/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* * ABSTRACT - the interpreter related ring operations */ /* includes */ #include #include "mod2.h" #ifndef NDEBUG # define MYTEST 0 #else /* ifndef NDEBUG */ # define MYTEST 0 #endif /* ifndef NDEBUG */ #include "options.h" #include "omalloc.h" #include "polys.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "febase.h" #include "intvec.h" #include "longalg.h" #include "ffields.h" #include "ideals.h" #include "ring.h" #include "prCopy.h" #include "../Singular/ipshell.h" #include "p_Procs.h" #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL #include "gring.h" #include "sca.h" #endif #include "maps.h" #include "matpol.h" #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY #include "factory.h" #endif #define BITS_PER_LONG 8*SIZEOF_LONG omBin sip_sring_bin = omGetSpecBin(sizeof(sip_sring)); static const char * const ringorder_name[] = { " ?", ///< ringorder_no = 0, "a", ///< ringorder_a, "A", ///< ringorder_a64, "c", ///< ringorder_c, "C", ///< ringorder_C, "M", ///< ringorder_M, "S", ///< ringorder_S, "s", ///< ringorder_s, "lp", ///< ringorder_lp, "dp", ///< ringorder_dp, "rp", ///< ringorder_rp, "Dp", ///< ringorder_Dp, "wp", ///< ringorder_wp, "Wp", ///< ringorder_Wp, "ls", ///< ringorder_ls, "ds", ///< ringorder_ds, "Ds", ///< ringorder_Ds, "ws", ///< ringorder_ws, "Ws", ///< ringorder_Ws, "L", ///< ringorder_L, "aa", ///< ringorder_aa "rs", ///< ringorder_rs, "IS", ///< ringorder_IS " _" ///< ringorder_unspec }; const char * rSimpleOrdStr(int ord) { return ringorder_name[ord]; } /// unconditionally deletes fields in r void rDelete(ring r); /// set r->VarL_Size, r->VarL_Offset, r->VarL_LowIndex static void rSetVarL(ring r); /// get r->divmask depending on bits per exponent static unsigned long rGetDivMask(int bits); /// right-adjust r->VarOffset static void rRightAdjustVarOffset(ring r); static void rOptimizeLDeg(ring r); /*0 implementation*/ //BOOLEAN rField_is_R(ring r=currRing) //{ // if (r->ch== -1) // { // if (r->float_len==(short)0) return TRUE; // } // return FALSE; //} /// internally changes the gloabl ring and resets the relevant /// global variables: void rChangeCurrRing(ring r) { // if ((currRing!=NULL) && (currRing->minpoly!=NULL)) // { // omCheckAddr(currRing->minpoly); // } /*------------ set global ring vars --------------------------------*/ currRing = r; currQuotient=NULL; if (r != NULL) { rTest(r); /*------------ set global ring vars --------------------------------*/ currQuotient=r->qideal; /*------------ global variables related to coefficients ------------*/ nSetChar(r); /*------------ global variables related to polys -------------------*/ pSetGlobals(r); /*------------ global variables related to factory -------------------*/ #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY //int c=ABS(nGetChar()); //if (c==1) c=0; //setCharacteristic( c ); #endif } } void rNameCheck(ring R) { int i,j; for(i=0;iN-1;i++) { for(j=i+1;jN;j++) { if (strcmp(R->names[i],R->names[j])==0) { Warn("name conflict var(%d) and var(%d): `%s`, rename to `@(%d)`",i+1,j+1,R->names[i],j+1); omFree(R->names[j]); R->names[j]=(char *)omAlloc(10); sprintf(R->names[j],"@(%d)",j+1); } } } for(i=0;iP; i++) { for(j=0;jN;j++) { if (strcmp(R->parameter[i],R->names[j])==0) { Warn("name conflict par(%d) and var(%d): `%s`, rename to `@@(%d)`",i+1,j+1,R->names[j],i+1); omFree(R->parameter[i]); R->parameter[i]=(char *)omAlloc(10); sprintf(R->parameter[i],"@@(%d)",i+1); } } } } ring rDefault(int ch, int N, char **n) { ring r=(ring) omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin); r->ch = ch; r->N = N; /*r->P = 0; Alloc0 */ /*names*/ r->names = (char **) omAlloc0(N * sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for(i=0;inames[i] = omStrDup(n[i]); } /*weights: entries for 2 blocks: NULL*/ r->wvhdl = (int **)omAlloc0(2 * sizeof(int_ptr)); /*order: lp,0*/ r->order = (int *) omAlloc(2* sizeof(int *)); r->block0 = (int *)omAlloc0(2 * sizeof(int *)); r->block1 = (int *)omAlloc0(2 * sizeof(int *)); /* ringorder dp for the first block: var 1..N */ r->order[0] = ringorder_lp; r->block0[0] = 1; r->block1[0] = N; /* the last block: everything is 0 */ r->order[1] = 0; /*polynomial ring*/ r->OrdSgn = 1; /* complete ring intializations */ rComplete(r); return r; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // rInit: define a new ring from sleftv's // //-> ipshell.cc ///////////////////////////// // Auxillary functions // // check intvec, describing the ordering BOOLEAN rCheckIV(intvec *iv) { if ((iv->length()!=2)&&(iv->length()!=3)) { WerrorS("weights only for orderings wp,ws,Wp,Ws,a,M"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int rTypeOfMatrixOrder(intvec * order) { int i=0,j,typ=1; int sz = (int)sqrt((double)(order->length()-2)); if ((sz*sz)!=(order->length()-2)) { WerrorS("Matrix order is not a square matrix"); typ=0; } while ((i=sz) { typ = 0; WerrorS("Matrix order not complete"); } else if ((*order)[j*sz+i+2]<0) typ = -1; else i++; } return typ; } // set R->order, R->block, R->wvhdl, r->OrdSgn from sleftv BOOLEAN rSleftvOrdering2Ordering(sleftv *ord, ring R); // get array of strings from list of sleftv's BOOLEAN rSleftvList2StringArray(sleftv* sl, char** p); /*2 * set a new ring from the data: s: name, chr: ch, varnames: rv, ordering: ord, typ: typ */ int r_IsRingVar(const char *n, ring r) { if ((r!=NULL) && (r->names!=NULL)) { for (int i=0; iN; i++) { if (r->names[i]==NULL) return -1; if (strcmp(n,r->names[i]) == 0) return (int)i; } } return -1; } void rWrite(ring r) { if ((r==NULL)||(r->order==NULL)) return; /*to avoid printing after errors....*/ int nblocks=rBlocks(r); // omCheckAddrSize(r,sizeof(ip_sring)); omCheckAddrSize(r->order,nblocks*sizeof(int)); omCheckAddrSize(r->block0,nblocks*sizeof(int)); omCheckAddrSize(r->block1,nblocks*sizeof(int)); omCheckAddrSize(r->wvhdl,nblocks*sizeof(int_ptr)); omCheckAddrSize(r->names,r->N*sizeof(char_ptr)); nblocks--; if (rField_is_GF(r)) { Print("// # ground field : %d\n",rInternalChar(r)); Print("// primitive element : %s\n", r->parameter[0]); if (r==currRing) { StringSetS("// minpoly : "); nfShowMipo();PrintS(StringAppendS("\n")); } } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS else if (rField_is_Ring(r)) { PrintS("// coeff. ring is : "); if (rField_is_Ring_Z(r)) PrintS("Integers\n"); long l = (long)mpz_sizeinbase(r->ringflaga, 10) + 2; char* s = (char*) omAlloc(l); mpz_get_str(s,10,r->ringflaga); if (rField_is_Ring_ModN(r)) Print("Z/%s\n", s); if (rField_is_Ring_2toM(r)) Print("Z/2^%lu\n", r->ringflagb); if (rField_is_Ring_PtoM(r)) Print("Z/%s^%lu\n", s, r->ringflagb); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)s, l); } #endif else { PrintS("// characteristic : "); if ( rField_is_R(r) ) PrintS("0 (real)\n"); /* R */ else if ( rField_is_long_R(r) ) Print("0 (real:%d digits, additional %d digits)\n", r->float_len,r->float_len2); /* long R */ else if ( rField_is_long_C(r) ) Print("0 (complex:%d digits, additional %d digits)\n", r->float_len, r->float_len2); /* long C */ else Print ("%d\n",rChar(r)); /* Fp(a) */ if (r->parameter!=NULL) { Print ("// %d parameter : ",rPar(r)); char **sp=r->parameter; int nop=0; while (nopparameter[0]); } else if (r->minpoly==NULL) { PrintS("0\n"); } else if (r==currRing) { StringSetS(""); nWrite(r->minpoly); PrintS(StringAppendS("\n")); } else { PrintS("...\n"); } if (r->minideal!=NULL) { if (r==currRing) iiWriteMatrix((matrix)r->minideal,"// minpolys",1,0); else PrintS("// minpolys=..."); PrintLn(); } } } Print("// number of vars : %d",r->N); //for (nblocks=0; r->order[nblocks]; nblocks++); nblocks=rBlocks(r)-1; for (int l=0, nlen=0 ; lorder[l])); if (r->order[l] == ringorder_s) { assume( l == 0 ); #ifndef NDEBUG Print(" syzcomp at %d",r->typ[l].data.syz.limit); #endif continue; } else if (r->order[l] == ringorder_IS) { #ifndef NDEBUG if(r->block0[l] == 0 ) PrintS("::prefix"); else Print("::suffix (sign: %d)", r->block0[l]); #endif continue; } else if ( ( (r->order[l] >= ringorder_lp) ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_M) ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_a) ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_a64) ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_aa) ) && (r->order[l] < ringorder_IS) ) { PrintS("\n// : names "); for (i = r->block0[l]-1; iblock1[l]; i++) { nlen = strlen(r->names[i]); Print(" %s",r->names[i]); } } if (r->wvhdl[l]!=NULL) { for (int j= 0; j<(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)*(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1); j+=i) { PrintS("\n// : weights "); for (i = 0; i<=r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]; i++) { if (r->order[l] == ringorder_a64) { int64 *w=(int64 *)r->wvhdl[l]; #if SIZEOF_LONG == 4 Print("%*lld " ,nlen,w[i+j],i+j); #else Print(" %*ld" ,nlen,w[i+j],i+j); #endif } else Print(" %*d" ,nlen,r->wvhdl[l][i+j],i+j); } if (r->order[l]!=ringorder_M) break; } } } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if(rIsPluralRing(r)) { PrintS("\n// noncommutative relations:"); if (r==currRing) { poly pl=NULL; int nl; int i,j; for (i = 1; iN; i++) { for (j = i+1; j<=r->N; j++) { nl = nIsOne(p_GetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->C,i,j),r->GetNC()->basering)); if ( (MATELEM(r->GetNC()->D,i,j)!=NULL) || (!nl) ) { Print("\n// %s%s=",r->names[j-1],r->names[i-1]); pl = MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)],1,1); p_Write0(pl, r, r); } } } } else PrintS(" ..."); #ifdef PDEBUG Print("\n// noncommutative type:%d", (int)ncRingType(r)); Print("\n// is skew constant:%d",r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant); if( rIsSCA(r) ) { Print("\n// alternating variables: [%d, %d]", scaFirstAltVar(r), scaLastAltVar(r)); const ideal Q = SCAQuotient(r); // resides within r! PrintS("\n// quotient of sca by ideal"); if (Q!=NULL) { if (r==currRing) { PrintLn(); iiWriteMatrix((matrix)Q,"scaQ",1); } else PrintS(" ..."); } else PrintS(" (NULL)"); } #endif } #endif if (r->qideal!=NULL) { PrintS("\n// quotient ring from ideal"); if (r==currRing) { PrintLn(); iiWriteMatrix((matrix)r->qideal,"_",1); } else PrintS(" ..."); } } void rDelete(ring r) { int i, j; if (r == NULL) return; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) nc_rKill(r); #endif nKillChar(r); rUnComplete(r); // delete order stuff if (r->order != NULL) { i=rBlocks(r); assume(r->block0 != NULL && r->block1 != NULL && r->wvhdl != NULL); // delete order omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->order,i*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->block0,i*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->block1,i*sizeof(int)); // delete weights for (j=0; jwvhdl[j]!=NULL) omFree(r->wvhdl[j]); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->wvhdl,i*sizeof(int *)); } else { assume(r->block0 == NULL && r->block1 == NULL && r->wvhdl == NULL); } // delete varnames if(r->names!=NULL) { for (i=0; iN; i++) { if (r->names[i] != NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)r->names[i]); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->names,r->N*sizeof(char_ptr)); } // delete parameter if (r->parameter!=NULL) { char **s=r->parameter; j = 0; while (j < rPar(r)) { if (*s != NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)*s); s++; j++; } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->parameter,rPar(r)*sizeof(char_ptr)); } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (r->ringflaga != NULL) { mpz_clear(r->ringflaga); omFree((ADDRESS)r->ringflaga); } if (r->nrnModul != NULL) { mpz_clear(r->nrnModul); omFree((ADDRESS)r->nrnModul); } #endif omFreeBin(r, sip_sring_bin); } int rOrderName(char * ordername) { int order=ringorder_unspec; while (order!= 0) { if (strcmp(ordername,rSimpleOrdStr(order))==0) break; order--; } if (order==0) Werror("wrong ring order `%s`",ordername); omFree((ADDRESS)ordername); return order; } char * rOrdStr(ring r) { if ((r==NULL)||(r->order==NULL)) return omStrDup(""); int nblocks,l,i; for (nblocks=0; r->order[nblocks]; nblocks++); nblocks--; StringSetS(""); for (l=0; ; l++) { StringAppendS((char *)rSimpleOrdStr(r->order[l])); if ((r->order[l] != ringorder_c) && (r->order[l] != ringorder_C)) { if (r->wvhdl[l]!=NULL) { StringAppendS("("); for (int j= 0; j<(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)*(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1); j+=i+1) { char c=','; if(r->order[l]==ringorder_a64) { int64 * w=(int64 *)r->wvhdl[l]; for (i = 0; iblock1[l]-r->block0[l]; i++) { StringAppend("%lld," ,w[i]); } StringAppend("%lld)" ,w[i]); break; } else { for (i = 0; iblock1[l]-r->block0[l]; i++) { StringAppend("%d," ,r->wvhdl[l][i+j]); } } if (r->order[l]!=ringorder_M) { StringAppend("%d)" ,r->wvhdl[l][i+j]); break; } if (j+i+1==(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)*(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)) c=')'; StringAppend("%d%c" ,r->wvhdl[l][i+j],c); } } else StringAppend("(%d)",r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1); } if (l==nblocks) return omStrDup(StringAppendS("")); StringAppendS(","); } } char * rVarStr(ring r) { if ((r==NULL)||(r->names==NULL)) return omStrDup(""); int i; int l=2; char *s; for (i=0; iN; i++) { l+=strlen(r->names[i])+1; } s=(char *)omAlloc((long)l); s[0]='\0'; for (i=0; iN-1; i++) { strcat(s,r->names[i]); strcat(s,","); } strcat(s,r->names[i]); return s; } char * rCharStr(ring r) { char *s; int i; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Ring_Z(r)) { s=omStrDup("integer"); /* Z */ return s; } if(rField_is_Ring_2toM(r)) { char* s = (char*) omAlloc(7+10+2); sprintf(s,"integer,%lu",r->ringflagb); return s; } if(rField_is_Ring_ModN(r)) { long l = (long)mpz_sizeinbase(r->ringflaga, 10) + 2+7; char* s = (char*) omAlloc(l); gmp_sprintf(s,"integer,%Zd",r->ringflaga); return s; } if(rField_is_Ring_PtoM(r)) { long l = (long)mpz_sizeinbase(r->ringflaga, 10) + 2+7+10; char* s = (char*) omAlloc(l); gmp_sprintf(s,"integer,%Zd^%lu",r->ringflaga,r->ringflagb); return s; } #endif if (r->parameter==NULL) { i=r->ch; if(i==-1) s=omStrDup("real"); /* R */ else { s=(char *)omAlloc(MAX_INT_LEN+1); sprintf(s,"%d",i); /* Q, Z/p */ } return s; } if (rField_is_long_C(r)) { s=(char *)omAlloc(21+strlen(r->parameter[0])); sprintf(s,"complex,%d,%s",r->float_len,r->parameter[0]); /* C */ return s; } int l=0; for(i=0; iparameter[i])+1); } s=(char *)omAlloc((long)(l+MAX_INT_LEN+1)); s[0]='\0'; if (r->ch<0) sprintf(s,"%d",-r->ch); /* Fp(a) */ else if (r->ch==1) sprintf(s,"0"); /* Q(a) */ else { sprintf(s,"%d,%s",r->ch,r->parameter[0]); /* GF(q) */ return s; } char tt[2]; tt[0]=','; tt[1]='\0'; for(i=0; iparameter[i]); } return s; } char * rParStr(ring r) { if ((r==NULL)||(r->parameter==NULL)) return omStrDup(""); int i; int l=2; for (i=0; iparameter[i])+1; } char *s=(char *)omAlloc((long)l); s[0]='\0'; for (i=0; iparameter[i]); strcat(s,","); } strcat(s,r->parameter[i]); return s; } char * rString(ring r) { char *ch=rCharStr(r); char *var=rVarStr(r); char *ord=rOrdStr(r); char *res=(char *)omAlloc(strlen(ch)+strlen(var)+strlen(ord)+9); sprintf(res,"(%s),(%s),(%s)",ch,var,ord); omFree((ADDRESS)ch); omFree((ADDRESS)var); omFree((ADDRESS)ord); return res; } int rIsExtension(ring r) { return (r->parameter!