// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // splist.cc // begin of file // Stephan Endrass, endrass@mathematik.uni-mainz.de // 23.7.99 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SPLIST_CC #include "mod2.h" #ifdef HAVE_SPECTRUM #ifdef SPLIST_PRINT #include #ifndef SPLIST_IOSTREAM #include #endif #endif #include "structs.h" #include "GMPrat.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "polys.h" #include "npolygon.h" #include "splist.h" #include "intvec.h" // ------------------------ // class spectrumPolyNode // ------------------------ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize a spectrumPolyNode with zero // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyNode::copy_zero( void ) { next = (spectrumPolyNode*)NULL; mon = (poly)NULL; weight = (Rational)0; nf = (poly)NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inizialize a spectrumPolyNode shallow from data // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyNode::copy_shallow( spectrumPolyNode *pnode,poly m,const Rational &w,poly f ) { next = pnode; mon = m; weight = w; nf = f; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inizialize a spectrumPolyNode shallow from another spectrumPolyNode // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyNode::copy_shallow( spectrumPolyNode &node ) { next = node.next; mon = node.mon; weight = node.weight; nf = node.nf; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Zero constructor for spectrumPolyNode // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spectrumPolyNode::spectrumPolyNode( ) { copy_zero( ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data constructor for spectrumPolyNode is shallow // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spectrumPolyNode::spectrumPolyNode( spectrumPolyNode *pnode,poly m,const Rational &w,poly f ) { copy_shallow( pnode,m,w,f ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor is empty since we construct our objects shallow // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spectrumPolyNode::~spectrumPolyNode( ) { if( mon!=(poly)NULL ) pDelete( &mon ); if( nf !=(poly)NULL ) pDelete( &nf ); copy_zero( ); } // ------------------------ // class spectrumPolyList // ------------------------ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize a spectrumPolyList with zero // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyList::copy_zero( void ) { root = (spectrumPolyNode*)NULL; N = 0; np = (newtonPolygon*)NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inizialize a spectrumPolyList shallow from data // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyList::copy_shallow( spectrumPolyNode *node,int k,newtonPolygon *npolygon ) { root = node; N = k; np = npolygon; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inizialize a spectrumPolyList shallow from another spectrumPolyList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyList::copy_shallow( spectrumPolyList &splist ) { copy_shallow( splist.root,splist.N,splist.np ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Zero constructor for spectrumPolyList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spectrumPolyList::spectrumPolyList( ) { copy_zero( ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data constructor for spectrumPolyList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spectrumPolyList::spectrumPolyList( newtonPolygon *npolygon ) { copy_shallow( (spectrumPolyNode*)NULL,0,npolygon ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destuctor for spectrumPolyList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spectrumPolyList::~spectrumPolyList( ) { spectrumPolyNode *node; while( root!=(spectrumPolyNode*)NULL ) { node = root->next; delete root; root = node; } copy_zero( ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert a new node into a spectrumPolyList at position k // If the list is sorted, then // the new node ist inserted such that the list remains sorted. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyList::insert_node( poly m,poly f ) { #ifdef SPLIST_DEBUG if( np==(newtonPolygon*)NULL ) { #ifdef SPLIST_PRINT #ifdef SPLIST_IOSTREAM cerr << "void spectrumPolyList::insert_node( poly f )" << endl; cerr << " no Newton polygon" << endl; cerr << " exiting..." << endl; #else fprintf( stderr,"void spectrumPolyList::insert_node( poly f )\n" ); fprintf( stderr," no Newton polygon\n" ); fprintf( stderr," exiting...\n" ); #endif #endif exit( 1 ); } #endif spectrumPolyNode *newnode = new spectrumPolyNode( (spectrumPolyNode*)NULL,m,np->weight_shift( m ),f ); if( N==0 || root->weight>newnode->weight || ( root->weight==newnode->weight && pCmp( root->mon,newnode->mon )<0 ) ) { // ---------------------- // insert at position 0 // ---------------------- newnode->next = root; root = newnode; } else if( N==1 ) { // --------------- // insert at end // --------------- root->next = newnode; } else { // ---------------------------- // insert according to weight // ---------------------------- spectrumPolyNode *actual = root; spectrumPolyNode *next = root->next; while( next!=(spectrumPolyNode*)NULL && ( newnode->weight>next->weight || ( newnode->weight==next->weight && pCmp( newnode->mon,next->mon )<0 ) ) ) { actual = next; next = next->next; } actual->next = newnode; newnode->next = next; } N++; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delete a node from a spectrumPolyList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyList::delete_node( spectrumPolyNode **node ) { spectrumPolyNode *foo = *node; *node = (*node)->next; delete foo; N--; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delete all nodes where node->mon is a multiple of m // In every node delete all instances of m in node->nf // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spectrumPolyList::delete_monomial( poly m ) { spectrumPolyNode **node = &root; poly *f; m = pCopy( m ); while( *node!=(spectrumPolyNode*)NULL ) { if( pCmp( m,(*node)->mon )>=0 && pLmDivisibleByNoComp( m,(*node)->mon ) ) { delete_node( node ); } else if( (*node)->nf!=(poly)NULL ) { f = &((*node)->nf); while( *f!=(poly)NULL ) { if( pCmp( m,*f )>=0 && pLmDivisibleByNoComp( m,*f ) ) { pDeleteLm(f); } else { f = &(pNext( *f )); } } if( (*node)->nf==(poly)NULL ) { delete_node( node ); } else { node = &((*node)->next); } } else { node = &((*node)->next); } } pDelete( &m ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print a spectrumPolyList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef SPLIST_PRINT ostream & operator << ( ostream &s,const spectrumPolyList &l ) { #ifdef SPLIST_IOSTREAM s << "elements: " << l.N << endl; s << "{"; #else fprintf( stdout,"elements: %d\n",l.N ); fprintf( stdout,"{" ); #endif if( l.root!=(spectrumPolyNode*)NULL ) { #ifdef SPLIST_IOSTREAM s << "("; pWrite0( l.root->mon ); s << "=>"; pWrite0( l.root->nf ); cout << "," << l.root->weight << ")" << endl; #else fprintf( stdout,"(" ); pWrite0( l.root->mon ); fprintf( stdout,"=>" ); pWrite0( l.root->nf ); fprintf( stdout,"," ); cout << l.root->weight; fprintf( stdout,")\n" ); #endif spectrumPolyNode *node = l.root->next; while( node!=(spectrumPolyNode*)NULL ) { #ifdef SPLIST_IOSTREAM s << ",("; pWrite0( node->mon ); s << "=>"; pWrite0( node->nf ); cout << "," << node->weight << ")" << endl; #else fprintf( stdout,",(" ); pWrite0( node->mon ); fprintf( stdout,"=>" ); pWrite0( node->nf ); fprintf( stdout,"," ); cout << node->weight; fprintf( stdout,")\n" ); #endif node = node->next; } } #ifdef SPLIST_IOSTREAM s << "}"; #else fprintf( stdout,"}" ); #endif return s; } #endif #endif /* HAVE_SPECTRUM */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // splist.cc // end of file // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------