#!/usr/local/bin/perl # $Id: doc2tex.pl,v 1.24 2000-03-09 16:37:23 hannes Exp $ ################################################################### # Computer Algebra System SINGULAR # # doc2tex: utility to generate the Singular manual # #### # @c example [error] [no_comp] # -> the text till the next @c example is feed into Singular, # the text is then substituted by # @c computed example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$line # # @expansion{} # .... # @c end computed example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$line # reuse computed examples if ($reuse && -r $ex_prefix.inc) # cut absolute directory names from the loaded messages # substituted @,{ and } by @@, @{ resp. @} # wrap around output lines longer than $ex_length = 73; # Processing is aborted if error occures in Singular run, # unless 'error' is specified # if no_comp is given, then computation is not run # # #### # @c include file # -> copy content of file into output file protecting texi special chars # #### # @c ref # .... # @c ref # -> scans intermediate lines for @ref{..} strings # Creates menu of (sorted) refs for ifinfo # Creates comma-separated (sorted) refs for iftex, prepended with # the text before first @ref. # #### # @c lib libname.lib[:proc] [no_ex, no_fun, (\w*)section] # --> replaced by @include $texfile where # $texfile = $subdir/libname_lib[_noFun,_noEx].tex # --> if $make, calls "make $texfile" # --> Error, if $tex_file does not exist # --> if [:proc] is given, then includes only of respective # proc body # --> if (\w*)section is given, replaces @subsubsection by @$1section # and pastes in content of tex file directly # # ################################################################### # # default settings of command-line arguments # $Singular = "../Singular/Singular"; # should be overwritten $Singular_opts = " -teqr12345678 --no-rc"; $clean = 0; $verbose = 1; $reuse = 1; $no_ex = 0; $no_fun = 0; $doc_subdir = "./d2t_singular"; $ex_subdir = "./examples"; @include_dirs = (".", "../Singular/LIB"); $make = 0; $make_opts = " --no-print-directory"; # # misc. defaults # $ex_length = 73; $ERROR = "\n**** Error:"; $WARNING = "\n** Warning:"; # # flush stdout and stderr after every write # select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # # get file to convert # $doc_file = pop(@ARGV); if ($doc_file =~ /(.+)\..*$/) { die "*** Error: Need .doc file as input\n" . &Usage unless ($doc_file =~ /(.+)\.doc$/); } else { if ($doc_file =~ /^-h(elp)?$/) { print &Usage; exit;} $doc_file .= ".doc"; } # # parse command line options # $args = join(" ", @ARGV); while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { $_ = shift(@ARGV); if (/^-S(ingular)?$/) { $Singular = shift(@ARGV); next;} if (/^-o(utput)?$/) { $tex_file = shift(@ARGV); next;} if (/^-no_r(euse)?$/) { $reuse = 0; next;} if (/^-c(lean)?$/) { $clean = 1; next;} if (/^-no_e(x)?$/) { $no_ex = 1; next;} if (/^-no_fu(n)?$/) { $no_fun = 1;next;} if (/^-m(ake)?$/) { $make = shift(@ARGV);next;} if (/^-d(ocdir)?$/) { $doc_subdir = shift(@ARGV); next;} if (/^-e(xdir)?$/) { $ex_subdir = shift(@ARGV); next;} if (/^-I$/) { unshift(@include_dirs, shift(@ARGV)); next;} if (/^-v(erbose)?$/) { $verbose = shift(@ARGV); next;} if (/^-h(elp)?$/) { print &Usage; exit;} Error("Unknown Option $_\n" .&Usage); } $verbose = ($verbose < 0 ? 0 : $verbose); $make_opts .= " -s" unless $verbose > 1; # # construct filenames # ($doc_dir = $doc_file) =~ s/(.+)\.doc$/$1/; if ($doc_dir =~ /(.