/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include typedef poly fastmultrec(poly f, poly g, ring r); static const int pass_option=1; static int mults=0; int Mults() { return mults; } static void degsplit(poly p,int n,poly &p1,poly&p2, int vn, ring r) { poly erg1_i, erg2_i; erg1_i=NULL; erg2_i=NULL; while(p) { if(p_GetExp(p,vn,r)>=n) { if (p1==NULL) { p1=p; } else { pNext(erg1_i)=p; } erg1_i=p; } else { if (p2==NULL) { p2=p; } else { pNext(erg2_i)=p; } erg2_i=p; } p=pNext(p); } if(erg2_i) { pNext(erg2_i)=NULL; } if (erg1_i) { pNext(erg1_i)=NULL; } } static void div_by_x_power_n(poly p, int n, int vn, ring r) { while(p) { assume(p_GetExp(p,vn,r)>=n); int e=p_GetExp(p,vn,r); p_SetExp(p,vn,e-n,r); p=pNext(p); } } static poly do_unifastmult(poly f,int df,poly g,int dg, int vn, fastmultrec rec, ring r) { int n=1; if ((f==NULL)||(g==NULL)) return NULL; //int df=pGetExp(f,vn);//pFDeg(f); // int dg=pGetExp(g,vn);//pFDeg(g); int dm; if(df>dg) { dm=df; } else { dm=dg; } while(n<=dm) { n*=2; } if(n==1) { return(pp_Mult_qq(f,g,r)); } int pot=n/2; assume(pot*2==n); //splitting poly f1=NULL; poly f0=NULL;//f-(x^(pot)*F1); degsplit(p_Copy(f,r),pot,f1,f0,vn,r); div_by_x_power_n(f1,pot,vn,r); poly g1=NULL; poly g0=NULL; degsplit(p_Copy(g,r),pot,g1,g0,vn,r); div_by_x_power_n(g1,pot,vn,r); //p00, p11 poly p00=rec(f0,g0,r);//unifastmult(f0,g0); poly p11=rec(f1,g1,r); //construct erg, factor poly erg=NULL; poly factor=p_ISet(1,r); p_SetExp(factor,vn,n,r); erg=pp_Mult_mm(p11,factor,r); erg=p_Add_q(erg,p_Copy(p00,r),r); if((f1!=NULL) &&(f0!=NULL) &&(g0!=NULL) && (g1!=NULL)) { //if(true){ //eat up f0,f1,g0,g1 poly s1=p_Add_q(f0,f1,r); poly s2=p_Add_q(g0,g1,r); poly pbig=rec(s1,s2,r); p_Delete(&s1,r); p_Delete(&s2,r); //eat up pbig poly sum=pbig; p_SetExp(factor,vn,pot,r); //eat up p00 sum=p_Add_q(sum,p_Neg(p00,r),r); //eat up p11 sum=p_Add_q(sum,p_Neg(p11,r),r); sum=p_Mult_mm(sum,factor,r); //eat up sum erg=p_Add_q(sum,erg,r); } else { //eat up f0,f1,g0,g1 poly s1=rec(f0,g1,r); poly s2=rec(g0,f1,r); p_SetExp(factor,vn,pot,r); poly h=p_Mult_mm(((s1!=NULL)?s1:s2),factor,r); p_Delete(&f1,r); p_Delete(&f0,r); p_Delete(&g0,r); p_Delete(&g1,r); p_Delete(&p00,r); p_Delete(&p11,r); erg=p_Add_q(erg,h,r); } p_Delete(&factor,r); return(erg); } // poly do_unifastmult_buckets(poly f,poly g){ // int n=1; // if ((f==NULL)||(g==NULL)) return NULL; // int df=pGetExp(f,1);//pFDeg(f); // int dg=pGetExp(g,1);//pFDeg(g); // int dm; // if(df>dg){ // dm=df; // }else{ // dm=dg; // } // while(n<=dm) // { // n*=2; // } // int pseudo_len=0; // if(n==1){ // return ppMult_qq(f,g); // } // kBucket_pt erg_bucket= kBucketCreate(currRing); // kBucketInit(erg_bucket,NULL,0 /*pLength(P.p)*/); // int pot=n/2; // assume(pot*2==n); // //splitting // poly f1=NULL; // poly