// -*- c++ -*- //***************************************************************************** /** @file pyobject.cc * * @author Alexander Dreyer * @date 2010-12-15 * * This file defines the @c blackbox operations for the pyobject type. * * @par Copyright: * (c) 2010 by The Singular Team, see LICENSE file **/ //***************************************************************************** #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "subexpr.h" #include "lists.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "blackbox.h" #include // #include // std::distance // #include void sync_contexts(); /** @class PythonInterpreter * This class initializes and finalized the python interpreter. * * It also stores the Singular token number, which is assigned to this type on * runtime. **/ class PythonInterpreter { public: typedef int id_type; ~PythonInterpreter() { if(m_owns_python) Py_Finalize(); } /// Initialize unique (singleton) python interpreter instance, /// and set Singular type identifier static void init(id_type num ) { instance().m_id = num; } /// Get Singular type identitfier static id_type id() { return instance().m_id; } private: /// Singleton: Only init() is allowed to construct an instance PythonInterpreter(): m_id(0), m_owns_python(false) { start_python(); } /// Static initialization - /// safely takes care of destruction on program termination static PythonInterpreter& instance() { static PythonInterpreter init_interpreter; return init_interpreter; } void start_python() { if (!Py_IsInitialized()) init_python(); set_python_defaults(); } void init_python() { Py_Initialize(); m_owns_python = true; } void set_python_defaults() { // Sone python modules needs argc, argv set for some reason char* argv = ""; PySys_SetArgv(1, &argv); PyRun_SimpleString("from sys import path, modules"); PyRun_SimpleString("_SINGULAR_IMPORTED = dict()"); char cmd[MAXPATHLEN + 20]; sprintf(cmd, "path.insert(0, '%s')", feGetResource('b')); PyRun_SimpleString(cmd); PyRun_SimpleString("del path"); // cleanup } id_type m_id; bool m_owns_python; }; /** @class PythonObject * This class defines an interface for calling PyObject from Singular. * * @note This class does not take care of the memory mangement, this is done in * the blackbox routines. **/ class PythonObject { typedef PythonObject self; public: typedef PyObject* ptr_type; struct sequence_tag{}; PythonObject(): m_ptr(Py_None) { } PythonObject(ptr_type ptr): m_ptr(ptr) {if (!ptr) handle_exception();} ptr_type check_context(ptr_type ptr) const { if(ptr) sync_contexts(); return ptr; } /// Unary operations self operator()(int op) const { switch(op) { case '(': return check_context(PyObject_CallObject(*this, NULL)); case ATTRIB_CMD: return PyObject_Dir(*this); case PROC_CMD: return *this; } if (op == PythonInterpreter::id()) return *this; Werror("unary operation '%s` not implemented for 'pyobject`", iiTwoOps(op)); return self(); } /// Binary and n-ary operations self operator()(int op, const self& arg) const { switch(op) { case '+': return PyNumber_Add(*this, arg); case '-': return PyNumber_Subtract(*this, arg); case '*': return PyNumber_Multiply(*this, arg); case '/': return PyNumber_Divide(*this, arg); case '^': return PyNumber_Power(*this, arg, Py_None); case '(': return check_context(PyObject_CallObject(*this, arg)); case '[': return operator[](arg); case KILLATTR_CMD: return del_attr(arg); case LIST_CMD: return args2list(arg); case '.': case COLONCOLON: case ATTRIB_CMD: return attr(arg); } Werror("binary operation '%d` not implemented for 'pyobject`", iiTwoOps(op)); return self(); } /// Ternary operations self operator()(int op, const self& arg1, const self& arg2) const { switch(op) { case ATTRIB_CMD: PyObject_SetAttr(*this, arg1, arg2); return