/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* * ABSTRACT: resolutions */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "singularconfig.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "cntrlc.h" #include #include // #include extern void p_Setm_Syz(poly p, ring r, int* Components, long* ShiftedComponents); /*--------------static variables------------------------*/ /*---points to the real components, shifted of the actual module-*/ int * currcomponents=NULL; long * currShiftedComponents=NULL; /*---head-term-polynomials for the reduction------------*/ static poly redpol=NULL; /*---counts number of applications of GM-criteria-------*/ //static int crit; //static int euler; /*3 * deletes all entres of a pair */ void syDeletePair(SObject * so) { pDelete(&(*so).p); pDelete(&(*so).lcm); pDelete(&(*so).syz); (*so).p1 = NULL; (*so).p2 = NULL; (*so).ind1 = 0; (*so).ind2 = 0; (*so).syzind = -1; (*so).order = 0; (*so).isNotMinimal = NULL; (*so).length = -1; (*so).reference = -1; } /*3 * initializes all entres of a pair */ void syInitializePair(SObject * so) { (*so).p = NULL; (*so).lcm = NULL; (*so).syz = NULL; (*so).p1 = NULL; (*so).p2 = NULL; (*so).ind1 = 0; (*so).ind2 = 0; (*so).syzind = -1; (*so).order = 0; (*so).isNotMinimal = NULL; (*so).length = -1; (*so).reference = -1; } /*3 * puts all entres of a pair to another */ void syCopyPair(SObject * argso, SObject * imso) { *imso=*argso; (*argso).p = NULL; (*argso).p1 = NULL; (*argso).p2 = NULL; (*argso).lcm = NULL; (*argso).syz = NULL; (*argso).ind1 = 0; (*argso).ind2 = 0; (*argso).syzind = -1; (*argso).order = 0; (*argso).isNotMinimal = NULL; (*argso).length = -1; (*argso).reference = -1; } /*3 * deletes empty objects from a pair set beginning with * pair first * assumes a pair to be empty if .lcm does so */ void syCompactifyPairSet(SSet sPairs, int sPlength, int first) { int k=first,kk=0; while (k+kk0) syCopyPair(&sPairs[k+kk],&sPairs[k]); k++; } else { kk++; } } while (k0) syCopyPair(&sPairs[k+kk],&sPairs[k]); k++; } else { kk++; } } while (k<*sPlength) { syInitializePair(&sPairs[k]); k++; } *sPlength -= kk; } /*3 * replaces comp1dpc during homogeneous syzygy-computations * compares with components of currcomponents instead of the * exp[0] */ #ifdef PDEBUG static int syzcomp2dpc_test(poly p1, poly p2) { long c1, c2, cc1, cc2, ccc1, ccc2, ec1, ec2; c1 = pGetComp(p1); c2 = pGetComp(p2); cc1 = currcomponents[c1]; cc2 = currcomponents[c2]; ccc1 = currShiftedComponents[cc1]; ccc2 = currShiftedComponents[cc2]; ec1 = p1->exp[currRing->typ[1].data.syzcomp.place]; ec2 = p2->exp[currRing->typ[1].data.syzcomp.place]; if (ec1 != ccc1) { Warn("Shifted comp of p1 out of sync. should %d, is %d", ccc1, ec1); //mmDBInfoBlock(p1); } if (ec2 != ccc2) { Warn("Shifted comp of p2 out of sync. should %d, is %d", ccc2, ec2); //mmDBInfoBlock(p2); } if (c1 == c2) { assume(ccc1 == ccc2); } else if (cc1 > cc2) { assume(ccc1 > ccc2); } else { assume (cc1 < cc2); assume (ccc1 < ccc2); } int o1=pGetOrder(p1), o2=pGetOrder(p2); if (o1 > o2) return 1; if (o1 < o2) return -1; //if (o1>0) { int i = (currRing->N); while ((i>1) && (pGetExp(p1,i)==pGetExp(p2,i))) i--; //(*orderingdepth)[(currRing->N)-i]++; if (i>1) { if (pGetExp(p1,i) < pGetExp(p2,i)) return 1; return -1; } } o1=pGetComp(p1); o2=pGetComp(p2); if (o1==o2/*pGetComp(p1)==pGetComp(p2)*/) return 0; if (currcomponents[o1]>currcomponents[o2]) return 1; return -1; } #endif // PDEBUG poly syRedtail (poly p, syStrategy syzstr, int index) { poly h, hn; int j,pos; ideal redWith=syzstr->orderedRes[index]; h = p; hn = pNext(h); while(hn != NULL) { j = syzstr->Firstelem[index-1][pGetComp(hn)]-1; if (j>=0) { pos = j+syzstr->Howmuch[index-1][pGetComp(hn)]; while (j < pos) { if (pLmDivisibleByNoComp(redWith->m[j], hn)) { //hn = sySPolyRed(hn,redWith->m[j]); hn = ksOldSpolyRed(redWith->m[j],hn); if (hn == NULL) { pNext(h) = NULL; return p; } j = syzstr->Firstelem[index-1][pGetComp(hn)]-1; pos = j+syzstr->Howmuch[index-1][pGetComp(hn)]; } else { j++; } } } h = pNext(h) = hn; hn = pNext(h); } return p; } /*3 * local procedure for of syInitRes for the module case */ static int syChMin(intvec * iv) { int i,j=-1,r=-1; for (i=iv->length()-1;i>=0;i--) { if ((*iv)[i]>=0) { if ((j<0) || ((*iv)[i] 0 * assumes that the basering is degree-compatible */ SRes syInitRes(ideal arg,int * length, intvec * Tl, intvec * cw) { if (idIs0(arg)) return NULL; SRes resPairs = (SRes)omAlloc0(*length*sizeof(SSet)); resPairs[0] = (SSet)omAlloc0(IDELEMS(arg)*sizeof(SObject)); intvec * iv=NULL; int i,j; if (id_RankFreeModule(arg,currRing)==0) { iv = idSort(arg); for (i=0;im[(*iv)[i]-1]); arg->m[(*iv)[i]-1] = NULL; (resPairs[0])[i].order = pTotaldegree((resPairs[0])[i].syz); } } else { iv = new intvec(IDELEMS(arg),1,-1); for (i=0;im[i])+(*cw)[pGetComp(arg->m[i])-1]; } for (i=0;im[j]; arg->m[j] = NULL; (resPairs[0])[i].order = (*iv)[j]; (*iv)[j] = -1; } } if (iv!=NULL) delete iv; (*Tl)[0] = IDELEMS(arg); return resPairs; } // rearrange shifted components long syReorderShiftedComponents(long * sc, int n) { long holes = 0; int i; long new_comps = 0, new_space, max; // count number of holes for (i=1; i= 4); long* tc = ( long*) omAlloc(n*sizeof(long)); tc[0] = sc[0]; // rearrange things for (i=1; i tc[i-1]); } assume(LONG_MAX - SYZ_SHIFT_BASE > tc[n-1]); #ifdef HAVE_ASSUME for (i=1; i= 0); assume(tc[i-1] + 1 <= tc[i]); } #endif omMemcpyW(sc, tc, n); omFreeSize(tc, n*sizeof(long)); return new_space; } // this make a Setm on p static void pResetSetm(poly p) { #ifdef PDEBUG poly q = p; #endif while (p!= NULL) { pSetm(p); pIter(p); } #ifdef PDEBUG pTest(q); #endif } void syResetShiftedComponents(syStrategy syzstr, int index,int hilb) { assume(index > 0); int i; if (syzstr->res[index] != NULL) { long * prev_s; int* prev_c; int p_length; rGetSComps(&prev_c, &prev_s, &p_length, currRing); currcomponents = syzstr->truecomponents[index-1]; currShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index-1]; rChangeSComps(currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index-1]), currRing); if (hilb==0) { ideal id = syzstr->res[index]; for (i=0; im[i]); } } else if (hilb==1) { assume (index>1); assume (syzstr->resPairs[index-1]!