/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /*************************************************************** * File: p_polys.cc * Purpose: implementation of ring independent poly procedures? * Author: obachman (Olaf Bachmann) * Created: 8/00 * Version: $Id$ *******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include // ??? #include #include #include #include // #include // #include #ifndef NDEBUG // #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL #include #include #endif #include /*************************************************************** * * Completing what needs to be set for the monomial * ***************************************************************/ // this is special for the syz stuff static int* _components = NULL; static long* _componentsShifted = NULL; static int _componentsExternal = 0; BOOLEAN pSetm_error=0; #ifndef NDEBUG # define MYTEST 0 #else /* ifndef NDEBUG */ # define MYTEST 0 #endif /* ifndef NDEBUG */ void p_Setm_General(poly p, const ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); int pos=0; if (r->typ!=NULL) { loop { long ord=0; sro_ord* o=&(r->typ[pos]); switch(o->ord_typ) { case ro_dp: { int a,e; a=o->data.dp.start; e=o->data.dp.end; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) ord+=p_GetExp(p,i,r); p->exp[o->data.dp.place]=ord; break; } case ro_wp_neg: ord=POLY_NEGWEIGHT_OFFSET; // no break; case ro_wp: { int a,e; a=o->data.wp.start; e=o->data.wp.end; int *w=o->data.wp.weights; #if 1 for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) ord+=p_GetExp(p,i,r)*w[i-a]; #else long ai; int ei,wi; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) { ei=p_GetExp(p,i,r); wi=w[i-a]; ai=ei*wi; if (ai/ei!=wi) pSetm_error=TRUE; ord+=ai; if (ordexp[o->data.wp.place]=ord; break; } case ro_wp64: { int64 ord=0; int a,e; a=o->data.wp64.start; e=o->data.wp64.end; int64 *w=o->data.wp64.weights64; int64 ei,wi,ai; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) { //Print("exp %d w %d \n",p_GetExp(p,i,r),(int)w[i-a]); //ord+=((int64)p_GetExp(p,i,r))*w[i-a]; ei=(int64)p_GetExp(p,i,r); wi=w[i-a]; ai=ei*wi; if(ei!=0 && ai/ei!=wi) { pSetm_error=TRUE; #if SIZEOF_LONG == 4 Print("ai %lld, wi %lld\n",ai,wi); #else Print("ai %ld, wi %ld\n",ai,wi); #endif } ord+=ai; if (ord>31 ); /*(ord/(mask+1));*/ //Print("mask: %x, ord: %d, a_0: %d, a_1: %d\n" //,(int)mask,(int)ord,(int)a_0,(int)a_1); //Print("mask: %d",mask); p->exp[o->data.wp64.place]=a_1; p->exp[o->data.wp64.place+1]=a_0; // if(p_Setm_error) Print("***************************\n // ***************************\n // **WARNING: overflow error**\n // ***************************\n // ***************************\n"); break; } case ro_cp: { int a,e; a=o->data.cp.start; e=o->data.cp.end; int pl=o->data.cp.place; for(int i=a;i<=e;i++) { p->exp[pl]=p_GetExp(p,i,r); pl++; } break; } case ro_syzcomp: { int c=p_GetComp(p,r); long sc = c; int* Components = (_componentsExternal ? _components : o->data.syzcomp.Components); long* ShiftedComponents = (_componentsExternal ? _componentsShifted: o->data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents); if (ShiftedComponents != NULL) { assume(Components != NULL); assume(c == 0 || Components[c] != 0); sc = ShiftedComponents[Components[c]]; assume(c == 0 || sc != 0); } p->exp[o->data.syzcomp.place]=sc; break; } case ro_syz: { const unsigned long c = p_GetComp(p, r); const short place = o->data.syz.place; const int limit = o->data.syz.limit; if (c > limit) p->exp[place] = o->data.syz.curr_index; else if (c > 0) { assume( (1 <= c) && (c <= limit) ); p->exp[place]= o->data.syz.syz_index[c]; } else { assume(c == 0); p->exp[place]= 0; } break; } // Prefix for Induced Schreyer ordering case ro_isTemp: // Do nothing?? (to be removed into suffix later on...?) { assume(p != NULL); #ifndef NDEBUG #if MYTEST Print("p_Setm_General: isTemp ord: pos: %d, p: ", pos); p_DebugPrint(p, r, r, 1); #endif #endif int c = p_GetComp(p, r); assume( c >= 0 ); // Let's simulate case ro_syz above.... // Should accumulate (by Suffix) and be a level indicator const int* const pVarOffset = o->data.isTemp.pVarOffset; assume( pVarOffset != NULL ); // TODO: Can this be done in the suffix??? for( int i = 1; i <= r->N; i++ ) // No v[0] here!!! { const int vo = pVarOffset[i]; if( vo != -1) // TODO: optimize: can be done once! { // Hans! Please don't break it again! p_SetExp(p, ..., r, vo) is correct: p_SetExp(p, p_GetExp(p, i, r), r, vo); // copy put them verbatim // Hans! Please don't break it again! p_GetExp(p, r, vo) is correct: assume( p_GetExp(p, r, vo) == p_GetExp(p, i, r) ); // copy put them verbatim } } #ifndef NDEBUG for( int i = 1; i <= r->N; i++ ) // No v[0] here!!! { const int vo = pVarOffset[i]; if( vo != -1) // TODO: optimize: can be done once! { // Hans! Please don't break it again! p_GetExp(p, r, vo) is correct: assume( p_GetExp(p, r, vo) == p_GetExp(p, i, r) ); // copy put them verbatim } } #if MYTEST // if( p->exp[o->data.isTemp.start] > 0 ) // { // PrintS("Initial Value: "); p_DebugPrint(p, r, r, 1); // } #endif #endif break; } // Suffix for Induced Schreyer ordering case ro_is: { #ifndef NDEBUG #if MYTEST Print("p_Setm_General: ro_is ord: pos: %d, p: ", pos); p_DebugPrint(p, r, r, 1); #endif #endif assume(p != NULL); int c = p_GetComp(p, r); assume( c >= 0 ); const ideal F = o->data.is.F; const int limit = o->data.is.limit; if( F != NULL && c > limit ) { #ifndef NDEBUG #if MYTEST Print("p_Setm_General: ro_is : in rSetm: pos: %d, c: %d > limit: %d\n", c, pos, limit); // p_DebugPrint(p, r, r, 1); #endif #endif c -= limit; assume( c > 0 ); c--; assume( c < IDELEMS(F) ); // What about others??? const poly pp = F->m[c]; // get reference monomial!!! #ifndef NDEBUG #if MYTEST Print("Respective F[c - %d: %d] pp: ", limit, c); p_DebugPrint(pp, r, r, 1); #endif #endif assume(pp != NULL); if(pp == NULL) break; const int start = o->data.is.start; const int end = o->data.is.end; assume(start <= end); // const int limit = o->data.is.limit; assume( limit >= 0 ); // const int st = o->data.isTemp.start; if( c > limit ) p->exp[start] = 1; // else // p->exp[start] = 0; #ifndef NDEBUG Print("p_Setm_General: is(-Temp-) :: c: %d, limit: %d, [st:%d] ===>>> %ld\n", c, limit, start, p->exp[start]); #endif for( int i = start; i <= end; i++) // v[0] may be here... p->exp[i] += pp->exp[i]; // !!!!!!!! ADD corresponding LT(F) #ifndef NDEBUG const int* const pVarOffset = o->data.is.pVarOffset; assume( pVarOffset != NULL ); for( int i = 1; i <= r->N; i++ ) // No v[0] here!!! { const int vo = pVarOffset[i]; if( vo != -1) // TODO: optimize: can be done once! // Hans! Please don't break it again! p_GetExp(p/pp, r, vo) is correct: assume( p_GetExp(p, r, vo) == (p_GetExp(p, i, r) + p_GetExp(pp, r, vo)) ); } // TODO: how to check this for computed values??? #endif } else { const int* const pVarOffset = o->data.is.pVarOffset; // What about v[0] - component: it will be added later by // suffix!!! // TODO: Test it! const int vo = pVarOffset[0]; if( vo != -1 ) p->exp[vo] = c; // initial component v[0]! #ifndef NDEBUG #if MYTEST Print("p_Setm_General: ro_is :: c: %d <= limit: %d, vo: %d, exp: %d\n", c, limit, vo, p->exp[vo]); p_DebugPrint(p, r, r, 1); #endif #endif } break; } default: dReportError("wrong ord in rSetm:%d\n",o->ord_typ); return; } pos++; if (pos == r->OrdSize) return; } } } void p_Setm_Syz(poly p, ring r, int* Components, long* ShiftedComponents) { _components = Components; _componentsShifted = ShiftedComponents; _componentsExternal = 1; p_Setm_General(p, r); _componentsExternal = 0; } // dummy for lp, ls, etc void p_Setm_Dummy(poly p, const ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); } // for dp, Dp, ds, etc void p_Setm_TotalDegree(poly