@comment -*-texinfo-*- @comment $Id$ @comment this file contains the "Tricks and pittfalls" sections @c The following directives are necessary for proper compilation @c with emacs (C-c C-e C-r). Please keep it as it is. Since it @c is wrapped in `@ignore' and `@end ignore' it does not harm `tex' or @c `makeinfo' but is a great help in editing this file (emacs @c ignores the `@ignore'). @ignore %**start \input texinfo.tex @setfilename tricks.info @node Top, Tricks and pitfalls @menu * Tricks and pitfalls:: @end menu @node Tricks and pitfalls, Examples, Functions and system variables, Top @chapter Tricks and pitfalls %**end @end ignore @menu * Limitations:: * System dependent limitations:: * Major differences to the C programming language:: * Miscellaneous oddities:: * Identifier resolution:: @end menu @c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node Limitations,System dependent limitations,,Tricks and pitfalls @section Limitations @cindex Limitations @sc{Singular} has the following limitations: @itemize @bullet @item the characteristic of a prime field must be less than or equal to 2147483629 (2^31) @* (the characteristic of a prime field in the factory routines must be less than 536870912 (2^29)) @* (the characteristic of a prime field in the NTL routines must be less than NTL_SP_BOUND (2^30) on 32bit machines - This is always the case since currently, only factory uses NTL.) @item the number of elements in GF(p,n) must be less than 65536 @item the (weighted) degree of a monomial must be less or equal than 2147483647 @item the rank of any free module must be less or equal than 2147483647 @item the maximal allowed exponent of a ring variable depends on the ordering of the ring and is at least 32767. @c TBC -- number of max parameters @item the precision of long floating point numbers (for ground field @code{real}) must be less or equal than 32767 @item integers (of type @code{int}) have the limited range from -2147483648 to 2147483647 @item floating point numbers (type @code{number} from field @code{real}) have a limited range which is machine dependent. A typical range is -1.0e-38 to 1.0e+38. The string representation of overflow and underflow is machine dependent, as well. For example "@code{Inf}" on Linux, or "@code{+.+00e+00}" on HPUX. @*Their input syntax is given by @code{scanf}, but must start with a digit. @item floating point numbers (type @code{number} from field @code{real} with a precision p larger then 3) use internally @code{mpf_set_default_prec(3.5*p+1)}. @*Their input syntax is given by @code{mpf_set_str} from GMP, but must start with a digit. @c @item @c a token (in the input) must have 16383 characters or less. @c @*(Tokens are strings, blocks of statements, numbers) @c @*This does not apply to proc in libraries but to blocks @c within a procedure @item the length of an identifier is unlimited but @code{listvar} displays only the first 20 characters @c @item @c the interpretation of text between a closing @code{@}} and the end of @c the line is undefined. (Therefore do not put anything but spaces between @c @code{@}} and the end of the line.) @item statements may not contain more than 10000 tokens @item tokens (i.e. strings, numbers, ...) may not be longer than 16382 characters @item @cindex German Umlaute @cindex non-english special characters @cindex special characters, non-english All input to @sc{Singular} must be 7-bit clean, i.e. special characters like the the German Umlaute (@"a, @"o, etc.), or the French accent characters may neither appear as input to @sc{Singular}, nor in libraries or procedure definitions. @end itemize @c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node System dependent limitations,Major differences to the C programming language,Limitations,Tricks and pitfalls @section System dependent limitations @cindex System dependent limitations Ports of @sc{Singular} to different systems do not always implement all possible parts of @sc{Singular}: @itemize @bullet @item MP links are available only for 32bit unix systems. @item dynamic modules are implemented for @itemize @bullet @item unix systems with ELF format for executables (Linux, Solaris) @item HPUX @end itemize @end itemize @c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node Major differences to the C programming language,Miscellaneous oddities,System dependent limitations,Tricks and pitfalls @section Major differences to the C programming language @cindex C programming language Although many constructs from @sc{Singular}'s programming language are similar to those from the C programming language, there are some subtle differences. Most notably: @menu * No rvalue of increments and assignments:: * Evaluation of logical expressions:: * No case or switch statement:: * Usage of commas:: * Usage of brackets:: * Behavior of continue:: * Return type of procedures:: * First index is 1:: @end menu @c --------------------------------------- @node No rvalue of increments and assignments, Evaluation of logical expressions,,Major differences to the C programming language @subsection No rvalue of increments and assignments @cindex rvalue The increment operator @code{++} (resp.