=NULL); SSet Pairs=syzstr->resPairs[index-1]; SSet Pairs1=syzstr->resPairs[index]; int till=(*syzstr->Tl)[index-1]; for (i=0;iTl)[index]; for (i=0;ires[index-1])+1,j=0,k,tc,orc,ie=realcomp-1; int *trind1=syzstr->truecomponents[index-1]; int *trind=syzstr->truecomponents[index]; long *shind=syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index]; int *bc=syzstr->backcomponents[index]; int *F1=syzstr->Firstelem[index-1]; int *H1=syzstr->Howmuch[index-1]; polyset o_r=syzstr->orderedRes[index]->m; BOOLEAN ret = FALSE; // if != 0, then new element can go into same component // i.e., we do not need to leave space in shifted components long same_comp = 0; if (p==NULL) return FALSE; if (realcomp==0) realcomp=1; if (index>1) tc = trind1[pGetComp(p)]-1; else tc = pGetComp(p)-1; loop //while ((j=ie) break; else { orc = pGetComp(o_r[j]); if (trind1[orc]>tc+1) break; else if (trind1[orc] == tc+1) { same_comp = 1; } else { assume(same_comp == 0); } j += H1[orc]; } } if (j>ie) { WerrorS("orderedRes to small"); return FALSE; } ie++; if (j == (ie -1)) { // new element is the last in ordered module if (same_comp == 0) same_comp = SYZ_SHIFT_BASE; // test wheter we have enough space for new shifted component if ((LONG_MAX - same_comp) <= shind[ie-1]) { long new_space = syReorderShiftedComponents(shind, ie); assume((LONG_MAX - same_comp) > shind[ie-1]); ret = TRUE; if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(T%ld)", new_space); } // yes, then set new shifted component assume(ie == 1 || shind[ie-1] > 0); shind[ie] = shind[ie-1] + same_comp; } else { // new element must come in between // i.e. at place j+1 long prev, next; // test whether new component can get shifted value prev = shind[j]; next = shind[j+1]; assume(next > prev); if ((same_comp && prev + 2 >= next) || (!same_comp && next - prev < 4)) { long new_space = syReorderShiftedComponents(shind, ie); prev = shind[j]; next = shind[j+1]; assume((same_comp && prev + 2 < next) || (!same_comp && next - prev >= 4)); ret = TRUE; if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(B%ld)", new_space); } // make room for insertion of j+1 shifted component for (k=ie; k > j+1; k--) shind[k] = shind[k-1]; if (same_comp) { // can simply add one shind[j+1] = prev + 1; assume(shind[j+1] + 1 < shind[j+2]); } else { // need to leave more breathing room - i.e. value goes in // between shind[j+1] = prev + ((next - prev) >> 1); assume (shind[j] + 1 < shind[j+1] && shind[j+1] + 1 < shind[j+2]); } } if (o_r[j]!=NULL) { for (k=ie-1;k>j;k--) { o_r[k] = o_r[k-1]; bc[k] = bc[k-1]; } } o_r[j] = p; bc[j] = realcomp-1; (H1[pGetComp(p)])++; for (k=0;kj) (F1[k])++; } if (F1[pGetComp(p)]==0) F1[pGetComp(p)]=j+1; for (k=0;kres)[index]);k++) { if (trind[k]>j) trind[k] += 1; } for (k=IDELEMS((syzstr->res)[index])-1;k>realcomp;k--) trind[k] = trind[k-1]; trind[realcomp] = j+1; return ret; } //#define OLD_PAIR_ORDER #ifdef OLD_PAIR_ORDER static intvec* syLinStrat(SSet nextPairs, syStrategy syzstr, int howmuch, int index) { int i=howmuch-1,i1=0,l,ll; int ** Fin=syzstr->Firstelem; int ** Hin=syzstr->Howmuch; int ** bin=syzstr->backcomponents; ideal o_r=syzstr->orderedRes[index+1]; intvec *result=new intvec(howmuch+1); BOOLEAN isDivisible; SObject tso; while (i>=0) { tso = nextPairs[i]; isDivisible = FALSE; if (syzstr->res[index+1]!=NULL) { l = Fin[index][pGetComp(tso.lcm)]-1; if (l>=0) { ll = l+Hin[index][pGetComp(tso.lcm)]; while ((lm[l]!=NULL) { isDivisible = isDivisible || pLmDivisibleByNoComp(o_r->m[l],tso.lcm); } l++; } } } if (isDivisible) { syDeletePair(&nextPairs[i]); //crit++; } else { nextPairs[i].p = //sySPoly(tso.p1, tso.p2,tso.lcm); spSpolyCreate(tso.p2, tso.p1,NULL,spSpolyLoop_General); (*result)[i1] = i+1; i1++; } i--; } return result; } #else static intvec* syLinStrat(SSet nextPairs, syStrategy syzstr, int howmuch, int index) { int i=howmuch-1,i1=0,i2,i3,l,ll; int ** Fin=syzstr->Firstelem; int ** Hin=syzstr->Howmuch; ideal o_r=syzstr->orderedRes[index+1]; intvec *result=new intvec(howmuch+1); intvec *spl=new intvec(howmuch,1,-1); BOOLEAN isDivisible; SObject tso; while (i>=0) { tso = nextPairs[i]; isDivisible = FALSE; if (syzstr->res[index+1]!=NULL) { l = Fin[index][pGetComp(tso.lcm)]-1; if (l>=0) { ll = l+Hin[index][pGetComp(tso.lcm)]; while ((lm[l]!=NULL) { isDivisible = isDivisible || pLmDivisibleByNoComp(o_r->m[l],tso.lcm); } l++; } } } if (isDivisible) { syDeletePair(&nextPairs[i]); //crit++; } else { pTest(tso.p2); pTest(tso.p1); nextPairs[i].p = ksOldCreateSpoly(tso.p2, tso.p1,NULL); (*spl)[i] = pLength(nextPairs[i].p); } i--; } i3 = 0; loop { i2 = -1; for (i1=0;i1=0) && ((*spl)[i1]<(*spl)[i2])) { i2 = i1; } } } if (i2>=0) { (*result)[i3] = i2+1; (*spl)[i2] = -1; i3++; } else { break; } } delete spl; return result; } #endif void syEnlargeFields(syStrategy syzstr,int index) { pEnlargeSet(&(syzstr->res[index]->m),IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index]),16); syzstr->truecomponents[index]=(int*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->truecomponents[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(int), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index] =(long*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(long), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(long)); syzstr->backcomponents[index]=(int*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->backcomponents[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(int), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->Howmuch[index]=(int*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->Howmuch[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(int), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->Firstelem[index]=(int*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->Firstelem[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(int), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->elemLength[index]=(int*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->elemLength[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(int), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->sev[index]=(unsigned long*)omRealloc0Size((ADDRESS)syzstr->sev[index], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1)*sizeof(unsigned long), (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+17)*sizeof(unsigned long)); IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index]) += 16; pEnlargeSet(&(syzstr->orderedRes[index]->m),IDELEMS(syzstr->orderedRes[index]),16); IDELEMS(syzstr->orderedRes[index]) += 16; } /*3 * reduces all pairs of degree deg in the module index * put the reduced generators to the resolvente which contains * the truncated kStd */ static void syRedNextPairs(SSet nextPairs, syStrategy syzstr, int howmuch, int index) { int i,j,k=IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index]); int ks=IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index+1]); int * Fin=syzstr->Firstelem[index-1]; int * Hin=syzstr->Howmuch[index-1]; int * bin=syzstr->backcomponents[index]; int * elL=syzstr->elemLength[index]; number coefgcd; polyset redset=syzstr->orderedRes[index]->m; poly p=NULL,q; intvec *spl1; SObject tso; long * ShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index]; int* Components = syzstr->truecomponents[index]; assume(Components != NULL && ShiftedComponents != NULL); BOOLEAN need_reset; if ((nextPairs==NULL) || (howmuch==0)) return; while ((k>0) && (syzstr->res[index]->m[k-1]==NULL)) k--; while ((ks>0) && (syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks-1]==NULL)) ks--; spl1 = syLinStrat(nextPairs,syzstr,howmuch,index); i=0; while ((*spl1)[i]>0) { need_reset = FALSE; tso = nextPairs[(*spl1)[i]-1]; if ((tso.p1!=NULL) && (tso.p2!