p, const ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] = p_Totaldegree(p, r); } // for wp, Wp, ws, etc void p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p, const ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] = p_WFirstTotalDegree(p, r); } p_SetmProc p_GetSetmProc(ring r) { // covers lp, rp, ls, if (r->typ == NULL) return p_Setm_Dummy; if (r->OrdSize == 1) { if (r->typ[0].ord_typ == ro_dp && r->typ[0].data.dp.start == 1 && r->typ[0].data.dp.end == r->N && r->typ[0].data.dp.place == r->pOrdIndex) return p_Setm_TotalDegree; if (r->typ[0].ord_typ == ro_wp && r->typ[0].data.wp.start == 1 && r->typ[0].data.wp.end == r->N && r->typ[0].data.wp.place == r->pOrdIndex && r->typ[0].data.wp.weights == r->firstwv) return p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree; } return p_Setm_General; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* several possibilities for pFDeg: the degree of the head term */ /* comptible with ordering */ long p_Deg(poly a, const ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(a, r); assume(p_GetOrder(a, r) == p_WTotaldegree(a, r)); return p_GetOrder(a, r); } // p_WTotalDegree for weighted orderings // whose first block covers all variables long p_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p, const ring r) { int i; long sum = 0; for (i=1; i<= r->firstBlockEnds; i++) { sum += p_GetExp(p, i, r)*r->firstwv[i-1]; } return sum; } /*2 * compute the degree of the leading monomial of p * with respect to weigths from the ordering * the ordering is not compatible with degree so do not use p->Order */ long p_WTotaldegree(poly p, const ring r) { p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); int i, k; long j =0; // iterate through each block: for (i=0;r->order[i]!=0;i++) { int b0=r->block0[i]; int b1=r->block1[i]; switch(r->order[i]) { case ringorder_M: for (k=b0 /*r->block0[i]*/;k<=b1 /*r->block1[i]*/;k++) { // in jedem block: j+= p_GetExp(p,k,r)*r->wvhdl[i][k - b0 /*r->block0[i]*/]*r->OrdSgn; } break; case ringorder_wp: case ringorder_ws: case ringorder_Wp: case ringorder_Ws: for (k=b0 /*r->block0[i]*/;k<=b1 /*r->block1[i]*/;k++) { // in jedem block: j+= p_GetExp(p,k,r)*r->wvhdl[i][k - b0 /*r->block0[i]*/]; } break; case ringorder_lp: case ringorder_ls: case ringorder_rs: case ringorder_dp: case ringorder_ds: case ringorder_Dp: case ringorder_Ds: case ringorder_rp: for (k=b0 /*r->block0[i]*/;k<=b1 /*r->block1[i]*/;k++) { j+= p_GetExp(p,k,r); } break; case ringorder_a64: { int64* w=(int64*)r->wvhdl[i]; for (k=0;k<=(b1 /*r->block1[i]*/ - b0 /*r->block0[i]*/);k++) { //there should be added a line which checks if w[k]>2^31 j+= p_GetExp(p,k+1, r)*(long)w[k]; } //break; return j; } case ringorder_c: case ringorder_C: case ringorder_S: case ringorder_s: case ringorder_IS: case ringorder_aa: break; case ringorder_a: for (k=b0 /*r->block0[i]*/;k<=b1 /*r->block1[i]*/;k++) { // only one line j+= p_GetExp(p,k, r)*r->wvhdl[i][ k- b0 /*r->block0[i]*/]; } //break; return j; #ifndef NDEBUG default: Print("missing order %d in p_WTotaldegree\n",r->order[i]); break; #endif } } return j; } long p_DegW(poly p, const short *w, const ring R) { long r=~0L; while (p!=NULL) { long t=totaldegreeWecart_IV(p,R,w); if (t>r) r=t; pIter(p); } return r; } int p_Weight(int i, const ring r) { if ((r->firstwv==NULL) || (i>r->firstBlockEnds)) { return 1; } return r->firstwv[i-1]; } long p_WDegree(poly p, const ring r) { if (r->firstwv==NULL) return p_Totaldegree(p, r); p_LmCheckPolyRing(p, r); int i; long j =0; for(i=1;i<=r->firstBlockEnds;i++) j+=p_GetExp(p, i, r)*r->firstwv[i-1]; for (;i<=r->N;i++) j+=p_GetExp(p,i, r)*p_Weight(i, r); return j; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* several possibilities for pLDeg: the maximal degree of a monomial in p*/ /* compute in l also the pLength of p */ /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: the last one */ long pLDeg0(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; if (k > 0) { while ((pNext(p)!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(pNext(p), r)==k)) { pIter(p); ll++; } } else { while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { pIter(p); ll++; } } *l=ll; return r->pFDeg(p, r); } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: the last one * but search in all components before syzcomp */ long pLDeg0c(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { assume(p!=NULL); #ifdef PDEBUG _p_Test(p,r,PDEBUG); #endif p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long o; int ll=1; if (! rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { while (pNext(p) != NULL) { pIter(p); ll++; } o = r->pFDeg(p, r); } else { int curr_limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); poly pp = p; while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=curr_limit/*syzComp*/) ll++; else break; pp = p; } #ifdef PDEBUG _p_Test(pp,r,PDEBUG); #endif o = r->pFDeg(pp, r); } *l=ll; return o; } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: the first one * this works for the polynomial case with degree orderings * (both c,dp and dp,c) */ long pLDegb(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long k= p_GetComp(p, r); long o = r->pFDeg(p, r); int ll=1; if (k != 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p)) !=NULL) { ll++; } } *l=ll; return o; } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: * this is NOT the last one, we have to look for it */ long pLDeg1(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } /*2 * compute the length of a polynomial (in l) * and the degree of the monomial with maximal degree: * this is NOT the last one, we have to look for it * in all components */ long pLDeg1c(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=r->pFDeg(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=r->pFDeg(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=r->pFDeg(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } // like pLDeg1, only pFDeg == pDeg long pLDeg1_Deg(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { assume(r->pFDeg == p_Deg); p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=p_GetOrder(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=p_GetOrder(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=p_GetOrder(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } long pLDeg1c_Deg(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { assume(r->pFDeg == p_Deg); p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=p_GetOrder(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=p_GetOrder(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=p_GetOrder(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } // like pLDeg1, only pFDeg == pTotoalDegree long pLDeg1_Totaldegree(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=p_Totaldegree(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=p_Totaldegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=p_Totaldegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } long pLDeg1c_Totaldegree(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=p_Totaldegree(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=p_Totaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=p_Totaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } // like pLDeg1, only pFDeg == p_WFirstTotalDegree long pLDeg1_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); long k= p_GetComp(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=p_WFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (k > 0) { while (((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(p, r)==k)) { t=p_WFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { t=p_WFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (t>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } long pLDeg1c_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p,int *l, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); int ll=1; long t,max; max=p_WFirstTotalDegree(p, r); if (rIsSyzIndexRing(r)) { long limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(r); while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(p, r)<=limit) { if ((t=p_Totaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } else break; } } else { while ((p=pNext(p))!