/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id: matpol.cc,v 1.14 2008-06-10 10:17:32 motsak Exp $ */ /* * ABSTRACT: */ #include #include #include "mod2.h" #include #include "structs.h" #include "kstd1.h" #include "polys.h" #include "omalloc.h" #include "febase.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "intvec.h" #include "ring.h" #include "sparsmat.h" #include "matpol.h" #include "prCopy.h" //omBin ip_smatrix_bin = omGetSpecBin(sizeof(ip_smatrix)); #define ip_smatrix_bin sip_sideal_bin /*0 implementation*/ typedef int perm[100]; static void mpReplace(int j, int n, int &sign, int *perm); static int mpNextperm(perm * z, int max); static poly mpLeibnitz(matrix a); static poly minuscopy (poly p); static poly pInsert(poly p1, poly p2); static poly mpExdiv ( poly m, poly d, poly vars); static poly mpSelect (poly fro, poly what); static void mpPartClean(matrix, int, int); static void mpFinalClean(matrix); static int mpPrepareRow (matrix, int, int); static int mpPreparePiv (matrix, int, int); static int mpPivBar(matrix, int, int); static int mpPivRow(matrix, int, int); static float mpPolyWeight(poly); static void mpSwapRow(matrix, int, int, int); static void mpSwapCol(matrix, int, int, int); static void mpElimBar(matrix, matrix, poly, int, int); /*2 * create a r x c zero-matrix */ matrix mpNew(int r, int c) { if (r<=0) r=1; if ( (((int)(INT_MAX/sizeof(poly))) / r) <= c) { Werror("internal error: creating matrix[%d][%d]",r,c); return NULL; } matrix rc = (matrix)omAllocBin(ip_smatrix_bin); rc->nrows = r; rc->ncols = c; rc->rank = r; if (c != 0) { int s=r*c*sizeof(poly); rc->m = (polyset)omAlloc0(s); //if (rc->m==NULL) //{ // Werror("internal error: creating matrix[%d][%d]",r,c); // return NULL; //} } return rc; } /*2 *copies matrix a to b */ matrix mpCopy (matrix a) { idTest((ideal)a); poly t; int i, m=MATROWS(a), n=MATCOLS(a); matrix b = mpNew(m, n); for (i=m*n-1; i>=0; i--) { t = a->m[i]; if (t!=NULL) { pNormalize(t); b->m[i] = pCopy(t); } } b->rank=a->rank; return b; } /*2 *copies matrix a from rSrc into rDst */ matrix mpCopy(const matrix a, const ring rSrc, const ring rDst) { const ring save = currRing; if( save != currRing ) rChangeCurrRing(rSrc); idTest((ideal)a); rChangeCurrRing(rDst); poly t; int i, m=MATROWS(a), n=MATCOLS(a); matrix b = mpNew(m, n); for (i=m*n-1; i>=0; i--) { t = a->m[i]; if (t!=NULL) { b->m[i] = prCopyR_NoSort(t, rSrc, rDst); p_Normalize(b->m[i], rDst); } } b->rank=a->rank; idTest((ideal)b); if( save != currRing ) rChangeCurrRing(save); return b; } /*2 * make it a p * unit matrix */ matrix mpInitP(int r, int c, poly p) { matrix rc = mpNew(r,c); int i=si_min(r,c), n = c*(i-1)+i-1, inc = c+1; pNormalize(p); while (n>0) { rc->m[n] = pCopy(p); n -= inc; } rc->m[0]=p; return rc; } /*2 * make it a v * unit matrix */ matrix mpInitI(int r, int c, int v) { return mpInitP(r,c,pISet(v)); } /*2 * c = f*a */ matrix mpMultI(matrix a, int f) { int k, n = a->nrows, m = a->ncols; poly p = pISet(f); matrix c = mpNew(n,m); for (k=m*n-1; k>0; k--) c->m[k] = ppMult_qq(a->m[k], p); c->m[0] = pMult(pCopy(a->m[0]), p); return c; } /*2 * multiply a matrix 'a' by a poly 'p', destroy the args */ matrix mpMultP(matrix a, poly p) { int k, n = a->nrows, m = a->ncols; pNormalize(p); for (k=m*n-1; k>0; k--) { if (a->m[k]!