//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FACTORY - Includes #include // Factor - Includes #include #include #include #include // Charset - Includes #include "csutil.h" #include "charset.h" #include "reorder.h" #include "algfactor.h" // some CC's need this: #include "alg_factor.h" void out_cf(char *s1,const CanonicalForm &f,char *s2); #ifdef ALGFACTORDEBUG # define DEBUGOUTPUT #else # undef DEBUGOUTPUT #endif #include static Varlist Var_is_in_AS(const Varlist & uord, const CFList & Astar); int getAlgVar(const CanonicalForm &f, Variable &X) { if (f.inBaseDomain()) return 0; if (f.inCoeffDomain()) { if (f.level()!=0) { X= f.mvar(); return 1; } return getAlgVar(f.LC(),X); } if (f.inPolyDomain()) { if (getAlgVar(f.LC(),X)) return 1; for( CFIterator i=f; i.hasTerms(); i++) { if (getAlgVar(i.coeff(),X)) return 1; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This implements the algorithm of Trager for factorization of // (multivariate) polynomials over algebraic extensions and so called // function field extensions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // missing class: IntGenerator: bool IntGenerator::hasItems() const { return 1; } CanonicalForm IntGenerator::item() const //int IntGenerator::item() const { //return current; //CanonicalForm( current ); return mapinto(CanonicalForm( current )); } void IntGenerator::next() { current++; } // replacement for factory's broken psr static CanonicalForm mypsr ( const CanonicalForm &rr, const CanonicalForm &vv, const Variable & x ){ CanonicalForm r=rr, v=vv, l, test, lu, lv, t, retvalue; int dr, dv, d,n=0; dr = degree( r, x ); dv = degree( v, x ); if (dv <= dr) {l=LC(v,x); v = v -l*power(x,dv);} else { l = 1; } d= dr-dv+1; while ( ( dv <= dr ) && ( r != r.genZero()) ){ test = power(x,dr-dv)*v*LC(r,x); if ( dr == 0 ) { r= CanonicalForm(0); } else { r= r - LC(r,x)*power(x,dr); } r= l*r -test; dr= degree(r,x); n+=1; } r= power(l, d-n)*r; return r; } // replacement for factory's broken resultant static CanonicalForm resultante( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm& g, const Variable & v ){ bool on_rational = isOn(SW_RATIONAL); On(SW_RATIONAL); CanonicalForm cd = bCommonDen( f ); CanonicalForm fz = f * cd; cd = bCommonDen( g ); CanonicalForm gz = g * cd; if (!on_rational) Off(SW_RATIONAL); return resultant(fz,gz,v); } // sqr-free routine for algebraic extensions // we need it! Ex.: f=c^2+2*a*c-1; as=[a^2+1]; f=(c+a)^2 //static CFFList alg_sqrfree( const CanonicalForm & f ) //{ // CFFList L; // // L.append(CFFactor(f,1)); // return L; //} // Calculates a square free norm // Input: f(x, alpha) a square free polynomial over K(alpha), // alpha is defined by the minimal polynomial Palpha // K has more than S elements (S is defined in thesis; look getextension) static void sqrf_norm_sub( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & PPalpha, CFGenerator & myrandom, CanonicalForm & s, CanonicalForm & g, CanonicalForm & R){ Variable y=PPalpha.mvar(),vf=f.mvar(); CanonicalForm temp, Palpha=PPalpha, t; int sqfreetest=0; CFFList testlist; CFFListIterator i; DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: f= ", f); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: Palpha= ", Palpha); myrandom.reset(); s=f.mvar()-myrandom.item()*Palpha.mvar(); g=f; R= CanonicalForm(0); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: myrandom s= ", s); // Norm, resultante taken with respect to y while ( !sqfreetest ){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: Palpha= ", Palpha); R = resultante(Palpha, g, y); R= R* bCommonDen(R); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: R= ", R); // sqfree check ; R is a polynomial in K[x] if ( getCharacteristic() == 0 ) { temp= gcd(R, R.deriv(vf)); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: temp= ", temp); if (degree(temp,vf) != 0 || temp == temp.genZero() ){ sqfreetest= 0; } else { sqfreetest= 1; } DEBOUTLN(CERR, "sqrf_norm_sub: sqfreetest= ", sqfreetest); } else{ DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "Starting SqrFreeTest(R)!"); // Look at SqrFreeTest! // (z+a^5+w)^4 with z 0 ){ // x actually occures in Astar output.append(x); break; } } } return output; } // Look if Minimalpolynomials in Astar define seperable Extensions // Must be a power of p: i.e. y^{p^e}-x static int inseperable(const CFList & Astar){ CanonicalForm elem; int Counter= 1; if ( Astar.length() == 0 ) return 0; for ( CFListIterator i=Astar; i.hasItem(); i++){ elem= i.getItem(); if ( elem.deriv() == elem.genZero() ) return Counter; else Counter += 1; } return 0; } // calculate gcd of f and g in char=0 static CanonicalForm gcd0( CanonicalForm f, CanonicalForm g ){ int charac= getCharacteristic(); int save=isOn(SW_RATIONAL); setCharacteristic(0); Off(SW_RATIONAL); CanonicalForm ff= mapinto(f), gg= mapinto(g); CanonicalForm result= gcd(ff,gg); setCharacteristic(charac); if (save) On(SW_RATIONAL); return mapinto(result); } // calculate big enough extension for finite fields // Idea: first