=NULL) { if ((t=p_Totaldegree(p, r))>max) max=t; ll++; } } *l=ll; return max; } /*************************************************************** * * Maximal Exponent business * ***************************************************************/ static inline unsigned long p_GetMaxExpL2(unsigned long l1, unsigned long l2, const ring r, unsigned long number_of_exp) { const unsigned long bitmask = r->bitmask; unsigned long ml1 = l1 & bitmask; unsigned long ml2 = l2 & bitmask; unsigned long max = (ml1 > ml2 ? ml1 : ml2); unsigned long j = number_of_exp - 1; if (j > 0) { unsigned long mask = bitmask << r->BitsPerExp; while (1) { ml1 = l1 & mask; ml2 = l2 & mask; max |= ((ml1 > ml2 ? ml1 : ml2) & mask); j--; if (j == 0) break; mask = mask << r->BitsPerExp; } } return max; } static inline unsigned long p_GetMaxExpL2(unsigned long l1, unsigned long l2, const ring r) { return p_GetMaxExpL2(l1, l2, r, r->ExpPerLong); } poly p_GetMaxExpP(poly p, const ring r) { p_CheckPolyRing(p, r); if (p == NULL) return p_Init(r); poly max = p_LmInit(p, r); pIter(p); if (p == NULL) return max; int i, offset; unsigned long l_p, l_max; unsigned long divmask = r->divmask; do { offset = r->VarL_Offset[0]; l_p = p->exp[offset]; l_max = max->exp[offset]; // do the divisibility trick to find out whether l has an exponent if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) max->exp[offset] = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); for (i=1; iVarL_Size; i++) { offset = r->VarL_Offset[i]; l_p = p->exp[offset]; l_max = max->exp[offset]; // do the divisibility trick to find out whether l has an exponent if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) max->exp[offset] = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); } pIter(p); } while (p != NULL); return max; } unsigned long p_GetMaxExpL(poly p, const ring r, unsigned long l_max) { unsigned long l_p, divmask = r->divmask; int i; while (p != NULL) { l_p = p->exp[r->VarL_Offset[0]]; if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) l_max = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); for (i=1; iVarL_Size; i++) { l_p = p->exp[r->VarL_Offset[i]]; // do the divisibility trick to find out whether l has an exponent if (l_p > l_max || (((l_max & divmask) ^ (l_p & divmask)) != ((l_max-l_p) & divmask))) l_max = p_GetMaxExpL2(l_max, l_p, r); } pIter(p); } return l_max; } /*************************************************************** * * Misc things * ***************************************************************/ // returns TRUE, if all monoms have the same component BOOLEAN p_OneComp(poly p, const ring r) { if(p!=NULL) { long i = p_GetComp(p, r); while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { pIter(p); if(i != p_GetComp(p, r)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*2 *test if a monomial /head term is a pure power */ int p_IsPurePower(const poly p, const ring r) { int i,k=0; for (i=r->N;i;i--) { if (p_GetExp(p,i, r)!=0) { if(k!=0) return 0; k=i; } } return k; } /*2 *test if a polynomial is univariate * return -1 for constant, * 0 for not univariate,s * i if dep. on var(i) */ int p_IsUnivariate(poly p, const ring r) { int i,k=-1; while (p!=NULL) { for (i=r->N;i;i--) { if (p_GetExp(p,i, r)!=0) { if((k!=-1)&&(k!=i)) return 0; k=i; } } pIter(p); } return k; } // set entry e[i] to 1 if var(i) occurs in p, ignore var(j) if e[j]>0 int p_GetVariables(poly p, int * e, const ring r) { int i; int n=0; while(p!=NULL) { n=0; for(i=r->N; i>0; i--) { if(e[i]==0) { if (p_GetExp(p,i,r)>0) { e[i]=1; n++; } } else n++; } if (n==r->N) break; pIter(p); } return n; } /*2 * returns a polynomial representing the integer i */ poly p_ISet(int i, const ring r) { poly rc = NULL; if (i!=0) { rc = p_Init(r); pSetCoeff0(rc,n_Init(i,r->cf)); if (n_IsZero(pGetCoeff(rc),r->cf)) p_LmDelete(&rc,r); } return rc; } /*2 * an optimized version of p_ISet for the special case 1 */ poly p_One(const ring r) { poly rc = p_Init(r); pSetCoeff0(rc,n_Init(1,r->cf)); return rc; } void p_Split(poly p, poly *h) { *h=pNext(p); pNext(p)=NULL; } /*2 * pair has no common factor ? or is no polynomial */ BOOLEAN p_HasNotCF(poly p1, poly p2, const ring r) { if (p_GetComp(p1,r) > 0 || p_GetComp(p2,r) > 0) return FALSE; int i = rVar(r); loop { if ((p_GetExp(p1, i, r) > 0) && (p_GetExp(p2, i, r) > 0)) return FALSE; i--; if (i == 0) return TRUE; } } /*2 * convert monomial given as string to poly, e.g. 1x3y5z */ const char * p_Read(const char *st, poly &rc, const ring r) { if (r==NULL) { rc=NULL;return st;} int i,j; rc = p_Init(r); const char *s = r->cf->cfRead(st,&(rc->coef),r->cf); if (s==st) /* i.e. it does not start with a coeff: test if it is a ringvar*/ { j = r_IsRingVar(s,r); if (j >= 0) { p_IncrExp(rc,1+j,r); while (*s!='\0') s++; goto done; } } while (*s!='\0') { char ss[2]; ss[0] = *s++; ss[1] = '\0'; j = r_IsRingVar(ss,r); if (j >= 0) { const char *s_save=s; s = eati(s,&i); if (((unsigned long)i) > r->bitmask) { // exponent to large: it is not a monomial p_LmDelete(&rc,r); return s_save; } p_AddExp(rc,1+j, (long)i, r); } else { // 1st char of is not a varname p_LmDelete(&rc,r); s--; return s; } } done: if (n_IsZero(pGetCoeff(rc),r->cf)) p_LmDelete(&rc,r); else { #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL // in super-commutative ring // squares of anti-commutative variables are zeroes! if(rIsSCA(r)) { const unsigned int iFirstAltVar = scaFirstAltVar(r); const unsigned int iLastAltVar = scaLastAltVar(r); assume(rc != NULL); for(unsigned int k = iFirstAltVar; k <= iLastAltVar; k++) if( p_GetExp(rc, k, r) > 1 ) { p_LmDelete(&rc, r); goto finish; } } #endif p_Setm(rc,r); } finish: return s; } poly p_mInit(const char *st, BOOLEAN &ok, const ring r) { poly p; const char *s=p_Read(st,p,r); if (*s!='\0') { if ((s!=st)&&isdigit(st[0])) { errorreported=TRUE; } ok=FALSE; p_Delete(&p,r); return NULL; } #ifdef PDEBUG _p_Test(p,r,PDEBUG); #endif ok=!errorreported; return p; } /*2 * returns a polynomial representing the number n * destroys n */ poly p_NSet(number n, const ring r) { if (n_IsZero(n,r->cf)) { n_Delete(&n, r->cf); return NULL; } else { poly rc = p_Init(r); pSetCoeff0(rc,n); return rc; } } /*2 * assumes that the head term of b is a multiple of the head term of a * and return the multiplicant *m * Frank's observation: If LM(b) = LM(a)*m, then we may actually set * negative(!) exponents in the below loop. I suspect that the correct * comment should be "assumes that LM(a) = LM(b)*m, for some monomial m..." */ poly p_Divide(poly a, poly b, const ring r) { assume((p_GetComp(a,r)==p_GetComp(b,r)) || (p_GetComp(b,r)==0)); int i; poly result = p_Init(r); for(i=(int)r->N; i; i--) p_SetExp(result,i, p_GetExp(a,i,r)- p_GetExp(b,i,r),r); p_SetComp(result, p_GetComp(a,r) - p_GetComp(b,r),r); p_Setm(result,r); return result; } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS //TODO Oliver poly p_Div_nn(poly p, const number n, const ring r) { pAssume(!n_IsZero(n,r->cf)); p_Test(p, r); poly q = p; while (p != NULL) { number nc = pGetCoeff(p); pSetCoeff0(p, n_Div(nc, n, r->cf)); n_Delete(&nc, r->cf); pIter(p); } p_Test(q, r); return q; } #endif /*2 * divides a by the monomial b, ignores monomials which are not divisible * assumes that b is not NULL */ poly p_DivideM(poly a, poly b, const ring r) { if (a==NULL) return NULL; poly result=a; poly prev=NULL; int i; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS number inv=pGetCoeff(b); #else number inv=n_Invers(pGetCoeff(b),r->cf); #endif while (a!