=NULL) a->m[k] = pMult(a->m[k], pCopy(p)); } a->m[0] = pMult(a->m[0], p); return a; } matrix mpAdd(matrix a, matrix b) { int k, n = a->nrows, m = a->ncols; if ((n != b->nrows) || (m != b->ncols)) { /* * Werror("cannot add %dx%d matrix and %dx%d matrix", * m,n,b->cols(),b->rows()); */ return NULL; } matrix c = mpNew(n,m); for (k=m*n-1; k>=0; k--) c->m[k] = pAdd(pCopy(a->m[k]), pCopy(b->m[k])); return c; } matrix mpSub(matrix a, matrix b) { int k, n = a->nrows, m = a->ncols; if ((n != b->nrows) || (m != b->ncols)) { /* * Werror("cannot sub %dx%d matrix and %dx%d matrix", * m,n,b->cols(),b->rows()); */ return NULL; } matrix c = mpNew(n,m); for (k=m*n-1; k>=0; k--) c->m[k] = pSub(pCopy(a->m[k]), pCopy(b->m[k])); return c; } matrix mpMult(matrix a, matrix b) { int i, j, k; int m = MATROWS(a); int p = MATCOLS(a); int q = MATCOLS(b); if (p!=MATROWS(b)) { /* * Werror("cannot multiply %dx%d matrix and %dx%d matrix", * m,p,b->rows(),q); */ return NULL; } matrix c = mpNew(m,q); for (i=1; i<=m; i++) { for (k=1; k<=p; k++) { poly aik; if ((aik=MATELEM(a,i,k))!=NULL) { for (j=1; j<=q; j++) { poly bkj; if ((bkj=MATELEM(b,k,j))!=NULL) { poly *cij=&(MATELEM(c,i,j)); poly s = ppMult_qq(aik /*MATELEM(a,i,k)*/, bkj/*MATELEM(b,k,j)*/); if (/*MATELEM(c,i,j)*/ (*cij)==NULL) (*cij)=s; else (*cij) = pAdd((*cij) /*MATELEM(c,i,j)*/ ,s); } } } // pNormalize(t); // MATELEM(c,i,j) = t; } } for(i=m*q-1;i>=0;i--) pNormalize(c->m[i]); return c; } matrix mpTransp(matrix a) { int i, j, r = MATROWS(a), c = MATCOLS(a); poly *p; matrix b = mpNew(c,r); p = b->m; for (i=0; im[j*c+i]!=NULL) *p = pCopy(a->m[j*c+i]); p++; } } return b; } /*2 *returns the trace of matrix a */ poly mpTrace ( matrix a) { int i; int n = (MATCOLS(a)=0;i--) { q1 = &(a->m)[i*a->ncols]; for (j=c-1;j>=0;j--) { if (q1[j]!=NULL) q1[j] = kNF(R,currQuotient,q1[j]); } } } for (i=r-1;i>=0;i--) { q1 = &(a->m)[i*a->ncols]; for (j=c-1;j>=0;j--) { if (q1[j]!=NULL) { if (elems>=e) { if(em),e,e); e += e; } else { pEnlargeSet(&(result->m),e,SIZE_OF_SYSTEM_PAGE); e += SIZE_OF_SYSTEM_PAGE; } IDELEMS(result) =e; } result->m[elems] = q1[j]; q1[j] = NULL; elems++; } } } } /*2 * produces recursively the ideal of all arxar-minors of a */ void mpRecMin(int ar,ideal result,int &elems,matrix a,int lr,int lc, poly barDiv, ideal R) { int k; int kr=lr-1,kc=lc-1; matrix nextLevel=mpNew(kr,kc); loop { /*--- look for an optimal row and bring it to last position ------------*/ if(mpPrepareRow(a,lr,lc)==0) break; /*--- now take all pivots from the last row ------------*/ k = lc; loop { if(mpPreparePiv(a,lr,k)==0) break; mpElimBar(a,nextLevel,barDiv,lr,k); k--; if (ar>1) { mpRecMin(ar-1,result,elems,nextLevel,kr,k,a->m[kr*a->ncols+k],R); mpPartClean(nextLevel,kr,k); } else mpMinorToResult(result,elems,nextLevel,kr,k,R); if (ar>k-1) break; } if (ar>=kr) break; /*--- now we have to take out the last row...