@: decrement operator @code{--}) has no rvalue, i.e., cannot be used on the right-hand sides of assignments. So, instead of @smallexample j = i++; // WRONG!!! @end smallexample @noindent (which results in an error), it must be written @smallexample i++; j = i; @end smallexample Likewise, an assignment expression does not have a result. Therefore, compound assignments like @code{i = j = k;} are not allowed and result in an error. @c --------------------------------------- @node Evaluation of logical expressions, No case or switch statement, No rvalue of increments and assignments, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection Evaluation of logical expressions @cindex Evaluation of logical expressions @cindex and @cindex or @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @c This piece of text partially exists also in the file types.doc, @c chapter "boolean expressions". @c If you change something here, change it there, too! @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @strong{All} arguments of a logical expression are first evaluated and then the value of the logical expression is determined. For example, the logical expressions @code{(a || b)} is evaluated by first evaluating @code{a} @emph{and} @code{b}, even though the value of @code{b} has no influence on the value of @code{(a || b)}, if @code{a} evaluates to true. Note, that this evaluation is different from the left-to-right, conditional evaluation of logical expressions (as found in most programming languages). For example, in these other languages, the value of @code{(1 || b)} is determined without ever evaluating @code{b}. This causes some problems with boolean tests on variables, which might not be defined at evaluation time. For example, the following results in an error, if the variable @code{i} is undefined: @smallexample if (defined(i) && i > 0) @{@} // WRONG!!! @end smallexample This must be written instead as: @smallexample if (defined(i)) @{ if (i > 0) @{@} @} @end smallexample @c ------------------------------------------------------------ @c end of duplicate text @c ------------------------------------------------------------ However, there are several short work-arounds for this problem: @enumerate @item If a variable (say, @code{i}) is only to be used as a boolean flag, then define (value is TRUE) and undefine (value is FALSE) @code{i} instead of assigning a value. Using this scheme, it is sufficient to simply write @smallexample if (defined(i)) @end smallexample in order to check whether @code{i} is TRUE. Use the command @code{kill} to undefine a variable, i.e.@: to assign it a FALSE value (@pxref{kill}). @item If a variable can have more than two values, then define it, if necessary, before it is used for the first time. For example, if the following is used within a procedure @smallexample if (! defined(DEBUG)) @{ int DEBUG = 1;@} @dots{} if (DEBUG == 3) @{@dots{}@} if (DEBUG == 2) @{@dots{}@} @dots{} @end smallexample then a user of this procedure does not need to care about the existence of the @code{DEBUG} variable -- this remains hidden from the user. However, if @code{DEBUG} exists globally, then its local default value is overwritten by its global one. @end enumerate @c --------------------------------------- @node No case or switch statement, Usage of commas, Evaluation of logical expressions, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection No case or switch statement @cindex case @cindex switch @sc{Singular} does not offer a @code{case} (or @code{switch}) statement. However, it can be imitated in the following way: @smallexample while (1) @{ if (choice == choice_1) @{ @dots{}; break;@} @dots{} if (choice == choice_n) @{ @dots{}; break;@} // default case @dots{}; break; @} @end smallexample @c --------------------------------------- @node Usage of commas, Usage of brackets, No case or switch statement, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection Usage of commas @cindex comma In @sc{Singular}, a comma separates list elements and the value of a comma expression is a list. Hence, commas cannot be used to combine several expressions into a single expression. For example, instead of writing @smallexample for (i=1, j=5; i<5 || j<10; i++, j++) @{@dots{}@} // WRONG!!!!!! @end smallexample @noindent one has to write @smallexample for (i,j = 1,5; i<5 || j<10; i++, j++) @{@dots{}@} @end smallexample @c --------------------------------------- @node Usage of brackets, Behavior of continue, Usage of commas, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection Usage of brackets @cindex bracket In @sc{Singular}, curly brackets (@code{@{} @code{@}}) @strong{must always} be used to enclose the statement body following such constructs like @code{if}, @code{else}, @code{for}, or @code{while}, even if this block consists of only a single statement. Similarly, in the return statement of a procedure, parentheses (@code{(} @code{)}) @strong{must always} be