/*****************************************************************************\ * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR \*****************************************************************************/ /** @file facBivar.cc * * bivariate factorization over Q(a) * * @author Martin Lee * **/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "timing.h" #include "cf_algorithm.h" #include "facFqBivar.h" #include "facBivar.h" #include "facHensel.h" #include "facMul.h" #include "cf_primes.h" #ifdef HAVE_NTL TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_uni_factorizer) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_bi_hensel_lift) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_bi_factor_recombination) // bound on coeffs of f (cf. Musser: Multivariate Polynomial Factorization, // Gelfond: Transcendental and Algebraic Numbers) modpk coeffBound ( const CanonicalForm & f, int p ) { int * degs = degrees( f ); int M = 0, i, k = f.level(); CanonicalForm b= 1; for ( i = 1; i <= k; i++ ) { M += degs[i]; b *= degs[i] + 1; } b /= power (CanonicalForm (2), k); b= b.sqrt() + 1; b *= 2 * maxNorm( f ) * power( CanonicalForm( 2 ), M ); CanonicalForm B = p; k = 1; while ( B < b ) { B *= p; k++; } return modpk( p, k ); } void findGoodPrime(const CanonicalForm &f, int &start) { if (! f.inBaseDomain() ) { CFIterator i = f; for(;;) { if ( i.hasTerms() ) { findGoodPrime(i.coeff(),start); if (0==cf_getBigPrime(start)) return; if((i.exp()!=0) && ((i.exp() % cf_getBigPrime(start))==0)) { start++; i=f; } else i++; } else break; } } else { if (f.inZ()) { if (0==cf_getBigPrime(start)) return; while((!f.isZero()) && (mod(f,cf_getBigPrime(start))==0)) { start++; if (0==cf_getBigPrime(start)) return; } } } } modpk coeffBound ( const CanonicalForm & f, int p, const CanonicalForm& mipo ) { int * degs = degrees( f ); int M = 0, i, k = f.level(); CanonicalForm K= 1; for ( i = 1; i <= k; i++ ) { M += degs[i]; K *= degs[i] + 1; } K /= power (CanonicalForm (2), k); K= K.sqrt()+1; K *= power (CanonicalForm (2), M); int N= degree (mipo); CanonicalForm b; b= 2*power (maxNorm (f), N)*power (maxNorm (mipo), 4*N)*K* power (CanonicalForm (2), N)*(CanonicalForm (M+1).sqrt()+1)* power (CanonicalForm (N+1).sqrt()+1, 7*N); b /= power (abs (lc (mipo)), N); ZZX NTLmipo= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (mipo); ZZX NTLLcf= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (Lc (f)); ZZ NTLf= resultant (NTLmipo, NTLLcf); ZZ NTLD= discriminant (NTLmipo); b /= abs (convertZZ2CF (NTLf))*abs (convertZZ2CF (NTLD)); CanonicalForm B = p; k = 1; while ( B < b ) { B *= p; k++; } return modpk( p, k ); } CFList conv (const CFFList& L) { CFList result; for (CFFListIterator i= L; i.hasItem(); i++) result.append (i.getItem().factor()); return result; } bool testPoint (const CanonicalForm& F, CanonicalForm& G, int i) { G= F (i, 2); if (G.inCoeffDomain() || degree (F, 1) > degree (G, 1)) return false; if (degree (gcd (deriv (G, G.mvar()), G)) > 0) return false; return true; } CanonicalForm evalPoint (const CanonicalForm& F, int& i) { Variable x= Variable (1); Variable y= Variable (2); CanonicalForm result; int k; if (i == 0) { if (testPoint (F, result, i)) return result; } do { if (i > 0) k= 1; else k= 2; while (k < 3) { if (k == 1) { if (testPoint (F, result, i)) return result; } else { if (testPoint (F, result, -i)) { i= -i; return result; } else if (i < 0) i= -i; } k++; } i++; } while (1); } CFList earlyFactorDetection0 (CanonicalForm& F, CFList& factors,int& adaptedLiftBound, DegreePattern& degs, bool& success, int deg) { DegreePattern bufDegs1= degs; DegreePattern bufDegs2; CFList result; CFList T= factors; CanonicalForm buf= F; CanonicalForm LCBuf= LC (buf, Variable (1)); CanonicalForm g, quot; CanonicalForm M= power (F.mvar(), deg); adaptedLiftBound= 0; int d= degree (F) + degree (LCBuf, F.mvar()); for (CFListIterator i= factors; i.hasItem(); i++) { if (!bufDegs1.find (degree (i.getItem(), 1))) continue; else { g= i.getItem() (0, 1); g *= LCBuf; g= mod (g, M); if (fdivides (LC (g), LCBuf)) { g= mulMod2 (i.getItem(), LCBuf, M); g /= content (g, Variable (1)); if (fdivides (g, buf, quot)) { result.append (g); buf= quot; d -= degree (g) + degree (LC (g, Variable (1)), F.mvar()); LCBuf= LC (buf, Variable (1)); T= Difference (T, CFList (i.getItem())); // compute new possible degree pattern bufDegs2= DegreePattern (T); bufDegs1.intersect (bufDegs2); bufDegs1.refine (); if (bufDegs1.getLength() <= 1) { result.append (buf); break; } } } } } adaptedLiftBound= d + 1; if (d < deg) { factors= T; degs= bufDegs1; F= buf; success= true; } if (bufDegs1.getLength() <= 1) degs= bufDegs1; return result; } CFList henselLiftAndEarly0 (CanonicalForm& A, bool& earlySuccess, CFList& earlyFactors, DegreePattern& degs, int& liftBound, const CFList& uniFactors, const CanonicalForm& eval) { int sizeOfLiftPre; int * liftPre= getLiftPrecisions (A, sizeOfLiftPre, degree (LC (A, 1), 2)); Variable x= Variable (1); Variable y= Variable (2); CFArray Pi; CFList diophant; CFList bufUniFactors= uniFactors; bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x)); CFMatrix M= CFMatrix (liftBound, bufUniFactors.length() - 1); earlySuccess= false; int newLiftBound= 0; int smallFactorDeg= tmin (11, liftPre [sizeOfLiftPre- 1] + 1);//this is a tunable parameter if (smallFactorDeg >= liftBound || degree (A,y) <= 4) henselLift12 (A, bufUniFactors, liftBound, Pi, diophant, M); else if (sizeOfLiftPre > 1 && sizeOfLiftPre < 30) { henselLift12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg, Pi, diophant, M); earlyFactors= earlyFactorDetection0 (A, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound, degs, earlySuccess, smallFactorDeg); if (degs.getLength() > 1 && !earlySuccess && smallFactorDeg != liftPre [sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1) { if (newLiftBound > liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1]+1) { bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x)); henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg, liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1, Pi, diophant, M); earlyFactors= earlyFactorDetection0 (A, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound, degs, earlySuccess, liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] + 1); } } else if (earlySuccess) liftBound= newLiftBound; int i= sizeOfLiftPre - 1; while (degs.getLength() > 1 && !earlySuccess && i - 1 >= 0) { if (newLiftBound > liftPre[i] + 1) { bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x)); henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, liftPre[i] + 1, liftPre[i-1] + 1, Pi, diophant, M); earlyFactors= earlyFactorDetection0 (A, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound, degs, earlySuccess, liftPre[i-1] + 1); } else { liftBound= newLiftBound; break; } i--; } if (earlySuccess) liftBound= newLiftBound; //after here all factors are lifted to liftPre[sizeOfLiftPre-1] } else { henselLift12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg, Pi, diophant, M); earlyFactors= earlyFactorDetection0 (A, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound, degs, earlySuccess, smallFactorDeg); int i= 1; while ((degree (A,y)/4)*i + 4 <= smallFactorDeg) i++; if (degs.getLength() > 1 && !earlySuccess) { bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x)); henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, smallFactorDeg, (degree (A, y)/4)*i + 4, Pi, diophant, M); earlyFactors= earlyFactorDetection0 (A, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound, degs, earlySuccess, (degree (A, y)/4)*i + 4); } while (degs.getLength() > 1 && !earlySuccess && i < 4) { if (newLiftBound > (degree (A, y)/4)*i + 4) { bufUniFactors.insert (LC (A, x)); henselLiftResume12 (A, bufUniFactors, (degree (A,y)/4)*i + 4, (degree (A, y)/4)*(i+1) + 4, Pi, diophant, M); earlyFactors= earlyFactorDetection0 (A, bufUniFactors, newLiftBound, degs, earlySuccess, (degree (A, y)/4)*(i+1) + 4); } else { liftBound= newLiftBound; break; } i++; } if (earlySuccess) liftBound= newLiftBound; } return bufUniFactors; } CFList biFactorize (const CanonicalForm& F, const Variable& v) { if (F.inCoeffDomain()) return CFList(F); bool extension= (v.level() != 1); CanonicalForm A; if (isOn (SW_RATIONAL)) A= F*bCommonDen (F); else A= F; CanonicalForm mipo; if (extension) mipo= getMipo (v); if (A.isUnivariate()) { CFFList buf; if (extension) buf= factorize (A, v); else buf= factorize (A, true); CFList result= conv (buf); if (result.getFirst().inCoeffDomain()) result.removeFirst(); return result; } CFMap N; A= compress (A, N); Variable y= A.mvar(); if (y.level() > 2) return CFList (F); Variable x= Variable (1); CanonicalForm contentAx= content (A, x); CanonicalForm contentAy= content (A); A= A/(contentAx*contentAy); CFFList contentAxFactors, contentAyFactors; if (extension) { if (!contentAx.inCoeffDomain()) { contentAxFactors= factorize (contentAx, v); if (contentAxFactors.