/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* * ABSTRACT: resolutions */ #include "mod2.h" #include #include #include #include //#include "cntrlc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define SHOW_PROT //#define SHOW_RED //#define SHOW_HILB //#define SHOW_RESULT //#define INVERT_PAIRS //#define SHOW_CRIT //#define SHOW_SPRFL #define USE_CHAINCRIT #define poly_write(p) wrp(p);PrintLn() /*--- some heuristics to optimize the pair sets---*/ /*--- chose only one (!!!) at the same time ------*/ //#define USE_HEURISTIC1 #define USE_HEURISTIC2 #ifdef SHOW_CRIT static int crit; static int crit1; static int spfl; static int cons_pairs; static int crit_fails; #endif typedef struct sopen_pairs open_pairs; typedef open_pairs* crit_pairs; struct sopen_pairs { crit_pairs next; int first_poly; int second_poly; }; /*3 * computes pairs from the new elements (beginning with the element newEl) * in the module index */ static void syCreateNewPairs_Hilb(syStrategy syzstr, int index, int actdeg) { SSet temp; SObject tso; poly toHandle,tsyz=NULL,p,pp; int r1,r2=0,rr,l=(*syzstr->Tl)[index]; int i,j,r=0,ti; BOOLEAN toComp=FALSE; #ifdef USE_CHAINCRIT crit_pairs cp=NULL,tcp; #endif actdeg += index; long * ShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index-1]; int* Components = syzstr->truecomponents[index-1]; while ((l>0) && ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[l-1].lcm==NULL)) l--; rr = l-1; while ((rr>=0) && (((syzstr->resPairs[index])[rr].p==NULL) || ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[rr].order>actdeg))) rr--; r2 = rr+1; while ((rr>=0) && ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[rr].order==actdeg) && ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[rr].syzind<0)) { rr--; r++; } if (r==0) return; ideal nP=idInit(l,syzstr->res[index]->rank); #ifdef INVERT_PAIRS r1 = rr+1; #else r1 = r2-1; #endif /*---------- there are new pairs ------------------------------*/ loop { /*--- chose first new elements --------------------------------*/ toComp = FALSE; toHandle = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[r1].p; if (toHandle!=NULL) { int tc=pGetComp(toHandle); (syzstr->resPairs[index])[r1].syzind = 0; for (i=0; iresPairs[index])[i].p!=NULL) && (pGetComp((syzstr->resPairs[index])[i].p)==tc)) { #ifdef USE_CHAINCRIT tcp = cp; if (tcp!=NULL) { while ((tcp!=NULL) && ((tcp->first_poly!=i)||(tcp->second_poly!=r1))) tcp = tcp->next; } if (tcp==NULL) { #endif p = pOne(); pLcm((syzstr->resPairs[index])[i].p,toHandle,p); pSetm(p); j = 0; while (jm[j]!=NULL) { if (pLmDivisibleByNoComp(nP->m[j],p)) { pDelete(&p); /* p = NULL;*/ break; } else if (pLmDivisibleByNoComp(p,nP->m[j])) { pDelete(&(nP->m[j])); /* nP->m[j] = NULL;*/ } #ifdef USE_CHAINCRIT else { poly p1,p2; int ip= currRing->N; p1 = pDivide(p,(syzstr->resPairs[index])[i].p); p2 = pDivide(nP->m[j],(syzstr->resPairs[index])[j].p); while ((ip>0) && (pGetExp(p1,ip)*pGetExp(p2,ip)==0)) ip--; if (ip==0) { #ifdef SHOW_SPRFL Print("Hier: %d, %d\n",j,i); #endif if (i>rr) { tcp=(crit_pairs)omAlloc0(sizeof(sopen_pairs)); tcp->next = cp; tcp->first_poly = j; tcp->second_poly = i; cp = tcp; tcp = NULL; } else { ti=0; while ((tiresPairs[index])[ti].ind1!=j)|| ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[ti].ind2!=i))) ti++; if (tiresPairs[index])[ti].lcm); #endif syDeletePair(&(syzstr->resPairs[index])[ti]); #ifdef SHOW_CRIT crit1++; #endif toComp = TRUE; } } } pLmDelete(&p1); pLmDelete(&p2); } #endif } j++; } if (p!=NULL) { nP->m[i] = p; } #ifdef USE_CHAINCRIT } else { #ifdef SHOW_CRIT crit1++; #endif } #endif } } if (toComp) syCompactify1(syzstr->resPairs[index],&l,r1); for (i=0;im[i]!