@comment -*-texinfo-*- @comment this file contains the News about Singular versions @comment Unix @ifclear VERSION @include version.texi @end ifclear @majorheading NEWS in SINGULAR @value{VERSION} @ifclear singularmanual @macro nref{what} \what\ @end macro @end ifclear @ifset singularmanual @macro nref{what} @ref{\what\} @end macro @end ifset @heading News for version @value{VERSION} Syntax changes: @itemize @item new (additional) form of ring definitions: (for example @code{ring R=QQ[x,y,z];}) (@nref{General syntax of a ring declaration}) @item new (additional) form of multi-indicies: (for example @code{i(1,2,3,4,5)}) (@nref{Names}) @item changed behaviour of @code{charstr} (@nref{charstr}) @item new data type @code{cring} to describe the coeffient rings, to be used for the new definitions for (polynomial) rings (@nref{General syntax of a ring declaration}) @item new command @code{ring_list} to access the parts used to contruct polynomial rings (@nref{ring_list},@nref{ringlist}) @item extended polynomial ring construction: also from lists produced by @code{ring_list} @item new attribute @code{ring_cf} for @code{ring} (@nref{attrib}) @item printing of rings changed to match @code{cring} names (@nref{charstr}) @end itemize New libraries: @itemize @item new library: classifyMapGerms.lib: standard basis of the tangent space at the orbit of an algebraic group action (@nref{classifyMapGerms_lib}) @item new library: ffmodstd.lib: Groebner bases of ideals in polynomial rings over algebraic function fields(@nref{ffmodstd_lib}) @item new library: nfmodsyz.lib: syzygy modules of submodules of free modules over algebraic number fields(@nref{nfmodsyz_lib}) @item new library: curveInv.lib: invariants of curves (@nref{curveInv_lib}) @item new library: gfan.lib: interface to gfanlib (@nref{gfan_lib}) @item extended library: interface to polymake merged into @nref{polymake_lib} @item new library: tropicalNewton.lib: Newton polygon methods in tropical geometry (@nref{tropicalNewton_lib}) @item new library: schubert.lib: some procedures for intersction theory (@nref{schubert_lib}) @end itemize Changed libraries: @itemize @item classify_aeq.lib: new procedures (@nref{classify_aeq_lib}) @item grobcov.lib: new version (@nref{grobcov_lib}) @item ncfactor.lib: factorization in some noncommuative algebras (@nref{ncfactor_lib}) with new routine ncfactor (@nref{ncfactor}) @item primdec.lib: new option "subsystem" (@nref{primdec_lib}) @end itemize Changes in the kernel: @itemize @item improved mapping of polynomials/ideals/... @item port to gcc 6 @item port to gfanlib 0.6 (requires C++11, i.e. gcc >=4.3) @item port to NTL 10 @item port to polymake 3.0 @item port to readline 7 @item @nref{sba} works for global orderings, also for coefficient types Z and Z/m @item @nref{std} works for all orderings, also for coefficient types Z and Z/m with local/mixed orderings @item @nref{factorize} works for polynomial rings over ZZ @end itemize Experimental stuff: @itemize @item module @nref{customstd_lib}: modify @code{std} (@nref{satstd}) @end itemize @heading News for version 4-0-3 New libraries: @itemize @item new library: brillnoether.lib: Riemann-Roch spaces of divisors on curves (@nref{brillnoether_lib}) @item new library: chern.lib: Chern classes (@nref{chern_lib}) @item new library: ffmodstd.lib: Groebner bases of ideals in polynomial rings over algebraic function fields(@nref{ffmodstd_lib}) @item new library: GND.lib: General Neron Desingularization (@nref{GND_lib}) @item new library: graal.lib: localization at prime ideals (@nref{graal_lib}) @item new library: hess.lib: Riemann-Roch space of divisors (@nref{hess_lib}) @end itemize Changed libraries: @itemize @item renamed algemodstd_lib to @nref{nfmodstd_lib}, extended