/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* * ABSTRACT: automatic type conversions */ #include "mod2.h" #include "tok.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "intvec.h" #include "omalloc.h" #include "febase.h" #include "polys.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "subexpr.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "modulop.h" #include "longrat.h" #include "longalg.h" #ifdef HAVE_RINGS #include "rmodulon.h" #include "rmodulo2m.h" #include "rintegers.h" #endif #include "matpol.h" #include "silink.h" #include "syz.h" #include "attrib.h" #include "ring.h" #include "ipconv.h" typedef void * (*iiConvertProc)(void * data); typedef void (*iiConvertProcL)(leftv out,leftv in); struct sConvertTypes { int i_typ; int o_typ; iiConvertProc p; iiConvertProcL pl; }; // all of these static conversion routines work destructive on their input static void * iiI2P(void *data) { poly p=pISet((int)(long)data); return (void *)p; } static void * iiBI2P(void *data) { number n=nInit_bigint((number)data); nlDelete((number *)&data,NULL); poly p=pNSet(n); return (void *)p; } static void * iiI2V(void *data) { poly p=pISet((int)(long)data); if (p!=NULL) pSetComp(p,1); return (void *)p; } static void * iiBI2V(void *data) { number n=nInit_bigint((number)data); nlDelete((number *)&data,NULL); poly p=pNSet(n); if (p!=NULL) pSetComp(p,1); return (void *)p; } static void * iiI2Id(void *data) { ideal I=idInit(1,1); I->m[0]=pISet((int)(long)data); return (void *)I; } static void * iiBI2Id(void *data) { ideal I=idInit(1,1); number n=nInit_bigint((number)data); nlDelete((number *)&data,NULL); poly p=pNSet(n); I->m[0]=p; return (void *)I; } static void * iiP2V(void *data) { poly p=(poly)data; if (p!=NULL) pSetCompP(p,1); return (void *)p; } static void * iiP2Id(void *data) { ideal I=idInit(1,1); I->m[0]=(poly)data; if (data!=NULL) { poly p=(poly)data; if (pGetComp(p)!=0) I->rank=pMaxComp(p); } return (void *)I; } static void * iiV2Ma(void *data) { matrix m=(matrix)idVec2Ideal((poly)data); int h=MATCOLS(m); MATCOLS(m)=MATROWS(m); MATROWS(m)=h; m->rank=h; pDelete((poly *)&data); return (void *)m; } static void * iiN2P(void *data); static void * iiDummy(void *data) { return data; } static void * iiMo2Ma(void *data) { void *res=idModule2Matrix((ideal)data); return res; } static void * iiMa2Mo(void *data) { void *res=idMatrix2Module((matrix)data); return res; } static void * iiI2Iv(void *data) { int s=(int)(long)data; intvec *iv=new intvec(s,s); return (void *)iv; } static void * iiI2N(void *data) { number n=nInit((int)(long)data); return (void *)n; } static void * iiI2BI(void *data) { number n=nlInit((int)(long)data, NULL /*dummy for nlInit*/); return (void *)n; } static void * iiBI2N(void *data) { if (currRing==NULL) return NULL; // a bigint is really a number from char 0, with diffrent operations... return (void*)nInit_bigint((number)data); } static void * iiIm2Ma(void *data) { int i, j; intvec *iv = (intvec *)data; matrix m = mpNew(iv->rows(), iv->cols()); for (i=iv->rows(); i>0; i--) { for (j=iv->cols(); j>0; j--) { MATELEM(m, i, j) = pISet(IMATELEM(*iv, i, j)); } } delete iv; return (void *)m; } static void * iiN2P(void *data) { poly p=NULL; if (!nIsZero((number)data)) { p=pNSet((number)data); } //else //{ // nDelete((number *)&data); //} return (void *)p; } static void * iiN2Ma(void *data) { ideal I=idInit(1,1); if (!nIsZero((number)data)) { poly p=pNSet((number)data); I->m[0]=p; } //else //{ // nDelete((number *)&data); //} return (void *)I; } static void * iiS2Link(void *data) { si_link l=(si_link)omAlloc0Bin(ip_link_bin); slInit(l, (char *) data); omFree((ADDRESS)data); return (void *)l; } /* static void * iiR2L(void * data) { syStrategy tmp=(syStrategy)data; return (void *)syConvRes(tmp,TRUE); } */ static void iiR2L_l(leftv out, leftv in) { int add_row_shift = 0; intvec *weights=(intvec*)atGet(in,"isHomog",INTVEC_CMD); if (weights!