=NULL) { tso.lcm = p = nP->m[i]; nP->m[i] = NULL; tso.order = pTotaldegree(p); if ((syzstr->cw!=NULL) && (index>0) && (pGetComp(p)>0)) { int ii=index-1,jj=pGetComp(p); while (ii>0) { jj = pGetComp(syzstr->res[ii]->m[jj-1]); ii--; } tso.order += (*syzstr->cw)[jj-1]; } tso.p1 = (syzstr->resPairs[index])[i].p; tso.p2 = toHandle; tso.ind1 = i; tso.ind2 = r1; tso.syzind = -1; tso.isNotMinimal = (poly)1; tso.p = NULL; tso.length = -1; number coefgcd = nGcd(pGetCoeff(tso.p1),pGetCoeff(tso.p2),currRing); tso.syz = pCopy((syzstr->resPairs[index])[i].syz); poly tt = pDivide(tso.lcm,tso.p1); pSetCoeff(tt,nDiv(pGetCoeff(tso.p1),coefgcd)); tso.syz = pMult_mm(tso.syz,tt); pLmDelete(&tt); coefgcd = nNeg(coefgcd); pp = pCopy((syzstr->resPairs[index])[r1].syz); tt = pDivide(tso.lcm,tso.p2); pSetCoeff(tt,nDiv(pGetCoeff(tso.p2),coefgcd)); pp = pMult_mm(pp,tt); pLmDelete(&tt); tso.syz = pAdd(pp,tso.syz); nDelete(&coefgcd); pSetComp(tso.lcm,pGetComp((syzstr->resPairs[index])[r1].syz)); #ifdef SHOW_PROT Print("erzeuge Paar im Modul %d,%d mit: \n",index,tso.order); PrintS("poly1: ");poly_write(tso.p1); PrintS("poly2: ");poly_write(tso.p2); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(tso.syz); PrintS("sPoly: ");poly_write(tso.p); PrintLn(); #endif syEnterPair(syzstr,&tso,&l,index); } } } #ifdef INVERT_PAIRS r1++; if (r1>=r2) break; #else r1--; if (r1<=rr) break; #endif } idDelete(&nP); #ifdef USE_CHAINCRIT while (cp!=NULL) { tcp = cp; cp = cp->next; omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tcp,sizeof(sopen_pairs)); } #endif } /*3 * determines the place of a polynomial in the right ordered resolution * set the vectors of truecomponents */ static void syOrder_Hilb(poly p,syStrategy syzstr,int index) { int i=IDELEMS(syzstr->orderedRes[index]); while ((i>0) && (syzstr->orderedRes[index]->m[i-1]==NULL)) i--; syzstr->orderedRes[index]->m[i] = p; } static void syHalfPair(poly syz, int newEl, syStrategy syzstr, int index) { SObject tso; memset(&tso,0,sizeof(tso)); int l=(*syzstr->Tl)[index]; while ((l>0) && ((syzstr->resPairs[index])[l-1].syz==NULL)) l--; if ((syzstr->cw!=NULL) && (index>0) && (pGetComp(syz)>0)) { int ii=index-1,jj=pGetComp(syz); while (ii>0) { jj = pGetComp(syzstr->res[ii]->m[jj-1]); ii--; } tso.order += (*syzstr->cw)[jj-1]; } tso.p1 = NULL; tso.p2 = NULL; tso.ind1 = 0; tso.ind2 = 0; tso.syzind = -1; tso.isNotMinimal = NULL; tso.p = syz; tso.order = pTotaldegree(syz); tso.syz = pHead(syz); pSetComp(tso.syz,newEl+1); pSetm(tso.syz); tso.lcm = pHead(tso.syz); tso.length = pLength(syz); syOrder_Hilb(syz,syzstr,index); #ifdef SHOW_PROT Print("erzeuge Halbpaar im Module %d,%d mit: \n",index,tso.order); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(tso.syz); PrintS("sPoly: ");poly_write(tso.p); PrintLn(); #endif syEnterPair(syzstr,&tso,&l,index); } /*3 * computes the order of pairs of same degree * must be monoton */ static intvec* syLinStrat2(SSet nextPairs, syStrategy syzstr, int howmuch, int index,intvec ** secondpairs) { ideal o_r=syzstr->res[index+1]; int i=0,i1=0,i2=0,l,ll=IDELEMS(o_r); intvec *result=new intvec(howmuch+1); BOOLEAN isDivisible; SObject tso; #ifndef USE_HEURISTIC2 while (i10) && (o_r->m[ll-1]==NULL)) ll--; while (im[l]!