#ifndef IDEALS_H #define IDEALS_H /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* * ABSTRACT - all basic methods to manipulate ideals */ #include #include #include // for tHomog //typedef struct sip_sideal * ideal; //typedef struct sip_smap * map; typedef ideal * resolvente; extern ideal currQuotient; inline ideal idCopyFirstK (const ideal ide, const int k, ring R = currRing) { return id_CopyFirstK(ide, k, R); } /// delete an ideal inline void idDelete (ideal* h, ring r = currRing) { id_Delete(h, r); } /// initialise the maximal ideal (at 0) //ideal id_MaxIdeal(int deg, const ring r); #define idMaxIdeal(D) id_MaxIdeal(D,currRing) /// index of generator with leading term in ground ring (if any); otherwise -1 //int id_PosConstant(ideal id, const ring r) #define idPosConstant(I) id_PosConstant(I,currRing) /// Count the effective size of an ideal /// (without the trailing allocated zero-elements) static inline int idSize(const ideal id) { int j = IDELEMS(id) - 1; poly* mm = id->m; while ((j >= 0) && (mm[j] == NULL)) j--; return (j + 1); } //BOOLEAN id_IsConstant(ideal id, const ring r); #define idIsConstant(I) id_IsConstant(I,currRing) #define idSimpleAdd(A,B) id_SimpleAdd(A,B,currRing) #ifdef PDEBUG #define idTest(A) id_DBTest(A, PDEBUG, __FILE__,__LINE__,currRing) #define idPrint(id) idShow(id, currRing, currRing) #else #define idTest(A) (TRUE) #define idPrint(A) ((void)0) #endif ideal id_Copy (ideal h1, const ring r); #if 0 // ifdef PDEBUG // Sorry: the following was lost........ :(((((((( ideal idDBCopy(ideal h1,const char *f,int l,const ring r); #define id_DBCopy(A,r) idDBCopy(A,__FILE__,__LINE__,r) inline ideal idCopy(ideal A, const ring R = currRing) { return id_DBCopy(A,R); // well, just for now... ok? Macros can't have default args values :( } #else inline ideal idCopy(ideal A, const ring R = currRing) { return id_Copy(A, R); } #endif /// h1 + h2 inline ideal idAdd (ideal h1, ideal h2, const ring R = currRing) { return id_Add(h1, h2, R); } BOOLEAN idInsertPoly (ideal h1,poly h2); /* h1 + h2 */ inline BOOLEAN idInsertPolyWithTests (ideal h1, const int validEntries, const poly h2, const bool zeroOk, const bool duplicateOk, const ring R = currRing) { return id_InsertPolyWithTests (h1, validEntries, h2, zeroOk, duplicateOk, R); } /* h1 + h2 */ /// hh := h1 * h2 inline ideal idMult (ideal h1, ideal h2, const ring R = currRing) { return id_Mult(h1, h2, R); } BOOLEAN idIs0 (ideal h); // returns TRUE, if idRankFreeModule(m) > 0 BOOLEAN idIsModule(ideal m, const ring r); inline BOOLEAN idHomIdeal (ideal id, ideal Q=NULL, const ring R = currRing) { return id_HomIdeal(id, Q, R); } inline BOOLEAN idHomModule(ideal m, ideal Q,intvec **w, const ring R = currRing) { return id_HomModule(m, Q, w, R); } BOOLEAN idTestHomModule(ideal m, ideal Q, intvec *w); ideal idMinBase (ideal h1); /*returns a minimized set of generators of h1*/ void idInitChoise (int r,int beg,int end,BOOLEAN *endch,int * choise); void idGetNextChoise (int r,int end,BOOLEAN *endch,int * choise); int idGetNumberOfChoise(int t, int d, int begin, int end, int * choise); int binom (int n,int r); inline ideal idFreeModule (int i, const ring R = currRing) { return id_FreeModule (i, R); } ideal idSect (ideal h1,ideal h2); ideal idMultSect(resolvente arg, int length); //ideal idSyzygies (ideal h1, tHomog h,intvec **w); ideal idSyzygies (ideal h1, tHomog h,intvec **w, BOOLEAN setSyzComp=TRUE, BOOLEAN setRegularity=FALSE, int *deg = NULL); ideal idLiftStd (ideal h1, matrix *m, tHomog h=testHomog, ideal *syz=NULL); ideal idLift (ideal mod, ideal sumod,ideal * rest=NULL, BOOLEAN goodShape=FALSE, BOOLEAN isSB=TRUE,BOOLEAN divide=FALSE, matrix *unit=NULL); void idLiftW(ideal P,ideal Q,int n,matrix &T, ideal &R, short *w= NULL ); intvec * idMWLift(ideal mod,intvec * weights); ideal idQuot (ideal h1,ideal h2, BOOLEAN h1IsStb=FALSE, BOOLEAN resultIsIdeal=FALSE); // ideal idPower(ideal gid,int deg); //ideal idElimination (ideal h1,poly delVar); ideal idElimination (ideal h1,poly delVar, intvec *hilb=NULL); poly idMinor(matrix a, int ar, unsigned long which, ideal R = NULL); ideal idMinors(matrix a, int ar, ideal R = NULL); ideal idMinEmbedding(ideal arg,BOOLEAN inPlace=FALSE, intvec **w=NULL); ideal idHead(ideal h); // ideal idHomogen(ideal h, int varnum); BOOLEAN idIsSubModule(ideal id1,ideal id2); inline ideal idVec2Ideal(poly vec, const ring R = currRing) { return id_Vec2Ideal(vec, R); } ideal idSeries(int n,ideal M,matrix U=NULL,intvec *w=NULL); inline BOOLEAN idIsZeroDim(ideal i, const ring R = currRing) { return id_IsZeroDim(i, R); } matrix idDiff(matrix i, int k); matrix idDiffOp(ideal I, ideal J,BOOLEAN multiply=TRUE); inline intvec *idSort(ideal id,BOOLEAN nolex=TRUE, const ring R = currRing) { return id_Sort(id, nolex, R); } ideal idModulo (ideal h1,ideal h2, tHomog h=testHomog, intvec ** w=NULL); matrix idCoeffOfKBase(ideal arg, ideal kbase, poly how); /// transpose a module inline ideal idTransp(ideal a, const ring R = currRing) { return id_Transp(a, R); } // intvec *idQHomWeight(ideal id); ideal idXXX (ideal h1, int k); poly id_GCD(poly f, poly g, const ring r); ideal id_ChineseRemainder(ideal *x, number *q, int rl, const ring R); //ideal idChineseRemainder(ideal *x, intvec *iv); /* currently unused */ ideal id_Farey(ideal x, number N, const ring r); ideal id_TensorModuleMult(const int m, const ideal M, const ring rRing); // image of certain map for BGG #endif