// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- /*****************************************************************************\ * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR \*****************************************************************************/ /** @file syzextra.cc * * Here we implement the Computation of Syzygies * * ABSTRACT: Computation of Syzygies due to Schreyer * * @author Oleksandr Motsak * **/ /*****************************************************************************/ // include header file #include #include "syzextra.h" #include "DebugPrint.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // For iiAddCproc #include #include #include // USING_NAMESPACE_SINGULARXX; USING_NAMESPACE( SINGULARXXNAME :: DEBUG ) BEGIN_NAMESPACE_SINGULARXX BEGIN_NAMESPACE(SYZEXTRA) BEGIN_NAMESPACE(SORT_c_ds) #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE static int cmp_c_ds(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *R) { #else static int cmp_c_ds(const void *p1, const void *p2) { void *R = currRing; #endif const int YES = 1; const int NO = -1; const ring r = (const ring) R; // TODO/NOTE: the structure is known: C, lp!!! assume( r == currRing ); const poly a = *(const poly*)p1; const poly b = *(const poly*)p2; assume( a != NULL ); assume( b != NULL ); assume( p_LmTest(a, r) ); assume( p_LmTest(b, r) ); const signed long iCompDiff = p_GetComp(a, r) - p_GetComp(b, r); // TODO: test this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //return -( compare (c, qsorts) ) #ifndef NDEBUG const int __DEBUG__ = 0; if( __DEBUG__ ) { PrintS("cmp_c_ds: a, b: \np1: "); dPrint(a, r, r, 2); PrintS("b: "); dPrint(b, r, r, 2); PrintLn(); } #endif if( iCompDiff > 0 ) return YES; if( iCompDiff < 0 ) return NO; assume( iCompDiff == 0 ); const signed long iDegDiff = p_Totaldegree(a, r) - p_Totaldegree(b, r); if( iDegDiff > 0 ) return YES; if( iDegDiff < 0 ) return NO; assume( iDegDiff == 0 ); #ifndef NDEBUG if( __DEBUG__ ) { PrintS("cmp_c_ds: a & b have the same comp & deg! "); PrintLn(); } #endif for (int v = rVar(r); v > 0; v--) { assume( v > 0 ); assume( v <= rVar(r) ); const signed int d = p_GetExp(a, v, r) - p_GetExp(b, v, r); if( d > 0 ) return YES; if( d < 0 ) return NO; assume( d == 0 ); } return 0; } END_NAMESPACE /* namespace SORT_c_ds */ /// return a new term: leading coeff * leading monomial of p /// with 0 leading component! poly leadmonom(const poly p, const ring r) { poly m = NULL; if( p != NULL ) { assume( p != NULL ); assume( p_LmTest(p, r) ); m = p_LmInit(p, r); p_SetCoeff0(m, n_Copy(p_GetCoeff(p, r), r), r); p_SetComp(m, 0, r); p_Setm(m, r); assume( p_GetComp(m, r) == 0 ); assume( m != NULL ); assume( pNext(m) == NULL ); assume( p_LmTest(m, r) ); } return m; } poly p_Tail(const poly p, const ring r) { if( p == NULL) return NULL; else return p_Copy( pNext(p), r ); } ideal id_Tail(const ideal id, const ring r) { if( id == NULL) return NULL; const ideal newid = idInit(IDELEMS(id),id->rank); for (int i=IDELEMS(id) - 1; i >= 0; i--) newid->m[i] = p_Tail( id->m[i], r ); newid->rank = id_RankFreeModule(newid, currRing); return newid; } void Sort_c_ds(const ideal id, const ring r) { const int sizeNew = IDELEMS(id); #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE #define qsort_my(m, s, ss, r, cmp) qsort_r(m, s, ss, cmp, r) #else #define qsort_my(m, s, ss, r, cmp) qsort_r(m, s, ss, cmp) #endif if( sizeNew >= 2 ) qsort_my(id->m, sizeNew, sizeof(poly), r, FROM_NAMESPACE(SORT_c_ds, cmp_c_ds)); #undef qsort_my id->rank = id_RankFreeModule(id, r); } ideal SchreyerSyzygyComputation::Compute1LeadingSyzygyTerms() { const ideal& id = m_idLeads; const ring& r = m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; // const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume(!