=NULL) { if (p_DivisibleBy(b,a,r)) { for(i=(int)r->N; i; i--) p_SubExp(a,i, p_GetExp(b,i,r),r); p_SubComp(a, p_GetComp(b,r),r); p_Setm(a,r); prev=a; pIter(a); } else { if (prev==NULL) { p_LmDelete(&result,r); a=result; } else { p_LmDelete(&pNext(prev),r); a=pNext(prev); } } } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (n_IsUnit(inv,r->cf)) { inv = n_Invers(inv,r->cf); p_Mult_nn(result,inv,r); n_Delete(&inv, r->cf); } else { p_Div_nn(result,inv,r); } #else p_Mult_nn(result,inv,r); n_Delete(&inv, r->cf); #endif p_Delete(&b, r); return result; } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS /* TRUE iff LT(f) | LT(g) */ BOOLEAN p_DivisibleByRingCase(poly f, poly g, const ring r) { int exponent; for(int i = (int)rVar(r); i>0; i--) { exponent = p_GetExp(g, i, r) - p_GetExp(f, i, r); if (exponent < 0) return FALSE; } return n_DivBy(pGetCoeff(g), pGetCoeff(f), r->cf); } #endif /*2 * returns the LCM of the head terms of a and b in *m */ void p_Lcm(poly a, poly b, poly m, const ring r) { int i; for (i=rVar(r); i; i--) { p_SetExp(m,i, si_max( p_GetExp(a,i,r), p_GetExp(b,i,r)),r); } p_SetComp(m, si_max(p_GetComp(a,r), p_GetComp(b,r)),r); /* Don't do a pSetm here, otherwise hres/lres chockes */ } /*2 * returns the partial differentiate of a by the k-th variable * does not destroy the input */ poly p_Diff(poly a, int k, const ring r) { poly res, f, last; number t; last = res = NULL; while (a!=NULL) { if (p_GetExp(a,k,r)!=0) { f = p_LmInit(a,r); t = n_Init(p_GetExp(a,k,r),r->cf); pSetCoeff0(f,n_Mult(t,pGetCoeff(a),r->cf)); n_Delete(&t,r->cf); if (n_IsZero(pGetCoeff(f),r->cf)) p_LmDelete(&f,r); else { p_DecrExp(f,k,r); p_Setm(f,r); if (res==NULL) { res=last=f; } else { pNext(last)=f; last=f; } } } pIter(a); } return res; } static poly p_DiffOpM(poly a, poly b,BOOLEAN multiply, const ring r) { int i,j,s; number n,h,hh; poly p=p_One(r); n=n_Mult(pGetCoeff(a),pGetCoeff(b),r->cf); for(i=rVar(r);i>0;i--) { s=p_GetExp(b,i,r); if (scf); p_LmDelete(&p,r); return NULL; } if (multiply) { for(j=p_GetExp(a,i,r); j>0;j--) { h = n_Init(s,r->cf); hh=n_Mult(n,h,r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); n_Delete(&n,r->cf); n=hh; s--; } p_SetExp(p,i,s,r); } else { p_SetExp(p,i,s-p_GetExp(a,i,r),r); } } p_Setm(p,r); /*if (multiply)*/ p_SetCoeff(p,n,r); if (n_IsZero(n,r->cf)) p=p_LmDeleteAndNext(p,r); // return NULL as p is a monomial return p; } poly p_DiffOp(poly a, poly b,BOOLEAN multiply, const ring r) { poly result=NULL; poly h; for(;a!=NULL;pIter(a)) { for(h=b;h!=NULL;pIter(h)) { result=p_Add_q(result,p_DiffOpM(a,h,multiply,r),r); } } return result; } /*2 * subtract p2 from p1, p1 and p2 are destroyed * do not put attention on speed: the procedure is only used in the interpreter */ poly p_Sub(poly p1, poly p2, const ring r) { return p_Add_q(p1, p_Neg(p2,r),r); } /*3 * compute for a monomial m * the power m^exp, exp > 1 * destroys p */ static poly p_MonPower(poly p, int exp, const ring r) { int i; if(!n_IsOne(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf)) { number x, y; y = pGetCoeff(p); n_Power(y,exp,&x,r->cf); n_Delete(&y,r->cf); pSetCoeff0(p,x); } for (i=rVar(r); i!=0; i--) { p_MultExp(p,i, exp,r); } p_Setm(p,r); return p; } /*3 * compute for monomials p*q * destroys p, keeps q */ static void p_MonMult(poly p, poly q, const ring r) { number x, y; int i; y = pGetCoeff(p); x = n_Mult(y,pGetCoeff(q),r->cf); n_Delete(&y,r->cf); pSetCoeff0(p,x); //for (i=pVariables; i!=0; i--) //{ // pAddExp(p,i, pGetExp(q,i)); //} //p->Order += q->Order; p_ExpVectorAdd(p,q,r); } /*3 * compute for monomials p*q * keeps p, q */ static poly p_MonMultC(poly p, poly q, const ring rr) { number x; int i; poly r = p_Init(rr); x = n_Mult(pGetCoeff(p),pGetCoeff(q),rr->cf); pSetCoeff0(r,x); p_ExpVectorSum(r,p, q, rr); return r; } /*3 * create binomial coef. */ static number* pnBin(int exp, const ring r) { int e, i, h; number x, y, *bin=NULL; x = n_Init(exp,r->cf); if (n_IsZero(x,r->cf)) { n_Delete(&x,r->cf); return bin; } h = (exp >> 1) + 1; bin = (number *)omAlloc0(h*sizeof(number)); bin[1] = x; if (exp < 4) return bin; i = exp - 1; for (e=2; ecf); i--; y = n_Mult(x,bin[e-1],r->cf); n_Delete(&x,r->cf); x = n_Init(e,r->cf); bin[e] = n_IntDiv(y,x,r->cf); n_Delete(&x,r->cf); n_Delete(&y,r->cf); } return bin; } static void pnFreeBin(number *bin, int exp,const coeffs r) { int e, h = (exp >> 1) + 1; if (bin[1] != NULL) { for (e=1; e 1 * with binomial coef. */ static poly p_TwoMonPower(poly p, int exp, const ring r) { int eh, e; long al; poly *a; poly tail, b, res, h; number x; number *bin = pnBin(exp,r); tail = pNext(p); if (bin == NULL) { p_MonPower(p,exp,r); p_MonPower(tail,exp,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(p,r); #endif return p; } eh = exp >> 1; al = (exp + 1) * sizeof(poly); a = (poly *)omAlloc(al); a[1] = p; for (e=1; eeh; e--) { h = a[e]; x = n_Mult(bin[exp-e],pGetCoeff(h),r->cf); p_SetCoeff(h,x,r); p_MonMult(h,b,r); res = pNext(res) = h; p_MonMult(b,tail,r); } for (e=eh; e!=0; e--) { h = a[e]; x = n_Mult(bin[e],pGetCoeff(h),r->cf); p_SetCoeff(h,x,r); p_MonMult(h,b,r); res = pNext(res) = h; p_MonMult(b,tail,r); } p_LmDelete(&tail,r); pNext(res) = b; pNext(b) = NULL; res = a[exp]; omFreeSize((ADDRESS)a, al); pnFreeBin(bin, exp, r->cf); // tail=res; // while((tail!=NULL)&&(pNext(tail)!=NULL)) // { // if(nIsZero(pGetCoeff(pNext(tail)))) // { // pLmDelete(&pNext(tail)); // } // else // pIter(tail); // } #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(res,r); #endif return res; } static poly p_Pow(poly p, int i, const ring r) { poly rc = p_Copy(p,r); i -= 2; do { rc = p_Mult_q(rc,p_Copy(p,r),r); p_Normalize(rc,r); i--; } while (i != 0); return p_Mult_q(rc,p,r); } /*2 * returns the i-th power of p * p will be destroyed */ poly p_Power(poly p, int i, const ring r) { poly rc=NULL; if (i==0) { p_Delete(&p,r); return p_One(r); } if(p!=NULL) { if ( (i > 0) && ((unsigned long ) i > (r->bitmask))) { Werror("exponent %d is too large, max. is %ld",i,r->bitmask); return NULL; } switch (i) { // cannot happen, see above // case 0: // { // rc=pOne(); // pDelete(&p); // break; // } case 1: rc=p; break; case 2: rc=p_Mult_q(p_Copy(p,r),p,r); break; default: if (i < 0) { p_Delete(&p,r); return NULL; } else { #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) /* in the NC case nothing helps :-( */ { int j=i; rc = p_Copy(p,r); while (j>1) { rc = p_Mult_q(p_Copy(p,r),rc,r); j--; } p_Delete(&p,r); return rc; } #endif rc = pNext(p); if (rc == NULL) return p_MonPower(p,i,r); /* else: binom ?*/ int char_p=rChar(r); if ((pNext(rc) != NULL) #ifdef HAVE_RINGS || rField_is_Ring(r) #endif ) return p_Pow(p,i,r); if ((char_p==0) || (i<=char_p)) return p_TwoMonPower(p,i,r); poly p_p=p_TwoMonPower(p_Copy(p,r),char_p,r); return p_Mult_q(p_Power(p,i-char_p,r),p_p,r); } /*end default:*/ } } return rc; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* content suff */ static number p_InitContent(poly ph, const ring r); static number p_InitContent_a(poly ph, const ring r); void p_Content(poly ph, const ring r) { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Ring(r)) { if ((ph!