to @code{module} @item renamed derham_lib to @nref{deRham_lib} @item grobcov.lib (grobcovK): Groebner Cover for parametric ideals (@nref{grobcov_lib}) with new routine ConsLevels (@nref{ConsLevels}), removed AddCons AddConsP. @end itemize @heading News for version 4-0-2 New commands: @itemize @item align (@nref{align}) @item branchTo (@nref{procs with different argument types}) @item @code{->} (@nref{proc expression}) @end itemize Change in ring handling: @itemize @item @code{typeof(} qring @code{)} returns @code{"ring"} @end itemize New libraries: @itemize @item algemodstd.lib: Groebner bases of ideals in polynomial rings over algebraic number fields(renamed to @nref{nfmodstd_lib}) @item arr.lib: arrangements of hyperplanes (@nref{arr_lib}) @item brillnoether.lib: Riemann-Roch spaces of divisors on curve (@nref{brillnoether_lib}) @item hess.lib: Riemann-Roch space of divisors on function fields and curves (@nref{hess_lib}) @item gradedModules.lib: graded modules/matrices/resolutions (@nref{gradedModules_lib}) @end itemize Changed libraries: @itemize @item revised polymake interface (polymake.so) @item revised gfanlib interface (gfanlib.so) @item Presolve::findvars (@nref{findvars}, @nref{variables}) @item Ring::addvarsTo (@nref{addvarsTo}) @item Ring::addNvarsTo (@nref{addNvarsTo}) @item Ring::hasAlgExtensionCoefficient (@nref{hasAlgExtensionCoefficient}) @item Schreyer::s_res (@nref{s_res}) @item grobcov.lib (grobcovK) (@nref{grobcov_lib}) with new routines AddCons AddConsP. @item normaliz.lib (for normaliz >=2.8) (@nref{normaliz_lib}) @item renamed groebnerFan to groebnerFanP in polymake.lib (@nref{polymake_lib}) @item renamed fVector to fVectorP in polymake.lib (@nref{polymake_lib},@code{polymakeInterface_lib}) @end itemize @heading News for version 4-0-1 Version 4-0-1 is a bug fix release. New feature: attribute @code{ring_cf} for @code{ring} (@nref{attrib}) @heading News for version 4-0-0 Version 4-0-0 is a milestone relase of Singular. The new release series 4 aims for an entirely modularized architecture simplifying connectivity with other systems and paving the way for parallel computations. As a first step in modularization, the new release features an internal structural separation of coefficient rings and polynomial rings. This allows for a flexible integration of new coefficient rings. @sc{Singular} 4-0-0's list of new functionality and significant improvements further extends that of the 3-1-6/7 prerelease series. New functionality @itemize @item de Rham cohomology of complements of algebraic varieties (@nref{deRham_lib}) @item Gromov-Witten numbers of elliptic curves (@nref{ellipticcovers_lib}) @item classification of isolated complete intersection singularities in characteristic 0 (@nref{classifyci_lib}) @item parametrization of orbits of unipotent actions (@nref{orbitparam_lib}) @item F5-like Groebner basis algorithm (@nref{sba}) @item element-wise application of functions to data structures (@nref{apply}) @item support for debugging libraries (@nref{ASSUME}) @end itemize Improved functionality @itemize @item Groebner cover for parametric ideals (@nref{grobcov_lib}) @item normalization of affine rings (@nref{normal_lib}) @item classification of real singularities (@nref{realclassify_lib}) @item GIT-fans (@nref{gitfan_lib}) @item algebraic/transcendental field extensions @item @nref{Non-commutative subsystem} @item an abstraction layer for parallel computations (@nref{parallel_lib}) @item run-time loading of supplementary kernel code (@nref{Dynamic modules}) @item interpreter language support for name spaces (@nref{package}) @end itemize Availability @sc{Singular} is available as source code and for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD and SunOS-5.