/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ #include "config.h" #include "cf_assert.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "fac_iterfor.h" void IteratedFor::fill ( int from, int max ) { while ( from < N ) { imax[from] = max; index[from] = 0; from++; } index[N] = max; } IteratedFor::IteratedFor( int from, int to, int max ) : MAX( max ), FROM( from ), TO( to ), N( TO-FROM ), last( false ) { ASSERT( N >= 0 && max >= 0, "illegal iterated for" ); index = new int[N+1]; imax = new int[N+1]; fill( 0, max ); } IteratedFor::IteratedFor( const IteratedFor & I ) : MAX( I.MAX ), FROM( I.FROM ), TO( I.TO ), N( I.N ), last( I.last ) { index = new int[N+1]; imax = new int[N+1]; for ( int i = 0; i <= N; i++ ) { index[i] = I.index[i]; imax[i] = I.imax[i]; } } IteratedFor::~IteratedFor() { delete [] index; delete [] imax; } IteratedFor& IteratedFor::operator= ( const IteratedFor & I ) { if ( this != &I ) { if ( N != I.N ) { N = I.N; delete [] index; delete [] imax; index = new int[N+1]; imax = new int[N+1]; } FROM = I.FROM; TO = I.TO; MAX = I.MAX; last = I.last; for ( int i = 0; i<= N; i++ ) { index[i] = I.index[i]; imax[i] = I.imax[i]; } } return *this; } void IteratedFor::nextiteration() { ASSERT( ! last, "no more iterations" ); if ( index[0] == MAX ) last = true; else { if ( index[N-1] != imax[N-1] ) { index[N-1]++; index[N]--; } else { int i = N-1, m = index[N]; while ( i > 0 && index[i] == imax[i] ) { m += imax[i]; i--; } index[i]++; m--; fill( i+1, m ); } } } int IteratedFor::operator[] ( int i ) const { ASSERT( i >= FROM && i <= TO, "illegal index" ); return index[i-FROM]; } #ifndef NOSTREAMIO OSTREAM& operator<< ( OSTREAM& os, const IteratedFor & I ) { os << "( " << I[I.from()]; for ( int i = I.from()+1; i <= I.to(); i++ ) os << ", " << I[i]; os << " )"; return os; } #endif /* NOSTREAMIO */