/*****************************************************************************\ * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR \*****************************************************************************/ /** @file facMul.cc * * This file implements functions for fast multiplication and division with * remainder. * * Nomenclature rules: kronSub* -> plain Kronecker substitution * reverseSubst* -> reverse Kronecker substitution * kronSubRecipro* -> reciprocal Kronecker substitution as * described in D. Harvey "Faster * polynomial multiplication via * multipoint Kronecker substitution" * * @author Martin Lee * **/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "debug.h" #include "config.h" #include "canonicalform.h" #include "facMul.h" #include "cf_util.h" #include "cf_iter.h" #include "cf_algorithm.h" #include "templates/ftmpl_functions.h" #ifdef HAVE_NTL #include #include "NTLconvert.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLINT #include "FLINTconvert.h" #endif // univariate polys #ifdef HAVE_FLINT void kronSubQa (fmpz_poly_t result, const CanonicalForm& A, int d) { int degAy= degree (A); fmpz_poly_init2 (result, d*(degAy + 1)); _fmpz_poly_set_length (result, d*(degAy + 1)); CFIterator j; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inBaseDomain()) convertCF2Fmpz (fmpz_poly_get_coeff_ptr (result, i.exp()*d), i.coeff()); else for (j= i.coeff(); j.hasTerms(); j++) convertCF2Fmpz (fmpz_poly_get_coeff_ptr (result, i.exp()*d+j.exp()), j.coeff()); } _fmpz_poly_normalise(result); } CanonicalForm reverseSubstQa (const fmpz_poly_t F, int d, const Variable& x, const Variable& alpha, const CanonicalForm& den) { CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int degf= fmpz_poly_degree (F); int k= 0; int degfSubK; int repLength; fmpq_poly_t buf; fmpq_poly_t mipo; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (mipo, getMipo(alpha)); while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d) repLength= d; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, repLength); _fmpq_poly_set_length (buf, repLength); _fmpz_vec_set (buf->coeffs, F->coeffs + k, repLength); _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf); fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo); result += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, i); fmpq_poly_clear (buf); i++; k= d*i; } fmpq_poly_clear (mipo); result /= den; return result; } CanonicalForm mulFLINTQa (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const Variable& alpha) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; CanonicalForm denA= bCommonDen (A); CanonicalForm denB= bCommonDen (B); A *= denA; B *= denB; int degAa= degree (A, alpha); int degBa= degree (B, alpha); int d= degAa + 1 + degBa; fmpz_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; kronSubQa (FLINTA, A, d); kronSubQa (FLINTB, B, d); fmpz_poly_mul (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB); denA *= denB; A= reverseSubstQa (FLINTA, d, F.mvar(), alpha, denA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } CanonicalForm mulFLINTQ (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; CanonicalForm denA= bCommonDen (A); CanonicalForm denB= bCommonDen (B); A *= denA; B *= denB; fmpz_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (FLINTB, B); fmpz_poly_mul (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB); denA *= denB; A= convertFmpz_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, F.mvar()); A /= denA; fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } /*CanonicalForm mulFLINTQ2 (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; fmpq_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTB, B); fmpq_poly_mul (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB); A= convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, F.mvar()); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; }*/ CanonicalForm divFLINTQ (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; fmpq_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTB, B); fmpq_poly_div (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB); A= convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, F.mvar()); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } CanonicalForm modFLINTQ (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; fmpq_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTB, B); fmpq_poly_rem (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB); A= convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, F.mvar()); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } CanonicalForm mulFLINTQaTrunc (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const Variable& alpha, int m) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; CanonicalForm denA= bCommonDen (A); CanonicalForm denB= bCommonDen (B); A *= denA; B *= denB; int degAa= degree (A, alpha); int degBa= degree (B, alpha); int d= degAa + 1 + degBa; fmpz_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; kronSubQa (FLINTA, A, d); kronSubQa (FLINTB, B, d); int k= d*m; fmpz_poly_mullow (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB, k); denA *= denB; A= reverseSubstQa (FLINTA, d, F.mvar(), alpha, denA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } CanonicalForm mulFLINTQTrunc (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, int m) { if (F.inCoeffDomain() && G.inCoeffDomain()) return F*G; if (F.inCoeffDomain()) return mod (F*G, power (G.mvar(), m)); if (G.inCoeffDomain()) return mod (F*G, power (F.mvar(), m)); Variable alpha; if (hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha)) return mulFLINTQaTrunc (F, G, alpha, m); CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; CanonicalForm denA= bCommonDen (A); CanonicalForm denB= bCommonDen (B); A *= denA; B *= denB; fmpz_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (FLINTB, B); fmpz_poly_mullow (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB, m); denA *= denB; A= convertFmpz_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, F.mvar()); A /= denA; fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } CanonicalForm uniReverse (const CanonicalForm& F, int d, const Variable& x) { if (d == 0) return F; if (F.inCoeffDomain()) return F*power (x,d); CanonicalForm result= 0; CFIterator i= F; while (d - i.exp() < 0) i++; for (; i.hasTerms() && (d - i.exp() >= 0); i++) result += i.coeff()*power (x, d - i.exp()); return result; } CanonicalForm newtonInverse (const CanonicalForm& F, const int n, const Variable& x) { int l= ilog2(n); CanonicalForm g; if (F.inCoeffDomain()) g= F; else g= F [0]; if (!F.inCoeffDomain()) ASSERT (F.mvar() == x, "main variable of F and x differ"); ASSERT (!g.isZero(), "expected a unit"); if (!g.isOne()) g = 1/g; CanonicalForm result; int exp= 0; if (n & 1) { result= g; exp= 1; } CanonicalForm h; for (int i= 1; i <= l; i++) { h= mulNTL (g, mod (F, power (x, (1 << i)))); h= mod (h, power (x, (1 << i)) - 1); h= div (h, power (x, (1 << (i - 1)))); g -= power (x, (1 << (i - 1)))* mulFLINTQTrunc (g, h, 1 << (i-1)); if (n & (1 << i)) { if (exp) { h= mulNTL (result, mod (F, power (x, exp + (1 << i)))); h= mod (h, power (x, exp + (1 << i)) - 1); h= div (h, power (x, exp)); result -= power(x, exp)*mulFLINTQTrunc (g, h, 1 << i); exp += (1 << i); } else { exp= (1 << i); result= g; } } } return result; } void newtonDivrem (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R) { ASSERT (F.level() == G.level(), "F and G have different level"); CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; Variable x= A.mvar(); int degA= degree (A); int degB= degree (B); int m= degA - degB; if (m < 0) { R= A; Q= 0; return; } if (degB <= 1) divrem (A, B, Q, R); else { R= uniReverse (A, degA, x); CanonicalForm revB= uniReverse (B, degB, x); revB= newtonInverse (revB, m + 1, x); Q= mulFLINTQTrunc (R, revB, m + 1); Q= uniReverse (Q, m, x); R= A - mulNTL (Q, B); } } void newtonDiv (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q) { ASSERT (F.level() == G.level(), "F and G have different level"); CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; Variable x= A.mvar(); int degA= degree (A); int degB= degree (B); int m= degA - degB; if (m < 0) { Q= 0; return; } if (degB <= 1) Q= div (A, B); else { CanonicalForm R= uniReverse (A, degA, x); CanonicalForm revB= uniReverse (B, degB, x); revB= newtonInverse (revB, m + 1, x); Q= mulFLINTQTrunc (R, revB, m + 1); Q= uniReverse (Q, m, x); } } #endif CanonicalForm mulNTL (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const modpk& b) { if (CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain) return F*G; if (getCharacteristic() == 0) { Variable alpha; if ((!F.inCoeffDomain() && !G.inCoeffDomain()) && (hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha))) { if (b.getp() != 0) { CanonicalForm mipo= getMipo (alpha); bool is_rat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL); if (!is_rat) On (SW_RATIONAL); mipo *=bCommonDen (mipo); if (!is_rat) Off (SW_RATIONAL); #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) fmpz_t FLINTp; fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_ctx_t fq_con; fq_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; fmpz_init (FLINTp); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTp, b.getpk()); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, mipo, FLINTp); fq_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_poly_mul (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); CanonicalForm result= convertFq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fmpz_clear (FLINTp); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); fq_ctx_clear (fq_con); return b (result); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NTL ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZ_pX NTLmipo= to_ZZ_pX (convertFacCF2NTLZZX (mipo)); ZZ_pE::init (NTLmipo); ZZ_pEX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (G, NTLmipo); ZZ_pEX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (F, NTLmipo); mul (NTLf, NTLf, NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZ_pEX2CF (NTLf, F.mvar(), alpha)); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FLINT CanonicalForm result= mulFLINTQa (F, G, alpha); return result; #else return F*G; #endif } else if (!F.inCoeffDomain() && !G.inCoeffDomain()) { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT if (b.getp() != 0) { fmpz_t FLINTpk; fmpz_init (FLINTpk); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTpk, b.getpk()); fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTF, F, FLINTpk); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTG, G, FLINTpk); fmpz_mod_poly_mul (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG); CanonicalForm result= convertFmpz_mod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(),b); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTG); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTF); fmpz_clear (FLINTpk); return result; } return mulFLINTQ (F, G); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NTL if (b.getp() != 0) { ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZX ZZf= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (F); ZZX ZZg= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (G); ZZ_pX NTLf= to_ZZ_pX (ZZf); ZZ_pX NTLg= to_ZZ_pX (ZZg); mul (NTLf, NTLf, NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZX2CF (to_ZZX (NTLf), F.mvar())); } return F*G; #endif } if (b.getp() != 0) { if (!F.inBaseDomain() && !G.inBaseDomain()) { if (hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha)) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) fmpz_t FLINTp; fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_ctx_t fq_con; fmpz_init (FLINTp); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTp, b.getpk()); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha), FLINTp); fq_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); CanonicalForm result; if (F.inCoeffDomain() && !G.inCoeffDomain()) { fq_poly_t FLINTG; fmpz_poly_t FLINTF; convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (FLINTF, F); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_poly_scalar_mul_fq (FLINTG, FLINTG, FLINTF, fq_con); result= convertFq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTG, G.