f0=NULL;//f-(x^(pot)*F1); // degsplit(pCopy(f),pot,f1,f0); // div_by_x_power_n(f1,pot); // poly g1=NULL; // poly g0=NULL; // degsplit(pCopy(g),pot,g1,g0); // div_by_x_power_n(g1,pot); // //p00 // //p11 // poly p00=unifastmult(f0,g0); // poly p11=unifastmult(f1,g1); // //eat up f0,f1,g0,g1 // poly pbig=unifastmult(pAdd(f0,f1),pAdd(g0,g1)); // poly factor=pOne();//pCopy(erg_mult); // pSetExp(factor,1,n); // pseudo_len=0; // kBucket_Add_q(erg_bucket,ppMult_mm(p11,factor),&pseudo_len); // pseudo_len=0; // kBucket_Add_q(erg_bucket,pCopy(p00),&pseudo_len); // pSetExp(factor,1,pot); // //eat up pbig // pseudo_len=0; // kBucket_Add_q(erg_bucket,pMult_mm(pbig,factor),&pseudo_len); // pseudo_len=0; // //eat up p00 // kBucket_Add_q(erg_bucket,pMult_mm(pNeg(p00),factor),&pseudo_len); // pseudo_len=0; // //eat up p11 // kBucket_Add_q(erg_bucket,pMult_mm(pNeg(p11),factor),&pseudo_len); // pseudo_len=0; // pDelete(&factor); // int len=0; // poly erg=NULL; // kBucketClear(erg_bucket,&erg,&len); // kBucketDestroy(&erg_bucket); // return erg; // } static inline int max(int a, int b) { return (a>b)? a:b; } static inline int min(int a, int b) { return (a>b)? b:a; } poly unifastmult(poly f,poly g, ring r) { int vn=1; if((f==NULL)||(g==NULL)) return NULL; int df=p_GetExp(f,vn,r); int dg=p_GetExp(g,vn,r); if ((df==0)||(dg==0)) return pp_Mult_qq(f,g,r); if (df*dg<100) return pp_Mult_qq(f,g,r); // if (df*dg>10000) // return // do_unifastmult_buckets(f,g); //else return do_unifastmult(f,df,g,dg,vn,unifastmult,r); } poly multifastmult(poly f, poly g, ring r) { mults++; if((f==NULL)||(g==NULL)) return NULL; if (pLength(f)*pLength(g)<100) return pp_Mult_qq(f,g,r); //find vn //determine df,dg simultaneously int i; int can_i=-1; int can_df=0; int can_dg=0; int can_crit=0; for(i=1;i<=rVar(r);i++) { poly p; int df=0; int dg=0; //max min max Strategie p=f; while(p) { df=max(df,p_GetExp(p,i,r)); p=pNext(p); } if(df>can_crit) { p=g; while(p) { dg=max(dg,p_GetExp(p,i,r)); p=pNext(p); } int crit=min(df,dg); if (crit>can_crit) { can_crit=crit; can_i=i; can_df=df; can_dg=dg; } } } if(can_crit==0) return pp_Mult_qq(f,g,r); else { poly erg=do_unifastmult(f,can_df,g,can_dg,can_i,multifastmult,r); p_Normalize(erg,r); return(erg); } } poly pFastPower(poly f, int n, ring r) { if (n==1) return f; if (n==0) return p_ISet(1,r); assume(n>=0); int i_max=1; int pot_max=0; while(i_max*2<=n) { i_max*=2; pot_max++; } int field_size=pot_max+1; int* int_pot_array=(int*) omAlloc(field_size*sizeof(int)); poly* pot_array=(poly*) omAlloc(field_size*sizeof(poly)); int i; int pot=1; //initializing int_pot for(i=0;i=int_pot_array[field_size-1]); poly erg=p_ISet(1,r); //forward maybe faster, later // for(i=field_size-1;i>=0;i--){ // assume(work_n<2*int_pot_array[i]); // if(int_pot_array[i]<=work_n){ // work_n-=int_pot_array[i]; // poly prod=multifastmult(erg,pot_array[i],r); // pDelete(&erg); // erg=prod; // } // if(i!