/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ /* $Id$ */ #include "config.h" #include "cf_assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "timing.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "cf_algorithm.h" #include "fac_multivar.h" #include "fac_univar.h" #include "cf_reval.h" #include "cf_map.h" #include "fac_util.h" #include "cf_binom.h" #include "cf_iter.h" #include "cf_primes.h" #include "fac_distrib.h" void out_cf(const char *s1,const CanonicalForm &f,const char *s2); void out_cff(CFFList &L); TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_content) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_findeval) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_distrib) TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_hensel) static CFArray conv_to_factor_array( const CFFList & L ) { int n; CFFListIterator I = L; bool negate = false; if ( ! I.hasItem() ) n = 0; else if ( I.getItem().factor().inBaseDomain() ) { negate = I.getItem().factor().sign() < 0; I++; n = L.length(); } else n = L.length() + 1; CFFListIterator J = I; while ( J.hasItem() ) { n += J.getItem().exp() - 1; J++; } CFArray result( 1, n-1 ); int i, j, k; i = 1; while ( I.hasItem() ) { k = I.getItem().exp(); for ( j = 1; j <= k; j++ ) { result[i] = I.getItem().factor(); i++; } I++; } if ( negate ) result[1] = -result[1]; return result; } static modpk coeffBound ( const CanonicalForm & f, int p ) { int * degs = degrees( f ); int M = 0, i, k = f.level(); for ( i = 1; i <= k; i++ ) M += degs[i]; CanonicalForm b = 2 * maxNorm( f ) * power( CanonicalForm( 3 ), M ); CanonicalForm B = p; k = 1; while ( B < b ) { B *= p; k++; } return modpk( p, k ); } // static bool // nonDivisors ( CanonicalForm omega, CanonicalForm delta, const CFArray & F, CFArray & d ) // { // DEBOUTLN( cerr, "nondivisors omega = " << omega ); // DEBOUTLN( cerr, "nondivisors delta = " << delta ); // DEBOUTLN( cerr, "nondivisors F = " << F ); // CanonicalForm q, r; // int k = F.size(); // d = CFArray( 0, k ); // d[0] = delta * omega; // for ( int i = 1; i <= k; i++ ) { // q = abs(F[i]); // for ( int j = i-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { // r = d[j]; // do { // r = gcd( r, q ); // q = q / r; // } while ( r != 1 ); // if ( q == 1 ) // return false; // } // d[i] = q; // } // return true; // } static void findEvaluation ( const CanonicalForm & U, const CanonicalForm & V, const CanonicalForm & omega, const CFFList & F, Evaluation & A, CanonicalForm & U0, CanonicalForm & delta, CFArray & D, int r ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "findEvaluation" ); CanonicalForm Vn; CFFListIterator I; int j; bool found = false; CFArray FF = CFArray( 1, F.length() ); if ( r > 0 ) A.nextpoint(); while ( ! found ) { Vn = A( V ); if ( Vn != 0 ) { U0 = A( U ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "U0 = " << U0 ); if ( isSqrFree( U0 ) ) { delta = content( U0 ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "content( U0 ) = " << delta ); for ( I = F, j = 1; I.hasItem(); I++, j++ ) FF[j] = A( I.getItem().factor() ); found = nonDivisors( omega, delta, FF, D ); } else { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "not sqrfree : " << sqrFree( U0 ) ); } } if ( ! found ) A.nextpoint(); } DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "findEvaluation" ); } #ifdef HAVE_NTL int prime_number=0; void find_good_prime(const CanonicalForm &f, int &start) { if (! f.inBaseDomain() ) { CFIterator i = f; for(;;) { if ( i.hasTerms() ) { find_good_prime(i.coeff(),start); if (0==cf_getSmallPrime(start)) return; if((i.exp()!=0) && ((i.exp() % cf_getSmallPrime(start))==0)) { start++; i=f; } else i++; } else break; } } else { if (f.inZ()) { if (0==cf_getSmallPrime(start)) return; while((!f.isZero()) && (mod(f,cf_getSmallPrime(start))==0)) { start++; if (0==cf_getSmallPrime(start)) return; } } /* should not happen! else if (f.inQ()) { while((f.den()!=0) && (mod(f.den(),cf_getSmallPrime(start))==0)) { start++; } while((f.num()!=0) && (mod(f.num(),cf_getSmallPrime(start))==0)) { start++; } } else cout <<"??"<< f <<"\n"; */ } } #endif static CFArray ZFactorizeMulti ( const CanonicalForm & arg ) { DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "ZFactorizeMulti" ); CFMap M; CanonicalForm UU, U = compress( arg, M ); CanonicalForm delta, omega, V = LC( U, 1 ); int t = U.level(); CFFList F = factorize( V ); CFFListIterator I, J; CFArray G, lcG, D; int i, j, r, maxdeg; REvaluation A( 2, t, IntRandom( 50 ) ); CanonicalForm U0; CanonicalForm ft, ut, gt, d; modpk b; bool negate = false; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "-----------------------------------------------------" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "trying to factorize U = " << U ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "U is a polynomial of level = " << arg.level() ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "U will be factorized with respect to variable " << Variable(1) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the leading coefficient of U with respect to that variable is " << V ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "which is factorized as " << F ); maxdeg = 0; for ( i = 2; i <= t; i++ ) { j = U.degree( Variable( i ) ); if ( j > maxdeg ) maxdeg = j; } if ( F.