=NULL); /* R, Q, Fp: FALSE */ } int rIsExtension() { return rIsExtension( currRing ); } int binaryPower (const int a, const int b) { /* computes a^b according to the binary representation of b, i.e., a^7 = a^4 * a^2 * a^1. This saves some multiplications. */ int result = 1; int factor = a; int bb = b; while (bb != 0) { if (bb % 2 != 0) result = result * factor; bb = bb / 2; factor = factor * factor; } return result; } int rChar(ring r) { if (rField_is_Ring_2toM(r)) return binaryPower(2, (int)(unsigned long)r->ringflagb); if (rField_is_Ring_ModN(r)) return (int)mpz_get_ui(r->ringflaga); if (rField_is_Ring_PtoM(r)) return binaryPower((int)mpz_get_ui(r->ringflaga), (int)(unsigned long)r->ringflagb); if (rField_is_numeric(r)) return 0; if (!rIsExtension(r)) /* Q, Fp */ return r->ch; if (rField_is_Zp_a(r)) /* Fp(a) */ return -r->ch; if (rField_is_Q_a(r)) /* Q(a) */ return 0; /*else*/ /* GF(p,n) */ { if ((r->ch & 1)==0) return 2; int i=3; while ((r->ch % i)!=0) i+=2; return i; } } /*2 *returns -1 for not compatible, (sum is undefined) * 1 for compatible (and sum) */ /* vartest: test for variable/paramter names * dp_dp: for comm. rings: use block order dp + dp/ds/wp */ int rTensor(ring r1, ring r2, ring &sum, BOOLEAN vartest, BOOLEAN dp_dp) { ring save=currRing; ip_sring tmpR; memset(&tmpR,0,sizeof(tmpR)); /* check coeff. field =====================================================*/ if (rInternalChar(r1)==rInternalChar(r2)) { tmpR.ch=rInternalChar(r1); if (rField_is_Q(r1)||rField_is_Zp(r1)||rField_is_GF(r1)) /*Q, Z/p, GF(p,n)*/ { if (r1->parameter!=NULL) { if (!vartest || (strcmp(r1->parameter[0],r2->parameter[0])==0)) /* 1 par */ { tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAllocBin(char_ptr_bin); tmpR.parameter[0]=omStrDup(r1->parameter[0]); tmpR.P=1; } else { WerrorS("GF(p,n)+GF(p,n)"); return -1; } } } else if ((r1->ch==1)||(r1->ch<-1)) /* Q(a),Z/p(a) */ { if (r1->minpoly!=NULL) { if (r2->minpoly!=NULL) { // HANNES: TODO: delete nSetChar rChangeCurrRing(r1); if ((!vartest || (strcmp(r1->parameter[0],r2->parameter[0])==0)) /* 1 par */ && n_Equal(r1->minpoly,r2->minpoly, r1)) { tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAllocBin(char_ptr_bin); tmpR.parameter[0]=omStrDup(r1->parameter[0]); tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r1->minpoly, r1); tmpR.P=1; // HANNES: TODO: delete nSetChar rChangeCurrRing(save); } else { // HANNES: TODO: delete nSetChar rChangeCurrRing(save); WerrorS("different minpolys"); return -1; } } else { if ((!vartest || (strcmp(r1->parameter[0],r2->parameter[0])==0)) /* 1 par */ && (rPar(r2)==1)) { tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAllocBin(char_ptr_bin); tmpR.parameter[0]=omStrDup(r1->parameter[0]); tmpR.P=1; tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r1->minpoly, r1); } else { WerrorS("different parameters and minpoly!=0"); return -1; } } } else /* r1->minpoly==NULL */ { if (r2->minpoly!=NULL) { if ((!vartest || (strcmp(r1->parameter[0],r2->parameter[0])==0)) /* 1 par */ && (rPar(r1)==1)) { tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAllocBin(char_ptr_bin); tmpR.parameter[0]=omStrDup(r1->parameter[0]); tmpR.P=1; tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r2->minpoly, r2); } else { WerrorS("different parameters and minpoly!=0"); return -1; } } else { int len=rPar(r1)+rPar(r2); tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAlloc0(len*sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for (i=0;iparameter[i]); } int j,l; for(j=0;jparameter[j])==0) break; } } else l=i; if (l==i) { tmpR.parameter[i]=omStrDup(r2->parameter[j]); i++; } } if (i!=len) { tmpR.parameter=(char**)omReallocSize(tmpR.parameter,len*sizeof(char_ptr),i*sizeof(char_ptr)); } tmpR.P=i; } } } } else /* r1->ch!=r2->ch */ { if (r1->ch<-1) /* Z/p(a) */ { if ((r2->ch==0) /* Q */ || (r2->ch==-r1->ch)) /* Z/p */ { tmpR.ch=rInternalChar(r1); tmpR.P=rPar(r1); tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAlloc(rPar(r1)*sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for (i=0;iparameter[i]); } if (r1->minpoly!=NULL) { tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r1->minpoly, r1); } } else /* R, Q(a),Z/q,Z/p(a),GF(p,n) */ { WerrorS("Z/p(a)+(R,Q(a),Z/q(a),GF(q,n))"); return -1; } } else if (r1->ch==-1) /* R */ { WerrorS("R+.."); return -1; } else if (r1->ch==0) /* Q */ { if ((r2->ch<-1)||(r2->ch==1)) /* Z/p(a),Q(a) */ { tmpR.ch=rInternalChar(r2); tmpR.P=rPar(r2); tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAlloc(rPar(r2)*sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for (i=0;iparameter[i]); } if (r2->minpoly!=NULL) { tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r2->minpoly, r2); } } else if (r2->ch>1) /* Z/p,GF(p,n) */ { tmpR.ch=r2->ch; if (r2->parameter!=NULL) { tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAllocBin(char_ptr_bin); tmpR.P=1; tmpR.parameter[0]=omStrDup(r2->parameter[0]); } } else { WerrorS("Q+R"); return -1; /* R */ } } else if (r1->ch==1) /* Q(a) */ { if (r2->ch==0) /* Q */ { tmpR.ch=rInternalChar(r1); tmpR.P=rPar(r1); tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAlloc(rPar(r1)*sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for(i=0;iparameter[i]); } if (r1->minpoly!=NULL) { tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r1->minpoly, r1); } } else /* R, Z/p,GF(p,n) */ { WerrorS("Q(a)+(R,Z/p,GF(p,n))"); return -1; } } else /* r1->ch >=2 , Z/p */ { if (r2->ch==0) /* Q */ { tmpR.ch=r1->ch; } else if (r2->ch==-r1->ch) /* Z/p(a) */ { tmpR.ch=rInternalChar(r2); tmpR.P=rPar(r2); tmpR.parameter=(char **)omAlloc(rPar(r2)*sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for(i=0;iparameter[i]); } if (r2->minpoly!=NULL) { tmpR.minpoly=n_Copy(r2->minpoly, r2); } } else { WerrorS("Z/p+(GF(q,n),Z/q(a),R,Q(a))"); return -1; /* GF(p,n),Z/q(a),R,Q(a) */ } } } /* variable names ========================================================*/ int i,j,k; int l=r1->N+r2->N; char **names=(char **)omAlloc0(l*sizeof(char_ptr)); k=0; // collect all varnames from r1, except those which are parameters // of r2, or those which are the empty string for (i=0;iN;i++) { BOOLEAN b=TRUE; if (*(r1->names[i]) == '\0') b = FALSE; else if ((r2->parameter!=NULL) && (strlen(r1->names[i])==1)) { if (vartest) { for(j=0;jnames[i],r2->parameter[j])==0) { b=FALSE; break; } } } } if (b) { //Print("name : %d: %s\n",k,r1->names[i]); names[k]=omStrDup(r1->names[i]); k++; } //else // Print("no name (par1) %s\n",r1->names[i]); } // Add variables from r2, except those which are parameters of r1 // those which are empty strings, and those which equal a var of r1 for(i=0;iN;i++) { BOOLEAN b=TRUE; if (*(r2->names[i]) == '\0') b = FALSE; else if ((r1->parameter!=NULL) && (strlen(r2->names[i])==1)) { if (vartest) { for(j=0;jnames[i],r1->parameter[j])==0) { b=FALSE; break; } } } } if (b) { if (vartest) { for(j=0;jN;j++) { if (strcmp(r1->names[j],r2->names[i])==0) { b=FALSE; break; } } } if (b) { //Print("name : %d : %s\n",k,r2->names[i]); names[k]=omStrDup(r2->names[i]); k++; } //else // Print("no name (var): %s\n",r2->names[i]); } //else // Print("no name (par): %s\n",r2->names[i]); } // check whether we found any vars at all if (k == 0) { names[k]=omStrDup(""); k=1; } tmpR.N=k; tmpR.names=names; /* ordering *======================================================== */ tmpR.OrdSgn=1; if (dp_dp #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL && !rIsPluralRing(r1) && !rIsPluralRing(r2) #endif ) { tmpR.order=(int*)omAlloc(4*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int)); tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int_ptr)); tmpR.order[0]=ringorder_dp; tmpR.block0[0]=1; tmpR.block1[0]=rVar(r1); if (r2->OrdSgn==1) { if ((r2->block0[0]==1) && (r2->block1[0]==rVar(r2)) && ((r2->order[0]==ringorder_wp) || (r2->order[0]==ringorder_Wp) || (r2->order[0]==ringorder_Dp)) ) { tmpR.order[1]=r2->order[0]; if (r2->wvhdl[0]!=NULL) tmpR.wvhdl[1]=(int *)omMemDup(r2->wvhdl[0]); } else tmpR.order[1]=ringorder_dp; } else { tmpR.order[1]=ringorder_ds; tmpR.OrdSgn=-1; } tmpR.block0[1]=rVar(r1)+1; tmpR.block1[1]=rVar(r1)+rVar(r2); tmpR.order[2]=ringorder_C; tmpR.order[3]=0; } else { if ((r1->order[0]==ringorder_unspec) && (r2->order[0]==ringorder_unspec)) { tmpR.order=(int*)omAlloc(3*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc(3*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc(3*sizeof(int)); tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int_ptr)); tmpR.order[0]=ringorder_unspec; tmpR.order[1]=ringorder_C; tmpR.order[2]=0; tmpR.block0[0]=1; tmpR.block1[0]=tmpR.N; } else if (l==k) /* r3=r1+r2 */ { int b; ring rb; if (r1->order[0]==ringorder_unspec) { /* extend order of r2 to r3 */ b=rBlocks(r2); rb=r2; tmpR.OrdSgn=r2->OrdSgn; } else if (r2->order[0]==ringorder_unspec) { /* extend order of r1 to r3 */ b=rBlocks(r1); rb=r1; tmpR.OrdSgn=r1->OrdSgn; } else { b=rBlocks(r1)+rBlocks(r2)-2; /* for only one order C, only one 0 */ rb=NULL; } tmpR.order=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int)); tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int_ptr)); /* weights not implemented yet ...*/ if (rb!=NULL) { for (i=0;iorder[i]; tmpR.block0[i]=rb->block0[i]; tmpR.block1[i]=rb->block1[i]; if (rb->wvhdl[i]!=NULL) WarnS("rSum: weights not implemented"); } tmpR.block0[0]=1; } else /* ring sum for complete rings */ { for (i=0;r1->order[i]!=0;i++) { tmpR.order[i]=r1->order[i]; tmpR.block0[i]=r1->block0[i]; tmpR.block1[i]=r1->block1[i]; if (r1->wvhdl[i]!=NULL) tmpR.wvhdl[i] = (int*) omMemDup(r1->wvhdl[i]); } j=i; i--; if ((r1->order[i]==ringorder_c) ||(r1->order[i]==ringorder_C)) { j--; tmpR.order[b-2]=r1->order[i]; } for (i=0;r2->order[i]!=0;i++) { if ((r2->order[i]!=ringorder_c) &&(r2->order[i]!=ringorder_C)) { tmpR.order[j]=r2->order[i]; tmpR.block0[j]=r2->block0[i]+rVar(r1); tmpR.block1[j]=r2->block1[i]+rVar(r1); if (r2->wvhdl[i]!=NULL) { tmpR.wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r2->wvhdl[i]); } j++; } } if((r1->OrdSgn==-1)||(r2->OrdSgn==-1)) tmpR.OrdSgn=-1; } } else if ((k==rVar(r1)) && (k==rVar(r2))) /* r1 and r2 are "quite" the same ring */ /* copy r1, because we have the variables from r1 */ { int b=rBlocks(r1); tmpR.order=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int)); tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int)); tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int_ptr)); /* weights not implemented yet ...*/ for (i=0;iorder[i]; tmpR.block0[i]=r1->block0[i]; tmpR.block1[i]=r1->block1[i]; if (r1->wvhdl[i]!=NULL) { tmpR.wvhdl[i] = (int*) omMemDup(r1->wvhdl[i]); } } tmpR.OrdSgn=r1->OrdSgn; } else { for(i=0;i %d",rVar(r1),rVar(r2),k); return -1; } } sum=(ring)omAllocBin(sip_sring_bin); memcpy(sum,&tmpR,sizeof(ip_sring)); rComplete(sum); //#ifdef RDEBUG // rDebugPrint(sum); //#endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if(1) { ring old_ring = currRing; BOOLEAN R1_is_nc = rIsPluralRing(r1); BOOLEAN R2_is_nc = rIsPluralRing(r2); if ( (R1_is_nc) || (R2_is_nc)) { rChangeCurrRing(r1); /* since rCopy works well only in currRing */ ring R1 = rCopy(r1); if ( !R1_is_nc ) nc_rCreateNCcomm(R1); #if 0 #ifdef RDEBUG rWrite(R1); rDebugPrint(R1); #endif #endif rChangeCurrRing(r2); ring R2 = rCopy(r2); if ( !R2_is_nc ) nc_rCreateNCcomm(R2); #if 0 #ifdef RDEBUG rWrite(R2); rDebugPrint(R2); #endif #endif rChangeCurrRing(sum); // ? // Projections from R_i into Sum: /* multiplication matrices business: */ /* find permutations of vars and pars */ int *perm1 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(R1)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *par_perm1 = NULL; if (rPar(R1)!=0) par_perm1=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(R1)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *perm2 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(R2)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *par_perm2 = NULL; if (rPar(R2)!=0) par_perm2=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(R2)+1)*sizeof(int)); maFindPerm(R1->names, rVar(R1), R1->parameter, rPar(R1), sum->names, rVar(sum), sum->parameter, rPar(sum), perm1, par_perm1, sum->ch); maFindPerm(R2->names, rVar(R2), R2->parameter, rPar(R2), sum->names, rVar(sum), sum->parameter, rPar(sum), perm2, par_perm2, sum->ch); nMapFunc nMap1 = nSetMap(R1); nMapFunc nMap2 = nSetMap(R2); matrix C1 = R1->GetNC()->C, C2 = R2->GetNC()->C; matrix D1 = R1->GetNC()->D, D2 = R2->GetNC()->D; // !!!! BUG? C1 and C2 might live in different baserings!!! // it cannot be both the currRing! :) // the currRing is sum! int l = rVar(R1) + rVar(R2); matrix C = mpNew(l,l); matrix D = mpNew(l,l); int param_shift = 0; for (i = 1; i <= rVar(R1); i++) for (j= rVar(R1)+1; j <= l; j++) MATELEM(C,i,j) = p_One( sum); // in 'sum' idTest((ideal)C); // Create blocked C and D matrices: for (i=1; i<= rVar(R1); i++) for (j=i+1; j<=rVar(R1); j++) { assume(MATELEM(C1,i,j) != NULL); MATELEM(C,i,j) = pPermPoly(MATELEM(C1,i,j), perm1, R1, nMap1, par_perm1, rPar(R1)); // need ADD + CMP ops. if (MATELEM(D1,i,j) != NULL) MATELEM(D,i,j) = pPermPoly(MATELEM(D1,i,j),perm1,R1,nMap1,par_perm1,rPar(R1)); } idTest((ideal)C); idTest((ideal)D); for (i=1; i<= rVar(R2); i++) for (j=i+1; j<=rVar(R2); j++) { assume(MATELEM(C2,i,j) != NULL); MATELEM(C,rVar(R1)+i,rVar(R1)+j) = pPermPoly(MATELEM(C2,i,j),perm2,R2,nMap2,par_perm2,rPar(R2)); if (MATELEM(D2,i,j) != NULL) MATELEM(D,rVar(R1)+i,rVar(R1)+j) = pPermPoly(MATELEM(D2,i,j),perm2,R2,nMap2,par_perm2,rPar(R2)); } idTest((ideal)C); idTest((ideal)D); // Now sum is non-commutative with blocked structure constants! if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, sum, false, false, true, sum)) WarnS("Error initializing non-commutative multiplication!"); /* delete R1, R2*/ #if 0 #ifdef RDEBUG rWrite(sum); rDebugPrint(sum); Print("\nRefs: R1: %d, R2: %d\n", R1->GetNC()->ref, R2->GetNC()->ref); #endif #endif rDelete(R1); rDelete(R2); /* delete perm arrays */ if (perm1!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)perm1); if (perm2!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)perm2); if (par_perm1!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)par_perm1); if (par_perm2!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)par_perm2); rChangeCurrRing(old_ring); } } #endif ideal Q=NULL; ideal Q1=NULL, Q2=NULL; ring old_ring2 = currRing; if (r1->qideal!=NULL) { rChangeCurrRing(sum); // if (r2->qideal!=NULL) // { // WerrorS("todo: qring+qring"); // return -1; // } // else // {} /* these were defined in the Plural Part above... */ int *perm1 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(r1)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *par_perm1 = NULL; if (rPar(r1)!=0) par_perm1=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(r1)+1)*sizeof(int)); maFindPerm(r1->names, rVar(r1), r1->parameter, rPar(r1), sum->names, rVar(sum), sum->parameter, rPar(sum), perm1, par_perm1, sum->ch); nMapFunc nMap1 = nSetMap(r1); Q1 = idInit(IDELEMS(r1->qideal),1); for (int for_i=0;for_iqideal);for_i++) Q1->m[for_i] = pPermPoly(r1->qideal->m[for_i],perm1,r1,nMap1,par_perm1,rPar(r1)); omFree((ADDRESS)perm1); } if (r2->qideal!=NULL) { if (currRing!=sum) rChangeCurrRing(sum); int *perm2 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(r2)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *par_perm2 = NULL; if (rPar(r2)!=0) par_perm2=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(r2)+1)*sizeof(int)); maFindPerm(r2->names, rVar(r2), r2->parameter, rPar(r2), sum->names, rVar(sum), sum->parameter, rPar(sum), perm2, par_perm2, sum->ch); nMapFunc nMap2 = nSetMap(r2); Q2 = idInit(IDELEMS(r2->qideal),1); for (int for_i=0;for_iqideal);for_i++) Q2->m[for_i] = pPermPoly(r2->qideal->m[for_i],perm2,r2,nMap2,par_perm2,rPar(r2)); omFree((ADDRESS)perm2); } if ( (Q1!=NULL) || ( Q2!