calculate k, such that q^k > S (->thesis, -> getextension) // Second, search k with gcd(k,m_i)=1, where m_i is the degree of the i'th // minimal polynomial. Then the minpoly f_i remains irrd. over q^k and we // have enough elements to plug in. static int getextension( IntList & degreelist, int n){ int charac= getCharacteristic(); setCharacteristic(0); // need it for k ! int k=1, m=1, length=degreelist.length(); IntListIterator i; for (i=degreelist; i.hasItem(); i++) m= m*i.getItem(); int q=charac; while (q <= ((n*m)*(n*m)/2)) { k= k+1; q= q*charac;} int l=0; do { for (i=degreelist; i.hasItem(); i++){ l= l+1; if ( gcd0(k,i.getItem()) == 1){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "getextension: gcd == 1, l=",l); if ( l==length ){ setCharacteristic(charac); return k; } } else { DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "getextension: Next iteration"); break; } } k= k+1; l=0; } while ( 1 ); } // calculate a "primitive element" // K must have more than S elements (->thesis, -> getextension) static CFList simpleextension(const CFList & Astar, const Variable & Extension, CanonicalForm & R){ CFList Returnlist, Bstar=Astar; CanonicalForm s, g; DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: Astar= ", Astar); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: R= ", R); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: Extension= ", Extension); if ( Astar.length() == 1 ){ R= Astar.getFirst();} else{ R=Bstar.getFirst(); Bstar.removeFirst(); for ( CFListIterator i=Bstar; i.hasItem(); i++){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: f(x)= ", i.getItem()); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: P(x)= ", R); sqrf_norm(i.getItem(), R, Extension, s, g, R); // spielt die Repraesentation eine Rolle? // muessen wir die Nachfolger aendern, wenn s != 0 ? DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: g= ", g); if ( s != 0 ) DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: s= ", s); else DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: s= ", s); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "simpleextension: R= ", R); Returnlist.insert(s); } } return Returnlist; } CanonicalForm alg_lc(const CanonicalForm &f) { if (f.level()>0) { return alg_lc(f.LC()); } //assert(f.inCoeffDomain()); return f; } // the heart of the algorithm: the one from Trager static CFFList alg_factor( const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & Astar, const Variable & vminpoly, const Varlist & oldord, const CFList & as) { CFFList L, Factorlist; CanonicalForm R, Rstar, s, g, h; CFList substlist; DEBINCLEVEL(CERR,"alg_factor"); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: f= ", f); //out_cf("start alg_factor:",f,"\n"); substlist= simpleextension(Astar, vminpoly, Rstar); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: substlist= ", substlist); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: minpoly Rstar= ", Rstar); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: vminpoly= ", vminpoly); sqrf_norm(f, Rstar, vminpoly, s, g, R ); //out_cf("sqrf_norm R:",R,"\n"); //out_cf("sqrf_norm s:",s,"\n"); //out_cf("sqrf_norm g:",g,"\n"); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: g= ", g); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: s= ", s); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: R= ", R); Off(SW_RATIONAL); Variable X; if (getAlgVar(R,X)) { // factorize R over alg.extension with X //CERR << "alg: "<< X << " mipo=" << getMipo(X,Variable('X')) <<"\n"; if (R.isUnivariate()) { DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: factorize( ", R); Factorlist = factorize( R, X ); } else { #if 1 Variable XX; CanonicalForm mipo=getMipo(X,XX); CFList as(mipo); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: newfactoras( ", R); int success=1; Factorlist = newfactoras(R, as , success); #else // factor R over k DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: Factorize( ", R); Factorlist = Factorize(R); #endif } } else { // factor R over k DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: Factorize( ", R); Factorlist = Factorize(R); } On(SW_RATIONAL); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: Factorize(R)= ", Factorlist); if ( !Factorlist.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain() ) Factorlist.insert(CFFactor(1,1)); if ( Factorlist.length() == 2 && Factorlist.getLast().exp()== 1) { // irreduzibel (first entry is a constant) L.append(CFFactor(f,1)); } else { DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: g= ", g); CanonicalForm gnew= g(s,s.mvar()); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: gnew= ", gnew); g=gnew; for ( CFFListIterator i=Factorlist; i.hasItem(); i++) { CanonicalForm fnew=i.getItem().factor(); fnew= fnew(s,s.mvar()); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: fnew= ", fnew); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: substlist= ", substlist); for ( CFListIterator ii=substlist; ii.hasItem(); ii++){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: item= ", ii.getItem()); fnew= fnew(ii.getItem(), ii.getItem().mvar()); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: fnew= ", fnew); } if (degree(i.getItem().factor()) > 0 ) { h=alg_gcd(g,fnew,as); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " alg_factor: h= ", h); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " alg_factor: oldord= ", oldord); if ( degree(h) > 0 ) { //otherwise it's a constant g= divide(g, h,as); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: g/h= ", g); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: s= ", s); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: substlist= ", substlist); //out_cf("new g:",g,"\n"); L.append(CFFactor(h,1)); } //else printf("degree <=1\n"); } } // we are not interested in a // constant (over K_r, which can be a polynomial!) if (degree(g, f.mvar())>0){ L.append(CFFactor(g,1)); } } CFFList LL; if (getCharacteristic()>0) { CFFListIterator i=L; CanonicalForm c_fac=1; CanonicalForm c; for(;i.hasItem(); i++ ) { CanonicalForm ff=i.getItem().factor(); c=alg_lc(ff); int e=i.getItem().exp(); ff/=c; if (!ff.isOne()) LL.append(CFFactor(ff,e)); while (e>0) { c_fac*=c;e--; } } if (!c_fac.isOne()) LL.insert(CFFactor(c_fac,1)); } else { LL=L; } //CFFListIterator i=LL; //for(;i.hasItem(); i++ ) // out_cf("end alg_f:",i.getItem().factor(),"\n"); //printf("end alg_factor\n"); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "alg_factor: L= ", LL); DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"alg_factor"); return LL; } static CFFList endler( const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & AS, const Varlist & uord ){ CanonicalForm F=f, g, q,r; CFFList Output; CFList One, Two, asnew, as=AS; CFListIterator i,ii; VarlistIterator j; Variable vg; for (i=as; i.hasItem(); i++){ g= i.getItem(); if (g.deriv() == 0 ){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Inseperable extension detected: ", g); for (j=uord; j.hasItem(); j++){ if ( degree(g,j.getItem()) > 0 ) vg= j.getItem(); } // Now we have the highest transzendental in vg; DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Transzendental is ", vg); CanonicalForm gg=-1*g[0]; divrem(gg,vg,q,r); r= gg-q*vg; gg= gg-r; //DEBOUTLN(CERR, "q= ", q); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "r= ", r); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " that is ", gg); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " maps to ", g+gg); One.insert(gg); Two.insert(g+gg); // Now transform all remaining polys in as: int x=0; for (ii=i; ii.hasItem(); ii++){ if ( x != 0 ){ divrem(ii.getItem(), gg, q,r); // CERR << ii.getItem() << " divided by " << gg << "\n"; DEBOUTLN(CERR, "q= ", q); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "r= ", r); ii.append(ii.getItem()+q*g); ii.remove(1); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "as= ", as); } x+= 1; } // Now transform F: divrem(F, gg, q,r); F= F+q*g; DEBOUTLN(CERR, "new F= ", F); } else{ asnew.append(i.getItem()); }// just the identity } // factor F with minimal polys given in asnew: DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Factor F= ", F); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " with as= ", asnew); int success=0; CFFList factorlist= newcfactor(F,asnew, success); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " gives = ", factorlist); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "One= ", One); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Two= ", Two); // Transform back: for ( CFFListIterator k=factorlist; k.hasItem(); k++){ CanonicalForm factor= k.getItem().factor(); ii=One; for (i=Two; i.hasItem(); i++){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Mapping ", i.getItem()); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " to ", ii.getItem()); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " in ", factor); divrem(factor,i.getItem(),q,r); r=factor -q*i.getItem(); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "q= ", q); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "r= ", r); factor= ii.getItem()*q +r; // ii++; } Output.append(CFFactor(factor,k.getItem().exp())); } return Output; } // 1) prepares data // 2) for char=p we distinguish 3 cases: // no transcendentals, seperable and inseperable extensions CFFList newfactoras( const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & as, int &success){ Variable vf=f.mvar(); CFListIterator i; CFFListIterator jj; CFList reduceresult; CFFList result; success=1; DEBINCLEVEL(CERR, "newfactoras"); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "newfactoras called with f= ", f); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " content(f)= ", content(f)); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " as= ", as); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "newfactoras: cls(vf)= ", cls(vf)); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "newfactoras: cls(as.getLast())= ", cls(as.getLast())); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "newfactoras: degree(f,vf)= ", degree(f,vf)); // F1: [Test trivial cases] // 1) first trivial cases: if ( (cls(vf) <= cls(as.getLast())) || degree(f,vf)<=1 ){ // ||( (as.length()==1) && (degree(f,vf)==3) && (degree(as.getFirst()==2)) ) DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return CFFList(CFFactor(f,1)); } // 2) List of variables: // 2a) Setup list of those polys in AS having degree(AS[i], AS[i].mvar()) > 1 // 2b) Setup variableordering CFList Astar; Variable x; CanonicalForm elem; Varlist ord, uord,oldord; for ( int ii=1; ii< level(vf) ; ii++ ) { uord.append(Variable(ii)); } oldord= uord; oldord.append(vf); for ( i=as; i.hasItem(); i++ ){ elem= i.getItem(); x= elem.mvar(); if ( degree(elem,x) > 1){ // otherwise it's not an extension Astar.append(elem); ord.append(x); } } uord= Difference(uord,ord); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Astar is: ", Astar); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "ord is: ", ord); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "uord is: ", uord); // 3) second trivial cases: we already prooved irr. of f over no extensions if ( Astar.length() == 0 ){ DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return CFFList(CFFactor(f,1)); } // 4) Try to obtain a partial factorization using prop2 and prop3 // Use with caution! We have to proof these propositions first! // Not yet implemented // 5) Look if elements in uord actually occure in any of the minimal // polynomials. If no element of uord occures in any of the minimal // polynomials, we don't have transzendentals. Varlist newuord=Var_is_in_AS(uord,Astar); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "newuord is: ", newuord); CFFList Factorlist; Varlist gcdord= Union(ord,newuord); gcdord.append(f.mvar()); // This is for now. we need alg_sqrfree implemented! CanonicalForm Fgcd; Fgcd= alg_gcd(f,f.deriv(),Astar); if ( Fgcd == 0 ) DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "WARNING: p'th root ?"); if (( degree(Fgcd, f.mvar()) > 0) && (!(f.deriv().isZero())) ){ DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Nontrivial GCD found of ", f); CanonicalForm Ggcd= divide(f, Fgcd,Astar); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " split into ", Fgcd); DEBOUTLN(CERR, " and ", Ggcd); Fgcd= pp(Fgcd); Ggcd= pp(Ggcd); DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return myUnion(newfactoras(Fgcd,as,success) , newfactoras(Ggcd,as,success)); } if ( getCharacteristic() > 0 ){ // First look for extension! IntList degreelist; Variable vminpoly; for (i=Astar; i.hasItem(); i++){degreelist.append(degree(i.getItem()));} int extdeg= getextension(degreelist, degree(f)); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Extension needed of degree ", extdeg); // Now the real stuff! if ( newuord.length() == 0 ){ // no transzendentals DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "No transzendentals!"); if ( extdeg > 1 ){ CanonicalForm MIPO= generate_mipo( extdeg, vminpoly); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Minpoly produced ", MIPO); vminpoly= rootOf(MIPO); } Factorlist= alg_factor(f, Astar, vminpoly, oldord, as); DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return Factorlist; } else if ( inseperable(Astar) > 0 ){ // Look if extensions are seperable // a) Use Endler DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "Inseperable extensions! Using Endler!"); CFFList templist= endler(f,Astar, newuord); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Endler gives: ", templist); return templist; } else{ // we are on the save side: Use trager DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "Only seperable extensions!"); if (extdeg > 1 ){ CanonicalForm MIPO=generate_mipo(extdeg, vminpoly ); vminpoly= rootOf(MIPO); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "Minpoly generated: ", MIPO); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "vminpoly= ", vminpoly); DEBOUTLN(CERR, "degree(vminpoly)= ", degree(vminpoly)); } Factorlist= alg_factor(f, Astar, vminpoly, oldord, as); DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return Factorlist; } } else{ // char=0 apply trager directly DEBOUTMSG(CERR, "Char=0! Apply Trager!"); Variable vminpoly; Factorlist= alg_factor(f, Astar, vminpoly, oldord, as); DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return Factorlist; } DEBDECLEVEL(CERR,"newfactoras"); return CFFList(CFFactor(f,1)); } CFFList newcfactor(const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & as, int & success ){ Off(SW_RATIONAL); CFFList Output, output, Factors=Factorize(f); On(SW_RATIONAL); Factors.removeFirst(); if ( as.length() == 0 ){ success=1; return Factors;} if ( cls(f) <= cls(as.getLast()) ) { success=1; return Factors;} success=1; for ( CFFListIterator i=Factors; i.hasItem(); i++ ){ output=newfactoras(i.getItem().factor(),as, success); for ( CFFListIterator j=output; j.hasItem(); j++) Output = myappend(Output,CFFactor(j.getItem().factor(),j.getItem().exp()*i.getItem().exp())); } return Output; }