=NULL)) { nNormalize(pGetCoeff(tso.p1)); nNormalize(pGetCoeff(tso.p2)); coefgcd = nGcd(pGetCoeff(tso.p1),pGetCoeff(tso.p2),currRing); tso.syz = pHead(tso.lcm); p = tso.syz; pSetCoeff(p,nDiv(pGetCoeff(tso.p1),coefgcd)); pGetCoeff(p) = nNeg(pGetCoeff(p)); pSetComp(p,tso.ind2+1); p_Setm_Syz(p, currRing, Components, ShiftedComponents); // actueller index pNext(p) = pHead(tso.lcm); pIter(p); pSetComp(p,tso.ind1+1); p_Setm_Syz(p, currRing, Components, ShiftedComponents); // actueller index pSetCoeff(p,nDiv(pGetCoeff(tso.p2),coefgcd)); nDelete(&coefgcd); if (tso.p != NULL) { kBucketInit(syzstr->bucket,tso.p,-1); q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); j = Fin[pGetComp(q)]-1; int pos = j+Hin[pGetComp(q)]; loop { if (j<0) break; if (pLmDivisibleByNoComp(redset[j],q)) { pNext(p) = pHead(q); pIter(p); pSetComp(p,bin[j]+1); p_Setm_Syz(p, currRing, Components, ShiftedComponents); // actueller index //if (pLength(redset[j])!=syzstr->elemLength[index][bin[j]]) //Print("Halt"); //if (pLength(redset[j])!=syzstr->elemLength[index][bin[j]]) //Print("Halt"); pGetCoeff(p) = nNeg(pGetCoeff(p)); number up = kBucketPolyRed(syzstr->bucket,redset[j],elL[bin[j]], NULL); // Thomas: Check whether you need number here nDelete(&up); q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); if (q==NULL) break; j = Fin[pGetComp(q)]-1; pos = j+Hin[pGetComp(q)]; } else { j++; if (j==pos) break; } } int lb; kBucketClear(syzstr->bucket,&tso.p,&lb); } if (tso.p != NULL) { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("g"); if (k==IDELEMS((syzstr->res)[index])) { syEnlargeFields(syzstr,index); bin=syzstr->backcomponents[index]; elL=syzstr->elemLength[index]; redset=syzstr->orderedRes[index]->m; Components = syzstr->truecomponents[index]; ShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index]; } pNext(p) = pHead(tso.p); pIter(p); assume(p!= NULL); k++; syzstr->res[index]->m[k-1] = tso.p; syzstr->elemLength[index][k-1] = pLength(tso.p); pNorm(syzstr->res[index]->m[k-1]); need_reset = syOrder(syzstr->res[index]->m[k-1],syzstr,index,k); pSetComp(p,k); // actueller index p_Setm_Syz(p, currRing, Components, ShiftedComponents); pGetCoeff(p) = nNeg(pGetCoeff(p)); tso.isNotMinimal = p; tso.p = NULL; } else { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("."); //if (index % 2==0) //euler++; //else //euler--; } if (ks==IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index+1])) { syEnlargeFields(syzstr,index+1); } syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks] = tso.syz; syzstr->elemLength[index+1][ks] = pLength(tso.syz); pNorm(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks]); tso.syz =NULL; tso.syzind = ks; if (need_reset) syResetShiftedComponents(syzstr, index+1); if (syOrder(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks],syzstr,index+1,ks+1)) syResetShiftedComponents(syzstr, index+2); ks++; p = NULL; nextPairs[(*spl1)[i]-1] = tso; } i++; } delete spl1; } /*3 * reduces the generators of the module index in degree deg * (which are actual syzygies of the module index-1) * wrt. the ideal generated by elements of lower degrees */ static void syRedGenerOfCurrDeg(syStrategy syzstr, int deg, int index) { ideal res=syzstr->res[index]; int i=0,j,k=IDELEMS(res); SSet sPairs=syzstr->resPairs[index-1]; while ((k>0) && (res->m[k-1]==NULL)) k--; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[index-1]) && (((sPairs)[i].syz==NULL) || ((sPairs)[i].order=(*syzstr->Tl)[index-1]) || ((sPairs)[i].order>deg)) return; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[index-1]) && (((sPairs)[i].syz==NULL) || ((sPairs)[i].order==deg))) { if ((sPairs)[i].syz!=NULL) { j = k-1; while ((j>=0) && (res->m[j]!=NULL) && ((sPairs)[i].syz!=NULL)) { if (pLmDivisibleBy(res->m[j],(sPairs)[i].syz)) { (sPairs)[i].syz = ksOldSpolyRed(res->m[j],(sPairs)[i].syz); //sySPolyRed((sPairs)[i].syz,res->m[j]); j = k-1; } else { j--; } } if ((sPairs)[i].syz != NULL) { if (k==IDELEMS(res)) { syEnlargeFields(syzstr,index); res=syzstr->res[index]; } if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG) { if ((sPairs)[i].isNotMinimal==NULL) { PrintLn(); PrintS("minimal generator: ");pWrite((syzstr->resPairs[index-1])[i].syz); PrintS("comes from: ");pWrite((syzstr->resPairs[index-1])[i].p1); PrintS("and: ");pWrite((syzstr->resPairs[index-1])[i].p2); } } //res->m[k] = (sPairs)[i].syz; res->m[k] = syRedtail((sPairs)[i].syz,syzstr,index); (sPairs)[i].syzind = k; syzstr->elemLength[index][k] = pLength((sPairs)[i].syz); pNorm(res->m[k]); // (sPairs)[i].syz = NULL; k++; if (syOrder(res->m[k-1],syzstr,index,k)) syResetShiftedComponents(syzstr, index); //euler++; } else (sPairs)[i].syzind = -1; } i++; } } /*3 * puts a pair into the right place in resPairs */ void syEnterPair(SSet sPairs, SObject * so, int * sPlength,int /*index*/) { int ll,k,no=(*so).order,sP=*sPlength,i; if ((sP==0) || (sPairs[sP-1].order<=no)) ll = sP; else if (sP==1) ll = 0; else { int an=0,en=sP-1; loop { if (an>=en-1) { if ((sPairs[an].order<=no) && (sPairs[an+1].order>no)) { ll = an+1; break; } else if ((sPairs[en].order<=no) && (sPairs[en+1].order>no)) { ll = en+1; break; } else if (sPairs[an].order>no) { ll = an; break; } else { PrintS("Hier ist was faul!\n"); break; } } i=(an+en) / 2; if (sPairs[i].order <= no) an=i; else en=i; } } for (k=(*sPlength);k>ll;k--) { syCopyPair(&sPairs[k-1],&sPairs[k]); } syCopyPair(so,&sPairs[ll]); (*sPlength)++; } void syEnterPair(syStrategy syzstr, SObject * so, int * sPlength,int index) { int ll; if (*sPlength>=(*syzstr->Tl)[index]) { SSet temp = (SSet)omAlloc0(((*syzstr->Tl)[index]+16)*sizeof(SObject)); for (ll=0;ll<(*syzstr->Tl)[index];ll++) { temp[ll].p = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].p; temp[ll].p1 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].p1; temp[ll].p2 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].p2; temp[ll].syz = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].syz; temp[ll].lcm = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].lcm; temp[ll].ind1 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].ind1; temp[ll].ind2 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].ind2; temp[ll].syzind = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].syzind; temp[ll].order = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].order; temp[ll].isNotMinimal = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].isNotMinimal; temp[ll].length = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].length; temp[ll].reference = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].reference; } if (syzstr->resPairs[index] != NULL) // OB: ????? omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->resPairs[index],(*syzstr->Tl)[index]*sizeof(SObject)); (*syzstr->Tl)[index] += 16; syzstr->resPairs[index] = temp; } syEnterPair(syzstr->resPairs[index],so,sPlength,index); } /*3 * computes pairs from the new elements (beginning with the element newEl) * in the module index */ static void syCreateNewPairs(syStrategy syzstr, int index, int newEl) { SSet temp; SObject tso; int i,ii,j,k=IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index]),l=(*syzstr->Tl)[index],ll; int first,pos,jj,j1; int * bci=syzstr->backcomponents[index]; poly p,q; polyset rs=syzstr->res[index]->m,nPm; while ((k>0) && (rs[k-1]==NULL)) k--; if (newEl>=k) return; long * ShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index]; int* Components = syzstr->truecomponents[index]; ideal nP=idInit(k,syzstr->res[index]->rank); nPm=nP->m; while ((l>0) && ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[l-1].p1==NULL)) l--; for (j=newEl;jFirstelem[index-1][pGetComp(q)]-1; pos = first+syzstr->Howmuch[index-1][pGetComp(q)]; for (i=first;i=j) break; p = pOne(); pLcm(rs[jj],q,p); pSetComp(p,j+1); p_Setm_Syz(p, currRing, Components, ShiftedComponents); ii = first; loop { j1 = bci[ii]; if (nPm[j1]!