=NULL)) { Q = idSimpleAdd(Q1,Q2); rChangeCurrRing(old_ring2); } sum->qideal = Q; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(sum) ) nc_SetupQuotient( sum ); #endif return 1; } /*2 *returns -1 for not compatible, (sum is undefined) * 0 for equal, (and sum) * 1 for compatible (and sum) */ int rSum(ring r1, ring r2, ring &sum) { if (r1==r2) { sum=r1; r1->ref++; return 0; } return rTensor(r1,r2,sum,TRUE,FALSE); } /*2 * create a copy of the ring r, which must be equivalent to currRing * used for qring definition,.. * (i.e.: normal rings: same nCopy as currRing; * qring: same nCopy, same idCopy as currRing) * DOES NOT CALL rComplete */ ring rCopy0(const ring r, BOOLEAN copy_qideal, BOOLEAN copy_ordering) { if (r == NULL) return NULL; int i,j; ring res=(ring)omAllocBin(sip_sring_bin); memset(res,0,sizeof(ip_sring)); //memcpy4(res,r,sizeof(ip_sring)); //memset: res->idroot=NULL; /* local objects */ //ideal minideal; res->options=r->options; /* ring dependent options */ //memset: res->ordsgn=NULL; //memset: res->typ=NULL; //memset: res->VarOffset=NULL; //memset: res->firstwv=NULL; //struct omBin_s* PolyBin; /* Bin from where monoms are allocated */ //memset: res->PolyBin=NULL; // rComplete res->ch=r->ch; /* characteristic */ #ifdef HAVE_RINGS res->ringtype=r->ringtype; /* cring = 0 => coefficient field, cring = 1 => coeffs from Z/2^m */ if (r->ringflaga!=NULL) { res->ringflaga = (int_number) omAlloc(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_init_set(res->ringflaga,r->ringflaga); } res->ringflagb=r->ringflagb; if (r->nrnModul!=NULL) { res->nrnModul = (int_number) omAlloc(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_init_set(res->nrnModul,r->nrnModul); } #endif //memset: res->ref=0; /* reference counter to the ring */ res->float_len=r->float_len; /* additional char-flags */ res->float_len2=r->float_len2; /* additional char-flags */ res->N=r->N; /* number of vars */ res->P=r->P; /* number of pars */ res->OrdSgn=r->OrdSgn; /* 1 for polynomial rings, -1 otherwise */ res->firstBlockEnds=r->firstBlockEnds; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL res->real_var_start=r->real_var_start; res->real_var_end=r->real_var_end; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SHIFTBBA res->isLPring=r->isLPring; /* 0 for non-letterplace rings, otherwise the number of LP blocks, at least 1, known also as lV */ #endif res->VectorOut=r->VectorOut; res->ShortOut=r->ShortOut; res->CanShortOut=r->CanShortOut; res->LexOrder=r->LexOrder; // TRUE if the monomial ordering has polynomial and power series blocks res->MixedOrder=r->MixedOrder; // ?? 1 for lex ordering (except ls), -1 otherwise res->ComponentOrder=r->ComponentOrder; //memset: res->ExpL_Size=0; //memset: res->CmpL_Size=0; //memset: res->VarL_Size=0; //memset: res->pCompIndex=0; //memset: res->pOrdIndex=0; //memset: res->OrdSize=0; //memset: res->VarL_LowIndex=0; //memset: res->MinExpPerLong=0; //memset: res->NegWeightL_Size=0; //memset: res->NegWeightL_Offset=NULL; //memset: res->VarL_Offset=NULL; // the following are set by rComplete unless predefined // therefore, we copy these values: maybe they are non-standard /* mask for getting single exponents */ res->bitmask=r->bitmask; res->divmask=r->divmask; res->BitsPerExp = r->BitsPerExp; res->ExpPerLong = r->ExpPerLong; //memset: res->p_Procs=NULL; //memset: res->pFDeg=NULL; //memset: res->pLDeg=NULL; //memset: res->pFDegOrig=NULL; //memset: res->pLDegOrig=NULL; //memset: res->p_Setm=NULL; //memset: res->cf=NULL; res->options=r->options; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS res->ringtype=r->ringtype; #endif // if (r->algring!=NULL) r->algring->ref++; res->algring=r->algring; //memset: res->minideal=NULL; if (r->parameter!=NULL) { res->minpoly=nCopy(r->minpoly); int l=rPar(r); res->parameter=(char **)omAlloc(l*sizeof(char_ptr)); int i; for(i=0;iparameter[i]=omStrDup(r->parameter[i]); } if (r->minideal!=NULL) { res->minideal=id_Copy(r->minideal,r->algring); } } if (copy_ordering == TRUE) { i=rBlocks(r); res->wvhdl = (int **)omAlloc(i * sizeof(int_ptr)); res->order = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int)); res->block0 = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int)); res->block1 = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int)); for (j=0; jwvhdl[j]!=NULL) { res->wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j]); } else res->wvhdl[j]=NULL; } memcpy4(res->order,r->order,i * sizeof(int)); memcpy4(res->block0,r->block0,i * sizeof(int)); memcpy4(res->block1,r->block1,i * sizeof(int)); } //memset: else //memset: { //memset: res->wvhdl = NULL; //memset: res->order = NULL; //memset: res->block0 = NULL; //memset: res->block1 = NULL; //memset: } res->names = (char **)omAlloc0(rVar(r) * sizeof(char_ptr)); for (i=0; inames[i] = omStrDup(r->names[i]); } if (r->qideal!=NULL) { if (copy_qideal) { #ifndef NDEBUG if (!copy_ordering) WerrorS("internal error: rCopy0(Q,TRUE,FALSE)"); else #endif { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("internal bad stuff: rCopy0(Q,TRUE,TRUE)"); #endif rComplete(res); res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res); rUnComplete(res); } } //memset: else res->qideal = NULL; } //memset: else res->qideal = NULL; //memset: res->GetNC() = NULL; // copy is purely commutative!!! return res; } /*2 * create a copy of the ring r, which must be equivalent to currRing * used for qring definition,.. * (i.e.: normal rings: same nCopy as currRing; * qring: same nCopy, same idCopy as currRing) */ ring rCopy(ring r) { if (r == NULL) return NULL; ring res=rCopy0(r,FALSE,TRUE); rComplete(res, 1); // res is purely commutative so far if (r->qideal!=NULL) res->qideal=idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) if( nc_rCopy(res, r, true) ); #endif return res; } // returns TRUE, if r1 equals r2 FALSE, otherwise Equality is // determined componentwise, if qr == 1, then qrideal equality is // tested, as well BOOLEAN rEqual(ring r1, ring r2, BOOLEAN qr) { int i, j; if (r1 == r2) return TRUE; if (r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL) return FALSE; if ((rInternalChar(r1) != rInternalChar(r2)) || (r1->float_len != r2->float_len) || (r1->float_len2 != r2->float_len2) || (rVar(r1) != rVar(r2)) || (r1->OrdSgn != r2->OrdSgn) || (rPar(r1) != rPar(r2))) return FALSE; for (i=0; inames[i] != NULL && r2->names[i] != NULL) { if (strcmp(r1->names[i], r2->names[i])) return FALSE; } else if ((r1->names[i] != NULL) ^ (r2->names[i] != NULL)) { return FALSE; } } i=0; while (r1->order[i] != 0) { if (r2->order[i] == 0) return FALSE; if ((r1->order[i] != r2->order[i]) || (r1->block0[i] != r2->block0[i]) || (r1->block1[i] != r2->block1[i])) return FALSE; if (r1->wvhdl[i] != NULL) { if (r2->wvhdl[i] == NULL) return FALSE; for (j=0; jblock1[i]-r1->block0[i]+1; j++) if (r2->wvhdl[i][j] != r1->wvhdl[i][j]) return FALSE; } else if (r2->wvhdl[i] != NULL) return FALSE; i++; } if (r2->order[i] != 0) return FALSE; for (i=0; iparameter[i], r2->parameter[i])!=0) return FALSE; } if (r1->minpoly != NULL) { if (r2->minpoly == NULL) return FALSE; if (currRing == r1 || currRing == r2) { if (! nEqual(r1->minpoly, r2->minpoly)) return FALSE; } } else if (r2->minpoly != NULL) return FALSE; if (qr) { if (r1->qideal != NULL) { ideal id1 = r1->qideal, id2 = r2->qideal; int i, n; poly *m1, *m2; if (id2 == NULL) return FALSE; if ((n = IDELEMS(id1)) != IDELEMS(id2)) return FALSE; if (currRing == r1 || currRing == r2) { m1 = id1->m; m2 = id2->m; for (i=0; iqideal != NULL) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // returns TRUE, if r1 and r2 represents the monomials in the same way // FALSE, otherwise // this is an analogue to rEqual but not so strict BOOLEAN rSamePolyRep(ring r1, ring r2) { int i, j; if (r1 == r2) return TRUE; if (r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL) return FALSE; if ((rInternalChar(r1) != rInternalChar(r2)) || (r1->float_len != r2->float_len) || (r1->float_len2 != r2->float_len2) || (rVar(r1) != rVar(r2)) || (r1->OrdSgn != r2->OrdSgn) || (rPar(r1) != rPar(r2))) return FALSE; if (rVar(r1)!=rVar(r2)) return FALSE; if (rPar(r1)!=rPar(r2)) return FALSE; i=0; while (r1->order[i] != 0) { if (r2->order[i] == 0) return FALSE; if ((r1->order[i] != r2->order[i]) || (r1->block0[i] != r2->block0[i]) || (r1->block1[i] != r2->block1[i])) return FALSE; if (r1->wvhdl[i] != NULL) { if (r2->wvhdl[i] == NULL) return FALSE; for (j=0; jblock1[i]-r1->block0[i]+1; j++) if (r2->wvhdl[i][j] != r1->wvhdl[i][j]) return FALSE; } else if (r2->wvhdl[i] != NULL) return FALSE; i++; } if (r2->order[i] != 0) return FALSE; // we do not check minpoly // we do not check qideal return TRUE; } rOrderType_t rGetOrderType(ring r) { // check for simple ordering if (rHasSimpleOrder(r)) { if ((r->order[1] == ringorder_c) || (r->order[1] == ringorder_C)) { switch(r->order[0]) { case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_ls: case ringorder_unspec: if (r->order[1] == ringorder_C || r->order[0] == ringorder_unspec) return rOrderType_ExpComp; return rOrderType_Exp; default: assume(r->order[0] == ringorder_lp || r->order[0] == ringorder_rs || r->order[0] == ringorder_Dp || r->order[0] == ringorder_Wp || r->order[0] == ringorder_Ds || r->order[0] == ringorder_Ws); if (r->order[1] == ringorder_c) return rOrderType_ExpComp; return rOrderType_Exp; } } else { assume((r->order[0]==ringorder_c)||(r->order[0]==ringorder_C)); return rOrderType_CompExp; } } else return rOrderType_General; } BOOLEAN rHasSimpleOrder(const ring r) { if (r->order[0] == ringorder_unspec) return TRUE; int blocks = rBlocks(r) - 1; assume(blocks >= 1); if (blocks == 1) return TRUE; if (blocks > 2) return FALSE; if ((r->order[0] != ringorder_c) && (r->order[0] != ringorder_C) && (r->order[1] != ringorder_c) && (r->order[1] != ringorder_C)) return FALSE; if ((r->order[1] == ringorder_M) || (r->order[0] == ringorder_M)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // returns TRUE, if simple lp or ls ordering BOOLEAN rHasSimpleLexOrder(const ring r) { return rHasSimpleOrder(r) && (r->order[0] == ringorder_ls || r->order[0] == ringorder_lp || r->order[1] == ringorder_ls || r->order[1] == ringorder_lp); } BOOLEAN rOrder_is_DegOrdering(const rRingOrder_t order) { switch(order) { case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_Dp: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_Ws: case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_wp: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering(rRingOrder_t order) { switch(order) { case ringorder_Ws: case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_wp: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN rHasSimpleOrderAA(ring r) { int blocks = rBlocks(r) - 1; if ((blocks > 3) || (blocks < 2)) return FALSE; if (blocks == 3) { return (((r->order[0] == ringorder_aa) && (r->order[1] != ringorder_M) && ((r->order[2] == ringorder_c) || (r->order[2] == ringorder_C))) || (((r->order[0] == ringorder_c) || (r->order[0] == ringorder_C)) && (r->order[1] == ringorder_aa) && (r->order[2] != ringorder_M))); } else { return ((r->order[0] == ringorder_aa) && (r->order[1] != ringorder_M)); } } // return TRUE if p_SetComp requires p_Setm BOOLEAN rOrd_SetCompRequiresSetm(ring r) { if (r->typ != NULL) { int pos; for (pos=0;posOrdSize;pos++) { sro_ord* o=&(r->typ[pos]); if ((o->ord_typ == ro_syzcomp) || (o->ord_typ == ro_syz) || (o->ord_typ == ro_is) || (o->ord_typ == ro_isTemp)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // return TRUE if p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] holds total degree of p */ BOOLEAN rOrd_is_Totaldegree_Ordering(ring r) { // Hmm.... what about Syz orderings? return (rVar(r) > 1 && ((rHasSimpleOrder(r) && (rOrder_is_DegOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[0]) || rOrder_is_DegOrdering(( rRingOrder_t)r->order[1]))) || (rHasSimpleOrderAA(r) && (rOrder_is_DegOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[1]) || rOrder_is_DegOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[2]))))); } // return TRUE if p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] holds a weighted degree of p */ BOOLEAN rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(ring r =currRing) { // Hmm.... what about Syz orderings? return ((rVar(r) > 1) && rHasSimpleOrder(r) && (rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[0]) || rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering(( rRingOrder_t)r->order[1]))); } BOOLEAN rIsPolyVar(int v, ring r) { int i=0; while(r->order[i]!=0) { if((r->block0[i]<=v) && (r->block1[i]>=v)) { switch(r->order[i]) { case ringorder_a: return (r->wvhdl[i][v-r->block0[i]]>0); case ringorder_M: return 2; /*don't know*/ case ringorder_a64: /* assume: all weight are non-negative!*/ case ringorder_lp: case ringorder_rs: case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_Dp: case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_Wp: return TRUE; case ringorder_ls: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_Ws: return FALSE; default: break; } } i++; } return 3; /* could not find var v*/ } #ifdef RDEBUG // This should eventually become a full-fledge ring check, like pTest BOOLEAN rDBTest(ring r, const char* fn, const int l) { int i,j; if (r == NULL) { dReportError("Null ring in %s:%d", fn, l); return FALSE; } if (r->N == 0) return TRUE; // omCheckAddrSize(r,sizeof(ip_sring)); #if OM_CHECK > 0 i=rBlocks(r); omCheckAddrSize(r->order,i*sizeof(int)); omCheckAddrSize(r->block0,i*sizeof(int)); omCheckAddrSize(r->block1,i*sizeof(int)); if (r->wvhdl!=NULL) omCheckAddrSize(r->wvhdl,i*sizeof(int *)); for (j=0;jwvhdl[j] != NULL) omCheckAddr(r->wvhdl[j]); } #endif if (r->VarOffset == NULL) { dReportError("Null ring VarOffset -- no rComplete (?) in n %s:%d", fn, l); return FALSE; } omCheckAddrSize(r->VarOffset,(r->N+1)*sizeof(int)); if ((r->OrdSize==0)!=(r->typ==NULL)) { dReportError("mismatch OrdSize and typ-pointer in %s:%d"); return FALSE; } omcheckAddrSize(r->typ,r->OrdSize*sizeof(*(r->typ))); omCheckAddrSize(r->VarOffset,(r->N+1)*sizeof(*(r->VarOffset))); // test assumptions: for(i=0;i<=r->N;i++) // for all variables (i = 0..N) { if(r->typ!=NULL) { for(j=0;jOrdSize;j++) // for all ordering blocks (j =0..OrdSize-1) { if(r->typ[j].ord_typ == ro_isTemp) { const int p = r->typ[j].data.isTemp.suffixpos; if(p <= j) dReportError("ordrec prefix %d is unmatched",j); assume( p < r->OrdSize ); if(r->typ[p].ord_typ != ro_is) dReportError("ordrec prefix %d is unmatched (suffix: %d is wrong!!!)",j, p); // Skip all intermediate blocks for undone variables: if(r->typ[j].data.isTemp.pVarOffset[i] != -1) // Check i^th variable { j = p - 1; // SKIP ALL INTERNAL BLOCKS...??? continue; // To make for check OrdSize bound... } } else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ == ro_is) { // Skip all intermediate blocks for undone variables: if(r->typ[j].data.is.pVarOffset[i] != -1) { // ??? } } else { if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_cp) { if(((short)r->VarOffset[i]) == r->typ[j].data.cp.place) dReportError("ordrec %d conflicts with var %d",j,i); } else if ((r->typ[j].ord_typ!=ro_syzcomp) && (r->VarOffset[i] == r->typ[j].data.dp.place)) dReportError("ordrec %d conflicts with var %d",j,i); } } } int tmp; tmp=r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff; #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 if ((r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) >63) #else if ((r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) >31) #endif dReportError("bit_start out of range:%d",r->VarOffset[i] >> 24); if (i > 0 && ((tmp<0) ||(tmp>r->ExpL_Size-1))) { dReportError("varoffset out of range for var %d: %d",i,tmp); } } if(r->typ!=NULL) { for(j=0;jOrdSize;j++) { if ((r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_dp) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg)) { if (r->typ[j].data.dp.start > r->typ[j].data.dp.end) dReportError("in ordrec %d: start(%d) > end(%d)",j, r->typ[j].data.dp.start, r->typ[j].data.dp.end); if ((r->typ[j].data.dp.start < 1) || (r->typ[j].data.dp.end > r->N)) dReportError("in ordrec %d: start(%d)<1 or end(%d)>vars(%d)",j, r->typ[j].data.dp.start, r->typ[j].data.dp.end,r->N); } } } if (r->minpoly!