=NULL) { isDivisible = isDivisible || pLmDivisibleBy(o_r->m[l],tso.lcm); } l++; } if (isDivisible) { #ifdef SHOW_PROT Print("streiche Paar im Modul %d,%d mit: \n",index,nextPairs[i].order); PrintS("poly1: ");poly_write(nextPairs[i].p1); PrintS("poly2: ");poly_write(nextPairs[i].p2); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(nextPairs[i].syz); PrintS("sPoly: ");poly_write(nextPairs[i].p); PrintLn(); #endif //syDeletePair(&nextPairs[i]); if (*secondpairs==NULL) *secondpairs = new intvec(howmuch); (**secondpairs)[i2] = i+1; i2++; #ifdef SHOW_CRIT crit++; #endif } else { // nextPairs[i].p = sySPoly(tso.p1, tso.p2,tso.lcm); (*result)[i1] = i+1; i1++; } i++; } return result; #endif } inline void sySPRedSyz(syStrategy syzstr,sSObject redWith,poly q=NULL) { poly p=pDivide(q,redWith.p); pSetCoeff(p,nDiv(pGetCoeff(q),pGetCoeff(redWith.p))); int il=-1; kBucket_Minus_m_Mult_p(syzstr->syz_bucket,p,redWith.syz,&il,NULL); pLmDelete(&p); } static poly syRed_Hilb(poly toRed,syStrategy syzstr,int index) { ideal redWith=syzstr->res[index]; if (redWith==NULL) return toRed; int j=IDELEMS(redWith),i; poly q,result=NULL,resultp; while ((j>0) && (redWith->m[j-1]==NULL)) j--; if ((toRed==NULL) || (j==0)) return toRed; kBucketInit(syzstr->bucket,toRed,-1); q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); loop { if (q==NULL) { break; } i = 0; loop { if (pLmDivisibleBy(redWith->m[i],q)) { number up = kBucketPolyRed(syzstr->bucket,redWith->m[i], pLength(redWith->m[i]), NULL); nDelete(&up); q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); if (toRed==NULL) break; i = 0; } else { i++; } if ((i>=j) || (q==NULL)) break; } if (q!=NULL) { if (result==NULL) { resultp = result = kBucketExtractLm(syzstr->bucket); } else { pNext(resultp) = kBucketExtractLm(syzstr->bucket); pIter(resultp); } q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); } } kBucketClear(syzstr->bucket,&q,&i); if (q!=NULL) PrintS("Hier ist was schief gelaufen!\n"); return result; } #ifdef USE_HEURISTIC1 intvec *ivStrip(intvec* arg) { int l=arg->rows()*arg->cols(),i=0,ii=0; intvec *tempV=new intvec(l); while (i+iires[index]); int ks=IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index+1]),kk,l,ll; int ks1=IDELEMS(syzstr->orderedRes[index+1]); int kres=(*syzstr->Tl)[index]; int toGo=0; int il; number coefgcd,n; SSet redset=syzstr->resPairs[index]; poly p=NULL,q,tp; intvec *spl1; SObject tso; intvec *spl3=NULL; #ifdef USE_HEURISTIC1 intvec *spl2=new intvec(howmuch+1,howmuch+1,0); int there_are_superfluous=0; int step=1,jj,j1,j2; #endif long * ShiftedComponents = syzstr->ShiftedComponents[index]; int* Components = syzstr->truecomponents[index]; assume(Components != NULL && ShiftedComponents != NULL); BOOLEAN need_reset; actord += index; if ((nextPairs==NULL) || (howmuch==0)) return; while ((k>0) && (syzstr->res[index]->m[k-1]==NULL)) k--; while ((ks>0) && (syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks-1]==NULL)) ks--; while ((ks1>0) && (syzstr->orderedRes[index+1]->m[ks1-1]==NULL)) ks1--; while ((kres>0) && ((redset[kres-1].p==NULL) || (redset[kres-1].order>actord))) kres--; while ((kres<(*syzstr->Tl)[index]) && (redset[kres-1].order!=0) && (redset[kres-1].order<=actord)) kres++; spl1 = syLinStrat2(nextPairs,syzstr,howmuch,index,&spl3); #ifdef SHOW_PROT PrintS("spl1 ist hier: ");spl1->show(0,0); #endif i=0; kk = (*spl1)[i]-1; if (index==1) { intvec * temp1_hilb = hHstdSeries(syzstr->res[index],NULL,NULL,NULL); if (actordlength()) { toGo = (*temp1_hilb)[actord]; #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("\nStze toGo im Modul %d und Grad %d auf: %d\n",1,actord-1,toGo); #endif } delete temp1_hilb; } else { if (actord<=(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index])->length()) { toGo = (*syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index])[actord-1]; #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("\nStze toGo im Modul %d und Grad %d auf: %d\n",index,actord-1,toGo); #endif } } if ((syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]!