------------*/ lr = kr; kr--; } mpFinalClean(nextLevel); } /*2 *returns the determinant of the matrix m; *uses Bareiss algorithm */ poly mpDetBareiss (matrix a) { int s; poly div, res; if (MATROWS(a) != MATCOLS(a)) { Werror("det of %d x %d matrix",MATROWS(a),MATCOLS(a)); return NULL; } matrix c = mpCopy(a); mp_permmatrix *Bareiss = new mp_permmatrix(c); row_col_weight w(Bareiss->mpGetRdim(), Bareiss->mpGetCdim()); /* Bareiss */ div = NULL; while(Bareiss->mpPivotBareiss(&w)) { Bareiss->mpElimBareiss(div); div = Bareiss->mpGetElem(Bareiss->mpGetRdim(), Bareiss->mpGetCdim()); } Bareiss->mpRowReorder(); Bareiss->mpColReorder(); Bareiss->mpSaveArray(); s = Bareiss->mpGetSign(); delete Bareiss; /* result */ res = MATELEM(c,1,1); MATELEM(c,1,1) = NULL; idDelete((ideal *)&c); if (s < 0) res = pNeg(res); return res; } /*2 *returns the determinant of the matrix m; *uses Newtons formulea for symmetric functions */ poly mpDet (matrix m) { int i,j,k,n; poly p,q; matrix a, s; matrix ma[100]; number c=NULL, d=NULL, ONE=NULL; n = MATROWS(m); if (n != MATCOLS(m)) { Werror("det of %d x %d matrix",n,MATCOLS(m)); return NULL; } k=rChar(); if ((k > 0) && (k <= n)) return mpLeibnitz(m); ONE = nInit(1); ma[1]=mpCopy(m); k = (n+1) / 2; s = mpNew(1, n); MATELEM(s,1,1) = mpTrace(m); for (i=2; i<=k; i++) { //ma[i] = mpNew(n,n); ma[i]=mpMult(ma[i-1], ma[1]); MATELEM(s,1,i) = mpTrace(ma[i]); pTest(MATELEM(s,1,i)); } for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) { MATELEM(s,1,i) = TraceOfProd(ma[i / 2], ma[(i+1) / 2], n); pTest(MATELEM(s,1,i)); } for (i=1; i<=k; i++) idDelete((ideal *)&(ma[i])); /* the array s contains the traces of the powers of the matrix m, * these are the power sums of the eigenvalues of m */ a = mpNew(1,n); MATELEM(a,1,1) = minuscopy(MATELEM(s,1,1)); for (i=2; i<=n; i++) { p = pCopy(MATELEM(s,1,i)); for (j=i-1; j>=1; j--) { q = ppMult_qq(MATELEM(s,1,j), MATELEM(a,1,i-j)); pTest(q); p = pAdd(p,q); } // c= -1/i d = nInit(-(int)i); c = nDiv(ONE, d); nDelete(&d); pMult_nn(p, c); pTest(p); MATELEM(a,1,i) = p; nDelete(&c); } /* the array a contains the elementary symmetric functions of the * eigenvalues of m */ for (i=1; i<=n-1; i++) { //pDelete(&(MATELEM(a,1,i))); pDelete(&(MATELEM(s,1,i))); } pDelete(&(MATELEM(s,1,n))); /* up to a sign, the determinant is the n-th elementary symmetric function */ if ((n/2)*2 < n) { d = nInit(-1); pMult_nn(MATELEM(a,1,n), d); nDelete(&d); } nDelete(&ONE); idDelete((ideal *)&s); poly result=MATELEM(a,1,n); MATELEM(a,1,n)=NULL; idDelete((ideal *)&a); return result; } /*2 * compute all ar-minors of the matrix a */ matrix mpWedge(matrix a, int ar) { int i,j,k,l; int *rowchoise,*colchoise; BOOLEAN rowch,colch; matrix result; matrix tmp; poly p; i = binom(a->nrows,ar); j = binom(a->ncols,ar); rowchoise=(int *)omAlloc(ar*sizeof(int)); colchoise=(int *)omAlloc(ar*sizeof(int)); result =mpNew(i,j); tmp=mpNew(ar,ar); l = 1; /* k,l:the index in result*/ idInitChoise(ar,1,a->nrows,&rowch,rowchoise); while (!rowch) { k=1; idInitChoise(ar,1,a->ncols,&colch,colchoise); while (!colch) { for (i=1; i<=ar; i++) { for (j=1; j<=ar; j++) { MATELEM(tmp,i,j) = MATELEM(a,rowchoise[i-1],colchoise[j-1]); } } p = mpDetBareiss(tmp); if ((k+l) & 1) p=pNeg(p); MATELEM(result,l,k) = p; k++; idGetNextChoise(ar,a->ncols,&colch,colchoise); } idGetNextChoise(ar,a->nrows,&rowch,rowchoise); l++; } /*delete the matrix tmp*/ for (i=1; i<=ar; i++) { for (j=1; j<=ar; j++) MATELEM(tmp,i,j) = NULL; } idDelete((ideal *) &tmp); return (result); } ///*2 //*homogenize all elements of matrix (not the matrix itself) //*/ //matrix mpHomogen(matrix a, int v) //{ // int i,j; // poly p; // // for (i=1;i<=MATROWS(a);i++) // { // for (j=1;j<=MATCOLS(a);j++) // { // p=pHomogen(MATELEM(a,i,j),v); // pDelete(&(MATELEM(a,i,j))); // MATELEM(a,i,j)=p; // } // } // return a; //} /*2 * corresponds to Maple's coeffs: * var has to be the number of a variable */ matrix mpCoeffs (ideal I, int var) { poly h,f; int l, i, c, m=0; matrix co; /* look for maximal power m of x_var in I */ for (i=IDELEMS(I)-1; i>=0; i--) { f=I->m[i]; while (f!=NULL) { l=pGetExp(f,var); if (l>m) m=l; pIter(f); } } co=mpNew((m+1)*I->rank,IDELEMS(I)); /* divide each monomial by a power of x_var, * remember the power in l and the component in c*/ for (i=IDELEMS(I)-1; i>=0; i--) { f=I->m[i]; while (f!=NULL) { l=pGetExp(f,var); pSetExp(f,var,0); c=si_max((int)pGetComp(f),1); pSetComp(f,0); pSetm(f); /* now add the resulting monomial to co*/ h=pNext(f); pNext(f)=NULL; //MATELEM(co,c*(m+1)-l,i+1) // =pAdd(MATELEM(co,c*(m+1)-l,i+1),f); MATELEM(co,(c-1)*(m+1)+l+1,i+1) =pAdd(MATELEM(co,(c-1)*(m+1)+l+1,i+1),f); /* iterate f*/ f=h; } } return co; } /*2 * given the result c of mpCoeffs(ideal/module i, var) * i of rank r * build the matrix of the corresponding monomials in m */ void mpMonomials(matrix c, int r, int var, matrix m) { /* clear contents of m*/ int k,l; for (k=MATROWS(m);k>0;k--) { for(l=MATCOLS(m);l>0;l--) { pDelete(&MATELEM(m,k,l)); } } omfreeSize((ADDRESS)m->m,MATROWS(m)*MATCOLS(m)*sizeof(poly)); /* allocate monoms in the right size r x MATROWS(c)*/ m->m=(polyset)omAlloc0(r*MATROWS(c)*sizeof(poly)); MATROWS(m)=r; MATCOLS(m)=MATROWS(c); m->rank=r; /* the maximal power p of x_var: MATCOLS(m)=r*(p+1) */ int p=MATCOLS(m)/r-1; /* fill in the powers of x_var=h*/ poly h=pOne(); for(k=r;k>0; k--) { MATELEM(m,k,k*(p+1))=pOne(); } for(l=p;l>0; l--) { pSetExp(h,var,l); pSetm(h); for(k=r;k>0; k--) { MATELEM(m,k,k*(p+1)-l)=pCopy(h); } } pDelete(&h); } matrix mpCoeffProc (poly f, poly vars) { assume(vars!=NULL); poly sel, h; int l, i; int pos_of_1 = -1; matrix co; if (f==NULL) { co = mpNew(2, 1); MATELEM(co,1,1) = pOne(); MATELEM(co,2,1) = NULL; return co; } sel = mpSelect(f, vars); l = pLength(sel); co = mpNew(2, l); if (pOrdSgn==-1) { for (i=l; i>=1; i--) { h = sel; pIter(sel); pNext(h)=NULL; MATELEM(co,1,i) = h; MATELEM(co,2,i) = NULL; if (pIsConstant(h)) pos_of_1 = i; } } else { for (i=1; i<=l; i++) { h = sel; pIter(sel); pNext(h)=NULL; MATELEM(co,1,i) = h; MATELEM(co,2,i) = NULL; if (pIsConstant(h)) pos_of_1 = i; } } while (f!=NULL) { i = 1; loop { if (i!=pos_of_1) { h = mpExdiv(f, MATELEM(co,1,i),vars); if (h!=NULL) { MATELEM(co,2,i) = pAdd(MATELEM(co,2,i), h); break; } } if (i == l) { // check monom 1 last: if (pos_of_1 != -1) { h = mpExdiv(f, MATELEM(co,1,pos_of_1),vars); if (h!