=NULL) && rField_has_Units(r)) { number k = n_GetUnit(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf); if (!n_IsOne(k,r->cf)) { number tmpGMP = k; k = n_Invers(k,r->cf); n_Delete(&tmpGMP,r->cf); poly h = pNext(ph); p_SetCoeff(ph, n_Mult(pGetCoeff(ph), k,r->cf),r); while (h != NULL) { p_SetCoeff(h, n_Mult(pGetCoeff(h), k,r->cf),r); pIter(h); } } n_Delete(&k,r->cf); } return; } #endif number h,d; poly p; if(TEST_OPT_CONTENTSB) return; if(pNext(ph)==NULL) { p_SetCoeff(ph,n_Init(1,r->cf),r); } else { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf); if(!n_GreaterZero(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf)) ph = p_Neg(ph,r); if (rField_is_Q(r)) { h=p_InitContent(ph,r); p=ph; } else if ((rField_is_Extension(r)) && ((rPar(r)>1)||(r->minpoly==NULL))) { h=p_InitContent_a(ph,r); p=ph; } else { h=n_Copy(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf); p = pNext(ph); } while (p!=NULL) { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); d=n_Gcd(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); h = d; if(n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { break; } pIter(p); } p = ph; //number tmp; if(!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { while (p!=NULL) { //d = nDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h); //tmp = nIntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h); //if (!nEqual(d,tmp)) //{ // StringSetS("** div0:");nWrite(pGetCoeff(p));StringAppendS("/"); // nWrite(h);StringAppendS("=");nWrite(d);StringAppendS(" int:"); // nWrite(tmp);Print(StringAppendS("\n")); //} //nDelete(&tmp); d = n_IntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r); pIter(p); } } n_Delete(&h,r->cf); #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY if ( (nGetChar() == 1) || (nGetChar() < 0) ) /* Q[a],Q(a),Zp[a],Z/p(a) */ { singclap_divide_content(ph); if(!n_GreaterZero(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf)) ph = p_Neg(ph,r); } #endif if (rField_is_Q_a(r)) { number hzz = nlInit(1, r->cf); h = nlInit(1, r->cf); p=ph; Werror("longalg missing"); #if 0 while (p!=NULL) { // each monom: coeff in Q_a lnumber c_n_n=(lnumber)pGetCoeff(p); poly c_n=c_n_n->z; while (c_n!=NULL) { // each monom: coeff in Q d=nlLcm(hzz,pGetCoeff(c_n),r->algring->cf); n_Delete(&hzz,r->algring->cf); hzz=d; pIter(c_n); } c_n=c_n_n->n; while (c_n!=NULL) { // each monom: coeff in Q d=nlLcm(h,pGetCoeff(c_n),r->algring->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->algring->cf); h=d; pIter(c_n); } pIter(p); } /* hzz contains the 1/lcm of all denominators in c_n_n->z*/ /* h contains the 1/lcm of all denominators in c_n_n->n*/ number htmp=nlInvers(h,r->algring->cf); number hzztmp=nlInvers(hzz,r->algring->cf); number hh=nlMult(hzz,h,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&hzz,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&h,r->algring->cf); number hg=nlGcd(hzztmp,htmp,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&hzztmp,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&htmp,r->algring->cf); h=nlMult(hh,hg,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&hg,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&hh,r->algring->cf); nlNormalize(h,r->algring->cf); if(!nlIsOne(h,r->algring->cf)) { p=ph; while (p!=NULL) { // each monom: coeff in Q_a lnumber c_n_n=(lnumber)pGetCoeff(p); poly c_n=c_n_n->z; while (c_n!=NULL) { // each monom: coeff in Q d=nlMult(h,pGetCoeff(c_n),r->algring->cf); nlNormalize(d,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&pGetCoeff(c_n),r->algring->cf); pGetCoeff(c_n)=d; pIter(c_n); } c_n=c_n_n->n; while (c_n!=NULL) { // each monom: coeff in Q d=nlMult(h,pGetCoeff(c_n),r->algring->cf); nlNormalize(d,r->algring->cf); nlDelete(&pGetCoeff(c_n),r->algring->cf); pGetCoeff(c_n)=d; pIter(c_n); } pIter(p); } } nlDelete(&h,r->algring->cf); #endif } } } #if 0 // currently not used void p_SimpleContent(poly ph,int smax, const ring r) { if(TEST_OPT_CONTENTSB) return; if (ph==NULL) return; if (pNext(ph)==NULL) { p_SetCoeff(ph,n_Init(1,r_cf),r); return; } if ((pNext(pNext(ph))==NULL)||(!rField_is_Q(r))) { return; } number d=p_InitContent(ph,r); if (nlSize(d,r->cf)<=smax) { //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("G"); return; } poly p=ph; number h=d; if (smax==1) smax=2; while (p!=NULL) { #if 0 d=nlGcd(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); nlDelete(&h,r->cf); h = d; #else nlInpGcd(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); #endif if(nlSize(h,r->cf)cf)) h=nlNeg(h,r->cf); if(nlIsOne(h,r->cf)) return; //if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("c"); while (p!=NULL) { #if 1 d = nlIntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r); #else nlInpIntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h,r->cf); #endif pIter(p); } nlDelete(&h,r->cf); } #endif static number p_InitContent(poly ph, const ring r) // only for coefficients in Q #if 0 { assume(!TEST_OPT_CONTENTSB); assume(ph!=NULL); assume(pNext(ph)!=NULL); assume(rField_is_Q(r)); if (pNext(pNext(ph))==NULL) { return nlGetNom(pGetCoeff(pNext(ph)),r->cf); } poly p=ph; number n1=nlGetNom(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); pIter(p); number n2=nlGetNom(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); pIter(p); number d; number t; loop { nlNormalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); t=nlGetNom(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); if (nlGreaterZero(t,r->cf)) d=nlAdd(n1,t,r->cf); else d=nlSub(n1,t,r->cf); nlDelete(&t,r->cf); nlDelete(&n1,r->cf); n1=d; pIter(p); if (p==NULL) break; nlNormalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); t=nlGetNom(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); if (nlGreaterZero(t,r->cf)) d=nlAdd(n2,t,r->cf); else d=nlSub(n2,t,r->cf); nlDelete(&t,r->cf); nlDelete(&n2,r->cf); n2=d; pIter(p); if (p==NULL) break; } d=nlGcd(n1,n2,r->cf); nlDelete(&n1,r->cf); nlDelete(&n2,r->cf); return d; } #else { number d=pGetCoeff(ph); if(SR_HDL(d)&SR_INT) return d; int s=mpz_size1(d->z); int s2=-1; number d2; loop { pIter(ph); if(ph==NULL) { if (s2==-1) return nlCopy(d,r->cf); break; } if (SR_HDL(pGetCoeff(ph))&SR_INT) { s2=s; d2=d; s=0; d=pGetCoeff(ph); if (s2==0) break; } else if (mpz_size1((pGetCoeff(ph)->z))<=s) { s2=s; d2=d; d=pGetCoeff(ph); s=mpz_size1(d->z); } } return nlGcd(d,d2,r->cf); } #endif number p_InitContent_a(poly ph, const ring r) // only for coefficients in K(a) anf K(a,...) { number d=pGetCoeff(ph); int s=n_ParDeg(d,r->cf); if (s /* n_ParDeg(d)*/ <=1) return n_Copy(d,r->cf); int s2=-1; number d2; int ss; loop { pIter(ph); if(ph==NULL) { if (s2==-1) return n_Copy(d,r->cf); break; } if ((ss=n_ParDeg(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf))cf); } //void pContent(poly ph) //{ // number h,d; // poly p; // // p = ph; // if(pNext(p)==NULL) // { // pSetCoeff(p,nInit(1)); // } // else // { //#ifdef PDEBUG // if (!pTest(p)) return; //#endif // nNormalize(pGetCoeff(p)); // if(!nGreaterZero(pGetCoeff(ph))) // { // ph = pNeg(ph); // nNormalize(pGetCoeff(p)); // } // h=pGetCoeff(p); // pIter(p); // while (p!=NULL) // { // nNormalize(pGetCoeff(p)); // if (nGreater(h,pGetCoeff(p))) h=pGetCoeff(p); // pIter(p); // } // h=nCopy(h); // p=ph; // while (p!=NULL) // { // d=n_Gcd(h,pGetCoeff(p)); // nDelete(&h); // h = d; // if(nIsOne(h)) // { // break; // } // pIter(p); // } // p = ph; // //number tmp; // if(!nIsOne(h)) // { // while (p!=NULL) // { // d = nIntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h); // pSetCoeff(p,d); // pIter(p); // } // } // nDelete(&h); //#ifdef HAVE_FACTORY // if ( (nGetChar() == 1) || (nGetChar() < 0) ) /* Q[a],Q(a),Zp[a],Z/p(a) */ // { // pTest(ph); // singclap_divide_content(ph); // pTest(ph); // } //#endif // } //} #if 0 void p_Content(poly ph, const ring r) { number h,d; poly p; if(pNext(ph)==NULL) { p_SetCoeff(ph,n_Init(1,r->cf),r); } else { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf); if(!n_GreaterZero(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf)) ph = p_Neg(ph,r); h=n_Copy(pGetCoeff(ph),r->cf); p = pNext(ph); while (p!