/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ /* $Id: fac_ezgcd.cc,v 1.22 2005-08-26 17:43:34 Singular Exp $ */ #include #include "assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "canonicalform.h" #include "fac_util.h" #include "cf_algorithm.h" #include "cf_reval.h" #include "cf_random.h" #include "cf_primes.h" #include "fac_distrib.h" #include "ftmpl_functions.h" //#define OPTIMALVAR 1 static void findeval( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G, CanonicalForm & Fb, CanonicalForm & Gb, CanonicalForm & Db, REvaluation & b, int delta, int degF, int degG ); static CanonicalForm ezgcd ( const CanonicalForm & FF, const CanonicalForm & GG, REvaluation & b, bool internal ); static CanonicalForm ezgcd_specialcase ( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G, REvaluation & b, const modpk & bound ); static modpk findBound ( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G, const CanonicalForm & lcF, const CanonicalForm & lcG, int degF, int degG ); static modpk enlargeBound ( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & Lb, const CanonicalForm & Db, const modpk & pk ); #ifdef OPTIMALVAR static Variable ezgcd_getOptimalVar( const CanonicalForm & FF, const CanonicalForm & GG ); CanonicalForm ezgcd( const CanonicalForm & FF, const CanonicalForm & GG ) { CanonicalForm F,G; REvaluation b; Variable Z=ezgcd_getOptimalVar(FF,GG); //Test: return Z; if(Z==Variable(1)) return ezgcd( FF, GG, b, false ); F=swapvar(FF,Z,Variable(1)); G=swapvar(GG,Z,Variable(1)); return swapvar(ezgcd( F, G, b, false ),Z,Variable(1)); } #else CanonicalForm ezgcd ( const CanonicalForm & FF, const CanonicalForm & GG ) { REvaluation b; return ezgcd( FF, GG, b, false ); } #endif static CanonicalForm ezgcd ( const CanonicalForm & FF, const CanonicalForm & GG, REvaluation & b, bool internal ) { CanonicalForm F, G, f, g, d, Fb, Gb, Db, Fbt, Gbt, Dbt, B0, B, D0, lcF, lcG, lcD; CFArray DD( 1, 2 ), lcDD( 1, 2 ); int degF, degG, delta, t; REvaluation bt; bool gcdfound = false; Variable x = Variable(1); modpk bound; DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "FF = " << FF ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "GG = " << GG ); f = content( FF, x ); g = content( GG, x ); d = gcd( f, g ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "f = " << f ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "g = " << g ); F = FF / f; G = GG / g; if ( F.isUnivariate() && G.isUnivariate() ) { DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d * gcd( F, G ); } else if ( gcd_test_one( F, G, false ) ) { DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d; } lcF = LC( F, x ); lcG = LC( G, x ); lcD = gcd( lcF, lcG ); delta = 0; degF = degree( F, x ); degG = degree( G, x ); t = tmax( F.level(), G.level() ); bound = findBound( F, G, lcF, lcG, degF, degG ); if ( ! internal ) b = REvaluation( 2, t, IntRandom( 25 ) ); while ( ! gcdfound ) { /// ---> A2 DEBOUTLN( cerr, "search for evaluation, delta = " << delta ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "F = " << F ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "G = " << G ); findeval( F, G, Fb, Gb, Db, b, delta, degF, degG ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "found evaluation b = " << b ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "F(b) = " << Fb ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "G(b) = " << Gb ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "D(b) = " << Db ); delta = degree( Db ); /// ---> A3 if ( delta == 0 ) { DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d; } /// ---> A4 //deltaold = delta; while ( 1 ) { bt = b; findeval( F, G, Fbt, Gbt, Dbt, bt, delta + 1, degF, degG ); int dd=degree( Dbt ); if ( dd /*degree( Dbt )*/ == 0 ) { DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d; } if ( dd /*degree( Dbt )*/ == delta ) break; else if ( dd /*degree( Dbt )*/ < delta ) { delta = dd /*degree( Dbt )*/; b = bt; Db = Dbt; Fb = Fbt; Gb = Gbt; } } DEBOUTLN( cerr, "now after A4, delta = " << delta ); /// ---> A5 if ( degF <= degG && delta == degF && divides( F, G ) ) { DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d*F; } if ( degG < degF && delta == degG && divides( G, F ) ) { DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d*G; } if ( delta != degF && delta != degG ) { /// ---> A6 CanonicalForm xxx; //if ( gcd( (DD[1] = Fb / Db), Db ) == 1 ) { DD[1] = Fb / Db; xxx= gcd( DD[1], Db ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "gcd((Fb/Db),Db) = " << xxx ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "Fb/Db = " << DD[1] ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "Db = " << Db ); if (xxx.inCoeffDomain()) { B = F; DD[2] = Db; lcDD[1] = lcF; lcDD[2] = lcF; B *= lcF; } //else if ( gcd( (DD[1] = Gb / Db), Db ) == 1 ) { else { DD[1] = Gb / Db; xxx=gcd( DD[1], Db ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "gcd((Gb/Db),Db) = " << xxx ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "Gb/Db = " << DD[1] ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "Db = " << Db ); if (xxx.inCoeffDomain()) { B = G; DD[2] = Db; lcDD[1] = lcG; lcDD[2] = lcG; B *= lcG; } else { #ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT CanonicalForm dummyres = d * ezgcd_specialcase( F, G, b, bound ); DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return dummyres; #else return d * ezgcd_specialcase( F, G, b, bound ); #endif } } /// ---> A7 DD[2] = DD[2] * ( b( lcDD[2] ) / lc( DD[2] ) ); DD[1] = DD[1] * ( b( lcDD[1] ) / lc( DD[1] ) ); bound = enlargeBound( B, DD[2], DD[1], bound ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(hensel) B = " << B ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(hensel) lcB = " << LC( B, Variable(1) ) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(hensel) b(B) = " << b(B) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(hensel) DD = " << DD ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(hensel) lcDD = " << lcDD ); gcdfound = Hensel( B, DD, lcDD, b, bound, x ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(hensel finished) DD = " << DD ); if (gcdfound) { CanonicalForm cand=DD[2] / content(DD[2],Variable(1)); if (B==F) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(test) G: "< " << G%cand ); gcdfound= divides(cand,G); } else { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "(test) F: "< " << F%cand); gcdfound= divides(cand,F); } } /// ---> A8 (gcdfound) } delta++; } /// ---> A9 DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ezgcd" ); return d * DD[2] / content(DD[2],Variable(1)); } static CanonicalForm ezgcd_specialcase ( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G, REvaluation & b, const modpk & bound ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcd: special case" ); CanonicalForm Ft, Gt, L, LL, Fb, Gb, Db, Lb, D, Ds, Dt, d; CFArray DD( 1, 2 ), lcDD( 1, 2 ); Variable x = Variable( 1 ); bool gcdfound; Dt = 1; /// ---> S1 DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S1)" ); Ft = ezgcd( F, F.deriv( x ) ); if ( Ft.isOne() ) { // In this case F is squarefree and we came here by bad chance // (means: bad evaluation point). Try again with another // evaluation point. Bug fix (?) by JS. The bad example was // gcd.debug -ocr /+USE_EZGCD/@12/CB \ // '(16*B^8-208*B^6*C+927*B^4*C^2-1512*B^2*C^3+432*C^4)' \ // '(4*B^7*C^2-50*B^5*C^3+208*B^3*C^4-288*B*C^5)' b.nextpoint_0(); return ezgcd( F, G, b, true ); } #if 1 Off(SW_USE_EZGCD); //bool ntl0=isOn(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_0); //Off(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_0); //bool ntlp=isOn(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_P); //Off(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_P); d=gcd( F, G ); //if (ntl0) On(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_0); //if (ntlp) On(SW_USE_NTL_GCD_P); On(SW_USE_EZGCD); return d; #else DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S1) done, Ft = " << Ft ); L = F / Ft; /// ---> S2 DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S2)" ); L = ezgcd( L, G, b, true ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S2) done, Ds = " << Ds ); Gt = G / L; Ds = L; Dt = L; Lb = b( L ); Gb = b( Gt ); Fb = b( Ft ); d = gcd( LC( L, x ), gcd( LC( Ft, x ), LC( Gt, x ) ) ); while ( true ) { /// ---> S3 DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S3)" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: Fb = " << Fb ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: Gb = " << Gb ); DD[1] = gcd( Lb, gcd( Fb, Gb ) ); /// ---> S4 DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S4)" ); if ( degree( DD[1] ) == 0 ) return Ds; /// ---> S5 DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S5)" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: Lb = " << Lb ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: Db = " << DD[1] ); Db = DD[1]; if ( ! (DD[2] = Lb/DD[1]).isOne() ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S55)" ); lcDD[2] = LC( L, x ); lcDD[1] = d; DD[1] = ( DD[1] * b( d ) ) / lc( DD[1] ); DD[2] = ( DD[2] * b( lcDD[2] ) ) / lc( DD[2] ); LL = L * d; modpk newbound = enlargeBound( LL, DD[2], DD[1], bound ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: begin with lift." ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: B = " << LL ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: DD = " << DD ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: lcDD = " << lcDD ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: b = " << b ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: bound = " << bound.getpk() ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: lc(B) = " << LC( LL, x ) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: test = " << b( LL ) - DD[1] * DD[2] ); gcdfound = Hensel( LL, DD, lcDD, b, newbound, x ); ASSERT( gcdfound, "fatal error in algorithm" ); Dt = pp( DD[1] ); } DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcdspec: (S7)" ); Ds = Ds * Dt; Fb = Fb / Db; Gb = Gb / Db; } // this point is never reached, but to avoid compiler warnings let's return a value return 0; #endif } static void findeval( const CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & G, CanonicalForm & Fb, CanonicalForm & Gb, CanonicalForm & Db, REvaluation & b, int delta, int degF, int degG ) { int i; bool ok; if ( delta != 0 ) b.nextpoint_0(); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcd: (findeval) F = " << F <<", G="<< G); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ezgcd: (findeval) degF = " << degF << ", degG="<