/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* * ABSTRACT - initialize SINGULARs components, run Script and start SHELL */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY #define SI_DONT_HAVE_GLOBAL_VARS #include #endif extern int iiInitArithmetic(); const char *singular_date=__DATE__ " " __TIME__; #include int mmInit( void ); int mmIsInitialized=mmInit(); extern "C" { void omSingOutOfMemoryFunc() { fprintf(stderr, "\nSingular error: no more memory\n"); omPrintStats(stderr); m2_end(14); /* should never get here */ exit(1); } } int mmInit( void ) { if(mmIsInitialized==0) { #ifndef LIBSINGULAR #if defined(OMALLOC_USES_MALLOC) || defined(X_OMALLOC) /* in mmstd.c, for some architectures freeSize() unconditionally uses the *system* free() */ /* sage ticket 5344: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5344 */ #include /* do not rely on the default in Singular as libsingular may be different */ mp_set_memory_functions(omMallocFunc,omReallocSizeFunc,omFreeSizeFunc); #else mp_set_memory_functions(malloc,reallocSize,freeSize); #endif #endif // ifndef LIBSINGULAR om_Opts.OutOfMemoryFunc = omSingOutOfMemoryFunc; #ifndef OM_NDEBUG om_Opts.ErrorHook = dErrorBreak; #endif omInitInfo(); #ifdef OM_SING_KEEP om_Opts.Keep = OM_SING_KEEP; #endif } mmIsInitialized=1; return 1; } #ifdef LIBSINGULAR int siInit(char *name) { // hack such that all shared' libs in the bindir are loaded correctly feInitResources(name); iiInitArithmetic(); #if 0 SingularBuilder::Ptr SingularInstance = SingularBuilder::instance(); #else basePack=(package)omAlloc0(sizeof(*basePack)); currPack=basePack; idhdl h; h=enterid("Top", 0, PACKAGE_CMD, &IDROOT, TRUE); IDPACKAGE(h)->language = LANG_TOP; IDPACKAGE(h)=basePack; currPackHdl=h; basePackHdl=h; slStandardInit(); myynest=0; #endif if (! feOptValue(FE_OPT_NO_STDLIB)) { int vv=verbose; verbose &= ~Sy_bit(V_LOAD_LIB); iiLibCmd(omStrDup("standard.lib"), TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); verbose=vv; } errorreported = 0; } #endif #if ! defined(LIBSINGULAR) /*0 implementation*/ int main( /* main entry to Singular */ int argc, /* number of parameter */ char** argv) /* parameter array */ { #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY On(SW_USE_NTL); Off(SW_USE_GCD_P); On(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_0); // On -> seg11 in Old/algnorm, Old/factor... On(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_P); // On -> cyle in Short/brnoeth_s: fixed On(SW_USE_EZGCD); On(SW_USE_CHINREM_GCD); //On(SW_USE_fieldGCD); //On(SW_USE_EZGCD_P); On(SW_USE_QGCD); Off(SW_USE_NTL_SORT); // may be changed by an command line option #endif #ifdef INIT_BUG jjInitTab1(); #endif #ifdef GENTABLE extern void ttGen1(); extern void ttGen2b(); extern void ttGen4(); extern void mpsr_ttGen(); // For initialization of (CMD, MP_COP) tables extern char *iparith_inc; #ifdef HAVE_MPSR extern char *mpsr_Tok_inc; #endif mpsr_ttGen(); ttGen4(); ttGen1(); ttGen2b(); rename(iparith_inc,"iparith.inc"); rename("plural_cmd.xx","plural_cmd.inc"); #ifdef HAVE_MPSR rename(mpsr_Tok_inc,"mpsr_Tok.inc"); #endif #else // Don't worry: ifdef OM_NDEBUG, then all these calls are undef'ed omInitRet_2_Info(argv[0]); omInitGetBackTrace(); /* initialize components */ siRandomStart=inits(); feOptSpec[FE_OPT_RANDOM].value = (void*) ((long)siRandomStart); int optc, option_index; const char* errormsg; // do this first, because -v might print version path feInitResources(argv[0]); iiInitArithmetic(); // parse command line options while((optc = fe_getopt_long(argc, argv, SHORT_OPTS_STRING, feOptSpec, &option_index)) != EOF) { if (optc == '?' || optc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Use '%s --help' for a complete list of options\n", feArgv0); exit(1); } if (optc != LONG_OPTION_RETURN) option_index = feGetOptIndex(optc); assume(option_index >= 0 && option_index < (int) FE_OPT_UNDEF); if (fe_optarg == NULL && (feOptSpec[option_index].type == feOptBool || feOptSpec[option_index].has_arg == optional_argument)) errormsg = feSetOptValue((feOptIndex) option_index, (int) 1); else errormsg = feSetOptValue((feOptIndex) option_index, fe_optarg); if (errormsg) { if (fe_optarg == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Error: Option '--%s' %s\n", feOptSpec[option_index].name, errormsg); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: Option '--%s=%s' %s\n", feOptSpec[option_index].name, fe_optarg, errormsg); fprintf(stderr, "Use '%s --help' for a complete list of options\n", feArgv0); exit(1); } if (optc == 'h') exit(0); } /* say hello */ #if 0 SingularBuilder::Ptr SingularInstance = SingularBuilder::instance(); #else { basePack=(package)omAlloc0(sizeof(*basePack)); currPack=basePack; idhdl h; h=enterid("Top", 0, PACKAGE_CMD, &IDROOT, TRUE); IDPACKAGE(h)->language = LANG_TOP; IDPACKAGE(h)=basePack; currPackHdl=h; basePackHdl=h; } #endif if (TEST_V_QUIET) { (printf)( " SINGULAR /" #ifndef MAKE_DISTRIBUTION " Development" #endif "\n" " A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations / version %s\n" " 0<\n" " by: G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann \\ %s\n" "FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern \\\n" , S_VERSION1,S_VERSION2); } else { #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY if (feOptValue(FE_OPT_SORT)) On(SW_USE_NTL_SORT); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SDB sdb_flags = 0; #endif dup2(1,2); /* alternative: * memcpy(stderr,stdout,sizeof(FILE)); */ } slStandardInit(); myynest=0; if (! feOptValue(FE_OPT_NO_STDLIB)) { int vv=verbose; verbose &= ~Sy_bit(V_LOAD_LIB); iiLibCmd(omStrDup("standard.lib"), TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); verbose=vv; } errorreported = 0; // and again, ifdef OM_NDEBUG this call is undef'ed // otherwise, it marks all memory allocated so far as static // i.e. as memory which is not mention on omPrintUsedAddr: //omMarkMemoryAsStatic(); setjmp(si_start_jmpbuf); // Now, put things on the stack of stuff to do // Last thing to do is to execute given scripts if (fe_optind < argc) { int i = argc - 1; FILE *fd; while (i >= fe_optind) { if ((fd = feFopen(argv[i], "r")) == NULL) { Warn("Can not open %s", argv[i]); } else { fclose(fd); newFile(argv[i]); } i--; } } else { currentVoice=feInitStdin(NULL); } // before scripts, we execute -c, if it was given if (feOptValue(FE_OPT_EXECUTE) != NULL) newBuffer(omStrDup((char*) feOptValue(FE_OPT_EXECUTE)), BT_execute); // first thing, however, is to load .singularrc from Singularpath // and cwd/$HOME (in that order). if (! feOptValue(FE_OPT_NO_RC)) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; FILE * rc = feFopen("." DIR_SEPP ".singularrc", "r", buf); if (rc == NULL) rc = feFopen("~" DIR_SEPP ".singularrc", "r", buf); if (rc == NULL) rc = feFopen(".singularrc", "r", buf); if (rc != NULL) { if (BVERBOSE(V_LOAD_LIB)) Print("// ** executing %s\n", buf); fclose(rc); newFile(buf); } } /* start shell */ if (fe_fgets_stdin==fe_fgets_dummy) { #ifdef HAVE_MPSR BatchDoProc batch_do = slInitMPBatchDo(); if (batch_do != NULL) return (*batch_do)((char*) feOptValue(FE_OPT_MPPORT), (char*) feOptValue(FE_OPT_MPHOST)); else return 1; #else assume(0); #endif } setjmp(si_start_jmpbuf); yyparse(); m2_end(0); #endif return 0; } #endif // not LIBSINGULAR