=NULL) && (actord<=(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1])->length())) { toGo += (*syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1])[actord-1]; #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("\nAddiere zu toGo aus Modul %d und Grad %d: %d\n",index+1,actord-1,(*syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1])[actord-1]); #endif } #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("",toGo); #endif while (kk>=0) { if (toGo==0) { while (kk>=0) { pDelete(&nextPairs[kk].p); pDelete(&nextPairs[kk].syz); syDeletePair(&nextPairs[kk]); nextPairs[kk].p = nextPairs[kk].syz = nextPairs[kk].lcm = NULL; i++; kk = (*spl1)[i]-1; #ifdef USE_HEURISTIC2 if (kk<0) { i = 0; delete spl1; spl1 = spl3; spl3 = NULL; if (spl1!=NULL) kk = (*spl1)[i]-1; } #endif } if (spl1!=NULL) delete spl1; break; } tso = nextPairs[kk]; if ((tso.p1!=NULL) && (tso.p2!=NULL)) { #ifdef SHOW_CRIT cons_pairs++; #endif //tso.p = sySPoly(tso.p1, tso.p2,tso.lcm); tso.p = ksOldCreateSpoly(tso.p2, tso.p1); #ifdef SHOW_PROT PrintS("reduziere Paar mit: \n"); PrintS("poly1: ");poly_write(tso.p1); PrintS("poly2: ");poly_write(tso.p2); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(tso.syz); PrintS("sPoly: ");poly_write(tso.p); #endif if (tso.p != NULL) { kBucketInit(syzstr->bucket,tso.p,-1); kBucketInit(syzstr->syz_bucket,tso.syz,-1); q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); j = 0; while (jbucket,&tso.p,&tso.length); kBucketClear(syzstr->syz_bucket,&tso.syz,&il); PrintS("reduziere: ");poly_write(tso.p); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(tso.syz); PrintS("mit: ");poly_write(redset[j].p); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(redset[j].syz); kBucketInit(syzstr->bucket,tso.p,tso.length); kBucketInit(syzstr->syz_bucket,tso.syz,il); #endif sySPRedSyz(syzstr,redset[j],q); number up = kBucketPolyRed(syzstr->bucket,redset[j].p, redset[j].length, NULL); nDelete(&up); q = kBucketGetLm(syzstr->bucket); #ifdef SHOW_RED kBucketClear(syzstr->bucket,&tso.p,&tso.length); kBucketClear(syzstr->syz_bucket,&tso.syz,&il); PrintS("zu: ");poly_write(tso.p); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(tso.syz); kBucketInit(syzstr->bucket,tso.p,tso.length); kBucketInit(syzstr->syz_bucket,tso.syz,il); PrintLn(); #endif if (q==NULL) break; j = 0; } else { j++; } } kBucketClear(syzstr->bucket,&tso.p,&tso.length); kBucketClear(syzstr->syz_bucket,&tso.syz,&il); } #ifdef SHOW_PROT PrintS("erhalte Paar mit: \n"); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write(tso.syz); PrintS("sPoly: ");poly_write(tso.p); PrintLn(); #endif #ifdef SHOW_SPRFL //PrintLn(); wrp(tso.lcm); Print(" mit index %d, %d ",tso.ind1,tso.ind2); #endif if (tso.p != NULL) { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("g"); (*toSub)++; toGo--; if (!nIsOne(pGetCoeff(tso.p))) { number n=nInvers(pGetCoeff(tso.p)); pNorm(tso.p); pMult_nn(tso.syz,n); nDelete(&n); } if (k==IDELEMS((syzstr->res)[index])) syEnlargeFields(syzstr,index); syzstr->res[index]->m[k] = tso.p; k++; } else { if (ks==IDELEMS(syzstr->res[index+1])) syEnlargeFields(syzstr,index+1); syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks] = syRed_Hilb(tso.syz,syzstr,index+1); if (syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks]!