% $Id: usercard.tex,v 1.6 1998-06-18 20:27:38 schmidt Exp $ % % usercard.tex - Singular user quick reference card. % \input singcard.tex \centerline{\hbf SINGULAR Quick Reference} \centerline{\srm {\ssc Singular} Version 1.2.0} \bigskip Do not forget to terminate all commands with a {\tt ;} (semicolon)! In particular if \Singular\ prints the continuation prompt {\tt .} (peri\-od) instead of the regular command prompt {\tt >}, then it waits for a command to be terminated by a {\tt ;}. If that does not help, try one or more {\tt "} or {\tt \char`}} to close an opened string or block. Comments start with {\tt //} and extend to end of line. \smallskip Some of the topics concerning interactive use are system dependent. \sec Starting SINGULAR(2.5cm) Singular& start \Singular\cr Singular {\it file} \rep& read {\it files\/} and prompt for further commands\cr Singular --help& print help on command line options and exit\cr \endsec \sec Stopping SINGULAR() quit;& exit \Singular; also {\tt exit;} or {\tt \$}\cr \ctl c& interrupt \Singular\cr \endsec \sec Getting help() help;& enter online help system\cr help {\it topic\/};& describe {\it topic\/}; also {\tt? {\it topic\/};}\cr \subsec{Inside the online help system:} \ctl h& get help on help system\cr q& exit from help system\cr n\rmslash p\rmslash u& go to next/previous/upper node\cr m& pick menu item by name\cr l& go to last visited node/exit from help on help\cr SPC\rmslash DEL& scroll forward/backward one page\cr \endsec \sec Commandline editing() \sectext Commandline editing is similar to that of, e.g., {\tt bash} or {\tt tcsh}:\cr BS\rmslash\ctl d& remove character on the left/right of cursor\cr \ctl p\rmslash\ctl n& get previous/next line from history\cr \ctl b\rmslash\ctl f& move cursor left/right\cr \ctl a\rmslash\ctl e& go to beginning/end of line\cr \ctl u\rmslash\ctl k& delete to beginning/end of line\cr \endsec \sec Names and objects() \sectext Names (= identifiers) have to be declared before they are used:\cr \entryskip \longentry {\it type\/} {\it name\/} \opt{= {\it expression\/}};& declare variable {\it name}\cr kill({\it name\/})& delete variable {\it name}\cr \entryskip \sectext \parskip=\verysmallskipamount Names of type {\tt number}, {\tt poly}, {\tt ideal}, {\tt vector}, {\tt module}, {\tt matrix}, {\tt map}, and {\tt resolution} may be declared only inside a ring. They are local to that ring. The same holds for a {\tt list} if it contains an object of the above types. All other types may be declared at any time. They are globally visible. Names may consist of alphanumeric characters including {\tt \_} (underscore) and have to start with a letter. Capital and small letters are distinguished. Names may be followed by an integer expression in parentheses, resulting in so-called {\it indexed names}.\cr \entryskip {\it name\/}({\it n}..{\it m\/})& shortcut for {\tt {\it name\/}({\it n\/}), $\ldots$, {\it name\/}({\it m\/})}\hfil\break (\eg {\tt ring r = 0, x(1..3), dp;})\cr \_ {\rm (underscore)}& refers to the value of the last expression printed\cr \endsec \vfill \centerline{\srm \copyright 1998 \qquad Permissions on back} \eject \sec Ring declaration() \longentry ring {\it name\/} = {\it basefield}, ({\it ringvars\/}), {\it ordering\/};& \hyphenpenalty=50 \tolerance=200 declare ring {\it name\/} and make it the new base\-ring. {\it ringvars\/} has to be a list of names, the other items are described below. Example:\par {\tt ring r = 32003, (x, y, z), dp;}\cr \longentry qring {\it name\/} = {\it ideal\/};& declare quotient ring {\it name\/} of the current base\-ring with respect to {\it ideal\/}. {\it ideal\/} has to be a standard basis. Make {\it name\/} the new basering.