=NULL) { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); d=n_Gcd(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); h = d; if(n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { break; } pIter(p); } p = ph; //number tmp; if(!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { while (p!=NULL) { //d = nDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h); //tmp = nIntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h); //if (!nEqual(d,tmp)) //{ // StringSetS("** div0:");nWrite(pGetCoeff(p));StringAppendS("/"); // nWrite(h);StringAppendS("=");nWrite(d);StringAppendS(" int:"); // nWrite(tmp);Print(StringAppendS("\n")); //} //nDelete(&tmp); d = n_IntDiv(pGetCoeff(p),h,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r->cf); pIter(p); } } n_Delete(&h,r->cf); #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY //if ( (n_GetChar(r) == 1) || (n_GetChar(r) < 0) ) /* Q[a],Q(a),Zp[a],Z/p(a) */ //{ // singclap_divide_content(ph); // if(!n_GreaterZero(pGetCoeff(ph),r)) ph = p_Neg(ph,r); //} #endif } } #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cleardenom suff */ poly p_Cleardenom(poly ph, const ring r) { poly start=ph; number d, h; poly p; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Ring(r)) { p_Content(ph,r); return start; } #endif if (rField_is_Zp(r) && TEST_OPT_INTSTRATEGY) return start; p = ph; if(pNext(p)==NULL) { if (TEST_OPT_CONTENTSB) { number n=n_GetDenom(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); if (!n_IsOne(n,r->cf)) { number nn=n_Mult(pGetCoeff(p),n,r->cf); n_Normalize(nn,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,nn,r); } n_Delete(&n,r->cf); } else p_SetCoeff(p,n_Init(1,r->cf),r); } else { h = n_Init(1,r->cf); while (p!=NULL) { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); d=n_Lcm(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); h=d; pIter(p); } /* contains the 1/lcm of all denominators */ if(!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { p = ph; while (p!=NULL) { /* should be: * number hh; * nGetDenom(p->coef,&hh); * nMult(&h,&hh,&d); * nNormalize(d); * nDelete(&hh); * nMult(d,p->coef,&hh); * nDelete(&d); * nDelete(&(p->coef)); * p->coef =hh; */ d=n_Mult(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Normalize(d,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r); pIter(p); } n_Delete(&h,r->cf); if (n_GetChar(r->cf)==1) { loop { h = n_Init(1,r->cf); p=ph; while (p!=NULL) { d=n_Lcm(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); h=d; pIter(p); } /* contains the 1/lcm of all denominators */ if(!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { p = ph; while (p!=NULL) { /* should be: * number hh; * nGetDenom(p->coef,&hh); * nMult(&h,&hh,&d); * nNormalize(d); * nDelete(&hh); * nMult(d,p->coef,&hh); * nDelete(&d); * nDelete(&(p->coef)); * p->coef =hh; */ d=n_Mult(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Normalize(d,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r); pIter(p); } n_Delete(&h,r->cf); } else { n_Delete(&h,r->cf); break; } } } } if (h!=NULL) n_Delete(&h,r->cf); p_Content(ph,r); #ifdef HAVE_RATGRING if (rIsRatGRing(r)) { /* quick unit detection in the rational case is done in gr_nc_bba */ pContentRat(ph); start=ph; } #endif } return start; } void p_Cleardenom_n(poly ph,const ring r,number &c) { number d, h; poly p; p = ph; if(pNext(p)==NULL) { c=n_Invers(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,n_Init(1,r->cf),r); } else { h = n_Init(1,r->cf); while (p!=NULL) { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); d=n_Lcm(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); h=d; pIter(p); } c=h; /* contains the 1/lcm of all denominators */ if(!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { p = ph; while (p!=NULL) { /* should be: * number hh; * nGetDenom(p->coef,&hh); * nMult(&h,&hh,&d); * nNormalize(d); * nDelete(&hh); * nMult(d,p->coef,&hh); * nDelete(&d); * nDelete(&(p->coef)); * p->coef =hh; */ d=n_Mult(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Normalize(d,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r); pIter(p); } if (rField_is_Q_a(r)) { loop { h = n_Init(1,r->cf); p=ph; while (p!=NULL) { d=n_Lcm(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Delete(&h,r->cf); h=d; pIter(p); } /* contains the 1/lcm of all denominators */ if(!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { p = ph; while (p!=NULL) { /* should be: * number hh; * nGetDenom(p->coef,&hh); * nMult(&h,&hh,&d); * nNormalize(d); * nDelete(&hh); * nMult(d,p->coef,&hh); * nDelete(&d); * nDelete(&(p->coef)); * p->coef =hh; */ d=n_Mult(h,pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); n_Normalize(d,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(p,d,r); pIter(p); } number t=n_Mult(c,h,r->cf); n_Delete(&c,r->cf); c=t; } else { break; } n_Delete(&h,r->cf); } } } } } number p_GetAllDenom(poly ph, const ring r) { number d=n_Init(1,r->cf); poly p = ph; while (p!=NULL) { number h=n_GetDenom(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); if (!n_IsOne(h,r->cf)) { number dd=n_Mult(d,h,r->cf); n_Delete(&d,r->cf); d=dd; } n_Delete(&h,r->cf); pIter(p); } return d; } int p_Size(poly p, const ring r) { int count = 0; while ( p != NULL ) { count+= n_Size( pGetCoeff( p ), r->cf ); pIter( p ); } return count; } /*2 *make p homogeneous by multiplying the monomials by powers of x_varnum *assume: deg(var(varnum))==1 */ poly p_Homogen (poly p, int varnum, const ring r) { pFDegProc deg; if (r->pLexOrder && (r->order[0]==ringorder_lp)) deg=p_Totaldegree; else deg=pFDeg; poly q=NULL, qn; int o,ii; sBucket_pt bp; if (p!=NULL) { if ((varnum < 1) || (varnum > rVar(r))) { return NULL; } o=deg(p,r); q=pNext(p); while (q != NULL) { ii=deg(q,r); if (ii>o) o=ii; pIter(q); } q = p_Copy(p,r); bp = sBucketCreate(r); while (q != NULL) { ii = o-deg(q,r); if (ii!=0) { p_AddExp(q,varnum, (long)ii,r); p_Setm(q,r); } qn = pNext(q); pNext(q) = NULL; sBucket_Add_p(bp, q, 1); q = qn; } sBucketDestroyAdd(bp, &q, &ii); } return q; } /*2 *tests if p is homogeneous with respect to the actual weigths */ BOOLEAN p_IsHomogeneous (poly p, const ring r) { poly qp=p; int o; if ((p == NULL) || (pNext(p) == NULL)) return TRUE; pFDegProc d; if (r->pLexOrder && (r->order[0]==ringorder_lp)) d=p_Totaldegree; else d=pFDeg; o = d(p,r); do { if (d(qp,r) != o) return FALSE; pIter(qp); } while (qp != NULL); return TRUE; } /*----------utilities for syzygies--------------*/ BOOLEAN p_VectorHasUnitB(poly p, int * k, const ring r) { poly q=p,qq; int i; while (q!=NULL) { if (p_LmIsConstantComp(q,r)) { i = p_GetComp(q,r); qq = p; while ((qq != q) && (p_GetComp(qq,r) != i)) pIter(qq); if (qq == q) { *k = i; return TRUE; } else pIter(q); } else pIter(q); } return FALSE; } void p_VectorHasUnit(poly p, int * k, int * len, const ring r) { poly q=p,qq; int i,j=0; *len = 0; while (q!=NULL) { if (p_LmIsConstantComp(q,r)) { i = p_GetComp(q,r); qq = p; while ((qq != q) && (p_GetComp(qq,r) != i)) pIter(qq); if (qq == q) { j = 0; while (qq!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(qq,r)==i) j++; pIter(qq); } if ((*len == 0) || (j<*len)) { *len = j; *k = i; } } } pIter(q); } } poly p_TakeOutComp1(poly * p, int k, const ring r) { poly q = *p; if (q==NULL) return NULL; poly qq=NULL,result = NULL; if (p_GetComp(q,r)==k) { result = q; /* *p */ while ((q!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(q,r)==k)) { p_SetComp(q,0,r); p_SetmComp(q,r); qq = q; pIter(q); } *p = q; pNext(qq) = NULL; } if (q==NULL) return result; // if (pGetComp(q) > k) pGetComp(q)--; while (pNext(q)!