=NULL) { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("s"); toGo--; pNorm(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks]); syHalfPair(syzstr->res[index+1]->m[ks],ks1,syzstr,index+1); ks++; ks1++; if (index+1>*maxindex) *maxindex = index+1; if (actord-index>*maxdeg) *maxdeg = actord-index; } else { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("-"); #ifdef SHOW_CRIT spfl++; #endif #ifdef USE_HEURISTIC1 if (there_are_superfluous>=0) { j = i+1; jj = (*spl1)[j]-1; j1 = 1; while (jj>=0) { if (tso.ind2==nextPairs[jj].ind2) { IMATELEM(*spl2,j1,step) = jj+1; j1++; for (j2=j;j2length()-1;j2++) { (*spl1)[j2] = (*spl1)[j2+1]; } } else { j++; } jj = (*spl1)[j]-1; } step++; if (there_are_superfluous==0) there_are_superfluous = 1; } #endif #ifdef SHOW_SPRFL Print("ist ueberfluessig in Mod %d",index); //Print("\n ueberfluessig in Mod %d:",index); //wrp(tso.lcm); //PrintLn(); #endif } tso.syz = NULL; syDeletePair(&tso); tso.p = tso.syz = tso.lcm = NULL; } nextPairs[kk] = tso; } #ifdef SHOW_SPRFL PrintLn(); #endif i++; #ifdef SHOW_PROT PrintS("spl1 ist hier: ");spl1->show(0,0); Print("naechstes i ist: %d",i); #endif kk = (*spl1)[i]-1; #ifdef USE_HEURISTIC1 if ((kk<0) && (there_are_superfluous>0)) { i = 0; delete spl1; spl1 = ivStrip(spl2); delete spl2; if (spl1!=NULL) { there_are_superfluous = -1; kk = (*spl1)[i]-1; } } #endif #ifdef USE_HEURISTIC2 if ((kk<0) && (toGo>0)) { #ifdef SHOW_CRIT crit_fails++; #endif i = 0; delete spl1; spl1 = spl3; spl3 = NULL; if (spl1!=NULL) kk = (*spl1)[i]-1; } #endif } delete spl1; if (spl3!=NULL) delete spl3; } void sySetNewHilb(syStrategy syzstr, int toSub,int index,int actord) { int i; actord += index; intvec * temp_hilb = hHstdSeries(syzstr->res[index+1],NULL,NULL,NULL); intvec * cont_hilb = hHstdSeries(syzstr->res[index],NULL,NULL,NULL); if ((index+1length) && (syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]==NULL)) { syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1] = new intvec(16*((actord/16)+1)); } else if (actord>=syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]->length()) { intvec * ttt=new intvec(16*((actord/16)+1)); for (i=syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]->length()-1;i>=0;i--) { (*ttt)[i] = (*(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]))[i]; } delete syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]; syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1] = ttt; } if (actord+1length()) { #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("\nSetze fuer Modul %d im Grad %d die Wert: \n",index+1,actord); (temp_hilb)->show(0,0); #endif int k=si_min(temp_hilb->length()-1,(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1])->length()); for (int j=k;j>actord;j--) (*(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]))[j-1] = (*temp_hilb)[j]; } else { (*(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]))[actord] = 0; } delete temp_hilb; if ((index>1) && (actord<=syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index]->length())) { #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("\nSubtrahiere im Modul %d im Grad %d den Wert: %d\n",index,actord-1,toSub); #endif (*syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index])[actord-1]-=toSub; } if (syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index]!