__LEAD2SYZ__); // 1. set of components S? // 2. for each component c from S: set of indices of leading terms // with this component? // 3. short exp. vectors for each leading term? const int size = IDELEMS(id); if( size < 2 ) { const ideal newid = idInit(1, 0); newid->m[0] = NULL; // zero ideal... return newid; } // TODO/NOTE: input is supposed to be (reverse-) sorted wrt "(c,ds)"!?? // components should come in groups: count elements in each group // && estimate the real size!!! // use just a vector instead??? const ideal newid = idInit( (size * (size-1))/2, size); // maximal size: ideal case! int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { const poly p = id->m[j]; assume( p != NULL ); const int c = p_GetComp(p, r); for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const poly pp = id->m[i]; assume( pp != NULL ); const int cc = p_GetComp(pp, r); if( c != cc ) continue; const poly m = p_Init(r); // p_New??? // m = LCM(p, pp) / p! // TODO: optimize: knowing the ring structure: (C/lp)! for (int v = rVar(r); v > 0; v--) { assume( v > 0 ); assume( v <= rVar(r) ); const short e1 = p_GetExp(p , v, r); const short e2 = p_GetExp(pp, v, r); if( e1 >= e2 ) p_SetExp(m, v, 0, r); else p_SetExp(m, v, e2 - e1, r); } assume( (j > i) && (i >= 0) ); p_SetComp(m, j + 1, r); pNext(m) = NULL; p_SetCoeff0(m, n_Init(1, r->cf), r); // for later... p_Setm(m, r); // should not do anything!!! newid->m[k++] = m; } } // if( __DEBUG__ && FALSE ) // { // PrintS("ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms::Temp0: \n"); // dPrint(newid, r, r, 1); // } // the rest of newid is assumed to be zeroes... // simplify(newid, 2 + 32)?? // sort(newid, "C,ds")[1]??? id_DelDiv(newid, r); // #define SIMPL_LMDIV 32 // if( __DEBUG__ && FALSE ) // { // PrintS("ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms::Temp1: \n"); // dPrint(newid, r, r, 1); // } idSkipZeroes(newid); // #define SIMPL_NULL 2 // if( __DEBUG__ ) // { // PrintS("ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms::Output: \n"); // dPrint(newid, r, r, 1); // } Sort_c_ds(newid, r); return newid; } ideal SchreyerSyzygyComputation::Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms() { const ideal& id = m_idLeads; const ring& r = m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; // const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; // 1. set of components S? // 2. for each component c from S: set of indices of leading terms // with this component? // 3. short exp. vectors for each leading term? const int size = IDELEMS(id); if( size < 2 ) { const ideal newid = idInit(1, 1); newid->m[0] = NULL; // zero module... return newid; } // TODO/NOTE: input is supposed to be sorted wrt "C,ds"!?? // components should come in groups: count elements in each group // && estimate the real size!!! // use just a vector instead??? ideal newid = idInit( (size * (size-1))/2, size); // maximal size: ideal case! int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { const poly p = id->m[j]; assume( p != NULL ); const int c = p_GetComp(p, r); for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const poly pp = id->m[i]; assume( pp != NULL ); const int cc = p_GetComp(pp, r); if( c != cc ) continue; // allocate memory & zero it out! const poly m = p_Init(r); const poly mm = p_Init(r); // m = LCM(p, pp) / p! mm = LCM(p, pp) / pp! // TODO: optimize: knowing the ring structure: (C/lp)! for (int v = rVar(r); v > 0; v--) { assume( v > 0 ); assume( v <= rVar(r) ); const short e1 = p_GetExp(p , v, r); const short e2 = p_GetExp(pp, v, r); if( e1 >= e2 ) p_SetExp(mm, v, e1 - e2, r); // p_SetExp(m, v, 0, r); else p_SetExp(m, v, e2 - e1, r); // p_SetExp(mm, v, 0, r); } assume( (j > i) && (i >= 0) ); p_SetComp(m, j + 1, r); p_SetComp(mm, i + 1, r); const number& lc1 = p_GetCoeff(p , r); const number& lc2 = p_GetCoeff(pp, r); number g = n_Lcm( lc1, lc2, r ); p_SetCoeff0(m , n_Div(g, lc1, r), r); p_SetCoeff0(mm, n_Neg(n_Div(g, lc2, r), r), r); n_Delete(&g, r); p_Setm(m, r); // should not do anything!!! p_Setm(mm, r); // should not do anything!!! pNext(m) = mm; // pNext(mm) = NULL; newid->m[k++] = m; } } // if( __DEBUG__ && FALSE ) // { // PrintS("Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms::Temp0: \n"); // dPrint(newid, r, r, 1); // } if( !