/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /*************************************************************** * File: kInline.h * Purpose: implementation of std related inline routines * Author: obachman (Olaf Bachmann) * Created: 8/00 * Version: $Id$ *******************************************************************/ #ifndef KINLINE_H #define KINLINE_H #if !defined(NO_KINLINE) || defined(KUTIL_CC) /* this file is a header file with inline routines, * if NO_KINLINE is not defined (AND ONLY THEN!) * otherwise it is an part of kutil.cc and a source file! * (remark: NO_KINLINE is defined by KDEBUG, i.e. in the debug version) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define HAVE_TAIL_BIN // This doesn't really work, fixme, if necessary // #define HAVE_LM_BIN KINLINE TObject* skStrategy::S_2_T(int i) { assume(i>= 0 && i<=sl); assume(S_2_R[i] >= 0 && S_2_R[i] <= tl); TObject* TT = R[S_2_R[i]]; assume(TT != NULL && TT->p == S[i]); return TT; } KINLINE TObject* skStrategy::s_2_t(int i) { if (i >= 0 && i <= sl) { int sri= S_2_R[i]; if ((sri >= 0) && (sri <= tl)) { TObject* t = R[sri]; if ((t != NULL) && (t->p == S[i])) return t; } // last but not least, try kFindInT sri = kFindInT(S[i], T, tl); if (sri >= 0) return &(T[sri]); } return NULL; } KINLINE poly skStrategy::kNoetherTail() { if (tailRing == currRing) return kNoether; else { assume((kNoether == NULL && t_kNoether == NULL) || (kNoether != NULL && t_kNoether != NULL)); return t_kNoether; } } /*************************************************************** * * Operation on TObjects * ***************************************************************/ KINLINE TSet initT () { TSet T = (TSet)omAlloc0(setmaxT*sizeof(TObject)); for (int i=setmaxT-1; i>=0; i--) { T[i].tailRing = currRing; T[i].i_r = -1; } return T; } KINLINE TObject** initR() { return (TObject**) omAlloc0(setmaxT*sizeof(TObject*)); } KINLINE unsigned long* initsevT() { return (unsigned long*) omAlloc0(setmaxT*sizeof(unsigned long)); } // initialization KINLINE void sTObject::Set(ring r) { tailRing = r; } KINLINE void sTObject::Init(ring r) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(sTObject)); i_r = -1; Set(r); } KINLINE sTObject::sTObject(ring r) { Init(r); } KINLINE void sTObject::Set(poly p_in, ring r) { if (r != currRing) { assume(r == tailRing); p_Test(p_in, r); t_p = p_in; } else { pp_Test(p_in, currRing, tailRing); p = p_in; } } KINLINE sTObject::sTObject(poly p_in, ring r) { Init(r); Set(p_in, r); } KINLINE void sTObject::Set(poly p_in, ring c_r, ring t_r) { if (c_r != t_r) { assume(c_r == currRing && t_r == tailRing); pp_Test(p_in, currRing, t_r); p = p_in; } else { Set(p_in, c_r); } } KINLINE sTObject::sTObject(poly p_in, ring c_r, ring t_r) { Init(t_r); Set(p_in, c_r, t_r); } KINLINE sTObject::sTObject(sTObject* T, int copy) { *this = *T; if (copy) { if (t_p != NULL) { t_p = p_Copy(t_p, tailRing); p = k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(t_p, tailRing); } else { p = p_Copy(p, currRing, tailRing); } } } KINLINE void sTObject::Delete() { if (t_p != NULL) { p_Delete(&t_p, tailRing); if (p != NULL) p_LmFree(p, currRing); } else { p_Delete(&p, currRing, tailRing); } } KINLINE void sTObject::Clear() { p = NULL; t_p = NULL; ecart = 0; length = 0; pLength = 0; FDeg = 0; is_normalized = FALSE; } KINLINE void sTObject::Copy() { if (t_p != NULL) { t_p = p_Copy(t_p, tailRing); if (p != NULL) { p = p_Head(p, currRing); if (pNext(t_p) != NULL) pNext(p) = pNext(t_p); } } else { p = p_Copy(p, currRing, tailRing); } } KINLINE poly sTObject::GetLmCurrRing() { if (p == NULL && t_p != NULL) p = k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(t_p, tailRing); return