=NULL) { if (cont_hilb->length()>syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index]->length()) syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index]->resize(cont_hilb->length()); for (int j=cont_hilb->length()-1;j>actord;j--) (*(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index]))[j-1] = (*cont_hilb)[j]; } delete cont_hilb; #ifdef SHOW_HILB Print("",(*(syzstr->hilb_coeffs[index+1]))[actord]); #endif } /*3 * reduces the generators of the module index in degree deg * (which are actual syzygies of the module index-1) * wrt. the ideal generated by elements of lower degrees */ static void syRedGenerOfCurrDeg_Hilb(syStrategy syzstr, int deg,int *maxindex,int *maxdeg) { ideal res=syzstr->res[1]; int i=0,j,k=IDELEMS(res),k1=IDELEMS(syzstr->orderedRes[1]); SSet sPairs1=syzstr->resPairs[1]; SSet sPairs=syzstr->resPairs[0]; while ((k>0) && (res->m[k-1]==NULL)) k--; while ((k1>0) && (syzstr->orderedRes[1]->m[k1-1]==NULL)) k1--; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[0]) && (((sPairs)[i].syz==NULL) || ((sPairs)[i].order=(*syzstr->Tl)[0]) || ((sPairs)[i].order>deg)) return; while ((i<(*syzstr->Tl)[0]) && (((sPairs)[i].syz==NULL) || ((sPairs)[i].order==deg))) { if ((sPairs)[i].syz!=NULL) { #ifdef SHOW_PROT PrintS("reduziere Erzeuger: \n"); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write((sPairs)[i].syz); #endif (sPairs)[i].syz = syRed_Hilb((sPairs)[i].syz,syzstr,1); #ifdef SHOW_PROT PrintS("erhalte Erzeuger: \n"); PrintS("syz: ");poly_write((sPairs)[i].syz); PrintLn(); #endif if ((sPairs)[i].syz != NULL) { if (k==IDELEMS(res)) { syEnlargeFields(syzstr,1); res=syzstr->res[1]; } if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG) { if ((sPairs)[i].isNotMinimal==NULL) { PrintS("\nminimal generator: "); pWrite((syzstr->resPairs[0])[i].syz); PrintS("comes from: ");pWrite((syzstr->resPairs[0])[i].p1); PrintS("and: ");pWrite((syzstr->resPairs[0])[i].p2); } } res->m[k] = (sPairs)[i].syz; pNorm(res->m[k]); syHalfPair(res->m[k],k1,syzstr,1); k1++; k++; if (1>*maxindex) *maxindex = 1; if (deg-1>*maxdeg) *maxdeg = deg-1; } } i++; } } /*3 * reorders the result (stored in orderedRes) according * to the seqence given by res */ static void syReOrdResult_Hilb(syStrategy syzstr,int maxindex,int maxdeg) { ideal reor,toreor; int i,j,k,l,m,togo; syzstr->betti = new intvec(maxdeg,maxindex+1,0); (*syzstr->betti)[0] = 1; for (i=1;i<=syzstr->length;i++) { if (!idIs0(syzstr->orderedRes[i])) { toreor = syzstr->orderedRes[i]; k = IDELEMS(toreor); while ((k>0) && (toreor->m[k-1]==NULL)) k--; reor = idInit(k,toreor->rank); togo = IDELEMS(syzstr->res[i]); for (j=0;jm[j]!=NULL) (IMATELEM(*syzstr->betti,p_FDeg(toreor->m[j],currRing)-i+1,i+1))++; reor->m[j] = toreor->m[j]; toreor->m[j] = NULL; } m = 0; for (j=0;jres[i]->m[j]!=NULL) { l = 0; while ((lres[i]->m[j]!=reor->m[l])) l++; if (lm[m] = reor->m[l]; reor->m[l] = NULL; m++; } } } idDelete(&reor); } } } /*2 * the CoCoA-algorithm for free resolutions, using a formula * for remaining pairs based on Hilbert-functions */ syStrategy syHilb(ideal arg,int * length) { int i,j,actdeg=32000,index=0,reg=-1; int startdeg,howmuch,toSub=0; int maxindex=0,maxdeg=0; ideal temp=NULL; SSet nextPairs; ring origR = currRing; syStrategy syzstr=(syStrategy)omAlloc0(sizeof(ssyStrategy)); if ((idIs0(arg)) || (id_RankFreeModule(arg,currRing)>0)) { syzstr->minres = (resolvente)omAllocBin(sip_sideal_bin); syzstr->length = 1; syzstr->minres[0] = idInit(1,arg->rank); return syzstr; } // Creare dp,S ring and change to it syzstr->syRing = rAssure_dp_C(origR, TRUE); rChangeCurrRing(syzstr->syRing); // set initial ShiftedComps currcomponents = (int*)omAlloc0((arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); currShiftedComponents = (long*)omAlloc0((arg->rank+1)*sizeof(long)); /*--- initializes the data structures---------------*/ #ifdef SHOW_CRIT crit = 0; crit1 = 0; spfl = 0; cons_pairs = 0; crit_fails = 0; #endif syzstr->length = *length = currRing->N+2; syzstr->Tl = new intvec(*length+1); temp = idInit(IDELEMS(arg),arg->rank); for (i=0;isyRing) temp->m[i] = prCopyR( arg->m[i], origR, syzstr->syRing); else temp->m[i] = pCopy( arg->m[i]); if (temp->m[i]!