=NULL) { if (pLmDivisibleByNoComp(nPm[j1],p)) { pDelete(&p); break; } else if (pLmDivisibleByNoComp(p,nPm[j1])) { pDelete(&(nPm[j1])); //break; } } ii++; if (ii>=pos) break; } if (p!=NULL) { nPm[jj] = p; } } for (i=first;i=(*syzstr->Tl)[index]) { temp = (SSet)omAlloc0(((*syzstr->Tl)[index]+16)*sizeof(SObject)); for (ll=0;ll<(*syzstr->Tl)[index];ll++) { temp[ll].p = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].p; temp[ll].p1 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].p1; temp[ll].p2 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].p2; temp[ll].syz = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].syz; temp[ll].lcm = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].lcm; temp[ll].ind1 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].ind1; temp[ll].ind2 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].ind2; temp[ll].syzind = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].syzind; temp[ll].order = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].order; temp[ll].isNotMinimal = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[ll].isNotMinimal; } if (syzstr->resPairs[index] != NULL) // OB: ???? omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->resPairs[index],(*syzstr->Tl)[index]*sizeof(SObject)); (*syzstr->Tl)[index] += 16; syzstr->resPairs[index] = temp; } tso.lcm = p = nPm[ii]; nPm[ii] = NULL; tso.order = pTotaldegree(p); if ((syzstr->cw!=NULL) && (index>0) && (pGetComp(q)>0)) { int ii=index-1,jj=pGetComp(q); while (ii>0) { jj = pGetComp(syzstr->res[ii]->m[jj-1]); ii--; } tso.order += (*syzstr->cw)[jj-1]; } tso.p1 = rs[ii]; tso.p2 = q; tso.ind1 = ii; tso.ind2 = j; tso.syzind = -1; tso.isNotMinimal = NULL; tso.p = NULL; tso.syz = NULL; syEnterPair(syzstr->resPairs[index],&tso,&l,index); } } } idDelete(&nP); } static SSet syChosePairsPutIn(syStrategy syzstr, int *index, int *howmuch, int * actdeg, int an, int en) { int newdeg=*actdeg,newindex=-1,i,t,sldeg; SSet result; SRes resPairs=syzstr->resPairs; if (an>syzstr->length) return NULL; if (en>syzstr->length) en=syzstr->length; while (*indexTl)[*index])) { if ((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm!=NULL) { if ((resPairs[*index])[i].order == sldeg) { result = &(resPairs[*index])[i]; *howmuch =1; i++; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[*index]) && ((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm!=NULL) && ((resPairs[*index])[i].order == sldeg)) { i++; (*howmuch)++; } return result; } } i++; } } else { while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[*index])) { if ((resPairs[*index])[i].syz!=NULL) { if ((resPairs[*index])[i].order == sldeg) { result = &(resPairs[*index])[i]; (*howmuch) =1; i++; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[*index]) && ((resPairs[*index])[i].syz!=NULL) && ((resPairs[*index])[i].order == *actdeg)) { i++; (*howmuch)++; } return result; } } i++; } } } (*index)++; } *index = an; //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(Euler:%d)",euler); while (*indexTl)[*index])) { t = *actdeg+*index; if (((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm!=NULL) || ((resPairs[*index])[i].syz!=NULL)) { if ((resPairs[*index])[i].order > t) t = (resPairs[*index])[i].order; } if ((t>*actdeg+*index) && ((newdeg==*actdeg) || (t*actdeg) { *actdeg = newdeg; *index = newindex; return syChosePairsPutIn(syzstr,index,howmuch,actdeg,an,en); } else return NULL; } /*3 * FOR THE HOMOGENEOUS CASE ONLY! * looks through the pair set and the given module for * remaining pairs or generators to consider * returns a pointer to the first pair and the number of them in the given module * works with slanted degree (i.e. deg=realdeg-index) */ SSet syChosePairs(syStrategy syzstr, int *index, int *howmuch, int * actdeg) { return syChosePairsPutIn(syzstr,index,howmuch,actdeg,0,syzstr->length); } /*3 * FOR THE INHOMOGENEOUS CASE ONLY! * looks through the pair set and the given module for * remaining pairs or generators to consider * returns a pointer to the first pair and the number of them in the given module * works with slanted degree (i.e. deg=realdeg-index) * looks first through the 0 and 1 module then through the other */ static SSet syChosePairsIH(syStrategy syzstr, int *index, int *howmuch, int * actdeg, int mindeg) { SSet result=NULL; result = syChosePairsPutIn(syzstr,index,howmuch,actdeg,0,2); if (result == NULL) { *actdeg = mindeg; result = syChosePairsPutIn(syzstr,index,howmuch,actdeg,2,syzstr->length); } return result; } /*3 * looks through the pair set and the given module for * remaining pairs or generators to consider * returns a pointer to the first pair and the number of them in the given module * works deg by deg */ /* *static SSet syChosePairs1(SRes resPairs,intvec * Tl, int *index, int *howmuch, * int length,int * actdeg) *{ * int newdeg=*actdeg,newindex=-1,i,t; * SSet result; * * while (*index>=0) * { * if (resPairs[*index]!=NULL) * { * i = 0; * if (*index!=0) * { * while ((i<(*Tl)[*index])) * { * if ((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm!=NULL) * { * if (pGetOrder((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm) == *actdeg) * { * result = &(resPairs[*index])[i]; * *howmuch =1; * i++; * while ((i<(*Tl)[*index]) && ((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm!=NULL) * && (pGetOrder((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm) == *actdeg)) * { * i++; * (*howmuch)++; * } * return result; * } * } * i++; * } * } * else * { * while ((i<(*Tl)[*index])) * { * if ((resPairs[*index])[i].syz!=NULL) * { * if ((resPairs[*index])[i].order == *actdeg) * { * result = &(resPairs[*index])[i]; * (*howmuch) =1; * i++; * while ((i<(*Tl)[*index]) && ((resPairs[*index])[i].syz!=NULL) * && ((resPairs[*index])[i].order == *actdeg)) * { * i++; * (*howmuch)++; * } * return result; * } * } * i++; * } * } * } * (*index)--; * } * *index = length-1; * while (*index>=0) * { * if (resPairs[*index]!=NULL) * { * i = 0; * while ((i<(*Tl)[*index])) * { * t = *actdeg; * if ((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm!=NULL) * { * if (pGetOrder((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm) > *actdeg) * t = pGetOrder((resPairs[*index])[i].lcm); * } * else if ((resPairs[*index])[i].syz!=NULL) * { * if ((resPairs[*index])[i].order > *actdeg) * t = (resPairs[*index])[i].order; * } * if ((t>*actdeg) && ((newdeg==*actdeg) || (t*actdeg) * { * *actdeg = newdeg; * *index = newindex; * return syChosePairs1(resPairs,Tl,index,howmuch,length,actdeg); * } * else return NULL; *} */ #if 0 /* only debugging */ /*3 * statistics of the resolution */ static void syStatistics(resolvente res,int length) { int i,j=1,k; long deg = 0; PrintLn(); while ((jm[k]!=NULL)) { i = 1; deg = pGetOrder(res[j]->m[k]); k++; while ((km[k]!