\cr \subsec{Available {\bit basefields\/}:} 0& the rational numbers\cr \it p& the finite field $Z_p$ with {\it p\/} elements,\par $2 \le p \le 32003$ a prime\cr ({\it p\/}\^{}{\it n}, {\it gen\/})& the finite field with $p^n$ elements, {\it p\/} a prime and\par $4 \le p^n \le 32671$. The name {\it gen\/} refers to some generator of the cyclic group of unities.\cr ({\it p}, {\it alpha\/})& algebraic extension of $Q$ or $Z_p$ ($p = 0$ or as above) by {\it alpha}. The minpoly $\mu_{\hbox{\tit alpha}}$ for {\it alpha\/} has to be specified with an assignment to {\tt minpoly} (\eg {\tt minpoly=a\^{}2+1;}, for $\hbox{\it alpha}=\hbox{\tt a}$). {\it alpha\/} has to be a name.\cr ({\it p}, $t_1$, $\ldots$)& transcendental extension of $Q$ or $Z_p$ ($p = 0$ or as above) by~$t_i$. The $t_i$ have to be names.\cr real& the real numbers represented by floating point numbers\cr \endsec \sec Term orderings() \sectext An {\it ordering\/} as referred to in the ring declaration may either be a global, local, or matrix ordering or a list of these resulting in a pro\-duct ordering. The list may include extra weight vectors and may be preceded or followed by a module ordering specification.\cr \subsec{Global orderings} lp& lexicographical ordering\cr dp& degree reverse lexicographical ordering\cr Dp& degree lexicographical ordering\cr wp($w_1$, $\ldots$)& weighted reverse lexicographical ordering\cr Wp($w_1$, $\ldots$)& weighted lexicographical ordering\cr & The $w_i$ have to be positive integers.\cr \subsec{Local orderings} ls& negative lexicographical ordering\cr ds& negative degree reverse lexicographical ordering\cr Ds& negative degree lexicographical ordering\cr ws($w_1$, $\ldots$)& general weighted reverse lexicographical ordering\cr Ws($w_1$, $\ldots$)& general weighted lexicographical ordering\cr & $w_1$ has to be a non-zero integer, every other $w_i$ may be any integer\cr \subsec{Matrix orderings} \longentry M($m_{11}$, $m_{12}$, $\ldots$, $m_{nn}$)& {\it m\/} has to be an invertible matrix with integer coeffi\-cients. Coefficients have to be specified row-wise.\cr \subsec{Product orderings} \longentry($o_1$\opt{($k_1$)}, $o_2$\opt{($k_2$)}, $\ldots$, $o_n$\opt{($k_n$)})& the $o_i$ have to be any of the above orderings. {\tt lp}, {\tt dp}, {\tt Dp}, {\tt ls}, {\tt ds}, {\tt Ds} may be followed by an integer expression $k_i$ in parentheses specifying the number of variables $o_i$ refers to (\eg {\tt (lp(3), dp(2))}).\cr \subsec{Extra weight vector} a($w_1$, $\ldots$)& any of the above degree orderings may be preceded by an extra weight vector\cr \noalign{\eject} \subsec{Module orderings} ({\it c}, $o_1$, $\ldots$)& sort by components first\cr ($o_1$, $\ldots$, {\it c\/})& sort by variables first\cr & $o_i$ may be any of the above orderings or an extra weight vector, {\it c\/} may be one of {\tt C} or {\tt c}:\cr C& sort generators in ascending order (\ie {\tt gen({\it i\/})} $<$ {\tt gen({\it j\/})} iff $i < j$)\cr c& sort generators in descending order\cr \endsec \sec Data types(1.5cm) \sectext Examples of ring-independent types:\cr \entryskip \longitem int i1 = 101; int i2 = 13 div 3;\cr \entryskip \longitem intvec iv = 13 div 3, -4, i1;\cr \entryskip \longentry intmat im[2][2] = 13 div 3, -4, i1;& a $2\times 2$ matrix. Entries are filled row-wise, missing entries are set to zero, extra entries are ignored. vector/matrix elements are accessed using the {\tt[$\ldots$]} operator, where the first element has index one (\eg {\tt iv[3]; im[1, 2];}).