used to enclose the return value. Even if there is no value to return, parentheses have to be used after a return statement (i.e., @code{return();}). For example, @smallexample if (i == 1) return i; // WRONG!!!!! @end smallexample @noindent results in an error. Instead, it must be written as @smallexample if (i == 1) @{ return (i); @}. @end smallexample @c --------------------------------------- @node Behavior of continue, Return type of procedures, Usage of brackets, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection Behavior of continue @cindex continue @sc{Singular}'s @code{continue} construct is only valid inside the body of a @code{for} or @code{while} construct. It skips the rest of the loop-body and jumps to the beginning of the block. Unlike the C-construct @sc{Singular}'s @code{continue} @strong{does not execute the increment statement}. For example, @smallexample for (int i = 1 ; i<=10; i=i+1) @{ @dots{} if (i==3) @{ i=8;continue; @} // skip the rest if i is 3 and // continue with the next i: 8 i; @} @expansion{} 1 @expansion{} 2 @expansion{} 8 @expansion{} 9 @expansion{} 10 @end smallexample @c --------------------------------------- @node Return type of procedures,First index is 1,Behavior of continue, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection Return type of procedures @cindex return type of procedures Although the @sc{Singular} language is a strongly typed programming language, the type of the return value of a procedure does not need to be specified. As a consequence, the return type of a procedure may vary, i.e., may, for example, depend on the input. However, the return value of such a procedure may then only be assigned to a variable of type @code{def}. @smallexample @c example proc type_return (int i) { if (i > 0) {return (i);} else {return (list(i));} } def t1 = type_return(1); def t2 = type_return(-1); typeof(t1); typeof(t2); @c example @end smallexample Furthermore, it is mandatory to assign the return value of a procedure to a variable of type @code{def}, if a procedure changes the current ring using the @code{keepring} command (@pxref{keepring}) and returns a ring-dependent value (like a polynomial or module). @smallexample @c example proc def_return { ring r=0,(x,y),dp; poly p = x; keepring r; return (x); } def p = def_return(); // poly p = def_return(); would be WRONG!!! typeof(p); @c example @end smallexample On the other hand, more than one value can be returned by a single @code{return} statement. For example, @smallexample proc tworeturn () @{ return (1,2); @} int i,j = tworeturn(); @end smallexample @c --------------------------------------- @node First index is 1,,Return type of procedures, Major differences to the C programming language @subsection First index is 1 @cindex first index is 1 Although the @sc{Singular} language is C like, the indices of all objects which may have an index start at 1. @smallexample @c example ring r; ideal i=1,x,z; i[2]; intvec v=1,2,3; v[1]; poly p=x+y+z; p[2]; vector h=[x+y,x,z]; h[1]; h[1][1]; @c example @end smallexample @c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node Miscellaneous oddities, Identifier resolution, Major differences to the C programming language, Tricks and pitfalls @section Miscellaneous oddities @enumerate @item integer division @cindex integer division @cindex div If two numerical constants (i.e., two sequences of digits) are divided using the @code{/} operator, the surrounding whitespace determines which division to use: if there is no space between the constants and the @code{/} operator (e.g., "3/2"), both numerical constants are treated as of type @code{number} and the current ring division is used. If there is at least one space surrounding the @code{/} operator (e.g., "3 / 2"), both numerical constants are treated as of type @code{int} and an integer division is performed. To avoid confusion, use the @code{div} operator instead of @code{/} for integer division and an explicit type cast to @code{number} for ring division. Note, that this problem does only occur for divisions of numerical constants. It also apllies for large numerical constants which are of type @code{bigint}. @smallexample @c example error ring r=32002,x,dp; 3/2; // ring division 3 / 2; // integer division 3 div 2; number(3) / number(2); number a=3; number b=2; a/b; int c=3; int d=2; c / d; @c example @end smallexample @item monomials and precedence @cindex monomials and precedence The formation of a monomial has precedence over all operators: @smallexample @c example ring r=0,(x,y),dp; 2xy^2 == (2*x*y)^2; 2xy^2 == 2x*y^2; 2x*y^2 == 2*x * (y^2); @c example @end smallexample During that formation no operator is involved: in the non-commutative case, we have @smallexample @c example LIB "nctools.