=NULL) { omCheckAddr(r->minpoly); } //assume(r->cf!=NULL); return TRUE; } #endif static void rO_Align(int &place, int &bitplace) { // increment place to the next aligned one // (count as Exponent_t,align as longs) if (bitplace!=BITS_PER_LONG) { place++; bitplace=BITS_PER_LONG; } } static void rO_TDegree(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end, long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct) { // degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn 1 rO_Align(place,bitplace); ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_dp; ord_struct.data.dp.start=start; ord_struct.data.dp.end=end; ord_struct.data.dp.place=place; o[place]=1; place++; rO_Align(place,bitplace); } static void rO_TDegree_neg(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end, long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct) { // degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn -1 rO_Align(place,bitplace); ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_dp; ord_struct.data.dp.start=start; ord_struct.data.dp.end=end; ord_struct.data.dp.place=place; o[place]=-1; place++; rO_Align(place,bitplace); } static void rO_WDegree(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end, long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct, int *weights) { // weighted degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn 1 while((startend) { incr=-1; } for(k=start;;k+=incr) { bitplace-=bits; if (bitplace < 0) { bitplace=BITS_PER_LONG-bits; place++; } o[place]=1; v[k]= place | (bitplace << 24); if (k==end) break; } prev_ord=1; if (opt_var!= -1) { assume((opt_var == end+1) ||(opt_var == end-1)); if((opt_var != end+1) &&(opt_var != end-1)) WarnS("hier-2"); int save_bitplace=bitplace; bitplace-=bits; if (bitplace < 0) { bitplace=save_bitplace; return; } // there is enough space for the optional var v[opt_var]=place | (bitplace << 24); } } static void rO_LexVars_neg(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end, int &prev_ord, long *o,int *v, int bits, int opt_var) { // a block of variables v_start..v_end with lex order, ordsgn -1 int k; int incr=1; if(prev_ord==1) rO_Align(place,bitplace); if (start>end) { incr=-1; } for(k=start;;k+=incr) { bitplace-=bits; if (bitplace < 0) { bitplace=BITS_PER_LONG-bits; place++; } o[place]=-1; v[k]=place | (bitplace << 24); if (k==end) break; } prev_ord=-1; // #if 0 if (opt_var!= -1) { assume((opt_var == end+1) ||(opt_var == end-1)); if((opt_var != end+1) &&(opt_var != end-1)) WarnS("hier-1"); int save_bitplace=bitplace; bitplace-=bits; if (bitplace < 0) { bitplace=save_bitplace; return; } // there is enough space for the optional var v[opt_var]=place | (bitplace << 24); } // #endif } static void rO_Syzcomp(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord, long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct) { // ordering is derived from component number rO_Align(place,bitplace); ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_syzcomp; ord_struct.data.syzcomp.place=place; ord_struct.data.syzcomp.Components=NULL; ord_struct.data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents=NULL; o[place]=1; prev_ord=1; place++; rO_Align(place,bitplace); } static void rO_Syz(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord, long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct) { // ordering is derived from component number // let's reserve one Exponent_t for it if ((prev_ord== 1) || (bitplace!=BITS_PER_LONG)) rO_Align(place,bitplace); ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_syz; ord_struct.data.syz.place=place; ord_struct.data.syz.limit=0; ord_struct.data.syz.syz_index = NULL; ord_struct.data.syz.curr_index = 1; o[place]= -1; prev_ord=-1; place++; } static void rO_ISPrefix(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord, long *o, int N, int *v, sro_ord &ord_struct) { if ((prev_ord== 1) || (bitplace!=BITS_PER_LONG)) rO_Align(place,bitplace); // since we add something afterwards - it's better to start with anew!? ord_struct.ord_typ = ro_isTemp; ord_struct.data.isTemp.start = place; ord_struct.data.isTemp.pVarOffset = (int *)omMemDup(v); ord_struct.data.isTemp.suffixpos = -1; // We will act as rO_Syz on our own!!! // Here we allocate an exponent as a level placeholder o[place]= -1; prev_ord=-1; place++; #if MYTEST Print("rO_ISPrefix: place = %d, v: {", ord_struct.data.isTemp.start); for( int i = 0; i <= N; i++ ) Print("v[%d]: %09x", i, ord_struct.data.isTemp.pVarOffset[i]); PrintS("}!\n"); #endif } static void rO_ISSuffix(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord, long *o, int N, int *v, sro_ord *tmp_typ, int &typ_i, int sgn) { #if MYTEST Print("rO_ISSuffix: place = %d\n", place); #endif // Let's find previous prefix: int typ_j = typ_i - 1; while(typ_j >= 0) { if( tmp_typ[typ_j].ord_typ == ro_isTemp) break; typ_j --; } assume( typ_j >= 0 ); if( typ_j < 0 ) // Found NO prefix!!! :( return; assume( tmp_typ[typ_j].ord_typ == ro_isTemp ); // Get saved state: const int start = tmp_typ[typ_j].data.isTemp.start; int *pVarOffset = tmp_typ[typ_j].data.isTemp.pVarOffset; /* // shift up all blocks while(typ_j < (typ_i-1)) { tmp_typ[typ_j] = tmp_typ[typ_j+1]; typ_j++; } typ_j = typ_i - 1; // No increment for typ_i */ tmp_typ[typ_j].data.isTemp.suffixpos = typ_i; // Let's keep that dummy for now... typ_j = typ_i; // the typ to change! typ_i++; // Just for now... #if MYTEST PrintS("Changes in v: {"); #endif for( int i = 0; i <= N; i++ ) // Note [0] == component !!! No Skip? { // Was i-th variable allocated inbetween? if( v[i] != pVarOffset[i] ) { pVarOffset[i] = v[i]; // Save for later... v[i] = -1; // Undo! assume( pVarOffset[i] != -1 ); #if MYTEST Print("v[%d]: %010x", i, pVarOffset[i]); #endif } else pVarOffset[i] = -1; // No change here... } if( pVarOffset[0] != -1 ) pVarOffset[0] &= 0x0fff; #if MYTEST PrintS("}!\n"); #endif sro_ord &ord_struct = tmp_typ[typ_j]; ord_struct.ord_typ = ro_is; ord_struct.data.is.start = start; ord_struct.data.is.end = place; ord_struct.data.is.pVarOffset = pVarOffset; // What about component??? // if( v[0] != -1 ) // There is a component already...??? // if( o[ v[0] & 0x0fff ] == sgn ) // { // pVarOffset[0] = -1; // NEVER USED Afterwards... // return; // } // Moreover: we need to allocate the module component (v[0]) here! if( v[0] == -1) // It's possible that there was module component v0 at the begining (before prefix)! { // Start with a whole long exponent if( bitplace != BITS_PER_LONG ) rO_Align(place, bitplace); assume( bitplace == BITS_PER_LONG ); bitplace -= BITS_PER_LONG; assume(bitplace == 0); v[0] = place | (bitplace << 24); // Never mind whether pVarOffset[0] > 0!!! o[place] = sgn; // Singnum for component ordering prev_ord = sgn; } } static unsigned long rGetExpSize(unsigned long bitmask, int & bits) { if (bitmask == 0) { bits=16; bitmask=0xffff; } else if (bitmask <= 1L) { bits=1; bitmask = 1L; } else if (bitmask <= 3L) { bits=2; bitmask = 3L; } else if (bitmask <= 7L) { bits=3; bitmask=7L; } else if (bitmask <= 0xfL) { bits=4; bitmask=0xfL; } else if (bitmask <= 0x1fL) { bits=5; bitmask=0x1fL; } else if (bitmask <= 0x3fL) { bits=6; bitmask=0x3fL; } #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 else if (bitmask <= 0x7fL) { bits=7; bitmask=0x7fL; /* 64 bit longs only */ } #endif else if (bitmask <= 0xffL) { bits=8; bitmask=0xffL; } #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 else if (bitmask <= 0x1ffL) { bits=9; bitmask=0x1ffL; /* 64 bit longs only */ } #endif else if (bitmask <= 0x3ffL) { bits=10; bitmask=0x3ffL; } #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 else if (bitmask <= 0xfffL) { bits=12; bitmask=0xfff; /* 64 bit longs only */ } #endif else if (bitmask <= 0xffffL) { bits=16; bitmask=0xffffL; } #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 else if (bitmask <= 0xfffffL) { bits=20; bitmask=0xfffffL; /* 64 bit longs only */ } else if (bitmask <= 0xffffffffL) { bits=32; bitmask=0xffffffffL; } else if (bitmask <= 0x7fffffffffffffffL) { bits=63; bitmask=0x7fffffffffffffffL; /* for overflow tests*/ } else { bits=63; bitmask=0x7fffffffffffffffL; /* for overflow tests*/ } #else else if (bitmask <= 0x7fffffff) { bits=31; bitmask=0x7fffffff; /* for overflow tests*/ } else { bits=31; bitmask=0x7fffffffL; /* for overflow tests*/ } #endif return bitmask; } /*2 * optimize rGetExpSize for a block of N variables, exp <=bitmask */ static unsigned long rGetExpSize(unsigned long bitmask, int & bits, int N) { bitmask =rGetExpSize(bitmask, bits); int vars_per_long=BIT_SIZEOF_LONG/bits; int bits1; loop { if (bits == BIT_SIZEOF_LONG-1) { bits = BIT_SIZEOF_LONG - 1; return LONG_MAX; } unsigned long bitmask1 =rGetExpSize(bitmask+1, bits1); int vars_per_long1=BIT_SIZEOF_LONG/bits1; if ((((N+vars_per_long-1)/vars_per_long) == ((N+vars_per_long1-1)/vars_per_long1))) { vars_per_long=vars_per_long1; bits=bits1; bitmask=bitmask1; } else { return bitmask; /* and bits */ } } } bool rSetISReference(const ideal F, const int i, const int p, const intvec * componentWeights, const ring r); /*2 * create a copy of the ring r, which must be equivalent to currRing * used for std computations * may share data structures with currRing * DOES CALL rComplete */ ring rModifyRing(ring r, BOOLEAN omit_degree, BOOLEAN omit_comp, unsigned long exp_limit) { assume (r != NULL ); assume (exp_limit > 1); BOOLEAN need_other_ring; BOOLEAN omitted_degree = FALSE; int iNeedInducedOrderingSetup = 0; ///< How many induced ordering block do we have? int bits; exp_limit=rGetExpSize(exp_limit, bits, r->N); need_other_ring = (exp_limit != r->bitmask); int nblocks=rBlocks(r); int *order=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); int *block0=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); int *block1=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); int **wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int_ptr)); int i=0; int j=0; /* i index in r, j index in res */ for( int r_ord=r->order[i]; (r_ord != 0) && (i < nblocks); j++, r_ord=r->order[++i]) { BOOLEAN copy_block_index=TRUE; if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i]) { switch(r_ord) { case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_Dp: r_ord=ringorder_lp; break; case ringorder_Ws: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_ds: r_ord=ringorder_ls; break; default: break; } } switch(r_ord) { case ringorder_S: { #ifndef NDEBUG dReportError("Error: unhandled ordering in rModifyRing: ringorder_S = [%d]", r_ord); #endif order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/ break; } case ringorder_C: case ringorder_c: if (!omit_comp) { order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i]*/; } else { j--; need_other_ring=TRUE; omit_comp=FALSE; copy_block_index=FALSE; } break; case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_ds: if(!omit_degree) { order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i]*/; } else { order[j]=ringorder_rs; need_other_ring=TRUE; omit_degree=FALSE; omitted_degree = TRUE; } break; case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_Dp: case ringorder_Ws: case ringorder_Ds: if(!omit_degree) { order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/ } else { order[j]=ringorder_lp; need_other_ring=TRUE; omit_degree=FALSE; omitted_degree = TRUE; } break; case ringorder_IS: { if (omit_comp) { dReportError("Error: WRONG USAGE of rModifyRing: cannot omit component due to the ordering block [%d]: %d", i, r_ord); omit_comp = FALSE; } order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/ iNeedInducedOrderingSetup++; break; } case ringorder_s: { assume((i == 0) && (j == 0)); if (omit_comp) { #ifndef NDEBUG Warn("WRONG USAGE? of rModifyRing: omitting component due to the ordering block [%d]: %d", i, r_ord); #endif omit_comp = FALSE; } order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/ break; } default: order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/ break; } if (copy_block_index) { block0[j]=r->block0[i]; block1[j]=r->block1[i]; wvhdl[j]=r->wvhdl[i]; } // order[j]=ringorder_no; // done by omAlloc0 } if(!need_other_ring) { omFreeSize(order,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize(block0,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize(block1,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize(wvhdl,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int_ptr)); return r; } ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin); *res = *r; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL res->GetNC() = NULL; #endif // res->qideal, res->idroot ??? res->wvhdl=wvhdl; res->order=order; res->block0=block0; res->block1=block1; res->bitmask=exp_limit; int tmpref=r->cf->ref; rComplete(res, 1); r->cf->ref=tmpref; // adjust res->pFDeg: if it was changed globally, then // it must also be changed for new ring if (r->pFDegOrig != res->pFDegOrig && rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(r)) { // still might need adjustment for weighted orderings // and omit_degree res->firstwv = r->firstwv; res->firstBlockEnds = r->firstBlockEnds; res->pFDeg = res->pFDegOrig = pWFirstTotalDegree; } if (omitted_degree) res->pLDeg = res->pLDegOrig = r->pLDegOrig; rOptimizeLDeg(res); // set syzcomp if (res->typ != NULL) { if( res->typ[0].ord_typ == ro_syz) // "s" Always on [0] place! { res->typ[0] = r->typ[0]; // Copy struct!? + setup the same limit! if (r->typ[0].data.syz.limit > 0) { res->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index = (int*) omAlloc((r->typ[0].data.syz.limit +1)*sizeof(int)); memcpy(res->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index, r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index, (r->typ[0].data.syz.limit +1)*sizeof(int)); } } if( iNeedInducedOrderingSetup > 0 ) { for(j = 0, i = 0; (i < nblocks) && (iNeedInducedOrderingSetup > 0); i++) if( res->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_is ) // Search for suffixes! { ideal F = idrHeadR(r->typ[i].data.is.F, r, res); // Copy F from r into res! assume( rSetISReference( F, // WILL BE COPIED! r->typ[i].data.is.limit, j++, r->typ[i].data.is.componentWeights, // WILL BE COPIED res) ); id_Delete(&F, res); iNeedInducedOrderingSetup--; } } // Process all induced Ordering blocks! ... } // the special case: homog (omit_degree) and 1 block rs: that is global: // it comes from dp res->OrdSgn=r->OrdSgn; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); #endif // cleanup? // rDelete(res); // return r; // just go on.. } if( rIsSCA(r) ) { if( !sca_Force(res, scaFirstAltVar(r), scaLastAltVar(r)) ) WarnS("error in sca_Force!"); } } #endif return res; } // construct Wp,C ring ring rModifyRing_Wp(ring r, int* weights) { ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin); *res = *r; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL res->GetNC() = NULL; #endif /*weights: entries for 3 blocks: NULL*/ res->wvhdl = (int **)omAlloc0(3 * sizeof(int_ptr)); /*order: Wp,C,0*/ res->order = (int *) omAlloc(3 * sizeof(int *)); res->block0 = (int *)omAlloc0(3 * sizeof(int *)); res->block1 = (int *)omAlloc0(3 * sizeof(int *)); /* ringorder Wp for the first block: var 1..r->N */ res->order[0] = ringorder_Wp; res->block0[0] = 1; res->block1[0] = r->N; res->wvhdl[0] = weights; /* ringorder C for the second block: no vars */ res->order[1] = ringorder_C; /* the last block: everything is 0 */ res->order[2] = 0; /*polynomial ring*/ res->OrdSgn = 1; int tmpref=r->cf->ref; rComplete(res, 1); r->cf->ref=tmpref; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); #endif // cleanup? // rDelete(res); // return r; // just go on.. } } #endif return res; } // construct lp, C ring with r->N variables, r->names vars.... ring rModifyRing_Simple(ring r, BOOLEAN ommit_degree, BOOLEAN ommit_comp, unsigned long exp_limit, BOOLEAN &simple) { simple=TRUE; if (!rHasSimpleOrder(r)) { simple=FALSE; // sorting needed assume (r != NULL ); assume (exp_limit > 1); BOOLEAN omitted_degree = FALSE; int bits; exp_limit=rGetExpSize(exp_limit, bits, r->N); int nblocks=1+(ommit_comp!