/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ #include "config.h" #include "cf_assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "timing.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "cf_primes.h" #include "canonicalform.h" #include "cf_iter.h" #include "cf_algorithm.h" #include "ffops.h" #include "cf_primes.h" TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(det_mapping) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(det_determinant) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(det_chinese) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(det_bound) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(det_numprimes) static bool solve ( int **extmat, int nrows, int ncols ); int determinant ( int **extmat, int n ); static CanonicalForm bound ( const CFMatrix & M ); CanonicalForm detbound ( const CFMatrix & M, int rows ); bool matrix_in_Z( const CFMatrix & M, int rows ) { int i, j; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = 1; j <= rows; j++ ) if ( ! M(i,j).inZ() ) return false; return true; } bool matrix_in_Z( const CFMatrix & M ) { int i, j, rows = M.rows(), cols = M.columns(); for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = 1; j <= cols; j++ ) if ( ! M(i,j).inZ() ) return false; return true; } bool betterpivot ( const CanonicalForm & oldpivot, const CanonicalForm & newpivot ) { if ( newpivot.isZero() ) return false; else if ( oldpivot.isZero() ) return true; else if ( level( oldpivot ) > level( newpivot ) ) return true; else if ( level( oldpivot ) < level( newpivot ) ) return false; else return ( newpivot.lc() < oldpivot.lc() ); } bool fuzzy_result; bool linearSystemSolve( CFMatrix & M ) { typedef int* int_ptr; if ( ! matrix_in_Z( M ) ) { int nrows = M.rows(), ncols = M.columns(); int i, j, k; CanonicalForm rowpivot, pivotrecip; // triangularization for ( i = 1; i <= nrows; i++ ) { //find "pivot" for (j = i; j <= nrows; j++ ) if ( M(j,i) != 0 ) break; if ( j > nrows ) return false; if ( j != i ) M.swapRow( i, j ); pivotrecip = 1 / M(i,i); for ( j = 1; j <= ncols; j++ ) M(i,j) *= pivotrecip; for ( j = i+1; j <= nrows; j++ ) { rowpivot = M(j,i); if ( rowpivot == 0 ) continue; for ( k = i; k <= ncols; k++ ) M(j,k) -= M(i,k) * rowpivot; } } // matrix is now upper triangular with 1s down the diagonal // back-substitute for ( i = nrows-1; i > 0; i-- ) { for ( j = nrows+1; j <= ncols; j++ ) { for ( k = i+1; k <= nrows; k++ ) M(i,j) -= M(k,j) * M(i,k); } } return true; } else { int rows = M.rows(), cols = M.columns(); CFMatrix MM( rows, cols ); int ** mm = new int_ptr[rows]; CanonicalForm Q, Qhalf, mnew, qnew, B; int i, j, p, pno; bool ok; // initialize room to hold the result and the result mod p for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { mm[i] = new int[cols]; } // calculate the bound for the result B = bound( M ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "bound = " << B ); // find a first solution mod p pno = 0; do { DEBOUTSL( cerr ); DEBOUT( cerr, "trying prime(" << pno << ") = " ); p = cf_getBigPrime( pno ); DEBOUT( cerr, p ); DEBOUTENDL( cerr ); setCharacteristic( p ); // map matrix into char p for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = 1; j <= cols; j++ ) mm[i-1][j-1] = mapinto( M(i,j) ).intval(); // solve mod p ok = solve( mm, rows, cols ); pno++; } while ( ! ok ); // initialize the result matrix with first solution setCharacteristic( 0 ); for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = rows+1; j <= cols; j++ ) MM(i,j) = mm[i-1][j-1]; // Q so far Q = p; while ( Q < B && pno < cf_getNumBigPrimes() ) { do { DEBOUTSL( cerr ); DEBOUT( cerr, "trying prime(" << pno << ") = " ); p = cf_getBigPrime( pno ); DEBOUT( cerr, p ); DEBOUTENDL( cerr ); setCharacteristic( p ); for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = 1; j <= cols; j++ ) mm[i-1][j-1] = mapinto( M(i,j) ).intval(); // solve mod p ok = solve( mm, rows, cols ); pno++; } while ( ! ok ); // found a solution mod p // now chinese remainder it to a solution mod Q*p setCharacteristic( 0 ); for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = rows+1; j <= cols; j++ ) { chineseRemainder( MM[i][j], Q, CanonicalForm(mm[i-1][j-1]), CanonicalForm(p), mnew, qnew ); MM(i, j) = mnew; } Q = qnew; } if ( pno == cf_getNumBigPrimes() ) fuzzy_result = true; else fuzzy_result = false; // store the result in M Qhalf = Q / 2; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) { for ( j = rows+1; j <= cols; j++ ) if ( MM(i,j) > Qhalf ) M(i,j) = MM(i,j) - Q; else M(i,j) = MM(i,j); delete [] mm[i-1]; } delete [] mm; return ! fuzzy_result; } } static bool fill_int_mat( const CFMatrix & M, int ** m, int rows ) { int i, j; bool ok = true; for ( i = 0; i < rows && ok; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < rows && ok; j++ ) { if ( M(i+1,j+1).isZero() ) m[i][j] = 0; else { m[i][j] = mapinto( M(i+1,j+1) ).intval(); // ok = m[i][j] != 0; } } return ok; } CanonicalForm determinant( const CFMatrix & M, int rows ) { typedef int* int_ptr; ASSERT( rows <= M.rows() && rows <= M.columns() && rows > 0, "undefined determinant" ); if ( rows == 1 ) return M(1,1); else if ( rows == 2 ) return M(1,1)*M(2,2)-M(2,1)*M(1,2); else if ( matrix_in_Z( M, rows ) ) { int ** mm = new int_ptr[rows]; CanonicalForm x, q, Qhalf, B; int n, i, intdet, p, pno; for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { mm[i] = new int[rows]; } pno = 0; n = 0; TIMING_START(det_bound); B = detbound( M, rows ); TIMING_END(det_bound); q = 1; TIMING_START(det_numprimes); while ( B > q && n < cf_getNumBigPrimes() ) { q *= cf_getBigPrime( n ); n++; } TIMING_END(det_numprimes); CFArray X(1,n), Q(1,n); while ( pno < n ) { p = cf_getBigPrime( pno ); setCharacteristic( p ); // map matrix into char p TIMING_START(det_mapping); fill_int_mat( M, mm, rows ); TIMING_END(det_mapping); pno++; DEBOUT( cerr, "." ); TIMING_START(det_determinant); intdet = determinant( mm, rows ); TIMING_END(det_determinant); setCharacteristic( 0 ); X[pno] = intdet; Q[pno] = p; } TIMING_START(det_chinese); chineseRemainder( X, Q, x, q ); TIMING_END(det_chinese); Qhalf = q / 2; if ( x > Qhalf ) x = x - q; for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) delete [] mm[i]; delete [] mm; return x; } else { CFMatrix m( M ); CanonicalForm divisor = 1, pivot, mji; int i, j, k, sign = 1; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) { pivot = m(i,i); k = i; for ( j = i+1; j <= rows; j++ ) { if ( betterpivot( pivot, m(j,i) ) ) { pivot = m(j,i); k = j; } } if ( pivot.isZero() ) return 0; if ( i != k ) { m.swapRow( i, k ); sign = -sign; } for ( j = i+1; j <= rows; j++ ) { if ( ! m(j,i).isZero() ) { divisor *= pivot; mji = m(j,i); m(j,i) = 0; for ( k = i+1; k <= rows; k++ ) m(j,k) = m(j,k) * pivot - m(i,k)*mji; } } } pivot = sign; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) pivot *= m(i,i); return pivot / divisor; } } CanonicalForm determinant2( const CFMatrix & M, int rows ) { typedef int* int_ptr; ASSERT( rows <= M.rows() && rows <= M.columns() && rows > 0, "undefined determinant" ); if ( rows == 1 ) return M(1,1); else if ( rows == 2 ) return M(1,1)*M(2,2)-M(2,1)*M(1,2); else if ( matrix_in_Z( M, rows ) ) { int ** mm = new int_ptr[rows]; CanonicalForm QQ, Q, Qhalf, mnew, q, qnew, B; CanonicalForm det, detnew, qdet; int i, p, pcount, pno, intdet; bool ok; // initialize room to hold the result and the result mod p for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { mm[i] = new int[rows]; } // calculate the bound for the result B = detbound( M, rows ); // find a first solution mod p pno = 0; do { p = cf_getBigPrime( pno ); setCharacteristic( p ); // map matrix into char p ok = fill_int_mat( M, mm, rows ); pno++; } while ( ! ok && pno < cf_getNumPrimes() ); // initialize the result matrix with first solution // solve mod p DEBOUT( cerr, "." ); intdet = determinant( mm, rows ); setCharacteristic( 0 ); det = intdet; // Q so far Q = p; QQ = p; while ( Q < B && cf_getNumPrimes() > pno ) { // find a first solution mod p do { p = cf_getBigPrime( pno ); setCharacteristic( p ); // map matrix into char p ok = fill_int_mat( M, mm, rows ); pno++; } while ( ! ok && pno < cf_getNumPrimes() ); // initialize the result matrix with first solution // solve mod p DEBOUT( cerr, "." ); intdet = determinant( mm, rows ); setCharacteristic( 0 ); qdet = intdet; // Q so far q = p; QQ *= p; pcount = 0; while ( QQ < B && cf_getNumPrimes() > pno && pcount < 500 ) { do { p = cf_getBigPrime( pno ); setCharacteristic( p ); ok = true; // map matrix into char p ok = fill_int_mat( M, mm, rows ); pno++; } while ( ! ok && cf_getNumPrimes() > pno ); // solve mod p DEBOUT( cerr, "." ); intdet = determinant( mm, rows ); // found a solution mod p // now chinese remainder it to a solution mod Q*p setCharacteristic( 0 ); chineseRemainder( qdet, q, intdet, p, detnew, qnew ); qdet = detnew; q = qnew; QQ *= p; pcount++; } DEBOUT( cerr, "*" ); chineseRemainder( det, Q, qdet, q, detnew, qnew ); Q = qnew; QQ = Q; det = detnew; } if ( ! ok ) fuzzy_result = true; else fuzzy_result = false; // store the result in M Qhalf = Q / 2; if ( det > Qhalf ) det = det - Q; for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) delete [] mm[i]; delete [] mm; return det; } else { CFMatrix m( M ); CanonicalForm divisor = 1, pivot, mji; int i, j, k, sign = 1; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) { pivot = m(i,i); k = i; for ( j = i+1; j <= rows; j++ ) { if ( betterpivot( pivot, m(j,i) ) ) { pivot = m(j,i); k = j; } } if ( pivot.isZero() ) return 0; if ( i != k ) { m.swapRow( i, k ); sign = -sign; } for ( j = i+1; j <= rows; j++ ) { if ( ! m(j,i).isZero() ) { divisor *= pivot; mji = m(j,i); m(j,i) = 0; for ( k = i+1; k <= rows; k++ ) m(j,k) = m(j,k) * pivot - m(i,k)*mji; } } } pivot = sign; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) pivot *= m(i,i); return pivot / divisor; } } static CanonicalForm bound ( const CFMatrix & M ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "bound" ); int rows = M.rows(), cols = M.columns(); CanonicalForm sum = 0; int i, j; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) for ( j = 1; j <= rows; j++ ) sum += M(i,j) * M(i,j); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "bound(matrix)^2 = " << sum ); CanonicalForm vmax = 0, vsum; for ( j = rows+1; j <= cols; j++ ) { vsum = 0; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) vsum += M(i,j) * M(i,j); if ( vsum > vmax ) vmax = vsum; } DEBOUTLN( cerr, "bound(lhs)^2 = " << vmax ); sum += vmax; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "bound(overall)^2 = " << sum ); DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "bound" ); return sqrt( sum ) + 1; } CanonicalForm detbound ( const CFMatrix & M, int rows ) { CanonicalForm sum = 0, prod = 2; int i, j; for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) { sum = 0; for ( j = 1; j <= rows; j++ ) sum += M(i,j) * M(i,j); prod *= 1 + sqrt(sum); } return prod; } // solve returns false if computation failed // extmat is overwritten: output is Id mat followed by solution(s) bool solve ( int **extmat, int nrows, int ncols ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "solve" ); int i, j, k; int rowpivot, pivotrecip; // all FF int * rowi; // FF int * rowj; // FF int * swap; // FF // triangularization for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) { //find "pivot" for (j = i; j < nrows; j++ ) if ( extmat[j][i] != 0 ) break; if ( j == nrows ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "solve failed" ); DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "solve" ); return false; } if ( j != i ) { swap = extmat[i]; extmat[i] = extmat[j]; extmat[j] = swap; } pivotrecip = ff_inv( extmat[i][i] ); rowi = extmat[i]; for ( j = 0; j < ncols; j++ ) rowi[j] = ff_mul( pivotrecip, rowi[j] ); for ( j = i+1; j < nrows; j++ ) { rowj = extmat[j]; rowpivot = rowj[i]; if ( rowpivot == 0 ) continue; for ( k = i; k < ncols; k++ ) rowj[k] = ff_sub( rowj[k], ff_mul( rowpivot, rowi[k] ) ); } } // matrix is now upper triangular with 1s down the diagonal // back-substitute for ( i = nrows-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { rowi = extmat[i]; for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { rowj = extmat[j]; rowpivot = rowj[i]; if ( rowpivot == 0 ) continue; for ( k = i; k < ncols; k++ ) rowj[k] = ff_sub( rowj[k], ff_mul( rowpivot, rowi[k] ) ); // for (k=nrows; k