nfunc*sizeof( matHeader * ) ); Free( (ADDRESS)currentSize, _nfunc*sizeof( int ) ); } void idealFunctionals::endofConstruction() { _size= currentSize[0]; } void idealFunctionals::map( ring source ) { // maps from ring source to currentRing. int var, col, row; matHeader * colp; matElem * elemp; number newelem; int * perm = (int *)Alloc0( (_nfunc+1)*sizeof( int ) ); maFindPerm( source->names, source->N, NULL, 0, currRing->names, currRing->N, NULL, 0, perm, NULL ); nSetMap( source->ch, source->parameter, source->P, source->minpoly ); matHeader ** temp = (matHeader **)Alloc( _nfunc*sizeof( matHeader * )); for ( var= 0; var < _nfunc; var ++ ) { for ( col= 0, colp= func[var]; col < _size; col++, colp++ ) { if ( colp->owner == TRUE ) { for ( row= colp->size-1, elemp= colp->elems; row >= 0; row--, elemp++ ) { newelem= nMap( elemp->elem ); nDelete( & elemp->elem ); elemp->elem= newelem; } } } temp[ perm[var+1]-1 ]= func[var]; } Free( (ADDRESS)func, _nfunc*sizeof( matHeader * ) ); Free( (ADDRESS)perm, (_nfunc+1)*sizeof( int ) ); func= temp; } matHeader * idealFunctionals::grow( int var ) { if ( currentSize[var-1] == _max ) { int k; for ( k= _nfunc; k > 0; k-- ) func[k-1]= (matHeader *)ReAlloc( func[k-1], _max*sizeof( matHeader ), (_max + _block)*sizeof( matHeader ) ); _max+= _block; } currentSize[var-1]++; return func[var-1] + currentSize[var-1] - 1; } void idealFunctionals::insertCols( int * divisors, int to ) { fglmASSERT( 0 < divisors[0] && divisors[0] <= _nfunc, "wrong number of divisors" ); int k; BOOLEAN owner = TRUE; matElem * elems = (matElem *)Alloc( sizeof( matElem ) ); elems->row= to; elems->elem= nInit( 1 ); for ( k= divisors[0]; k > 0; k-- ) { fglmASSERT( 0 < divisors[k] && divisors[k] <= _nfunc, "wrong divisor" ); matHeader * colp = grow( divisors[k] ); colp->size= 1; colp->elems= elems; colp->owner= owner; owner= FALSE; } } void idealFunctionals::insertCols( int * divisors, const fglmVector to ) { // divisors runs from divisors[0]..divisors[size-1] fglmASSERT( 0 < divisors[0] && divisors[0] <= _nfunc, "wrong number of divisors" ); int k, l; int numElems= to.numNonZeroElems(); matElem * elems; matElem * elemp; BOOLEAN owner = TRUE; if ( numElems > 0 ) { elems= (matElem *)Alloc( numElems * sizeof( matElem ) ); for ( k= 1, l= 1, elemp= elems; k <= numElems; k++, elemp++ ) { while ( nIsZero( to.getconstelem(l) ) ) l++; elemp->row= l; elemp->elem= nCopy( to.getconstelem( l ) ); l++; // hochzaehlen, damit wir nicht noch einmal die gleiche Stelle testen } } else elems= NULL; for ( k= divisors[0]; k > 0; k-- ) { fglmASSERT( 0 < divisors[k] && divisors[k] <= _nfunc, "wrong divisor" ); matHeader * colp = grow( divisors[k] ); colp->size= numElems; colp->elems= elems; colp->owner= owner; owner= FALSE; } } fglmVector idealFunctionals::addCols( const int var, int basisSize, const fglmVector v ) const { fglmVector result( basisSize ); matHeader * colp; matElem * elemp; number factor, temp; int k, l; int vsize = v.size(); fglmASSERT( currentSize[var-1]+1 >= vsize, "wrong v.size()" ); for ( k= 1, colp= func[var-1]; k <= vsize; k++, colp++ ) { factor= v.getconstelem( k ); if ( ! nIsZero( factor ) ) { for ( l= colp->size-1, elemp= colp->elems; l >= 0; l--, elemp++ ) { temp= nMult( factor, elemp->elem ); number newelem= nAdd( result.getconstelem( elemp->row ), temp ); nDelete( & temp ); nNormalize( newelem ); result.setelem( elemp->row, newelem ); } } } return result; } fglmVector idealFunctionals::multiply( const fglmVector v, int var ) const { fglmASSERT( v.size() == _size, "multiply: v has wrong size"); fglmVector result( _size ); matHeader * colp; matElem * elemp; number factor, temp; int k, l; for ( k= 1, colp= func[var-1]; k <= _size; k++, colp++ ) { factor= v.getconstelem( k ); if ( ! nIsZero( factor ) ) { for ( l= colp->size-1, elemp= colp->elems; l >= 0; l--, elemp++ ) { temp= nMult( factor, elemp->elem ); number newelem= nAdd( result.getconstelem( elemp->row ), temp ); nDelete( & temp ); nNormalize( newelem ); result.setelem( elemp->row, newelem ); } } } return result; } // ============================================================ //! The old basis // ============================================================ // Contains the data for a border-monomial, i.e. the monom itself // ( as a Singular-poly ) and its normal-form, described by an // fglmVector. The size of the Vector depends on the current size of // the basis when the normalForm was computed. // monom gets deleted when borderElem comes out of scope. class borderElem { public: poly monom; fglmVector nf; borderElem() : monom(NULL), nf() {} borderElem( poly p, fglmVector n ) : monom( p ), nf( n ) {} ~borderElem() { pDelete1( &monom ); } #ifdef __MWERKS__ void insertElem( poly p, fglmVector n ) { monom= p; nf= n; } #endif }; // This class contains the relevant data for the 'candidates' // The declaration of class fglmSelem is found in fglm.h fglmSelem::fglmSelem( poly p, int var ) : numVars( 0 ), monom( p ) { for ( int k = pVariables; k > 0; k-- ) if ( pGetExp( monom, k ) > 0 ) numVars++; divisors= (int *)Alloc( (numVars+1)*sizeof( int ) ); divisors[0]= 0; newDivisor( var ); } void fglmSelem::cleanup() { Free( (ADDRESS)divisors, (numVars+1)*sizeof( int ) ); } // The data-structure for the Functional-Finding-Algorithm. class fglmSdata { private: ideal theIdeal; int idelems; int basisBS; int basisMax; int basisSize; polyset basis; //. rem: runs from basis[1]..basis[dimen] int borderBS; int borderMax; int borderSize; borderElem * border; //. rem: runs from border[1]..border[dimen] List nlist; BOOLEAN _state; public: fglmSdata( const ideal thisIdeal ); ~fglmSdata(); BOOLEAN state() const { return _state; }; int getBasisSize() const { return basisSize; }; int newBasisElem( poly & p ); void newBorderElem( poly & m, fglmVector v ); BOOLEAN candidatesLeft() const { return ( nlist.isEmpty() ? FALSE : TRUE ); } fglmSelem nextCandidate(); void updateCandidates(); int getEdgeNumber( const poly m ) const; poly getSpanPoly( int number ) const { return pCopy( (theIdeal->m)[number-1] ); } fglmVector getVectorRep( const poly m ); fglmVector getBorderDiv( const poly m, int & var ) const; }; fglmSdata::fglmSdata( const ideal thisIdeal ) { // An dieser Stelle kann die BlockSize ( =BS ) noch sinnvoller berechnet // werden, jenachdem wie das Ideal aussieht. theIdeal= thisIdeal; idelems= IDELEMS( theIdeal ); basisBS= 100; basisMax= basisBS; basisSize= 0; basis= (polyset)Alloc( basisMax*sizeof( poly ) ); borderBS= 100; borderMax= borderBS; borderSize= 0; #ifdef __MWERKS__ border= new borderElem[ borderMax ]; #else border= (borderElem *)Alloc( borderMax*sizeof( borderElem ) ); #endif // rem: the constructors are called in newBorderElem(). _state= TRUE; } fglmSdata::~fglmSdata() { for ( int k = basisSize; k > 0; k-- ) pDelete1( basis + k ); //. rem: basis runs from basis[1]..basis[basisSize] Free( (ADDRESS)basis, basisMax*sizeof( poly ) ); #ifdef __MWERKS__ delete [] border; #else for ( int l = borderSize; l > 0; l-- ) // rem: the polys of borderElem are deleted via ~borderElem() border[l].~borderElem(); Free( (ADDRESS)border, borderMax*sizeof( borderElem ) ); #endif } // Inserts poly p without copying into basis, reAllocs Memory if necessary, // increases basisSize and returns the new basisSize. // Remember: The elements of basis are deleted via pDelete in ~fglmSdata! // Sets m= NULL to indicate that now basis is ow(e?)ing the poly. int fglmSdata::newBasisElem( poly & m ) { basisSize++; if ( basisSize == basisMax ) { basis= (polyset)ReAlloc( basis, basisMax*sizeof( poly ), (basisMax + basisBS)*sizeof( poly ) ); basisMax+= basisBS; } basis[basisSize]= m; m= NULL; return basisSize; } // Inserts poly p and fglmvector v without copying into border, reAllocs Memory // if necessary, and increases borderSize. // Remember: The poly of border is deleted via ~borderElem in ~fglmSdata! // Sets m= NULL to indicate that now border is ow(e?)ing the poly. void fglmSdata::newBorderElem( poly & m, fglmVector v ) { borderSize++; if ( borderSize == borderMax ) { #ifdef __MWERKS__ borderElem * tempborder = new borderElem[ borderMax+borderBS ]; for ( int k = 0; k < borderMax; k++ ) { tempborder[k]= border[k]; border[k].insertElem( NULL, fglmVector() ); } delete [] border; border= tempborder; #else border= (borderElem *)ReAlloc( border, borderMax*sizeof( borderElem ), (borderMax + borderBS)*sizeof( borderElem ) ); #endif borderMax+= borderBS; } #ifdef __MWERKS__ border[borderSize].insertElem( m, v ); #else border[borderSize].borderElem( m, v ); #endif m= NULL; } fglmSelem fglmSdata::nextCandidate() { fglmSelem result = nlist.getFirst(); nlist.removeFirst(); return result; } // Multiplies basis[basisSize] with all ringvariables and inserts the new monomials // into the list of candidates, according to the given order. If a monomial already // exists, then "insertions" and "divisors" are updated. // Assumes that ringvar(k) < ringvar(l) for k > l void fglmSdata::updateCandidates() { ListIterator list = nlist; fglmASSERT( basisSize > 0 && basisSize < basisMax, "Error(1) in fglmSdata::updateCandidates - wrong bassSize" ); poly m = basis[basisSize]; poly newmonom = NULL; int k = pVariables; BOOLEAN done = FALSE; int state = 0; while ( k >= 1 ) { newmonom = pCopy( m ); pIncrExp( newmonom, k ); pSetm( newmonom ); done= FALSE; while ( list.hasItem() && (done == FALSE) ) { if ( (state= pComp( list.getItem().monom, newmonom )) < 0 ) list++; else done= TRUE; } if ( done == FALSE ) { nlist.append( fglmSelem( newmonom, k ) ); break; } if ( state == 0 ) { list.getItem().newDivisor( k ); pDelete1( &newmonom ); } else { list.insert( fglmSelem( newmonom, k ) ); } k--; } while ( --k >= 1 ) { newmonom= pCopy( m ); // HIER pIncrExp( newmonom, k ); pSetm( newmonom ); nlist.append( fglmSelem( newmonom, k ) ); } } // if p == pHead( (theIdeal->m)[k] ) return k, 0 otherwise // (Assumes that pEqual just checks the leading monomials without // coefficients.) int fglmSdata::getEdgeNumber( const poly m ) const { for ( int k = idelems; k > 0; k-- ) if ( pEqual( m, (theIdeal->m)[k-1] ) ) return k; return 0; } // Returns the fglmVector v, s.t. // p = v[1]*basis(1) + .. + v[basisSize]*basis(basisSize) // So the size of v depends on the current size of the basis. // Assumes that such an representation exists, i.e. all monoms in p have to be // smaller than basis[basisSize] and that basis[k] < basis[l] for k < l. fglmVector fglmSdata::getVectorRep( const poly p ) { fglmVector temp( basisSize ); poly m = p; int num = basisSize; while ( m != NULL ) { int comp = pComp( m, basis[num] ); if ( comp == 0 ) { fglmASSERT( num > 0, "Error(1) in fglmSdata::getVectorRep" ); number newelem = nCopy( pGetCoeff( m ) ); temp.setelem( num, newelem ); num--; m= pIter( m ); } else { if ( comp < 0 ) { num--; } else { // This is the place where we can detect if the sourceIdeal // is not reduced. In this case m is not in basis[]. Since basis[] // is ordered this is then and only then the case, if basis[i]m for all j>i _state= FALSE; return temp; } } } return temp; } // Searches through the border for a monomoial bm which devides m and returns // its normalform in vector representation. // var contains the number of the variable v, s.t. bm = m * v fglmVector fglmSdata::getBorderDiv( const poly m, int & var ) const { // int num2 = borderSize; // while ( num2 > 0 ) { // poly temp = border[num2].monom; // if ( pDivisibleBy( temp, m ) ) { // poly divisor = pDivideM( m, temp ); // int var = pIsPurePower( divisor ); // if ( (var != 0) && (pGetCoeff( divisor, var ) == 1) ) { // Print( "poly %s divides poly %s", pString( temp ), pString( m ) ); // } // } // num2--; // } int num = borderSize; while ( num > 0 ) { poly temp = border[num].monom; if ( pDivisibleBy( temp, m ) ) { var = pVariables; while ( var > 0 ) { if ( (pGetExp( m, var ) - pGetExp( temp, var )) == 1 ) return border[num].nf; var--; } } num--; } return fglmVector(); } // Calculates the defining Functionals for the ideal "theIdeal" and // returns them in "l". // The ideal has to be zero-dimensional and reduced and has to be a // real subset of the polynomal ring. // In any case it has to be zero-dimensional and minimal (check this // via fglmIdealcheck). Any minimal but not reduced ideal is detected. // In this case it returns FglmNotReduced. // If the base domain is Q, the leading coefficients of the polys // have to be in Z. // returns TRUE if the result is valid, FALSE if theIdeal // is not reduced. static BOOLEAN CalculateFunctionals( const ideal & theIdeal, idealFunctionals & l ) { fglmSdata data( theIdeal ); // insert pOne() into basis and update the workingList: poly one = pOne(); data.newBasisElem( one ); data.updateCandidates(); STICKYPROT("."); while ( data.candidatesLeft() == TRUE ) { fglmSelem candidate = data.nextCandidate(); if ( candidate.isBasisOrEdge() == TRUE ) { int edge = data.getEdgeNumber( candidate.monom ); if ( edge != 0 ) { // now candidate is an edge, i.e. we know its normalform: // NF(p) = - ( tail(p)/LC(p) ) poly nf = data.getSpanPoly( edge ); pNorm( nf ); pDelete1( &nf ); //. deletes the leadingmonomial nf= pNeg( nf ); fglmVector nfv = data.getVectorRep( nf ); l.insertCols( candidate.divisors, nfv ); data.newBorderElem( candidate.monom, nfv ); pDelete( &nf ); STICKYPROT( "+" ); } else { int basis= data.newBasisElem( candidate.monom ); data.updateCandidates(); l.insertCols( candidate.divisors, basis ); STICKYPROT( "." ); } } else { int var = 0; fglmVector temp = data.getBorderDiv( candidate.monom, var ); fglmASSERT( var > 0, "this should never happen" ); fglmVector nfv = l.addCols( var, data.getBasisSize(), temp ); data.newBorderElem( candidate.monom, nfv ); l.insertCols( candidate.divisors, nfv ); STICKYPROT( "-" ); } candidate.cleanup(); } //. while ( data.candidatesLeft() == TRUE ) l.endofConstruction(); STICKYPROT2( "\nvdim= %i\n", data.getBasisSize() ); return ( data.state() ); } // ============================================================ //! The new basis // ============================================================ // The declaration of class fglmDelem is found in fglm.h fglmDelem::fglmDelem( poly & m, fglmVector mv, int v ) : insertions( 0 ), v( mv ), var( v ) { monom= m; m= NULL; for ( int k = pVariables; k > 0; k-- ) if ( pGetExp( monom, k ) > 0 ) insertions++; // Wir gehen davon aus, dass ein fglmDelem direkt bei der Erzeugung // auch in eine Liste eingefuegt wird. Daher wird hier automatisch // newDivisor aufgerufen ( v teilt ja m ) newDivisor(); } void fglmDelem::cleanup() { if ( monom != NULL ) { pDelete1( &monom ); } } class oldGaussElem { public: fglmVector v; fglmVector p; number pdenom; number fac; #ifdef __MWERKS__ oldGaussElem() : v(), p(), pdenom( NULL ), fac( NULL ) {} #endif oldGaussElem( const fglmVector newv, const fglmVector newp, number & newpdenom, number & newfac ) : v( newv ), p( newp ), pdenom( newpdenom ), fac( newfac ) { newpdenom= NULL; newfac= NULL; } ~oldGaussElem(); #ifdef __MWERKS__ void insertElem( const fglmVector newv, const fglmVector newp, number & newpdenom, number & newfac ) { v= newv; p= newp; pdenom= newpdenom; fac= newfac; newpdenom= NULL; newfac= NULL; } #endif }; oldGaussElem::~oldGaussElem() { nDelete( & fac ); nDelete( & pdenom ); } class fglmDdata { private: int dimen; oldGaussElem * gauss; BOOLEAN * isPivot; // [1]..[dimen] int * perm; // [1]..[dimen] int basisSize; //. the CURRENT basisSize, i.e. basisSize <= dimen polyset basis; // [1]..[dimen]. The monoms of the new Vectorspace-basis int groebnerBS; int groebnerSize; ideal destId; List nlist; public: fglmDdata( int dimension ); ~fglmDdata(); int getBasisSize() const { return basisSize; } BOOLEAN candidatesLeft() const { return ( nlist.isEmpty() ? FALSE : TRUE ); } fglmDelem nextCandidate(); void newBasisElem( poly & m, fglmVector v, fglmVector p, number & denom ); void updateCandidates( poly m, const fglmVector v ); void newGroebnerPoly( fglmVector & v, poly & p ); void gaussreduce( fglmVector & v, fglmVector & p, number & denom ); ideal buildIdeal() { idSkipZeroes( destId ); return destId; } }; fglmDdata::fglmDdata( int dimension ) { int k; dimen= dimension; basisSize= 0; //. All arrays run from [1]..