/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /*************************************************************** * File: p_Merge_q__Template.cc * Purpose: template for p_Add_q * Author: obachman (Olaf Bachmann) * Created: 8/00 * Version: $Id: p_Merge_q__T.cc,v 2003-10-06 12:15:59 Singular Exp $ *******************************************************************/ /*************************************************************** * * Returns: p merged with q * Destroys: p, q * ***************************************************************/ LINKAGE poly p_Merge_q(poly p, poly q, const ring r) { assume(p != NULL && q != NULL); p_Test(p, r); p_Test(q, r); #if PDEBUG > 0 int l = pLength(p) + pLength(q); #endif spolyrec rp; poly a = &rp; DECLARE_LENGTH(const unsigned long length = r->CmpL_Size); DECLARE_ORDSGN(const long* ordsgn = r->ordsgn); Top: // compare p and q w.r.t. monomial ordering p_MemCmp(p->exp, q->exp, length, ordsgn, goto Equal, goto Greater , goto Smaller); Equal: // should never get here dReportError("Equal monomials in p_Merge_q"); return NULL; Greater: a = pNext(a) = p; pIter(p); if (p==NULL) { pNext(a) = q; goto Finish;} goto Top; Smaller: a = pNext(a) = q; pIter(q); if (q==NULL) { pNext(a) = p; goto Finish;} goto Top; Finish: p_Test(pNext(&rp), r); #if PDEBUG > 0 pAssume1(l - pLength(pNext(&rp)) == 0); #endif return pNext(&rp); }