\cr \entryskip \longitem string s1 = "a quote \char"5C " and a backslash \char"5C \char"5C";\par string s2 = "con" + "catenation";\cr \entryskip \sectext Basering in the following is {\tt ring r = 0, (x, y, z, mu, nu), dp;}\cr \entryskip \longitem number n = 5/3;\cr \entryskip \longentry poly p(1) = 3/4x3yz4+2xy2;\par poly p(2) = (5/3)*mu\^{}2*nu\^{}3+n*yz2;& {\tt p(1)} equals $3/4x^3yz^4+2xy^2$. Short format of mono\-mials is valid for one-character ring variables only.\cr \entryskip \longentry ideal i = p(1..2), x+y;& note the use of indexed names\cr \entryskip \longentry vector v = [p(1), p(2), x+y];\par vector w = 2*p(1)*gen(6)+n*nu*gen(1);& vectors may be written in brackets ({\tt [$\ldots$]}) or expressed as linear combinations of the canonical generators {\tt gen({\it i\/})}\cr \entryskip \longitem module mo = v, w, x+y*gen(1);\cr \entryskip \longitem resolution r = sres(std(mo), 0);\cr \entryskip \longentry matrix ma[2][2] = 5/3, p(1), 101;& the rules for declaring, filling, and accessing integer matrices apply to types {\tt matrix} and {\tt vector}, too\cr \entryskip \longentry list l = iv, v, p(1..2), mo;& lists may collect objects of any type. They are ring-dependent iff one of the entries is.\cr \entryskip \longentry def d = read("MPfile:r example.mp");& a name of type {\tt def} inherits the type of the object assigned first to it. Useful if the actual type of an object is unknown.\cr \endsec \sec Monitoring and debugging tools() timer = 1;& print time used for commands to execute\cr \longentry int t = timer; {\it command\/}; \rep; timer-t;& print time used for {\it commands\/} to execute\cr memory(1);& print number of bytes allocated from system\cr option(prot);& show algorithm protocol\cr option(mem);& show algorithm memory usage\cr \entryskip TRACE = 1;& print protocol on execution of procedures\cr listvar(all);& list all (user-)defined names\cr \longentry listvar({\it ringname\/});& list all names belonging to {\it ringname}\cr \endsec \eject \sec Options() option();& show current option settings\cr \longentry option($option_1$, no$option_2$, $\ldots$);& switch $option_1$ on and $option_2$ off, resp.\cr option(none);& reset all options to default values\cr \sectext Type {\tt help option;} for a list of all options.\cr \subsec{Monitoring} debugLib& show loading of procedures from libraries\cr mem& show algorithm memory usage\cr prot& show algorithm protocol\cr \subsec{Standard bases} fastHC& try to find highest corner as fast as possible\cr intStrategy& avoid divisions\cr morePairs& create additional pairs\cr notSugar& disable sugar strategy\cr redSB& compute reduced standard bases\cr redTail& reduce tails\cr sugarCrit& use sugar criteria\cr weightM& automatically compute weights\cr \subsec{Resolutions} minRes& do additional minimizing\cr notRegularity& disable regularity bound\cr \subsec{Miscellany} returnSB& let some functions return standard bases\cr \endsec \sec System variables() \sectext Type {\tt help System variables;} for a list of all system variables.