*)\//) { $doc = $'; $doc_dir = $1; } else { $doc = $doc_dir; $doc_dir = "."; } unless ($tex_file) { $tex_file = ($no_ex ? "$doc_dir/${doc}_noEx.tex" : "$doc_dir/$doc.tex"); } # # open files # open(DOC, "<$doc_file") || Error("can't open $doc_file for reading: $!\n" . &Usage); open(TEX, ">$tex_file") || Error("can't open $tex_file for writing: $!\n"); print "(d2t $doc_file==>$tex_file" if ($verbose); if (-d $doc_subdir) { print "" if ($verbose > 1); } else { mkdir($doc_subdir, oct(755)) || Error("can't create directory $doc_subdir: $!\n"); print "(docdir:$doc_subdir)" if ($verbose > 1); } if (-d $ex_subdir) { print "" if ($verbose > 1); } else { mkdir($ex_subdir, oct(755)) || Error("can't create directory $ex_subdir: $!\n"); print "(exdir:$ex_subdir)" if ($verbose > 1); } ####################################################################### # # go ! # while () { $line++; if (/^\@c\s*example/) {&HandleExample; next;} if (/^\@c\s*include\s+/) {&HandleInclude; next;} if (/^\@c\s*ref\s*$/) {&HandleRef; next;} if (/^\@c\s*lib\s+/) {&HandleLib; next;} if (/^\@setfilename/) {print TEX "\@setfilename $doc.hlp\n"; next;} if (/^\@\w*section\s*/ || /^\@\w*chapter\s*/ || /^\@\w*heading\s*/) { $section = $'; $section =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; if ($section =~ /\w/) { $section =~ s/\s/_/g } else { $section = "unknown"; } } print TEX $_; if (! $printed_header && /^\@c/) { $printed_header = 1; print TEX <$tex_file)\n" if ($verbose); ###################################################################### # @c example [error] [no_comp] # -> the text till the next @c example is fed into Singular, # the text is then substituted by # @c computed example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$line # # @expansion{} # .... # @c end computed example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$line # reuse computed examples if ($reuse && -r $ex_prefix.inc) # cut absolute directory names from the loaded messages # substituted @,{ and } by @@, @{ resp. @} # wrap around output lines longer than $ex_length = 73; # Processing is aborted if error occures in Singular run, # unless 'error' is specified # If [no_comp] is given, actual computation is not run sub HandleExample { my($inc_file, $ex_file, $lline, $thisexample, $error_ok, $cache, $no_comp); $lline = $line; $section = 'unknown' unless $section; $ex_prefix = $section; $ex_prefix .= "_$examples{$section}" if $examples{$section}; $examples{$section}++; if ($no_ex) { print "{$ex_prefix}" if ($verbose); print TEX "\@c skipped computation of example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$lline \n"; } else { $inc_file = "$ex_subdir/$ex_prefix.inc"; $ex_file = "$ex_subdir/$ex_prefix.sing"; if (-r $inc_file && -r $ex_file && -s $inc_file && -s $ex_file) { $cache = 1; open(SING, "<$ex_file") || ($cache = 0); } } $thisexample = ''; $error_ok = 1 if /error/; $no_comp = 1 if /no_comp/; # print content in example file till next @c example while () { $line++; last if (/^\@c\s*example\s*$/); # s/^\s*//; # remove preceeding white spaces if ($no_ex || $no_comp) { &protect_texi; print TEX $_; } else { $thisexample .= $_; if ($cache && $_ && $_ ne ) { $cache = 0; close(SING); } } } close(SING) if $cache; Error("no matching '\@c example' found for $doc_file:$lline\n") unless (/^\@c\s*example\s*$/); # done, if no examples return if ($no_ex || $no_comp); # check whether it can be reused if ($reuse && $cache) { my $ok = 1; print "<$ex_prefix>" if ($verbose); print TEX "\@c reused example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$lline \n"; open(INC, "<$inc_file") || Error("can't open $inc_file for reading: $!