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTF); fq_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); } else if (!F.inCoeffDomain() && G.inCoeffDomain()) { fq_poly_t FLINTF; fmpz_poly_t FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (FLINTG, G); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); fq_poly_scalar_mul_fq (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); result= convertFq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTG); fq_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); } else { fq_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fq_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_mul (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); result= convertFq_t2FacCF (FLINTF, alpha); fq_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); } fmpz_clear (FLINTp); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_ctx_clear (fq_con); return b (result); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NTL ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZ_pX NTLmipo= to_ZZ_pX (convertFacCF2NTLZZX (getMipo (alpha))); ZZ_pE::init (NTLmipo); if (F.inCoeffDomain() && !G.inCoeffDomain()) { ZZ_pEX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (G, NTLmipo); ZZ_pX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (F); mul (NTLg, to_ZZ_pE (NTLf), NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZ_pEX2CF (NTLg, G.mvar(), alpha)); } else if (!F.inCoeffDomain() && G.inCoeffDomain()) { ZZ_pX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (G); ZZ_pEX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (F, NTLmipo); mul (NTLf, NTLf, to_ZZ_pE (NTLg)); return b (convertNTLZZ_pEX2CF (NTLf, F.mvar(), alpha)); } else { ZZ_pX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (G); ZZ_pX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (F); ZZ_pE result; mul (result, to_ZZ_pE (NTLg), to_ZZ_pE (NTLf)); return b (convertNTLZZpX2CF (rep (result), alpha)); } #endif } } return b (F*G); } return F*G; } else if (F.inCoeffDomain() || G.inCoeffDomain()) return F*G; ASSERT (F.isUnivariate() && G.isUnivariate(), "expected univariate polys"); ASSERT (F.level() == G.level(), "expected polys of same level"); #ifdef HAVE_NTL #if (!defined(HAVE_FLINT) || __FLINT_RELEASE < 20400) if (fac_NTL_char != getCharacteristic()) { fac_NTL_char= getCharacteristic(); zz_p::init (getCharacteristic()); } #endif #endif Variable alpha; CanonicalForm result; if (hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha)) { if (!getReduce (alpha)) { result= 0; for (CFIterator i= F; i.hasTerms(); i++) result += i.coeff()*G*power (F.mvar(),i.exp()); return result; } #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; nmod_poly_init (FLINTmipo, getCharacteristic()); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha)); fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_mul (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); result= convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); return result; #elif defined(AHVE_NTL) zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (getMipo (alpha)); zz_pE::init (NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLF= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (F, NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLG= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (G, NTLMipo); mul (NTLF, NTLF, NTLG); result= convertNTLzz_pEX2CF(NTLF, F.mvar(), alpha); return result; #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT nmod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTF, F); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTG, G); nmod_poly_mul (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG); result= convertnmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar()); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTF); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTG); return result; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NTL zz_pX NTLF= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (F); zz_pX NTLG= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (G); mul (NTLF, NTLF, NTLG); return convertNTLzzpX2CF(NTLF, F.mvar()); #endif } return F*G; } CanonicalForm modNTL (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const modpk& b) { if (CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain) return mod (F, G); if (F.inCoeffDomain() && G.isUnivariate() && !G.inCoeffDomain()) { if (b.getp() != 0) return b(F); return F; } else if (F.inCoeffDomain() && G.inCoeffDomain()) { if (b.getp() != 0) return b(F%G); return mod (F, G); } else if (F.isUnivariate() && G.inCoeffDomain()) { if (b.getp() != 0) return b(F%G); return mod (F,G); } if (getCharacteristic() == 0) { Variable alpha; if (!hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) && !hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha)) { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT if (b.getp() != 0) { fmpz_t FLINTpk; fmpz_init (FLINTpk); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTpk, b.getpk()); fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTF, F, FLINTpk); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTG, G, FLINTpk); fmpz_mod_poly_divrem (FLINTG, FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG); CanonicalForm result= convertFmpz_mod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF,F.mvar(),b); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTG); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTF); fmpz_clear (FLINTpk); return result; } return modFLINTQ (F, G); #else if (b.getp() != 0) { ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZX ZZf= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (F); ZZX ZZg= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (G); ZZ_pX NTLf= to_ZZ_pX (ZZf); ZZ_pX NTLg= to_ZZ_pX (ZZg); rem (NTLf, NTLf, NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZX2CF (to_ZZX (NTLf), F.mvar())); } return mod (F, G); #endif } else { if (b.getp() != 0) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) fmpz_t FLINTp; fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_ctx_t fq_con; fq_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; fmpz_init (FLINTp); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTp, b.getpk()); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha), FLINTp); fq_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_poly_rem (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); CanonicalForm result= convertFq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fmpz_clear (FLINTp); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); fq_ctx_clear (fq_con); return b(result); #else ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZ_pX NTLmipo= to_ZZ_pX (convertFacCF2NTLZZX (getMipo (alpha))); ZZ_pE::init (NTLmipo); ZZ_pEX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (G, NTLmipo); ZZ_pEX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (F, NTLmipo); rem (NTLf, NTLf, NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZ_pEX2CF (NTLf, F.mvar(), alpha)); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FLINT CanonicalForm Q, R; newtonDivrem (F, G, Q, R); return R; #else return mod (F,G); #endif } } ASSERT (F.isUnivariate() && G.isUnivariate(), "expected univariate polys"); ASSERT (F.level() == G.level(), "expected polys of same level"); #if (!defined(HAVE_FLINT) || __FLINT_RELEASE < 20400) if (fac_NTL_char != getCharacteristic()) { fac_NTL_char= getCharacteristic(); zz_p::init (getCharacteristic()); } #endif Variable alpha; CanonicalForm result; if (hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha)) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; nmod_poly_init (FLINTmipo, getCharacteristic()); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha)); fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_rem (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); result= convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); #else zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX(getMipo (alpha)); zz_pE::init (NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLF= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (F, NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLG= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (G, NTLMipo); rem (NTLF, NTLF, NTLG); result= convertNTLzz_pEX2CF(NTLF, F.mvar(), alpha); #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT nmod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTF, F); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTG, G); nmod_poly_divrem (FLINTG, FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG); result= convertnmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar()); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTF); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTG); #else zz_pX NTLF= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (F); zz_pX NTLG= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (G); rem (NTLF, NTLF, NTLG); result= convertNTLzzpX2CF(NTLF, F.mvar()); #endif } return result; } CanonicalForm divNTL (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const modpk& b) { if (CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain) return div (F, G); if (F.inCoeffDomain() && G.isUnivariate() && !G.inCoeffDomain()) { return 0; } else if (F.inCoeffDomain() && G.inCoeffDomain()) { if (b.getp() != 0) { if (!F.inBaseDomain() || !G.inBaseDomain()) { Variable alpha; hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha); hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha); #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) fmpz_t FLINTp; fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_ctx_t fq_con; fq_t FLINTF, FLINTG; fmpz_init (FLINTp); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTp, b.getpk()); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha), FLINTp); fq_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); convertFacCF2Fq_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_inv (FLINTG, FLINTG, fq_con); fq_mul (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); CanonicalForm result= convertFq_t2FacCF (FLINTF, alpha); fmpz_clear (FLINTp); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); fq_ctx_clear (fq_con); return b (result); #else ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZ_pX NTLmipo= to_ZZ_pX (convertFacCF2NTLZZX (getMipo (alpha))); ZZ_pE::init (NTLmipo); ZZ_pX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (G); ZZ_pX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (F); ZZ_pE result; div (result, to_ZZ_pE (NTLf), to_ZZ_pE (NTLg)); return b (convertNTLZZpX2CF (rep (result), alpha)); #endif } return b(div (F,G)); } return div (F, G); } else if (F.isUnivariate() && G.inCoeffDomain()) { if (b.getp() != 0) { if (!G.inBaseDomain()) { Variable alpha; hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha); #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) fmpz_t FLINTp; fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_ctx_t fq_con; fq_poly_t FLINTF; fq_t FLINTG; fmpz_init (FLINTp); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTp, b.getpk()); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha), FLINTp); fq_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_inv (FLINTG, FLINTG, fq_con); fq_poly_scalar_mul_fq (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); CanonicalForm result= convertFq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fmpz_clear (FLINTp); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); fq_ctx_clear (fq_con); return b (result); #else ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZ_pX NTLmipo= to_ZZ_pX (convertFacCF2NTLZZX (getMipo (alpha))); ZZ_pE::init (NTLmipo); ZZ_pX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZpX (G); ZZ_pEX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (F, NTLmipo); div (NTLf, NTLf, to_ZZ_pE (NTLg)); return b (convertNTLZZ_pEX2CF (NTLf, F.mvar(), alpha)); #endif } return b(div (F,G)); } return div (F, G); } if (getCharacteristic() == 0) { Variable alpha; if (!hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) && !hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha)) { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT if (b.getp() != 0) { fmpz_t FLINTpk; fmpz_init (FLINTpk); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTpk, b.getpk()); fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTF, F, FLINTpk); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTG, G, FLINTpk); fmpz_mod_poly_divrem (FLINTF, FLINTG, FLINTF, FLINTG); CanonicalForm result= convertFmpz_mod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF,F.mvar(),b); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTG); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTF); fmpz_clear (FLINTpk); return result; } return divFLINTQ (F,G); #else if (b.getp() != 0) { ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZX ZZf= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (F); ZZX ZZg= convertFacCF2NTLZZX (G); ZZ_pX NTLf= to_ZZ_pX (ZZf); ZZ_pX NTLg= to_ZZ_pX (ZZg); div (NTLf, NTLf, NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZX2CF (to_ZZX (NTLf), F.mvar())); } return div (F, G); #endif } else { if (b.getp() != 0) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) fmpz_t FLINTp; fmpz_mod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_ctx_t fq_con; fq_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; fmpz_init (FLINTp); convertCF2Fmpz (FLINTp, b.getpk()); convertFacCF2Fmpz_mod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha), FLINTp); fq_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_poly_divrem (FLINTF, FLINTG, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); CanonicalForm result= convertFq_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fmpz_clear (FLINTp); fmpz_mod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_ctx_clear (fq_con); fq_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); return b (result); #else ZZ_p::init (convertFacCF2NTLZZ (b.getpk())); ZZ_pX NTLmipo= to_ZZ_pX (convertFacCF2NTLZZX (getMipo (alpha))); ZZ_pE::init (NTLmipo); ZZ_pEX NTLg= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (G, NTLmipo); ZZ_pEX NTLf= convertFacCF2NTLZZ_pEX (F, NTLmipo); div (NTLf, NTLf, NTLg); return b (convertNTLZZ_pEX2CF (NTLf, F.mvar(), alpha)); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FLINT CanonicalForm Q; newtonDiv (F, G, Q); return Q; #else return div (F,G); #endif } } ASSERT (F.isUnivariate() && G.isUnivariate(), "expected univariate polys"); ASSERT (F.level() == G.level(), "expected polys of same level"); #if (!defined(HAVE_FLINT) || __FLINT_RELEASE < 20400) if (fac_NTL_char != getCharacteristic()) { fac_NTL_char= getCharacteristic(); zz_p::init (getCharacteristic()); } #endif Variable alpha; CanonicalForm result; if (hasFirstAlgVar (F, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (G, alpha)) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; nmod_poly_init (FLINTmipo, getCharacteristic()); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha)); fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTF, F, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTG, G, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_divrem (FLINTF, FLINTG, FLINTF, FLINTG, fq_con); result= convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar(), alpha, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTF, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTG, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); #else zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX(getMipo (alpha)); zz_pE::init (NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLF= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (F, NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLG= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (G, NTLMipo); div (NTLF, NTLF, NTLG); result= convertNTLzz_pEX2CF(NTLF, F.mvar(), alpha); #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT nmod_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTF, F); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTG, G); nmod_poly_div (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG); result= convertnmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTF, F.mvar()); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTF); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTG); #else zz_pX NTLF= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (F); zz_pX NTLG= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (G); div (NTLF, NTLF, NTLG); result= convertNTLzzpX2CF(NTLF, F.mvar()); #endif } return result; } // end univariate polys //************************* // bivariate polys #ifdef HAVE_FLINT void kronSubFp (nmod_poly_t result, const CanonicalForm& A, int d) { int degAy= degree (A); nmod_poly_init2 (result, getCharacteristic(), d*(degAy + 1)); result->length= d*(degAy + 1); flint_mpn_zero (result->coeffs, d*(degAy+1)); nmod_poly_t buf; int k; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (buf, i.coeff()); k= i.exp()*d; flint_mpn_copyi (result->coeffs+k, buf->coeffs, nmod_poly_length(buf)); nmod_poly_clear (buf); } _nmod_poly_normalise (result); } #if ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) void kronSubFq (fq_nmod_poly_t result, const CanonicalForm& A, int d, const fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con) { int degAy= degree (A); fq_nmod_poly_init2 (result, d*(degAy + 1), fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (result, d*(degAy + 1), fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_zero (result->coeffs, d*(degAy + 1), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_t buf1; nmod_poly_t buf2; int k; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) { convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (buf2, i.coeff()); fq_nmod_poly_init2 (buf1, 1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_set_coeff (buf1, 0, buf2, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (buf2); } else convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (buf1, i.coeff(), fq_con); k= i.exp()*d; _fq_nmod_vec_set (result->coeffs+k, buf1->coeffs, fq_nmod_poly_length (buf1, fq_con), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf1, fq_con); } _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (result, fq_con); } #endif /*void kronSubQa (fmpq_poly_t result, const CanonicalForm& A, int d1, int d2) { int degAy= degree (A); fmpq_poly_init2 (result, d1*(degAy + 1)); fmpq_poly_t buf; fmpq_t coeff; int k, l, bufRepLength; CFIterator j; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) { k= d1*i.exp(); convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (buf, i.coeff()); bufRepLength= (int) fmpq_poly_length(buf); for (l= 0; l < bufRepLength; l++) { fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq (coeff, buf, l); fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq (result, l + k, coeff); } fmpq_poly_clear (buf); } else { for (j= i.coeff(); j.hasTerms(); j++) { k= d1*i.exp(); k += d2*j.exp(); convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (buf, j.coeff()); bufRepLength= (int) fmpq_poly_length(buf); for (l= 0; l < bufRepLength; l++) { fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq (coeff, buf, l); fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq (result, k + l, coeff); } fmpq_poly_clear (buf); } } } fmpq_clear (coeff); _fmpq_poly_normalise (result); }*/ void kronSubQa (fmpz_poly_t result, const CanonicalForm& A, int d1, int d2) { int degAy= degree (A); fmpz_poly_init2 (result, d1*(degAy + 1)); _fmpz_poly_set_length (result, d1*(degAy + 1)); fmpz_poly_t buf; int k; CFIterator j; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) { k= d1*i.exp(); convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (buf, i.coeff()); _fmpz_vec_set (result->coeffs + k, buf->coeffs, buf->length); fmpz_poly_clear (buf); } else { for (j= i.coeff(); j.hasTerms(); j++) { k= d1*i.exp(); k += d2*j.exp(); convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (buf, j.coeff()); _fmpz_vec_set (result->coeffs + k, buf->coeffs, buf->length); fmpz_poly_clear (buf); } } } _fmpz_poly_normalise (result); } void kronSubReciproFp (nmod_poly_t subA1, nmod_poly_t subA2, const CanonicalForm& A, int d) { int degAy= degree (A); mp_limb_t ninv= n_preinvert_limb (getCharacteristic()); nmod_poly_init2_preinv (subA1, getCharacteristic(), ninv, d*(degAy + 2)); nmod_poly_init2_preinv (subA2, getCharacteristic(), ninv, d*(degAy + 2)); nmod_poly_t buf; int k, kk, j, bufRepLength; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (buf, i.coeff()); k= i.exp()*d; kk= (degAy - i.exp())*d; bufRepLength= (int) nmod_poly_length (buf); for (j= 0; j < bufRepLength; j++) { nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (subA1, j + k, n_addmod (nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (subA1, j+k), nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (buf, j), getCharacteristic() ) ); nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (subA2, j + kk, n_addmod (nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (subA2, j + kk), nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (buf, j), getCharacteristic() ) ); } nmod_poly_clear (buf); } _nmod_poly_normalise (subA1); _nmod_poly_normalise (subA2); } #if ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) void kronSubReciproFq (fq_nmod_poly_t subA1, fq_nmod_poly_t subA2, const CanonicalForm& A, int d, const fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con) { int degAy= degree (A); fq_nmod_poly_init2 (subA1, d*(degAy + 2), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_init2 (subA2, d*(degAy + 2), fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (subA1, d*(degAy + 2), fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_zero (subA1->coeffs, d*(degAy + 2), fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (subA2, d*(degAy + 2), fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_zero (subA2->coeffs, d*(degAy + 2), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_t buf1; nmod_poly_t buf2; int k, kk; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) { convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (buf2, i.coeff()); fq_nmod_poly_init2 (buf1, 1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_set_coeff (buf1, 0, buf2, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (buf2); } else convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (buf1, i.coeff(), fq_con); k= i.exp()*d; kk= (degAy - i.exp())*d; _fq_nmod_vec_add (subA1->coeffs+k, subA1->coeffs+k, buf1->coeffs, fq_nmod_poly_length(buf1, fq_con), fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_add (subA2->coeffs+kk, subA2->coeffs+kk, buf1->coeffs, fq_nmod_poly_length(buf1, fq_con), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf1, fq_con); } _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (subA1, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (subA2, fq_con); } #endif void kronSubReciproQ (fmpz_poly_t subA1, fmpz_poly_t subA2, const CanonicalForm& A, int d) { int degAy= degree (A); fmpz_poly_init2 (subA1, d*(degAy + 2)); fmpz_poly_init2 (subA2, d*(degAy + 2)); fmpz_poly_t buf; int k, kk; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { convertFacCF2Fmpz_poly_t (buf, i.coeff()); k= i.exp()*d; kk= (degAy - i.exp())*d; _fmpz_vec_add (subA1->coeffs+k, subA1->coeffs + k, buf->coeffs, buf->length); _fmpz_vec_add (subA2->coeffs+kk, subA2->coeffs + kk, buf->coeffs, buf->length); fmpz_poly_clear (buf); } _fmpz_poly_normalise (subA1); _fmpz_poly_normalise (subA2); } CanonicalForm reverseSubstQ (const fmpz_poly_t F, int d) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); fmpz_poly_t buf; CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int degf= fmpz_poly_degree(F); int k= 0; int degfSubK, repLength; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d) repLength= d; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; fmpz_poly_init2 (buf, repLength); _fmpz_poly_set_length (buf, repLength); _fmpz_vec_set (buf->coeffs, F->coeffs+k, repLength); _fmpz_poly_normalise (buf); result += convertFmpz_poly_t2FacCF (buf, x)*power (y, i); i++; k= d*i; fmpz_poly_clear (buf); } return result; } /*CanonicalForm reverseSubstQa (const fmpq_poly_t F, int d1, int d2, const Variable& alpha, const fmpq_poly_t mipo) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); fmpq_poly_t f; fmpq_poly_init (f); fmpq_poly_set (f, F); fmpq_poly_t buf; CanonicalForm result= 0, result2; int i= 0; int degf= fmpq_poly_degree(f); int k= 0; int degfSubK; int repLength; fmpq_t coeff; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d1) repLength= d1; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; fmpq_init (coeff); int j= 0; int l; result2= 0; while (j*d2 < repLength) { fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, d2); for (l= 0; l < d2; l++) { fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq (coeff, f, k + j*d2 + l); fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq (buf, l, coeff); } _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf); fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo); result2 += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, j); j++; fmpq_poly_clear (buf); } if (repLength - j*d2 != 0 && j*d2 - repLength < d2) { j--; repLength -= j*d2; fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, repLength); j++; for (l= 0; l < repLength; l++) { fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq (coeff, f, k + j*d2 + l); fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq (buf, l, coeff); } _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf); fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo); result2 += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, j); fmpq_poly_clear (buf); } fmpq_clear (coeff); result += result2*power (y, i); i++; k= d1*i; } fmpq_poly_clear (f); return result; }*/ CanonicalForm reverseSubstQa (const fmpz_poly_t F, int d1, int d2, const Variable& alpha, const fmpq_poly_t mipo) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); fmpq_poly_t buf; CanonicalForm result= 0, result2; int i= 0; int degf= fmpz_poly_degree(F); int k= 0; int degfSubK; int repLength; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d1) repLength= d1; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; int j= 0; result2= 0; while (j*d2 < repLength) { fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, d2); _fmpq_poly_set_length (buf, d2); _fmpz_vec_set (buf->coeffs, F->coeffs + k + j*d2, d2); _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf); fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo); result2 += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, j); j++; fmpq_poly_clear (buf); } if (repLength - j*d2 != 0 && j*d2 - repLength < d2) { j--; repLength -= j*d2; fmpq_poly_init2 (buf, repLength); _fmpq_poly_set_length (buf, repLength); j++; _fmpz_vec_set (buf->coeffs, F->coeffs + k + j*d2, repLength); _fmpq_poly_normalise (buf); fmpq_poly_rem (buf, buf, mipo); result2 += convertFmpq_poly_t2FacCF (buf, alpha)*power (x, j); fmpq_poly_clear (buf); } result += result2*power (y, i); i++; k= d1*i; } return result; } CanonicalForm reverseSubstReciproFp (const nmod_poly_t F, const nmod_poly_t G, int d, int k) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); nmod_poly_t f, g; mp_limb_t ninv= n_preinvert_limb (getCharacteristic()); nmod_poly_init_preinv (f, getCharacteristic(), ninv); nmod_poly_init_preinv (g, getCharacteristic(), ninv); nmod_poly_set (f, F); nmod_poly_set (g, G); int degf= nmod_poly_degree(f); int degg= nmod_poly_degree(g); nmod_poly_t buf1,buf2, buf3; if (nmod_poly_length (f) < (long) d*(k+1)) //zero padding nmod_poly_fit_length (f,(long)d*(k+1)); CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int lf= 0; int lg= d*k; int degfSubLf= degf; int deggSubLg= degg-lg; int repLengthBuf2, repLengthBuf1, ind, tmp; while (degf >= lf || lg >= 0) { if (degfSubLf >= d) repLengthBuf1= d; else if (degfSubLf < 0) repLengthBuf1= 0; else repLengthBuf1= degfSubLf + 1; nmod_poly_init2_preinv (buf1, getCharacteristic(), ninv, repLengthBuf1); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf1, ind, nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (f, ind+lf)); _nmod_poly_normalise (buf1); repLengthBuf1= nmod_poly_length (buf1); if (deggSubLg >= d - 1) repLengthBuf2= d - 1; else if (deggSubLg < 0) repLengthBuf2= 0; else repLengthBuf2= deggSubLg + 1; nmod_poly_init2_preinv (buf2, getCharacteristic(), ninv, repLengthBuf2); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf2, ind, nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (g, ind + lg)); _nmod_poly_normalise (buf2); repLengthBuf2= nmod_poly_length (buf2); nmod_poly_init2_preinv (buf3, getCharacteristic(), ninv, repLengthBuf2 + d); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf3, ind, nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (buf1, ind)); for (ind= repLengthBuf1; ind < d; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf3, ind, 0); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf3, ind+d, nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (buf2, ind)); _nmod_poly_normalise (buf3); result += convertnmod_poly_t2FacCF (buf3, x)*power (y, i); i++; lf= i*d; degfSubLf= degf - lf; lg= d*(k-i); deggSubLg= degg - lg; if (lg >= 0 && deggSubLg > 0) { if (repLengthBuf2 > degfSubLf + 1) degfSubLf= repLengthBuf2 - 1; tmp= tmin (repLengthBuf1, deggSubLg + 1); for (ind= 0; ind < tmp; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (g, ind + lg, n_submod (nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (g, ind + lg), nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (buf1, ind), getCharacteristic() ) ); } if (lg < 0) { nmod_poly_clear (buf1); nmod_poly_clear (buf2); nmod_poly_clear (buf3); break; } if (degfSubLf >= 0) { for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (f, ind + lf, n_submod (nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (f, ind + lf), nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (buf2, ind), getCharacteristic() ) ); } nmod_poly_clear (buf1); nmod_poly_clear (buf2); nmod_poly_clear (buf3); } nmod_poly_clear (f); nmod_poly_clear (g); return result; } #if ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) CanonicalForm reverseSubstReciproFq (const fq_nmod_poly_t F, const fq_nmod_poly_t G, int d, int k, const Variable& alpha, const fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); fq_nmod_poly_t f, g; int degf= fq_nmod_poly_degree(F, fq_con); int degg= fq_nmod_poly_degree(G, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_t buf1,buf2, buf3; fq_nmod_poly_init (f, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_init (g, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_set (f, F, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_set (g, G, fq_con); if (fq_nmod_poly_length (f, fq_con) < (long) d*(k + 1)) //zero padding fq_nmod_poly_fit_length (f, (long) d*(k + 1), fq_con); CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int lf= 0; int lg= d*k; int degfSubLf= degf; int deggSubLg= degg-lg; int repLengthBuf2, repLengthBuf1, tmp; while (degf >= lf || lg >= 0) { if (degfSubLf >= d) repLengthBuf1= d; else if (degfSubLf < 0) repLengthBuf1= 0; else repLengthBuf1= degfSubLf + 1; fq_nmod_poly_init2 (buf1, repLengthBuf1, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (buf1, repLengthBuf1, fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_set (buf1->coeffs, f->coeffs + lf, repLengthBuf1, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (buf1, fq_con); repLengthBuf1= fq_nmod_poly_length (buf1, fq_con); if (deggSubLg >= d - 1) repLengthBuf2= d - 1; else if (deggSubLg < 0) repLengthBuf2= 0; else repLengthBuf2= deggSubLg + 1; fq_nmod_poly_init2 (buf2, repLengthBuf2, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (buf2, repLengthBuf2, fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_set (buf2->coeffs, g->coeffs + lg, repLengthBuf2, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (buf2, fq_con); repLengthBuf2= fq_nmod_poly_length (buf2, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_init2 (buf3, repLengthBuf2 + d, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (buf3, repLengthBuf2 + d, fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_set (buf3->coeffs, buf1->coeffs, repLengthBuf1, fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_set (buf3->coeffs + d, buf2->coeffs, repLengthBuf2, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (buf3, fq_con); result += convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (buf3, x, alpha, fq_con)*power (y, i); i++; lf= i*d; degfSubLf= degf - lf; lg= d*(k - i); deggSubLg= degg - lg; if (lg >= 0 && deggSubLg > 0) { if (repLengthBuf2 > degfSubLf + 1) degfSubLf= repLengthBuf2 - 1; tmp= tmin (repLengthBuf1, deggSubLg + 1); _fq_nmod_vec_sub (g->coeffs + lg, g->coeffs + lg, buf1-> coeffs, tmp, fq_con); } if (lg < 0) { fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf2, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf3, fq_con); break; } if (degfSubLf >= 0) _fq_nmod_vec_sub (f->coeffs + lf, f->coeffs + lf, buf2->coeffs, repLengthBuf2, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf2, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf3, fq_con); } fq_nmod_poly_clear (f, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (g, fq_con); return result; } #endif CanonicalForm reverseSubstReciproQ (const fmpz_poly_t F, const fmpz_poly_t G, int d, int k) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); fmpz_poly_t f, g; fmpz_poly_init (f); fmpz_poly_init (g); fmpz_poly_set (f, F); fmpz_poly_set (g, G); int degf= fmpz_poly_degree(f); int degg= fmpz_poly_degree(g); fmpz_poly_t buf1,buf2, buf3; if (fmpz_poly_length (f) < (long) d*(k+1)) //zero padding fmpz_poly_fit_length (f,(long)d*(k+1)); CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int lf= 0; int lg= d*k; int degfSubLf= degf; int deggSubLg= degg-lg; int repLengthBuf2, repLengthBuf1, ind, tmp; fmpz_t tmp1, tmp2; while (degf >= lf || lg >= 0) { if (degfSubLf >= d) repLengthBuf1= d; else if (degfSubLf < 0) repLengthBuf1= 0; else repLengthBuf1= degfSubLf + 1; fmpz_poly_init2 (buf1, repLengthBuf1); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) { fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp1, f, ind + lf); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz (buf1, ind, tmp1); } _fmpz_poly_normalise (buf1); repLengthBuf1= fmpz_poly_length (buf1); if (deggSubLg >= d - 1) repLengthBuf2= d - 1; else if (deggSubLg < 0) repLengthBuf2= 0; else repLengthBuf2= deggSubLg + 1; fmpz_poly_init2 (buf2, repLengthBuf2); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) { fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp1, g, ind + lg); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz (buf2, ind, tmp1); } _fmpz_poly_normalise (buf2); repLengthBuf2= fmpz_poly_length (buf2); fmpz_poly_init2 (buf3, repLengthBuf2 + d); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) { fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp1, buf1, ind); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz (buf3, ind, tmp1); } for (ind= repLengthBuf1; ind < d; ind++) fmpz_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf3, ind, 0); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) { fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp1, buf2, ind); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz (buf3, ind + d, tmp1); } _fmpz_poly_normalise (buf3); result += convertFmpz_poly_t2FacCF (buf3, x)*power (y, i); i++; lf= i*d; degfSubLf= degf - lf; lg= d*(k-i); deggSubLg= degg - lg; if (lg >= 0 && deggSubLg > 0) { if (repLengthBuf2 > degfSubLf + 1) degfSubLf= repLengthBuf2 - 1; tmp= tmin (repLengthBuf1, deggSubLg + 1); for (ind= 0; ind < tmp; ind++) { fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp1, g, ind + lg); fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp2, buf1, ind); fmpz_sub (tmp1, tmp1, tmp2); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz (g, ind + lg, tmp1); } } if (lg < 0) { fmpz_poly_clear (buf1); fmpz_poly_clear (buf2); fmpz_poly_clear (buf3); break; } if (degfSubLf >= 0) { for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) { fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp1, f, ind + lf); fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz (tmp2, buf2, ind); fmpz_sub (tmp1, tmp1, tmp2); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz (f, ind + lf, tmp1); } } fmpz_poly_clear (buf1); fmpz_poly_clear (buf2); fmpz_poly_clear (buf3); } fmpz_poly_clear (f); fmpz_poly_clear (g); fmpz_clear (tmp1); fmpz_clear (tmp2); return result; } #if ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) CanonicalForm reverseSubstFq (const fq_nmod_poly_t F, int d, const Variable& alpha, const fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); fq_nmod_poly_t buf; CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int degf= fq_nmod_poly_degree(F, fq_con); int k= 0; int degfSubK, repLength; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d) repLength= d; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; fq_nmod_poly_init2 (buf, repLength, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_set_length (buf, repLength, fq_con); _fq_nmod_vec_set (buf->coeffs, F->coeffs+k, repLength, fq_con); _fq_nmod_poly_normalise (buf, fq_con); result += convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (buf, x, alpha, fq_con)*power (y, i); i++; k= d*i; fq_nmod_poly_clear (buf, fq_con); } return result; } #endif CanonicalForm reverseSubstFp (const nmod_poly_t F, int d) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); mp_limb_t ninv= n_preinvert_limb (getCharacteristic()); nmod_poly_t buf; CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int degf= nmod_poly_degree(F); int k= 0; int degfSubK, repLength, j; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d) repLength= d; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; nmod_poly_init2_preinv (buf, getCharacteristic(), ninv, repLength); for (j= 0; j < repLength; j++) nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui (buf, j, nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui (F, j + k)); _nmod_poly_normalise (buf); result += convertnmod_poly_t2FacCF (buf, x)*power (y, i); i++; k= d*i; nmod_poly_clear (buf); } return result; } CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTFpReci (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { int d1= degree (F, 1) + degree (G, 1) + 1; d1 /= 2; d1 += 1; nmod_poly_t F1, F2; kronSubReciproFp (F1, F2, F, d1); nmod_poly_t G1, G2; kronSubReciproFp (G1, G2, G, d1); int k= d1*degree (M); nmod_poly_mullow (F1, F1, G1, (long) k); int degtailF= degree (tailcoeff (F), 1);; int degtailG= degree (tailcoeff (G), 1); int taildegF= taildegree (F); int taildegG= taildegree (G); int b= nmod_poly_degree (F2) + nmod_poly_degree (G2) - k - degtailF - degtailG + d1*(2+taildegF + taildegG); nmod_poly_mulhigh (F2, F2, G2, b); nmod_poly_shift_right (F2, F2, b); int d2= tmax (nmod_poly_degree (F2)/d1, nmod_poly_degree (F1)/d1); CanonicalForm result= reverseSubstReciproFp (F1, F2, d1, d2); nmod_poly_clear (F1); nmod_poly_clear (F2); nmod_poly_clear (G1); nmod_poly_clear (G2); return result; } CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTFp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; int degAx= degree (A, 1); int degAy= degree (A, 2); int degBx= degree (B, 1); int degBy= degree (B, 2); int d1= degAx + 1 + degBx; int d2= tmax (degAy, degBy); if (d1 > 128 && d2 > 160 && (degAy == degBy) && (2*degAy > degree (M))) return mulMod2FLINTFpReci (A, B, M); nmod_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; kronSubFp (FLINTA, A, d1); kronSubFp (FLINTB, B, d1); int k= d1*degree (M); nmod_poly_mullow (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB, (long) k); A= reverseSubstFp (FLINTA, d1); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTA); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A; } #if ( __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTFqReci (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M, const Variable& alpha, const fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con) { int d1= degree (F, 1) + degree (G, 1) + 1; d1 /= 2; d1 += 1; fq_nmod_poly_t F1, F2; kronSubReciproFq (F1, F2, F, d1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_t G1, G2; kronSubReciproFq (G1, G2, G, d1, fq_con); int k= d1*degree (M); fq_nmod_poly_mullow (F1, F1, G1, (long) k, fq_con); int degtailF= degree (tailcoeff (F), 1); int degtailG= degree (tailcoeff (G), 1); int taildegF= taildegree (F); int taildegG= taildegree (G); int b= k + degtailF + degtailG - d1*(2+taildegF + taildegG); fq_nmod_poly_reverse (F2, F2, fq_nmod_poly_length (F2, fq_con), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_reverse (G2, G2, fq_nmod_poly_length (G2, fq_con), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_mullow (F2, F2, G2, b+1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_reverse (F2, F2, b+1, fq_con); int d2= tmax (fq_nmod_poly_degree (F2, fq_con)/d1, fq_nmod_poly_degree (F1, fq_con)/d1); CanonicalForm result= reverseSubstReciproFq (F1, F2, d1, d2, alpha, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (F1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (F2, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (G1, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (G2, fq_con); return result; } CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTFq (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M, const Variable& alpha, const fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; int degAx= degree (A, 1); int degAy= degree (A, 2); int degBx= degree (B, 1); int degBy= degree (B, 2); int d1= degAx + 1 + degBx; int d2= tmax (degAy, degBy); if (d1 > 128 && d2 > 160 && (degAy == degBy) && (2*degAy > degree (M))) return mulMod2FLINTFqReci (A, B, M, alpha, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; kronSubFq (FLINTA, A, d1, fq_con); kronSubFq (FLINTB, B, d1, fq_con); int k= d1*degree (M); fq_nmod_poly_mullow (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB, (long) k, fq_con); A= reverseSubstFq (FLINTA, d1, alpha, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTA, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTB, fq_con); return A; } #endif CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTQReci (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { int d1= degree (F, 1) + degree (G, 1) + 1; d1 /= 2; d1 += 1; fmpz_poly_t F1, F2; kronSubReciproQ (F1, F2, F, d1); fmpz_poly_t G1, G2; kronSubReciproQ (G1, G2, G, d1); int k= d1*degree (M); fmpz_poly_mullow (F1, F1, G1, (long) k); int degtailF= degree (tailcoeff (F), 1);; int degtailG= degree (tailcoeff (G), 1); int taildegF= taildegree (F); int taildegG= taildegree (G); int b= fmpz_poly_degree (F2) + fmpz_poly_degree (G2) - k - degtailF - degtailG + d1*(2+taildegF + taildegG); fmpz_poly_mulhigh_n (F2, F2, G2, b); fmpz_poly_shift_right (F2, F2, b); int d2= tmax (fmpz_poly_degree (F2)/d1, fmpz_poly_degree (F1)/d1); CanonicalForm result= reverseSubstReciproQ (F1, F2, d1, d2); fmpz_poly_clear (F1); fmpz_poly_clear (F2); fmpz_poly_clear (G1); fmpz_poly_clear (G2); return result; } CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTQ (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; int degAx= degree (A, 1); int degBx= degree (B, 1); int d1= degAx + 1 + degBx; CanonicalForm f= bCommonDen (F); CanonicalForm g= bCommonDen (G); A *= f; B *= g; fmpz_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; kronSubQa (FLINTA, A, d1); kronSubQa (FLINTB, B, d1); int k= d1*degree (M); fmpz_poly_mullow (FLINTA, FLINTA, FLINTB, (long) k); A= reverseSubstQ (FLINTA, d1); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTB); return A/(f*g); } /*CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTQa (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { Variable a; if (!hasFirstAlgVar (F,a) && !hasFirstAlgVar (G, a)) return mulMod2FLINTQ (F, G, M); CanonicalForm A= F; int degFx= degree (F, 1); int degFa= degree (F, a); int degGx= degree (G, 1); int degGa= degree (G, a); int d2= degFa+degGa+1; int d1= degFx + 1 + degGx; d1 *= d2; fmpq_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; kronSubQa (FLINTF, F, d1, d2); kronSubQa (FLINTG, G, d1, d2); fmpq_poly_mullow (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, d1*degree (M)); fmpq_poly_t mipo; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (mipo, getMipo (a)); CanonicalForm result= reverseSubstQa (FLINTF, d1, d2, a, mipo); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTF); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTG); return result; }*/ CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTQa (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { Variable a; if (!hasFirstAlgVar (F,a) && !hasFirstAlgVar (G, a)) return mulMod2FLINTQ (F, G, M); CanonicalForm A= F, B= G; int degFx= degree (F, 1); int degFa= degree (F, a); int degGx= degree (G, 1); int degGa= degree (G, a); int d2= degFa+degGa+1; int d1= degFx + 1 + degGx; d1 *= d2; CanonicalForm f= bCommonDen (F); CanonicalForm g= bCommonDen (G); A *= f; B *= g; fmpz_poly_t FLINTF, FLINTG; kronSubQa (FLINTF, A, d1, d2); kronSubQa (FLINTG, B, d1, d2); fmpz_poly_mullow (FLINTF, FLINTF, FLINTG, d1*degree (M)); fmpq_poly_t mipo; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (mipo, getMipo (a)); A= reverseSubstQa (FLINTF, d1, d2, a, mipo); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTF); fmpz_poly_clear (FLINTG); return A/(f*g); } #endif #ifndef HAVE_FLINT zz_pX kronSubFp (const CanonicalForm& A, int d) { int degAy= degree (A); zz_pX result; result.rep.SetLength (d*(degAy + 1)); zz_p *resultp; resultp= result.rep.elts(); zz_pX buf; zz_p *bufp; int j, k, bufRepLength; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) buf= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (i.coeff()); else buf= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (i.coeff()); k= i.exp()*d; bufp= buf.rep.elts(); bufRepLength= (int) buf.rep.length(); for (j= 0; j < bufRepLength; j++) resultp [j + k]= bufp [j]; } result.normalize(); return result; } #endif #if (!(HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400)) zz_pEX kronSubFq (const CanonicalForm& A, int d, const Variable& alpha) { int degAy= degree (A); zz_pEX result; result.rep.SetLength (d*(degAy + 1)); Variable v; zz_pE *resultp; resultp= result.rep.elts(); zz_pEX buf1; zz_pE *buf1p; zz_pX buf2; zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (getMipo (alpha)); int j, k, buf1RepLength; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) { buf2= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (i.coeff()); buf1= to_zz_pEX (to_zz_pE (buf2)); } else buf1= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (i.coeff(), NTLMipo); k= i.exp()*d; buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); buf1RepLength= (int) buf1.rep.length(); for (j= 0; j < buf1RepLength; j++) resultp [j + k]= buf1p [j]; } result.normalize(); return result; } void kronSubReciproFq (zz_pEX& subA1, zz_pEX& subA2,const CanonicalForm& A, int d, const Variable& alpha) { int degAy= degree (A); subA1.rep.SetLength ((long) d*(degAy + 2)); subA2.rep.SetLength ((long) d*(degAy + 2)); Variable v; zz_pE *subA1p; zz_pE *subA2p; subA1p= subA1.rep.elts(); subA2p= subA2.rep.elts(); zz_pEX buf; zz_pE *bufp; zz_pX buf2; zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (getMipo (alpha)); int j, k, kk, bufRepLength; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (i.coeff().inCoeffDomain()) { buf2= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (i.coeff()); buf= to_zz_pEX (to_zz_pE (buf2)); } else buf= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (i.coeff(), NTLMipo); k= i.exp()*d; kk= (degAy - i.exp())*d; bufp= buf.rep.elts(); bufRepLength= (int) buf.rep.length(); for (j= 0; j < bufRepLength; j++) { subA1p [j + k] += bufp [j]; subA2p [j + kk] += bufp [j]; } } subA1.normalize(); subA2.normalize(); } #endif #ifndef HAVE_FLINT void kronSubReciproFp (zz_pX& subA1, zz_pX& subA2, const CanonicalForm& A, int d) { int degAy= degree (A); subA1.rep.SetLength ((long) d*(degAy + 2)); subA2.rep.SetLength ((long) d*(degAy + 2)); zz_p *subA1p; zz_p *subA2p; subA1p= subA1.rep.elts(); subA2p= subA2.rep.elts(); zz_pX buf; zz_p *bufp; int j, k, kk, bufRepLength; for (CFIterator i= A; i.hasTerms(); i++) { buf= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (i.coeff()); k= i.exp()*d; kk= (degAy - i.exp())*d; bufp= buf.rep.elts(); bufRepLength= (int) buf.rep.length(); for (j= 0; j < bufRepLength; j++) { subA1p [j + k] += bufp [j]; subA2p [j + kk] += bufp [j]; } } subA1.normalize(); subA2.normalize(); } #endif #if (!(HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400)) CanonicalForm reverseSubstReciproFq (const zz_pEX& F, const zz_pEX& G, int d, int k, const Variable& alpha) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); zz_pEX f= F; zz_pEX g= G; int degf= deg(f); int degg= deg(g); zz_pEX buf1; zz_pEX buf2; zz_pEX buf3; zz_pE *buf1p; zz_pE *buf2p; zz_pE *buf3p; if (f.rep.length() < (long) d*(k+1)) //zero padding f.rep.SetLength ((long)d*(k+1)); zz_pE *gp= g.rep.elts(); zz_pE *fp= f.rep.elts(); CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int lf= 0; int lg= d*k; int degfSubLf= degf; int deggSubLg= degg-lg; int repLengthBuf2, repLengthBuf1, ind, tmp; zz_pE zzpEZero= zz_pE(); while (degf >= lf || lg >= 0) { if (degfSubLf >= d) repLengthBuf1= d; else if (degfSubLf < 0) repLengthBuf1= 0; else repLengthBuf1= degfSubLf + 1; buf1.rep.SetLength((long) repLengthBuf1); buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) buf1p [ind]= fp [ind + lf]; buf1.normalize(); repLengthBuf1= buf1.rep.length(); if (deggSubLg >= d - 1) repLengthBuf2= d - 1; else if (deggSubLg < 0) repLengthBuf2= 0; else repLengthBuf2= deggSubLg + 1; buf2.rep.SetLength ((long) repLengthBuf2); buf2p= buf2.rep.elts(); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) buf2p [ind]= gp [ind + lg]; buf2.normalize(); repLengthBuf2= buf2.rep.length(); buf3.rep.SetLength((long) repLengthBuf2 + d); buf3p= buf3.rep.elts(); buf2p= buf2.rep.elts(); buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) buf3p [ind]= buf1p [ind]; for (ind= repLengthBuf1; ind < d; ind++) buf3p [ind]= zzpEZero; for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) buf3p [ind + d]= buf2p [ind]; buf3.normalize(); result += convertNTLzz_pEX2CF (buf3, x, alpha)*power (y, i); i++; lf= i*d; degfSubLf= degf - lf; lg= d*(k-i); deggSubLg= degg - lg; buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); if (lg >= 0 && deggSubLg > 0) { if (repLengthBuf2 > degfSubLf + 1) degfSubLf= repLengthBuf2 - 1; tmp= tmin (repLengthBuf1, deggSubLg + 1); for (ind= 0; ind < tmp; ind++) gp [ind + lg] -= buf1p [ind]; } if (lg < 0) break; buf2p= buf2.rep.elts(); if (degfSubLf >= 0) { for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) fp [ind + lf] -= buf2p [ind]; } } return result; } #endif #ifndef HAVE_FLINT CanonicalForm reverseSubstReciproFp (const zz_pX& F, const zz_pX& G, int d, int k) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); zz_pX f= F; zz_pX g= G; int degf= deg(f); int degg= deg(g); zz_pX buf1; zz_pX buf2; zz_pX buf3; zz_p *buf1p; zz_p *buf2p; zz_p *buf3p; if (f.rep.length() < (long) d*(k+1)) //zero padding f.rep.SetLength ((long)d*(k+1)); zz_p *gp= g.rep.elts(); zz_p *fp= f.rep.elts(); CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int lf= 0; int lg= d*k; int degfSubLf= degf; int deggSubLg= degg-lg; int repLengthBuf2, repLengthBuf1, ind, tmp; zz_p zzpZero= zz_p(); while (degf >= lf || lg >= 0) { if (degfSubLf >= d) repLengthBuf1= d; else if (degfSubLf < 0) repLengthBuf1= 0; else repLengthBuf1= degfSubLf + 1; buf1.rep.SetLength((long) repLengthBuf1); buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) buf1p [ind]= fp [ind + lf]; buf1.normalize(); repLengthBuf1= buf1.rep.length(); if (deggSubLg >= d - 1) repLengthBuf2= d - 1; else if (deggSubLg < 0) repLengthBuf2= 0; else repLengthBuf2= deggSubLg + 1; buf2.rep.SetLength ((long) repLengthBuf2); buf2p= buf2.rep.elts(); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) buf2p [ind]= gp [ind + lg]; buf2.normalize(); repLengthBuf2= buf2.rep.length(); buf3.rep.SetLength((long) repLengthBuf2 + d); buf3p= buf3.rep.elts(); buf2p= buf2.rep.elts(); buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf1; ind++) buf3p [ind]= buf1p [ind]; for (ind= repLengthBuf1; ind < d; ind++) buf3p [ind]= zzpZero; for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) buf3p [ind + d]= buf2p [ind]; buf3.normalize(); result += convertNTLzzpX2CF (buf3, x)*power (y, i); i++; lf= i*d; degfSubLf= degf - lf; lg= d*(k-i); deggSubLg= degg - lg; buf1p= buf1.rep.elts(); if (lg >= 0 && deggSubLg > 0) { if (repLengthBuf2 > degfSubLf + 1) degfSubLf= repLengthBuf2 - 1; tmp= tmin (repLengthBuf1, deggSubLg + 1); for (ind= 0; ind < tmp; ind++) gp [ind + lg] -= buf1p [ind]; } if (lg < 0) break; buf2p= buf2.rep.elts(); if (degfSubLf >= 0) { for (ind= 0; ind < repLengthBuf2; ind++) fp [ind + lf] -= buf2p [ind]; } } return result; } #endif #if (!(HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400)) CanonicalForm reverseSubstFq (const zz_pEX& F, int d, const Variable& alpha) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); zz_pEX f= F; zz_pE *fp= f.rep.elts(); zz_pEX buf; zz_pE *bufp; CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int degf= deg(f); int k= 0; int degfSubK, repLength, j; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d) repLength= d; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; buf.rep.SetLength ((long) repLength); bufp= buf.rep.elts(); for (j= 0; j < repLength; j++) bufp [j]= fp [j + k]; buf.normalize(); result += convertNTLzz_pEX2CF (buf, x, alpha)*power (y, i); i++; k= d*i; } return result; } #endif #ifndef HAVE_FLINT CanonicalForm reverseSubstFp (const zz_pX& F, int d) { Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); zz_pX f= F; zz_p *fp= f.rep.elts(); zz_pX buf; zz_p *bufp; CanonicalForm result= 0; int i= 0; int degf= deg(f); int k= 0; int degfSubK, repLength, j; while (degf >= k) { degfSubK= degf - k; if (degfSubK >= d) repLength= d; else repLength= degfSubK + 1; buf.rep.SetLength ((long) repLength); bufp= buf.rep.elts(); for (j= 0; j < repLength; j++) bufp [j]= fp [j + k]; buf.normalize(); result += convertNTLzzpX2CF (buf, x)*power (y, i); i++; k= d*i; } return result; } // assumes input to be reduced mod M and to be an element of Fp CanonicalForm mulMod2NTLFpReci (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { int d1= degree (F, 1) + degree (G, 1) + 1; d1 /= 2; d1 += 1; zz_pX F1, F2; kronSubReciproFp (F1, F2, F, d1); zz_pX G1, G2; kronSubReciproFp (G1, G2, G, d1); int k= d1*degree (M); MulTrunc (F1, F1, G1, (long) k); int degtailF= degree (tailcoeff (F), 1); int degtailG= degree (tailcoeff (G), 1); int taildegF= taildegree (F); int taildegG= taildegree (G); int b= k + degtailF + degtailG - d1*(2+taildegF+taildegG); reverse (F2, F2); reverse (G2, G2); MulTrunc (F2, F2, G2, b + 1); reverse (F2, F2, b); int d2= tmax (deg (F2)/d1, deg (F1)/d1); return reverseSubstReciproFp (F1, F2, d1, d2); } //Kronecker substitution CanonicalForm mulMod2NTLFp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; int degAx= degree (A, 1); int degAy= degree (A, 2); int degBx= degree (B, 1); int degBy= degree (B, 2); int d1= degAx + 1 + degBx; int d2= tmax (degAy, degBy); if (d1 > 128 && d2 > 160 && (degAy == degBy) && (2*degAy > degree (M))) return mulMod2NTLFpReci (A, B, M); zz_pX NTLA= kronSubFp (A, d1); zz_pX NTLB= kronSubFp (B, d1); int k= d1*degree (M); MulTrunc (NTLA, NTLA, NTLB, (long) k); A= reverseSubstFp (NTLA, d1); return A; } #endif #if (!(HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400)) // assumes input to be reduced mod M and to be an element of Fq not Fp CanonicalForm mulMod2NTLFqReci (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M, const Variable& alpha) { int d1= degree (F, 1) + degree (G, 1) + 1; d1 /= 2; d1 += 1; zz_pEX F1, F2; kronSubReciproFq (F1, F2, F, d1, alpha); zz_pEX G1, G2; kronSubReciproFq (G1, G2, G, d1, alpha); int k= d1*degree (M); MulTrunc (F1, F1, G1, (long) k); int degtailF= degree (tailcoeff (F), 1); int degtailG= degree (tailcoeff (G), 1); int taildegF= taildegree (F); int taildegG= taildegree (G); int b= k + degtailF + degtailG - d1*(2+taildegF+taildegG); reverse (F2, F2); reverse (G2, G2); MulTrunc (F2, F2, G2, b + 1); reverse (F2, F2, b); int d2= tmax (deg (F2)/d1, deg (F1)/d1); return reverseSubstReciproFq (F1, F2, d1, d2, alpha); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLINT CanonicalForm mulMod2FLINTFp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M); #endif CanonicalForm mulMod2NTLFq (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { Variable alpha; CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm B= G; if (hasFirstAlgVar (A, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (B, alpha)) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha)); fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); A= mulMod2FLINTFq (A, B, M, alpha, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); #else int degAx= degree (A, 1); int degAy= degree (A, 2); int degBx= degree (B, 1); int degBy= degree (B, 2); int d1= degAx + degBx + 1; int d2= tmax (degAy, degBy); if (fac_NTL_char != getCharacteristic()) { fac_NTL_char= getCharacteristic(); zz_p::init (getCharacteristic()); } zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (getMipo (alpha)); zz_pE::init (NTLMipo); int degMipo= degree (getMipo (alpha)); if ((d1 > 128/degMipo) && (d2 > 160/degMipo) && (degAy == degBy) && (2*degAy > degree (M))) return mulMod2NTLFqReci (A, B, M, alpha); zz_pEX NTLA= kronSubFq (A, d1, alpha); zz_pEX NTLB= kronSubFq (B, d1, alpha); int k= d1*degree (M); MulTrunc (NTLA, NTLA, NTLB, (long) k); A= reverseSubstFq (NTLA, d1, alpha); #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_FLINT A= mulMod2FLINTFp (A, B, M); #else A= mulMod2NTLFp (A, B, M); #endif } return A; } CanonicalForm mulMod2 (const CanonicalForm& A, const CanonicalForm& B, const CanonicalForm& M) { if (A.isZero() || B.isZero()) return 0; ASSERT (M.isUnivariate(), "M must be univariate"); CanonicalForm F= mod (A, M); CanonicalForm G= mod (B, M); if (F.inCoeffDomain()) return G*F; if (G.inCoeffDomain()) return F*G; Variable y= M.mvar(); int degF= degree (F, y); int degG= degree (G, y); if ((degF < 1 && degG < 1) && (F.isUnivariate() && G.isUnivariate()) && (F.level() == G.level())) { CanonicalForm result= mulNTL (F, G); return mod (result, M); } else if (degF <= 1 && degG <= 1) { CanonicalForm result= F*G; return mod (result, M); } int sizeF= size (F); int sizeG= size (G); int fallBackToNaive= 50; if (sizeF < fallBackToNaive || sizeG < fallBackToNaive) { if (sizeF < sizeG) return mod (G*F, M); else return mod (F*G, M); } #ifdef HAVE_FLINT if (getCharacteristic() == 0) return mulMod2FLINTQa (F, G, M); #endif if (getCharacteristic() > 0 && CFFactory::gettype() != GaloisFieldDomain && (((degF-degG) < 50 && degF > degG) || ((degG-degF) < 50 && degF <= degG))) return mulMod2NTLFq (F, G, M); int m= (int) ceil (degree (M)/2.0); if (degF >= m || degG >= m) { CanonicalForm MLo= power (y, m); CanonicalForm MHi= power (y, degree (M) - m); CanonicalForm F0= mod (F, MLo); CanonicalForm F1= div (F, MLo); CanonicalForm G0= mod (G, MLo); CanonicalForm G1= div (G, MLo); CanonicalForm F0G1= mulMod2 (F0, G1, MHi); CanonicalForm F1G0= mulMod2 (F1, G0, MHi); CanonicalForm F0G0= mulMod2 (F0, G0, M); return F0G0 + MLo*(F0G1 + F1G0); } else { m= (int) ceil (tmax (degF, degG)/2.0); CanonicalForm yToM= power (y, m); CanonicalForm F0= mod (F, yToM); CanonicalForm F1= div (F, yToM); CanonicalForm G0= mod (G, yToM); CanonicalForm G1= div (G, yToM); CanonicalForm H00= mulMod2 (F0, G0, M); CanonicalForm H11= mulMod2 (F1, G1, M); CanonicalForm H01= mulMod2 (F0 + F1, G0 + G1, M); return H11*yToM*yToM + (H01 - H11 - H00)*yToM + H00; } DEBOUTLN (cerr, "fatal end in mulMod2"); } // end bivariate polys //********************** // multivariate polys CanonicalForm mod (const CanonicalForm& F, const CFList& M) { CanonicalForm A= F; for (CFListIterator i= M; i.hasItem(); i++) A= mod (A, i.getItem()); return A; } CanonicalForm mulMod (const CanonicalForm& A, const CanonicalForm& B, const CFList& MOD) { if (A.isZero() || B.isZero()) return 0; if (MOD.length() == 1) return mulMod2 (A, B, MOD.getLast()); CanonicalForm M= MOD.getLast(); CanonicalForm F= mod (A, M); CanonicalForm G= mod (B, M); if (F.inCoeffDomain()) return G*F; if (G.inCoeffDomain()) return F*G; int sizeF= size (F); int sizeG= size (G); if (sizeF / MOD.length() < 100 || sizeG / MOD.length() < 100) { if (sizeF < sizeG) return mod (G*F, MOD); else return mod (F*G, MOD); } Variable y= M.mvar(); int degF= degree (F, y); int degG= degree (G, y); if ((degF <= 1 && F.level() <= M.level()) && (degG <= 1 && G.level() <= M.level())) { CFList buf= MOD; buf.removeLast(); if (degF == 1 && degG == 1) { CanonicalForm F0= mod (F, y); CanonicalForm F1= div (F, y); CanonicalForm G0= mod (G, y); CanonicalForm G1= div (G, y); if (degree (M) > 2) { CanonicalForm H00= mulMod (F0, G0, buf); CanonicalForm H11= mulMod (F1, G1, buf); CanonicalForm H01= mulMod (F0 + F1, G0 + G1, buf); return H11*y*y + (H01 - H00 - H11)*y + H00; } else //here degree (M) == 2 { buf.append (y); CanonicalForm F0G1= mulMod (F0, G1, buf); CanonicalForm F1G0= mulMod (F1, G0, buf); CanonicalForm F0G0= mulMod (F0, G0, MOD); CanonicalForm result= F0G0 + y*(F0G1 + F1G0); return result; } } else if (degF == 1 && degG == 0) return mulMod (div (F, y), G, buf)*y + mulMod (mod (F, y), G, buf); else if (degF == 0 && degG == 1) return mulMod (div (G, y), F, buf)*y + mulMod (mod (G, y), F, buf); else return mulMod (F, G, buf); } int m= (int) ceil (degree (M)/2.0); if (degF >= m || degG >= m) { CanonicalForm MLo= power (y, m); CanonicalForm MHi= power (y, degree (M) - m); CanonicalForm F0= mod (F, MLo); CanonicalForm F1= div (F, MLo); CanonicalForm G0= mod (G, MLo); CanonicalForm G1= div (G, MLo); CFList buf= MOD; buf.removeLast(); buf.append (MHi); CanonicalForm F0G1= mulMod (F0, G1, buf); CanonicalForm F1G0= mulMod (F1, G0, buf); CanonicalForm F0G0= mulMod (F0, G0, MOD); return F0G0 + MLo*(F0G1 + F1G0); } else { m= (tmax(degF, degG)+1)/2; CanonicalForm yToM= power (y, m); CanonicalForm F0= mod (F, yToM); CanonicalForm F1= div (F, yToM); CanonicalForm G0= mod (G, yToM); CanonicalForm G1= div (G, yToM); CanonicalForm H00= mulMod (F0, G0, MOD); CanonicalForm H11= mulMod (F1, G1, MOD); CanonicalForm H01= mulMod (F0 + F1, G0 + G1, MOD); return H11*yToM*yToM + (H01 - H11 - H00)*yToM + H00; } DEBOUTLN (cerr, "fatal end in mulMod"); } CanonicalForm prodMod (const CFList& L, const CanonicalForm& M) { if (L.isEmpty()) return 1; int l= L.length(); if (l == 1) return mod (L.getFirst(), M); else if (l == 2) { CanonicalForm result= mulMod2 (L.getFirst(), L.getLast(), M); return result; } else { l /= 2; CFList tmp1, tmp2; CFListIterator i= L; CanonicalForm buf1, buf2; for (int j= 1; j <= l; j++, i++) tmp1.append (i.getItem()); tmp2= Difference (L, tmp1); buf1= prodMod (tmp1, M); buf2= prodMod (tmp2, M); CanonicalForm result= mulMod2 (buf1, buf2, M); return result; } } CanonicalForm prodMod (const CFList& L, const CFList& M) { if (L.isEmpty()) return 1; else if (L.length() == 1) return L.getFirst(); else if (L.length() == 2) return mulMod (L.getFirst(), L.getLast(), M); else { int l= L.length()/2; CFListIterator i= L; CFList tmp1, tmp2; CanonicalForm buf1, buf2; for (int j= 1; j <= l; j++, i++) tmp1.append (i.getItem()); tmp2= Difference (L, tmp1); buf1= prodMod (tmp1, M); buf2= prodMod (tmp2, M); return mulMod (buf1, buf2, M); } } // end multivariate polys //*************************** // division CanonicalForm reverse (const CanonicalForm& F, int d) { if (d == 0) return F; CanonicalForm A= F; Variable y= Variable (2); Variable x= Variable (1); if (degree (A, x) > 0) { A= swapvar (A, x, y); CanonicalForm result= 0; CFIterator i= A; while (d - i.exp() < 0) i++; for (; i.hasTerms() && (d - i.exp() >= 0); i++) result += swapvar (i.coeff(),x,y)*power (x, d - i.exp()); return result; } else return A*power (x, d); } CanonicalForm newtonInverse (const CanonicalForm& F, const int n, const CanonicalForm& M) { int l= ilog2(n); CanonicalForm g= mod (F, M)[0] [0]; ASSERT (!g.isZero(), "expected a unit"); Variable alpha; if (!g.isOne()) g = 1/g; Variable x= Variable (1); CanonicalForm result; int exp= 0; if (n & 1) { result= g; exp= 1; } CanonicalForm h; for (int i= 1; i <= l; i++) { h= mulMod2 (g, mod (F, power (x, (1 << i))), M); h= mod (h, power (x, (1 << i)) - 1); h= div (h, power (x, (1 << (i - 1)))); h= mod (h, M); g -= power (x, (1 << (i - 1)))* mod (mulMod2 (g, h, M), power (x, (1 << (i - 1)))); if (n & (1 << i)) { if (exp) { h= mulMod2 (result, mod (F, power (x, exp + (1 << i))), M); h= mod (h, power (x, exp + (1 << i)) - 1); h= div (h, power (x, exp)); h= mod (h, M); result -= power(x, exp)*mod (mulMod2 (g, h, M), power (x, (1 << i))); exp += (1 << i); } else { exp= (1 << i); result= g; } } } return result; } CanonicalForm newtonDiv (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, const CanonicalForm& M) { ASSERT (getCharacteristic() > 0, "positive characteristic expected"); CanonicalForm A= mod (F, M); CanonicalForm B= mod (G, M); Variable