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def S = superCommutative(); xy == yx; x*y == y*x; x*y, y*x; @c example @end smallexample @item meaning of @code{mult} @cindex mult @cindex degree For an arbitrary ideal or module @code{i}, @code{mult(i)} returns the multiplicity of the ideal generated by the leading monomials of the given generators of @code{i}, hence depends on the monomial ordering! A standard mistake is to interpret @code{degree(i)} or @code{mult(i)} for an inhomogeneous ideal @code{i} as the degree of the homogenization or as something like the 'degree of the affine part'. For the ordering @code{dp} (degree reverse lexicographical) the converse is true: if @code{i} is given by a standard basis, @code{mult(i)} is the degree of the homogeneous ideal obtained by homogenization of @code{i} and then putting the homogenizing variable to 0, hence it is the degree of the part at infinity (this can also be checked by looking at the initial ideal). @item size of ideals @cindex ideals @cindex size @code{size} counts the non-zero entries of an ideal or module. Use @code{ncols} to determine the actual number of entries in the ideal or module. @item computations in @code{qring} @cindex qring In order to speed up computations in quotient rings, @sc{Singular} usually does not reduce polynomials w.r.t.@: the quotient ideal; rather the given representative is used as long as possible during computations. If it is necessary, reduction is done during standard base computations. To reduce a polynomial @code{f} by hand w.r.t.@: the current quotient ideal use the command @code{reduce(f,std(0))} (@pxref{reduce}). @item degree of a polynomial @cindex degree of a polynomial @itemize @item @code{degBound} @*The exact meaning of "degree" depends on the ring odering and the command: @code{slimgb} uses always the total degree with weights 1, @code{std} does so only for block orderings. @item @code{hilb} @*the degree is the total degree with weights 1 unless a weight vector is given @item @code{kbase} @*the degree is the total degree with weights 1 (to use another weight vector see @ref{weightKB}) @end itemize @item substring selection @cindex string To extract substrings from a @code{string}, square brackets are used, enclosing either two comma-separated @code{int}s or an @code{intvec}. Although two comma-separated @code{int}s represent an @code{intvec}, they mean different things in substring access. Square brackets enclosing two @code{int}s (e.g.@: @code{s[2,6]}) return a substring where the first integer denotes the starting position and the second integer denotes the length of the substring. The result is returned as a @code{string}. Square brackets enclosing an @code{intvec} (e.g.@: @code{s[intvec(2,6)]}) return the characters of the string at the position given by the values of the @code{intvec}. The result is returned as an expression list of strings. @c Note, that this problem does @c not occur for square brackets enclosing a single @code{int} or more than @c two @code{int}s. Those always return an expression list of strings. @smallexample @c example string s = "one-word"; s[2,6]; // a substring starting at the second char size(_); intvec v = 2,6; s[v]; // the second and the sixth char string st = s[v]; // stick together by an assignment st; size(_); v = 2,6,8; s[v]; @c example @end smallexample @ifset namespaces @item packages and indexed variables See example @smallexample @c example error package K; string K::varok; string K::donotwork(1); int K::i(1..3); // Toplevel does not contain i(1..3) listvar(); // i(1..3) are stored in Package 'K' listvar(K); @c example @end smallexample @end ifset @end enumerate @c ---------------------------------------------- @node Identifier resolution,, Miscellaneous oddities, Tricks and pitfalls @section Identifier resolution @cindex identifier In @sc{Singular}, an identifier (i.e., a "word") is resolved in the following way and order: It is checked for @enumerate @item a reserved name (like @code{ring}, @code{std}, @dots{}), @item a local variable (w.r.t. a procedure), @item a local ring variable (w.r.t. the current basering locally set in a procedure), @item a global variable, @item a global ring variable (w.r.t. the current basering) @item a monomial consisting of local ring variables written without operators, @item a monomial consisting of global ring variables written without operators. @end enumerate Consequently, it is allowed to have general variables with the same name as ring variables. However, the above identifier resolution order must be kept in mind. Otherwise, surprising results may come up. @smallexample @c example ring r=0,(x,y),dp; int x; x*y; // resolved product int*poly, i.e., 0*y xy; // "xy" is one identifier and resolved to monomial xy @c example @end smallexample For these reasons, we strongly recommend not to use variables which have the same name(s) as ring variables. Moroever, we strongly recommend not to use ring variables whose name is fully contained in (i.e., is a substring of) another name of a ring variable. Otherwise, effects like the following might occur: @smallexample @c example ring r=0,(x, x1),dp; // name x is substring of name x1 !!!!!!!!! x;x1; // resolved polynomial x short=0; 2x1; // resolved to monomial 2*x^1 !!!!!! 2*x1; // resolved to product 2 times x1 @c example @end smallexample