/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /*************************************************************** * File: p_polys.cc * Purpose: implementation of currRing independent poly procedures * Author: obachman (Olaf Bachmann) * Created: 8/00 * Version: $Id: p_polys.cc,v 1.18 2002-01-19 14:48:17 obachman Exp $ *******************************************************************/ #include "mod2.h" #include "structs.h" #include "tok.h" #include "p_polys.h" #include "ring.h" /*************************************************************** * * Completing what needs to be set for the monomial * ***************************************************************/ // this is special for the syz stuff static int* _Components = NULL; static long* _ShiftedComponents = NULL; static int _ExternalComponents = 0; void p_Setm_General(poly p, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); int pos=0; if (r->typ!=NULL) { loop { long ord=0; sro_ord* o=&(r->typ[pos]); switch(o->ord_typ) { case ro_dp: { int a,e; a=o->data.dp.start; e=o->data.dp.end; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) ord+=p_GetExp(p,i,r); p->exp[o->data.dp.place]=ord; break; } case ro_wp_neg: ord=POLY_NEGWEIGHT_OFFSET; // no break; case ro_wp: { int a,e; a=o->data.wp.start; e=o->data.wp.end; int *w=o->data.wp.weights; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) ord+=p_GetExp(p,i,r)*w[i-a]; p->exp[o->data.wp.place]=ord; break; } case ro_cp: { int a,e; a=o->data.cp.start; e=o->data.cp.end; int pl=o->data.cp.place; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) { p->exp[pl]=p_GetExp(p,i,r); pl++; } break; } case ro_syzcomp: { int c=p_GetComp(p,r); long sc = c; int* Components = (_ExternalComponents ? _Components : o->data.syzcomp.Components); long* ShiftedComponents = (_ExternalComponents ? _ShiftedComponents: o->data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents); if (ShiftedComponents != NULL) { assume(Components != NULL); assume(c == 0 || Components[c] != 0); sc = ShiftedComponents[Components[c]]; assume(c == 0 || sc != 0); } p->exp[o->data.syzcomp.place]=sc; break; } case ro_syz: { int c=p_GetComp(p, r); if (c > o->data.syz.limit) p->exp[o->data.syz.place] = o->data.syz.curr_index; else if (c > 0) p->exp[o->data.syz.place]= o->data.syz.syz_index[c]; else { assume(c == 0); p->exp[o->data.syz.place]= 0; } break; } default: dReportError("wrong ord in rSetm:%d\n",o->ord_typ); return; } pos++; if (pos == r->OrdSize) return; } } } void p_Setm_Syz(poly p, ring r, int* Components, long* ShiftedComponents) { _Components = Components; _ShiftedComponents = ShiftedComponents; _ExternalComponents = 1; p_Setm_General(p, r); _ExternalComponents = 0; } // dummy for lp, ls, etc void p_Setm_Dummy(poly p, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); } // for dp, Dp, ds, etc void p_Setm_TotalDegree(poly p, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] = p_ExpVectorQuerSum(p, r); } // for wp, Wp, ws, etc void p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] = pWFirstTotalDegree(p, r); } p_SetmProc p_GetSetmProc(ring r) { // covers lp, rp, ls, if (r->typ == NULL) return p_Setm_Dummy; if (r->OrdSize == 1) { if (r->typ[0].ord_typ == ro_dp && r->typ[0].data.dp.start == 1 && r->typ[0].data.dp.end == r->N && r->typ[0].data.dp.place == r->pOrdIndex) return p_Setm_TotalDegree; if (r->typ[0].ord_typ == ro_wp && r->typ[0].data.wp.start == 1 && r->typ[0].data.wp.end == r->N && r->typ[0].data.wp.place == r->pOrdIndex && r->typ[0].data.wp.weights == r->firstwv) return p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree; } return p_Setm_General; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* several possibilities for pFDeg: the degree of the head term */ /*2 * compute the degree of the leading monomial of p * the ordering is compatible with degree, use a->order */ inline long _pDeg(poly a, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(a, r); assume(p_GetOrder(a, r) == pWTotaldegree(a, r)); return p_GetOrder(a, r); } long pDeg(poly a, ring r) { return _pDeg(a, r); } /*2 * compute the degree of the leading monomial of p * with respect to weigths 1 * (all are 1 so save multiplications or they are of different signs) * the ordering is not compatible with degree so do not use p->Order */ inline long _pTotaldegree(poly p, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); return (long) p_ExpVectorQuerSum(p, r); } long pTotaldegree(poly p, ring r) { return (long) _pTotaldegree(p, r); } // pWTotalDegree for weighted orderings // whose first block covers all variables inline long _pWFirstTotalDegree(poly p, ring r) { int i; long sum = 0; for (i=1; i<= r->firstBlockEnds; i++) { sum += p_GetExp(p, i, r)*r->firstwv[i-1]; } return sum; } long pWFirstTotalDegree(poly p, ring r) { return (long) _pWFirstTotalDegree(p, r); } /*2 * compute the degree of the leading monomial of p * with respect to weigths from the ordering * the ordering is not compatible with degree so do not use p->Order */ long pWTotaldegree(poly p, ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); int i, k; long j =0; // iterate through each block: for (i=0;r->order[i]!