p; } KINLINE poly sTObject::GetLmTailRing() { if (t_p == NULL) { if (p != NULL && tailRing != currRing) { t_p = k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(p, tailRing); return t_p; } return p; } return t_p; } KINLINE poly sTObject::GetLm(ring r) { assume(r == tailRing || r == currRing); if (r == currRing) return GetLmCurrRing(); if (t_p == NULL && p != NULL) t_p = k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(p, tailRing); return t_p; } KINLINE void sTObject::GetLm(poly &p_r, ring &r_r) const { if (t_p != NULL) { p_r = t_p; r_r = tailRing; } else { p_r = p; r_r = currRing; } } KINLINE BOOLEAN sTObject::IsNull() const { return (p == NULL && t_p == NULL); } KINLINE int sTObject::GetpLength() { if (pLength <= 0) pLength = ::pLength(p != NULL ? p : t_p); return pLength; } KINLINE void sTObject::SetLmCurrRing() { if (p == NULL && t_p != NULL) p = k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(t_p, tailRing); } KINLINE poly sTObject::Next() { assume(p != NULL || t_p != NULL); if (t_p != NULL) return pNext(t_p); return pNext(p); } // Iterations KINLINE void sTObject::LmDeleteAndIter() { assume(p != NULL || t_p != NULL); if (t_p != NULL) { t_p = p_LmDeleteAndNext(t_p, tailRing); if (p != NULL) { p_LmFree(p, currRing); p = NULL; } } else { p = p_LmDeleteAndNext(p, currRing); } is_normalized = FALSE; } // arithmetic KINLINE void sTObject::Mult_nn(number n) { if (t_p != NULL) { t_p = tailRing->p_Procs->p_Mult_nn(t_p, n, tailRing); if (p != NULL) pSetCoeff0(p, pGetCoeff(t_p)); } else { p = p_Mult_nn(p, n, currRing, tailRing); } } KINLINE void sLObject::Normalize() { if (t_p != NULL) { pNormalize(t_p); if (p != NULL) pSetCoeff0(p, pGetCoeff(t_p)); } else { pNormalize(p); } } KINLINE void sLObject::HeadNormalize() { if (t_p != NULL) { nNormalize(pGetCoeff(t_p)); if (p != NULL) pSetCoeff0(p, pGetCoeff(t_p)); } else { nNormalize(pGetCoeff(p)); } } KINLINE void sTObject::ShallowCopyDelete(ring new_tailRing, omBin new_tailBin, pShallowCopyDeleteProc p_shallow_copy_delete, BOOLEAN set_max) { if (new_tailBin == NULL) new_tailBin = new_tailRing->PolyBin; if (t_p != NULL) { t_p = p_shallow_copy_delete(t_p, tailRing, new_tailRing, new_tailBin); if (p != NULL) pNext(p) = pNext(t_p); if (new_tailRing == currRing) { if (p == NULL) p = t_p; else p_LmFree(t_p, tailRing); t_p = NULL; } } else if (p != NULL) { if (pNext(p) != NULL) { pNext(p) = p_shallow_copy_delete(pNext(p), tailRing, new_tailRing, new_tailBin); } if (new_tailRing != currRing) { t_p = k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(p, new_tailRing); pNext(t_p) = pNext(p); } } if (max != NULL) { if (new_tailRing == currRing) { p_LmFree(max, tailRing); max = NULL; } else max = p_shallow_copy_delete(max,tailRing,new_tailRing,new_tailBin); } else if (set_max && new_tailRing != currRing && pNext(t_p) != NULL) { max = p_GetMaxExpP(pNext(t_p), new_tailRing); } tailRing = new_tailRing; } KINLINE long sTObject::pFDeg() const { if (p != NULL) return ::pFDeg(p, currRing); return tailRing->pFDeg(t_p, tailRing); } KINLINE long sTObject::pTotalDeg() const { if (p != NULL) return p_Totaldegree(p, currRing); return p_Totaldegree(t_p,tailRing); } KINLINE long sTObject::SetpFDeg() { FDeg = this->pFDeg(); return FDeg; } KINLINE long sTObject::GetpFDeg() const { assume(FDeg == this->pFDeg()); return FDeg; } KINLINE long sTObject::pLDeg() { return tailRing->pLDeg(GetLmTailRing(), &length, tailRing); } KINLINE long sTObject::SetDegStuffReturnLDeg() { FDeg = this->pFDeg(); long d = this->pLDeg(); ecart = d - FDeg; return d; } //extern void pCleardenom(poly p); // extern void pNorm(poly p); // manipulations KINLINE void sTObject::pCleardenom() { assume(p != NULL); if (TEST_OPT_CONTENTSB) { number n; if (t_p != NULL) { p_Cleardenom_n(t_p, tailRing, n); pSetCoeff0(p, pGetCoeff(t_p)); } else { #ifdef HAVE_RATGRING p_Cleardenom_n(p, currRing, n); #else p_Cleardenom_n(p, currRing, n); #endif } if (!nIsOne(n)) { denominator_list denom=(denominator_list)omAlloc(sizeof(denominator_list_s)); denom->n=nInvers(n); denom->next=DENOMINATOR_LIST; DENOMINATOR_LIST=denom; } nDelete(&n); } else { if (t_p != NULL) { p_Cleardenom(t_p, tailRing); pSetCoeff0(p, pGetCoeff(t_p)); } else { #ifdef HAVE_RATGRING p_Cleardenom(p, currRing); #else p_Cleardenom(p, currRing); #endif } } } KINLINE void sTObject::pNorm() // pNorm seems to be a _bad_ method name... { assume(p != NULL); if (! is_normalized) { p_Norm(p, currRing); if (t_p != NULL) pSetCoeff0(t_p, pGetCoeff(p)); is_normalized = TRUE; } } /*************************************************************** * * Operation on LObjects * ***************************************************************/ // Initialization KINLINE void sLObject::Clear() { sTObject::Clear(); sev = 0; } // Initialization KINLINE void sLObject::Delete() { sTObject::Delete(); if (bucket != NULL) kBucketDeleteAndDestroy(&bucket); } KINLINE void sLObject::Init(ring r) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(sLObject)); i_r1 = -1; i_r2 = -1; i_r = -1; Set(r); } KINLINE sLObject::sLObject(ring r) { Init(r); } KINLINE sLObject::sLObject(poly p_in, ring r) { Init(r); Set(p_in, r); } KINLINE sLObject::sLObject(poly p_in, ring c_r, ring t_r) { Init(t_r); Set(p_in, c_r, t_r); } KINLINE void sLObject::PrepareRed(BOOLEAN use_bucket) { if (bucket == NULL) { int l = GetpLength(); if (use_bucket && l > 1) { poly tp = GetLmTailRing(); assume(l == ::pLength(tp)); bucket = kBucketCreate(tailRing); kBucketInit(bucket, pNext(tp), l-1); pNext(tp) = NULL; if (p != NULL) pNext(p) = NULL; pLength = 0; last = NULL; } } } KINLINE void sLObject::SetLmTail(poly lm, poly p_tail, int p_Length, int use_bucket, ring _tailRing, poly _last) { Set(lm, _tailRing); if (use_bucket) { bucket = kBucketCreate(_tailRing); kBucketInit(bucket, p_tail, p_Length); pNext(lm) = NULL; pLength = 0; last = NULL; } else { pNext(lm) = p_tail; pLength = p_Length + 1; last = _last; } } KINLINE void sLObject::Tail_Mult_nn(number n) { if (bucket != NULL) { kBucket_Mult_n(bucket, n); } else { poly _p = (t_p != NULL ? t_p : p); assume(_p != NULL); pNext(_p) = tailRing->p_Procs->p_Mult_nn(pNext(_p), n, tailRing); } } KINLINE void sLObject::Tail_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(poly m, poly q, int lq, poly spNoether) { if (bucket != NULL) { kBucket_Minus_m_Mult_p(bucket, m, q, &lq, spNoether); } else { poly _p = (t_p != NULL ? t_p : p); assume(_p != NULL); int shorter; pNext(_p) = tailRing->p_Procs->p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(pNext(_p), m, q, shorter,spNoether, tailRing, last); pLength += lq - shorter; } } KINLINE void sLObject::LmDeleteAndIter() { sTObject::LmDeleteAndIter(); if (bucket != NULL) { poly _p = kBucketExtractLm(bucket); if (_p == NULL) { kBucketDestroy(&bucket); p = t_p = NULL; return; } Set(_p, tailRing); } else { pLength--; } } KINLINE poly sLObject::LmExtractAndIter() { poly ret = GetLmTailRing(); poly pn; assume(p != NULL || t_p != NULL); if (bucket != NULL) { pn = kBucketExtractLm(bucket); if (pn == NULL) kBucketDestroy(&bucket); } else { pn = pNext(ret); } pLength--; pNext(ret) = NULL; if (p != NULL && t_p != NULL) p_LmFree(p, currRing); Set(pn, tailRing); return ret; } KINLINE poly sLObject::CanonicalizeP() { //kTest_L(this); int i = -1; if (bucket != NULL) i = kBucketCanonicalize(bucket); if (p == NULL) p = k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(t_p, tailRing); if (i >= 0) pNext(p) = bucket->buckets[i]; return p; } KINLINE poly sLObject::GetTP() { //kTest_L(this); poly tp = GetLmTailRing(); assume(tp != NULL); if (bucket != NULL) { kBucketClear(bucket, &pNext(tp), &pLength); kBucketDestroy(&bucket); pLength++; } return tp; } KINLINE poly sLObject::GetP(omBin lmBin) { //kTest_L(this); if (p == NULL) { p = k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(t_p, tailRing, (lmBin!