/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include "assert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "timing.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "cf_algorithm.h" #include "fac_util.h" #include "fac_univar.h" #include "fac_cantzass.h" #include "fac_berlekamp.h" #include "cf_iter.h" #include "cf_primes.h" #include "fac_sqrfree.h" TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_choosePrimes); TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_facModPrimes); TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_liftFactors); TIMING_DEFINE_PRINT(fac_combineFactors); const int max_fp_fac = 3; static modpk theModulus; #ifdef DEBUGOUTPUT #define DEBOUTHPRINT(stream, msg, hg) \ {stream << deb_level_msg << msg, stream.flush(); hprint( hg ); stream << endl;} static void hprint ( int * a ) { int n = a[0]; cerr << "( " << n << ": "; int i = 1; while ( i < n ) { if ( a[i] != 0 ) cerr << i << " "; i++; } cerr << ")"; } #else /* DEBUGOUTPUT */ #define DEBOUTHPRINT(stream, msg, hg) #endif /* DEBUGOUTPUT */ static void hgroup ( int * a ) { int n = a[0]; int i, j, k; for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) if ( a[i] != 0 ) for ( j = 1; j <= i; j++ ) if ( a[j] != 0 ) for ( k = i; k < n; k += j ) a[k] = 1; } static void hintersect( int * a, const int * const b ) { int i, n, na = a[0], nb = b[0]; if ( nb < na ) n = nb; else n = na; for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) if ( b[i] == 0 ) a[i] = 0; a[0] = n; } /* static int hcount ( const int * const a ) { int n = a[0], sum = 0, i; for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) if ( a[i] != 0 ) sum++; return sum; } */ static void initHG ( int * a, const CFFList & F ) { ListIterator i; int n = a[0], k; for ( int j = 1; j < n; j++ ) a[j] = 0; for ( i = F; i.hasItem(); i++ ) if ( (k = i.getItem().factor().degree()) < n ) { if ( k == -1 ) { STICKYWARN( k == -1, "there occured an error. factory was not able to factorize\n" "correctly mod p. Please send the example which caused\n" "this error to the authors. Nonetheless we will go on with the\n" "calculations hoping the result will be correct. Thank you." ); } else if ( k != 0 ) a[k] = 1; } } static void initHG ( int * a, const Array & F ) { int i, n = a[0], m = F.size(), k; for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) a[i] = 0; for ( i = 1; i < m; i++ ) if ( (k = F[i].degree()) < n ) { if ( k == -1 ) { STICKYWARN( k == -1, "there occured an error. factory was not able to factorize\n" "correctly mod p. Please send the example which caused\n" "this error to the authors. Nonetheless we will go on with the\n" "calculations hoping the result will be correct. Thank you." ); } else if ( k != 0 ) a[k] = 1; } } static int cmpFactor( const CFFactor & a, const CFFactor & b ) { CFFactor A( a ), B( b ); return degree( A.factor() ) > degree( B.factor() ); } //static double cf2double ( const CanonicalForm & f ) //{ // CanonicalForm a = f, q, r; // double m = 1, res = 0; // if ( a.sign() < 0 ) a = -a; // while ( ! a.isZero() ) { // divrem( a, 10, q, r ); // res += m * (double)(r.intval()); // m *= 10; // a = q; // } // if ( f.sign() < 0 ) res = -res; // return res; //} //{{{ static int kBound ( const CanonicalForm & f, int p ) //{{{ docu // // kBound() - return bound of coefficients of factors of f. // // The bound is returned as an integer k such that p^k is larger // than all coefficients of all possible factors of f. f should // be an univariate polynomial over Z. // // For a discussion of the formula, see the article Mignotte - // 'Some Usefull