/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* * ABSTRACT - the mapping of polynomials to other rings */ #include #include "maps_ip.h" #include "ipid.h" #include #include #include // #include #include #include //#include #include #include // #include #include #include #include "lists.h" #include "tok.h" // define this if you want to use the fast_map routine for mapping ideals //#define FAST_MAP #ifdef FAST_MAP #include #endif /*2 * maps the expression w to res, * switch what: MAP_CMD: use theMap for mapping, N for preimage ring * //FETCH_CMD: use pOrdPoly for mapping * IMAP_CMD: use perm for mapping, N for preimage ring * default: map only poly-structures, * use perm and par_perm, N and P, */ BOOLEAN maApplyFetch(int what,map theMap,leftv res, leftv w, ring preimage_r, int *perm, int *par_perm, int P, nMapFunc nMap) { int i; int N = preimage_r->N; //Print("N=%d what=%s ",N,Tok2Cmdname(what)); //if (perm!=NULL) for(i=1;i<=N;i++) Print("%d -> %d ",i,perm[i]); //PrintS("\n"); //Print("P=%d ",P); //if (par_perm!=NULL) for(i=0;i %d ",i,par_perm[i]); //PrintS("\n"); void *data=w->Data(); res->rtyp = w->rtyp; switch (w->rtyp) { case NUMBER_CMD: if (P!=0) { res->data=(void *)napPermNumber((number)data,par_perm,P, preimage_r); res->rtyp=POLY_CMD; if (nCoeff_is_Extension(currRing->cf)) res->data=(void *)p_MinPolyNormalize((poly)res->data, currRing); pTest((poly) res->data); } else { res->data=(void *)nMap((number)data, preimage_r->cf, currRing->cf); if (nCoeff_is_Extension(currRing->cf)) { number a=(number)res->data; number one=nInit(1); number product = nMult(a,one ); nDelete(&one); nDelete(&a); res->data=(void *)product; } #ifdef LDEBUG nTest((number) res->data); #endif } break; case POLY_CMD: case VECTOR_CMD: if ((what==FETCH_CMD)&& (preimage_r->cf==currRing->cf)) res->data=(void *)prCopyR( (poly)data, preimage_r, currRing); else if ((what==IMAP_CMD) || ((what==FETCH_CMD) /* && (nMap!=nCopy)*/)) res->data=(void *)p_PermPoly((poly)data,perm,preimage_r,currRing, nMap,par_perm,P); else /*if (what==MAP_CMD)*/ { matrix s=mpNew(N,maMaxDeg_P((poly)data, preimage_r)); res->data=(void *)maEval(theMap,(poly)data,preimage_r,nMap,(ideal)s); idDelete((ideal *)&s); } if (nCoeff_is_Extension(currRing->cf)) res->data=(void *)p_MinPolyNormalize((poly)res->data, currRing); pTest((poly)res->data); break; case MODUL_CMD: case MATRIX_CMD: case IDEAL_CMD: case MAP_CMD: { int C=((matrix)data)->cols(); int R; if (w->rtyp==MAP_CMD) R=1; else R=((matrix)data)->rows(); matrix m=mpNew(R,C); char *tmpR=NULL; if(w->rtyp==MAP_CMD) { tmpR=((map)data)->preimage; ((matrix)data)->rank=((matrix)data)->rows(); } if ((what==FETCH_CMD)&& (preimage_r->cf == currRing->cf)) { for (i=R*C-1;i>=0;i--) { m->m[i]=prCopyR(((ideal)data)->m[i], preimage_r, currRing); pTest(m->m[i]); } } else if ((what==IMAP_CMD) || ((what==FETCH_CMD) /* && (nMap!=nCopy)*/)) { for (i=R*C-1;i>=0;i--) { m->m[i]=p_PermPoly(((ideal)data)->m[i],perm,preimage_r,currRing, nMap,par_perm,P); pTest(m->m[i]); } } else /* if(what==MAP_CMD) */ { matrix s=mpNew(N,maMaxDeg_Ma((ideal)data,preimage_r)); for (i=R*C-1;i>=0;i--) { m->m[i]=maEval(theMap,((ideal)data)->m[i],preimage_r,nMap,(ideal)s); pTest(m->m[i]); } idDelete((ideal *)&s); } if (nCoeff_is_Extension(currRing->cf)) { for (i=R*C-1;i>=0;i--) { m->m[i]=p_MinPolyNormalize(m->m[i], currRing); pTest(m->m[i]); } } if(w->rtyp==MAP_CMD) { ((map)data)->preimage=tmpR; ((map)m)->preimage=omStrDup(tmpR); } else { m->rank=((matrix)data)->rank; } res->data=(char *)m; idTest((ideal) m); break; } case LIST_CMD: { lists l=(lists)data; lists ml=(lists)omAllocBin(slists_bin); ml->Init(l->nr+1); for(i=0;i<=l->nr;i++) { if (((l->m[i].rtyp>BEGIN_RING)&&(l->m[i].rtypm[i].rtyp==LIST_CMD)) { if (maApplyFetch(what,theMap,&ml->m[i],&l->m[i], preimage_r,perm,par_perm,P,nMap)) { ml->Clean(); omFreeBin((ADDRESS)ml, slists_bin); res->rtyp=0; return TRUE; } } else { ml->m[i].Copy(&l->m[i]); } } res->data=(char *)ml; break; } default: { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /*2 * substitutes the parameter par (from 1..N) by image, * does not destroy p and image */ poly pSubstPar(poly p, int par, poly image) { ideal theMapI = idInit(rPar(currRing),1); nMapFunc nMap = n_SetMap(currRing->cf->extRing->cf, currRing->cf->extRing->cf); int i; poly pp; for(i = rPar(currRing);i>0;i--) { if (i!=par) { pp=theMapI->m[i-1]=pOne(); lnumber n=(lnumber)pGetCoeff(pp); p_SetExp(n->z,i,1,currRing->cf->extRing); p_Setm(n->z,currRing->cf->extRing); } else theMapI->m[i-1]=pCopy(image); } map theMap=(map)theMapI; theMap->preimage=NULL; leftv v=(leftv)omAllocBin(sleftv_bin); sleftv tmpW; poly res=NULL; while (p!=NULL) { memset(&tmpW,0,sizeof(sleftv)); memset(v,0,sizeof(sleftv)); tmpW.rtyp=POLY_CMD; lnumber n=(lnumber)pGetCoeff(p); tmpW.data=n->z; if (n->n!=NULL) WarnS("ignoring denominators of coefficients..."); if (maApplyFetch(MAP_CMD,theMap,v,&tmpW,currRing->cf->extRing,NULL,NULL,0,nMap)) { WerrorS("map failed"); v->data=NULL; } pp=pHead(p); //PrintS("map:");pWrite(pp); pSetCoeff(pp,nInit(1)); //PrintS("->");pWrite((poly)(v->data)); poly ppp=pMult((poly)(v->data),pp); //PrintS("->");pWrite(ppp); res=pAdd(res,ppp); pIter(p); } idDelete((ideal *)(&theMap)); omFreeBin((ADDRESS)v, sleftv_bin); return res; } /*2 * substitute the n-th parameter by the poly e in id * does not destroy id and e */ ideal idSubstPar(ideal id, int n, poly e) { int k=MATROWS((matrix)id)*MATCOLS((matrix)id); ideal res=(ideal)mpNew(MATROWS((matrix)id),MATCOLS((matrix)id)); res->rank = id->rank; for(k--;k>=0;k--) { res->m[k]=pSubstPar(id->m[k],n,e); } return res; } /*2 * substitutes the variable var (from 1..N) by image, * does not destroy p and image */ poly pSubstPoly(poly p, int var, poly image) { if (p==NULL) return NULL; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(currRing)) { return pSubst(pCopy(p),var,image); } #endif map theMap=(map)idMaxIdeal(1); theMap->preimage=NULL; pDelete(&(theMap->m[var-1])); theMap->m[var-1]=pCopy(image); poly res=NULL; #ifdef FAST_MAP if (pGetComp(p)==0) { ideal src_id=idInit(1,1); src_id->m[0]=p; ideal res_id=fast_map(src_id,currRing,(ideal)theMap,currRing); res=res_id->m[0]; res_id->m[0]=NULL; idDelete(&res_id); src_id->m[0]=NULL; idDelete(&src_id); } else #endif { sleftv tmpW; memset(&tmpW,0,sizeof(sleftv)); tmpW.rtyp=POLY_CMD; tmpW.data=p; leftv v=(leftv)omAlloc0Bin(sleftv_bin); if (maApplyFetch(MAP_CMD,theMap,v,&tmpW,currRing,NULL,NULL,0, n_SetMap(currRing->cf, currRing->cf))) { WerrorS("map failed"); v->data=NULL; } res=(poly)(v->data); omFreeBin((ADDRESS)v, sleftv_bin); } idDelete((ideal *)(&theMap)); return res; } /*2 * substitute the n-th variable by the poly e in id * does not destroy id and e */ ideal idSubstPoly(ideal id, int n, poly e) { #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(currRing)) { int k=MATROWS((matrix)id)*MATCOLS((matrix)id); ideal res=(ideal)mpNew(MATROWS((matrix)id),MATCOLS((matrix)id)); res->rank = id->rank; for(k--;k>=0;k--) { res->m[k]=pSubst(pCopy(id->m[k]),n,e); } return res; } #endif map theMap=(map)idMaxIdeal(1); theMap->preimage=NULL; pDelete(&(theMap->m[n-1])); theMap->m[n-1]=pCopy(e); leftv v=(leftv)omAlloc0Bin(sleftv_bin); sleftv tmpW; memset(&tmpW,0,sizeof(sleftv)); tmpW.rtyp=IDEAL_CMD; tmpW.data=id; if (maApplyFetch(MAP_CMD,theMap,v,&tmpW,currRing,NULL,NULL,0, n_SetMap(currRing->cf, currRing->cf))) { WerrorS("map failed"); v->data=NULL; } ideal res=(ideal)(v->data); idDelete((ideal *)(&theMap)); omFreeBin((ADDRESS)v, sleftv_bin); return res; }