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(pNext(q),r)==k) { if (result==NULL) { result = pNext(q); qq = result; } else { pNext(qq) = pNext(q); pIter(qq); } pNext(q) = pNext(pNext(q)); pNext(qq) =NULL; p_SetComp(qq,0,r); p_SetmComp(qq,r); } else { pIter(q); // if (pGetComp(q) > k) pGetComp(q)--; } } return result; } poly p_TakeOutComp(poly * p, int k, const ring r) { poly q = *p,qq=NULL,result = NULL; if (q==NULL) return NULL; BOOLEAN use_setmcomp=rOrd_SetCompRequiresSetm(r); if (p_GetComp(q,r)==k) { result = q; do { p_SetComp(q,0,r); if (use_setmcomp) p_SetmComp(q,r); qq = q; pIter(q); } while ((q!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(q,r)==k)); *p = q; pNext(qq) = NULL; } if (q==NULL) return result; if (p_GetComp(q,r) > k) { p_SubComp(q,1,r); if (use_setmcomp) p_SetmComp(q,r); } poly pNext_q; while ((pNext_q=pNext(q))!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(pNext_q,r)==k) { if (result==NULL) { result = pNext_q; qq = result; } else { pNext(qq) = pNext_q; pIter(qq); } pNext(q) = pNext(pNext_q); pNext(qq) =NULL; p_SetComp(qq,0,r); if (use_setmcomp) p_SetmComp(qq,r); } else { /*pIter(q);*/ q=pNext_q; if (p_GetComp(q,r) > k) { p_SubComp(q,1,r); if (use_setmcomp) p_SetmComp(q,r); } } } return result; } // Splits *p into two polys: *q which consists of all monoms with // component == comp and *p of all other monoms *lq == pLength(*q) void p_TakeOutComp(poly *r_p, long comp, poly *r_q, int *lq, const ring r) { spolyrec pp, qq; poly p, q, p_prev; int l = 0; #ifdef HAVE_ASSUME int lp = pLength(*r_p); #endif pNext(&pp) = *r_p; p = *r_p; p_prev = &pp; q = &qq; while(p != NULL) { while (p_GetComp(p,r) == comp) { pNext(q) = p; pIter(q); p_SetComp(p, 0,r); p_SetmComp(p,r); pIter(p); l++; if (p == NULL) { pNext(p_prev) = NULL; goto Finish; } } pNext(p_prev) = p; p_prev = p; pIter(p); } Finish: pNext(q) = NULL; *r_p = pNext(&pp); *r_q = pNext(&qq); *lq = l; #ifdef HAVE_ASSUME assume(pLength(*r_p) + pLength(*r_q) == lp); #endif p_Test(*r_p,r); p_Test(*r_q,r); } void p_DeleteComp(poly * p,int k, const ring r) { poly q; while ((*p!=NULL) && (p_GetComp(*p,r)==k)) p_LmDelete(p,r); if (*p==NULL) return; q = *p; if (p_GetComp(q,r)>k) { p_SubComp(q,1,r); p_SetmComp(q,r); } while (pNext(q)!=NULL) { if (p_GetComp(pNext(q),r)==k) p_LmDelete(&(pNext(q)),r); else { pIter(q); if (p_GetComp(q,r)>k) { p_SubComp(q,1,r); p_SetmComp(q,r); } } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------- */ /*2 * change all global variables to fit the description of the new ring */ void p_SetGlobals(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete) { int i; if (r->ppNoether!=NULL) p_Delete(&r->ppNoether,r); if (complete) { test &= ~ TEST_RINGDEP_OPTS; test |= r->options; } } // // resets the pFDeg and pLDeg: if pLDeg is not given, it is // set to currRing->pLDegOrig, i.e. to the respective LDegProc which // only uses pFDeg (and not p_Deg, or pTotalDegree, etc) void pSetDegProcs(ring r, pFDegProc new_FDeg, pLDegProc new_lDeg) { assume(new_FDeg != NULL); r->pFDeg = new_FDeg; if (new_lDeg == NULL) new_lDeg = r->pLDegOrig; r->pLDeg = new_lDeg; } // restores pFDeg and pLDeg: void pRestoreDegProcs(ring r, pFDegProc old_FDeg, pLDegProc old_lDeg) { assume(old_FDeg != NULL && old_lDeg != NULL); r->pFDeg = old_FDeg; r->pLDeg = old_lDeg; } /*-------- several access procedures to monomials -------------------- */ /* * the module weights for std */ static pFDegProc pOldFDeg; static pLDegProc pOldLDeg; static intvec * pModW; static BOOLEAN pOldLexOrder; static long pModDeg(poly p, ring r) { long d=pOldFDeg(p, r); int c=p_GetComp(p, r); if ((c>0) && ((r->pModW)->range(c-1))) d+= (*(r->pModW))[c-1]; return d; //return pOldFDeg(p, r)+(*pModW)[p_GetComp(p, r)-1]; } void p_SetModDeg(intvec *w, ring r) { if (w!=NULL) { r->pModW = w; pOldFDeg = r->pFDeg; pOldLDeg = r->pLDeg; pOldLexOrder = r->pLexOrder; pSetDegProcs(r,pModDeg); r->pLexOrder = TRUE; } else { r->pModW = NULL; pRestoreDegProcs(r,pOldFDeg, pOldLDeg); r->pLexOrder = pOldLexOrder; } } /*2 * handle memory request for sets of polynomials (ideals) * l is the length of *p, increment is the difference (may be negative) */ void pEnlargeSet(poly* *p, int l, int increment) { poly* h; h=(poly*)omReallocSize((poly*)*p,l*sizeof(poly),(l+increment)*sizeof(poly)); if (increment>0) { //for (i=l; icf)) return; // Werror("p_Norm not possible in the case of coefficient rings."); } else #endif if (p1!=NULL) { if (pNext(p1)==NULL) { p_SetCoeff(p1,n_Init(1,r->cf),r); return; } poly h; if (!n_IsOne(pGetCoeff(p1),r->cf)) { number k, c; n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(p1),r->cf); k = pGetCoeff(p1); c = n_Init(1,r->cf); pSetCoeff0(p1,c); h = pNext(p1); while (h!=NULL) { c=n_Div(pGetCoeff(h),k,r->cf); // no need to normalize: Z/p, R // normalize already in nDiv: Q_a, Z/p_a // remains: Q if (rField_is_Q(r) && (!n_IsOne(c,r->cf))) n_Normalize(c,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(h,c,r); pIter(h); } n_Delete(&k,r->cf); } else { //if (r->cf->cfNormalize != nDummy2) //TODO: OPTIMIZE { h = pNext(p1); while (h!=NULL) { n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(h),r->cf); pIter(h); } } } } } /*2 *normalize all coefficients */ void p_Normalize(poly p,const ring r) { if (rField_has_simple_inverse(r)) return; /* Z/p, GF(p,n), R, long R/C */ while (p!=NULL) { #ifdef LDEBUG n_Test(pGetCoeff(p), r->cf); #endif n_Normalize(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf); pIter(p); } } // splits p into polys with Exp(n) == 0 and Exp(n) != 0 // Poly with Exp(n) != 0 is reversed static void p_SplitAndReversePoly(poly p, int n, poly *non_zero, poly *zero, const ring r) { if (p == NULL) { *non_zero = NULL; *zero = NULL; return; } spolyrec sz; poly z, n_z, next; z = &sz; n_z = NULL; while(p != NULL) { next = pNext(p); if (p_GetExp(p, n,r) == 0) { pNext(z) = p; pIter(z); } else { pNext(p) = n_z; n_z = p; } p = next; } pNext(z) = NULL; *zero = pNext(&sz); *non_zero = n_z; } /*3 * substitute the n-th variable by 1 in p * destroy p */ static poly p_Subst1 (poly p,int n, const ring r) { poly qq=NULL, result = NULL; poly zero=NULL, non_zero=NULL; // reverse, so that add is likely to be linear p_SplitAndReversePoly(p, n, &non_zero, &zero,r); while (non_zero != NULL) { assume(p_GetExp(non_zero, n,r) != 0); qq = non_zero; pIter(non_zero); qq->next = NULL; p_SetExp(qq,n,0,r); p_Setm(qq,r); result = p_Add_q(result,qq,r); } p = p_Add_q(result, zero,r); p_Test(p,r); return p; } /*3 * substitute the n-th variable by number e in p * destroy p */ static poly p_Subst2 (poly p,int n, number e, const ring r) { assume( ! n_IsZero(e,r->cf) ); poly qq,result = NULL; number nn, nm; poly zero, non_zero; // reverse, so that add is likely to be linear p_SplitAndReversePoly(p, n, &non_zero, &zero,r); while (non_zero != NULL) { assume(p_GetExp(non_zero, n, r) != 0); qq = non_zero; pIter(non_zero); qq->next = NULL; n_Power(e, p_GetExp(qq, n, r), &nn,r->cf); nm = n_Mult(nn, pGetCoeff(qq),r->cf); #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (n_IsZero(nm,r->cf)) { p_LmFree(&qq,r); n_Delete(&nm,r->cf); } else #endif { p_SetCoeff(qq, nm,r); p_SetExp(qq, n, 0,r); p_Setm(qq,r); result = p_Add_q(result,qq,r); } n_Delete(&nn,r->cf); } p = p_Add_q(result, zero,r); p_Test(p,r); return p; } /* delete monoms whose n-th exponent is different from zero */ static poly p_Subst0(poly p, int n, const ring r) { spolyrec res; poly h = &res; pNext(h) = p; while (pNext(h)!=NULL) { if (p_GetExp(pNext(h),n,r)!