// -*- c++ -*- //***************************************************************************** /** @file cf_gcd_smallp.cc * * @author Martin Lee * @date 22.10.2009 * * This file implements the GCD of two polynomials over \f$ F_{p} \f$ , * \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \f$ or GF based on Alg. 7.2. as described in "Algorithms * for Computer Algebra" by Geddes, Czapor, Labahnn * * @par Copyright: * (c) by The SINGULAR Team, see LICENSE file * * @internal * @version \$Id$ * **/ //***************************************************************************** #include #include "assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "timing.h" #include "canonicalform.h" #include "cf_map.h" #include "cf_util.h" #include "ftmpl_functions.h" #include "cf_random.h" // iinline helper functions: #include "cf_map_ext.h" #ifdef HAVE_NTL #include #include #endif #include "cf_gcd_smallp.h" #ifdef HAVE_NTL TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(gcd_recursion); TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(newton_interpolation); /// compressing two polynomials F and G, M is used for compressing, /// N to reverse the compression static inline int myCompress (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CFMap & M, CFMap & N, bool& topLevel) { int n= tmax (F.level(), G.level()); int * degsf= new int [n + 1]; int * degsg= new int [n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) degsf[i]= degsg[i]= 0; degsf= degrees (F, degsf); degsg= degrees (G, degsg); int both_non_zero= 0; int f_zero= 0; int g_zero= 0; int both_zero= 0; if (topLevel) { for (int i= 1; i <= n; i++) { if (degsf[i] != 0 && degsg[i] != 0) { both_non_zero++; continue; } if (degsf[i] == 0 && degsg[i] != 0 && i <= G.level()) { f_zero++; continue; } if (degsg[i] == 0 && degsf[i] && i <= F.level()) { g_zero++; continue; } } if (both_non_zero == 0) { delete [] degsf; delete [] degsg; return 0; } // map Variables which do not occur in both polynomials to higher levels int k= 1; int l= 1; for (int i= 1; i <= n; i++) { if (degsf[i] != 0 && degsg[i] == 0 && i <= F.level()) { if (k + both_non_zero != i) { M.newpair (Variable (i), Variable (k + both_non_zero)); N.newpair (Variable (k + both_non_zero), Variable (i)); } k++; } if (degsf[i] == 0 && degsg[i] != 0 && i <= G.level()) { if (l + g_zero + both_non_zero != i) { M.newpair (Variable (i), Variable (l + g_zero + both_non_zero)); N.newpair (Variable (l + g_zero + both_non_zero), Variable (i)); } l++; } } // sort Variables x_{i} in increasing order of // min(deg_{x_{i}}(f),deg_{x_{i}}(g)) int m= tmin (F.level(), G.level()); int max_min_deg; k= both_non_zero; l= 0; int i= 1; while (k > 0) { max_min_deg= tmin (degsf[i], degsg[i]); while (max_min_deg == 0) { i++; max_min_deg= tmin (degsf[i], degsg[i]); } for (int j= i + 1; j <= m; j++) { if (tmin (degsf[j],degsg[j]) >= max_min_deg) { max_min_deg= tmin (degsf[j], degsg[j]); l= j; } } if (l != 0) { if (l != k) { M.newpair (Variable (l), Variable(k)); N.newpair (Variable (k), Variable(l)); degsf[l]= 0; degsg[l]= 0; l= 0; } else { degsf[l]= 0; degsg[l]= 0; l= 0; } } else if (l == 0) { if (i != k) { M.newpair (Variable (i), Variable (k)); N.newpair (Variable (k), Variable (i)); degsf[i]= 0; degsg[i]= 0; } else { degsf[i]= 0; degsg[i]= 0; } i++; } k--; } } else { //arrange Variables such that no gaps occur for (int i= 1; i <= n; i++) { if (degsf[i] == 0 && degsg[i] == 0) { both_zero++; continue; } else { if (both_zero != 0) { M.newpair (Variable (i), Variable (i - both_zero)); N.newpair (Variable (i - both_zero), Variable (i)); } } } } delete [] degsf; delete [] degsg; return 1; } int substituteCheck (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G) { if (F.inCoeffDomain() || G.inCoeffDomain()) return 0; Variable x= Variable (1); if (degree (F, x) <= 1 || degree (G, x) <= 1) return 0; CanonicalForm f= swapvar (F, F.mvar(), x); //TODO swapping seems to be pretty expensive CanonicalForm g= swapvar (G, G.mvar(), x); int sizef= 0; int sizeg= 0; for (CFIterator i= f; i.hasTerms(); i++, sizef++) { if (i.exp() == 1) return 0; } for (CFIterator i= g; i.hasTerms(); i++, sizeg++) { if (i.exp() == 1) return 0; } int * expf= new int [sizef]; int * expg= new int [sizeg]; int j= 0; for (CFIterator i= f; i.hasTerms(); i++, j++) { expf [j]= i.exp(); } j= 0; for (CFIterator i= g; i.hasTerms(); i++, j++) { expg [j]= i.exp(); } int indf= sizef - 1; int indg= sizeg - 1; if (expf[indf] == 0) indf--; if (expg[indg] == 0) indg--; if (expg[indg] != expf [indf] || (expg[indg] == 1 && expf[indf] == 1)) { delete [] expg; delete [] expf; return 0; } // expf[indg] == expf[indf] after here int result= expg[indg]; for (int i= indf - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (expf [i]%result != 0) { delete [] expg; delete [] expf; return 0; } } for (int i= indg - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (expg [i]%result != 0) { delete [] expg; delete [] expf; return 0; } } delete [] expg; delete [] expf; return result; } // substiution void subst (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& A, CanonicalForm& B, const int d ) { if (d == 1) { A= F; B= G; return; } CanonicalForm C= 0; CanonicalForm D= 0; Variable x= Variable (1); CanonicalForm f= swapvar (F, x, F.mvar()); CanonicalForm g= swapvar (G, x, G.mvar()); for (CFIterator i= f; i.hasTerms(); i++) C += i.coeff()*power (f.mvar(), i.exp()/ d); for (CFIterator i= g; i.hasTerms(); i++) D += i.coeff()*power (g.mvar(), i.exp()/ d); A= swapvar (C, x, F.mvar()); B= swapvar (D, x, G.mvar()); } CanonicalForm reverseSubst (const CanonicalForm& F, const int d) { if (d == 1) return F; Variable x= Variable (1); if (degree (F, x) <= 0) return F; CanonicalForm f= swapvar (F, x, F.mvar()); CanonicalForm result= 0; for (CFIterator i= f; i.hasTerms(); i++) result += i.coeff()*power (f.mvar(), d*i.exp()); return swapvar (result, x, F.mvar()); } static inline CanonicalForm uni_content (const CanonicalForm & F); CanonicalForm uni_content (const CanonicalForm& F, const Variable& x) { if (F.inCoeffDomain()) return F.genOne(); if (F.level() == x.level() && F.isUnivariate()) return F; if (F.level() != x.level() && F.isUnivariate()) return F.genOne(); if (x.level() != 1) { CanonicalForm f= swapvar (F, x, Variable (1)); CanonicalForm result= uni_content (f); return swapvar (result, x, Variable (1)); } else return uni_content (F); } /// compute the content of F, where F is considered as an element of /// \f$ R[x_{1}][x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}] \f$ static inline CanonicalForm uni_content (const CanonicalForm & F) { if (F.inBaseDomain()) return F.genOne(); if (F.level() == 1 && F.isUnivariate()) return F; if (F.level() != 1 && F.isUnivariate()) return F.genOne(); if (degree (F,1) == 0) return F.genOne(); int l= F.level(); if (l == 2) return content(F); else { CanonicalForm pol, c = 0; CFIterator i = F; for (; i.hasTerms(); i++) { pol= i.coeff(); pol= uni_content (pol); c= gcd (c, pol); if (c.isOne()) return c; } return c; } } CanonicalForm extractContents (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& contentF, CanonicalForm& contentG, CanonicalForm& ppF, CanonicalForm& ppG, const int d) { CanonicalForm uniContentF, uniContentG, gcdcFcG; contentF= 1; contentG= 1; ppF= F; ppG= G; CanonicalForm result= 1; for (int i= 1; i <= d; i++) { uniContentF= uni_content (F, Variable (i)); uniContentG= uni_content (G, Variable (i)); gcdcFcG= gcd (uniContentF, uniContentG); contentF *= uniContentF; contentG *= uniContentG; ppF /= uniContentF; ppG /= uniContentG; result *= gcdcFcG; } return result; } /// compute the leading coefficient of F, where F is considered as an element /// of \f$ R[x_{1}][x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}] \f$, order on Mon (x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}) /// is dp. static inline CanonicalForm uni_lcoeff (const CanonicalForm& F) { if (F.level() <= 1) return F; else { Variable x= Variable (2); int deg= totaldegree (F, x, F.mvar()); for (CFIterator i= F; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.exp() + totaldegree (i.coeff(), x, i.coeff().mvar()) == deg) return uni_lcoeff (i.coeff()); } } } /// Newton interpolation - Incremental algorithm. /// Given a list of values alpha_i and a list of polynomials u_i, 1 <= i <= n, /// computes the interpolation polynomial assuming that /// the polynomials in u are the results of evaluating the variabe x /// of the unknown polynomial at the alpha values. /// This incremental version receives only the values of alpha_n and u_n and /// the previous interpolation polynomial for points 1 <= i <= n-1, and computes /// the polynomial interpolating in all the points. /// newtonPoly must be equal to (x - alpha_1) * ... * (x - alpha_{n-1}) static inline CanonicalForm newtonInterp(const CanonicalForm alpha, const CanonicalForm u, const CanonicalForm newtonPoly, const CanonicalForm oldInterPoly, const Variable & x) { CanonicalForm interPoly; interPoly = oldInterPoly + ((u - oldInterPoly(alpha, x)) / newtonPoly(alpha, x)) * newtonPoly; return interPoly; } /// compute a random element a of \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \f$ , /// s.t. F(a) \f$ \neq 0 \f$ , F is a univariate polynomial, returns /// fail if there are no field elements left which have not been used before static inline CanonicalForm randomElement (const CanonicalForm & F, const Variable & alpha, CFList & list, bool & fail) { fail= false; Variable x= F.mvar(); AlgExtRandomF genAlgExt (alpha); FFRandom genFF; CanonicalForm random, mipo; mipo= getMipo (alpha); int p= getCharacteristic (); int d= degree (mipo); int bound= ipower (p, d); do { if (list.length() == bound) { fail= true; break; } if (list.length() < p) { random= genFF.generate(); while (find (list, random)) random= genFF.generate(); } else { random= genAlgExt.generate(); while (find (list, random)) random= genAlgExt.generate(); } if (F (random, x) == 0) { list.append (random); continue; } } while (find (list, random)); return random; } /// chooses a suitable extension of \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \f$ /// we do not extend \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \f$ itself but extend \f$ F_{p} \f$ , /// s.t. \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \subset F_{p}(\beta ) \f$ static inline void choose_extension (const int& d, const int& num_vars, Variable& beta) { int p= getCharacteristic(); ZZ NTLp= to_ZZ (p); ZZ_p::init (NTLp); ZZ_pX NTLirredpoly; //TODO: replace d by max_{i} (deg_x{i}(f)) int i= (int) (log ((double) ipower (d + 1, num_vars))/log ((double) p)); int m= degree (getMipo (beta)); if (i <= 1) i= 2; BuildIrred (NTLirredpoly, i*m); CanonicalForm mipo= convertNTLZZpX2CF (NTLirredpoly, Variable(1)); beta= rootOf (mipo); } /// GCD of F and G over \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \f$ , /// l and topLevel are only used internally, output is monic /// based on Alg. 7.2. as described in "Algorithms for /// Computer Algebra" by Geddes, Czapor, Labahn CanonicalForm GCD_Fp_extension (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, Variable & alpha, CFList& l, bool& topLevel) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; if (F.isZero() && degree(G) > 0) return G/Lc(G); else if (G.isZero() && degree (F) > 0) return F/Lc(F); else if (F.isZero() && G.isZero()) return F.genOne(); if (F.inBaseDomain() || G.inBaseDomain()) return F.genOne(); if (F.isUnivariate() && fdivides(F, G)) return F/Lc(F); if (G.isUnivariate() && fdivides(G, F)) return G/Lc(G); if (F == G) return F/Lc(F); CFMap M,N; int best_level= myCompress (A, B, M, N, topLevel); if (best_level == 0) return B.genOne(); A= M(A); B= M(B); Variable x= Variable(1); //univariate case if (A.isUnivariate() && B.isUnivariate()) return N (gcd(A,B)); int substitute= substituteCheck (A, B); if (substitute > 1) subst (A, B, A, B, substitute); CanonicalForm cA, cB; // content of A and B CanonicalForm ppA, ppB; // primitive part of A and B CanonicalForm gcdcAcB; if (topLevel) { if (best_level <= 2) gcdcAcB= extractContents (A, B, cA, cB, ppA, ppB, best_level); else gcdcAcB= extractContents (A, B, cA, cB, ppA, ppB, 2); } else { cA = uni_content (A); cB = uni_content (B); gcdcAcB= gcd (cA, cB); ppA= A/cA; ppB= B/cB; } CanonicalForm lcA, lcB; // leading coefficients of A and B CanonicalForm gcdlcAlcB; lcA= uni_lcoeff (ppA); lcB= uni_lcoeff (ppB); if (fdivides (lcA, lcB)) { if (fdivides (A, B)) return F/Lc(F); } if (fdivides (lcB, lcA)) { if (fdivides (B, A)) return G/Lc(G); } gcdlcAlcB= gcd (lcA, lcB); int d= totaldegree (ppA, Variable(2), Variable (ppA.level())); if (d == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } int d0= totaldegree (ppB, Variable(2), Variable (ppB.level())); if (d0 < d) d= d0; if (d == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } CanonicalForm m, random_element, G_m, G_random_element, H, cH, ppH; CanonicalForm newtonPoly; newtonPoly= 1; m= gcdlcAlcB; G_m= 0; H= 0; bool fail= false; topLevel= false; bool inextension= false; Variable V_buf= alpha; CanonicalForm prim_elem, im_prim_elem; CFList source, dest; do { random_element= randomElement (m, V_buf, l, fail); if (fail) { source= CFList(); dest= CFList(); int num_vars= tmin (getNumVars(A), getNumVars(B)); num_vars--; choose_extension (d, num_vars, V_buf); bool prim_fail= false; Variable V_buf2; prim_elem= primitiveElement (alpha, V_buf2, prim_fail); ASSERT (!prim_fail, "failure in integer factorizer"); if (prim_fail) ; //ERROR else im_prim_elem= mapPrimElem (prim_elem, alpha, V_buf); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "getMipo (alpha)= " << getMipo (alpha)); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "getMipo (V_buf2)= " << getMipo (V_buf2)); inextension= true; for (CFListIterator i= l; i.hasItem(); i++) i.getItem()= mapUp (i.getItem(), alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); m= mapUp (m, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); G_m= mapUp (G_m, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); newtonPoly= mapUp (newtonPoly, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); ppA= mapUp (ppA, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); ppB= mapUp (ppB, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); gcdlcAlcB= mapUp (gcdlcAlcB, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); fail= false; random_element= randomElement (m, V_buf, l, fail ); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "fail= " << fail); CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_Fp_extension (ppA (random_element, x), ppB (random_element, x), V_buf, list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } else { CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_Fp_extension (ppA(random_element, x), ppB(random_element, x), V_buf, list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } d0= totaldegree (G_random_element, Variable(2), Variable (G_random_element.level())); if (d0 == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } if (d0 > d) { if (!find (l, random_element)) l.append (random_element); continue; } G_random_element= (gcdlcAlcB(random_element, x)/uni_lcoeff (G_random_element)) * G_random_element; d0= totaldegree (G_random_element, Variable(2), Variable(G_random_element.level())); if (d0 < d) { m= gcdlcAlcB; newtonPoly= 1; G_m= 0; d= d0; } TIMING_START (newton_interpolation); H= newtonInterp (random_element, G_random_element, newtonPoly, G_m, x); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (newton_interpolation, "time for newton interpolation: "); //termination test if (uni_lcoeff (H) == gcdlcAlcB) { cH= uni_content (H); ppH= H/cH; if (inextension) { CFList u, v; //maybe it's better to test if ppH is an element of F(\alpha) before //mapping down DEBOUTLN (cerr, "ppH before mapDown= " << ppH); ppH= mapDown (ppH, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, alpha, u, v); ppH /= Lc(ppH); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "ppH after mapDown= " << ppH); if (fdivides (ppH, A) && fdivides (ppH, B)) { if (substitute > 1) { ppH= reverseSubst (ppH, substitute); gcdcAcB= reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute); } return N(gcdcAcB*ppH); } } else if (fdivides (ppH, A) && fdivides (ppH, B)) { if (substitute > 1) { ppH= reverseSubst (ppH, substitute); gcdcAcB= reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute); } return N(gcdcAcB*ppH); } } G_m= H; newtonPoly= newtonPoly*(x - random_element); m= m*(x - random_element); if (!find (l, random_element)) l.append (random_element); } while (1); } /// compute a random element a of GF, s.t. F(a) \f$ \neq 0 \f$ , F is a /// univariate polynomial, returns fail if there are no field elements left /// which have not been used before static inline CanonicalForm GFRandomElement (const CanonicalForm& F, CFList& list, bool& fail) { fail= false; Variable x= F.mvar(); GFRandom genGF; CanonicalForm random; int p= getCharacteristic(); int d= getGFDegree(); int bound= ipower (p, d); do { if (list.length() == bound) { fail= true; break; } if (list.length() < 1) random= 0; else { random= genGF.generate(); while (find (list, random)) random= genGF.generate(); } if (F (random, x) == 0) { list.append (random); continue; } } while (find (list, random)); return random; } /// GCD of F and G over GF, based on Alg. 7.2. as described in "Algorithms for /// Computer Algebra" by Geddes, Czapor, Labahn /// Usually this algorithm will be faster than GCD_Fp_extension since GF has /// faster field arithmetics, however it might fail if the input is large since /// the size of the base field is bounded by 2^16, output is monic CanonicalForm GCD_GF (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CFList& l, bool& topLevel) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; if (F.isZero() && degree(G) > 0) return G/Lc(G); else if (G.isZero() && degree (F) > 0) return F/Lc(F); else if (F.isZero() && G.isZero()) return F.genOne(); if (F.inBaseDomain() || G.inBaseDomain()) return F.genOne(); if (F.isUnivariate() && fdivides(F, G)) return F/Lc(F); if (G.isUnivariate() && fdivides(G, F)) return G/Lc(G); if (F == G) return F/Lc(F); CFMap M,N; int best_level= myCompress (A, B, M, N, topLevel); if (best_level == 0) return B.genOne(); A= M(A); B= M(B); Variable x= Variable(1); //univariate case if (A.isUnivariate() && B.isUnivariate()) return N (gcd (A, B)); int substitute= substituteCheck (A, B); if (substitute > 1) subst (A, B, A, B, substitute); CanonicalForm cA, cB; // content of A and B CanonicalForm ppA, ppB; // primitive part of A and B CanonicalForm