Bounds' in Buchberger, Collins, Loos (eds.) - // 'Computer Algebra: Symbolic and Algebraic Computation', 2nd // ed. // // Use by ZFactorizeUnivariate(). // //}}} static int kBound ( const CanonicalForm & f, int p ) { return (int)(f.degree() + (double)(ilog2( euclideanNorm(f)+1 ) + 1) / (double)ilog2(p)) + 1; } //}}} modpk getZFacModulus() { return theModulus; } static bool liftDegreeFactRec( CFArray & theFactors, CanonicalForm & F, const CanonicalForm & recip_lf, const CanonicalForm & f, const modpk & pk, int i, int d, CFFList & ZF, int exp ) { if ( i >= theFactors.size() ) return false; else if ( degree( f ) + degree( theFactors[i] ) == d ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ldfr (f) = " << f ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ldfr (g) = " << theFactors[i] ); CanonicalForm g = pp( pk( recip_lf * f * theFactors[i] ) ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ldfr (pk(f*g)) = " << g ); CanonicalForm gg, hh; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "F = " << F ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "g = " << g ); if ( divremt( F, g, gg, hh ) && hh.isZero() ) { ZF.append( CFFactor( g, exp ) ); F = gg; theFactors[i] = 1; return true; } else { return liftDegreeFactRec( theFactors, F, recip_lf, f, pk, i+1, d, ZF, exp ); } } else if ( degree( f ) + degree( theFactors[i] ) > d ) return false; else { bool ok = liftDegreeFactRec( theFactors, F, recip_lf, pk( recip_lf * f * theFactors[i] ), pk, i+1, d, ZF, exp ); if ( ok ) theFactors[i] = 1; else ok = liftDegreeFactRec( theFactors, F, recip_lf, f, pk, i+1, d, ZF, exp ); return ok; } } static int choosePrimes ( int * p, const CanonicalForm & f ) { int ptr = 0; int i = 0; int maxp = cf_getNumPrimes(); int prime; while ( ptr < maxp && i < max_fp_fac ) { prime = cf_getPrime( ptr ); if ( mod( lc( f ), prime ) != 0 ) { setCharacteristic( prime ); if ( isSqrFree( mapinto( f ) ) ) { p[i] = prime; i++; } setCharacteristic( 0 ); } ptr++; } return ( i == max_fp_fac ); } static int UnivariateQuadraticLift ( const CanonicalForm &F, const CanonicalForm & G, const CanonicalForm &H, const modpk & pk, const CanonicalForm & Gamma, CanonicalForm & gk, CanonicalForm & hk ) { CanonicalForm lf, f, gamma; CanonicalForm a, b, aa, bb, c, g, h, g1, h1, e, modulus, tmp, q, r; int i, j, save; int p = pk.getp(), k = pk.getk(); int no_iter = (int)(log( (double)k )/log(2.0)+2); int * kvals = new int[no_iter]; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "quadratic lift called with p = " << p << " and k = " << k ); for ( j = 0, i = k; i > 1; i = ( i+1 ) / 2, j++ ) kvals[j] = i; kvals[j] = 1; save = getCharacteristic(); setCharacteristic( 0 ); lf = lc( F ); f = lf * F; { setCharacteristic( p ); g1 = mapinto( lf ) / lc( G ) * G; h1 = mapinto( lf ) / lc( H ) * H; (void)extgcd( g1, h1, a, b ); setCharacteristic( 0 ); } a = mapinto( a ); b = mapinto( b ); g = mapinto( g1 ); h = mapinto( h1 ); g = replaceLc( g, lf ); h = replaceLc( h, lf ); e = f - g * h; modulus = p; i = 1; while ( ! e.isZero() && j > 0 ) { c = e / modulus; { j--; setCharacteristic( p, kvals[j+1] ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "lifting from p^" << kvals[j+1] << " to p^" << kvals[j] ); c = mapinto( c ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, " !!! g = " << mapinto( g ) ); g1 = mapinto( lf ) / mapinto( lc( g ) ) * mapinto( g ); h1 = mapinto( lf ) / mapinto( lc( h ) ) * mapinto( h ); // (void)extgcd( g1, h1, a, b ); // DEBOUTLN( cerr, " a = " << aa ); // DEBOUTLN( cerr, " b = " << bb ); a = mapinto( a ); b = mapinto( b ); a += ( ( 1 - a * g1 ) * a ) % h1; b += ( ( 1 - b * h1 ) * b ) % g1; DEBOUTLN( cerr, " a = " << a ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, " b = " << b ); divrem( a * c, h1, q, r ); tmp = b * c + q * g1; setCharacteristic( 0 ); } a = mapinto( a ); b = mapinto( b ); g += mapinto( tmp ) * modulus; h += mapinto( r ) * modulus; // g = replaceLc( g, lf ); h = replaceLc( h, lf ); e = f - g * h; modulus = power( CanonicalForm(p), kvals[j] ); if ( mod( f - g * h, modulus ) != 0 ) DEBOUTLN( cerr, "error at lift stage " << i ); i++; } if ( e.isZero() ) { tmp = content( g ); gk = g / tmp; hk = h / ( lf / tmp ); } else { gk = pk(g); hk = pk(h); } setCharacteristic( save ); return e.isZero(); } static int UnivariateLinearLift ( const CanonicalForm &F, const CanonicalForm & G, const CanonicalForm &H, const modpk & pk, const CanonicalForm & Gamma, CanonicalForm & gk, CanonicalForm & hk ) { CanonicalForm lf, f, gamma; CanonicalForm a, b, c, g, h, g1, h1, e, modulus, tmp, q, r; int i, save; int p = pk.getp(), k = pk.getk(); save = getCharacteristic(); setCharacteristic( 0 ); lf = lc( F ); f = lf * F; { setCharacteristic( p ); g1 = mapinto( lf ) / lc( G ) * G; h1 = mapinto( lf ) / lc( H ) * H; (void)extgcd( g1, h1, a, b ); setCharacteristic( 0 ); } g = mapinto( g1 ); h = mapinto( h1 ); g = replaceLc( g, lf ); h = replaceLc( h, lf ); e = f - g * h; modulus = p; i = 1; while ( ! e.isZero() && i <= k ) { c = e / modulus; { setCharacteristic( p ); c = mapinto( c ); divrem( a * c, h1, q, r ); tmp = b * c + q * g1; setCharacteristic( 0 ); } g += mapinto( tmp ) * modulus; h += mapinto( r ) * modulus; // g = replaceLc( g, lf ); h = replaceLc( h, lf ); e = f - g * h; modulus *= p; ASSERT( mod( f - g * h, modulus ) == 0, "error at lift stage" ); i++; } if ( e.isZero() ) { tmp = content( g ); gk = g / tmp; hk = h / ( lf / tmp ); } else { gk = pk(g); hk = pk(h); } setCharacteristic( save ); // return e.isZero(); return (F-gk*hk).isZero(); } CFFList ZFactorizeUnivariate( const CanonicalForm& ff, bool issqrfree ) { bool symmsave = isOn( SW_SYMMETRIC_FF ); CanonicalForm cont = content( ff ); CanonicalForm lf, recip_lf, fp, f, g = ff / cont, dummy1, dummy2; int i, k, exp, n; bool ok; CFFList H, F[max_fp_fac]; CFFList ZF; int * p = new int [max_fp_fac]; int * D = 0; int * Dh = 0; ListIterator J, I; DEBINCLEVEL( cerr, "ZFactorizeUnivariate" ); On( SW_SYMMETRIC_FF ); // get squarefree decomposition of f if ( issqrfree ) H.append( CFFactor( g, 1 ) ); else H = sqrFree( g ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "H = " << H ); // cycle through squarefree factors of f for ( J = H; J.hasItem(); ++J ) { f = J.getItem().factor(); if ( f.inCoeffDomain() ) continue; n = f.degree() / 2 + 1; delete [] D; delete [] Dh; D = new int [n]; D[0] = n; Dh = new int [n]; Dh[0] = n; exp = J.getItem().exp(); // choose primes to factor f TIMING_START(fac_choosePrimes); ok = choosePrimes( p, f ); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT(fac_choosePrimes, "time to choose the primes: "); if ( ! ok ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "warning: no good prime found to factorize " << f ); STICKYWARN( ok, "there occured an error. We went out of primes p\n" "to factorize mod p. Please send the example which caused\n" "this error to the authors. Nonetheless we will go on with the\n" "calculations hoping the result will be correct. Thank you."); ZF.append( CFFactor( f, exp ) ); continue; } // factorize f modulo certain primes TIMING_START(fac_facModPrimes); for ( i = 0; i < max_fp_fac; i++ ) { setCharacteristic( p[i] ); fp = mapinto( f ); F[i] = FpFactorizeUnivariateCZ( fp, true, 0, Variable(), Variable() ); // if ( p[i] < 23 && fp.degree() < 10 ) // F[i] = FpFactorizeUnivariateB( fp, true ); // else // F[i] = FpFactorizeUnivariateCZ( fp, true, 0, Variable, Variable() ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "F[i] = " << F[i] << ", p = " << p[i] ); } TIMING_END_AND_PRINT(fac_facModPrimes, "time to factorize mod primes: "); setCharacteristic( 0 ); // do some strange things with the D's initHG( D, F[0] ); hgroup( D ); DEBOUTHPRINT( cerr, "D = ", D ); for ( i = 1; i < max_fp_fac; i++ ) { initHG( Dh, F[i] ); hgroup( Dh ); DEBOUTHPRINT( cerr, "Dh = ", Dh ); hintersect( D, Dh ); DEBOUTHPRINT( cerr, "D = ", D ); } // look which p gives the shortest factorization of f mod p // j: index of that p in p[] int min, j; min = F[0].length(), j = 0; for ( i = 1; i < max_fp_fac; i++ ) { if ( min >= F[i].length() ) { j = i; min = F[i].length(); } } k = kBound( f, p[j] ); CFArray theFactors( F[j].length() ); // pk = power( CanonicalForm( p[j] ), k ); // pkhalf = pk / 2; modpk pk( p[j], k ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "coeff bound = " << pk.getpk() ); theModulus = pk; setCharacteristic( p[j] ); fp = mapinto( f ); F[j].sort( cmpFactor ); I = F[j]; i = 0; TIMING_START(fac_liftFactors); while ( I.hasItem() ) { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "factor to lift = " << I.getItem().factor() ); if ( isOn( SW_FAC_QUADRATICLIFT ) ) ok = UnivariateQuadraticLift( f, I.getItem().factor(), fp / I.getItem().factor(), pk, lc( f ), dummy1, dummy2 ); else ok = UnivariateLinearLift( f, I.getItem().factor(), fp / I.getItem().factor(), pk, lc( f ), dummy1, dummy2 ); if ( ok ) { // should be done in a more efficient way DEBOUTLN( cerr, "dummy1 = " << dummy1 ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "dummy2 = " << dummy2 ); f = dummy2; fp /= I.getItem().factor(); ZF.append( CFFactor( dummy1, exp ) ); I.remove( 0 ); I = F[j]; i = 0; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "F[j] = " << F[j] ); } else { DEBOUTLN( cerr, "i = " << i ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "dummy1 = " << dummy1 ); setCharacteristic( 0 ); // theFactors[i] = pk( dummy1 * pk.inverse( lc( dummy1 ) ) ); theFactors[i] = pk( dummy1 ); setCharacteristic( p[j] ); i++; I++; } } TIMING_END_AND_PRINT(fac_liftFactors, "time to lift the factors: "); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "ZF = " << ZF ); initHG( Dh, theFactors ); hgroup( Dh ); DEBOUTHPRINT( cerr, "Dh = ", Dh ); hintersect( D, Dh ); setCharacteristic( 0 ); for ( int l = i; l < F[j].length(); l++ ) theFactors[l] = 1; DEBOUTLN( cerr, "theFactors = " << theFactors ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "f = " << f ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "p = " << pk.getp() << ", k = " << pk.getk() ); DEBOUTHPRINT( cerr, "D = ", D ); lf = lc( f ); (void)bextgcd( pk.getpk(), lf, dummy1, recip_lf ); DEBOUTLN( cerr, "recip_lf = " << recip_lf ); TIMING_START(fac_combineFactors); for ( i = 1; i < D[0]; i++ ) if ( D[i] != 0 ) while ( liftDegreeFactRec( theFactors, f, recip_lf, lf, pk, 0, i, ZF, exp ) ); if ( degree( f ) > 0 ) ZF.append( CFFactor( f, exp ) ); TIMING_END_AND_PRINT(fac_combineFactors, "time to combine the factors: "); } // brush up our result if ( ZF.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain() ) ZF.removeFirst(); if ( lc( ff ).sign() < 0 ) ZF.insert( CFFactor( -cont, 1 ) ); else ZF.insert( CFFactor( cont, 1 ) ); delete [] D; delete [] Dh; if ( ! symmsave ) Off( SW_SYMMETRIC_FF ); DEBDECLEVEL( cerr, "ZFactorizeUnivariate" ); return ZF; }