self(); } Werror("ternary operation %s not implemented for 'pyobject`", iiTwoOps(op)); return self(); } /// Get item self operator[](const self& idx) const { return PyObject_GetItem(*this, idx); } self operator[](long idx) const { return operator[](PyInt_FromLong(idx)); } /// Get actual PyObject* operator const ptr_type() const { return m_ptr; } /// Get representative as C-style string char* repr() const { return omStrDup(PyString_AsString(PyObject_Repr(*this))); } /// Extract C-style string char* str() const { return omStrDup(PyString_AsString(*this)); } Py_ssize_t size() const { return PyObject_Size(m_ptr); } BOOLEAN assign_to(leftv result) { return (m_ptr == Py_None? none_to(result): python_to(result)); } void import_as(const char* name) const { idhdl handle = enterid(omStrDup(name), 0, DEF_CMD, &IDROOT, FALSE); if (handle) { IDDATA(handle) = (char*)m_ptr; Py_XINCREF(m_ptr); IDTYP(handle) = PythonInterpreter::id(); } else { Werror("Importing pyobject to Singular failed"); } } int compare(int op, const self& arg) const { return PyObject_RichCompareBool(*this, arg, py_opid(op)); } self attr(const self& arg) const { return PyObject_GetAttr(*this, arg); } self del_attr(const self& arg) const { if (!PyObject_HasAttr(*this, arg)) Werror("Cannot delete attribute %s.", arg.repr()); else PyObject_DelAttr(*this, arg); return self(); } protected: self args2list(const self& args) const { self pylist(PyList_New(0)); PyList_Append(pylist, *this); if(PyTuple_Check(args)) pylist.append_iter(PyObject_GetIter(args)); else PyList_Append(pylist, args); return pylist; } void handle_exception() { PyObject *pType, *pMessage, *pTraceback; PyErr_Fetch(&pType, &pMessage, &pTraceback); Werror("pyobject error occured"); Werror(PyString_AsString(pMessage)); Py_XDECREF(pType); Py_XDECREF(pMessage); Py_XDECREF(pTraceback); PyErr_Clear(); } void append_iter(self iterator) { ptr_type item; while (item = PyIter_Next(iterator)) { PyList_Append(*this, item); Py_DECREF(item); } } int py_opid(int op) const{ switch(op) { case '<': return Py_LT; case '>': return Py_GT; case EQUAL_EQUAL: return Py_EQ; case NOTEQUAL: return Py_NE; case GE: return Py_GE; case LE: return Py_LE; } return -1; } private: BOOLEAN none_to(leftv result) const { result->data = NULL; result->rtyp = NONE; return FALSE; } BOOLEAN python_to(leftv result) const { result->data = m_ptr; Py_XINCREF(m_ptr); result->rtyp = PythonInterpreter::id(); return !m_ptr; } /// The actual pointer ptr_type m_ptr; }; /** @class PythonCastStatic * This template class does conversion of Singular objects to python objects on * compile-time. * * @note The Singular objects are assumed to be equivalent to the template argument. **/ template class PythonCastStatic: public PythonObject { public: PythonCastStatic(void* value): PythonObject(get(reinterpret_cast(value))) {} PythonCastStatic(leftv value): PythonObject(get(reinterpret_cast(value->Data()))) {} private: ptr_type get(ptr_type value) { return value; } ptr_type get(long value) { return PyInt_FromLong(value); } ptr_type get(const char* value) { return PyString_FromString(value); } ptr_type get(char* value) { return get(const_cast(value)); } ptr_type get(lists value); // inlined after PythonObjectDynamic }; /** @class PythonCastDynamic * This class does conversion of Singular objects to python objects on runtime. * **/ class PythonCastDynamic: public PythonObject { typedef PythonCastDynamic self; public: PythonCastDynamic(leftv value): PythonObject(get(value, value->Typ())) {} private: PythonObject get(leftv value, int typeId) { if (typeId == PythonInterpreter::id()) return PythonCastStatic<>(value); switch (typeId) { case INT_CMD: return PythonCastStatic(value); case STRING_CMD: return PythonCastStatic(value); case LIST_CMD: return PythonCastStatic(value); } if (typeId > MAX_TOK) // custom types { blackbox *bbx = getBlackboxStuff(typeId); sleftv tmp; if (! bbx->blackbox_Op1(PythonInterpreter::id(), &tmp, value) ) return PythonCastStatic<>(&tmp); } else Werror("type '%s` incompatible with 'pyobject`", iiTwoOps(typeId)); return PythonObject(); } }; template inline PythonObject::ptr_type PythonCastStatic::get(lists value) { ptr_type pylist(PyList_New(0)); for (size_t i = 0; i <= value->nr; ++i) PyList_Append(pylist, PythonCastDynamic((value->m) + i)); return pylist; } /// Template specialization for getting handling sequence template <> class PythonCastStatic: public PythonObject { public: PythonCastStatic(leftv value): PythonObject(PyTuple_New(size(value))) { append_to(value); } private: size_t size(leftv iter, size_t distance = 0) const { if (iter) { do { ++distance; } while(iter = iter->next); }; return distance; } void append_to(leftv iter) const { for(size_t idx = 0; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) PyTuple_SetItem(*this, idx++, PythonCastDynamic(iter)); } }; PythonObject get_attrib_name(leftv arg) { typedef PythonCastStatic result_type; if (arg->Typ() == STRING_CMD) return result_type(arg); return result_type((void*)arg->Name()); } /// Evaluate string in python PythonObject python_eval(const char* arg) { PyObject* globals = PyModule_GetDict(PyImport_Import(PyString_FromString("__main__"))); return PyRun_String(arg, Py_eval_input, globals, globals); } /// Evaluate string in python from Singular BOOLEAN python_eval(leftv result, leftv arg) { if ( !arg || (arg->Typ() != STRING_CMD) ) { Werror("expected python_eval('string')"); return TRUE; } return python_eval(reinterpret_cast(arg->Data())).assign_to(result); } /// Execute string in python from Singular BOOLEAN python_run(leftv result, leftv arg) { if ( !arg || (arg->Typ() != STRING_CMD) ) { Werror("expected python_run('string')"); return TRUE; } PyRun_SimpleString(reinterpret_cast(arg->Data())); sync_contexts(); return PythonCastStatic<>(Py_None).assign_to(result); } PythonObject names_from_module(const char* module_name) { char buffer[strlen(module_name) + 30]; sprintf (buffer, "SINGULAR_MODULE_NAME = '%s'", module_name); PyRun_SimpleString(buffer); PyRun_SimpleString("from sys import modules"); PyRun_SimpleString("exec('from ' + SINGULAR_MODULE_NAME + ' import *')"); return python_eval("[str for str in dir(modules[SINGULAR_MODULE_NAME]) if str[0] != '_']"); } void from_module_import_all(const char* module_name) { char buffer[strlen(module_name) + 20]; sprintf (buffer, "from %s import *", module_name); PyRun_SimpleString(buffer); } /// import python module and export identifiers in Singular namespace BOOLEAN python_import(leftv result, leftv value) { if ((value == NULL) || (value->Typ()!= STRING_CMD)) { Werror("expected python_import('string')"); return TRUE; } from_module_import_all(reinterpret_cast(value->Data())); sync_contexts(); return PythonCastStatic<>(Py_None).assign_to(result); } /// blackbox support - initialization void* pyobject_Init(blackbox*) { return Py_None; } /// blackbox support - convert to string representation char* pyobject_String(blackbox *b, void* ptr) { return PythonCastStatic<>(ptr).repr(); } /// blackbox support - copy element void* pyobject_Copy(blackbox*b, void* ptr) { Py_XINCREF(ptr); return ptr; } /// blackbox support - assign element BOOLEAN pyobject_Assign(leftv l, leftv r) { Py_XDECREF(l->Data()); PyObject* result = PythonCastDynamic(r); Py_XINCREF(result); if (l->rtyp == IDHDL) IDDATA((idhdl)l->data) = (char *)result; else l->data = (void *)result; return !result; } /// blackbox support - unary operations BOOLEAN pyobject_Op1(int op, leftv res, leftv head) { switch(op) { case INT_CMD: // built-in