gcdcAcB; if (topLevel) { if (best_level <= 2) gcdcAcB= extractContents (A, B, cA, cB, ppA, ppB, best_level); else gcdcAcB= extractContents (A, B, cA, cB, ppA, ppB, 2); } else { cA = uni_content (A); cB = uni_content (B); gcdcAcB= gcd (cA, cB); ppA= A/cA; ppB= B/cB; } CanonicalForm lcA, lcB; // leading coefficients of A and B CanonicalForm gcdlcAlcB; lcA= uni_lcoeff (ppA); lcB= uni_lcoeff (ppB); if (fdivides (lcA, lcB)) { if (fdivides (A, B)) return F; } if (fdivides (lcB, lcA)) { if (fdivides (B, A)) return G; } gcdlcAlcB= gcd (lcA, lcB); int d= totaldegree (ppA, Variable(2), Variable (ppA.level())); if (d == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } int d0= totaldegree (ppB, Variable(2), Variable (ppB.level())); if (d0 < d) d= d0; if (d == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } CanonicalForm m, random_element, G_m, G_random_element, H, cH, ppH; CanonicalForm newtonPoly; newtonPoly= 1; m= gcdlcAlcB; G_m= 0; H= 0; bool fail= false; topLevel= false; bool inextension= false; int p; int k= getGFDegree(); int kk; int expon; char gf_name_buf= gf_name; do { random_element= GFRandomElement (m, l, fail); if (fail) { int num_vars= tmin (getNumVars(A), getNumVars(B)); num_vars--; p= getCharacteristic(); expon= (int) floor ((log ((double) ipower (d + 1, num_vars))/log ((double) p))); if (expon < 2) expon= 2; kk= getGFDegree(); if (ipower (p, kk*expon) < (1 << 16)) setCharacteristic (p, kk*(int)expon, 'b'); else { expon= (int) floor((log ((double)((1<<16) - 1)))/(log((double)p)*kk)); ASSERT (expon >= 2, "not enough points in GCD_GF"); setCharacteristic (p, (int)(kk*expon), 'b'); } inextension= true; fail= false; for (CFListIterator i= l; i.hasItem(); i++) i.getItem()= GFMapUp (i.getItem(), kk); m= GFMapUp (m, kk); G_m= GFMapUp (G_m, kk); newtonPoly= GFMapUp (newtonPoly, kk); ppA= GFMapUp (ppA, kk); ppB= GFMapUp (ppB, kk); gcdlcAlcB= GFMapUp (gcdlcAlcB, kk); random_element= GFRandomElement (m, l, fail); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "fail= " << fail); CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_GF (ppA(random_element, x), ppB(random_element, x), list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } else { CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_GF (ppA(random_element, x), ppB(random_element, x), list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } d0= totaldegree (G_random_element, Variable(2), Variable (G_random_element.level())); if (d0 == 0) { if (inextension) { setCharacteristic (p, k, gf_name_buf); { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } } else { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } } if (d0 > d) { if (!find (l, random_element)) l.append (random_element); continue; } G_random_element= (gcdlcAlcB(random_element, x)/uni_lcoeff(G_random_element)) * G_random_element; d0= totaldegree (G_random_element, Variable(2), Variable (G_random_element.level())); if (d0 < d) { m= gcdlcAlcB; newtonPoly= 1; G_m= 0; d= d0; } TIMING_START (newton_interpolation); H= newtonInterp (random_element, G_random_element, newtonPoly, G_m, x); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (newton_interpolation, "time for newton interpolation: "); //termination test if (uni_lcoeff (H) == gcdlcAlcB) { cH= uni_content (H); ppH= H/cH; if (inextension) { if (fdivides(ppH, GFMapUp(A, k)) && fdivides(ppH, GFMapUp(B,k))) { DEBOUTLN (cerr, "ppH before mapDown= " << ppH); ppH= GFMapDown (ppH, k); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "ppH after mapDown= " << ppH); if (substitute > 1) { ppH= reverseSubst (ppH, substitute); gcdcAcB= reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute); } setCharacteristic (p, k, gf_name_buf); return N(gcdcAcB*ppH); } } else { if (fdivides (ppH, A) && fdivides (ppH, B)) { if (substitute > 1) { ppH= reverseSubst (ppH, substitute); gcdcAcB= reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute); } return N(gcdcAcB*ppH); } } } G_m= H; newtonPoly= newtonPoly*(x - random_element); m= m*(x - random_element); if (!find (l, random_element)) l.append (random_element); } while (1); } /// F is assumed to be an univariate polynomial in x, /// computes a random monic irreducible univariate polynomial of random /// degree < i in x which does not divide F CanonicalForm randomIrredpoly (int i, const Variable & x) { int p= getCharacteristic(); ZZ NTLp= to_ZZ (p); ZZ_p::init (NTLp); ZZ_pX NTLirredpoly; CanonicalForm CFirredpoly; BuildIrred (NTLirredpoly, i + 1); CFirredpoly= convertNTLZZpX2CF (NTLirredpoly, x); return CFirredpoly; } static inline CanonicalForm FpRandomElement (const CanonicalForm& F, CFList& list, bool& fail) { fail= false; Variable x= F.mvar(); FFRandom genFF; CanonicalForm random; int p= getCharacteristic(); int bound= p; do { if (list.length() == bound) { fail= true; break; } if (list.length() < 1) random= 0; else { random= genFF.generate(); while (find (list, random)) random= genFF.generate(); } if (F (random, x) == 0) { list.append (random); continue; } } while (find (list, random)); return random; } CanonicalForm GCD_small_p (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, bool& topLevel, CFList& l) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; if (F.isZero() && degree(G) > 0) return G/Lc(G); else if (G.isZero() && degree (F) > 0) return F/Lc(F); else if (F.isZero() && G.isZero()) return F.genOne(); if (F.inBaseDomain() || G.inBaseDomain()) return F.genOne(); if (F.isUnivariate() && fdivides(F, G)) return F/Lc(F); if (G.isUnivariate() && fdivides(G, F)) return G/Lc(G); if (F == G) return F/Lc(F); CFMap M,N; int best_level= myCompress (A, B, M, N, topLevel); if (best_level == 0) return B.genOne(); A= M(A); B= M(B); Variable x= Variable (1); //univariate case if (A.isUnivariate() && B.isUnivariate()) return N (gcd (A, B)); int substitute= substituteCheck (A, B); if (substitute > 1) subst (A, B, A, B, substitute); CanonicalForm cA, cB; // content of A and B CanonicalForm ppA, ppB; // primitive part of A and B CanonicalForm gcdcAcB; if (topLevel) { if (best_level <= 2) gcdcAcB= extractContents (A, B, cA, cB, ppA, ppB, best_level); else gcdcAcB= extractContents (A, B, cA, cB, ppA, ppB, 2); } else { cA = uni_content (A); cB = uni_content (B); gcdcAcB= gcd (cA, cB); ppA= A/cA; ppB= B/cB; } CanonicalForm lcA, lcB; // leading coefficients of A and B CanonicalForm gcdlcAlcB; lcA= uni_lcoeff (ppA); lcB= uni_lcoeff (ppB); if (fdivides (lcA, lcB)) { if (fdivides (A, B)) return F/Lc(F); } if (fdivides (lcB, lcA)) { if (fdivides (B, A)) return G/Lc(G); } gcdlcAlcB= gcd (lcA, lcB); int d= totaldegree (ppA, Variable (2), Variable (ppA.level())); int d0; if (d == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } d0= totaldegree (ppB, Variable (2), Variable (ppB.level())); if (d0 < d) d= d0; if (d == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } CanonicalForm m, random_element, G_m, G_random_element, H, cH, ppH; CanonicalForm newtonPoly= 1; m= gcdlcAlcB; H= 0; G_m= 0; Variable alpha, V_buf; bool fail= false; bool inextension= false; bool inextensionextension= false; topLevel= false; CFList source, dest; do { if (inextension) random_element= randomElement (m, alpha, l, fail); else random_element= FpRandomElement (m, l, fail); if (!fail && !inextension) { CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_small_p (ppA (random_element,x), ppB (random_element,x), topLevel, list); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } else if (!fail && inextension) { CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_Fp_extension (ppA (random_element, x), ppB (random_element, x), alpha, list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } else if (fail && !inextension) { source= CFList(); dest= CFList(); CFList list; CanonicalForm mipo; int deg= 2; do { mipo= randomIrredpoly (deg, x); alpha= rootOf (mipo); inextension= true; fail= false; random_element= randomElement (m, alpha, l, fail); deg++; } while (fail); list= CFList(); TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_Fp_extension (ppA (random_element, x), ppB (random_element, x), alpha, list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); } else if (fail && inextension) { source= CFList(); dest= CFList(); int num_vars= tmin (getNumVars(A), getNumVars(B)); num_vars--; V_buf= alpha; choose_extension (d, num_vars, V_buf); bool prim_fail= false; Variable V_buf2; CanonicalForm prim_elem, im_prim_elem; prim_elem= primitiveElement (alpha, V_buf2, prim_fail); ASSERT (!prim_fail, "failure in integer factorizer"); if (prim_fail) ; //ERROR else im_prim_elem= mapPrimElem (prim_elem, alpha, V_buf); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "getMipo (alpha)= " << getMipo (alpha)); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "getMipo (alpha)= " << getMipo (V_buf2)); inextensionextension= true; for (CFListIterator i= l; i.hasItem(); i++) i.getItem()= mapUp (i.getItem(), alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); m= mapUp (m, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); G_m= mapUp (G_m, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); newtonPoly= mapUp (newtonPoly, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); ppA= mapUp (ppA, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); ppB= mapUp (ppB, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); gcdlcAlcB= mapUp (gcdlcAlcB, alpha, V_buf, prim_elem, im_prim_elem, source, dest); fail= false; random_element= randomElement (m, V_buf, l, fail ); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "fail= " << fail); CFList list; TIMING_START (gcd_recursion); G_random_element= GCD_Fp_extension (ppA (random_element, x), ppB (random_element, x), V_buf, list, topLevel); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (gcd_recursion, "time for recursive call: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "G_random_element= " << G_random_element); alpha= V_buf; } d0= totaldegree (G_random_element, Variable(2), Variable (G_random_element.level())); if (d0 == 0) { if (substitute > 1) return N (reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute)); else return N(gcdcAcB); } if (d0 > d) { if (!find (l, random_element)) l.append (random_element); continue; } G_random_element= (gcdlcAlcB(random_element,x)/uni_lcoeff(G_random_element)) *G_random_element; d0= totaldegree (G_random_element, Variable(2), Variable(G_random_element.level())); if (d0 < d) { m= gcdlcAlcB; newtonPoly= 1; G_m= 0; d= d0; } TIMING_START (newton_interpolation); H= newtonInterp (random_element, G_random_element, newtonPoly, G_m, x); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (newton_interpolation, "time for newton_interpolation: "); //termination test if (uni_lcoeff (H) == gcdlcAlcB) { cH= uni_content (H); ppH= H/cH; ppH /= Lc (ppH); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "ppH= " << ppH); if (fdivides (ppH, A) && fdivides (ppH, B)) { if (substitute > 1) { ppH= reverseSubst (ppH, substitute); gcdcAcB= reverseSubst (gcdcAcB, substitute); } return N(gcdcAcB*ppH); } } G_m= H; newtonPoly= newtonPoly*(x - random_element); m= m*(x - random_element); if (!find (l, random_element)) l.append (random_element); } while (1); } #endif