=NULL) { MATELEM(co,2,pos_of_1) = pAdd(MATELEM(co,2,pos_of_1), h); } } break; } i ++; } pIter(f); } return co; } /*2 *exact divisor: let d == x^i*y^j, m is thought to have only one term; * return m/d iff d divides m, and no x^k*y^l (k>i or l>j) divides m * consider all variables in vars */ static poly mpExdiv ( poly m, poly d, poly vars) { int i; poly h = pHead(m); for (i=1; i<=pVariables; i++) { if (pGetExp(vars,i) > 0) { if (pGetExp(d,i) != pGetExp(h,i)) { pDelete(&h); return NULL; } pSetExp(h,i,0); } } pSetm(h); return h; } void mpCoef2(poly v, poly mon, matrix *c, matrix *m) { polyset s; poly p; int sl,i,j; int l=0; poly sel=mpSelect(v,mon); pVec2Polys(sel,&s,&sl); for (i=0; inext; } } while (v!=NULL) { i = 1; j = pGetComp(v); loop { poly mp=MATELEM(*m,j,i); if (mp!=NULL) { h = mpExdiv(v, mp /*MATELEM(*m,j,i)*/, mp); if (h!=NULL) { pSetComp(h,0); MATELEM(*c,j,i) = pAdd(MATELEM(*c,j,i), h); break; } } if (i < l) i++; else break; } v = v->next; } } BOOLEAN mpEqual(matrix a, matrix b) { if ((MATCOLS(a)!=MATCOLS(b)) || (MATROWS(a)!=MATROWS(b))) return FALSE; int i=MATCOLS(a)*MATROWS(b)-1; while (i>=0) { if (a->m[i]==NULL) { if (b->m[i]!=NULL) return FALSE; } else if (b->m[i]==NULL) return FALSE; else if (pCmp(a->m[i],b->m[i])!=0) return FALSE; i--; } i=MATCOLS(a)*MATROWS(b)-1; while (i>=0) { #if 0 poly tt=pSub(pCopy(a->m[i]),pCopy(b->m[i])); if (tt!=NULL) { pDelete(&tt); return FALSE; } #else if(!pEqualPolys(a->m[i],b->m[i])) return FALSE; #endif i--; } return TRUE; } /* --------------- internal stuff ------------------- */ row_col_weight::row_col_weight(int i, int j) { ym = i; yn = j; wrow = (float *)omAlloc(i*sizeof(float)); wcol = (float *)omAlloc(j*sizeof(float)); } row_col_weight::~row_col_weight() { if (ym!=0) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)wcol, yn*sizeof(float)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)wrow, ym*sizeof(float)); } } mp_permmatrix::mp_permmatrix(matrix A) : sign(1) { a_m = A->nrows; a_n = A->ncols; this->mpInitMat(); Xarray = A->m; } mp_permmatrix::mp_permmatrix(mp_permmatrix *M) { poly p, *athis, *aM; int i, j; a_m = M->s_m; a_n = M->s_n; sign = M->sign; this->mpInitMat(); Xarray = (poly *)omAlloc0(a_m*a_n*sizeof(poly)); for (i=a_m-1; i>=0; i--) { athis = this->mpRowAdr(i); aM = M->mpRowAdr(i); for (j=a_n-1; j>=0; j--) { p = aM[M->qcol[j]]; if (p) { athis[j] = pCopy(p); } } } } mp_permmatrix::~mp_permmatrix() { int k; if (a_m != 0) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)qrow,a_m*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)qcol,a_n*sizeof(int)); if (Xarray != NULL) { for (k=a_m*a_n-1; k>=0; k--) pDelete(&Xarray[k]); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)Xarray,a_m*a_n*sizeof(poly)); } } } int mp_permmatrix::mpGetRdim() { return s_m; } int mp_permmatrix::mpGetCdim() { return s_n; } int mp_permmatrix::mpGetSign() { return sign; } void mp_permmatrix::mpSetSearch(int s) { piv_s = s; } void mp_permmatrix::mpSaveArray() { Xarray = NULL; } poly mp_permmatrix::mpGetElem(int r, int c) { return Xarray[a_n*qrow[r]+qcol[c]]; } void mp_permmatrix::mpSetElem(poly p, int r, int c) { Xarray[a_n*qrow[r]+qcol[c]] = p; } void mp_permmatrix::mpDelElem(int r, int c) { pDelete(&Xarray[a_n*qrow[r]+qcol[c]]); } /* * the Bareiss-type elimination with division by div (div != NULL) */ void mp_permmatrix::mpElimBareiss(poly div) { poly piv, elim, q1, q2, *ap, *a; int i, j, jj; ap = this->mpRowAdr(s_m); piv = ap[qcol[s_n]]; for(i=s_m-1; i>=0; i--) { a = this->mpRowAdr(i); elim = a[qcol[s_n]]; if (elim != NULL) { elim = pNeg(elim); for (j=s_n-1; j>=0; j--) { q2 = NULL; jj = qcol[j]; if (ap[jj] != NULL) { q2 = SM_MULT(ap[jj], elim, div); if (a[jj] != NULL) { q1 = SM_MULT(a[jj], piv, div); pDelete(&a[jj]); q2 = pAdd(q2, q1); } } else if (a[jj] != NULL) { q2 = SM_MULT(a[jj], piv, div); } if ((q2!