\n"); while () { if (/error occurred/ && $ok && !error_ok) { Warn("Result file $inc_file contains errors. Force re-computation by removing $inc_file"); $ok = 0; } print TEX $_; } close(INC); } else { print "($ex_prefix" if ($verbose == 1); my ($res_file); $res_file = "$ex_subdir/$ex_prefix.res"; print TEX "\@c computed example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$lline \n"; # run singular open(EX, ">$ex_file") || Error("can't open $ex_file for writing: $!\n"); print EX "$thisexample"; close(EX); &System("echo '\$' | $Singular $Singular_opts $ex_file > $res_file"); print ")" if ($verbose == 1); open(RES, "<$res_file") || Error("can't open $res_file for reading: $!\n"); open(INC, ">$inc_file") || Error("can't open $inc_file for writing: $!\n"); # get result, manipulate it and put it into inc file while () { last if (/^STDIN\s*([0-9]+)..\$/); # check for error Error("while running example $ex_prefix from $doc_file:$lline.\nCall: '$Singular $Singular_opts $ex_file > $res_file'\n") if (/error occurred/ && ! $error_ok); # remove stuff from echo if (/^$ex_file\s*([0-9]+)../) { $_ = $'; &protect_texi; } else { local($to_do, $done); # remove absolute path names from laoded messages s/^(\/\/ \*\* loaded )(.*)\/(.+).lib(.*)/$1$3.lib$4/; # shorten error occurred in messages s/\? error occurred in [^ ]* line/\? error occurred in line/; # break after $ex_length characters $to_do = $_; while (length($to_do) > $ex_length && $to_do =~ /\w/ && substr($to_do, $ex_length) !~ /^\s*$/) { $done .= substr($to_do, 0, $ex_length)."\\\n "; $to_do = substr($to_do, $ex_length); } $_ = $done.$to_do if($done); &protect_texi; $_ = "\@expansion{} ".$_; } print INC $_; print TEX $_; } close(RES); close(INC); unlink $ex_file, $res_file, $inc_file if ($clean); } print TEX "\@c end example $ex_prefix $doc_file:$lline\n"; } ###################################################################### # @c include file # -> copy content of file into output file protecting texi special chars sub HandleInclude { s/^\@c\s*include\s+([^\s]+)\s/$1/; s/\s*$//; unless (&Open(*INC, "<$_")) { warn "$WARNING HandleInclude: can't open $_ for reading\n"; print TEX "\@c include file $_ not found\n"; return; } print "<$_>" if ($verbose); print TEX "\@c begin included file $_ from $doc_file:$line\n"; while () { &protect_texi; print TEX $_; } print TEX "\@c end included file from $doc_file:$line\n"; close (INC); } ###################################################################### # @c ref # .... # @c ref # -> scans intermediate lines for @ref{..} strings # Creates menu of (sorted) refs for ifinfo # Creates comma-separated (sorted) refs for iftex, prepended with # the text before first @ref. sub HandleRef { local(%refs, @refs, $header, $lline, $lref); print TEX "\@c inserted refs from $doc_file:$line\n"; # scan lines use %ref to remove duplicates $lline = $line; while () { $line++; last if (/^\@c\s*ref\s*$/); while (/\@ref{(.*?)}/) { $refs{$1} = 1; $_ = $'; unless ($header) { $header = $`; $header = " " unless ($header); } } $header = $_ unless ($header) } chomp $header; die "$ERRROR no matching \@c ref found for $doc_file:$lline\n" unless (/^\@c\s*ref\s*$/); # sort refs @refs = sort(keys(%refs)); # put them out print TEX "\@ifinfo\n"; print TEX "\@menu\n"; if ($header && $header ne " ") { print TEX "$header\n"; } else { print TEX "See also:\n"; } foreach $ref (@refs) {print TEX "* ".