/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include "cf_assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "timing.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "cf_eval.h" #include "cf_binom.h" #include "fac_util.h" #include "fac_iterfor.h" #include "cf_iter.h" TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_solve) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_modpk) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_corrcoeff) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_extgcd) static void extgcdrest ( const CanonicalForm & a, const CanonicalForm & b, const CanonicalForm & s, const CanonicalForm & t, const CanonicalForm & c, CanonicalForm & S, CanonicalForm & T, const modpk & /*pk*/ ) { CanonicalForm sigma = s * c, tau = t * c; // divremainder( sigma, b, T, S, pk ); // T = pk( tau + T * a ); divrem( sigma, b, T, S ); T = tau + T * a; } static void solveF ( const CFArray & P, const CFArray & Q, const CFArray & S, const CFArray & T, const CanonicalForm & C, const modpk & pk, int r, CFArray & a ) { setCharacteristic( pk.getp(), pk.getk() ); CanonicalForm g, bb, b = mapinto( C ); int j; for ( j = 1; j < r; j++ ) { extgcdrest( mapinto( P[j] ), mapinto( Q[j] ), mapinto( S[j] ), mapinto( T[j] ), b, bb, a[j], pk ); b = bb; } a[r] = b; setCharacteristic( 0 ); for ( j = 1; j <= r; j++ ) a[j] = mapinto( a[j] ); } static CanonicalForm evalF ( const CFArray & P, const CFArray & Q, const CFArray & A, int r ) { CanonicalForm pprod = 1, sum = 0; for ( int i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) { sum += pprod * A[i] * Q[i]; pprod *= P[i]; } return sum; } static CanonicalForm derivAndEval ( const CanonicalForm & f, int n, const Variable & x, const CanonicalForm & a ) { if ( n == 0 ) return f( a, x ); else if ( f.degree( x ) < n ) return 0; else { CFIterator i; CanonicalForm sum = 0, fact; int min, j; Variable v = Variable( f.level() + 1 ); for ( i = swapvar( f, x, v); i.hasTerms() && i.exp() >= n; i++ ) { fact = 1; min = i.exp() - n; for ( j = i.exp(); j > min; j-- ) fact *= j; sum += fact * i.coeff() * power( v, min ); } return sum( a, v ); } } static CanonicalForm checkCombination ( const CanonicalForm & W, const Evaluation & a, const IteratedFor & e, int k ) { CanonicalForm dW = W; int i, j; for ( i = k-1; i >= 2 && ! dW.isZero(); i-- ) dW = derivAndEval( dW, e[i], Variable( i ), a[i] ); if ( ! dW.isZero() ) { CanonicalForm fact = 1; for ( i = 2; i < k; i++ ) for ( j = 2; j <= e[i]; j++ ) fact *= j; dW /= fact; } return dW; } static CanonicalForm prodCombination ( const Evaluation & a, const IteratedFor & e, int k ) { CanonicalForm p = 1; for ( int i = k-1; i > 1; i-- ) p *= binomialpower( Variable(i), -a[i], e[i] ); return p; } //static CanonicalForm check_dummy( const CFArray &a, const CFArray & P, const CFArray & Q ) //{ // int i, r = a.size(); // CanonicalForm res, prod; // res = 0; // prod = 1; // for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) // { // res += prod * a[i] * Q[i]; // prod *= P[i]; // } // return res; //} static bool check_e( const IteratedFor & e, int k, int m, int * n ) { int sum = 0; for ( int i = 2; i < k; i++ ) { sum += e[i]; if ( e[i] > n[i] ) return false; } return sum == m+1; } static CanonicalForm modDeltak ( const CanonicalForm & f, const Evaluation & A, int k, int * n ) { CanonicalForm result = f; for ( int i = 2; i < k; i++ ) { result.mod( binomialpower( Variable(i), -A[i], n[i]+1 ) ); } return result; } static CFArray findCorrCoeffs ( const CFArray & P, const CFArray & Q, const CFArray & P0, const CFArray & Q0, const CFArray & S, const CFArray & T, const CanonicalForm & C, const Evaluation & I, const modpk & pk, int r, int k, int h, int * n ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "findCorrCoeffs" ); int i, m; CFArray A(1,r), a(1,r); CanonicalForm C0, Dm, g, prodcomb; TIMING_START(fac_solve); C0 = pk( I( C, 2, k-1 ), true ); solveF( P0, Q0, S, T, 1, pk, r, a ); TIMING_END(fac_solve); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "trying to find correction coefficients for " << C ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "which evaluates to " << C0 ); for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) A[i] = remainder( pk( a[i] * C0 ), P0[i], pk ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the first approximation of the correction coefficients is " << A ); /*#ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT if ( check_dummy( A, P, Q ) - C != 0 ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "there is an error detected, the correction coefficients do not" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "fulfill equation F(A)" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "corresponding P " << P ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, " Q " << Q ); } #endif*/ for ( m = 0; m <= h && ( m == 0 || Dm != 0 ); m++ ) { Dm = pk( evalF( P, Q, A, r ) - C ); if ( Dm != 0 ) { if ( k == 2 ) { TIMING_START(fac_solve); solveF( P0, Q0, S, T, Dm, pk, r, a ); TIMING_END(fac_solve); for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) A[i] -= a[i]; } else { IteratedFor e( 2, k-1, m+1 ); while ( e.iterations_left() ) { if ( check_e( e, k, m, n ) ) { g = pk( checkCombination( Dm, I, e, k ) ); if ( ! g.isZero() && ! (g.mvar() > Variable(1)) ) { prodcomb = prodCombination( I, e, k ); // Dm = Dm - g * prodcomb; TIMING_START(fac_solve); solveF( P0, Q0, S, T, g, pk, r, a ); TIMING_END(fac_solve); for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) { // A[i] -= a[i] * prodcomb; A[i] = pk( A[i] - a[i] * prodcomb ); } } } e++; } } } DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the correction coefficients at step " << m ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "are now " << A ); /*#ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT if ( check_dummy( A, P, Q ) - C != 0 ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "there is an error detected, the correction coefficients do not" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "fulfill equation F(A)" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "corresponding P " << P ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, " Q " << Q ); } #endif*/ } DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "findCorrCoeffs" ); return A; } static bool liftStep ( CFArray & P, int k, int r, int t, const modpk & b, const Evaluation & A, const CFArray & lcG, const CanonicalForm & Uk, int * n, int h ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "liftStep" ); CFArray K( 1, r ), Q( 1, r ), Q0( 1, r ), P0( 1, r ), S( 1, r ), T( 1, r ), alpha( 1, r ); CanonicalForm Rm, C, D, xa = Variable(k) - A[k]; CanonicalForm xa1 = xa, xa2 = xa*xa; CanonicalForm dummy; int i, m; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "we are now performing the liftstep to reach " << Variable(k) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the factors so far are " << P ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "modulus p^k= " << b.getpk() << "=" << b.getp() <<"^"<< b.getk() ); for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) { Variable vm = Variable( t + 1 ); Variable v1 = Variable(1); K[i] = swapvar( replaceLc( swapvar( P[i], v1, vm ), swapvar( A( lcG[i], k+1, t ), v1, vm ) ), v1, vm ); P[i] = A( K[i], k, t ); } DEBOUTLN( cerr, "lift K = " << K ); // d = degree( Uk, Variable( k ) ); TIMING_START(fac_extgcd); Q[r] = 1; for ( i = r; i > 1; i-- ) { Q[i-1] = Q[i] * P[i]; P0[i] = A( P[i], 2, k-1 ); Q0[i] = A( Q[i], 2, k-1 ); extgcd( P0[i], Q0[i], S[i], T[i], b ); } P0[1] = A( P[1], 2, k-1 ); Q0[1] = A( Q[1], 2, k-1 ); extgcd( P0[1], Q0[1], S[1], T[1], b ); TIMING_END(fac_extgcd); for ( m = 1; m <= n[k]+1; m++ ) { TIMING_START(fac_modpk); Rm = modDeltak( prod( K ) - Uk, A, k, n ); TIMING_END(fac_modpk); #ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT if ( mod( Rm, xa1 ) != 0 ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "something seems not to be ok with Rm which is " << Rm ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "and should reduce to zero modulo " << xa1 ); } #endif if ( mod( Rm, xa2 ) != 0 ) { C = derivAndEval( Rm, m, Variable( k ), A[k] ); D = 1; for ( i = 2; i <= m; i++ ) D *= i; C /= D; TIMING_START(fac_corrcoeff); alpha = findCorrCoeffs( P, Q, P0, Q0, S, T, C, A, b, r, k, h, n ); // -> h berechnen TIMING_END(fac_corrcoeff); // #ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT // dummy = check_dummy( alpha, P, Q ); // if ( b(modDeltak( dummy, A, k, n )) != b(modDeltak( C, A, k, n )) ) // { // DEBOUTLN( cerr, "lift fault" ); // DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "liftStep" ); // return false; // } // #endif for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) K[i] = b(K[i] - alpha[i] * xa1); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the corrected K's are now " << K ); } xa1 = xa2; xa2 *= xa; } for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) P[i] = K[i]; if ( prod( K ) - Uk != 0 ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the liftstep produced the wrong result" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the product of the factors calculated so far is " << prod(K) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "and the Uk that should have been reached is " << Uk ); DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "liftStep" ); return false; } DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the lift seems ok so far" ); DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "liftStep" ); return true; // check for divisibility } bool Hensel ( const CanonicalForm & U, CFArray & G, const CFArray & lcG, const Evaluation & A, const modpk & bound, const Variable & /*x*/ ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "Hensel" ); int k, i, h, t = A.max(); bool goodeval = true; CFArray Uk( A.min(), A.max() ); int * n = new int[t+1]; Uk[t] = U; for ( k = t-1; k > 1; k-- ) { Uk[k] = Uk[k+1]( A[k+1], Variable( k+1 ) ); n[k] = degree( Uk[k], Variable( k ) ); } for ( k = A.min(); goodeval && (k <= t); k++ ) { h = totaldegree( Uk[k], Variable(A.min()), Variable(k-1) ); for ( i = A.min(); i <= k; i++ ) n[i] = degree( Uk[k], Variable(i) ); goodeval = liftStep( G, k, G.max(), t, bound, A, lcG, Uk[k], n, h ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "Factorization so far: " << G ); } DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "Hensel" ); delete[] n; return goodeval; }