\cr \subsec{Standard bases} degBound& stop if (weighted) total degree exceeds {\tt degBound}\cr multBound& stop if multiplicity gets smaller than {\tt multBound}\cr noether& cut off all monomials above monomial {\tt noether}\cr \subsec{Miscellany} basering& current basering\cr minpoly& minimal polynomial for algebraic extensions\cr short& do not print monomials in short format if zero\cr timer& on assignment of a non-zero value show time used for execution of executed commands. On evaluation, return system time in seconds used by \Singular\ since start\cr TRACE& print information on procedures being executed if larger than one\cr \endsec \sec Input and output() < "{\it filename\/}";& load and execute {\it filename\/}\cr \longentry write("{\it filename\/}", {\it expression}, \rep)& write {\it expressions\/} to ASCII file {\it filename}\cr \longentry read("{\it filename\/}");& read ASCII file {\it filename\/} and return content as a string. See also example below.\cr \longentry dump("MPfile: {\it filename\/}");\par getdump("MPfile: {\it filename\/}");& dump current state of {\sc Singular} to {\it filename} and retrieve it, resp.\cr \entryskip \sectext An example how to write one single expression (in this case the ideal {\tt i}) to a file and read it back from there: {\tt write("i.save", i);\par execute("ideal i=" + read("i.save") + ";"); }\cr \endsec \eject \sec Libraries() LIB "{\it library\/}";& load {\it library}\cr help {\it library\/};& show help on {\it library}\cr help all.lib;& show list of all libraries\cr \endsec \sec Mapping(1.5cm) \longentry map {\it name\/} = {\it ringname}, {\it ideal\/};& declare a map {\it name\/} from {\it ringname\/} to current basering. The $i$-th ring variable from {\it ringname\/} is mapped to the $i$-th generator of {\it ideal}.\cr \longentry {\it mapname\/}({\it expression\/})& apply map {\it mapname\/} to {\it expression}\cr \entryskip \sectext Coefficients between rings with different basefields are mapped in the following way (non-canonical maps only):\strut \abovedisplayskip=0pt \belowdisplayskip=0pt $$ \eqalign{Z_p \rightarrow Q& :[i]_p \mapsto i \in [-p/2,p/2] \subset Z\cr Z_p \rightarrow Z_q&:[i]_p \mapsto i \in [-p/2,p/2] \subset Z, i \mapsto [i]_q} $$ \cr \noalign{\vskip -9pt} % dirty trick, gobbles the trailing \strut from \sectext \entryskip \longentry fetch({\it ringname}, {\it name\/})& map from ring {\it ringname\/} to current base\-ring. The rings have to be identical up to names of ring variables\cr \longentry imap({\it ringname}, {\it name\/})& map from subring {\it ringname\/} to current basering\cr \longentry subst({\it expression}, {\it ringvar}, {\it monomial\/})& substitute {\it ringvar\/} by {\it monomial\/} in {\it expression}\cr \endsec \sec Miscellany(1.5cm) \longentry setring({\it ringname\/})& make {\it ringname\/} the current basering\cr \subsec{Data on polynomials} \longentry ord({\it poly\/\alt vector\/})& return (weighted) degree of initial term\cr \longentry deg({\it poly\/\alt vector\/})& return maximal (weighted) degree\cr \longentry size({\it ideal\/\alt module\/})\par size({\it poly\/\alt vector\/})\par size({\it string\/\alt intvec\/\alt list\/})& return (1) number of non-zero generators; (2) number of monomials; (3) length\cr \longentry lead({\it expression\/})& return initial term(s)\cr \subsec{Operations on polynomials} \longentry gcd({\it $\hbox{poly}_1$}, {\it $\hbox{poly}_2$\/})& return greatest common divisor\cr \longentry factorize({\it poly\/}\opt{, {\it int\/}})& return irreducible factors. Return constant factor and multiplicities in dependency on {\it int}.\cr \endsec \sec Differentiation and jets(1.5cm) \longentry diff({\it expression}, {\it ringvar\/})\par diff({\it $\hbox{ideal}_1$}, {\it $\hbox{ideal}_2$\/})& (1) return partial derivation by {\it ringvar\/}; (2) differentiate each elt.