=0) { p_LmDelete(&pNext(h),r); } else { pIter(h); } } p_Test(pNext(&res),r); return pNext(&res); } /*2 * substitute the n-th variable by e in p * destroy p */ poly p_Subst(poly p, int n, poly e, const ring r) { if (e == NULL) return p_Subst0(p, n,r); if (p_IsConstant(e,r)) { if (n_IsOne(pGetCoeff(e),r->cf)) return p_Subst1(p,n,r); else return p_Subst2(p, n, pGetCoeff(e),r); } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(r)) { return nc_pSubst(p,n,e,r); } #endif int exponent,i; poly h, res, m; int *me,*ee; number nu,nu1; me=(int *)omAlloc((rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int)); ee=(int *)omAlloc((rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int)); if (e!=NULL) p_GetExpV(e,ee,r); res=NULL; h=p; while (h!=NULL) { if ((e!=NULL) || (p_GetExp(h,n,r)==0)) { m=p_Head(h,r); p_GetExpV(m,me,r); exponent=me[n]; me[n]=0; for(i=rVar(r);i>0;i--) me[i]+=exponent*ee[i]; p_SetExpV(m,me,r); if (e!=NULL) { n_Power(pGetCoeff(e),exponent,&nu,r->cf); nu1=n_Mult(pGetCoeff(m),nu,r->cf); n_Delete(&nu,r->cf); p_SetCoeff(m,nu1,r); } res=p_Add_q(res,m,r); } p_LmDelete(&h,r); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)me,(rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)ee,(rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int)); return res; } /*2 *returns a re-ordered copy of a polynomial, with permutation of the variables */ poly p_PermPoly (poly p, int * perm, const ring oldRing, const ring dst, nMapFunc nMap, int *par_perm, int OldPar) { int OldpVariables = oldRing->N; poly result = NULL; poly result_last = NULL; poly aq=NULL; /* the map coefficient */ poly qq; /* the mapped monomial */ while (p != NULL) { if ((OldPar==0)||(rField_is_GF(oldRing))) { qq = p_Init(dst); number n=nMap(pGetCoeff(p),oldRing->cf,dst->cf); if ((dst->minpoly!=NULL) && ((rField_is_Zp_a(dst)) || (rField_is_Q_a(dst)))) { n_Normalize(n,dst->cf); } pGetCoeff(qq)=n; // coef may be zero: pTest(qq); } else { qq=p_One(dst); WerrorS("longalg missing"); #if 0 aq=naPermNumber(pGetCoeff(p),par_perm,OldPar, oldRing); if ((dst->minpoly!=NULL) && ((rField_is_Zp_a(dst)) || (rField_is_Q_a(dst)))) { poly tmp=aq; while (tmp!=NULL) { number n=pGetCoeff(tmp); n_Normalize(n,dst->cf); pGetCoeff(tmp)=n; pIter(tmp); } } p_Test(aq,dst); #endif } if (rRing_has_Comp(dst)) p_SetComp(qq, p_GetComp(p,oldRing),dst); if (n_IsZero(pGetCoeff(qq),dst->cf)) { p_LmDelete(&qq,dst); } else { int i; int mapped_to_par=0; for(i=1; i<=OldpVariables; i++) { int e=p_GetExp(p,i,oldRing); if (e!=0) { if (perm==NULL) { p_SetExp(qq,i, e, dst); } else if (perm[i]>0) p_AddExp(qq,perm[i], e/*p_GetExp( p,i,oldRing)*/, dst); else if (perm[i]<0) { if (rField_is_GF(dst)) { number c=pGetCoeff(qq); number ee=n_Par(1,dst->cf); number eee;n_Power(ee,e,&eee,dst->cf); //nfDelete(ee,dst); ee=n_Mult(c,eee,dst->cf); //nfDelete(c,dst);nfDelete(eee,dst); pSetCoeff0(qq,ee); } else { WerrorS("longalg missing"); #if 0 lnumber c=(lnumber)pGetCoeff(qq); if (c->z->next==NULL) p_AddExp(c->z,-perm[i],e/*p_GetExp( p,i,oldRing)*/,dst->algring); else /* more difficult: we have really to multiply: */ { lnumber mmc=(lnumber)naInit(1,dst); p_SetExp(mmc->z,-perm[i],e/*p_GetExp( p,i,oldRing)*/,dst->algring); p_Setm(mmc->z,dst->algring->cf); pGetCoeff(qq)=n_Mult((number)c,(number)mmc,dst->cf); n_Delete((number *)&c,dst->cf); n_Delete((number *)&mmc,dst->cf); } mapped_to_par=1; #endif } } else { /* this variable maps to 0 !*/ p_LmDelete(&qq,dst); break; } } } if (mapped_to_par && (dst->minpoly!=NULL)) { number n=pGetCoeff(qq); n_Normalize(n,dst->cf); pGetCoeff(qq)=n; } } pIter(p); #if 1 if (qq!=NULL) { p_Setm(qq,dst); p_Test(aq,dst); p_Test(qq,dst); if (aq!=NULL) qq=p_Mult_q(aq,qq,dst); aq = qq; while (pNext(aq) != NULL) pIter(aq); if (result_last==NULL) { result=qq; } else { pNext(result_last)=qq; } result_last=aq; aq = NULL; } else if (aq!=NULL) { p_Delete(&aq,dst); } } result=p_SortAdd(result,dst); #else // if (qq!=NULL) // { // pSetm(qq); // pTest(qq); // pTest(aq); // if (aq!=NULL) qq=pMult(aq,qq); // aq = qq; // while (pNext(aq) != NULL) pIter(aq); // pNext(aq) = result; // aq = NULL; // result = qq; // } // else if (aq!=NULL) // { // pDelete(&aq); // } //} //p = result; //result = NULL; //while (p != NULL) //{ // qq = p; // pIter(p); // qq->next = NULL; // result = pAdd(result, qq); //} #endif p_Test(result,dst); return result; } /************************************************************** * * Jet * **************************************************************/ poly pp_Jet(poly p, int m, const ring R) { poly r=NULL; poly t=NULL; while (p!=NULL) { if (p_Totaldegree(p,R)<=m) { if (r==NULL) r=p_Head(p,R); else if (t==NULL) { pNext(r)=p_Head(p,R); t=pNext(r); } else { pNext(t)=p_Head(p,R); pIter(t); } } pIter(p); } return r; } poly p_Jet(poly p, int m,const ring R) { poly t=NULL; while((p!=NULL) && (p_Totaldegree(p,R)>m)) p_LmDelete(&p,R); if (p==NULL) return NULL; poly r=p; while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { if (p_Totaldegree(pNext(p),R)>m) { p_LmDelete(&pNext(p),R); } else pIter(p); } return r; } poly pp_JetW(poly p, int m, short *w, const ring R) { poly r=NULL; poly t=NULL; while (p!=NULL) { if (totaldegreeWecart_IV(p,R,w)<=m) { if (r==NULL) r=p_Head(p,R); else if (t==NULL) { pNext(r)=p_Head(p,R); t=pNext(r); } else { pNext(t)=p_Head(p,R); pIter(t); } } pIter(p); } return r; } poly p_JetW(poly p, int m, short *w, const ring R) { poly t=NULL; while((p!=NULL) && (totaldegreeWecart_IV(p,R,w)>m)) p_LmDelete(&p,R); if (p==NULL) return NULL; poly r=p; while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { if (totaldegreeWecart_IV(pNext(p),R,w)>m) { p_LmDelete(&pNext(p),R); } else pIter(p); } return r; } /*************************************************************/ int p_MinDeg(poly p,intvec *w, const ring R) { if(p==NULL) return -1; int d=-1; while(p!=NULL) { int d0=0; for(int j=0;j=w->length()) d0+=p_GetExp(p,j+1,R); else d0+=(*w)[j]*p_GetExp(p,j+1,R); if(d0cf); poly v=p_NSet(u0,R); if(n==0) return v; short *ww=iv2array(w,R); poly u1=p_JetW(p_Sub(p_One(R),p_Mult_nn(u,u0,R),R),n,ww,R); if(u1==NULL) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)ww,(rVar(R)+1)*sizeof(short)); return v; } poly v1=p_Mult_nn(p_Copy(u1,R),u0,R); v=p_Add_q(v,p_Copy(v1,R),R); for(int i=n/p_MinDeg(u1,w,R);i>1;i--) { v1=p_JetW(p_Mult_q(v1,p_Copy(u1,R),R),n,ww,R); v=p_Add_q(v,p_Copy(v1,R),R); } p_Delete(&u1,R); p_Delete(&v1,R); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)ww,(rVar(R)+1)*sizeof(short)); return v; } /*2 *returns TRUE if p1 is a skalar multiple of p2 *assume p1 != NULL and p2 != NULL */ BOOLEAN p_ComparePolys(poly p1,poly p2, const ring r) { number n,nn; int i; pAssume(p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL); if (!p_LmEqual(p1,p2,r)) //compare leading mons return FALSE; if ((pNext(p1)==NULL) && (pNext(p2)!=NULL)) return FALSE; if ((pNext(p2)==NULL) && (pNext(p1)!=NULL)) return FALSE; if (pLength(p1) != pLength(p2)) return FALSE; #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Ring(r)) { if (!n_DivBy(p_GetCoeff(p1, r), p_GetCoeff(p2, r), r)) return FALSE; } #endif n=n_Div(p_GetCoeff(p1,r),p_GetCoeff(p2,r),r); while ((p1 != NULL) /*&& (p2 != NULL)*/) { if ( ! p_LmEqual(p1, p2,r)) { n_Delete(&n, r); return FALSE; } if (!n_Equal(p_GetCoeff(p1, r), nn = n_Mult(p_GetCoeff(p2, r),n, r), r)) { n_Delete(&n, r); n_Delete(&nn, r); return FALSE; } n_Delete(&nn, r); pIter(p1); pIter(p2); } n_Delete(&n, r); return TRUE; } /*************************************************************** * * p_ShallowDelete * ***************************************************************/ #undef LINKAGE #define LINKAGE #undef p_Delete__T #define p_Delete__T p_ShallowDelete #undef n_Delete__T #define n_Delete__T(n, r) ((void)0) #include #ifdef HAVE_RINGS /* TRUE iff LT(f) | LT(g) */ BOOLEAN p_DivisibleByRingCase(poly f, poly g, const ring r) { int exponent; for(int i = (int)r->N; i; i--) { exponent = p_GetExp(g, i, r) - p_GetExp(f, i, r); if (exponent < 0) return FALSE; } return n_DivBy(p_GetCoeff(g,r), p_GetCoeff(f,r),r->cf); } #endif