=0); int *order=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); int *block0=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); int *block1=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int)); int **wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int_ptr)); order[0]=ringorder_lp; block0[0]=1; block1[0]=r->N; if (!ommit_comp) { order[1]=ringorder_C; } ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin); *res = *r; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL res->GetNC() = NULL; #endif // res->qideal, res->idroot ??? res->wvhdl=wvhdl; res->order=order; res->block0=block0; res->block1=block1; res->bitmask=exp_limit; int tmpref=r->cf->ref; rComplete(res, 1); r->cf->ref=tmpref; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); #endif // cleanup? // rDelete(res); // return r; // just go on.. } } #endif rOptimizeLDeg(res); return res; } return rModifyRing(r, ommit_degree, ommit_comp, exp_limit); } void rKillModifiedRing_Simple(ring r) { rKillModifiedRing(r); } void rKillModifiedRing(ring r) { rUnComplete(r); omFree(r->order); omFree(r->block0); omFree(r->block1); omFree(r->wvhdl); omFreeBin(r,sip_sring_bin); } void rKillModified_Wp_Ring(ring r) { rUnComplete(r); omFree(r->order); omFree(r->block0); omFree(r->block1); omFree(r->wvhdl[0]); omFree(r->wvhdl); omFreeBin(r,sip_sring_bin); } static void rSetOutParams(ring r) { r->VectorOut = (r->order[0] == ringorder_c); r->ShortOut = TRUE; #ifdef HAVE_TCL if (tcllmode) { r->ShortOut = FALSE; } else #endif { int i; if ((r->parameter!=NULL) && (r->ch<2)) { for (i=0;iparameter[i])>1) { r->ShortOut=FALSE; break; } } } if (r->ShortOut) { // Hmm... sometimes (e.g., from maGetPreimage) new variables // are intorduced, but their names are never set // hence, we do the following awkward trick int N = omSizeWOfAddr(r->names); if (r->N < N) N = r->N; for (i=(N-1);i>=0;i--) { if(r->names[i] != NULL && strlen(r->names[i])>1) { r->ShortOut=FALSE; break; } } } } r->CanShortOut = r->ShortOut; } /*2 * sets pMixedOrder and pComponentOrder for orderings with more than one block * block of variables (ip is the block number, o_r the number of the ordering) * o is the position of the orderingering in r */ static void rHighSet(ring r, int o_r, int o) { switch(o_r) { case ringorder_lp: case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_Dp: case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_rp: case ringorder_a: case ringorder_aa: case ringorder_a64: if (r->OrdSgn==-1) r->MixedOrder=TRUE; break; case ringorder_ls: case ringorder_rs: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_s: break; case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_Ws: if (r->wvhdl[o]!=NULL) { int i; for(i=r->block1[o]-r->block0[o];i>=0;i--) if (r->wvhdl[o][i]<0) { r->MixedOrder=TRUE; break; } } break; case ringorder_c: r->ComponentOrder=1; break; case ringorder_C: case ringorder_S: r->ComponentOrder=-1; break; case ringorder_M: r->MixedOrder=TRUE; break; case ringorder_IS: { // TODO: What is r->ComponentOrder??? r->MixedOrder=TRUE; /* if( r->block0[o] != 0 ) // Suffix has the comonent r->ComponentOrder = r->block0[o]; else // Prefix has level... r->ComponentOrder=-1; */ break; } default: dReportError("wrong internal ordering:%d at %s, l:%d\n",o_r,__FILE__,__LINE__); } } static void rSetFirstWv(ring r, int i, int* order, int* block1, int** wvhdl) { // cheat for ringorder_aa if (order[i] == ringorder_aa) i++; if(block1[i]!=r->N) r->LexOrder=TRUE; r->firstBlockEnds=block1[i]; r->firstwv = wvhdl[i]; if ((order[i]== ringorder_ws) || (order[i]==ringorder_Ws) || (order[i]== ringorder_wp) || (order[i]==ringorder_Wp) || (order[i]== ringorder_a) /*|| (order[i]==ringorder_A)*/) { int j; for(j=block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0;j--) { if (r->firstwv[j]<0) r->MixedOrder=TRUE; if (r->firstwv[j]==0) r->LexOrder=TRUE; } } else if (order[i]==ringorder_a64) { int j; int64 *w=rGetWeightVec(r); for(j=block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0;j--) { if (w[j]==0) r->LexOrder=TRUE; } } } static void rOptimizeLDeg(ring r) { if (r->pFDeg == pDeg) { if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1) r->pLDeg = pLDeg1_Deg; if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1c) r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_Deg; } else if (r->pFDeg == pTotaldegree) { if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1) r->pLDeg = pLDeg1_Totaldegree; if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1c) r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_Totaldegree; } else if (r->pFDeg == pWFirstTotalDegree) { if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1) r->pLDeg = pLDeg1_WFirstTotalDegree; if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1c) r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_WFirstTotalDegree; } } // set pFDeg, pLDeg, MixOrder, ComponentOrder, etc static void rSetDegStuff(ring r) { int* order = r->order; int* block0 = r->block0; int* block1 = r->block1; int** wvhdl = r->wvhdl; if (order[0]==ringorder_S ||order[0]==ringorder_s || order[0]==ringorder_IS) { order++; block0++; block1++; wvhdl++; } r->LexOrder = FALSE; r->MixedOrder = FALSE; r->ComponentOrder = 1; r->pFDeg = pTotaldegree; r->pLDeg = (r->OrdSgn == 1 ? pLDegb : pLDeg0); /*======== ordering type is (_,c) =========================*/ if ((order[0]==ringorder_unspec) || (order[1] == 0) ||( ((order[1]==ringorder_c)||(order[1]==ringorder_C) ||(order[1]==ringorder_S) ||(order[1]==ringorder_IS) ||(order[1]==ringorder_s)) && (order[0]!=ringorder_M) && (order[2]==0)) ) { if ((order[0]!=ringorder_unspec) && ((order[1]==ringorder_C)||(order[1]==ringorder_S)||(order[1]==ringorder_IS)|| (order[1]==ringorder_s))) r->ComponentOrder=-1; if (r->OrdSgn == -1) r->pLDeg = pLDeg0c; if ((order[0] == ringorder_lp) || (order[0] == ringorder_ls) || (order[0] == ringorder_rp) || (order[0] == ringorder_rs)) { r->LexOrder=TRUE; r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c; r->pFDeg = pTotaldegree; } if ((order[0] == ringorder_a) || (order[0] == ringorder_wp) || (order[0] == ringorder_Wp) || (order[0] == ringorder_ws) || (order[0] == ringorder_Ws)) r->pFDeg = pWFirstTotalDegree; r->firstBlockEnds=block1[0]; r->firstwv = wvhdl[0]; } /*======== ordering type is (c,_) =========================*/ else if (((order[0]==ringorder_c) ||(order[0]==ringorder_C) ||(order[0]==ringorder_S) ||(order[0]==ringorder_IS) ||(order[0]==ringorder_s)) && (order[1]!=ringorder_M) && (order[2]==0)) { if ((order[0]==ringorder_C)||(order[0]==ringorder_S)|| (order[0]==ringorder_IS) || order[0]==ringorder_s) r->ComponentOrder=-1; if ((order[1] == ringorder_lp) || (order[1] == ringorder_ls) || (order[1] == ringorder_rp) || order[1] == ringorder_rs) { r->LexOrder=TRUE; r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c; r->pFDeg = pTotaldegree; } r->firstBlockEnds=block1[1]; r->firstwv = wvhdl[1]; if ((order[1] == ringorder_a) || (order[1] == ringorder_wp) || (order[1] == ringorder_Wp) || (order[1] == ringorder_ws) || (order[1] == ringorder_Ws)) r->pFDeg = pWFirstTotalDegree; } /*------- more than one block ----------------------*/ else { if ((r->VectorOut)||(order[0]==ringorder_C)||(order[0]==ringorder_S)||(order[0]==ringorder_s) ||(order[0]==ringorder_IS)) { rSetFirstWv(r, 1, order, block1, wvhdl); } else rSetFirstWv(r, 0, order, block1, wvhdl); /*the number of orderings:*/ int i = 0; while (order[++i] != 0); do { i--; rHighSet(r, order[i],i); } while (i != 0); if ((order[0]!=ringorder_c) && (order[0]!=ringorder_C) && (order[0]!=ringorder_S) && (order[0]!=ringorder_IS) && (order[0]!=ringorder_s)) { r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c; } else { r->pLDeg = pLDeg1; } r->pFDeg = pWTotaldegree; // may be improved: pTotaldegree for lp/dp/ls/.. blocks } if (rOrd_is_Totaldegree_Ordering(r) || rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(r)) r->pFDeg = pDeg; r->pFDegOrig = r->pFDeg; r->pLDegOrig = r->pLDeg; rOptimizeLDeg(r); } /*2 * set NegWeightL_Size, NegWeightL_Offset */ static void rSetNegWeight(ring r) { int i,l; if (r->typ!=NULL) { l=0; for(i=0;iOrdSize;i++) { if(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg) l++; } if (l>0) { r->NegWeightL_Size=l; r->NegWeightL_Offset=(int *) omAlloc(l*sizeof(int)); l=0; for(i=0;iOrdSize;i++) { if(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg) { r->NegWeightL_Offset[l]=r->typ[i].data.wp.place; l++; } } return; } } r->NegWeightL_Size = 0; r->NegWeightL_Offset = NULL; } static void rSetOption(ring r) { // set redthrough if (!TEST_OPT_OLDSTD && r->OrdSgn == 1 && ! r->LexOrder) r->options |= Sy_bit(OPT_REDTHROUGH); else r->options &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_REDTHROUGH); // set intStrategy #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Extension(r) || rField_is_Q(r) || rField_is_Ring(r)) #else if (rField_is_Extension(r) || rField_is_Q(r)) #endif r->options |= Sy_bit(OPT_INTSTRATEGY); else r->options &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_INTSTRATEGY); // set redTail if (r->LexOrder || r->OrdSgn == -1 || rField_is_Extension(r)) r->options &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_REDTAIL); else r->options |= Sy_bit(OPT_REDTAIL); } BOOLEAN rComplete(ring r, int force) { if (r->VarOffset!=NULL && force == 0) return FALSE; nInitChar(r); rSetOutParams(r); int n=rBlocks(r)-1; int i; int bits; r->bitmask=rGetExpSize(r->bitmask,bits,r->N); r->BitsPerExp = bits; r->ExpPerLong = BIT_SIZEOF_LONG / bits; r->divmask=rGetDivMask(bits); // will be used for ordsgn: long *tmp_ordsgn=(long *)omAlloc0(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(long)); // will be used for VarOffset: int *v=(int *)omAlloc((r->N+1)*sizeof(int)); for(i=r->N; i>=0 ; i--) { v[i]=-1; } sro_ord *tmp_typ=(sro_ord *)omAlloc0(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(sro_ord)); int typ_i=0; int prev_ordsgn=0; // fill in v, tmp_typ, tmp_ordsgn, determine typ_i (== ordSize) int j=0; int j_bits=BITS_PER_LONG; BOOLEAN need_to_add_comp=FALSE; // Only for ringorder_s and ringorder_S! for(i=0;iorder[i]) { case ringorder_a: case ringorder_aa: rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]); typ_i++; break; case ringorder_a64: rO_WDegree64(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i], (int64 *)(r->wvhdl[i])); typ_i++; break; case ringorder_c: rO_Align(j, j_bits); rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1); break; case ringorder_C: rO_Align(j, j_bits); rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1); break; case ringorder_M: { int k,l; k=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1; // number of vars for(l=0;lblock0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]+(r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1)*l); typ_i++; } break; } case ringorder_lp: rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i], prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1); break; case ringorder_ls: rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i], prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1); break; case ringorder_rs: rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1); break; case ringorder_rp: rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1); break; case ringorder_dp: if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i]) { rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1); } else { rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); typ_i++; rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, r->block0[i]); } break; case ringorder_Dp: if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i]) { rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1); } else { rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); typ_i++; rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]); } break; case ringorder_ds: if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i]) { rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1); } else { rO_TDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); typ_i++; rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, r->block0[i]); } break; case ringorder_Ds: if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i]) { rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block0[i],prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1); } else { rO_TDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); typ_i++; rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]); } break; case ringorder_wp: rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]); typ_i++; { // check for weights <=0 int jj; BOOLEAN have_bad_weights=FALSE; for(jj=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i];jj>=0; jj--) { if (r->wvhdl[i][jj]<=0) have_bad_weights=TRUE; } if (have_bad_weights) { rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); typ_i++; } } if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i]) { rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits,r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, v,bits, r->block0[i]); } break; case ringorder_Wp: rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]); typ_i++; { // check for weights <=0 int j; BOOLEAN have_bad_weights=FALSE; for(j=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0; j--) { if (r->wvhdl[i][j]<=0) have_bad_weights=TRUE; } if (have_bad_weights) { rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); typ_i++; } } if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i]) { rO_LexVars(j, j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]); } break; case ringorder_ws: rO_WDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]); typ_i++; if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i]) { rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits,r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, v,bits, r->block0[i]); } break; case ringorder_Ws: rO_WDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]); typ_i++; if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i]) { rO_LexVars(j, j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]); } break; case ringorder_S: assume(typ_i == 0 && j == 0); rO_Syzcomp(j, j_bits,prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,tmp_typ[typ_i]); need_to_add_comp=TRUE; typ_i++; break; case ringorder_s: assume(typ_i == 0 && j == 0); rO_Syz(j, j_bits, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); need_to_add_comp=TRUE; typ_i++; break; case ringorder_IS: { const int s = r->block0[i]; assume( s >= -1 && s <= 1); assume( r->block0[i] == r->block1[i] ); if(s == 0) // Prefix IS rO_ISPrefix(j, j_bits, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, r->N, v, tmp_typ[typ_i++]); // What about prev_ordsgn? else // s = +1 or -1 // Note: typ_i might be incrimented here inside! { rO_ISSuffix(j, j_bits, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, r->N, v, tmp_typ, typ_i, s); // Suffix. need_to_add_comp=FALSE; } break; } case ringorder_unspec: case ringorder_no: default: dReportError("undef. ringorder used\n"); break; } } int j0=j; // save j int j_bits0=j_bits; // save jbits rO_Align(j,j_bits); r->CmpL_Size = j; j_bits=j_bits0; j=j0; // fill in some empty slots with variables not already covered // v0 is special, is therefore normally already covered // now we do have rings without comp... if((need_to_add_comp) && (v[0]== -1)) { if (prev_ordsgn==1) { rO_Align(j, j_bits); rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1); } else { rO_Align(j, j_bits); rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1); } } // the variables for(i=1 ; i<=r->N ; i++) { if(v[i]==(-1)) { if (prev_ordsgn==1) { rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, i,i, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1); } else { rO_LexVars_neg(j,j_bits,i,i, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1); } } } rO_Align(j,j_bits); // ---------------------------- // finished with constructing the monomial, computing sizes: r->ExpL_Size=j; r->PolyBin = omGetSpecBin(POLYSIZE + (r->ExpL_Size)*sizeof(long)); assume(r->PolyBin != NULL); // ---------------------------- // indices and ordsgn vector for comparison // // r->pCompHighIndex already set r->ordsgn=(long *)omAlloc0(r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long)); for(j=0;jCmpL_Size;j++) { r->ordsgn[j] = tmp_ordsgn[j]; } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tmp_ordsgn,(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(long))); // ---------------------------- // description of orderings for setm: // r->OrdSize=typ_i; if (typ_i==0) r->typ=NULL; else { r->typ=(sro_ord*)omAlloc(typ_i*sizeof(sro_ord)); memcpy(r->typ,tmp_typ,typ_i*sizeof(sro_ord)); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tmp_typ,(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(sro_ord))); // ---------------------------- // indices for (first copy of ) variable entries in exp.e vector (VarOffset): r->VarOffset=v; // ---------------------------- // other indicies r->pCompIndex=(r->VarOffset[0] & 0xffff); //r->VarOffset[0]; i=0; // position j=0; // index in r->typ if (i==r->pCompIndex) i++; // IS??? while ((j < r->OrdSize) && ((r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_syzcomp) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_syz) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_isTemp) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_is) || (r->order[r->typ[j].order_index] == ringorder_aa))) { i++; j++; } // No use of j anymore!!!???? if (i==r->pCompIndex) i++; r->pOrdIndex=i; // How came it is "i" here???!!!! exp[r->pOrdIndex] is order of a poly... This may be wrong!!! IS // ---------------------------- rSetDegStuff(r); rSetOption(r); // ---------------------------- // r->p_Setm r->p_Setm = p_GetSetmProc(r); // ---------------------------- // set VarL_* rSetVarL(r); // ---------------------------- // right-adjust VarOffset rRightAdjustVarOffset(r); // ---------------------------- // set NegWeightL* rSetNegWeight(r); // ---------------------------- // p_Procs: call AFTER NegWeightL r->p_Procs = (p_Procs_s*)omAlloc(sizeof(p_Procs_s)); p_ProcsSet(r, r->p_Procs); return FALSE; } void rUnComplete(ring r) { if (r == NULL) return; if (r->VarOffset != NULL) { if (r->OrdSize!=0 && r->typ != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < r->OrdSize; i++) if( r->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_is) // Search for suffixes! (prefix have the same VarOffset) { id_Delete(&r->typ[i].data.is.F, r); r->typ[i].data.is.F = NULL; // ? if( r->typ[i].data.is.componentWeights != NULL ) { delete r->typ[i].data.is.componentWeights; r->typ[i].data.is.componentWeights = NULL; // ? } if( r->typ[i].data.is.pVarOffset != NULL ) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->typ[i].data.is.pVarOffset, (r->N +1)*sizeof(int)); r->typ[i].data.is.pVarOffset = NULL; // ? } } else if (r->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_syz) { if(r->typ[i].data.syz.limit > 0) omFreeSize(r->typ[i].data.syz.syz_index, ((r->typ[i].data.syz.limit) +1)*sizeof(int)); r->typ[i].data.syz.syz_index = NULL; } else if (r->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp) { #ifndef NDEBUG Warn( "rUnComplete : ord_typ == ro_syzcomp was unhandled!!! Possibly memory leak!!!" ); #endif } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->typ,r->OrdSize*sizeof(sro_ord)); r->typ = NULL; } if (r->order != NULL) { // delete r->order!!!??? } if (r->PolyBin != NULL) omUnGetSpecBin(&(r->PolyBin)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->VarOffset, (r->N +1)*sizeof(int)); if (r->ordsgn != NULL && r->CmpL_Size != 0) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->ordsgn,r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long)); if (r->p_Procs != NULL) omFreeSize(r->p_Procs, sizeof(p_Procs_s)); omfreeSize(r->VarL_Offset, r->VarL_Size*sizeof(int)); } if (r->NegWeightL_Offset!=NULL) { omFreeSize(r->NegWeightL_Offset, r->NegWeightL_Size*sizeof(int)); r->NegWeightL_Offset=NULL; } } // set r->VarL_Size, r->VarL_Offset, r->VarL_LowIndex static void rSetVarL(ring r) { int min = INT_MAX, min_j = -1; int* VarL_Number = (int*) omAlloc0(r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(int)); int i,j; // count how often a var long is occupied by an exponent for (i=1; i<=r->N; i++) { VarL_Number[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff]++; } // determine how many and min for (i=0, j=0; iExpL_Size; i++) { if (VarL_Number[i] != 0) { if (min > VarL_Number[i]) { min = VarL_Number[i]; min_j = j; } j++; } } r->VarL_Size = j; // number of long with exp. entries in // in p->exp r->VarL_Offset = (int*) omAlloc(r->VarL_Size*sizeof(int)); r->VarL_LowIndex = 0; // set VarL_Offset for (i=0, j=0; iExpL_Size; i++) { if (VarL_Number[i] != 0) { r->VarL_Offset[j] = i; if (j > 0 && r->VarL_Offset[j-1] != r->VarL_Offset[j] - 1) r->VarL_LowIndex = -1; j++; } } if (r->VarL_LowIndex >= 0) r->VarL_LowIndex = r->VarL_Offset[0]; r->MinExpPerLong = min; if (min_j != 0) { j = r->VarL_Offset[min_j]; r->VarL_Offset[min_j] = r->VarL_Offset[0]; r->VarL_Offset[0] = j; } omFree(VarL_Number); } static void rRightAdjustVarOffset(ring r) { int* shifts = (int*) omAlloc(r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(int)); int i; // initialize shifts for (i=0;iExpL_Size;i++) shifts[i] = BIT_SIZEOF_LONG; // find minimal bit shift in each long exp entry for (i=1;i<=r->N;i++) { if (shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff] > r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff] = r->VarOffset[i] >> 24; } // reset r->VarOffset: set the minimal shift to 0 for (i=1;i<=r->N;i++) { if (shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff] != 0) r->VarOffset[i] = (r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff) | (((r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) - shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff]) << 24); } omFree(shifts); } // get r->divmask depending on bits per exponent static unsigned long rGetDivMask(int bits) { unsigned long divmask = 1; int i = bits; while (i < BIT_SIZEOF_LONG) { divmask |= (((unsigned long) 1) << (unsigned long) i); i += bits; } return divmask; } #ifdef RDEBUG void rDebugPrint(ring r) { if (r==NULL) { PrintS("NULL ?\n"); return; } // corresponds to ro_typ from ring.h: const char *TYP[]={"ro_dp","ro_wp","ro_wp64","ro_wp_neg","ro_cp", "ro_syzcomp", "ro_syz", "ro_isTemp", "ro_is", "ro_none"}; int i,j; Print("ExpL_Size:%d ",r->ExpL_Size); Print("CmpL_Size:%d ",r->CmpL_Size); Print("VarL_Size:%d\n",r->VarL_Size); Print("bitmask=0x%lx (expbound=%ld) \n",r->bitmask, r->bitmask); Print("BitsPerExp=%d ExpPerLong=%d MinExpPerLong=%d at L[%d]\n", r->BitsPerExp, r->ExpPerLong, r->MinExpPerLong, r->VarL_Offset[0]); PrintS("varoffset:\n"); if (r->VarOffset==NULL) PrintS(" NULL\n"); else for(j=0;j<=r->N;j++) Print(" v%d at e-pos %d, bit %d\n", j,r->VarOffset[j] & 0xffffff, r->VarOffset[j] >>24); Print("divmask=%lx\n", r->divmask); PrintS("ordsgn:\n"); for(j=0;jCmpL_Size;j++) Print(" ordsgn %ld at pos %d\n",r->ordsgn[j],j); Print("OrdSgn:%d\n",r->OrdSgn); PrintS("ordrec:\n"); for(j=0;jOrdSize;j++) { Print(" typ %s", TYP[r->typ[j].ord_typ]); if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_isTemp) { Print(" start (level) %d, suffixpos: %d, VO: ",r->typ[j].data.isTemp.start, r->typ[j].data.isTemp.suffixpos); #if MYTEST for( int k = 0; k <= r->N; k++) if (r->typ[j].data.isTemp.pVarOffset[k] != -1) Print("[%2d]: %09x; ", k, r->typ[j].data.isTemp.pVarOffset[k]); #endif } else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_is) { Print(" start %d, end: %d: ",r->typ[j].data.is.start, r->typ[j].data.is.end); // for( int k = 0; k <= r->N; k++) if (r->typ[j].data.is.pVarOffset[k] != -1) Print("[%2d]: %04x; ", k, r->typ[j].data.is.pVarOffset[k]); Print(" limit %d\n",r->typ[j].data.is.limit); #ifndef NDEBUG PrintS(" F: ");idShow(r->typ[j].data.is.F, r, r, 1); #endif PrintS("weights: "); if( r->typ[j].data.is.componentWeights == NULL ) PrintS("NULL == [0,...0]\n"); else { (r->typ[j].data.is.componentWeights)->show(); PrintLn(); } } else { Print(" place %d",r->typ[j].data.dp.place); if (r->typ[j].ord_typ!=ro_syzcomp && r->typ[j].ord_typ!=ro_syz) { Print(" start %d",r->typ[j].data.dp.start); Print(" end %d",r->typ[j].data.dp.end); if ((r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg)) { PrintS(" w:"); for(int l=r->typ[j].data.wp.start;l<=r->typ[j].data.wp.end;l++) Print(" %d",r->typ[j].data.wp.weights[l-r->typ[j].data.wp.start]); } else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp64) { PrintS(" w64:"); int l; for(l=r->typ[j].data.wp64.start;l<=r->typ[j].data.wp64.end;l++) Print(" %ld",(long)(((int64*)r->typ[j].data.wp64.weights64)+l-r->typ[j].data.wp64.start)); } } } PrintLn(); } Print("pOrdIndex:%d pCompIndex:%d\n", r->pOrdIndex, r->pCompIndex); Print("OrdSize:%d\n",r->OrdSize); PrintS("--------------------\n"); for(j=0;jExpL_Size;j++) { Print("L[%d]: ",j); if (j< r->CmpL_Size) Print("ordsgn %ld ", r->ordsgn[j]); else PrintS("no comp "); i=1; for(;i<=r->N;i++) { if( (r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff) == j ) { Print("v%d at e[%d], bit %d; ", i,r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff, r->VarOffset[i] >>24 ); } } if( r->pCompIndex==j ) PrintS("v0; "); for(i=0;iOrdSize;i++) { if (r->typ[i].data.dp.place == j) { Print("ordrec:%s (start:%d, end:%d) ",TYP[r->typ[i].ord_typ], r->typ[i].data.dp.start, r->typ[i].data.dp.end); } } if (j==r->pOrdIndex) PrintS("pOrdIndex\n"); else PrintLn(); } // p_Procs stuff p_Procs_s proc_names; const char* field; const char* length; const char* ord; p_Debug_GetProcNames(r, &proc_names); // changes p_Procs!!! p_Debug_GetSpecNames(r, field, length, ord); Print("p_Spec : %s, %s, %s\n", field, length, ord); PrintS("p_Procs :\n"); for (i=0; i<(int) (sizeof(p_Procs_s)/sizeof(void*)); i++) { Print(" %s,\n", ((char**) &proc_names)[i]); } } void p_DebugPrint(poly p, const ring r) { int i,j; p_Write(p,r); j=2; while(p!=NULL) { Print("\nexp[0..%d]\n",r->ExpL_Size-1); for(i=0;iExpL_Size;i++) Print("%ld ",p->exp[i]); PrintLn(); Print("v0:%ld ",p_GetComp(p, r)); for(i=1;i<=r->N;i++) Print(" v%d:%d",i,p_GetExp(p,i, r)); PrintLn(); pIter(p); j--; if (j==0) { PrintS("...\n"); break; } } } void pDebugPrint(poly p) { p_DebugPrint(p, currRing); } #endif // RDEBUG /// debug-print monomial poly/vector p, assuming that it lives in the ring R static inline void m_DebugPrint(const poly p, const ring R) { Print("\nexp[0..%d]\n", R->ExpL_Size - 1); for(int i = 0; i < R->ExpL_Size; i++) Print("%09lx ", p->exp[i]); PrintLn(); Print("v0:%9ld ", p_GetComp(p, R)); for(int i = 1; i <= R->N; i++) Print(" v%d:%5d",i, p_GetExp(p, i, R)); PrintLn(); } #ifndef NDEBUG /// debug-print at most nTerms (2 by default) terms from poly/vector p, /// assuming that lt(p) lives in lmRing and tail(p) lives in tailRing. void p_DebugPrint(const poly p, const ring lmRing, const ring tailRing, const int nTerms) { assume( nTerms >= 0 ); if( p != NULL ) { assume( p != NULL ); p_Write(p, lmRing, tailRing); if( (p != NULL) && (nTerms > 0) ) { assume( p != NULL ); assume( nTerms > 0 ); // debug pring leading term m_DebugPrint(p, lmRing); poly q = pNext(p); // q = tail(p) // debug pring tail (at most nTerms-1 terms from it) for(int j = nTerms - 1; (q !=NULL) && (j > 0); pIter(q), --j) m_DebugPrint(q, tailRing); if (q != NULL) PrintS("...\n"); } } else PrintS("0\n"); } #endif // F = system("ISUpdateComponents", F, V, MIN ); // // replace gen(i) -> gen(MIN + V[i-MIN]) for all i > MIN in all terms from F! void pISUpdateComponents(ideal F, const intvec *const V, const int MIN, const ring r = currRing) { assume( V != NULL ); assume( MIN >= 0 ); if( F == NULL ) return; for( int j = (F->ncols*F->nrows) - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) { #ifdef PDEBUG Print("F[%d]:", j); p_DebugPrint(F->m[j], r, r, 0); #endif for( poly p = F->m[j]; p != NULL; pIter(p) ) { int c = p_GetComp(p, r); if( c > MIN ) { #ifdef PDEBUG Print("gen[%d] -> gen(%d)\n", c, MIN + (*V)[ c - MIN - 1 ]); #endif p_SetComp( p, MIN + (*V)[ c - MIN - 1 ], r ); } } #ifdef PDEBUG Print("new F[%d]:", j); p_Test(F->m[j], r); p_DebugPrint(F->m[j], r, r, 0); #endif } } /*2 * asssume that rComplete was called with r * assume that the first block ist ringorder_S * change the block to reflect the sequence given by appending v */ #ifdef PDEBUG void rDBChangeSComps(int* currComponents, long* currShiftedComponents, int length, ring r) { r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.length = length; rNChangeSComps( currComponents, currShiftedComponents, r); } void rDBGetSComps(int** currComponents, long** currShiftedComponents, int *length, ring r) { *length = r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.length; rNGetSComps( currComponents, currShiftedComponents, r); } #endif void rNChangeSComps(int* currComponents, long* currShiftedComponents, ring r) { assume(r->order[1]==ringorder_S); r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents = currShiftedComponents; r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.Components = currComponents; } void rNGetSComps(int** currComponents, long** currShiftedComponents, ring r) { assume(r->order[1]==ringorder_S); *currShiftedComponents = r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents; *currComponents = r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.Components; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The following routines all take as input a ring r, and return R // where R has a certain property. R might be equal r in which case r // had already this property // // Without argument, these functions work on currRing and change it, // if necessary // for the time being, this is still here static ring rAssure_SyzComp(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete = TRUE); ring rCurrRingAssure_SyzComp() { #if MYTEST PrintS("rCurrRingAssure_SyzComp(), currRing: \n"); rWrite(currRing); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(currRing); #endif PrintLn(); #endif ring r = rAssure_SyzComp(currRing, TRUE); if( r != currRing ) { rChangeCurrRing(r); assume(currRing == r); #if MYTEST PrintS("\nrCurrRingAssure_SyzComp(): new currRing: \n"); rWrite(currRing); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(currRing); #endif PrintLn(); #endif } return r; } static ring rAssure_SyzComp(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete) { if ( (r->order[0] == ringorder_s) ) return r; if ( (r->order[0] == ringorder_IS) ) { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("rAssure_SyzComp in an IS ring!"); #endif // return r; } ring res=rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE); int i=rBlocks(r); int j; res->order=(int *)omAlloc((i+1)*sizeof(int)); res->block0=(int *)omAlloc0((i+1)*sizeof(int)); res->block1=(int *)omAlloc0((i+1)*sizeof(int)); int ** wvhdl =(int **)omAlloc0((i+1)*sizeof(int**)); for(j=i;j>0;j--) { res->order[j]=r->order[j-1]; res->block0[j]=r->block0[j-1]; res->block1[j]=r->block1[j-1]; if (r->wvhdl[j-1] != NULL) { wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j-1]); } } res->order[0]=ringorder_s; res->wvhdl = wvhdl; if (complete) { rComplete(res, 1); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); // cleanup?