=0;i++) { switch(r->order[i]) { case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_Ws: for (k=r->block0[i];k<=r->block1[i];k++) { // in jedem block: j+= p_GetExp(p,k,r)*r->wvhdl[i][k - r->block0[i]]; } break; case ringorder_M: case ringorder_lp: case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_Dp: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_rp: for (k=r->block0[i];k<=r->block1[i];k++) { j+= p_GetExp(p,k,r); } break; case ringorder_c: case ringorder_C: case ringorder_S: case ringorder_s: case ringorder_aa: break; case ringorder_a: for (k=r->block0[i];k<=r->block1[i];k++) { // only one line j+= p_GetExp(p,k, r)*r->wvhdl[i][ k- r->block0[i]]; } return j; } } return j; } int pWeight(int i, ring r) { if ((r->firstwv==NULL) || (i>r->firstBlockEnds)) { return 1; } return r->firstwv[i-1]; } long pWDegree(poly p, ring r) { if (r->firstwv==NULL) return pTotaldegree(p, r); p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); int i, k; long j =0; for(i=1;i<=r->firstBlockEnds;i++) j+=p_GetExp(p, i, r)*r->firstwv[i-1]; for (;i<=r->N;i++) j+=p_GetExp(p,i, r)*pWeight(i, r); return j; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* several possibilities for pLDeg: the maximal degree of a monomial in p*/ /* compute in l also the pLength of p */ /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: the last one */ long pLDeg0(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); Exponent_t k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; if (k > 0) { while ((pNext(p)!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(pNext(p), r)==k)) { pIter(p); ll++; } } else { while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { pIter(p); ll++; } } *l=ll; return r->pFDeg(p, r); } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: the last one * but search in all components before syzcomp */ long pLDeg0c(poly p,int *l, ring r) { assume(p!=NULL); #ifdef PDEBUG _p_Test(p,r,PDEBUG); #endif p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long o; int ll=1; if (! rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { while (pNext(p) != NULL) { pIter(p); ll++; } o = r->pFDeg(p, r); } else { int curr_limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); poly pp = p; while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=curr_limit/*syzComp*/) ll++; else break; pp = p; } #ifdef PDEBUG _p_Test(pp,r,PDEBUG); #endif o = r->pFDeg(pp, r); } *l=ll; return o; } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: the first one * this works for the polynomial case with degree orderings * (both c,dp and dp,c) */ long pLDegb(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); Exponent_t k= p_GetComp(p, r); long o = r->pFDeg(p, r); int ll=1; if (k != 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p)) !=NULL) { ll++; } } *l=ll; return o; } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: * this is NOT the last one, we have to look for it */ long pLDeg1(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); Exponent_t k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: * this is NOT the last one, we have to look for it * in all components */ long pLDeg1c(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=r->pFDeg(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=r->pFDeg(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } // like pLDeg1, only pFDeg == pDeg long pLDeg1_Deg(poly p,int *l, ring r) { assume(r->pFDeg == pDeg); p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); Exponent_t k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=_pDeg(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=_pDeg(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=_pDeg(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } long pLDeg1c_Deg(poly p,int *l, ring r) { assume(r->pFDeg == pDeg); p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=_pDeg(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=_pDeg(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=_pDeg(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } // like pLDeg1, only pFDeg == pTotoalDegree long pLDeg1_Totaldegree(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); Exponent_t k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=_pTotaldegree(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=_pTotaldegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=_pTotaldegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } long