/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id: modulop.cc 14402 2011-09-29 17:16:19Z hannes $ */ /* * ABSTRACT: numbers modulo p (<=32003) */ #include #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY #include #endif // int npGen=0; #ifdef HAVE_DIV_MOD unsigned short *npInvTable=NULL; #endif #if !defined(HAVE_DIV_MOD) || !defined(HAVE_MULT_MOD) unsigned short *npExpTable=NULL; unsigned short *npLogTable=NULL; #endif BOOLEAN npGreaterZero (number k, const coeffs r) { int h = (int)((long) k); return ((int)h !=0) && (h <= (r->npPrimeM>>1)); } //unsigned long npMultMod(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) //{ // unsigned long c = a*b; // c = c % npPrimeM; // assume(c == (unsigned long) npMultM((number) a, (number) b)); // return c; //} number npMult (number a,number b, const coeffs r) { if (((long)a == 0) || ((long)b == 0)) return (number)0; else return npMultM(a,b, r); } /*2 * create a number from int */ number npInit (int i, const coeffs r) { long ii=i; long p=(long)ABS(r->ch); while (ii < 0L) ii += p; while ((ii>1L) && (ii >= p)) ii -= p; return (number)ii; } /*2 * convert a number to int (-p/2 .. p/2) */ int npInt(number &n, const coeffs r) { if ((long)n > (((long)r->ch) >>1)) return (int)((long)n -((long)r->ch)); else return (int)((long)n); } number npAdd (number a, number b, const coeffs r) { return npAddM(a,b, r); } number npSub (number a, number b, const coeffs r) { return npSubM(a,b,r); } BOOLEAN npIsZero (number a, const coeffs r) { return 0 == (long)a; } BOOLEAN npIsOne (number a, const coeffs r) { return 1 == (long)a; } BOOLEAN npIsMOne (number a, const coeffs r) { return ((r->npPminus1M == (long)a)&&((long)1!=(long)a)); } #ifdef HAVE_DIV_MOD #ifdef USE_NTL_XGCD //ifdef HAVE_NTL // in ntl.a //extern void XGCD(long& d, long& s, long& t, long a, long b); #include #ifdef NTL_CLIENT NTL_CLIENT #endif #endif long InvMod(long a, const coeffs R) { long d, s, t; #ifdef USE_NTL_XGCD XGCD(d, s, t, a, R->npPrimeM); assume (d == 1); #else long u, v, u0, v0, u1, v1, u2, v2, q, r; assume(a>0); u1=1; u2=0; u = a; v = R->npPrimeM; while (v != 0) { q = u / v; r = u % v; u = v; v = r; u0 = u2; u2 = u1 - q*u2; u1 = u0; } assume(u==1); s = u1; #endif if (s < 0) return s + R->npPrimeM; else return s; } #endif inline number npInversM (number c, const coeffs r) { #ifndef HAVE_DIV_MOD return (number)(long)r->npExpTable[r->npPminus1M - r->npLogTable[(long)c]]; #else long inv=(long)r->npInvTable[(long)c]; if (inv==0) { inv=InvMod((long)c,r); r->npInvTable[(long)c]=inv; } return (number)inv; #endif } number npDiv (number a,number b, const coeffs r) { //#ifdef NV_OPS // if (npPrimeM>NV_MAX_PRIME) // return nvDiv(a,b); //#endif if ((long)a==0) return (number)0; #ifndef HAVE_DIV_MOD if ((long)b==0) { WerrorS(nDivBy0); return (number)0; } else { int s = r->npLogTable[(long)a] - r->npLogTable[(long)b]; if (s < 0) s += r->npPminus1M; return (number)(long)r->npExpTable[s]; } #else number inv=npInversM(b,r); return npMultM(a,inv,r); #endif } number npInvers (number c, const coeffs r) { if ((long)c==0) { WerrorS("1/0"); return (number)0; } return npInversM(c,r); } number npNeg (number c, const coeffs r) { if ((long)c==0) return