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain() ) { omega = F.getFirst().factor(); F.removeFirst(); if ( omega < 0 ) { negate = true; omega = -omega; U = -U; } } else omega = 1; bool goodeval = false; r = 0; // for ( i = 0; i < 10*t; i++ ) // A.nextpoint(); while ( ! goodeval ) { TIMING_START(fac_findeval); findEvaluation( U, V, omega, F, A, U0, delta, D, r ); TIMING_END(fac_findeval); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the evaluation point to reduce to an univariate problem is " << A ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "corresponding delta = " << delta ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, " omega = " << omega ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, " D = " << D ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "now factorize the univariate polynomial " << U0 ); G = conv_to_factor_array( factorize( U0, false ) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "which factorizes into " << G ); #ifdef HAVE_NTL { int i=prime_number; find_good_prime(arg,i); find_good_prime(U0,i); find_good_prime(U,i); int p=cf_getSmallPrime(i); //printf("found:p=%d (%d)\n",p,i); if (p==0) { return conv_to_factor_array(CFFactor(arg,1)); //printf("out of primes - switch ot non-NTL\n"); } else if (((i==0)||(i!=prime_number))) { b = coeffBound( U, p ); prime_number=i; } // p!=0: modpk bb=coeffBound(U0,p); if (bb.getk() > b.getk() ) b=bb; bb=coeffBound(arg,p); if (bb.getk() > b.getk() ) b=bb; } #else b = coeffBound( U, getZFacModulus().getp() ); if ( getZFacModulus().getpk() > b.getpk() ) b = getZFacModulus(); #endif //printf("p=%d, k=%d\n",b.getp(),b.getk()); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the coefficient bound of the factors of U is " << b.getpk() ); r = G.size(); lcG = CFArray( 1, r ); UU = U; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "now trying to distribute the leading coefficients ..." ); TIMING_START(fac_distrib); goodeval = distributeLeadingCoeffs( UU, G, lcG, F, D, delta, omega, A, r ); TIMING_END(fac_distrib); #ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT if ( goodeval ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the univariate factors after distribution are " << G ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the distributed leading coeffs are " << lcG ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "U may have changed and is now " << UU ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "which has leading coefficient " << LC( UU, Variable(1) ) ); if ( LC( UU, Variable(1) ) != prod( lcG ) || A(UU) != prod( G ) ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "!!! distribution was not correct !!!" ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "product of leading coeffs is " << prod( lcG ) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "product of univariate factors is " << prod( G ) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "the new U is evaluated as " << A(UU) ); } else DEBOUTLN( cerr, "leading coeffs correct" ); } else { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "we have found a bad evaluation point" ); } #endif if ( goodeval ) { TIMING_START(fac_hensel); goodeval = Hensel( UU, G, lcG, A, b, Variable(1) ); TIMING_END(fac_hensel); } } for ( i = 1; i <= r; i++ ) { G[i] /= icontent( G[i] ); G[i] = M(G[i]); } // negate noch beachten ! if ( negate ) G[1] = -G[1]; DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ZFactorMulti" ); return G; } CFFList ZFactorizeMultivariate ( const CanonicalForm & f, bool issqrfree ) { CFFList G, F, R; CFArray GG; CFFListIterator i, j; CFMap M; CanonicalForm g, cont; Variable v1, vm; int k, m, n; v1 = Variable(1); if ( issqrfree ) F = CFFactor( f, 1 ); else F = sqrFree( f ); for ( i = F; i.hasItem(); i++ ) { if ( i.getItem().factor().inCoeffDomain() ) R.append( CFFactor( i.getItem().factor(), i.getItem().exp() ) ); else { TIMING_START(fac_content); g = compress( i.getItem().factor(), M ); // now after compress g contains Variable(1) vm = g.mvar(); g = swapvar( g, v1, vm ); cont = content( g ); g = swapvar( g / cont, v1, vm ); cont = swapvar( cont, v1, vm ); n = i.getItem().exp(); TIMING_END(fac_content); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "now after content ..." ); if ( g.isUnivariate() ) { G = factorize( g, true ); for ( j = G; j.hasItem(); j++ ) if ( ! j.getItem().factor().isOne() ) R.append( CFFactor( M( j.getItem().factor() ), n ) ); } else { GG = ZFactorizeMulti( g ); m = GG.max(); for ( k = GG.min(); k <= m; k++ ) if ( ! GG[k].isOne() ) R.append( CFFactor( M( GG[k] ), n ) ); } G = factorize( cont, true ); for ( j = G; j.hasItem(); j++ ) if ( ! j.getItem().factor().isOne() ) R.append( CFFactor( M( j.getItem().factor() ), n ) ); } } return R; }