/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id: ipprint.cc,v 1.20 2001-03-27 17:12:54 Singular Exp $ */ /* * ABSTRACT: interpreter: printing */ #include "mod2.h" #include "tok.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "omalloc.h" #include "febase.h" #include "polys.h" #include "matpol.h" #include "subexpr.h" #include "intvec.h" #include "ipshell.h" #include "ipprint.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "attrib.h" /*2 * print for: int, string, poly, vector, ideal */ /*2 * print for: intvec */ static BOOLEAN ipPrint_INTVEC(leftv u) { intvec *v=(intvec *)u->Data(); v->show(); PrintLn(); return FALSE; } /*2 * print for: intmat */ static BOOLEAN ipPrint_INTMAT(leftv u) { intvec *v=(intvec *)u->Data(); int i,j; for(i=0;irows();i++) { for(j=0;jcols();j++) { Print(" %5d",IMATELEM(*v,i+1,j+1)); } PrintLn(); } return FALSE; } /*2 * internal print for: matrix */ static void ipPrint_MA0(matrix m, const char *name) { if (MATCOLS(m)>0) { char **s=(char **)omAlloc(MATCOLS(m)*MATROWS(m)*sizeof(char*)); char *ss; int *l=(int *)omAlloc0(MATCOLS(m)*sizeof(int)); int i,j,k; int vl=max(colmax/MATCOLS(m),8); /* make enough space for the "largest" name*/ ss=(char *)omAlloc(14+strlen(name)); sprintf(ss,"%s[%d,%d]",name,MATCOLS(m),MATROWS(m)); vl=max(vl,strlen(ss)); omFree(ss); /* convert all polys to string */ i=MATCOLS(m)*MATROWS(m)-1; ss=pString(m->m[i]); if ((int)strlen(ss)>colmax) s[i]=NULL; else s[i]=omStrDup(ss); for(i--;i>=0;i--) { pString(m->m[i]); ss=StringAppendS(","); if ((int)strlen(ss)>colmax) s[i]=NULL; else s[i]=omStrDup(ss); } /* look up the width of all columns, put it in l[col_nr] */ /* insert names for very long entries */ for(i=MATROWS(m)-1;i>=0;i--) { for(j=MATCOLS(m)-1;j>=0;j--) { if (s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]==NULL) { ss=(char *)omAlloc(14+strlen(name)); s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]=ss; ss[0]='\0'; sprintf(ss,"%s[%d,%d]",name,i+1,j+1); if ((i!=MATROWS(m)-1) || (j!=MATCOLS(m)-1)) { strcat(ss,","); vl=max(vl,strlen(ss)); } } k=strlen(s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]); if (k>l[j]) l[j]=k; } } /* does it fit on a line ? */ int maxlen=0; for(j=MATCOLS(m)-1;j>=0;j--) { maxlen+=l[j]; } if (maxlen>colmax) { /* NO, it does not fit, so retry: */ /* look up the width of all columns, clear very long entriess */ /* put length in l[col_nr] */ /* insert names for cleared entries */ for(j=MATCOLS(m)-1;j>=0;j--) { for(i=MATROWS(m)-1;i>=0;i--) { k=strlen(s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]); if (/*strlen(s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j])*/ k > vl) { omFree((ADDRESS)s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]); ss=(char *)omAlloc(14+strlen(name)); s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]=ss; ss[0]='\0'; sprintf(ss,"%s[%d,%d]",name,i+1,j+1); if ((i!=MATROWS(m)-1) || (j!=MATCOLS(m)-1)) { strcat(ss,","); } l[j]=strlen(s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]); if (l[j]>vl) { //#ifdef TEST // PrintS("pagewidth too small in print(matrix)\n"); //#endif vl=l[j]; /* make large names fit*/ } i=MATROWS(m); } else { if (k>l[j]) l[j]=k; } } } } /*output of the matrix*/ for(i=0;icolmax) { PrintS("\n "); k=2; } k+=l[j]; Print("%-*.