=NULL) && (pGetOrder(res[j]->m[k])==deg)) { i++; k++; } Print("%d elements of degree %ld\n",i,deg); } j++; } } #endif /*3 * initialize a module */ int syInitSyzMod(syStrategy syzstr, int index, int init) { int result; if (syzstr->res[index]==NULL) { syzstr->res[index] = idInit(init-1,1); syzstr->truecomponents[index] = (int*)omAlloc0(init*sizeof(int)); syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index] = (long*)omAlloc0(init*sizeof(long)); if (index==0) { for (int i=0;itruecomponents[0][i] = i; syzstr->ShiftedComponents[0][i] = (i)*SYZ_SHIFT_BASE; } } syzstr->backcomponents[index] = (int*)omAlloc0(init*sizeof(int)); syzstr->Howmuch[index] = (int*)omAlloc0(init*sizeof(int)); syzstr->Firstelem[index] = (int*)omAlloc0(init*sizeof(int)); syzstr->elemLength[index] = (int*)omAlloc0(init*sizeof(int)); syzstr->orderedRes[index] = idInit(init-1,1); syzstr->sev[index] = (unsigned long*) omAlloc0(init*sizeof(unsigned long)); result = 0; } else { result = IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index]); while ((result>0) && (syzstr->res[index]->m[result-1]==NULL)) result--; } return result; } /*3 * deletes a resolution */ void syKillComputation(syStrategy syzstr, ring r) { if (syzstr->references>0) { (syzstr->references)--; } else { int i,j; if (syzstr->minres!=NULL) { for (i=0;ilength;i++) { if (syzstr->minres[i]!=NULL) { for (j=0;jminres[i]);j++) { if (syzstr->minres[i]->m[j]!=NULL) p_Delete(&(syzstr->minres[i]->m[j]),r); } } id_Delete(&(syzstr->minres[i]),r); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->minres,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); } if (syzstr->fullres!=NULL) { for (i=0;ilength;i++) { if (syzstr->fullres[i]!=NULL) { for (j=0;jfullres[i]);j++) { if (syzstr->fullres[i]->m[j]!=NULL) p_Delete(&(syzstr->fullres[i]->m[j]),r); } } id_Delete(&(syzstr->fullres[i]),r); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->fullres,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); } if (syzstr->weights!=0) { for (i=0;ilength;i++) { if (syzstr->weights[i]!=NULL) { delete syzstr->weights[i]; } } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->weights,syzstr->length*sizeof(intvec*)); } ring sr=syzstr->syRing; if (sr==NULL) sr=r; if (syzstr->resPairs!=NULL) { for (i=0;ilength;i++) { for (j=0;j<(*syzstr->Tl)[i];j++) { if ((syzstr->resPairs[i])[j].lcm!=NULL) p_Delete(&((syzstr->resPairs[i])[j].lcm),sr); if ((i>0) && ((syzstr->resPairs[i])[j].syz!=NULL)) p_Delete(&((syzstr->resPairs[i])[j].syz),sr); } if (syzstr->orderedRes[i]!=NULL) { for (j=0;jorderedRes[i]);j++) { syzstr->orderedRes[i]->m[j] = NULL; } } id_Delete(&(syzstr->orderedRes[i]),sr); if (syzstr->truecomponents[i]!=NULL) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->truecomponents[i],(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->truecomponents[i]=NULL; omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->ShiftedComponents[i],(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(long)); syzstr->ShiftedComponents[i]=NULL; } if (syzstr->backcomponents[i]!=NULL) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->backcomponents[i],(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->backcomponents[i]=NULL; } if (syzstr->Howmuch[i]!=NULL) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->Howmuch[i],(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->Howmuch[i]=NULL; } if (syzstr->Firstelem[i]!=NULL) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->Firstelem[i],(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->Firstelem[i]=NULL; } if (syzstr->elemLength[i]!=NULL) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->elemLength[i],(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->elemLength[i]=NULL; } if (syzstr->res[i]!=NULL) { for (j=0;jres[i]);j++) { if (syzstr->res[i]->m[j]!=NULL) p_Delete(&(syzstr->res[i]->m[j]),sr); } } if ((syzstr->hilb_coeffs!=NULL) && (syzstr->hilb_coeffs[i]!=NULL)) delete syzstr->hilb_coeffs[i]; if (syzstr->sev[i] != NULL) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->sev[i], (IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i])+1)*sizeof(unsigned long)); id_Delete(&(syzstr->res[i]),sr); if (syzstr->resPairs[i] != NULL) // OB: ???? omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->resPairs[i],(*syzstr->Tl)[i]*sizeof(SObject)); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->resPairs,syzstr->length*sizeof(SObject*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->res,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->orderedRes,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->elemLength,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(int*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->truecomponents,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(int*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->ShiftedComponents,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(long*)); if (syzstr->sev != NULL) omFreeSize(((ADDRESS)syzstr->sev), (syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(unsigned long*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->backcomponents,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(int*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->Howmuch,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(int*)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->Firstelem,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(int*)); if (syzstr->hilb_coeffs!=NULL) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr->hilb_coeffs,(syzstr->length+1)*sizeof(intvec*)); } if (syzstr->cw!=NULL) delete syzstr->cw; if (syzstr->betti!=NULL) delete syzstr->betti; if (syzstr->resolution!=NULL) delete syzstr->resolution; if (syzstr->Tl!=NULL) delete syzstr->Tl; if ((syzstr->syRing != NULL) && (syzstr->syRing != r)) { if(syzstr->syRing->typ[1].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp) rChangeSComps(NULL, NULL, 0, syzstr->syRing); rDelete(syzstr->syRing); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)syzstr, sizeof(ssyStrategy)); } } /*2 * divides out the weight monomials (given by the Schreyer-ordering) * from the LaScala-resolution */ resolvente syReorder(resolvente res,int length, syStrategy syzstr,BOOLEAN toCopy,resolvente totake) { int i,j,l; poly p,q,tq; polyset ri1; resolvente fullres; ring origR=syzstr->syRing; fullres = (resolvente)omAlloc0((length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); if (totake==NULL) totake = res; for (i=length-1;i>0;i--) { if (res[i]!=NULL) { if (i>1) { j = IDELEMS(res[i-1]); while ((j>0) && (res[i-1]->m[j-1]==NULL)) j--; fullres[i-1] = idInit(IDELEMS(res[i]),j); ri1 = totake[i-1]->m; for (j=IDELEMS(res[i])-1;j>=0;j--) { p = res[i]->m[j]; q = NULL; while (p!=NULL) { if (toCopy) { if (origR!=NULL) tq = prHeadR(p,origR, currRing); else tq = pHead(p); pIter(p); } else { res[i]->m[j] = NULL; if (origR!=NULL) { poly pp=p; pIter(p); pNext(pp)=NULL; tq = prMoveR(pp, origR, currRing); } else { tq = p; pIter(p); pNext(tq) = NULL; } } // pWrite(tq); pTest(tq); for (l=(currRing->N);l>0;l--) { if (origR!