/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id: silink.cc,v 1.11 1997-04-29 12:02:23 Singular Exp $ */ /* * ABSTRACT: general interface to links */ #include #include #include "mod2.h" #include "tok.h" #include "mmemory.h" #include "febase.h" #include "subexpr.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "silink.h" #include "ipshell.h" #include "ring.h" #include "lists.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "intvec.h" /* declarations */ static BOOLEAN DumpAscii(FILE *fd, idhdl h); static BOOLEAN DumpAsciiIdhdl(FILE *fd, idhdl h); static char* GetIdString(idhdl h); static int DumpRhs(FILE *fd, idhdl h); static BOOLEAN DumpQring(FILE *fd, idhdl h, char *type_str); static BOOLEAN DumpAsciiMaps(FILE *fd, idhdl h, idhdl rhdl); /* ====================================================================== */ si_link_extension si_link_root=NULL; BOOLEAN slInit(si_link l, char *istr) { char *type = NULL, *mode = NULL, *name = NULL; int i = 0, j; // set mode and type if (istr != NULL) { // find the first colon char in istr i = 0; while (istr[i] != ':' && istr[i] != '\0') i++; if (istr[i] == ':') { // if found, set type if (i > 0) { istr[i] = '\0'; type = mstrdup(istr); istr[i] = ':'; } // and check for mode j = ++i; while (istr[j] != ' ' && istr[j] != '\0') j++; if (j > i) { mode = mstrdup(&(istr[i])); mode[j - i] = '\0'; } // and for the name while (istr[j] == ' '&& istr[j] != '\0') j++; if (istr[j] != '\0') name = mstrdup(&(istr[j])); } else // no colon find -- string is entire name { j=0; while (istr[j] == ' '&& istr[j] != '\0') j++; if (istr[j] != '\0') name = mstrdup(&(istr[j])); } } // set the link extension if (type != NULL) { si_link_extension s = si_link_root; while (s != NULL && (strcmp(s->type, type) != 0)) s = s->next; if (s != NULL) l->m = s; else { Warn("Found unknown link type: %s", type); Warn("Use default link type: %s", si_link_root->type); l->m = si_link_root; } FreeL(type); } else l->m = si_link_root; l->name = (name != NULL ? name : mstrdup("")); l->mode = (mode != NULL ? mode : mstrdup("")); l->ref = 1; return FALSE; } void slCleanUp(si_link l) { (l->ref)--; if (l->ref == 0) { if (SI_LINK_OPEN_P(l)) slClose(l); FreeL((ADDRESS)l->name); FreeL((ADDRESS)l->mode); memset((void *) l, 0, sizeof(ip_link)); } } void slKill(si_link l) { slCleanUp(l); if (l->ref == 0) Free((ADDRESS)l, sizeof(ip_link)); } char* slStatus(si_link l, char *request) { if (l == NULL) return "empty link"; else if (l->m == NULL) return "unknown link type"; else if (strcmp(request, "type") == 0) return l->m->type; else if (strcmp(request, "mode") == 0) return l->mode; else if (strcmp(request, "name") == 0) return l->name; else if (strcmp(request, "open") == 0) { if (SI_LINK_OPEN_P(l)) return "yes"; else return "no"; } else if (strcmp(request, "openread") == 0) { if (SI_LINK_R_OPEN_P(l)) return "yes"; else return "no"; } else if (strcmp(request, "openwrite") == 0) { if (SI_LINK_W_OPEN_P(l)) return "yes"; else return "no"; } else if (l->m->Status == NULL) return "unknown status request"; else return l->m->Status(l, request); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOLEAN slOpen(si_link l, short flag) { BOOLEAN res; if (l->m == NULL) slInit(l, ""); if (SI_LINK_OPEN_P(l)) { Warn("open: link of type: %s, mode: %s, name: %s is already open", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return FALSE; } else if (l->m->Open != NULL) res = l->m->Open(l, flag); else res = TRUE; if (res) Werror("open: Error for link of type: %s, mode: %s, name: %s", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return