// rDelete(res);// return r; // just go on.. #endif } } assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(res)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL ring old_ring = r; #if MYTEST PrintS("rCurrRingAssure_SyzComp(): temp r': "); rWrite(r); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(r); #endif PrintLn(); #endif #endif if (r->qideal!=NULL) { res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res); assume(idRankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(res) ) if( nc_SetupQuotient(res, r, true) ) { // WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup? rDelete(res); return r; // just go on...? } #endif assume(idRankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0); } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL assume((res->qideal==NULL) == (old_ring->qideal==NULL)); assume(rIsPluralRing(res) == rIsPluralRing(old_ring)); assume(rIsSCA(res) == rIsSCA(old_ring)); assume(ncRingType(res) == ncRingType(old_ring)); #endif #if MYTEST PrintS("rCurrRingAssure_SyzComp(): res: "); rWrite(r); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(r); #endif PrintLn(); #endif } return res; } ring rAssure_TDeg(ring r, int start_var, int end_var, int &pos) { int i; if (r->typ!=NULL) { for(i=r->OrdSize-1;i>=0;i--) { if ((r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_dp) && (r->typ[i].data.dp.start==start_var) && (r->typ[i].data.dp.end==end_var)) { pos=r->typ[i].data.dp.place; //printf("no change, pos=%d\n",pos); return r; } } } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL nc_struct* save=r->GetNC(); r->GetNC()=NULL; #endif ring res=rCopy(r); i=rBlocks(r); int j; res->ExpL_Size=r->ExpL_Size+1; // one word more in each monom res->PolyBin=omGetSpecBin(POLYSIZE + (res->ExpL_Size)*sizeof(long)); omFree((ADDRESS)res->ordsgn); res->ordsgn=(long *)omAlloc0(res->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long)); for(j=0;jCmpL_Size;j++) { res->ordsgn[j] = r->ordsgn[j]; } res->OrdSize=r->OrdSize+1; // one block more for pSetm if (r->typ!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)res->typ); res->typ=(sro_ord*)omAlloc0(res->OrdSize*sizeof(sro_ord)); if (r->typ!=NULL) memcpy(res->typ,r->typ,r->OrdSize*sizeof(sro_ord)); // the additional block for pSetm: total degree at the last word // but not included in the compare part res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].ord_typ=ro_dp; res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].data.dp.start=start_var; res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].data.dp.end=end_var; res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].data.dp.place=res->ExpL_Size-1; pos=res->ExpL_Size-1; //if ((start_var==1) && (end_var==res->N)) res->pOrdIndex=pos; extern void p_Setm_General(poly p, ring r); res->p_Setm=p_Setm_General; // ---------------------------- omFree((ADDRESS)res->p_Procs); res->p_Procs = (p_Procs_s*)omAlloc(sizeof(p_Procs_s)); p_ProcsSet(res, res->p_Procs); if (res->qideal!=NULL) id_Delete(&res->qideal,res); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL r->GetNC()=save; if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); #endif // just go on.. } } #endif if (r->qideal!=NULL) { res->qideal=idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal,r, res); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(res)) { nc_SetupQuotient(res, currRing); } assume((res->qideal==NULL) == (r->qideal==NULL)); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL assume(rIsPluralRing(res) == rIsPluralRing(r)); assume(rIsSCA(res) == rIsSCA(r)); assume(ncRingType(res) == ncRingType(r)); #endif return res; } ring rAssure_HasComp(ring r) { int last_block; int i=0; do { if (r->order[i] == ringorder_c || r->order[i] == ringorder_C) return r; if (r->order[i] == 0) break; i++; } while (1); //WarnS("re-creating ring with comps"); last_block=i-1; ring new_r = rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE); i+=2; new_r->wvhdl=(int **)omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int_ptr)); new_r->order = (int *) omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int)); new_r->block0 = (int *) omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int)); new_r->block1 = (int *) omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int)); memcpy4(new_r->order,r->order,(i-1) * sizeof(int)); memcpy4(new_r->block0,r->block0,(i-1) * sizeof(int)); memcpy4(new_r->block1,r->block1,(i-1) * sizeof(int)); for (int j=0; j<=last_block; j++) { if (r->wvhdl[j]!=NULL) { new_r->wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j]); } } last_block++; new_r->order[last_block]=ringorder_C; //new_r->block0[last_block]=0; //new_r->block1[last_block]=0; //new_r->wvhdl[last_block]=NULL; rComplete(new_r, 1); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, new_r, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); // cleanup?// rDelete(res);// return r; // just go on.. #endif } } assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(new_r)); #endif return new_r; } static ring rAssure_CompLastBlock(ring r, BOOLEAN complete = TRUE) { int last_block = rBlocks(r) - 2; if (r->order[last_block] != ringorder_c && r->order[last_block] != ringorder_C) { int c_pos = 0; int i; for (i=0; i< last_block; i++) { if (r->order[i] == ringorder_c || r->order[i] == ringorder_C) { c_pos = i; break; } } if (c_pos != -1) { ring new_r = rCopy0(r, FALSE, TRUE); for (i=c_pos+1; i<=last_block; i++) { new_r->order[i-1] = new_r->order[i]; new_r->block0[i-1] = new_r->block0[i]; new_r->block1[i-1] = new_r->block1[i]; new_r->wvhdl[i-1] = new_r->wvhdl[i]; } new_r->order[last_block] = r->order[c_pos]; new_r->block0[last_block] = r->block0[c_pos]; new_r->block1[last_block] = r->block1[c_pos]; new_r->wvhdl[last_block] = r->wvhdl[c_pos]; if (complete) { rComplete(new_r, 1); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, new_r, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); // cleanup?// rDelete(res);// return r; // just go on.. #endif } } assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(new_r)); #endif } return new_r; } } return r; } ring rCurrRingAssure_CompLastBlock() { ring new_r = rAssure_CompLastBlock(currRing); if (currRing != new_r) { ring old_r = currRing; rChangeCurrRing(new_r); if (old_r->qideal != NULL) { new_r->qideal = idrCopyR(old_r->qideal, old_r); currQuotient = new_r->qideal; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(new_r) ) if( nc_SetupQuotient(new_r, old_r, true) ) { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup? rDelete(res); return r; // just go on...? #endif } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL assume((new_r->qideal==NULL) == (old_r->qideal==NULL)); assume(rIsPluralRing(new_r) == rIsPluralRing(old_r)); assume(rIsSCA(new_r) == rIsSCA(old_r)); assume(ncRingType(new_r) == ncRingType(old_r)); #endif rTest(new_r); rTest(old_r); } return new_r; } // Moves _c or _C ordering to the last place AND adds _s on the 1st place ring rCurrRingAssure_SyzComp_CompLastBlock() { ring new_r_1 = rAssure_CompLastBlock(currRing, FALSE); // due to this FALSE - no completion! ring new_r = rAssure_SyzComp(new_r_1, FALSE); // new_r_1 is used only here!!! if (new_r != currRing) { ring old_r = currRing; if (new_r_1 != new_r && new_r_1 != old_r) rDelete(new_r_1); rComplete(new_r, 1); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(old_r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(old_r, new_r, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); // cleanup? rDelete(res); return r; // just go on...? #endif } } assume(rIsPluralRing(new_r) == rIsPluralRing(old_r)); #endif rChangeCurrRing(new_r); if (old_r->qideal != NULL) { new_r->qideal = idrCopyR(old_r->qideal, old_r); currQuotient = new_r->qideal; #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(old_r) ) if( nc_SetupQuotient(new_r, old_r, true) ) { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup? rDelete(res); return r; // just go on...? #endif } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL assume((new_r->qideal==NULL) == (old_r->qideal==NULL)); assume(rIsPluralRing(new_r) == rIsPluralRing(old_r)); assume(rIsSCA(new_r) == rIsSCA(old_r)); assume(ncRingType(new_r) == ncRingType(old_r)); #endif rTest(new_r); rTest(old_r); } return new_r; } // use this for global orderings consisting of two blocks static ring rCurrRingAssure_Global(rRingOrder_t b1, rRingOrder_t b2) { int r_blocks = rBlocks(currRing); int i; assume(b1 == ringorder_c || b1 == ringorder_C || b2 == ringorder_c || b2 == ringorder_C || b2 == ringorder_S); if ((r_blocks == 3) && (currRing->order[0] == b1) && (currRing->order[1] == b2) && (currRing->order[2] == 0)) return currRing; ring res = rCopy0(currRing, TRUE, FALSE); res->order = (int*)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int)); res->block0 = (int*)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int)); res->block1 = (int*)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int)); res->wvhdl = (int**)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int*)); res->order[0] = b1; res->order[1] = b2; if (b1 == ringorder_c || b1 == ringorder_C) { res->block0[1] = 1; res->block1[1] = currRing->N; } else { res->block0[0] = 1; res->block1[0] = currRing->N; } // HANNES: This sould be set in rComplete res->OrdSgn = 1; rComplete(res, 1); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(currRing)) { if ( nc_rComplete(currRing, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); #endif } } #endif rChangeCurrRing(res); return res; } ring rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete = TRUE, int sgn = 1) { // TODO: ???? Add leading Syz-comp ordering here...???? #if MYTEST Print("rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(r, complete = %d, sgn = %d): r: \n", complete, sgn); rWrite(r); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(r); #endif PrintLn(); #endif ring res=rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE); // No qideal & ordering copy. int n = rBlocks(r); // Including trailing zero! // Create 2 more blocks for prefix/suffix: res->order=(int *)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int)); // 0 .. n+1 res->block0=(int *)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int)); res->block1=(int *)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int)); int ** wvhdl =(int **)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int**)); // Encapsulate all existing blocks between induced Schreyer ordering markers: prefix and suffix! // Note that prefix and suffix have the same ringorder marker and only differ in block[] parameters! // new 1st block int j = 0; res->order[j] = ringorder_IS; // Prefix // res->block0[j] = res->block1[j] = 0; // wvhdl[j] = NULL; j++; for(int i = 0; (i <= n) && (r->order[i] != 0); i++, j++) // i = [0 .. n-1] <- non-zero old blocks { res->order [j] = r->order [i]; res->block0[j] = r->block0[i]; res->block1[j] = r->block1[i]; if (r->wvhdl[i] != NULL) { wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[i]); } // else wvhdl[j] = NULL; } // new last block res->order [j] = ringorder_IS; // Suffix res->block0[j] = res->block1[j] = sgn; // Sign of v[o]: 1 for C, -1 for c // wvhdl[j] = NULL; j++; // res->order [j] = 0; // The End! res->wvhdl = wvhdl; // j == the last zero block now! assume(j == (n+1)); assume(res->order[0]==ringorder_IS); assume(res->order[j-1]==ringorder_IS); assume(res->order[j]==0); if (complete) { rComplete(res, 1); #if MYTEST PrintS("rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(): temp res: "); rWrite(res); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(res); #endif PrintLn(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal! { #ifndef NDEBUG WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); // cleanup?// rDelete(res);// return r; // just go on.. #endif } } assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(res)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL ring old_ring = r; #if MYTEST PrintS("rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(): temp nc res: "); rWrite(res); #ifdef RDEBUG rDebugPrint(res); #endif PrintLn(); #endif #endif if (r->qideal!=NULL) { res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res); assume(idRankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(res) ) if( nc_SetupQuotient(res, r, true) ) { // WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup? rDelete(res); return r; // just go on...? } #endif assume(idRankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0); } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL assume((res->qideal==NULL) == (old_ring->qideal==NULL)); assume(rIsPluralRing(res) == rIsPluralRing(old_ring)); assume(rIsSCA(res) == rIsSCA(old_ring)); assume(ncRingType(res) == ncRingType(old_ring)); #endif } return res; } ring rCurrRingAssure_dp_S() { return rCurrRingAssure_Global(ringorder_dp, ringorder_S); } ring rCurrRingAssure_dp_C() { return rCurrRingAssure_Global(ringorder_dp, ringorder_C); } ring rCurrRingAssure_C_dp() { return rCurrRingAssure_Global(ringorder_C, ringorder_dp); } /// Changes r by setting induced ordering parameters: limit and reference leading terms /// F belong to r, we will DO a copy! (same to componentWeights) /// We will use it AS IS! /// returns true is everything was allright! bool rSetISReference(const ideal F, const int i = 0, const int p = 0, const intvec * componentWeights = NULL, const ring r = currRing) { // Put the reference set F into the ring -ordering -recor #if MYTEST Print("rSetISReference(F, i: %d, p: %d, w)\nF:", i, p); idShow(F, r, r, 1); // currRing! PrintLn(); PrintS("w: "); if(componentWeights == NULL) PrintS("NULL\n"); else componentWeights->show(); #endif // TEST THAT THERE ARE DEGs!!! // assume( componentWeights == NULL ); // ??? if( componentWeights != NULL ) { // assure that the ring r has degrees!!! // Add weights to degrees of F[i] } if (r->typ==NULL) { dReportError("Error: WRONG USE of rSetISReference: wrong ring! (typ == NULL)"); return false; } int j = p; // Which IS record to use... for( int pos = 0; pos < r->OrdSize; pos++ ) if( r->typ[pos].ord_typ == ro_is) if( j-- == 0 ) { #if MYTEST Print("Changing record on pos: %d\nOld limit: %d --->> New Limit: %d\n", pos, r->typ[pos].data.is.limit, i); #endif const ideal FF = idrHeadR(F, r, r); if( r->typ[pos].data.is.F != NULL) { #if MYTEST PrintS("Deleting old reference set F... \n"); // idShow(r->typ[pos].data.is.F, r); PrintLn(); #endif id_Delete(&r->typ[pos].data.is.F, r); r->typ[pos].data.is.F = NULL; } assume(r->typ[pos].data.is.F == NULL); r->typ[pos].data.is.F = FF; // F is owened by ring now! TODO: delete at the end! if(r->typ[pos].data.is.componentWeights != NULL) { #if MYTEST PrintS("Deleting old componentWeights: "); r->typ[pos].data.is.componentWeights->show(); PrintLn(); #endif delete r->typ[pos].data.is.componentWeights; r->typ[pos].data.is.componentWeights = NULL; } assume(r->typ[pos].data.is.componentWeights == NULL); if( componentWeights != NULL ) componentWeights = ivCopy(componentWeights); // componentWeights is owened by ring now! TODO: delete at the end! r->typ[pos].data.is.componentWeights = componentWeights; r->typ[pos].data.is.limit = i; // First induced component #if MYTEST PrintS("New reference set FF : \n"); idShow(FF, r, r, 1); PrintLn(); #endif return true; } dReportError("Error: WRONG USE of rSetISReference: specified ordering block was not found!!!" ); return false; } void rSetSyzComp(int k) { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("{%d}", k); if ((currRing->typ!