pLDeg1c_Totaldegree(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=_pTotaldegree(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=_pTotaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=_pTotaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } // like pLDeg1, only pFDeg == pWFirstTotalDegree long pLDeg1_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); Exponent_t k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=_pWFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=_pWFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=_pWFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } long pLDeg1c_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p,int *l, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=_pWFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=_pTotaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=_pTotaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } /*************************************************************** * * Maximal Exponent business * ***************************************************************/ static inline unsigned long p_GetMaxExpL2(unsigned long l1, unsigned long l2, ring r, unsigned long number_of_exp) { const unsigned long bitmask = r->bitmask; unsigned long ml1 = l1 & bitmask; unsigned long ml2 = l2 & bitmask; unsigned long max = (ml1 > ml2 ? ml1 : ml2); unsigned long j = number_of_exp - 1; if (j > 0) { unsigned long mask = bitmask << r->BitsPerExp; while (1) { ml1 = l1 & mask; ml2 = l2 & mask; max |= ((ml1 > ml2 ? ml1 : ml2) & mask); j--; if (j == 0) break; mask = mask << r->BitsPerExp; } } return max; } static inline unsigned long p_GetMaxExpL2(unsigned long l1, unsigned long l2, ring r) { return p_GetMaxExpL2(l1, l2, r, r->ExpPerLong); } poly p_GetMaxExpP(poly p, ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); if (p == NULL) return p_Init(r); poly max = p_LmInit(p, r); pIter(p); if (p == NULL) return max; int i, offset; unsigned long l_p, l_max; unsigned long divmask = r->divmask; do { offset = r->VarL_Offset[0]; l_p = p->exp[offset]; l_max = max->exp[offset]; // do the divisibility trick to find out whether l has an exponent if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) max->exp[offset] = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); for (i=1; iVarL_Size; i++) { offset = r->VarL_Offset[i]; l_p = p->exp[offset]; l_max = max->exp[offset]; // do the divisibility trick to find out whether l has an exponent if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) max->exp[offset] = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); } pIter(p); } while (p != NULL); return max; } unsigned long p_GetMaxExpL(poly p, ring r, unsigned long l_max) { unsigned long l_p, divmask = r->divmask; int i; while (p != NULL) { l_p = p->exp[r->VarL_Offset[0]]; if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) l_max = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); for (i=1; iVarL_Size; i++) { l_p = p->exp[r->VarL_Offset[i]]; // do the divisibility trick to find out whether l has an exponent if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) l_max = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); } pIter(p); } return l_max; } /*************************************************************** * * Misc things * ***************************************************************/ // returns TRUE, if all monoms have the same component BOOLEAN p_OneComp(poly p, ring r) { if(p!=NULL) { long i = p_GetComp(p, r); while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { pIter(p); if(i != p_GetComp(p, r)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*2 *test if a monomial /head term is a pure power */ int p_IsPurePower(const poly p, const ring r) { int i,k=0; for (i=r->N;i;i--) { if (p_GetExp(p,i, r)!=0) { if(k!=0) return 0; k=i; } } return k; } /*2 * returns a polynomial representing the integer i */ poly p_ISet(int i, ring r) { poly rc = NULL; if (i!=0) { rc = p_Init(r); pSetCoeff0(rc,r->cf->nInit(i)); if (r->cf->nIsZero(p_GetCoeff(rc,r))) p_DeleteLm(&rc,r); } return rc; } /*2 * returns a polynomial representing the number n * destroys n */ poly p_NSet(number n, ring r) { if (r->cf->nIsZero(n)) { r->cf->cfDelete(&n, r); return NULL; } else { poly rc = p_Init(r); pSetCoeff0(rc,n); return rc; } } /*************************************************************** * * p_ShallowDelete * ***************************************************************/ #undef LINKAGE #define LINKAGE #undef p_Delete #define p_Delete p_ShallowDelete #undef n_Delete #define n_Delete(n, r) ((void)0) #include "p_Delete__T.cc"