*s",l[j],l[j],s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]); omFree(s[i*MATCOLS(m)+j]); } PrintLn(); } /* clean up */ omFreeSize((ADDRESS)s,MATCOLS(m)*MATROWS(m)*sizeof(char*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)l,MATCOLS(m)*sizeof(int)); } } /*2 * print for: matrix */ static BOOLEAN ipPrint_MA(leftv u) { matrix m=(matrix)u->Data(); ipPrint_MA0(m,u->Name()); return FALSE; } /*2 * print for: vector */ static BOOLEAN ipPrint_V(leftv u) { polyset m=NULL; int l,j; /*convert into an array of the components*/ pVec2Polys((poly)u->Data(), &m, &l); /*output*/ PrintS("["); j=0; loop { PrintS(pString(m[j])); j++; if (j=0;j--) pDelete(&m[j]); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)m,l*sizeof(poly)); return FALSE; } BOOLEAN jjPRINT(leftv res, leftv u) { switch(u->Typ()) { case INTVEC_CMD: return ipPrint_INTVEC(u); case INTMAT_CMD: return ipPrint_INTMAT(u); case MATRIX_CMD: return ipPrint_MA(u); case IDEAL_CMD: { char* s = u->String(NULL, FALSE, 2); PrintS(s); PrintLn(); omFree(s); return FALSE; } case MODUL_CMD: { matrix m = idModule2Matrix(idCopy((ideal) u->Data())); ipPrint_MA0(m, u->Name()); idDelete((ideal *) &m); return FALSE; } case VECTOR_CMD: return ipPrint_V(u); default: u->Print(); return FALSE; } } /*2 * dbprint */ BOOLEAN jjDBPRINT(leftv res, leftv u) { BOOLEAN print=(printlevel>myynest); if ((u->next!=NULL)&&(u->Typ()==INT_CMD)) { print=((int)u->Data()>0); u=u->next; } if (print) { BOOLEAN r=FALSE; leftv h=u; leftv hh; while (h!=NULL) { hh=h->next; h->next=NULL; if (jjPRINT(res, h)) return TRUE; h->next=hh; h=hh; } } return FALSE; } static void ipPrintBetti(leftv u) { int i,j; int row_shift=(int)atGet(u,"rowShift"); intvec * betti=(intvec *)u->Data(); // head line -------------------------------------------------------- PrintS(" "); // 6 spaces for no. and : for(j=0;jcols();j++) Print(" %5d",j); // 6 spaces pro column PrintS("\n------"); // 6 spaces for no. and : for(j=0;jcols();j++) PrintS("------"); // 6 spaces pro column PrintLn(); // the table -------------------------------------------------------- for(i=0;irows();i++) { Print("%5d:",i+row_shift); for(j=1;j<=betti->cols();j++) { int m=IMATELEM(*betti,i+1,j); if (m==0) PrintS(" -"); else Print(" %5d",m); } PrintLn(); } // sum -------------------------------------------------------------- PrintS("------"); // 6 spaces for no. and : for(j=0;jcols();j++) PrintS("------"); // 6 spaces pro column PrintS("\ntotal:"); for(j=0;jcols();j++) { int s=0; for(i=0;irows();i++) { s+=IMATELEM(*betti,i+1,j+1); } Print(" %5d",s); // 6 spaces pro column } PrintLn(); } /*2 * print(...,"format") */ BOOLEAN jjPRINT_FORMAT(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v) { /* ==================== betti ======================================== */ if ((u->Typ()==INTMAT_CMD)&&(strcmp((char *)v->Data(),"betti")==0)) { ipPrintBetti(u); res->data = NULL; res->rtyp = NONE; return FALSE; } /* ======================== end betti ================================= */ char* ns = omStrDup((char*) v->Data()); int dim = 1; if (strlen(ns) == 3 && ns[1] == '2') { dim = 2; ns[1] = ns[2]; ns[2] = '\0'; } if (strcmp(ns,"%l") == 0) { res->data = (char*) u->String(NULL, TRUE, dim); if (dim == 2) { char* ns = (char*) omAlloc(strlen((char*) res->data) + 2); strcpy(ns, (char*) res->data); omFree(res->data); strcat(ns, "\n"); res->data = ns; } } else if (strcmp(ns,"%t") == 0) { SPrintStart(); if (u->rtyp==IDHDL) type_cmd((idhdl) (u->data)); else type_cmd((idhdl) u); res->data = SPrintEnd(); if (dim != 2) ((char*)res->data)[strlen((char*)res->data) -1] = '\0'; } else if (strcmp(ns,"%;") == 0) { SPrintStart(); u->Print(); if (dim == 2) PrintLn(); res->data = SPrintEnd(); } else if (strcmp(ns,"%p") == 0) { SPrintStart(); iiExprArith1(res, u, PRINT_CMD); if (dim == 2) PrintLn(); res->data = SPrintEnd(); } else if (strcmp(ns,"%b") == 0 && (u->Typ()==INTMAT_CMD)) { SPrintStart(); ipPrintBetti(u); if (dim == 2) PrintLn(); res->data = SPrintEnd(); } else { res->data = u->String(NULL, FALSE, dim); if (dim == 2) { char* ns = (char*) omAlloc(strlen((char*) res->data) + 2); strcpy(ns, (char*) res->data); omFree(res->data); strcat(ns, "\n"); res->data = ns; } } omFree(ns); res->rtyp = STRING_CMD; return FALSE; }