__TAILREDSYZ__ ) { // simplify(newid, 2 + 32)?? // sort(newid, "C,ds")[1]??? id_DelDiv(newid, r); // #define SIMPL_LMDIV 32 // if( __DEBUG__ && FALSE ) // { // PrintS("Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms::Temp1 (deldiv): \n"); // dPrint(newid, r, r, 1); // } } else { // option(redSB); option(redTail); // TEST_OPT_REDSB // TEST_OPT_REDTAIL assume( r == currRing ); BITSET _save_test = test; test |= (Sy_bit(OPT_REDTAIL) | Sy_bit(OPT_REDSB)); intvec* w=new intvec(IDELEMS(newid)); ideal tmp = kStd(newid, currQuotient, isHomog, &w); delete w; test = _save_test; id_Delete(&newid, r); newid = tmp; // if( __DEBUG__ && FALSE ) // { // PrintS("Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms::Temp1 (std): \n"); // dPrint(newid, r, r, 1); // } } idSkipZeroes(newid); Sort_c_ds(newid, r); return newid; } CReducerFinder::CLeadingTerm::CLeadingTerm(unsigned int _label, const poly _lt, const ring R): m_sev( p_GetShortExpVector(_lt, R) ), m_label( _label ), m_lt( _lt ) { } CReducerFinder::~CReducerFinder() { for( CReducersHash::const_iterator it = m_hash.begin(); it != m_hash.end(); it++ ) { const TReducers& v = it->second; for(TReducers::const_iterator vit = v.begin(); vit != v.end(); vit++ ) delete const_cast(*vit); } } CReducerFinder::CReducerFinder(const SchreyerSyzygyComputation& data): m_data(data), m_hash() { const ideal& L = data.m_idLeads; const ring& R = data.m_rBaseRing; // const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = data.m_atttributes; // // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; // const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( L != NULL ); assume( R != NULL ); assume( R == currRing ); for( int k = IDELEMS(L) - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) { const poly a = L->m[k]; assume( a != NULL ); // NOTE: label is k \in 0 ... |L|-1!!! m_hash[p_GetComp(a, R)].push_back( new CLeadingTerm(k, a, R) ); } } CLCM::CLCM(const SchreyerSyzygyComputation& data): std::vector(), m_data(data), m_compute(false) { const ideal& L = data.m_idLeads; const ring& R = data.m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = data.m_atttributes; // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( L != NULL ); assume( R != NULL ); assume( R == currRing ); if( __TAILREDSYZ__ && !__HYBRIDNF__ ) { const int l = IDELEMS(L); resize(l, false); const unsigned int N = rVar(R); for( int k = l - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) { const poly a = L->m[k]; assume( a != NULL ); for (unsigned int j = N; j > 0; j--) if ( !(*this)[j] ) (*this)[j] = (p_GetExp(a, j, R) > 0); } m_compute = true; } } bool CLCM::Check(const poly m) const { assume( m != NULL ); if( m_compute && (m != NULL)) { const ring& R = m_data.m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_data.m_atttributes; // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( R != NULL ); assume( R == currRing ); assume( __TAILREDSYZ__ && !