c; return npNegM(c,r); } BOOLEAN npGreater (number a,number b, const coeffs r) { //return (long)a != (long)b; return (long)a > (long)b; } BOOLEAN npEqual (number a,number b, const coeffs r) { // return (long)a == (long)b; return npEqualM(a,b,r); } void npWrite (number &a, const coeffs r) { if ((long)a>(((long)r->ch) >>1)) StringAppend("-%d",(int)(((long)r->ch)-((long)a))); else StringAppend("%d",(int)((long)a)); } void npPower (number a, int i, number * result, const coeffs r) { if (i==0) { //npInit(1,result); *(long *)result = 1; } else if (i==1) { *result = a; } else { npPower(a,i-1,result,r); *result = npMultM(a,*result,r); } } static const char* npEati(const char *s, int *i, const coeffs r) { if (((*s) >= '0') && ((*s) <= '9')) { unsigned long ii=0L; do { ii *= 10; ii += *s++ - '0'; if (ii >= (MAX_INT / 10)) ii = ii % r->npPrimeM; } while (((*s) >= '0') && ((*s) <= '9')); if (ii >= npPrimeM) ii = ii % r->npPrimeM; *i=(int)ii; } else (*i) = 1; return s; } const char * npRead (const char *s, number *a, const coeffs r) { int z; int n=1; s = npEati(s, &z, r); if ((*s) == '/') { s++; s = npEati(s, &n, r); } if (n == 1) *a = (number)z; else { if ((z==0)&&(n==0)) WerrorS(nDivBy0); else { #ifdef NV_OPS if (r->npPrimeM>NV_MAX_PRIME) *a = nvDiv((number)z,(number)n,r); else #endif *a = npDiv((number)z,(number)n,r); } } return s; } /*2 * set the charcteristic (allocate and init tables) */ void npSetChar(const coeffs r) { #if !defined(HAVE_DIV_MOD) || !defined(HAVE_MULT_MOD) // npGen = npExpTable[1]; #endif } void npKillChar(coeffs r) { #ifdef HAVE_DIV_MOD if (r->npInvTable!=NULL) omFreeSize( (void *)r->npInvTable, r->npPrimeM*sizeof(unsigned short) ); r->npInvTable=NULL; #else if (r->npExpTable!=NULL) { omFreeSize( (void *)r->npExpTable, r->npPrimeM*sizeof(unsigned short) ); omFreeSize( (void *)r->npLogTable, r->npPrimeM*sizeof(unsigned short) ); r->npExpTable=NULL; r->npLogTable=NULL; } #endif } static BOOLEAN npCoeffsEqual(const coeffs r, n_coeffType n, void * parameter) { /* test, if r is an instance of nInitCoeffs(n,parameter) */ return (n==n_Zp) && (r->ch==(int)(long)parameter); } BOOLEAN npInitChar(coeffs r, void* p) { const int c = (int) (long) p; assume( c > 0 ); int i, w; r->npPrimeM = c; r->npPminus1M = c /*r->npPrimeM*/ - 1; //r->cfInitChar=npInitChar; r->cfKillChar=npKillChar; r->cfSetChar=npSetChar; r->nCoeffIsEqual=npCoeffsEqual; r->cfMult = npMult; r->cfSub = npSub; r->cfAdd = npAdd; r->cfDiv = npDiv; r->cfIntDiv= npDiv; //r->cfIntMod= ndIntMod; r->cfExactDiv= npDiv; r->cfInit = npInit; //r->cfPar = ndPar; //r->cfParDeg = ndParDeg; //r->cfSize = ndSize; r->cfInt = npInt; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS //r->cfDivComp = NULL; // only for ring stuff //r->cfIsUnit = NULL; // only for ring stuff //r->cfGetUnit = NULL; // only for ring stuff //r->cfExtGcd = NULL; // only for ring stuff // r->cfDivBy = NULL; // only for ring stuff #endif r->cfNeg = npNeg; r->cfInvers= npInvers; //r->cfCopy = ndCopy; //r->cfRePart = ndCopy; //r->cfImPart = ndReturn0; r->cfWrite = npWrite; r->cfRead = npRead; //r->cfNormalize=ndNormalize; r->cfGreater = npGreater; r->cfEqual = npEqual; r->cfIsZero = npIsZero; r->cfIsOne = npIsOne; r->cfIsMOne = npIsMOne; r->cfGreaterZero = npGreaterZero; r->cfPower = npPower; r->cfGetDenom = ndGetDenom; r->cfGetNumerator = ndGetNumerator; //r->cfGcd = ndGcd; //r->cfLcm = ndGcd; //r->cfDelete= ndDelete; r->cfSetMap = npSetMap; //r->cfName = ndName; r->cfInpMult=ndInpMult; r->cfInit_bigint= npMap0; #ifdef NV_OPS if (c>NV_MAX_PRIME) { r->cfMult = nvMult; r->cfDiv = nvDiv; r->cfExactDiv= nvDiv; r->cfInvers= nvInvers; r->cfPower= nvPower; } #endif r->cfCoeffWrite=npCoeffWrite; #ifdef LDEBUG // debug stuff r->cfDBTest=npDBTest; #endif // the variables: r->nNULL = (number)0; //r->type = n_Zp; r->ch = c; r->has_simple_Alloc=TRUE; r->has_simple_Inverse=TRUE; // the tables #ifdef NV_OPS if (r->npPrimeM <=NV_MAX_PRIME) #endif { #if !defined(HAVE_DIV_MOD) || !defined(HAVE_MULT_MOD) r->npExpTable=(unsigned short *)omAlloc( r->npPrimeM*sizeof(unsigned short) ); r->npLogTable=(unsigned short *)omAlloc( r->npPrimeM*sizeof(unsigned short) ); r->npExpTable[0] = 1; r->npLogTable[0] = 0; if (r->npPrimeM > 2) { w = 1; loop { r->npLogTable[1] = 0; w++; i = 0; loop { i++; r->npExpTable[i] =(int)(((long)w * (long)r->npExpTable[i-1]) % r->npPrimeM); r->npLogTable[r->npExpTable[i]] = i; if (/*(i == npPrimeM - 1 ) ||*/ (r->npExpTable[i] == 1)) break; } if (i == r->npPrimeM - 1) break; } } else { r->npExpTable[1] = 1; r->npLogTable[1] = 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_DIV_MOD r->npInvTable=(unsigned short*)omAlloc0( r->npPrimeM*sizeof(unsigned short) ); #endif } return FALSE; } #ifdef LDEBUG BOOLEAN npDBTest (number a, const char *f, const int l, const coeffs r) { if (((long)a<0) || ((long)a>r->npPrimeM)) { Print("wrong mod p number %ld at %s,%d\n",(long)a,f,l); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif number npMap0(number from, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst_r) { int nlModP(number n, int p, const coeffs r); return npInit(nlModP(from, dst_r->npPrimeM, src),dst_r); } number npMapP(number from, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst_r) { long i = (long)from; if (i>src->npPrimeM/2) { i-=src->npPrimeM; while (i < 0) i+=dst_r->npPrimeM; } i%=dst_r->npPrimeM; return (number)i; } static number npMapLongR(number from, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst_r) { gmp_float *ff=(gmp_float*)from; mpf_t *f=ff->_mpfp(); number res; mpz_ptr dest,ndest; int size,i; int e,al,bl,in; long iz; mp_ptr qp,dd,nn; size = (*f)[0]._mp_size; if (size == 0) return npInit(0,dst_r); if(size<0) size = -size; qp = (*f)[0]._mp_d; while(qp[0]==0) { qp++; size--; } if(dst_r->npPrimeM>2) e=(*f)[0]._mp_exp-size; else e=0; res = ALLOC_RNUMBER(); #if defined(LDEBUG) res->debug=123456; #endif dest = res->z; if (e<0) { al = dest->_mp_size = size; if (al<2) al = 2; dd = (mp_ptr)omAlloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t)*al); for (i=0;i=0;i--) nn[i] = 0; ndest = res->n; ndest->_mp_d = nn; ndest->_mp_alloc = ndest->_mp_size = bl; res->s = 0; in=mpz_fdiv_ui(ndest,dst_r->npPrimeM); mpz_clear(ndest); } else { al = dest->_mp_size = size+e; if (al<2) al = 2; dd = (mp_ptr)omAlloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t)*al); for (i=0;is = 3; } dest->_mp_d = dd; dest->_mp_alloc = al; iz=mpz_fdiv_ui(dest,dst_r->npPrimeM); mpz_clear(dest); if(res->s==0) iz=(long)npDiv((number)iz,(number)in,dst_r); omFreeBin((void *)res, rnumber_bin); return (number)iz; } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS /*2 * convert from a GMP integer */ number npMapGMP(number from, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst) { int_number erg = (int_number) omAlloc(sizeof(mpz_t)); // evtl. spaeter mit bin mpz_init(erg); mpz_mod_ui(erg, (int_number) from, dst->npPrimeM); number r = (number) mpz_get_si(erg); mpz_clear(erg); omFree((void *) erg); return (number) r; } /*2 * convert from an machine long */ number npMapMachineInt(number from, const coeffs src,const coeffs dst) { long i = (long) (((unsigned long) from) % dst->npPrimeM); return (number) i; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY number npMapCanonicalForm (number a, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst) { setCharacteristic (dst ->npPrimeM); CanonicalForm f= CanonicalForm ((InternalCF*)(a)); return (number) (f.intval()); } #endif nMapFunc npSetMap(const coeffs src, const coeffs dst) { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (nCoeff_is_Ring_2toM(src)) { return npMapMachineInt; } if (nCoeff_is_Ring_Z(src) || nCoeff_is_Ring_PtoM(src) || nCoeff_is_Ring_ModN(src)) { return npMapGMP; } #endif if (nCoeff_is_Q(src)) { return npMap0; } if ( nCoeff_is_Zp(src) ) { if (n_GetChar(src) == n_GetChar(dst)) { return ndCopyMap; } else { return npMapP; } } if (nCoeff_is_long_R(src)) { return npMapLongR; } #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY if (nCoeff_is_CF (src)) { return npMapCanonicalForm; } #endif return NULL; /* default */ } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // operation for very large primes (32003< p < 2^31-1) // ---------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef NV_OPS number nvMult (number a,number b, const coeffs r) { //if (((long)a == 0) || ((long)b == 0)) // return (number)0; //else return nvMultM(a,b,r); } void nvInpMult(number &a, number b, const coeffs r) { number n=nvMultM(a,b,r); a=n; } long nvInvMod(long a, const coeffs R) { long s, t; long u, v, u0, v0, u1, v1, u2, v2, q, r; u1=1; v1=0; u2=0; v2=1; u = a; v = R->npPrimeM; while (v != 0) { q = u / v; r = u % v; u = v; v = r; u0 = u2; v0 = v2; u2 = u1 - q*u2; v2 = v1- q*v2; u1 = u0; v1 = v0; } s = u1; //t = v1; if (s < 0) return s + R->npPrimeM; else return s; } inline number nvInversM (number c, const coeffs r) { long inv=nvInvMod((long)c,r); return (number)inv; } number nvDiv (number a,number b, const coeffs r) { if ((long)a==0) return (number)0; else if ((long)b==0) { WerrorS(nDivBy0); return (number)0; } else { number inv=nvInversM(b,r); return nvMultM(a,inv,r); } } number nvInvers (number c, const coeffs r) { if ((long)c==0) { WerrorS(nDivBy0); return (number)0; } return nvInversM(c,r); } void nvPower (number a, int i, number * result, const coeffs r) { if (i==0) { //npInit(1,result); *(long *)result = 1; } else if (i==1) { *result = a; } else { nvPower(a,i-1,result,r); *result = nvMultM(a,*result,r); } } #endif void npCoeffWrite (const coeffs r) { Print("// characteristic : %d\n",r->npPrimeM); }