=NULL) pSubExp(tq,l, p_GetExp(ri1[pGetComp(tq)-1],l,origR)); else pSubExp(tq,l, pGetExp(ri1[pGetComp(tq)-1],l)); } pSetm(tq); pTest(tq); q = pAdd(q,tq); pTest(q); } fullres[i-1]->m[j] = q; } } else { if (origR!=NULL) { fullres[i-1] = idInit(IDELEMS(res[i]),res[i]->rank); for (j=IDELEMS(res[i])-1;j>=0;j--) { if (toCopy) fullres[i-1]->m[j] = prCopyR(res[i]->m[j], origR, currRing); else { fullres[i-1]->m[j] = prMoveR(res[i]->m[j], origR, currRing); res[i]->m[j] = NULL; } } } else { if (toCopy) fullres[i-1] = idCopy(res[i]); else { fullres[i-1] = res[i]; res[i] = NULL; } } for (j=IDELEMS(fullres[i-1])-1;j>=0;j--) fullres[i-1]->m[j] = pSortCompCorrect(fullres[i-1]->m[j]); } if (!toCopy) { if (res[i]!=NULL) idDelete(&res[i]); } } } if (!toCopy) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)res,(length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); //syzstr->length = length; return fullres; } /*3 * read out the Betti numbers from resolution * (if not LaScala calls the traditional Betti procedure) */ intvec * syBettiOfComputation(syStrategy syzstr, BOOLEAN minim,int * row_shift, intvec* weights) { int dummy; BOOLEAN std_weights=TRUE; if ((weights!=NULL) && (syzstr->betti!=NULL) && (syzstr->weights!=NULL) && (syzstr->weights[0]!=NULL)) { int i; for(i=weights->length()-1; i>=0; i--) { //Print("test %d: %d - %d\n",i,(*weights)[i], (*(syzstr->weights[0]))[i]); if ((*weights)[i]!=(*(syzstr->weights[0]))[i]) { std_weights=FALSE; break; } } } if ((syzstr->betti!=NULL) && (std_weights)) { if (minim || (syzstr->resPairs!=NULL)) return ivCopy(syzstr->betti); } resolvente fullres = syzstr->fullres; resolvente minres = syzstr->minres; const int length = syzstr->length; if ((fullres==NULL) && (minres==NULL)) { if (syzstr->hilb_coeffs==NULL) { // LA SCALA fullres = syReorder(syzstr->res, length, syzstr); } else { // HRES minres = syReorder(syzstr->orderedRes, length, syzstr); syKillEmptyEntres(minres, length); } } intvec *result=NULL; if (fullres!=NULL) result = syBetti(fullres,length,&dummy,weights,minim,row_shift); else result = syBetti(minres,length,&dummy,weights,minim,row_shift); return result; /// Don't change the syzstr??? // TODO: cleanup thses! if( fullres != NULL && syzstr->fullres == NULL ) syzstr->fullres = fullres; if( minres != NULL && syzstr->minres == NULL ) syzstr->minres = minres; if ((result!=NULL) && ((minim) || (syzstr->resPairs!=NULL)) && std_weights) { syzstr->betti = ivCopy(result); // cache the result... } return result; } /*3 * computes the real length of the resolution */ int sySize(syStrategy syzstr) { resolvente r=syzstr->res; if (r==NULL) r = syzstr->fullres; if (r==NULL) r = syzstr->minres; if (r==NULL) { WerrorS("No resolution found"); return 0; } int i=syzstr->length; while ((i>0) && (r[i-1]==NULL)) i--; return i; } /*3 * computes the cohomological dimension of res[1] */ int syDim(syStrategy syzstr) { int i,l; if (syzstr->resPairs!=NULL) { SRes rP=syzstr->resPairs; l = syzstr->length; while ((l>0) && (rP[l-1]==NULL)) l--; if (l==0) return -1; l--; while (l>=0) { i = 0; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[l]) && ((rP[l][i].lcm!=NULL) || (rP[l][i].syz!=NULL)) && (rP[l][i].isNotMinimal!=NULL)) { i++; } if ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[l]) && ((rP[l][i].lcm!=NULL) || (rP[l][i].syz!=NULL)) && (rP[l][i].isNotMinimal==NULL)) return l; l--; } return l; } else return sySize(syzstr); } /*3 * copies the resolution (by increment the reference counter) */ syStrategy syCopy(syStrategy syzstr) { syStrategy result=syzstr; (result->references)++; return result; } /*2 * local print procedure used in syPrint */ static void syPrintEmptySpaces(int i) { if (i!=0) { PrintS(" "); syPrintEmptySpaces(i/10); } } /*2 * local print procedure used in syPrint */ static void syPrintEmptySpaces1(int i) { if (i!=0) { PrintS(" "); syPrintEmptySpaces1(i-1); } } /*2 * local print procedure used in syPrint */ static int syLengthInt(int i) { int j=0; if (i==0) return 1; while (i!=0) { j++; i = i/10; } return j; } /*3 * prints the resolution as sequence of free modules */ void syPrint(syStrategy syzstr, const char *sn) { if ( (syzstr->resPairs==NULL) && (syzstr->fullres==NULL) && (syzstr->minres==NULL) && (syzstr->resolution == NULL) ) { PrintS("No resolution defined\n"); return; } intvec* resolution = syzstr->resolution; if (resolution==NULL) { if (syzstr->resPairs!=NULL) { resolution = new intvec(syzstr->length+1); SRes rP = syzstr->resPairs; // assume(idRankFreeModule(syzstr->res[1], (syzstr->syRing != NULL ? syzstr->syRing : currRing))==syzstr->res[1]->rank); (*resolution)[0] = syzstr->res[1]->rank; int k=0; while ((klength) && (rP[k]!=NULL)) { int j = 0; while ((j<(*syzstr->Tl)[k]) && ((rP[k][j].lcm!=NULL) || (rP[k][j].syz!=NULL))) { if (rP[k][j].isNotMinimal==NULL) ((*resolution)[k+1])++; j++; } k++; } } else { resolution = new intvec(syzstr->length+2); resolvente rr; if (syzstr->minres!=NULL) rr = syzstr->minres; else rr = syzstr->fullres; (*resolution)[0] = si_max(1,(int)id_RankFreeModule(rr[0], (syzstr->syRing != NULL ? syzstr->syRing : currRing))); int k=0; while ((klength) && (rr[k]!=NULL)) { (*resolution)[k+1] = idSize(rr[k]); k++; } } } int sl=strlen(sn); syPrintEmptySpaces1(sl); int k = 0; loop { if ((k>=resolution->length()) || ((*resolution)[k]==0)) break; Print("%d",(*resolution)[k]); syPrintEmptySpaces1(sl+5); k++; } PrintLn(); k = 0; loop { if ((k>=resolution->length()) || ((*resolution)[k]==0)) break; PrintS(sn); if (((k+1)>=resolution->length()) || ((*resolution)[(k+1)]==0)) break; PrintS(" <-- "); syPrintEmptySpaces((*resolution)[k]); k++; } PrintLn(); PrintLn(); k = 0; loop { if ((k>=resolution->length()) || ((*resolution)[k]==0)) break; Print("%d",k); syPrintEmptySpaces1(sl+5+syLengthInt((*resolution)[k])- syLengthInt(k)); k++; } PrintLn(); if (syzstr->minres==NULL) { PrintS("resolution not minimized yet"); PrintLn(); } if (syzstr->resolution == NULL) syzstr->resolution = resolution; } /*2 * deleting all monomials the component of which correspond * to non-minimal generators */ static poly syStripOut(poly p,intvec * toStrip) { if (toStrip==NULL) return p; poly pp=p; while ((pp!=NULL) && ((*toStrip)[pGetComp(pp)]!=0)) pLmDelete(&pp); p = pp; if (pp!=NULL) { while (pNext(pp)!=NULL) { if ((*toStrip)[pGetComp(pNext(pp))]!=0) pLmDelete(&pNext(pp)); else pIter(pp); } } return p; } /*2 * copies only those monomials the component of which correspond * to minimal generators */ static poly syStripOutCopy(poly p,intvec * toStrip) { if (toStrip==NULL) return pCopy(p); poly result=NULL,pp; while (p!=NULL) { if ((*toStrip)[pGetComp(p)]==0) { if (result==NULL) { result = pp = pHead(p); } else { pNext(pp) = pHead(p); pIter(pp); } } pIter(p); } return result; } /*2 * minimizes toMin */ #if 0 /* unused */ static poly syMinimizeP(int toMin,syStrategy syzstr,intvec * ordn,int index, intvec * toStrip) { int ii=0,i,j,tc; poly p,pp,q=NULL,tq,pisN; SSet sPairs=syzstr->resPairs[index]; poly tempStripped=NULL; //pp=pCopy(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[toMin]); pp = syStripOutCopy(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[toMin],toStrip); while ((iilength()) && ((*ordn)[ii]!=-1) && (sPairs[(*ordn)[ii]].syzind!