res; } BOOLEAN slClose(si_link l) { BOOLEAN res; if(! SI_LINK_OPEN_P(l)) return FALSE; else if (l->m->Close != NULL) return res = l->m->Close(l); else res = TRUE; if (res) Werror("close: Error for link of type: %s, mode: %s, name: %s", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return res; } leftv slRead(si_link l, leftv a) { leftv v = NULL; if( ! SI_LINK_R_OPEN_P(l)) // open r ? { if (slOpen(l, SI_LINK_READ)) return NULL; } if (SI_LINK_R_OPEN_P(l)) { // open r if (a==NULL) { if (l->m->Read != NULL) v = l->m->Read(l); } else { if (l->m->Read2 != NULL) v = l->m->Read2(l,a); } } else { Werror("read: Error to open link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s for reading", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return NULL; } // here comes the eval: if (v != NULL) v->Eval(); else Werror("read: Error for link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return v; } BOOLEAN slWrite(si_link l, leftv v) { BOOLEAN res; if(! SI_LINK_W_OPEN_P(l)) // open w ? { if (slOpen(l, SI_LINK_WRITE)) return TRUE; } if(SI_LINK_W_OPEN_P(l)) { // now open w if (l->m->Write != NULL) res = l->m->Write(l,v); else res = TRUE; if (res) Werror("write: Error for link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return res; } else { Werror("write: Error to open link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s for writing", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return TRUE; } } BOOLEAN slDump(si_link l) { BOOLEAN res; if(! SI_LINK_W_OPEN_P(l)) // open w ? { if (slOpen(l, SI_LINK_WRITE)) return TRUE; } if(SI_LINK_W_OPEN_P(l)) { // now open w if (l->m->Dump != NULL) res = l->m->Dump(l); else res = TRUE; if (res) Werror("dump: Error for link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return res; } else { Werror("dump: Error to open link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s for writing", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return TRUE; } } BOOLEAN slGetDump(si_link l) { BOOLEAN res; if(! SI_LINK_R_OPEN_P(l)) // open r ? { if (slOpen(l, SI_LINK_READ)) return TRUE; } if(SI_LINK_R_OPEN_P(l)) { // now open r if (l->m->GetDump != NULL) res = l->m->GetDump(l); else res = TRUE; if (res) Werror("getdump: Error for link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return res; } else { Werror("dump: Error open link of type %s, mode: %s, name: %s for reading", l->m->type, l->mode, l->name); return TRUE; } } /* =============== ASCII ============================================= */ BOOLEAN slOpenAscii(si_link l, short flag) { char *mode; if (flag == SI_LINK_OPEN) { if (l->mode[0] != '\0' && (strcmp(l->mode, "r") == 0)) flag = SI_LINK_READ; else flag = SI_LINK_WRITE; } if (flag == SI_LINK_READ) mode = "r"; else if (strcmp(l->mode, "w") == 0) mode = "w"; else mode = "a"; if (l->name[0] == '\0') { // stdin or stdout if (flag == SI_LINK_READ) { l->data = (void *) stdin; mode = "r"; } else { l->data = (void *) stdout; mode = "a"; } } else { // normal ascii link to a file FILE *outfile; char *filename=l->name; if(filename[0]=='>') { if (filename[1]=='>') { filename+=2; mode = "a"; } else { filename++; mode="w"; } } outfile=feFopen(filename,mode); if (outfile!=NULL) l->data = (void *) outfile; else return TRUE; } FreeL(l->mode); l->mode = mstrdup(mode); SI_LINK_SET_OPEN_P(l, flag); return FALSE; } BOOLEAN slCloseAscii(si_link l) { SI_LINK_SET_CLOSE_P(l); if (l->name[0] != '\0') { return (fclose((FILE *)l->data)!=0); } return FALSE; } leftv slReadAscii(si_link l) { FILE * fp=(FILE *)l->data; char * buf=NULL; if (fp!