=NULL?lmBin:currRing->PolyBin)); FDeg = pFDeg(); } else if (lmBin != NULL && lmBin != currRing->PolyBin) { p = p_LmShallowCopyDelete(p, currRing); FDeg = pFDeg(); } if (bucket != NULL) { kBucketClear(bucket, &pNext(p), &pLength); kBucketDestroy(&bucket); pLength++; if (t_p != NULL) pNext(t_p) = pNext(p); } //kTest_L(this); return p; } KINLINE void sLObject::ShallowCopyDelete(ring new_tailRing, pShallowCopyDeleteProc p_shallow_copy_delete) { if (bucket != NULL) kBucketShallowCopyDelete(bucket, new_tailRing, new_tailRing->PolyBin, p_shallow_copy_delete); sTObject::ShallowCopyDelete(new_tailRing, new_tailRing->PolyBin,p_shallow_copy_delete, FALSE); last = NULL; } KINLINE void sLObject::SetShortExpVector() { if (t_p != NULL) { sev = p_GetShortExpVector(t_p, tailRing); } else { sev = p_GetShortExpVector(p, currRing); } } KINLINE void sLObject::Copy() { if (bucket != NULL) { int i = kBucketCanonicalize(bucket); kBucket_pt new_bucket = kBucketCreate(tailRing); kBucketInit(new_bucket, p_Copy(bucket->buckets[i], tailRing), bucket->buckets_length[i]); bucket = new_bucket; if (t_p != NULL) pNext(t_p) = NULL; if (p != NULL) pNext(p) = NULL; } TObject::Copy(); last = NULL; } KINLINE poly sLObject::CopyGetP() { last = NULL; if (bucket != NULL) { int i = kBucketCanonicalize(bucket); poly bp = p_Copy(bucket->buckets[i], tailRing); pLength = bucket->buckets_length[i] + 1; if (bp != NULL) { assume(t_p != NULL || p != NULL); if (t_p != NULL) pNext(t_p) = bp; else pNext(p) = bp; } bucket = NULL; } return sLObject::GetP(); } KINLINE long sLObject::pLDeg() { poly tp = GetLmTailRing(); assume(tp != NULL); if (bucket != NULL) { int i = kBucketCanonicalize(bucket); pNext(tp) = bucket->buckets[i]; long ldeg = tailRing->pLDeg(tp, &length, tailRing); pNext(tp) = NULL; return ldeg; } else return tailRing->pLDeg(tp, &length, tailRing); } KINLINE long sLObject::pLDeg(BOOLEAN deg_last) { if (! deg_last || bucket != NULL) return sLObject::pLDeg(); if (last == NULL || pLength == 0) last = pLast(GetLmTailRing(), pLength); #ifdef HAVE_ASSUME long ldeg; ldeg = tailRing->pLDeg(GetLmTailRing(), &length, tailRing); assume ( pLength == length || rIsSyzIndexRing(currRing)); assume (ldeg == tailRing->pFDeg(last,tailRing)); return ldeg; #else length = pLength; return tailRing->pFDeg(last, tailRing); #endif } KINLINE long sLObject::SetDegStuffReturnLDeg() { FDeg = this->pFDeg(); long d = this->pLDeg(); ecart = d - FDeg; return d; } KINLINE long sLObject::SetDegStuffReturnLDeg(BOOLEAN use_last) { FDeg = this->pFDeg(); long d = this->pLDeg(use_last); ecart = d - FDeg; return d; } KINLINE int sLObject::GetpLength() { if (bucket == NULL) return sTObject::GetpLength(); int i = kBucketCanonicalize(bucket); return bucket->buckets_length[i] + 1; } KINLINE int sLObject::SetLength(BOOLEAN length_pLength) { if (length_pLength) { length = this->GetpLength(); } else this->pLDeg(); return length; } KINLINE long sLObject::MinComp() { poly tp = GetLmTailRing(); assume(tp != NULL); if (bucket != NULL) { int i = kBucketCanonicalize(bucket); pNext(tp) = bucket->buckets[i]; long m = p_MinComp(tp, tailRing); pNext(tp) = NULL; return m; } else return p_MinComp(tp, tailRing); } KINLINE long sLObject::Comp() { poly