return types first { long value = PyInt_AsLong(PythonCastStatic<>(head)); if( (value == -1) && PyErr_Occurred() ) { Werror("'pyobject` cannot be converted to integer"); PyErr_Clear(); return TRUE; } res->data = (void*) value; res->rtyp = INT_CMD; return FALSE; } case TYPEOF_CMD: res->data = (void*) omStrDup("pyobject"); res->rtyp = STRING_CMD; return FALSE; case LIST_CMD: return FALSE; } return PythonCastStatic<>(head)(op).assign_to(res); } /// blackbox support - binary operations BOOLEAN pyobject_Op2(int op, leftv res, leftv arg1, leftv arg2) { PythonCastStatic<> lhs(arg1); switch(op) // built-in return types and special cases first { case '<': case '>': case EQUAL_EQUAL: case NOTEQUAL: case GE: case LE: { res->data = (void *)lhs.compare(op, PythonCastDynamic(arg2)); res->rtyp = INT_CMD; return FALSE; } case '.': case COLONCOLON: case ATTRIB_CMD: return lhs.attr(get_attrib_name(arg2)).assign_to(res); } PythonCastDynamic rhs(arg2); return lhs(op, rhs).assign_to(res); } /// blackbox support - ternary operations BOOLEAN pyobject_Op3(int op, leftv res, leftv arg1, leftv arg2, leftv arg3) { PythonCastStatic<> lhs(arg1); PythonCastDynamic rhs1(arg2); PythonCastDynamic rhs2(arg3); return lhs(op, rhs1, rhs2).assign_to(res); } /// blackbox support - n-ary operations BOOLEAN pyobject_OpM(int op, leftv res, leftv args) { typedef PythonCastStatic seq_type; switch(op) // built-in return types first { case STRING_CMD: { blackbox* a = getBlackboxStuff(args->Typ()); res->data = (void *)a->blackbox_String(a, args->Data()); res->rtyp = STRING_CMD; return FALSE; } } typedef PythonCastStatic seq_type; return PythonCastStatic<>(args)(op, seq_type(args->next)).assign_to(res); } /// blackbox support - destruction void pyobject_destroy(blackbox *b, void* ptr) { Py_XDECREF(ptr); } PyObject* get_current_definition(const char* name) { idhdl handle = ggetid(name); if (!handle || (IDTYP(handle) != PythonInterpreter::id())) return NULL; PythonCastStatic value(IDDATA(handle)); return value; } /// getting stuff from python to Singular namespace void sync_contexts() { PyRun_SimpleString("_SINGULAR_NEW = modules['__main__'].__dict__.copy()"); PythonObject newElts = python_eval("[(_k, _e) \ for (_k, _e) in _SINGULAR_NEW.iteritems() \ if _k not in _SINGULAR_IMPORTED or not _SINGULAR_IMPORTED[_k] is _e]"); long len = newElts.size(); for (long idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) { char* name = newElts[idx][0].str(); if (name && (*name != '\0') && (*name != '_')) { Py_XDECREF(get_current_definition(name)); newElts[idx][1].import_as(name); } } PythonObject deletedElts = python_eval("list(set(_SINGULAR_IMPORTED.iterkeys()) - \ set(_SINGULAR_NEW.iterkeys()))"); len = deletedElts.size(); for (long idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) { char* name = deletedElts[idx].str(); if (name && (*name != '\0') && (*name != '_')) killid(name, &IDROOT); } PyRun_SimpleString("_SINGULAR_IMPORTED =_SINGULAR_NEW"); PyRun_SimpleString("del _SINGULAR_NEW"); } // forward declaration int iiAddCproc(char *libname, char *procname, BOOLEAN pstatic, BOOLEAN(*func)(leftv res, leftv v)); #define ADD_C_PROC(name) iiAddCproc("", (char*)#name, FALSE, name); void pyobject_init() { blackbox *b = (blackbox*)omAlloc0(sizeof(blackbox)); b->blackbox_destroy = pyobject_destroy; b->blackbox_String = pyobject_String; b->blackbox_Init = pyobject_Init; b->blackbox_Copy = pyobject_Copy; b->blackbox_Assign = pyobject_Assign; b->blackbox_Op1 = pyobject_Op1; b->blackbox_Op2 = pyobject_Op2; b->blackbox_Op3 = pyobject_Op3; b->blackbox_OpM = pyobject_OpM; PythonInterpreter::init(setBlackboxStuff(b,"pyobject")); ADD_C_PROC(python_import); ADD_C_PROC(python_eval); ADD_C_PROC(python_run); } extern "C" { void mod_init() { pyobject_init(); } }