=NULL) { j = pTotaldegree(temp->m[i]); if (jresPairs = syInitRes(temp,length,syzstr->Tl,syzstr->cw); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)currcomponents,(arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)currShiftedComponents,(arg->rank+1)*sizeof(int)); syzstr->res = (resolvente)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); syzstr->orderedRes = (resolvente)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); syzstr->elemLength = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->truecomponents = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->backcomponents = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->ShiftedComponents = (long**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(long*)); syzstr->Howmuch = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->Firstelem = (int**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(int*)); syzstr->hilb_coeffs = (intvec**)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(intvec*)); syzstr->sev = (unsigned long **)omAlloc0((*length+1)*sizeof(unsigned long*)); syzstr->bucket = kBucketCreate(currRing); syzstr->syz_bucket = kBucketCreate(currRing); startdeg = actdeg; nextPairs = syChosePairs(syzstr,&index,&howmuch,&actdeg); /*--- computes the resolution ----------------------*/ while (nextPairs!=NULL) { #ifdef SHOW_PROT Print("compute %d Paare im Module %d im Grad %d \n",howmuch,index,actdeg+index); #endif if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("%d",actdeg); if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("(m%d)",index); if (index==0) i = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index,id_RankFreeModule(arg, origR)+1); else i = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index); j = syInitSyzMod(syzstr,index+1); if (index>0) { syRedNextPairs_Hilb(nextPairs,syzstr,howmuch,index,actdeg,&toSub,&maxindex,&maxdeg); sySetNewHilb(syzstr,toSub,index,actdeg); toSub = 0; syCompactifyPairSet(syzstr->resPairs[index],(*syzstr->Tl)[index],0); } else syRedGenerOfCurrDeg_Hilb(syzstr,actdeg,&maxindex,&maxdeg); /*--- creates new pairs -----------------------------*/ #ifdef SHOW_PROT Print("Bilde neue Paare in Modul %d!\n",index); #endif syCreateNewPairs_Hilb(syzstr,index,actdeg); if (index<(*length)-1) { #ifdef SHOW_PROT Print("Bilde neue Paare in Modul %d!\n",index+1); #endif syCreateNewPairs_Hilb(syzstr,index+1,actdeg-1); } index++; nextPairs = syChosePairs(syzstr,&index,&howmuch,&actdeg); } syReOrdResult_Hilb(syzstr,maxindex,maxdeg); #ifdef SHOW_RESULT PrintS("minimal resolution:\n"); for (int ti=1;ti<=*length;ti++) { if (!idIs0(syzstr->orderedRes[ti])) idPrint(syzstr->orderedRes[ti]); } PrintS("full resolution:\n"); for (int ti=1;ti<=*length;ti++) { if (!idIs0(syzstr->res[ti])) idPrint(syzstr->res[ti]); } #endif #ifdef SHOW_CRIT Print("Criterion %d times applied\n",crit); Print("Criterion1 %d times applied\n",crit1); Print("%d superfluous pairs\n",spfl); Print("%d pairs considered\n",cons_pairs); Print("Criterion fails %d times\n",crit_fails); crit = 0; crit1 = 0; spfl = 0; cons_pairs = 0; crit_fails = 0; #endif if (temp!=NULL) idDelete(&temp); kBucketDestroy(&(syzstr->bucket)); kBucketDestroy(&(syzstr->syz_bucket)); if (origR != syzstr->syRing) rChangeCurrRing(origR); else currRing = origR; if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintLn(); return syzstr; }