=NULL) && div) SM_DIV(q2, div); a[jj] = q2; } pDelete(&a[qcol[s_n]]); } else { for (j=s_n-1; j>=0; j--) { jj = qcol[j]; if (a[jj] != NULL) { q2 = SM_MULT(a[jj], piv, div); pDelete(&a[jj]); if (div) SM_DIV(q2, div); a[jj] = q2; } } } } } /*2 * pivot strategy for Bareiss algorithm */ int mp_permmatrix::mpPivotBareiss(row_col_weight *C) { poly p, *a; int i, j, iopt, jopt; float sum, f1, f2, fo, r, ro, lp; float *dr = C->wrow, *dc = C->wcol; fo = 1.0e20; ro = 0.0; iopt = jopt = -1; s_n--; s_m--; if (s_m == 0) return 0; if (s_n == 0) { for(i=s_m; i>=0; i--) { p = this->mpRowAdr(i)[qcol[0]]; if (p) { f1 = mpPolyWeight(p); if (f1 < fo) { fo = f1; if (iopt >= 0) pDelete(&(this->mpRowAdr(iopt)[qcol[0]])); iopt = i; } else pDelete(&(this->mpRowAdr(i)[qcol[0]])); } } if (iopt >= 0) mpReplace(iopt, s_m, sign, qrow); return 0; } this->mpRowWeight(dr); this->mpColWeight(dc); sum = 0.0; for(i=s_m; i>=0; i--) sum += dr[i]; for(i=s_m; i>=0; i--) { r = dr[i]; a = this->mpRowAdr(i); for(j=s_n; j>=0; j--) { p = a[qcol[j]]; if (p) { lp = mpPolyWeight(p); ro = r - lp; f1 = ro * (dc[j]-lp); if (f1 != 0.0) { f2 = lp * (sum - ro - dc[j]); f2 += f1; } else f2 = lp-r-dc[j]; if (f2 < fo) { fo = f2; iopt = i; jopt = j; } } } } if (iopt < 0) return 0; mpReplace(iopt, s_m, sign, qrow); mpReplace(jopt, s_n, sign, qcol); return 1; } /*2 * pivot strategy for Bareiss algorithm with defined row */ int mp_permmatrix::mpPivotRow(row_col_weight *C, int row) { poly p, *a; int j, iopt, jopt; float sum, f1, f2, fo, r, ro, lp; float *dr = C->wrow, *dc = C->wcol; fo = 1.0e20; ro = 0.0; iopt = jopt = -1; s_n--; s_m--; if (s_m == 0) return 0; if (s_n == 0) { p = this->mpRowAdr(row)[qcol[0]]; if (p) { f1 = mpPolyWeight(p); if (f1 < fo) { fo = f1; if (iopt >= 0) pDelete(&(this->mpRowAdr(iopt)[qcol[0]])); iopt = row; } else pDelete(&(this->mpRowAdr(row)[qcol[0]])); } if (iopt >= 0) mpReplace(iopt, s_m, sign, qrow); return 0; } this->mpRowWeight(dr); this->mpColWeight(dc); sum = 0.0; for(j=s_m; j>=0; j--) sum += dr[j]; r = dr[row]; a = this->mpRowAdr(row); for(j=s_n; j>=0; j--) { p = a[qcol[j]]; if (p) { lp = mpPolyWeight(p); ro = r - lp; f1 = ro * (dc[j]-lp); if (f1 != 0.0) { f2 = lp * (sum - ro - dc[j]); f2 += f1; } else f2 = lp-r-dc[j]; if (f2 < fo) { fo = f2; iopt = row; jopt = j; } } } if (iopt < 0) return 0; mpReplace(iopt, s_m, sign, qrow); mpReplace(jopt, s_n, sign, qcol); return 1; } void mp_permmatrix::mpToIntvec(intvec *v) { int i; for (i=v->rows()-1; i>=0; i--) (*v)[i] = qcol[i]+1; } void mp_permmatrix::mpRowReorder() { int k, i, i1, i2; if (a_m > a_n) k = a_m - a_n; else k = 0; for (i=a_m-1; i>=k; i--) { i1 = qrow[i]; if (i1 != i) { this->mpRowSwap(i1, i); i2 = 0; while (qrow[i2] != i) i2++; qrow[i2] = i1; } } } void mp_permmatrix::mpColReorder() { int k, j, j1, j2; if (a_n > a_m) k = a_n - a_m; else k = 0; for (j=a_n-1; j>=k; j--) { j1 = qcol[j]; if (j1 != j) { this->mpColSwap(j1, j); j2 = 0; while (qcol[j2] != j) j2++; qcol[j2] = j1; } } } // private void mp_permmatrix::mpInitMat() { int k; s_m = a_m; s_n = a_n; piv_s = 0; qrow = (int *)omAlloc(a_m*sizeof(int)); qcol = (int *)omAlloc(a_n*sizeof(int)); for (k=a_m-1; k>=0; k--) qrow[k] = k; for (k=a_n-1; k>=0; k--) qcol[k] = k; } poly * mp_permmatrix::mpRowAdr(int r) { return &(Xarray[a_n*qrow[r]]); } poly * mp_permmatrix::mpColAdr(int c) { return &(Xarray[qcol[c]]); } void mp_permmatrix::mpRowWeight(float *wrow) { poly p, *a; int i, j; float count; for (i=s_m; i>=0; i--) { a = this->mpRowAdr(i); count = 0.0; for(j=s_n; j>=0; j--) { p = a[qcol[j]]; if (p) count += mpPolyWeight(p); } wrow[i] = count; } } void mp_permmatrix::mpColWeight(float *wcol) { poly p, *a; int i, j; float count; for (j=s_n; j>=0; j--) { a = this->mpColAdr(j); count = 0.0; for(i=s_m; i>=0; i--) { p = a[a_n*qrow[i]]; if (p) count += mpPolyWeight(p); } wcol[j] = count; } } void mp_permmatrix::mpRowSwap(int i1, int i2) { poly p, *a1, *a2; int j; a1 = &(Xarray[a_n*i1]); a2 = &(Xarray[a_n*i2]); for (j=a_n-1; j>= 0; j--) { p = a1[j]; a1[j] = a2[j]; a2[j] = p; } } void mp_permmatrix::mpColSwap(int j1, int j2) { poly p, *a1, *a2; int i, k = a_n*a_m; a1 = &(Xarray[j1]); a2 = &(Xarray[j2]); for (i=0; i< k; i+=a_n) { p = a1[i]; a1[i] = a2[i]; a2[i] = p; } } int mp_permmatrix::mpGetRow() { return qrow[s_m]; } int mp_permmatrix::mpGetCol() { return qcol[s_n]; } /* * perform replacement for pivot strategy in Bareiss algorithm * change sign of determinant */ static void mpReplace(int j, int n, int &sign, int *perm) { int k; if (j != n) { k = perm[n]; perm[n] = perm[j]; perm[j] = k; sign = -sign; } } static int mpNextperm(perm * z, int max) { int s, i, k, t; s = max; do { s--; } while ((s > 0) && ((*z)[s] >= (*z)[s+1])); if (s==0) return 0; do { (*z)[s]++; k = 0; do { k++; } while (((*z)[k] != (*z)[s]) && (k!=s)); } while (k < s); for (i=s+1; i <= max; i++) { (*z)[i]=0; do { (*z)[i]++; k=0; do { k++; } while (((*z)[k] != (*z)[i]) && (k != i)); } while (k < i); } s = max+1; do { s--; } while ((s > 0) && ((*z)[s] > (*z)[s+1])); t = 1; for (i=1; i 0) d = pAdd(d, p); else d = pSub(d, p); } } return d; } static poly minuscopy (poly p) { poly w; number e; e = nInit(-1); w = pCopy(p); pMult_nn(w, e); nDelete(&e); return w; } /*2 * insert a monomial into a list, avoid duplicates * arguments are destroyed */ static poly pInsert(poly p1, poly p2) { poly a1, p, a2, a; int c; if (p1==NULL) return p2; if (p2==NULL) return p1; a1 = p1; a2 = p2; a = p = pOne(); loop { c = pCmp(a1, a2); if (c == 1) { a = pNext(a) = a1; pIter(a1); if (a1==NULL) { pNext(a) = a2; break; } } else if (c == -1) { a = pNext(a) = a2; pIter(a2); if (a2==NULL) { pNext(a) = a1; break; } } else { pDeleteLm(&a2); a = pNext(a) = a1; pIter(a1); if (a1==NULL) { pNext(a) = a2; break; } else if (a2==NULL) { pNext(a) = a1; break; } } } pDeleteLm(&p); return p; } /*2 *if what == xy the result is the list of all different power products * x^i*y^j (i, j >= 0) that appear in fro */ static poly mpSelect (poly fro, poly what) { int i; poly h, res; res = NULL; while (fro!