=NULL && l->name[0] != '\0') { fseek(fp,0L,SEEK_END); long len=ftell(fp); fseek(fp,0L,SEEK_SET); buf=(char *)AllocL((int)len+1); if (BVERBOSE(V_READING)) Print("//Reading %d chars\n",len); fread( buf, len, 1, fp); buf[len]='\0'; } else { PrintS("? "); mflush(); buf=(char *)AllocL(80); fe_fgets_stdin(buf,80); } leftv v=(leftv)Alloc0(sizeof(sleftv)); v->rtyp=STRING_CMD; v->data=buf; return v; } BOOLEAN slWriteAscii(si_link l, leftv v) { FILE *outfile=(FILE *)l->data; BOOLEAN err=FALSE; char *s; while (v!=NULL) { s = v->String(); // free v ?? if (s!=NULL) { fprintf(outfile,"%s\n",s); FreeL((ADDRESS)s); } else { Werror("cannot convert to string"); err=TRUE; } v = v->next; } fflush(outfile); return err; } char* slStatusAscii(si_link l, char* request) { if (strcmp(request, "read") == 0) { if (SI_LINK_R_OPEN_P(l)) return "ready"; else return "not ready"; } else if (strcmp(request, "write") == 0) { if (SI_LINK_W_OPEN_P(l)) return "ready"; else return "not ready"; } else return "unknown status request"; } /*------------------ Dumping in Ascii format -----------------------*/ BOOLEAN slDumpAscii(si_link l) { FILE *fd = (FILE *) l->data; idhdl h = idroot, rh = currRingHdl; BOOLEAN status = DumpAscii(fd, h); if (! status ) status = DumpAsciiMaps(fd, h, NULL); if (currRingHdl != rh) rSetHdl(rh, TRUE); fflush(fd); return status; } // we do that recursively, to dump ids in the the order in which they // were actually defined static BOOLEAN DumpAscii(FILE *fd, idhdl h) { if (h == NULL) return FALSE; if (DumpAscii(fd, IDNEXT(h))) return TRUE; // need to set the ring before writing it, otherwise we get in // trouble with minpoly if (IDTYP(h) == RING_CMD || IDTYP(h) == QRING_CMD) rSetHdl(h, TRUE); if (DumpAsciiIdhdl(fd, h)) return TRUE; if (IDTYP(h) == RING_CMD || IDTYP(h) == QRING_CMD) return DumpAscii(fd, IDRING(h)->idroot); else return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN DumpAsciiMaps(FILE *fd, idhdl h, idhdl rhdl) { if (h == NULL) return FALSE; if (DumpAsciiMaps(fd, IDNEXT(h), rhdl)) return TRUE; if (IDTYP(h) == RING_CMD || IDTYP(h) == QRING_CMD) return DumpAsciiMaps(fd, IDRING(h)->idroot, h); else if (IDTYP(h) == MAP_CMD) { char *rhs; rSetHdl(rhdl, TRUE); rhs = ((leftv) h)->String(); if (fprintf(fd, "setring %s;\n", IDID(rhdl)) == EOF) return TRUE; if (fprintf(fd, "%s %s = %s, %s;\n", Tok2Cmdname(MAP_CMD), IDID(h), IDMAP(h)->preimage, rhs) == EOF) { FreeL(rhs); return TRUE; } else { FreeL(rhs); return FALSE; } } else return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN DumpAsciiIdhdl(FILE *fd, idhdl h) { char *type_str = GetIdString(h); idtyp type_id = IDTYP(h); // we do not throw an error if a wrong type was attempted to be dumped if (type_str == NULL) return FALSE; // handle qrings separately if (type_id == QRING_CMD) return DumpQring(fd, h, type_str); if (type_id == STRING_CMD && strcmp("LIB", IDID(h)) == 0) { if (fprintf(fd, "LIB \"%s\";\n", IDSTRING(h)) == EOF) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // put type and name if (fprintf(fd, "%s %s", type_str, IDID(h)) == EOF) return TRUE; // for matricies, append the dimension if (type_id == MATRIX_CMD) { ideal id = IDIDEAL(h); if (fprintf(fd, "[%d][%d]", id->nrows, id->ncols)== EOF) return TRUE; } else if (type_id == INTMAT_CMD) { if (fprintf(fd, "[%d][%d]", IDINTVEC(h)->rows(), IDINTVEC(h)->cols()) == EOF) return TRUE; } // write the equal sign if (fprintf(fd, " = ") == EOF) return TRUE; // and the right hand side if (DumpRhs(fd, h) == EOF) return TRUE; // semicolon und tschuess if (fprintf(fd, ";\n") == EOF) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static char* GetIdString(idhdl h) { idtyp type = IDTYP(h); switch(type) { case LIST_CMD: { lists l = IDLIST(h); int i, nl = l->nr + 1; char *name; for (i=0; im[i])) == NULL) return NULL; } case INT_CMD: case INTVEC_CMD: case INTMAT_CMD: case STRING_CMD: case RING_CMD: case QRING_CMD: case PROC_CMD: case NUMBER_CMD: case POLY_CMD: case IDEAL_CMD: case VECTOR_CMD: case MODUL_CMD: case MATRIX_CMD: return Tok2Cmdname(type); case MAP_CMD: case LINK_CMD: return NULL; default: Warn("Error dump data of type %s", Tok2Cmdname(IDTYP(h))); return NULL; } } static BOOLEAN DumpQring(FILE *fd, idhdl h, char *type_str) { char *ring_str = ((leftv) h)->String(); if (fprintf(fd, "%s temp_ring = %s;\n", Tok2Cmdname(RING_CMD), ring_str) == EOF) return TRUE; if (fprintf(fd, "%s temp_ideal = %s;\n", Tok2Cmdname(IDEAL_CMD), iiStringMatrix((matrix) IDRING(h)->qideal, 1)) == EOF) return TRUE; if (fprintf(fd, "attrib(temp_ideal, \"isSB\", 1);\n") == EOF) return TRUE; if (fprintf(fd, "%s %s = temp_ideal;\n", type_str, IDID(h)) == EOF) return TRUE; if (fprintf(fd, "kill temp_ring;\n") == EOF) return TRUE; else { FreeL(ring_str); return FALSE; } } static int DumpRhs(FILE *fd, idhdl h) { idtyp type_id = IDTYP(h); if (type_id == LIST_CMD) { lists l = IDLIST(h); int i, nl = l->nr; fprintf(fd, "list("); for (i=0; im[i])) == EOF) return EOF; fprintf(fd, ","); } if (nl > 0) { if (DumpRhs(fd, (idhdl) &(l->m[nl])) == EOF) return EOF; } fprintf(fd, ")"); } else if (type_id == PROC_CMD || type_id == STRING_CMD) { char *pstr = IDSTRING(h), c; fputc('"', fd); while (*pstr != '\0') { if (*pstr == '"') fputc('\\', fd); fputc(*pstr, fd); pstr++; } fputc('"', fd); } else { char *rhs = ((leftv) h)->String(); if (rhs == NULL) return EOF; if (type_id == INTVEC_CMD) fprintf(fd, "intvec("); if (fprintf(fd, "%s", rhs) == EOF) return EOF; FreeL(rhs); if ((type_id == RING_CMD || type_id == QRING_CMD) && IDRING(h)->minpoly != NULL) { StringSetS(""); nWrite(IDRING(h)->minpoly); rhs = StringAppend(""); if (fprintf(fd, "; minpoly = %s", rhs) == EOF) return EOF; } else if (type_id == INTVEC_CMD) fprintf(fd, ")"); } return 1; } BOOLEAN slGetDumpAscii(si_link l) { if (l->name[0] == '\0') { Werror("getdump: Can not get dump from stdin"); return TRUE; } else { BOOLEAN status = iiPStart(NULL, l->name, NULL); if (status) return TRUE; else { // lets reset the file pointer to the end to reflect that // we are finished with reading FILE *f = (FILE *) l->data; fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END); return FALSE; } } } /*------------Initialization at Start-up time------------------------*/ #ifdef HAVE_DBM #include "sing_dbm.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPSR #include "sing_mp.h" #endif void slStandardInit() { si_link_extension s; si_link_root=(si_link_extension)Alloc0(sizeof(*si_link_root)); si_link_root->Open=slOpenAscii; si_link_root->Close=slCloseAscii; si_link_root->Read=slReadAscii; si_link_root->Write=slWriteAscii; si_link_root->Dump=slDumpAscii; si_link_root->GetDump=slGetDumpAscii; si_link_root->Status=slStatusAscii; si_link_root->type="Ascii"; s = si_link_root; #ifdef HAVE_DBM #ifndef HAVE_MODULE_DBM s->next = (si_link_extension)Alloc0(sizeof(*si_link_root)); s = s->next; slInitDBMExtension(s); #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPSR s->next = (si_link_extension)Alloc0(sizeof(*si_link_root)); s = s->next; slInitMPFileExtension(s); s->next = (si_link_extension)Alloc0(sizeof(*si_link_root)); s = s->next; slInitMPTcpExtension(s); #endif }