[dimen], thus Alloc( dimen + 1 )! #ifdef __MWERKS__ gauss= new oldGaussElem[ dimen+1 ]; #else gauss= (oldGaussElem *)Alloc( (dimen+1)*sizeof( oldGaussElem ) ); #endif isPivot= (BOOLEAN *)Alloc( (dimen+1)*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) ); for ( k= dimen; k > 0; k-- ) isPivot[k]= FALSE; perm= (int *)Alloc( (dimen+1)*sizeof( int ) ); basis= (polyset)Alloc( (dimen+1)*sizeof( poly ) ); groebnerBS= 16; groebnerSize= 0; destId= idInit( groebnerBS, 1 ); } fglmDdata::~fglmDdata() { fglmASSERT( dimen == basisSize, "Es wurden nicht alle BasisElemente gefunden!" ); int k; #ifdef __MWERKS__ delete [] gauss; #else for ( k= dimen; k > 0; k-- ) gauss[k].~oldGaussElem(); Free( (ADDRESS)gauss, (dimen+1)*sizeof( oldGaussElem ) ); #endif Free( (ADDRESS)isPivot, (dimen+1)*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) ); Free( (ADDRESS)perm, (dimen+1)*sizeof( int ) ); //. Remember: There is no poly in basis[0], thus k > 0 for ( k= dimen; k > 0; k-- ) pDelete1( basis + k ); Free( (ADDRESS)basis, (dimen+1)*sizeof( poly ) ); } fglmDelem fglmDdata::nextCandidate() { fglmDelem result = nlist.getFirst(); nlist.removeFirst(); return result; } void fglmDdata::newBasisElem( poly & m, fglmVector v, fglmVector p, number & denom ) { // inserts m as a new basis monom. m is NOT copied but directly inserted. // returns m=NULL to indicate, that now basis is oweing m. basisSize++; basis[basisSize]= m; m= NULL; int k= 1; while ( nIsZero(v.getconstelem(k)) || isPivot[k] ) { k++; } fglmASSERT( k <= dimen, "Error(1) in fglmDdata::pivot-search"); number pivot= v.getconstelem( k ); int pivotcol = k; k++; while ( k <= dimen ) { if ( ! nIsZero( v.getconstelem(k) ) && ! isPivot[k] ) { if ( nGreater( v.getconstelem( k ), pivot ) ) { pivot= v.getconstelem( k ); pivotcol= k; } } k++; } fglmASSERT( ! nIsZero( pivot ), "Error(2) fglmDdata::Pivotelement ist Null" ); isPivot[ pivotcol ]= TRUE; perm[basisSize]= pivotcol; pivot= nCopy( v.getconstelem( pivotcol ) ); #ifdef __MWERKS__ gauss[basisSize].insertElem( v, p, denom, pivot ); #else gauss[basisSize].oldGaussElem( v, p, denom, pivot ); #endif } void fglmDdata::updateCandidates( poly m, const fglmVector v ) { ListIterator list = nlist; poly newmonom = NULL; int k = pVariables; BOOLEAN done = FALSE; int state = 0; while ( k >= 1 ) { newmonom = pCopy( m ); pIncrExp( newmonom, k ); pSetm( newmonom ); done= FALSE; while ( list.hasItem() && (done == FALSE) ) { if ( (state= pComp( list.getItem().monom, newmonom )) < 0 ) list++; else done= TRUE; } if ( done == FALSE ) { nlist.append( fglmDelem( newmonom, v, k ) ); break; } if ( state == 0 ) { list.getItem().newDivisor(); pDelete1( & newmonom ); } else { list.insert( fglmDelem( newmonom, v, k ) ); } k--; } while ( --k >= 1 ) { newmonom= pCopy( m ); pIncrExp( newmonom, k ); pSetm( newmonom ); nlist.append( fglmDelem( newmonom, v, k ) ); } } void fglmDdata::newGroebnerPoly( fglmVector & p, poly & m ) // Inserts gp = p[1]*basis(1)+..