=toMin)) { ii++; } while (ii>=0) { i = (*ordn)[ii]; if (sPairs[i].isNotMinimal!=NULL) { tempStripped = syStripOutCopy(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[sPairs[i].syzind],toStrip); pisN = sPairs[i].isNotMinimal; tc = pGetComp(pisN); p = pp; while (p!=NULL) { if (pGetComp(p)==(unsigned)tc) { tq = pInit(); for(j=(currRing->N); j>0; j--) pSetExp(tq,j, pGetExp(p,j)-pGetExp(pisN,j)); pSetComp(tq, 0); pSetCoeff0(tq,nDiv(pGetCoeff(p),pGetCoeff(pisN))); pGetCoeff(tq) = nNeg(pGetCoeff(tq)); pSetm(tq); q = pAdd(q,pMult_mm(pCopy(tempStripped),tq)); pDelete(&tq); } pIter(p); } if (q!=NULL) { pp = pAdd(pp,q); q = NULL; } pDelete(&tempStripped); } ii--; } return pp; } #endif /*2 * minimizes toMin */ static poly syMinimizeP1(int toMin,syStrategy syzstr,intvec * ordn,int index, intvec * toStrip) { int ii=0,i,tc,lp,ltS=-1; poly p,mp=NULL,pp; SSet sPairs=syzstr->resPairs[index]; poly tempStripped=NULL; pp = syStripOutCopy(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[toMin],toStrip); kBucketInit(syzstr->bucket,pp,-1); while ((iilength()) && ((*ordn)[ii]!=-1) && (sPairs[(*ordn)[ii]].syzind!=toMin)) { ii++; } while (ii>=0) { i = (*ordn)[ii]; if (sPairs[i].isNotMinimal!=NULL) { tempStripped = syStripOutCopy(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[sPairs[i].syzind],toStrip); tc = pGetComp(sPairs[i].isNotMinimal); //p = pTakeOutComp1(&tempStripped,tc); int lu; pTakeOutComp(&tempStripped,tc,&p,&lu); kBucketTakeOutComp(syzstr->bucket,tc,&mp,&lp); mp = pDivideM(mp,p); while (mp!=NULL) { p = pNext(mp); pNext(mp) = NULL; ltS = -1; kBucket_Minus_m_Mult_p(syzstr->bucket,mp,tempStripped,<S); pDelete(&mp); mp = p; } pDelete(&mp); pDelete(&tempStripped); } ii--; } kBucketClear(syzstr->bucket,&pp,&lp); return pp; } /*2 * deletes empty components after minimization */ void syKillEmptyEntres(resolvente res,int length) { int i,j,jj,k,rj; intvec * changes; poly p; ideal ri; for (i=0;i0) && (ri->m[rj-1]==NULL)) rj--; j = k = 0; while (j+km[j+k]!=NULL) { ri->m[j] = ri->m[j+k]; (*changes)[j+k+1] = j+1; j++; } else { k++; } } for (jj=j;jjm[jj] = NULL; if (res[i+1]!=NULL) { ri = res[i+1]; for (j=IDELEMS(ri)-1;j>=0;j--) { p = ri->m[j]; while (p!=NULL) { pSetComp(p,(*changes)[pGetComp(p)]); pSetm(p); pIter(p); } } } delete changes; } } } /*2 * determines the components for minimization */ static intvec * syToStrip(syStrategy syzstr, int index) { intvec * result=NULL; if ((syzstr->resPairs[index-1]!=NULL) && (!idIs0(syzstr->res[index]))) { result=new intvec(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index])+1); for (int i=(*syzstr->Tl)[index-1]-1;i>=0;i--) { if (syzstr->resPairs[index-1][i].isNotMinimal!=NULL) { (*result)[syzstr->resPairs[index-1][i].syzind+1] = 1; } } } return result; } /*2 * re-computes the order of pairs during the algorithm * this ensures to procede with a triangular matrix */ static intvec * syOrdPairs(SSet sPairs, int length) { intvec * result=new intvec(length,1,-1); int i,j=0,k=-1,l,ii; loop { l = -1; for(i=0;ik) { if (l==-1) { l = sPairs[i].syzind; ii = i; } else { if (sPairs[i].syzindlength+1)*sizeof(ideal)); ring origR = currRing; //Print("Hier "); if (computeStd) { tres[0] = syzstr->res[1]; syzstr->res[1] = idInit(IDELEMS(tres[0]),tres[0]->rank); return tres; } int i,l,index,i1; SSet sPairs; assume(syzstr->syRing != NULL); rChangeCurrRing(syzstr->syRing); //Print("laeufts "); syzstr->bucket = kBucketCreate(syzstr->syRing); for (index=syzstr->length-1;index>0;index--) { if (syzstr->resPairs[index]!=NULL) { //Print("ideal %d: \n",index); currcomponents = syzstr->truecomponents[index]; currShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index]; rChangeSComps(currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index]), currRing); sPairs = syzstr->resPairs[index]; Strip = syToStrip(syzstr,index); tres[index+1] = idInit(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index+1]),syzstr->res[index+1]->rank); i1 = (*syzstr->Tl)[index]; //Print("i1= %d\n",i1); ordn = syOrdPairs(sPairs,i1); for (i=0;ires[index+1]->m[l]); tres[index+1]->m[l] = syMinimizeP1(l,syzstr,ordn,index,Strip); } } delete Strip; delete ordn; Strip = NULL; } } currcomponents = syzstr->truecomponents[0]; currShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[0]; rChangeSComps( currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, IDELEMS(syzstr->res[0]), currRing); tres[1] = idInit(IDELEMS(syzstr->res[1]),syzstr->res[1]->rank); sPairs = syzstr->resPairs[0]; for (i=(*syzstr->Tl)[0]-1;i>=0;i--) { if (sPairs[i].syzind>=0) { tres[1]->m[sPairs[i].syzind] = pCopy(syzstr->res[1]->m[sPairs[i].syzind]); } } /*--- changes to the original ring------------------*/ kBucketDestroy(&syzstr->bucket); if (syzstr->syRing != NULL) { rChangeCurrRing(origR); // Thomas: now make sure that all data which you need is pFetchCopied // maybe incoporate it into syReorder ?? } tres = syReorder(tres,syzstr->length,syzstr,FALSE,syzstr->res); syKillEmptyEntres(tres,syzstr->length); idSkipZeroes(tres[0]); return tres; } /*3 * minimizes any kind of resolution */ syStrategy syMinimize(syStrategy syzstr) { if (syzstr->minres==NULL) { if (syzstr->resPairs!=NULL) { if (syzstr->hilb_coeffs==NULL) { // La Scala Resolution syzstr->minres = syReadOutMinimalRes(syzstr); } else { // HRES syzstr->minres = syReorder(syzstr->orderedRes,syzstr->length,syzstr); } } else if (syzstr->fullres!=NULL) { syMinimizeResolvente(syzstr->fullres,syzstr->length,1); syzstr->minres = syzstr->fullres; syzstr->fullres = NULL; } } (syzstr->references)++; return syzstr; } /*2 * implementation of LaScala's algorithm * assumes that the given module is homogeneous * works with slanted degree, uses syChosePairs */ syStrategy syLaScala3(ideal arg,int * length) { int i,j,actdeg=32000,index=0; int howmuch; ideal temp; SSet nextPairs; syStrategy syzstr=(syStrategy)omAlloc0(sizeof(ssyStrategy)); ring origR = currRing; if ((idIs0(arg)) || ((id_RankFreeModule(arg,currRing)>0) && (!idHomModule(arg,NULL,&(syzstr->cw))))) { syzstr->minres = (resolvente)omAlloc0Bin(char_ptr_bin); syzstr->length = 1; syzstr->minres[0] = idInit(1,arg->rank); return syzstr; } //crit = 0; //euler = -1; redpol = pInit(); syzstr->length = *length = (currRing->N)+2; // Creare dp,S ring and change to it syzstr->syRing = rAssure_dp_S(origR); assume(syzstr->syRing != origR); // why? rChangeCurrRing(syzstr->syRing); // set initial ShiftedComps currcomponents = (int*)omAlloc0((arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); currShiftedComponents = (long*)omAlloc0((arg->rank+1)*sizeof(long)); for (i=0;i<=arg->rank;i++) { currShiftedComponents[i] = (i)*SYZ_SHIFT_BASE; currcomponents[i] = i; } rChangeSComps(currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, arg->rank, syzstr->syRing); /*--- initializes the data structures---------------*/ syzstr->Tl = new intvec(*length); temp = idInit(IDELEMS(arg),arg->rank); for (i=0;im[i] = prCopyR( arg->m[i], origR, syzstr->syRing); if (temp->m[i]!