=0) pDelete(&pot_array[i]); // } for(i=field_size-1;i>=0;i--) { assume(work_n<2*int_pot_array[i]); if(int_pot_array[i]<=work_n) { work_n-=int_pot_array[i]; int_pot_array[i]=1; } else int_pot_array[i]=0; } for(i=0;iOrder += q->Order; p_ExpVectorAdd(p,q,r); } /*3 * compute for monomials p*q * keeps p, q * uses bin only available in MCPower */ static poly p_MonMultCMB(poly p, poly q, ring r) { number x; poly res = p_Init(r,lm_bin); x = n_Mult(p_GetCoeff(p,r),p_GetCoeff(q,r),r); p_SetCoeff0(res,x,r); p_ExpVectorSum(res,p, q,r); return res; } static poly p_MonPowerMB(poly p, int exp, ring r) { int i; if(!n_IsOne(p_GetCoeff(p,r),r)) { number x, y; y = p_GetCoeff(p,r); n_Power(y,exp,&x,r); n_Delete(&y,r); p_SetCoeff0(p,x,r); } for (i=rVar(r); i!=0; i--) { p_MultExp(p,i, exp,r); } p_Setm(p,r); return p; } static void buildTermAndAdd(int n,number* facult,poly* f_terms,int* exp,int f_len,kBucket_pt erg_bucket,ring r, number coef, poly & zw, poly tmp, poly** term_pot){ int i; // poly term=p_Init(r); // number denom=n_Init(1,r); // for(i=0;inext=NULL; //p_MonPowerMB(term, exp[i],r); p_MonMultMB(erg,term,r); //p_Delete(&term,r); } } zw=erg; } static void MC_iterate(poly f, int n, ring r, int f_len,number* facult, int* exp,poly* f_terms,kBucket_pt erg_bucket,int pos,int sum, number coef, poly & zw, poly tmp, poly** term_pot){ int i; if (posnext=zw_l; zw_l=zw_real; } //n_Delete(& new_coef,r); } n_Delete(&new_coef,r); if (pos==f_len-2) { int len=n-sum+1; kBucket_Add_q(erg_bucket,zw_l,&len); } return; } if(pos==f_len-1) { i=n-sum; exp[pos]=i; number new_coef=nCopy(coef);//n_IntDiv(coef,facult[i],r); //really consumed??????? buildTermAndAdd(n,facult,f_terms,exp,f_len,erg_bucket,r, new_coef,zw, tmp,term_pot); // n_Delete(& new_coef,r); } assume(pos<=f_len-1); } poly pFastPowerMC(poly f, int n, ring r) { //only char=0 if(rChar(r)!=0) Werror("Char not 0, pFastPowerMC not implemented for this case"); if (n<=1) Werror("not implemented for so small n, recursion fails");//should be length(f) if (pLength(f)<=1) Werror("not implemented for so small lenght of f, recursion fails"); // number null_number=n_Init(0,r); number* facult=(number*) omAlloc((n+1)*sizeof(number)); facult[0]=n_Init(1,r); int i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { number this_n=n_Init(i,r); facult[i]=n_Mult(this_n,facult[i-1],r); n_Delete(&this_n,r); } lm_bin=omGetSpecBin(POLYSIZE + (r->ExpL_Size)*sizeof(long)); kBucket_pt erg_bucket= kBucketCreate(currRing); kBucketInit(erg_bucket,NULL,0); const int f_len=pLength(f); int* exp=(int*)omAlloc(f_len*sizeof(int)); //poly f_terms[f_len]; poly* f_terms=(poly*)omAlloc(f_len*sizeof(poly)); poly** term_potences=(poly**) omAlloc(f_len*sizeof(poly*)); poly f_iter=f; for(i=0;i