\ of {\it $\hbox{ideal}_2$\/} by the differential operators corres\-pon\-ding to the elements of {\it $\hbox{ideal}_1$}\cr \longentry jacob({\it poly\/\alt ideal\/})& return jacobi ideal or matrix, resp.\cr \longentry jet({\it expression}, {\it int\/}\opt{, {\it intvec\/}})& return {\it int\/}-jet of {\it expression}. Return weighted {\it int\/}-jet if {\it intvec\/} is specifified.\cr \endsec \eject \sec Standard bases(1.5cm) \longentry groebner({\it ideal\/\alt module\/}\opt{, {\it int\/}})& compute a standard basis (SB) of {\it ideal\/} resp.\ {\it module\/} using a heuristically chosen method. Delimit com\-pu\-tation time to {\it int\/} seconds.\cr \longentry std({\it ideal\/\alt module\/}\opt{, {\it intvec\/}})& compute a SB. Use first Hilbert series {\it intvec\/} (result from {\tt hilb($\ldots$, 1)}) for Hilbert-driven computation.\cr \longentry stdfglm({\it ideal\/}\opt{, {\it string\/}})& use FGLM algorithm to compute a SB from a SB w.r.t.\ the ``simpler'' ordering {\it string\/} (de\-faults to {\tt dp})\cr \longentry stdhilb({\it ideal\/}\opt{, {\it intvec\/}})& use Hilbert-driven algorithm to compute a SB. If Hil\-bert series {\it intvec\/} is not specified compute it first.\cr \longentry fglm({\it ringname}, {\it idealname\/})& use FGLM algorithm to transform SB {\it idealname\/} from ring {\it ringname\/} to a SB w.r.t.\ the ordering of the current basering\cr \longentry reduce({\it expression}, {\it ideal\/\alt module\/}\opt{, {\it int\/}})& reduce {\it expression\/} w.r.t.\ second argument which should be a SB. Use lazy reduction if {\it int\/} equals one.\cr \endsec \sec Computation of invariants(1.5cm) \sectext Most of the results are meaningful only if the input ideal or module is represented by a standard basis.\cr \longentry degree({\it ideal\/\alt module\/})& display (Krull) dimension, codimension and multiplicity\cr \longentry dim({\it ideal\/\alt module\/})& return (Krull) dimension\cr \longentry hilb({\it ideal\/\alt module\/}\opt{, {\it int\/}})& display first and second Hilbert series with one argument. Return {\it int}-th Hilber series otherwise (${\it \hbox{int}} = 1,2$).\cr \longentry mult({\it ideal\/\alt module\/})& return multiplicity\cr \longentry vdim({\it ideal\/\alt module\/})& return vector space dimension of current basering modulo {\it ideal\/} or {\it module}, resp.\cr \endsec \sec Resolutions(1.5cm) \sectext An integer argument {\it length\/} in the following descriptions specifies the length of the resolution to compute. If {\it length\/} equals zero, the whole resolution is computed.\cr \longentry res({\it ideal\/\alt module}, {\it length\/}\opt{, {\it int\/}})& compute a free resolution (FR) of {\it ideal\/} resp.\ {\it module\/} using a heuristically chosen method. Compute a minimal resolution if a third argument is given.\cr \longentry mres({\it ideal\/\alt module}, {\it length\/})& compute a minimal FR using the standard basis method\cr \longentry lres({\it ideal\/\alt module}, {\it length\/})& compute a FR using LaSacala's method\cr \longentry sres({\it ideal\/\alt module}, {\it length\/})& compute a FR using Schreyer's method\cr \longentry syz({\it ideal\/\alt module\/})& compute the first syzygy\cr \longentry minres({\it resolution\/\alt list\/})& minimize a free resolution\cr \longentry betty({\it resolution\/\alt list\/})& compute the graded Betti numbers of a module represented by a resolution\cr \endsec \bye