__HYBRIDNF__ ); const unsigned int N = rVar(R); for (unsigned int j = N; j > 0; j--) if ( (*this)[j] ) if(p_GetExp(m, j, R) > 0) return true; return false; } else return true; } void SchreyerSyzygyComputation::ComputeSyzygy() { // FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _ComputeSyzygy(m_idLeads, m_idTails, m_syzLeads, m_syzTails, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); // TODO: just a wrapper for now :/ assume( m_idLeads != NULL ); assume( m_idTails != NULL ); const ideal& L = m_idLeads; const ideal& T = m_idTails; ideal& TT = m_syzTails; const ring& R = m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; // const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( R == currRing ); // For attributes :-/ assume( IDELEMS(L) == IDELEMS(T) ); ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms( __LEAD2SYZ__ ); // 2 terms OR 1 term! ideal& LL = m_syzLeads; const int size = IDELEMS(LL); TT = idInit(size, 0); if( size == 1 && LL->m[0] == NULL ) return; for( int k = size - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) { const poly a = LL->m[k]; assume( a != NULL ); const int r = p_GetComp(a, R) - 1; assume( r >= 0 && r < IDELEMS(T) ); assume( r >= 0 && r < IDELEMS(L) ); poly aa = leadmonom(a, R); assume( aa != NULL); // :( poly a2 = pNext(a); // Splitting 2-terms Leading syzygy module if( a2 != NULL ) { TT->m[k] = a2; pNext(a) = NULL; } if( ! __HYBRIDNF__ ) { poly t = TraverseTail(aa, T->m[r]); if( a2 != NULL ) { assume( __LEAD2SYZ__ ); const int r2 = p_GetComp(a2, R) - 1; poly aa2 = leadmonom(a2, R); // :( assume( r2 >= 0 && r2 < IDELEMS(T) ); TT->m[k] = p_Add_q(a2, p_Add_q(t, TraverseTail(aa2, T->m[r2]), R), R); p_Delete(&aa2, R); } else TT->m[k] = p_Add_q(t, ReduceTerm(aa, L->m[r], a), R); } else { if( a2 == NULL ) { aa = p_Mult_mm(aa, L->m[r], R); a2 = m_div.FindReducer(aa, a); } assume( a2 != NULL ); TT->m[k] = SchreyerSyzygyNF(a, a2); // will copy a2 :( p_Delete(&a2, R); } p_Delete(&aa, R); } TT->rank = id_RankFreeModule(TT, R); } void SchreyerSyzygyComputation::ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms(bool bComputeSecondTerms) { const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; if( bComputeSecondTerms ) { assume( __LEAD2SYZ__ ); // m_syzLeads = FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms(m_idLeads, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); m_syzLeads = Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms(); } else { assume( !__LEAD2SYZ__ ); m_syzLeads = Compute1LeadingSyzygyTerms(); } // m_syzLeads = FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms(m_idLeads, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); // NOTE: set m_LS if tails are to be reduced! if (__TAILREDSYZ__) m_LS = m_syzLeads; (void)( __LEAD2SYZ__ ); } poly CReducerFinder::FindReducer(const poly product, const poly syzterm) const { // return FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _FindReducer(product, syzterm, m_idLeads, m_LS, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); // poly _FindReducer(poly product, poly syzterm, // ideal L, ideal LS, // const ring r, // const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags attributes) const ideal& L = m_data.m_idLeads; const ideal& LS = m_data.m_LS; const ring& r = m_data.m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_data.m_atttributes; const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; // const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( product != NULL ); assume( L != NULL ); long c = 0; if (syzterm != NULL) c = p_GetComp(syzterm, r) - 1; assume( c >= 0 && c < IDELEMS(L) ); if (__DEBUG__ && (syzterm != NULL)) { const poly m = L->m[c]; assume( m != NULL ); assume( pNext(m) == NULL ); poly lm = p_Mult_mm(leadmonom(syzterm, r), m, r); assume( p_EqualPolys(lm, product, r) ); // def @@c = leadcomp(syzterm); int @@r = int(@@c); // def @@product = leadmonomial(syzterm) * L[@@r]; p_Delete(&lm, r); } const long comp = p_GetComp(product, r); const unsigned long not_sev = ~p_GetShortExpVector(product, r); assume( comp >= 0 ); // looking