x= Variable (1); int degA= degree (A, x); int degB= degree (B, x); int m= degA - degB; if (m < 0) return 0; Variable v; CanonicalForm Q; if (degB < 1 || CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain) { CanonicalForm R; divrem2 (A, B, Q, R, M); } else { if (hasFirstAlgVar (A, v) || hasFirstAlgVar (B, v)) { CanonicalForm R= reverse (A, degA); CanonicalForm revB= reverse (B, degB); revB= newtonInverse (revB, m + 1, M); Q= mulMod2 (R, revB, M); Q= mod (Q, power (x, m + 1)); Q= reverse (Q, m); } else { Variable y= Variable (2); #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; nmod_poly_init (FLINTmipo, getCharacteristic()); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, M); fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTA, swapvar (A, x, y), fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTB, swapvar (B, x, y), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_divrem (FLINTA, FLINTB, FLINTA, FLINTB, fq_con); Q= convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, x, y, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTA, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTB, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); #else bool zz_pEbak= zz_pE::initialized(); zz_pEBak bak; if (zz_pEbak) bak.save(); zz_pX mipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (M); zz_pEX NTLA, NTLB; NTLA= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (swapvar (A, x, y), mipo); NTLB= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (swapvar (B, x, y), mipo); div (NTLA, NTLA, NTLB); Q= convertNTLzz_pEX2CF (NTLA, x, y); if (zz_pEbak) bak.restore(); #endif } } return Q; } void newtonDivrem (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R, const CanonicalForm& M) { CanonicalForm A= mod (F, M); CanonicalForm B= mod (G, M); Variable x= Variable (1); int degA= degree (A, x); int degB= degree (B, x); int m= degA - degB; if (m < 0) { R= A; Q= 0; return; } Variable v; if (degB <= 1 || CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain) { divrem2 (A, B, Q, R, M); } else { if (hasFirstAlgVar (A, v) || hasFirstAlgVar (B, v)) { R= reverse (A, degA); CanonicalForm revB= reverse (B, degB); revB= newtonInverse (revB, m + 1, M); Q= mulMod2 (R, revB, M); Q= mod (Q, power (x, m + 1)); Q= reverse (Q, m); R= A - mulMod2 (Q, B, M); } else { Variable y= Variable (2); #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; nmod_poly_init (FLINTmipo, getCharacteristic()); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, M); fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTA, swapvar (A, x, y), fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTB, swapvar (B, x, y), fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_divrem (FLINTA, FLINTB, FLINTA, FLINTB, fq_con); Q= convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTA, x, y, fq_con); R= convertFq_nmod_poly_t2FacCF (FLINTB, x, y, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTA, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTB, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); #else zz_pX mipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (M); zz_pEX NTLA, NTLB; NTLA= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (swapvar (A, x, y), mipo); NTLB= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (swapvar (B, x, y), mipo); zz_pEX NTLQ, NTLR; DivRem (NTLQ, NTLR, NTLA, NTLB); Q= convertNTLzz_pEX2CF (NTLQ, x, y); R= convertNTLzz_pEX2CF (NTLR, x, y); #endif } } } static inline CFList split (const CanonicalForm& F, const int m, const Variable& x) { CanonicalForm A= F; CanonicalForm buf= 0; bool swap= false; if (degree (A, x) <= 0) return CFList(A); else if (x.level() != A.level()) { swap= true; A= swapvar (A, x, A.mvar()); } int j= (int) floor ((double) degree (A)/ m); CFList result; CFIterator i= A; for (; j >= 0; j--) { while (i.hasTerms() && i.exp() - j*m >= 0) { if (swap) buf += i.coeff()*power (A.mvar(), i.exp() - j*m); else buf += i.coeff()*power (x, i.exp() - j*m); i++; } if (swap) result.append (swapvar (buf, x, F.mvar())); else result.append (buf); buf= 0; } return result; } static inline void divrem32 (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R, const CFList& M); static inline void divrem21 (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R, const CFList& M) { CanonicalForm A= mod (F, M); CanonicalForm B= mod (G, M); Variable x= Variable (1); int degB= degree (B, x); int degA= degree (A, x); if (degA < degB) { Q= 0; R= A; return; } if (degB < 1) { divrem (A, B, Q, R); Q= mod (Q, M); R= mod (R, M); return; } int m= (int) ceil ((double) (degB + 1)/2.0) + 1; ASSERT (4*m >= degA, "expected degree (F, 1) < 2*degree (G, 1)"); CFList splitA= split (A, m, x); if (splitA.length() == 3) splitA.insert (0); if (splitA.length() == 2) { splitA.insert (0); splitA.insert (0); } if (splitA.length() == 1) { splitA.insert (0); splitA.insert (0); splitA.insert (0); } CanonicalForm xToM= power (x, m); CFListIterator i= splitA; CanonicalForm H= i.getItem(); i++; H *= xToM; H += i.getItem(); i++; H *= xToM; H += i.getItem(); i++; divrem32 (H, B, Q, R, M); CFList splitR= split (R, m, x); if (splitR.length() == 1) splitR.insert (0); H= splitR.getFirst(); H *= xToM; H += splitR.getLast(); H *= xToM; H += i.getItem(); CanonicalForm bufQ; divrem32 (H, B, bufQ, R, M); Q *= xToM; Q += bufQ; return; } static inline void divrem32 (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R, const CFList& M) { CanonicalForm A= mod (F, M); CanonicalForm B= mod (G, M); Variable x= Variable (1); int degB= degree (B, x); int degA= degree (A, x); if (degA < degB) { Q= 0; R= A; return; } if (degB < 1) { divrem (A, B, Q, R); Q= mod (Q, M); R= mod (R, M); return; } int m= (int) ceil ((double) (degB + 1)/ 2.0); ASSERT (3*m > degA, "expected degree (F, 1) < 3*degree (G, 1)"); CFList splitA= split (A, m, x); CFList splitB= split (B, m, x); if (splitA.length() == 2) { splitA.insert (0); } if (splitA.length() == 1) { splitA.insert (0); splitA.insert (0); } CanonicalForm xToM= power (x, m); CanonicalForm H; CFListIterator i= splitA; i++; if (degree (splitA.getFirst(), x) < degree (splitB.getFirst(), x)) { H= splitA.getFirst()*xToM + i.getItem(); divrem21 (H, splitB.getFirst(), Q, R, M); } else { R= splitA.getFirst()*xToM + i.getItem() + splitB.getFirst() - splitB.getFirst()*xToM; Q= xToM - 1; } H= mulMod (Q, splitB.getLast(), M); R= R*xToM + splitA.getLast() - H; while (degree (R, x) >= degB) { xToM= power (x, degree (R, x) - degB); Q += LC (R, x)*xToM; R -= mulMod (LC (R, x), B, M)*xToM; Q= mod (Q, M); R= mod (R, M); } return; } void divrem2 (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R, const CanonicalForm& M) { CanonicalForm A= mod (F, M); CanonicalForm B= mod (G, M); if (B.inCoeffDomain()) { divrem (A, B, Q, R); return; } if (A.inCoeffDomain() && !B.inCoeffDomain()) { Q= 0; R= A; return; } if (B.level() < A.level()) { divrem (A, B, Q, R); return; } if (A.level() > B.level()) { R= A; Q= 0; return; } if (B.level() == 1 && B.isUnivariate()) { divrem (A, B, Q, R); return; } Variable x= Variable (1); int degB= degree (B, x); if (degB > degree (A, x)) { Q= 0; R= A; return; } CFList splitA= split (A, degB, x); CanonicalForm xToDegB= power (x, degB); CanonicalForm H, bufQ; Q= 0; CFListIterator i= splitA; H= i.getItem()*xToDegB; i++; H += i.getItem(); CFList buf; while (i.hasItem()) { buf= CFList (M); divrem21 (H, B, bufQ, R, buf); i++; if (i.hasItem()) H= R*xToDegB + i.getItem(); Q *= xToDegB; Q += bufQ; } return; } void divrem (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CanonicalForm& Q, CanonicalForm& R, const CFList& MOD) { CanonicalForm A= mod (F, MOD); CanonicalForm B= mod (G, MOD); Variable x= Variable (1); int degB= degree (B, x); if (degB > degree (A, x)) { Q= 0; R= A; return; } if (degB <= 0) { divrem (A, B, Q, R); Q= mod (Q, MOD); R= mod (R, MOD); return; } CFList splitA= split (A, degB, x); CanonicalForm xToDegB= power (x, degB); CanonicalForm H, bufQ; Q= 0; CFListIterator i= splitA; H= i.getItem()*xToDegB; i++; H += i.getItem(); while (i.hasItem()) { divrem21 (H, B, bufQ, R, MOD); i++; if (i.hasItem()) H= R*xToDegB + i.getItem(); Q *= xToDegB; Q += bufQ; } return; } bool uniFdivides (const CanonicalForm& A, const CanonicalForm& B) { if (B.isZero()) return true; if (A.isZero()) return false; if (CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain) return fdivides (A, B); int p= getCharacteristic(); if (A.inCoeffDomain() || B.inCoeffDomain()) { if (A.inCoeffDomain()) return true; else return false; } if (p > 0) { #if (!defined(HAVE_FLINT) || __FLINT_RELEASE < 20400) if (fac_NTL_char != p) { fac_NTL_char= p; zz_p::init (p); } #endif Variable alpha; if (hasFirstAlgVar (A, alpha) || hasFirstAlgVar (B, alpha)) { #if (HAVE_FLINT && __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20400) nmod_poly_t FLINTmipo; fq_nmod_ctx_t fq_con; nmod_poly_init (FLINTmipo, getCharacteristic()); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTmipo, getMipo (alpha)); fq_nmod_ctx_init_modulus (fq_con, FLINTmipo, "Z"); fq_nmod_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTA, A, fq_con); convertFacCF2Fq_nmod_poly_t (FLINTB, B, fq_con); int result= fq_nmod_poly_divides (FLINTA, FLINTB, FLINTA, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTA, fq_con); fq_nmod_poly_clear (FLINTB, fq_con); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTmipo); fq_nmod_ctx_clear (fq_con); return result; #else zz_pX NTLMipo= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (getMipo (alpha)); zz_pE::init (NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLA= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (A, NTLMipo); zz_pEX NTLB= convertFacCF2NTLzz_pEX (B, NTLMipo); return divide (NTLB, NTLA); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FLINT nmod_poly_t FLINTA, FLINTB; convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2nmod_poly_t (FLINTB, B); nmod_poly_divrem (FLINTB, FLINTA, FLINTB, FLINTA); bool result= nmod_poly_is_zero (FLINTA); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTA); nmod_poly_clear (FLINTB); return result; #else zz_pX NTLA= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (A); zz_pX NTLB= convertFacCF2NTLzzpX (B); return divide (NTLB, NTLA); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FLINT Variable alpha; bool isRat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL); if (!isRat) On (SW_RATIONAL); if (!hasFirstAlgVar (A, alpha) && !hasFirstAlgVar (B, alpha)) { fmpq_poly_t FLINTA,FLINTB; convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTA, A); convertFacCF2Fmpq_poly_t (FLINTB, B); fmpq_poly_rem (FLINTA, FLINTB, FLINTA); bool result= fmpq_poly_is_zero (FLINTA); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTA); fmpq_poly_clear (FLINTB); if (!isRat) Off (SW_RATIONAL); return result; } CanonicalForm Q, R; newtonDivrem (B, A, Q, R); if (!isRat) Off (SW_RATIONAL); return R.isZero(); #else bool isRat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL); if (!isRat) On (SW_RATIONAL); bool result= fdivides (A, B); if (!isRat) Off (SW_RATIONAL); return result; //maybe NTL? #endif } // end division