$ref."::\n";} print TEX "\@end menu\n\@end ifinfo\n\@iftex\n"; if ($header ne " ") { print TEX "$header\n" unless ($header eq " "); } else { print TEX "\@strong{See also:}\n"; } $lref = pop(@refs); foreach $ref (@refs) {print TEX "\@ref{".$ref."};\n";} print TEX "\@ref{".$lref."}.\n" if ($lref); print TEX "\@end iftex\n\@c end inserted refs from $doc_file:$lline\n"; } ################################################################### # # @c lib libname.lib[:proc] [no_ex, no_fun, (\w*)section] # --> replaced by @include $texfile where # $texfile = $subdir/libname_lib[_noFun,_noEx].tex # --> if $make, calls "make $texfile" # --> Error, if $tex_file does not exist # --> if [:proc] is given, then includes only of respective # proc body # --> if (\w*)section is given, replaces @subsubsection by @$1section # and pastes in content of tex file directly sub HandleLib { my($lib, $proc, $n_fun, $n_ex, $section, $tex_file); if (/^\@c\s*lib\s+([^\.]+)\.lib(.*)/) { $lib = $1; $_ = $2; } else { warn "$WARNING need .lib file to process '$_'\n"; print TEX $_; return; } $proc = $1 if (/^:(.*?) /); $n_fun = 1 if ($no_fun || /no_fun/); $n_ex = 1 if ($no_ex || /no_ex/); $section = $1 if /(\w*)section/; # contruct tex file name $tex_file = "$doc_subdir/$lib"."_lib"; if ($n_fun) { $tex_file .= "_noFun"; } elsif ($n_ex) { $tex_file .= "_noEx"; } $tex_file .= ".tex"; if ($make) { print ""; } } else { Error("Can't read $tex_file\n") unless -r $tex_file; } # see whether we have to paste something in if ($proc || $section) { open(LTEX, "<$tex_file") || Error("Can't open $tex_file for reading: $!\n"); print TEX "\@c start include of docu for $lib.lib:$proc\n"; print TEX "\@c replaced \@subsubsection by \@$section\n" if ($section); if ($proc) { my $found = 0; while () { $found = 1 if /c ---content $proc---/; if ($found) { s/subsubsection/${section}section/ if $section; print TEX $_; } last if $found && /c ---end content $proc---/; } if ($found) { Error("no end content found for lib proc docu for $lib.lib:$proc $doc_file:$line \n") unless (/c ---end content $proc---/); print TEX "\@c generated lib proc docu for $lib.lib:$proc $doc_file:$line \n"; } else { Error("did not find lib proc docu for $lib.lib:$proc $doc_file:$line \n"); } } else { while () { s/subsubsection/${section}section/; print TEX $_; } } print TEX "\@c end include of docu for $lib.lib:$proc\n"; close(LTEX); } else { print TEX "\@c include of docu for $lib.lib\n"; print TEX "\@include $tex_file\n"; } } #################################################################### # Auxillary routines # # protect texi special characters sub protect_texi { s/\@/\@\@/g; s/{/\@{/g; s/}/\@}/g; } # open w.r.t. include_dirs sub Open { local(*FH, $file) = @_; local($mode); $file =~ s/^(.{1})(.*)/$2/; $mode = $1; foreach $dir (@include_dirs) { return $dir if(open(FH, $mode.$dir."/".$file)); } } # system call with echo on verbose > 1 and die on fail sub System { local($call) = @_; print " d2t system:\n$call\n" if ($verbose > 1); Error("non-zero exit status of system call: '$call': $!\n") if (system($call)); } sub Error { print "$ERROR $_[0]"; close(TEX); unlink $tex_file if $tex_file && -e $tex_file; exit(1); } sub Warn { print "$WARNING $_[0]\n"; } # # leave this here --otherwise fontification in my emacs gets screwd up # sub Usage { return <1=all) -help : print help and exit EOT }