+p[basisSize]*basis(basisSize)+p[basisSize+1]*m as // a new groebner polynomial for the ideal. // All elements (monomials and coefficients) of gp are copied, instead of m. // Assumes that p.length() == basisSize+1. { //. Baue das Polynom von oben nach unten: fglmASSERT( p.size() == basisSize+1, "GP::newGroebnerPoly: p has wrong size" ); int k; poly result = m; poly temp = result; m= NULL; if ( nGetChar() > 0 ) { number lead = nCopy( p.getconstelem( basisSize+1 ) ); p /= lead; nDelete( & lead ); } if ( nGetChar() == 0 ) { number gcd= p.gcd(); fglmASSERT( ! nIsZero( gcd ), "FATAL: gcd and thus p is zero" ); if ( ! nIsOne( gcd ) ) p /= gcd; nDelete( & gcd ); } pSetCoeff( result, nCopy( p.getconstelem( basisSize+1 ) ) ); for ( k= basisSize; k > 0; k-- ) { if ( ! nIsZero( p.getconstelem( k ) ) ) { temp->next= pCopy( basis[k] ); pIter( temp ); pSetCoeff( temp, nCopy( p.getconstelem( k ) ) ); } } pSetm( result ); if ( ! nGreaterZero( pGetCoeff( result ) ) ) result= pNeg( result ); if ( groebnerSize == IDELEMS( destId ) ) { pEnlargeSet( & destId->m, IDELEMS( destId ), groebnerBS ); IDELEMS( destId )+= groebnerBS; } (destId->m)[groebnerSize]= result; groebnerSize++; } void fglmDdata::gaussreduce( fglmVector & v, fglmVector & p, number & pdenom ) { int k; number fac1, fac2; number temp; fglmASSERT( pdenom == NULL, "pdenom in gaussreduce should be NULL" ); pdenom= nInit( 1 ); number vdenom = v.clearDenom(); if ( ! nIsOne( vdenom ) && ! nIsZero( vdenom ) ) { p.setelem( p.size(), vdenom ); } else { nDelete( &vdenom ); } number gcd = v.gcd(); if ( ! nIsOne( gcd ) && ! nIsZero( gcd ) ) { v /= gcd; number temp= nMult( pdenom, gcd ); nDelete( &pdenom ); pdenom= temp; } nDelete( & gcd ); for ( k= 1; k <= basisSize; k++ ) { if ( ! v.elemIsZero( perm[k] ) ) { fac1= gauss[k].fac; fac2= nCopy( v.getconstelem( perm[k] ) ); v.nihilate( fac1, fac2, gauss[k].v ); fac1= nMult( fac1, gauss[k].pdenom ); temp= nMult( fac2, pdenom ); nDelete( &fac2 ); fac2= temp; p.nihilate( fac1, fac2, gauss[k].p ); temp= nMult( pdenom, gauss[k].pdenom ); nDelete( &pdenom ); pdenom= temp; nDelete( & fac1 ); nDelete( & fac2 ); number gcd = v.gcd(); if ( ! nIsOne( gcd ) && ! nIsZero( gcd ) ) { v /= gcd; number temp= nMult( pdenom, gcd ); nDelete( &pdenom ); pdenom= temp; } nDelete( & gcd ); gcd= p.gcd(); temp= nGcd( pdenom, gcd ); nDelete( &gcd ); gcd= temp; if ( ! nIsZero( gcd ) && ! nIsOne( gcd ) ) { p /= gcd; temp= nDiv( pdenom, gcd ); nDelete( & pdenom ); pdenom= temp; nNormalize( pdenom ); } nDelete( & gcd ); } } } static ideal GroebnerViaFunctionals( const idealFunctionals & l ) // Calculates the groebnerBasis for the ideal which is defined by l. // The dimension of l has to be finite. // The result is in reduced form. { fglmDdata data( l.dimen() ); // insert pOne() and update workinglist: poly one = pOne(); data.updateCandidates( one, fglmVector(l.dimen(), 1) ); number nOne = nInit( 1 ); data.newBasisElem( one, fglmVector( l.dimen(), 1 ), fglmVector( 1, 1 ), nOne ); STICKYPROT( "." ); while ( data.candidatesLeft() == TRUE ) { fglmDelem candidate = data.nextCandidate(); if ( candidate.isBasisOrEdge() == TRUE ) { // Now we have the chance to find a new groebner polynomial // v is the vector-representation of candidate.monom // some elements of v are zeroed in data.gaussreduce(). Which // ones and how this was done is stored in p. // originalV containes the unchanged v, which