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain()) contentAxFactors.removeFirst(); } if (!contentAy.inCoeffDomain()) { contentAyFactors= factorize (contentAy, v); if (contentAyFactors.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain()) contentAyFactors.removeFirst(); } } else { if (!contentAx.inCoeffDomain()) { contentAxFactors= factorize (contentAx, true); if (contentAxFactors.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain()) contentAxFactors.removeFirst(); } if (!contentAy.inCoeffDomain()) { contentAyFactors= factorize (contentAy, true); if (contentAyFactors.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain()) contentAyFactors.removeFirst(); } } //check trivial case if (degree (A) == 1 || degree (A, 1) == 1 || (size (A) == 2 && gcd (degree (A), degree (A,1)).isOne())) { CFList factors; factors.append (A); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), false, false, N); normalize (factors); return factors; } //trivial case CFList factors; if (A.inCoeffDomain()) { append (factors, conv (contentAxFactors)); append (factors, conv (contentAyFactors)); decompress (factors, N); return factors; } else if (A.isUnivariate()) { if (extension) factors= conv (factorize (A, v)); else factors= conv (factorize (A, true)); append (factors, conv (contentAxFactors)); append (factors, conv (contentAyFactors)); decompress (factors, N); return factors; } if (irreducibilityTest (A)) { CFList factors; factors.append (A); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), false, false, N); normalize (factors); return factors; } bool swap= false; if (degree (A) > degree (A, x)) { A= swapvar (A, y, x); swap= true; } CanonicalForm Aeval, bufAeval, buf; CFList uniFactors, list, bufUniFactors; DegreePattern degs; DegreePattern bufDegs; CanonicalForm Aeval2, bufAeval2; CFList bufUniFactors2, list2, uniFactors2; DegreePattern degs2; DegreePattern bufDegs2; bool swap2= false; // several univariate factorizations to obtain more information about the // degree pattern therefore usually less combinations have to be tried during // the recombination process int factorNums= 2; int subCheck1= substituteCheck (A, x); int subCheck2= substituteCheck (A, y); buf= swapvar (A,x,y); int evaluation, evaluation2, bufEvaluation= 0, bufEvaluation2= 0; for (int i= 0; i < factorNums; i++) { bufAeval= A; bufAeval= evalPoint (A, bufEvaluation); bufAeval2= buf; bufAeval2= evalPoint (buf, bufEvaluation2); // univariate factorization TIMING_START (uni_factorize); if (extension) bufUniFactors= conv (factorize (bufAeval, v)); else bufUniFactors= conv (factorize (bufAeval, true)); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (uni_factorize, "time for univariate factorization: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "prod (bufUniFactors)== bufAeval " << (prod (bufUniFactors) == bufAeval)); TIMING_START (uni_factorize); if (extension) bufUniFactors2= conv (factorize (bufAeval2, v)); else bufUniFactors2= conv (factorize (bufAeval2, true)); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (uni_factorize, "time for univariate factorization in y: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "prod (bufuniFactors2)== bufAeval2 " << (prod (bufUniFactors2) == bufAeval2)); if (bufUniFactors.getFirst().inCoeffDomain()) bufUniFactors.removeFirst(); if (bufUniFactors2.getFirst().inCoeffDomain()) bufUniFactors2.removeFirst(); if (bufUniFactors.length() == 1 || bufUniFactors2.length() == 1) { factors.append (A); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), swap, swap2, N); if (isOn (SW_RATIONAL)) normalize (factors); return factors; } if (i == 0) { if (subCheck1 > 0) { int subCheck= substituteCheck (bufUniFactors); if (subCheck > 1 && (subCheck1%subCheck == 0)) { CanonicalForm bufA= A; subst (bufA, bufA, subCheck, x); factors= biFactorize (bufA, v); reverseSubst (factors, subCheck, x); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), swap, swap2, N); if (isOn (SW_RATIONAL)) normalize (factors); return factors; } } if (subCheck2 > 0) { int subCheck= substituteCheck (bufUniFactors2); if (subCheck > 1 && (subCheck2%subCheck == 0)) { CanonicalForm bufA= A; subst (bufA, bufA, subCheck, y); factors= biFactorize (bufA, v); reverseSubst (factors, subCheck, y); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), swap, swap2, N); if (isOn (SW_RATIONAL)) normalize (factors); return factors; } } } // degree analysis bufDegs = DegreePattern (bufUniFactors); bufDegs2= DegreePattern (bufUniFactors2); if (i == 0) { Aeval= bufAeval; evaluation= bufEvaluation; uniFactors= bufUniFactors; degs= bufDegs; Aeval2= bufAeval2; evaluation2= bufEvaluation2; uniFactors2= bufUniFactors2; degs2= bufDegs2; } else { degs.intersect (bufDegs); degs2.intersect (bufDegs2); if (bufUniFactors2.length() < uniFactors2.length()) { uniFactors2= bufUniFactors2; Aeval2= bufAeval2; evaluation2= bufEvaluation2; } if (bufUniFactors.length() < uniFactors.length()) { uniFactors= bufUniFactors; Aeval= bufAeval; evaluation= bufEvaluation; } } if (bufEvaluation > 0) bufEvaluation++; else bufEvaluation= -bufEvaluation + 1; if (bufEvaluation > 0) bufEvaluation2++; else bufEvaluation2= -bufEvaluation2 + 1; } if (uniFactors.length() > uniFactors2.length() || (uniFactors.length() == uniFactors2.length() && degs.getLength() > degs2.getLength())) { degs= degs2; uniFactors= uniFactors2; evaluation= evaluation2; Aeval= Aeval2; A= buf; swap2= true; } if (degs.getLength() == 1) // A is irreducible { factors.append (A); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), swap, swap2, N); if (isOn (SW_RATIONAL)) normalize (factors); return factors; } A *= bCommonDen (A); A= A (y + evaluation, y); int liftBound= degree (A, y) + 1; modpk b= modpk(); bool mipoHasDen= false; if (!extension) { Off (SW_RATIONAL); int i= 0; findGoodPrime(F,i); findGoodPrime(Aeval,i); findGoodPrime(A,i); if (i >= cf_getNumBigPrimes()) printf ("out of primes\n"); //TODO exit int p=cf_getBigPrime(i); b = coeffBound( A, p ); modpk bb= coeffBound (Aeval, p); if (bb.getk() > b.getk() ) b=bb; bb= coeffBound (F, p); if (bb.getk() > b.getk() ) b=bb; } else { A /= Lc (Aeval); // make factors elements of Z(a)[x] disable for modularDiophant CanonicalForm multiplier= 1; for (CFListIterator i= uniFactors; i.hasItem(); i++) { multiplier *= bCommonDen (i.getItem()); i.getItem()= i.getItem()*bCommonDen(i.getItem()); } A *= multiplier; A *= bCommonDen (A); mipoHasDen= !bCommonDen(mipo).isOne(); mipo *= bCommonDen (mipo); Off (SW_RATIONAL); int i= 0; ZZX NTLmipo= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (mipo); CanonicalForm discMipo= convertZZ2CF (discriminant (NTLmipo)); findGoodPrime (F*discMipo,i); findGoodPrime (Aeval*discMipo,i); findGoodPrime (A*discMipo,i); int p=cf_getBigPrime(i); b = coeffBound( A, p, mipo ); modpk bb= coeffBound (Aeval, p, mipo); if (bb.getk() > b.getk() ) b=bb; bb= coeffBound (F, p, mipo); if (bb.getk() > b.getk() ) b=bb; } ExtensionInfo dummy= ExtensionInfo (false); if (extension) dummy= ExtensionInfo (v, false); bool earlySuccess= false; CFList earlyFactors; TIMING_START (fac_bi_hensel_lift); uniFactors= henselLiftAndEarly (A, earlySuccess, earlyFactors, degs, liftBound, uniFactors, dummy, evaluation, b); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT (fac_bi_hensel_lift, "time for hensel lifting: "); DEBOUTLN (cerr, "lifted factors= " << uniFactors); CanonicalForm MODl= power (y, liftBound); if (mipoHasDen) { Variable vv; for (CFListIterator iter= uniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++) if (hasFirstAlgVar (iter.getItem(), vv)) break; for (CFListIterator iter= uniFactors; iter.hasItem(); iter++) iter.getItem()= replacevar (iter.getItem(), vv, v); } On (SW_RATIONAL); A *= bCommonDen (A); Off (SW_RATIONAL); factors= factorRecombination (uniFactors, A, MODl, degs, 1, uniFactors.length()/2, b); On (SW_RATIONAL); if (earlySuccess) factors= Union (earlyFactors, factors); else if (!earlySuccess && degs.getLength() == 1) factors= earlyFactors; for (CFListIterator i= factors; i.hasItem(); i++) i.getItem()= i.getItem() (y - evaluation, y); appendSwapDecompress (factors, conv (contentAxFactors), conv (contentAyFactors), swap, swap2, N); if (isOn (SW_RATIONAL)) normalize (factors); return factors; } #endif