=NULL) { h = pOne(); for (i=1; i<=pVariables; i++) pSetExp(h,i, pGetExp(fro,i) * pGetExp(what, i)); pSetComp(h, pGetComp(fro)); pSetm(h); res = pInsert(h, res); fro = fro->next; } return res; } /* *static void ppp(matrix a) *{ * int j,i,r=a->nrows,c=a->ncols; * for(j=1;j<=r;j++) * { * for(i=1;i<=c;i++) * { * if(MATELEM(a,j,i)!=NULL) Print("X"); * else Print("0"); * } * Print("\n"); * } *} */ static void mpPartClean(matrix a, int lr, int lc) { poly *q1; int i,j; for (i=lr-1;i>=0;i--) { q1 = &(a->m)[i*a->ncols]; for (j=lc-1;j>=0;j--) if(q1[j]) pDelete(&q1[j]); } } static void mpFinalClean(matrix a) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)a->m,a->nrows*a->ncols*sizeof(poly)); omFreeBin((ADDRESS)a, ip_smatrix_bin); } /*2 * prepare one step of 'Bareiss' algorithm * for application in minor */ static int mpPrepareRow (matrix a, int lr, int lc) { int r; r = mpPivBar(a,lr,lc); if(r==0) return 0; if(r=0;i--) { q1 = &(a->m)[i*a->ncols]; f2 = 0.0; for (j=lc-1;j>=0;j--) { if (q1[j]!=NULL) f2 += mpPolyWeight(q1[j]); } if ((f2!=0.0) && (f2m)[(lr-1)*a->ncols]; for (j=lc-1;j>=0;j--) { if (q1[j]!=NULL) { f2 = mpPolyWeight(q1[j]); if (f20;i--) { if(pGetExp(p,i)!=0) { res += 2.0; break; } } } else { res = 0.0; do { res += (float)nSize(pGetCoeff(p))+2.0; pIter(p); } while (p); } return res; } static void mpSwapRow(matrix a, int pos, int lr, int lc) { poly sw; int j; polyset a2 = a->m, a1 = &a2[a->ncols*(pos-1)]; a2 = &a2[a->ncols*(lr-1)]; for (j=lc-1; j>=0; j--) { sw = a1[j]; a1[j] = a2[j]; a2[j] = sw; } } static void mpSwapCol(matrix a, int pos, int lr, int lc) { poly sw; int j; polyset a2 = a->m, a1 = &a2[pos-1]; a2 = &a2[lc-1]; for (j=a->ncols*(lr-1); j>=0; j-=a->ncols) { sw = a1[j]; a1[j] = a2[j]; a2[j] = sw; } } static void mpElimBar(matrix a0, matrix re, poly div, int lr, int lc) { int r=lr-1, c=lc-1; poly *b = a0->m, *x = re->m; poly piv, elim, q1, q2, *ap, *a, *q; int i, j; ap = &b[r*a0->ncols]; piv = ap[c]; for(j=c-1; j>=0; j--) if (ap[j] != NULL) ap[j] = pNeg(ap[j]); for(i=r-1; i>=0; i--) { a = &b[i*a0->ncols]; q = &x[i*re->ncols]; if (a[c] != NULL) { elim = a[c]; for (j=c-1; j>=0; j--) { q1 = NULL; if (a[j] != NULL) { q1 = SM_MULT(a[j], piv, div); if (ap[j] != NULL) { q2 = SM_MULT(ap[j], elim, div); q1 = pAdd(q1,q2); } } else if (ap[j] != NULL) q1 = SM_MULT(ap[j], elim, div); if (q1 != NULL) { if (div) SM_DIV(q1, div); q[j] = q1; } } } else { for (j=c-1; j>=0; j--) { if (a[j] != NULL) { q1 = SM_MULT(a[j], piv, div); if (div) SM_DIV(q1, div); q[j] = q1; } } } } } BOOLEAN mpIsDiagUnit(matrix U) { if(MATROWS(U)!=MATCOLS(U)) return FALSE; for(int i=MATCOLS(U);i>=1;i--) { for(int j=MATCOLS(U); j>=1; j--) { if (i==j) { if (!pIsUnit(MATELEM(U,i,i))) return FALSE; } else if (MATELEM(U,i,j)!=NULL) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void iiWriteMatrix(matrix im, const char *n, int dim,int spaces) { int i,ii = MATROWS(im)-1; int j,jj = MATCOLS(im)-1; poly *pp = im->m; for (i=0; i<=ii; i++) { for (j=0; j<=jj; j++) { if (spaces>0) Print("%-*.*s",spaces,spaces," "); if (dim == 2) Print("%s[%u,%u]=",n,i+1,j+1); else if (dim == 1) Print("%s[%u]=",n,j+1); else if (dim == 0) Print("%s=",n); if ((im; char *s=StringSetS(""); for (i=0; i 1) s = StringAppendS("\n"); } } s[strlen(s)- (dim > 1 ? 2 : 1)]='\0'; return s; } void mpDelete(matrix* a, const ring r) { id_Delete((ideal *) a, r); }