=NULL) && (currRing->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_syz)) { assume(k > currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit); int i; if (currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit == 0) { currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index = (int*) omAlloc0((k+1)*sizeof(int)); currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[0] = 0; currRing->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index = 1; } else { currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index = (int*) omReallocSize(currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index, (currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit+1)*sizeof(int), (k+1)*sizeof(int)); } for (i=currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit + 1; i<= k; i++) { currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[i] = currRing->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index; } currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit = k; currRing->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index++; } else if( (currRing->typ!=NULL) && (currRing->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_isTemp) ) { // (currRing->typ[currRing->typ[0].data.isTemp.suffixpos].data.is.limit == k) #ifndef NDEBUG Warn("rSetSyzComp(%d) in an IS ring! Be careful!", k); #endif } else if ((currRing->order[0]!=ringorder_c) && (k!=0)) // ??? { dReportError("syzcomp in incompatible ring"); } #ifdef PDEBUG extern int pDBsyzComp; pDBsyzComp=k; #endif } // return the max-comonent wchich has syzIndex i int rGetMaxSyzComp(int i) { if ((currRing->typ!=NULL) && (currRing->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_syz) && currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit > 0 && i > 0) { assume(i <= currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit); int j; for (j=0; jtyp[0].data.syz.limit; j++) { if (currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[j] == i && currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[j+1] != i) { assume(currRing->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[j+1] == i+1); return j; } } return currRing->typ[0].data.syz.limit; } else { return 0; } } BOOLEAN rRing_is_Homog(ring r) { if (r == NULL) return FALSE; int i, j, nb = rBlocks(r); for (i=0; iwvhdl[i] != NULL) { int length = r->block1[i] - r->block0[i]; int* wvhdl = r->wvhdl[i]; if (r->order[i] == ringorder_M) length *= length; assume(omSizeOfAddr(wvhdl) >= length*sizeof(int)); for (j=0; j< length; j++) { if (wvhdl[j] != 0 && wvhdl[j] != 1) return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN rRing_has_CompLastBlock(ring r) { assume(r != NULL); int lb = rBlocks(r) - 2; return (r->order[lb] == ringorder_c || r->order[lb] == ringorder_C); } n_coeffType rFieldType(ring r) { if (rField_is_Zp(r)) return n_Zp; if (rField_is_Q(r)) return n_Q; if (rField_is_R(r)) return n_R; if (rField_is_GF(r)) return n_GF; if (rField_is_long_R(r)) return n_long_R; if (rField_is_Zp_a(r)) return n_Zp_a; if (rField_is_Q_a(r)) return n_Q_a; if (rField_is_long_C(r)) return n_long_C; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Ring_Z(r)) return n_Z; if (rField_is_Ring_ModN(r)) return n_Zm; if (rField_is_Ring_PtoM(r)) return n_Zpn; if (rField_is_Ring_2toM(r)) return n_Z2n; #endif return n_unknown; } int64 * rGetWeightVec(ring r) { assume(r!=NULL); assume(r->OrdSize>0); int i=0; while((r->typ[i].ord_typ!=ro_wp64) && (r->typ[i].ord_typ>0)) i++; assume(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_wp64); return (int64*)(r->typ[i].data.wp64.weights64); } void rSetWeightVec(ring r, int64 *wv) { assume(r!=NULL); assume(r->OrdSize>0); assume(r->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_wp64); memcpy(r->typ[0].data.wp64.weights64,wv,r->N*sizeof(int64)); } #include static int rRealloc1(ring r, ring src, int size, int pos) { r->order=(int*)omReallocSize(r->order, size*sizeof(int), (size+1)*sizeof(int)); r->block0=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block0, size*sizeof(int), (size+1)*sizeof(int)); r->block1=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block1, size*sizeof(int), (size+1)*sizeof(int)); r->wvhdl=(int_ptr*)omReallocSize(r->wvhdl,size*sizeof(int_ptr), (size+1)*sizeof(int_ptr)); for(int k=size; k>pos; k--) r->wvhdl[k]=r->wvhdl[k-1]; r->order[size]=0; size++; return size; } static int rReallocM1(ring r, ring src, int size, int pos) { r->order=(int*)omReallocSize(r->order, size*sizeof(int), (size-1)*sizeof(int)); r->block0=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block0, size*sizeof(int), (size-1)*sizeof(int)); r->block1=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block1, size*sizeof(int), (size-1)*sizeof(int)); r->wvhdl=(int_ptr*)omReallocSize(r->wvhdl,size*sizeof(int_ptr), (size-1)*sizeof(int_ptr)); for(int k=pos+1; kwvhdl[k]=r->wvhdl[k+1]; size--; return size; } static void rOppWeight(int *w, int l) { int i2=(l+1)/2; for(int j=0; j<=i2; j++) { int t=w[j]; w[j]=w[l-j]; w[l-j]=t; } } #define rOppVar(R,I) (rVar(R)+1-I) ring rOpposite(ring src) /* creates an opposite algebra of R */ /* that is R^opp, where f (*^opp) g = g*f */ /* treats the case of qring */ { if (src == NULL) return(NULL); #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(src); #endif ring save = currRing; rChangeCurrRing(src); #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(src); // rWrite(src); // rDebugPrint(src); #endif // ring r = rCopy0(src,TRUE); /* TRUE for copy the qideal: Why??? */ ring r = rCopy0(src,FALSE); /* qideal will be deleted later on!!! */ /* rChangeCurrRing(r); */ // change vars v1..vN -> vN..v1 int i; int i2 = (rVar(r)-1)/2; for(i=i2; i>=0; i--) { // index: 0..N-1 //Print("ex var names: %d <-> %d\n",i,rOppVar(r,i)); // exchange names char *p; p = r->names[rVar(r)-1-i]; r->names[rVar(r)-1-i] = r->names[i]; r->names[i] = p; } // i2=(rVar(r)+1)/2; // for(int i=i2; i>0; i--) // { // // index: 1..N // //Print("ex var places: %d <-> %d\n",i,rVar(r)+1-i); // // exchange VarOffset // int t; // t=r->VarOffset[i]; // r->VarOffset[i]=r->VarOffset[rOppVar(r,i)]; // r->VarOffset[rOppVar(r,i)]=t; // } // change names: for (i=rVar(r)-1; i>=0; i--) { char *p=r->names[i]; if(isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p); else *p = toupper(*p); } // change ordering: listing // change ordering: compare // for(i=0; iOrdSize; i++) // { // int t,tt; // switch(r->typ[i].ord_typ) // { // case ro_dp: // // // t=r->typ[i].data.dp.start; // r->typ[i].data.dp.start=rOppVar(r,r->typ[i].data.dp.end); // r->typ[i].data.dp.end=rOppVar(r,t); // break; // case ro_wp: // case ro_wp_neg: // { // t=r->typ[i].data.wp.start; // r->typ[i].data.wp.start=rOppVar(r,r->typ[i].data.wp.end); // r->typ[i].data.wp.end=rOppVar(r,t); // // invert r->typ[i].data.wp.weights // rOppWeight(r->typ[i].data.wp.weights, // r->typ[i].data.wp.end-r->typ[i].data.wp.start); // break; // } // //case ro_wp64: // case ro_syzcomp: // case ro_syz: // WerrorS("not implemented in rOpposite"); // // should not happen // break; // // case ro_cp: // t=r->typ[i].data.cp.start; // r->typ[i].data.cp.start=rOppVar(r,r->typ[i].data.cp.end); // r->typ[i].data.cp.end=rOppVar(r,t); // break; // case ro_none: // default: // Werror("unknown type in rOpposite(%d)",r->typ[i].ord_typ); // break; // } // } // Change order/block structures (needed for rPrint, rAdd etc.) int j=0; int l=rBlocks(src); for(i=0; src->order[i]!=0; i++) { switch (src->order[i]) { case ringorder_c: /* c-> c */ case ringorder_C: /* C-> C */ case ringorder_no /*=0*/: /* end-of-block */ r->order[j]=src->order[i]; j++; break; case ringorder_lp: /* lp -> rp */ r->order[j]=ringorder_rp; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); break; case ringorder_rp: /* rp -> lp */ r->order[j]=ringorder_lp; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); break; case ringorder_dp: /* dp -> a(1..1),ls */ { l=rRealloc1(r,src,l,j); r->order[j]=ringorder_a; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); r->wvhdl[j]=(int*)omAlloc((r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]+1)*sizeof(int)); for(int k=r->block0[j]; k<=r->block1[j]; k++) r->wvhdl[j][k-r->block0[j]]=1; j++; r->order[j]=ringorder_ls; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); j++; break; } case ringorder_Dp: /* Dp -> a(1..1),rp */ { l=rRealloc1(r,src,l,j); r->order[j]=ringorder_a; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); r->wvhdl[j]=(int*)omAlloc((r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]+1)*sizeof(int)); for(int k=r->block0[j]; k<=r->block1[j]; k++) r->wvhdl[j][k-r->block0[j]]=1; j++; r->order[j]=ringorder_rp; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); j++; break; } case ringorder_wp: /* wp -> a(...),ls */ { l=rRealloc1(r,src,l,j); r->order[j]=ringorder_a; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); r->wvhdl[j]=r->wvhdl[j+1]; r->wvhdl[j+1]=r->wvhdl[j+1]=NULL; rOppWeight(r->wvhdl[j], r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]); j++; r->order[j]=ringorder_ls; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); j++; break; } case ringorder_Wp: /* Wp -> a(...),rp */ { l=rRealloc1(r,src,l,j); r->order[j]=ringorder_a; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); r->wvhdl[j]=r->wvhdl[j+1]; r->wvhdl[j+1]=r->wvhdl[j+1]=NULL; rOppWeight(r->wvhdl[j], r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]); j++; r->order[j]=ringorder_rp; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); j++; break; } case ringorder_M: /* M -> M */ { r->order[j]=ringorder_M; r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); int n=r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]; /* M is a (n+1)x(n+1) matrix */ for (int nn=0; nn<=n; nn++) { rOppWeight(&(r->wvhdl[j][nn*(n+1)]), n /*r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]*/); } j++; break; } case ringorder_a: /* a(...),ls -> wp/dp */ { r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]); r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]); rOppWeight(r->wvhdl[j], r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]); if (src->order[i+1]==ringorder_ls) { r->order[j]=ringorder_wp; i++; //l=rReallocM1(r,src,l,j); } else { r->order[j]=ringorder_a; } j++; break; } // not yet done: case ringorder_ls: case ringorder_rs: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_Ws: // should not occur: case ringorder_S: case ringorder_IS: case ringorder_s: case ringorder_aa: case ringorder_L: case ringorder_unspec: Werror("order %s not (yet) supported", rSimpleOrdStr(src->order[i])); break; } } rComplete(r); #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(r); #endif rChangeCurrRing(r); #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(r); // rWrite(r); // rDebugPrint(r); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL // now, we initialize a non-comm structure on r if (rIsPluralRing(src)) { assume( currRing == r); int *perm = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *par_perm = NULL; nMapFunc nMap = nSetMap(src); int ni,nj; for(i=1; i<=r->N; i++) { perm[i] = rOppVar(r,i); } matrix C = mpNew(rVar(r),rVar(r)); matrix D = mpNew(rVar(r),rVar(r)); for (i=1; i< rVar(r); i++) { for (j=i+1; j<=rVar(r); j++) { ni = r->N +1 - i; nj = r->N +1 - j; /* i nj < ni */ assume(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->C,i,j) != NULL); MATELEM(C,nj,ni) = pPermPoly(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->C,i,j),perm,src,nMap,par_perm,src->P); if(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->D,i,j) != NULL) MATELEM(D,nj,ni) = pPermPoly(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->D,i,j),perm,src,nMap,par_perm,src->P); } } idTest((ideal)C); idTest((ideal)D); if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, r, false, false, true, r)) // no qring setup! WarnS("Error initializing non-commutative multiplication!"); #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(r); // rWrite(r); // rDebugPrint(r); #endif assume( r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant == src->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)perm,(rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int)); } #endif /* HAVE_PLURAL */ /* now oppose the qideal for qrings */ if (src->qideal != NULL) { id_Delete(&(r->qideal), r); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL r->qideal = idOppose(src, src->qideal); // into the currRing: r #else r->qideal = id_Copy(src->qideal, currRing); // ? #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(r) ) { nc_SetupQuotient(r); #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(r); // rWrite(r); // rDebugPrint(r); #endif } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsPluralRing(r) ) assume( ncRingType(r) == ncRingType(src) ); #endif rTest(r); rChangeCurrRing(save); return r; } ring rEnvelope(ring R) /* creates an enveloping algebra of R */ /* that is R^e = R \tensor_K R^opp */ { ring Ropp = rOpposite(R); ring Renv = NULL; int stat = rSum(R, Ropp, Renv); /* takes care of qideals */ if ( stat <=0 ) WarnS("Error in rEnvelope at rSum"); rTest(Renv); return Renv; } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL BOOLEAN nc_rComplete(const ring src, ring dest, bool bSetupQuotient) /* returns TRUE is there were errors */ /* dest is actualy equals src with the different ordering */ /* we map src->nc correctly to dest->src */ /* to be executed after rComplete, before rChangeCurrRing */ { // NOTE: Originally used only by idElimination to transfer NC structure to dest // ring created by dirty hack (without nc_CallPlural) rTest(src); assume(!rIsPluralRing(dest)); // destination must be a newly constructed commutative ring if (!rIsPluralRing(src)) { return FALSE; } const int N = dest->N; assume(src->N == N); ring save = currRing; if (dest != save) rChangeCurrRing(dest); const ring srcBase = src; assume( nSetMap(srcBase) == nSetMap(currRing) ); // currRing is important here! matrix C = mpNew(N,N); // ring independent matrix D = mpNew(N,N); matrix C0 = src->GetNC()->C; matrix D0 = src->GetNC()->D; poly p = NULL; number n = NULL; // map C and D into dest for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j <= N; j++) { const number n = n_Copy(p_GetCoeff(MATELEM(C0,i,j), srcBase), srcBase); // src, mapping for coeffs into currRing = dest! const poly p = p_NSet(n, dest); MATELEM(C,i,j) = p; if (MATELEM(D0,i,j) != NULL) MATELEM(D,i,j) = prCopyR(MATELEM(D0,i,j), srcBase, dest); // ? } } /* One must test C and D _only_ in r->GetNC()->basering!!! not in r!!! */ idTest((ideal)C); // in dest! idTest((ideal)D); if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, dest, bSetupQuotient, false, true, dest)) // also takes care about quotient ideal { //WarnS("Error transferring non-commutative structure"); // error message should be in the interpreter interface mpDelete(&C, dest); mpDelete(&D, dest); if (currRing != save) rChangeCurrRing(save); return TRUE; } // mpDelete(&C, dest); // used by nc_CallPlural! // mpDelete(&D, dest); if (dest != save) rChangeCurrRing(save); assume(rIsPluralRing(dest)); return FALSE; } #endif void rModify_a_to_A(ring r) // to be called BEFORE rComplete: // changes every Block with a(...) to A(...) { int i=0; int j; while(r->order[i]!=0) { if (r->order[i]==ringorder_a) { r->order[i]=ringorder_a64; int *w=r->wvhdl[i]; int64 *w64=(int64 *)omAlloc((r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1)*sizeof(int64)); for(j=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0;j--) w64[j]=(int64)w[j]; r->wvhdl[i]=(int*)w64; omFreeSize(w,(r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1)*sizeof(int)); } i++; } }