=NULL) { j = pTotaldegree(temp->m[i]); if (jresPairs = syInitRes(temp,length,syzstr->Tl,syzstr->cw); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)currcomponents,(arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)currShiftedComponents,(arg->rank+1)*sizeof(long)); syzstr->res = (resolvente)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); syzstr->orderedRes = (resolvente)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); syzstr->elemLength = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->truecomponents = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->ShiftedComponents = (long**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(long*)); syzstr->backcomponents = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->Howmuch = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->Firstelem = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->sev = (unsigned long **) omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(unsigned long *)); syzstr->bucket = kBucketCreate(currRing); int len0=id_RankFreeModule(temp,currRing)+1; nextPairs = syChosePairs(syzstr,&index,&howmuch,&actdeg); //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(%d,%d)",howmuch,index); /*--- computes the resolution ----------------------*/ while (nextPairs!=NULL) { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("%d",actdeg); if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(m%d)",index); if (index==0) i = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index,len0); else i = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index); currcomponents = syzstr->truecomponents[si_max(index-1,0)]; currShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[si_max(index-1,0)]; rChangeSComps(currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, IDELEMS(syzstr->res[si_max(index-1,0)]), currRing); j = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index+1); if (index>0) { syRedNextPairs(nextPairs,syzstr,howmuch,index); syCompactifyPairSet(syzstr->resPairs[index],(*syzstr->Tl)[index],0); } else syRedGenerOfCurrDeg(syzstr,actdeg,index+1); /*--- creates new pairs -----------------------------*/ syCreateNewPairs(syzstr,index,i); if (index<(*length)-1) { syCreateNewPairs(syzstr,index+1,j); } index++; nextPairs = syChosePairs(syzstr,&index,&howmuch,&actdeg); //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(%d,%d)",howmuch,index); } if (temp!=NULL) idDelete(&temp); kBucketDestroy(&(syzstr->bucket)); if (origR != syzstr->syRing) rChangeCurrRing(origR); pLmDelete(&redpol); if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintLn(); assume(syzstr->minres==NULL); assume(syzstr->fullres ==NULL); assume(syzstr->resPairs!=NULL); assume(syzstr->hilb_coeffs==NULL); assume(syzstr->res!=NULL); if(! TEST_OPT_NO_SYZ_MINIM ) syzstr->minres = syReadOutMinimalRes(syzstr); else syzstr->fullres = syReorder(syzstr->res, syzstr->length, syzstr); // buggy? (betti...?) return syzstr; } /*2 * more general implementation of LaScala's algorithm * assumes that the given module is (quasi-)homogeneous * works with slanted degree, uses syChosePairs */ syStrategy syLaScala(ideal arg, int& maxlength, intvec* weights) { int i,j,actdeg=32000,index=0; int howmuch; ideal temp; SSet nextPairs; syStrategy syzstr=(syStrategy)omAlloc0(sizeof(ssyStrategy)); ring origR = currRing; if(weights!= NULL) syzstr->cw = new intvec(weights); else syzstr->cw = NULL; if ((idIs0(arg)) || ((id_RankFreeModule(arg,currRing)>0) && (!idTestHomModule(arg, NULL, syzstr->cw)))) { syzstr->minres = (resolvente)omAlloc0Bin(char_ptr_bin); syzstr->length = 1; syzstr->minres[0] = idInit(1,arg->rank); return syzstr; } //crit = 0; //euler = -1; redpol = pInit(); if( maxlength > 0 ) syzstr->length = maxlength; // = (currRing->N)+2; else syzstr->length = maxlength = (currRing->N)+2; // Creare dp,S ring and change to it syzstr->syRing = rAssure_dp_S(origR); assume(syzstr->syRing != origR); assume(syzstr->syRing->typ[1].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp); rChangeCurrRing(syzstr->syRing); // set initial ShiftedComps currcomponents = (int*)omAlloc0((arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); currShiftedComponents = (long*)omAlloc0((arg->rank+1)*sizeof(long)); for (i=0;i<=arg->rank;i++) { currShiftedComponents[i] = (i)*SYZ_SHIFT_BASE; currcomponents[i] = i; } rChangeSComps(currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, arg->rank, currRing); /*--- initializes the data structures---------------*/ syzstr->Tl = new intvec(maxlength); temp = idInit(IDELEMS(arg),arg->rank); for (i=0;im[i] = prCopyR( arg->m[i], origR, currRing); if (temp->m[i]!=NULL) { j = pTotaldegree(temp->m[i]); if (jresPairs = syInitRes(temp,&maxlength,syzstr->Tl,syzstr->cw); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)currcomponents,(arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)currShiftedComponents,(arg->rank+1)*sizeof(long)); syzstr->res = (resolvente)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(ideal)); syzstr->orderedRes = (resolvente)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(ideal)); syzstr->elemLength = (int**)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->truecomponents = (int**)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->ShiftedComponents = (long**)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(long*)); syzstr->backcomponents = (int**)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->Howmuch = (int**)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->Firstelem = (int**)omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->sev = (unsigned long **) omAlloc0((maxlength+1)*sizeof(unsigned long *)); assume( syzstr->length == maxlength ); syzstr->bucket = kBucketCreate(currRing); int len0=id_RankFreeModule(temp,currRing)+1; nextPairs = syChosePairs(syzstr,&index,&howmuch,&actdeg); //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(%d,%d)",howmuch,index); /*--- computes the resolution ----------------------*/ while (nextPairs!=NULL) { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("%d",actdeg); if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(m%d)",index); if (index==0) i = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index,len0); else i = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index); currcomponents = syzstr->truecomponents[si_max(index-1,0)]; currShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[si_max(index-1,0)]; rChangeSComps(currcomponents, currShiftedComponents, IDELEMS(syzstr->res[si_max(index-1,0)]), currRing); j = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index+1); if (index>0) { syRedNextPairs(nextPairs,syzstr,howmuch,index); syCompactifyPairSet(syzstr->resPairs[index],(*syzstr->Tl)[index],0); } else syRedGenerOfCurrDeg(syzstr,actdeg,index+1); /*--- creates new pairs -----------------------------*/ syCreateNewPairs(syzstr,index,i); if (index<(maxlength-1)) { syCreateNewPairs(syzstr,index+1,j); } index++; nextPairs = syChosePairs(syzstr,&index,&howmuch,&actdeg); //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(%d,%d)",howmuch,index); } if (temp!=NULL) idDelete(&temp); kBucketDestroy(&(syzstr->bucket)); if (origR != syzstr->syRing) rChangeCurrRing(origR); pLmDelete(&redpol); if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintLn(); return syzstr; }