=NULL) add_row_shift=weights->min_in(); syStrategy tmp=(syStrategy)in->CopyD(); out->data=(void *)syConvRes(tmp,TRUE,add_row_shift); } static void * iiL2R(void * data) { return (void *)syConvList((lists)data,TRUE); } // // automatic conversions: // struct sConvertTypes dConvertTypes[] = { // input type output type convert procedure // int -> bigint { INT_CMD, BIGINT_CMD, iiI2BI , NULL }, // int -> number { INT_CMD, NUMBER_CMD, iiI2N , NULL }, { BIGINT_CMD, NUMBER_CMD, iiBI2N , NULL }, // int -> poly { INT_CMD, POLY_CMD, iiI2P , NULL }, { BIGINT_CMD, POLY_CMD, iiBI2P , NULL }, // int -> vector { INT_CMD, VECTOR_CMD, iiI2V , NULL }, { BIGINT_CMD, VECTOR_CMD, iiBI2V , NULL }, // int -> ideal { INT_CMD, IDEAL_CMD, iiI2Id , NULL }, { BIGINT_CMD, IDEAL_CMD, iiBI2Id , NULL }, // int -> matrix { INT_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiI2Id , NULL }, { BIGINT_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiBI2Id , NULL }, // int -> intvec { INT_CMD, INTVEC_CMD, iiI2Iv , NULL }, // intvec -> intmat { INTVEC_CMD, INTMAT_CMD, iiDummy, NULL }, // intvec -> matrix { INTVEC_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiIm2Ma , NULL }, // intmat -> matrix { INTMAT_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiIm2Ma , NULL }, // number -> poly { NUMBER_CMD, POLY_CMD, iiN2P , NULL }, // number -> matrix { NUMBER_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiN2Ma , NULL }, // number -> ideal // number -> vector // number -> module // poly -> number // poly -> ideal { POLY_CMD, IDEAL_CMD, iiP2Id , NULL }, // poly -> vector { POLY_CMD, VECTOR_CMD, iiP2V , NULL }, // poly -> matrix { POLY_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiP2Id , NULL }, // vector -> module { VECTOR_CMD, MODUL_CMD, iiP2Id , NULL }, // vector -> matrix { VECTOR_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiV2Ma , NULL }, // ideal -> module { IDEAL_CMD, MODUL_CMD, iiMa2Mo , NULL }, // ideal -> matrix { IDEAL_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiDummy , NULL }, // module -> matrix { MODUL_CMD, MATRIX_CMD, iiMo2Ma , NULL }, // matrix -> ideal // matrix -> module { MATRIX_CMD, MODUL_CMD, iiMa2Mo , NULL }, // intvec // link { STRING_CMD, LINK_CMD, iiS2Link , NULL }, // resolution -> list { RESOLUTION_CMD, LIST_CMD, NULL /*iiR2L*/ , iiR2L_l }, // list -> resolution { LIST_CMD, RESOLUTION_CMD, iiL2R , NULL }, // end of list { 0, 0, NULL , NULL } }; /*2 * try to convert 'input' of type 'inputType' to 'output' of type 'outputType' * return FALSE on success */ BOOLEAN iiConvert (int inputType, int outputType, int index, leftv input, leftv output) { memset(output,0,sizeof(sleftv)); if ((inputType==outputType) || (outputType==DEF_CMD) || ((outputType==IDHDL)&&(input->rtyp==IDHDL))) { memcpy(output,input,sizeof(*output)); memset(input,0,sizeof(*input)); return FALSE; } else if (outputType==ANY_TYPE) { output->rtyp=ANY_TYPE; output->data=(char *)input->Typ(); /* the name of the object:*/ if (input->e==NULL) { if (input->rtyp==IDHDL) /* preserve name: copy it */ output->name=omStrDup(IDID((idhdl)(input->data))); else if (input->name!=NULL) { output->name=input->name; input->name=NULL; } else if ((input->rtyp==POLY_CMD) && (input->name==NULL)) { if (input->data!=NULL) { int nr=pIsPurePower((poly)input->data); if (nr!=0) { if (pGetExp((poly)input->data,nr)==1) { output->name=omStrDup(currRing->names[nr-1]); } else { char *tmp=(char *)omAlloc(4); sprintf(tmp,"%c%d",*(currRing->names[nr-1]), (int)pGetExp((poly)input->data,nr)); output->name=tmp; } } else if(pIsConstant((poly)input->data)) { output->name=nName(pGetCoeff((poly)input->data)); } #ifdef TEST else { WerrorS("wrong name, should not happen"); output->name=omStrDup("?"); } #endif } } else if ((input->rtyp==NUMBER_CMD) && (input->name==NULL)) { output->name=nName((number)input->data); } else { /* no need to preserve name: use it */ output->name=input->name; memset(input,0,sizeof(*input)); } } output->next=input->next; input->next=NULL; return FALSE; } if (index!=0) /* iiTestConvert does not returned 'failure' */ { index--; if((dConvertTypes[index].i_typ==inputType) &&(dConvertTypes[index].o_typ==outputType)) { if ((currRing==NULL) && (outputType>BEGIN_RING) && (outputTypertyp=outputType; if (dConvertTypes[index].p!=NULL) { output->data=dConvertTypes[index].p(input->CopyD()); } else { dConvertTypes[index].pl(output,input); } if ((output->data==NULL) && ((outputType==IDEAL_CMD) ||(outputType==MODUL_CMD) ||(outputType==MATRIX_CMD) ||(outputType==INTMAT_CMD) ||(outputType==INTVEC_CMD))) { return TRUE; } output->next=input->next; input->next=NULL; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*2 * try to convert 'inputType' in 'outputType' * return 0 on failure, an index (<>0) on success */ int iiTestConvert (int inputType, int outputType) { if ((inputType==outputType) || (outputType==DEF_CMD) || (outputType==IDHDL) || (outputType==ANY_TYPE)) { return -1; } if ((currRing==NULL) && (outputType>BEGIN_RING) && (outputType %s):%d\n",inputType,outputType, //Tok2Cmdname(inputType), Tok2Cmdname(outputType),i+1); return i+1; } i++; } //Print("test convert %d to %d (%s -> %s):0\n",inputType,outputType, // Tok2Cmdname(inputType), Tok2Cmdname(outputType)); return 0; }