pp; ring r; GetLm(pp, r); assume(pp != NULL); return p_GetComp(pp, r); } KINLINE sLObject& sLObject::operator=(const sTObject& t) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); memcpy(this, &t, sizeof(sTObject)); return *this; } KINLINE TObject* sLObject::T_1(const skStrategy* s) { if (p1 == NULL) return NULL; if (i_r1 == -1) i_r1 = kFindInT(p1, s->T, s->tl); assume(i_r1 >= 0 && i_r1 <= s->tl); TObject* T = s->R[i_r1]; assume(T->p == p1); return T; } KINLINE TObject* sLObject::T_2(const skStrategy* strat) { if (p1 == NULL) return NULL; assume(p2 != NULL); if (i_r2 == -1) i_r2 = kFindInT(p2, strat->T, strat->tl); assume(i_r2 >= 0 && i_r2 <= strat->tl); TObject* T = strat->R[i_r2]; assume(T->p == p2); return T; } KINLINE void sLObject::T_1_2(const skStrategy* strat, TObject* &T_1, TObject* &T_2) { if (p1 == NULL) { T_1 = NULL; T_2 = NULL; return; } assume(p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL); if (i_r1 == -1) i_r1 = kFindInT(p1, strat->T, strat->tl); if (i_r2 == -1) i_r2 = kFindInT(p2, strat->T, strat->tl); assume(i_r1 >= 0 && i_r1 <= strat->tl); assume(i_r2 >= 0 && i_r2 <= strat->tl); T_1 = strat->R[i_r1]; T_2 = strat->R[i_r2]; assume(T_1->p == p1); assume(T_2->p == p2); return; } /*************************************************************** * * Conversion of polys * ***************************************************************/ KINLINE poly k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(poly p, ring tailRing, omBin tailBin) { poly np = p_LmInit(p, currRing, tailRing, tailBin); pNext(np) = pNext(p); pSetCoeff0(np, pGetCoeff(p)); return np; } KINLINE poly k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(poly p, ring tailRing, omBin lmBin) { poly np = p_LmInit(p, tailRing, currRing, lmBin); pNext(np) = pNext(p); pSetCoeff0(np, pGetCoeff(p)); return np; } // this should be made more efficient KINLINE poly k_LmShallowCopyDelete_currRing_2_tailRing(poly p, ring tailRing, omBin tailBin) { poly np = k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(p, tailRing, tailBin); p_LmFree(p, currRing); return np; } KINLINE poly k_LmShallowCopyDelete_tailRing_2_currRing(poly p, ring tailRing, omBin lmBin) { poly np = k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(p, tailRing, lmBin); p_LmFree(p, tailRing); return np; } KINLINE poly k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(poly p, ring tailRing) { return k_LmInit_currRing_2_tailRing(p, tailRing, tailRing->PolyBin); } KINLINE poly k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(poly p, ring tailRing) { return k_LmInit_tailRing_2_currRing(p, tailRing, currRing->PolyBin); } KINLINE poly k_LmShallowCopyDelete_currRing_2_tailRing(poly p, ring tailRing) { return k_LmShallowCopyDelete_currRing_2_tailRing(p, tailRing, tailRing->PolyBin); } KINLINE poly k_LmShallowCopyDelete_tailRing_2_currRing(poly p, ring tailRing) { return k_LmShallowCopyDelete_tailRing_2_currRing(p, tailRing, currRing->PolyBin); } /*************************************************************** * * Lcm business * ***************************************************************/ // get m1 = LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p1) // m2 = LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p2) KINLINE BOOLEAN k_GetLeadTerms(const poly p1, const poly p2, const ring p_r, poly &m1, poly &m2, const ring m_r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p1, p_r); p_LmCheckPolyRing(p2, p_r); int i; long x; m1 = p_Init(m_r); m2 = p_Init(m_r); for (i = p_r->N; i; i--) { x = p_GetExpDiff(p1, p2, i, p_r); if (x > 0) { if (x > (long) m_r->bitmask) goto false_return; p_SetExp(m2,i,x, m_r); p_SetExp(m1,i,0, m_r); } else { if (-x > (long) m_r->bitmask) goto false_return; p_SetExp(m1,i,-x, m_r); p_SetExp(m2,i,0, m_r); } } p_Setm(m1, m_r); p_Setm(m2, m_r); return TRUE; false_return: p_LmFree(m1, m_r); p_LmFree(m2, m_r); m1 = m2 = NULL; return FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS // get m1 = LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p1) // m2 = LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p2) in tailRing // lcm = LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2) in leadRing KINLINE void k_GetStrongLeadTerms(const poly p1, const poly p2, const ring leadRing, poly &m1, poly &m2, poly &lcm, const ring tailRing) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p1, leadRing); p_LmCheckPolyRing(p2, leadRing); int i; int x; int e1; int e2; int s; m1 = p_Init(tailRing); m2 = p_Init(tailRing); lcm = p_Init(leadRing); for (i = leadRing->N; i>=1; i--) { e1 = p_GetExp(p1,i,leadRing); e2 = p_GetExp(p2,i,leadRing); x = e1 - e2; if (x > 0) { p_SetExp(m2,i,x, tailRing); //p_SetExp(m1,i,0, tailRing); // done by p_Init s = e1; } else { p_SetExp(m1,i,-x, tailRing); //p_SetExp(m2,i,0, tailRing); // done by p_Init s = e2; } p_SetExp(lcm,i,s, leadRing); } if ((s=pGetComp(p1))!=0) { p_SetComp(lcm,s, leadRing); } else if ((s=pGetComp(p2))!=0) { p_SetComp(lcm,s, leadRing); } // else p_SetComp(lcm,0,tailRing); // done by p_Init p_Setm(m1, tailRing); p_Setm(m2, tailRing); p_Setm(lcm, leadRing); } #endif /*************************************************************** * * Misc things * ***************************************************************/ KINLINE int ksReducePolyTail(LObject* PR, TObject* PW, LObject* Red) { BOOLEAN ret; number coef; assume(PR->GetLmCurrRing() != PW->GetLmCurrRing()); Red->HeadNormalize(); ret = ksReducePoly(Red, PW, NULL, &coef); if (!ret) { if (! n_IsOne(coef, currRing)) { PR->Mult_nn(coef); // HANNES: mark for Normalize } n_Delete(&coef, currRing); } return ret; } /*************************************************************** * * Routines for backwards-Compatibility * * ***************************************************************/ KINLINE poly ksOldSpolyRed(poly p1, poly p2, poly spNoether) { LObject L(p2); TObject T(p1); ksReducePoly(&L, &T, spNoether); return L.GetLmCurrRing(); } KINLINE poly ksOldSpolyRedNew(poly p1, poly p2, poly spNoether) { LObject L(p_Copy(p2, currRing)); TObject T(p1); ksReducePoly(&L, &T, spNoether); return L.GetLmCurrRing(); } KINLINE poly ksOldCreateSpoly(poly p1, poly p2, poly spNoether, ring r) { LObject L(r); L.p1 = p1; L.p2 = p2; ksCreateSpoly(&L, spNoether); return L.GetLmCurrRing(); } void ksOldSpolyTail(poly p1, poly q, poly q2, poly spNoether, ring r) { LObject L(q, currRing, r); TObject T(p1, currRing, r); ksReducePolyTail(&L, &T, q2, spNoether); } KINLINE poly redtailBba (poly p,int pos,kStrategy strat,BOOLEAN normalize) { LObject L(p, currRing, strat->tailRing); return redtailBba(&L, pos, strat,FALSE, normalize); } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS KINLINE poly redtailBba_Z (poly p,int pos,kStrategy strat) { LObject L(p, currRing, strat->tailRing); return redtailBba_Z(&L, pos, strat); } #endif KINLINE poly redtailBba(TObject *T, int pos,kStrategy strat) { LObject L; L = *T; poly p = redtailBba(&L, pos, strat, FALSE); *T = L; //kTest_T(T); assume( p == T->p); return p; } KINLINE void clearS (poly p, unsigned long p_sev, int* at, int* k, kStrategy strat) { assume(p_sev == pGetShortExpVector(p)); if (strat->noClearS) return; if (!pLmShortDivisibleBy(p,p_sev, strat->S[*at], ~ strat->sevS[*at])) return; deleteInS((*at),strat); (*at)--; (*k)--; } #endif // defined(KINLINE) || defined(KUTIL_CC) #endif // KINLINE_H