is later inserted // into the working list (via data.updateCandidates(). fglmVector v = l.multiply( candidate.v, candidate.var ); fglmVector originalV = v; fglmVector p( data.getBasisSize()+1, data.getBasisSize()+1 ); number pdenom = NULL; data.gaussreduce( v, p, pdenom ); if ( v.isZero() ) { // Now v is linear dependend to the already found basis elements. // This means that v (rsp. candidate.monom) is the leading // monomial of the next groebner-basis polynomial. data.newGroebnerPoly( p, candidate.monom ); nDelete( & pdenom ); STICKYPROT( "+" ); } else { // no linear dependence could be found, so v ( rsp. monom ) // is a basis monomial. We store the zeroed version ( i.e. v // and not originalV ) as well as p, the denomiator and all // the other stuff. // erst updateCandidates, dann newBasisELem!!! data.updateCandidates( candidate.monom, originalV ); data.newBasisElem( candidate.monom, v, p, pdenom ); STICKYPROT( "." ); } } else { STICKYPROT( "-" ); candidate.cleanup(); } } //. while data.candidatesLeft() STICKYPROT( "\n" ); return ( data.buildIdeal() ); } //<- static ideal FindUnivariatePolys( const idealFunctionals & l ) { fglmVector v; fglmVector p; ideal destIdeal = idInit( pVariables, 1 ); int i; BOOLEAN isZero; for ( i= 1; i <= pVariables; i++ ) { // main loop STICKYPROT2( "(%i)", i ); gaussReducer gauss( l.dimen() ); isZero= FALSE; v= fglmVector( l.dimen(), 1 ); while ( isZero == FALSE ) { if ( (isZero= gauss.reduce( v )) == TRUE ) { STICKYPROT( "+" ); p= gauss.getDependence(); number gcd= p.gcd(); if ( ! nIsOne( gcd ) ) { p /= gcd; } nDelete( & gcd ); int k; poly temp = NULL; poly result; for ( k= p.size(); k > 0; k-- ) { number n = nCopy( p.getconstelem( k ) ); if ( ! nIsZero( n ) ) { if ( temp == NULL ) { result= pOne(); temp= result; } else { temp->next= pOne(); pIter( temp ); } pSetCoeff( temp, n ); pSetExp( temp, i, k-1 ); pSetm( temp ); } } if ( ! nGreaterZero( pGetCoeff( result ) ) ) result= pNeg( result ); (destIdeal->m)[i-1]= result; } else { STICKYPROT( "." ); gauss.store(); v= l.multiply( v, i ); } } } STICKYPROT( "\n" ); return destIdeal; } // for a descritption of the parameters see fglm.h BOOLEAN fglmzero( idhdl sourceRingHdl, ideal & sourceIdeal, idhdl destRingHdl, ideal & destIdeal, BOOLEAN switchBack, BOOLEAN deleteIdeal ) { idhdl initialRingHdl = currRingHdl; BOOLEAN fglmok; if ( currRingHdl != sourceRingHdl ) rSetHdl( sourceRingHdl, TRUE ); idealFunctionals L( 100, pVariables ); fglmok = CalculateFunctionals( sourceIdeal, L ); if ( deleteIdeal == TRUE ) idDelete( & sourceIdeal ); rSetHdl( destRingHdl, TRUE ); if ( fglmok == TRUE ) { L.map( IDRING( sourceRingHdl ) ); destIdeal= GroebnerViaFunctionals( L ); } if ( (switchBack == TRUE) && (currRingHdl != initialRingHdl) ) rSetHdl( initialRingHdl, TRUE ); return fglmok; } BOOLEAN FindUnivariateWrapper( ideal source, ideal & destIdeal ) { BOOLEAN fglmok; idealFunctionals L( 100, pVariables ); fglmok = CalculateFunctionals( source, L ); if ( fglmok == TRUE ) { destIdeal= FindUnivariatePolys( L ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Variables: *** // compile-command: "make Singular" *** // page-delimiter: "^\\( \\|//!\\)" *** // fold-internal-margins: nil *** // End: ***