for an appropriate diviser p = L[k]... #if 1 CReducersHash::const_iterator it = m_hash.find(p_GetComp(product, r)); // same module component if( it == m_hash.end() ) return NULL; const TReducers& reducers = it->second; for(TReducers::const_iterator vit = reducers.begin(); vit != reducers.end(); vit++ ) { const poly p = (*vit)->m_lt; assume( p_GetComp(p, r) == comp ); const int k = (*vit)->m_label; assume( L->m[k] == p ); const unsigned long p_sev = (*vit)->m_sev; assume( p_sev == p_GetShortExpVector(p, r) ); #else for( int k = IDELEMS(L)-1; k>= 0; k-- ) { const poly p = L->m[k]; if ( p_GetComp(p, r) != comp ) continue; const unsigned long p_sev = p_GetShortExpVector(p, r); // to be stored in m_hash!!! #endif if( !p_LmShortDivisibleByNoComp(p, p_sev, product, not_sev, r) ) continue; // // ... which divides the product, looking for the _1st_ appropriate one! // if( !p_LmDivisibleByNoComp(p, product, r) ) // included inside p_LmShortDivisibleBy! // continue; const poly q = p_New(r); pNext(q) = NULL; p_ExpVectorDiff(q, product, p, r); // (LM(product) / LM(L[k])) p_SetComp(q, k + 1, r); p_Setm(q, r); // cannot allow something like: a*gen(i) - a*gen(i) if (syzterm != NULL && (k == c)) if (p_ExpVectorEqual(syzterm, q, r)) { if( __DEBUG__ ) { Print("_FindReducer::Test SYZTERM: q == syzterm !:((, syzterm is: "); dPrint(syzterm, r, r, 1); } p_LmFree(q, r); continue; } // while the complement (the fraction) is not reducible by leading syzygies if( LS != NULL ) { assume( __TAILREDSYZ__ ); BOOLEAN ok = TRUE; // TODO: FindReducer in LS !!! there should be no divisors! for(int kk = IDELEMS(LS)-1; kk>= 0; kk-- ) { const poly pp = LS->m[kk]; if( p_LmDivisibleBy(pp, q, r) ) { if( __DEBUG__ ) { Print("_FindReducer::Test LS: q is divisible by LS[%d] !:((, diviser is: ", kk+1); dPrint(pp, r, r, 1); } ok = FALSE; // q in :(( break; } } if(!ok) { p_LmFree(q, r); continue; } } p_SetCoeff0(q, n_Neg( n_Div( p_GetCoeff(product, r), p_GetCoeff(p, r), r), r), r); return q; } return NULL; } poly SchreyerSyzygyComputation::SchreyerSyzygyNF(poly syz_lead, poly syz_2) const { // return FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _SchreyerSyzygyNF(syz_lead, syz_2, m_idLeads, m_idTails, m_LS, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); // poly _SchreyerSyzygyNF(poly syz_lead, poly syz_2, // ideal L, ideal T, ideal LS, // const ring r, // const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags attributes) // { const ideal& L = m_idLeads; const ideal& T = m_idTails; // const ideal& LS = m_LS; const ring& r = m_rBaseRing; // const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; // const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; // const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( syz_lead != NULL ); assume( syz_2 != NULL ); assume( L != NULL ); assume( T != NULL ); assume( IDELEMS(L) == IDELEMS(T) ); int c = p_GetComp(syz_lead, r) - 1; assume( c >= 0 && c < IDELEMS(T) ); poly p = leadmonom(syz_lead, r); // :( poly spoly = pp_Mult_qq(p, T->m[c], r); p_Delete(&p, r); c = p_GetComp(syz_2, r) - 1; assume( c >= 0 && c < IDELEMS(T) ); p = leadmonom(syz_2, r); // :( spoly = p_Add_q(spoly, pp_Mult_qq(p, T->m[c], r), r); p_Delete(&p, r); poly tail = p_Copy(syz_2, r); // TODO: use bucket!? while (spoly != NULL) { poly t = m_div.FindReducer(spoly, NULL); p_LmDelete(&spoly, r); if( t != NULL ) { p = leadmonom(t, r); // :( c = p_GetComp(t, r) - 1; assume( c >= 0 && c < IDELEMS(T) ); spoly = p_Add_q(spoly, pp_Mult_qq(p, T->m[c], r), r); p_Delete(&p, r); tail = p_Add_q(tail, t, r); } } return tail; } poly SchreyerSyzygyComputation::TraverseTail(poly multiplier, poly tail) const { const ideal& L = m_idLeads; const ideal& T = m_idTails; // const ideal& LS = m_LS; const ring& r = m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; // return FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _TraverseTail(multiplier, tail, m_idLeads, m_idTails, m_LS, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); // poly _TraverseTail(poly multiplier, poly tail, // ideal L, ideal T, ideal LS, // const ring r, // const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags attributes) // { // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; // const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( multiplier != NULL ); assume( L != NULL ); assume( T != NULL ); poly s = NULL; if( (!__TAILREDSYZ__) || m_lcm.Check(multiplier) ) for(poly p = tail; p != NULL; p = pNext(p)) // iterate over the tail s = p_Add_q(s, ReduceTerm(multiplier, p, NULL), r); return s; } poly SchreyerSyzygyComputation::ReduceTerm(poly multiplier, poly term4reduction, poly syztermCheck) const { const ideal& L = m_idLeads; const ideal& T = m_idTails; // const ideal& LS = m_LS; const ring& r = m_rBaseRing; const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags& attributes = m_atttributes; // return FROM_NAMESPACE(INTERNAL, _ReduceTerm(multiplier, term4reduction, syztermCheck, m_idLeads, m_idTails, m_LS, m_rBaseRing, m_atttributes)); // poly _ReduceTerm(poly multiplier, poly term4reduction, poly syztermCheck, // ideal L, ideal T, ideal LS, // const ring r, // const SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags attributes) // const BOOLEAN __DEBUG__ = attributes.__DEBUG__; // const BOOLEAN __SYZCHECK__ = attributes.__SYZCHECK__; // const BOOLEAN __LEAD2SYZ__ = attributes.__LEAD2SYZ__; // const BOOLEAN __HYBRIDNF__ = attributes.__HYBRIDNF__; const BOOLEAN __TAILREDSYZ__ = attributes.__TAILREDSYZ__; assume( multiplier != NULL ); assume( term4reduction != NULL ); assume( L != NULL ); assume( T != NULL ); // assume(r == currRing); // ? // simple implementation with FindReducer: poly s = NULL; if( (!__TAILREDSYZ__) || m_lcm.Check(multiplier) ) { // NOTE: only LT(term4reduction) should be used in the following: poly product = pp_Mult_mm(multiplier, term4reduction, r); s = m_div.FindReducer(product, syztermCheck); p_Delete(&product, r); } if( s == NULL ) // No Reducer? return s; poly b = leadmonom(s, r); const int c = p_GetComp(s, r) - 1; assume( c >= 0 && c < IDELEMS(T) ); const poly tail = T->m[c]; if( tail != NULL ) s = p_Add_q(s, TraverseTail(b, tail), r); return s; } BEGIN_NAMESPACE_NONAME static inline int atGetInt(idhdl rootRingHdl, const char* attribute, long def) { return ((int)(long)(atGet(rootRingHdl, attribute, INT_CMD, (void*)def))); } END_NAMESPACE SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags::SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags(idhdl rootRingHdl): #ifndef NDEBUG __DEBUG__( (BOOLEAN)atGetInt(rootRingHdl,"DEBUG", TRUE) ), #else __DEBUG__( (BOOLEAN)atGetInt(rootRingHdl,"DEBUG", FALSE) ), #endif __SYZCHECK__( (BOOLEAN)atGetInt(rootRingHdl, "SYZCHECK", __DEBUG__) ), __LEAD2SYZ__( (BOOLEAN)atGetInt(rootRingHdl, "LEAD2SYZ", 1) ), __TAILREDSYZ__( (BOOLEAN)atGetInt(rootRingHdl, "TAILREDSYZ", 1) ), __HYBRIDNF__( (BOOLEAN)atGetInt(rootRingHdl, "HYBRIDNF", 0) ) { if( __DEBUG__ ) { PrintS("SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags: \n"); Print(" DEBUG : \t%d\n", __DEBUG__); Print(" SYZCHECK : \t%d\n", __SYZCHECK__); Print(" LEAD2SYZ : \t%d\n", __LEAD2SYZ__); Print(" TAILREDSYZ: \t%d\n", __TAILREDSYZ__); } // TODO: just current setting! assume( rootRingHdl == currRingHdl ); assume( rootRingHdl->typ == RING_CMD ); assume( rootRingHdl->data.uring == currRing ); // move the global ring here inside??? } END_NAMESPACE END_NAMESPACE_SINGULARXX // Vi-modeline: vim: filetype=c:syntax:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=8:textwidth=0:expandtab