/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /*************************************************************** * File: gring.cc * Purpose: noncommutative kernel procedures * Author: levandov (Viktor Levandovsky) * Created: 8/00 - 11/00 *******************************************************************/ #define MYTEST 0 #define OUTPUT 0 #if MYTEST #define OM_CHECK 4 #define OM_TRACK 5 #endif #include "misc/auxiliary.h" #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL # define PLURAL_INTERNAL_DECLARATIONS #include "nc.h" #include "sca.h" #include "gb_hack.h" #include "polys/monomials/ring.h" #include "coeffs/numbers.h" #include "misc/options.h" #include "polys/monomials/ring.h" #include "polys/monomials/p_polys.h" #include "polys/simpleideals.h" #include "polys/matpol.h" #include "polys/kbuckets.h" #include "polys/sbuckets.h" #include "polys/prCopy.h" #include "polys/operations/p_Mult_q.h" #include "summator.h" #include "ncSAMult.h" // for CMultiplier etc classes #include "ncSAFormula.h" // for CFormulaPowerMultiplier and enum Enum_ncSAType // #ifdef HAVE_RATGRING // #include "polys/ratgring.h" // #endif static poly NF_Proc_Dummy(ideal, ideal, poly, int, int, const ring) { WerrorS("nc_NF not defined"); return NULL; } static ideal BBA_Proc_Dummy (const ideal, const ideal, const intvec *, const intvec *, kStrategy, const ring) { WerrorS("nc_NF not defined"); return NULL; } // the following funtion poiters are quasi-static: // they will be set in siInit and never changes afterwards: VAR NF_Proc nc_NF=NF_Proc_Dummy; VAR BBA_Proc gnc_gr_bba=BBA_Proc_Dummy; VAR BBA_Proc gnc_gr_mora=BBA_Proc_Dummy; VAR BBA_Proc sca_bba=BBA_Proc_Dummy; VAR BBA_Proc sca_mora=BBA_Proc_Dummy; VAR BBA_Proc sca_gr_bba=BBA_Proc_Dummy; /* copy : */ poly nc_p_CopyGet(poly a, const ring r); poly nc_p_CopyPut(poly a, const ring r); poly nc_p_Bracket_qq(poly p, const poly q, const ring r); // only SCA can be used by default, formulas are off by default VAR int iNCExtensions = SCAMASK | NOFORMULAMASK; int& getNCExtensions() { return (iNCExtensions); } int setNCExtensions(int iMask) { const int iOld = getNCExtensions(); getNCExtensions() = iMask; return (iOld); } bool ncExtensions(int iMask) // = 0x0FFFF { return ((getNCExtensions() & iMask) == iMask); } /* global nc_macros : */ #define freeT(A,v) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)A,(v+1)*sizeof(int)) #define freeN(A,k) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)A,k*sizeof(number)) // some forward declarations: // polynomial multiplication functions for p_Procs : poly gnc_pp_Mult_mm(const poly p, const poly m, const ring r, poly &last); poly gnc_p_Mult_mm(poly p, const poly m, const ring r); poly gnc_p_mm_Mult(poly m, const poly p, const ring r); poly gnc_pp_mm_Mult(const poly p, const poly m, const ring r); /* syzygies : */ poly gnc_CreateSpolyOld(const poly p1, const poly p2/*, poly spNoether*/, const ring r); poly gnc_ReduceSpolyOld(const poly p1, poly p2/*, poly spNoether*/, const ring r); poly gnc_CreateSpolyNew(const poly p1, const poly p2/*, poly spNoether*/, const ring r); poly gnc_ReduceSpolyNew(const poly p1, poly p2/*, poly spNoether*/, const ring r); void gnc_kBucketPolyRedNew(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c); void gnc_kBucketPolyRed_ZNew(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c); void gnc_kBucketPolyRedOld(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c); void gnc_kBucketPolyRed_ZOld(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c); // poly gnc_ReduceSpolyNew(poly p1, poly p2, poly spNoether, const ring r); // void gnc_ReduceSpolyTail(poly p1, poly q, poly q2, poly spNoether, const ring r); // void nc_kBucketPolyRed(kBucket_pt b, poly p); void nc_CleanUp(nc_struct* p); // just free memory! void nc_rCleanUp(ring r); // smaller than kill: just free mem #if 0 // deprecated functions: // poly gnc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq_ign(poly p, const poly m, poly q, int & d1, poly d2, const ring ri, poly &d3); // poly gnc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(poly p, const poly m, poly q, const ring r); // poly nc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(poly p, const poly m, const poly q, int &lp, int lq, const ring r); // poly nc_p_Plus_mm_Mult_qq (poly p, const poly m, const poly q, int &lp, int lq, const ring r); #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// poly nc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(poly p, const poly m, const poly q, int &shorter, const poly, const ring r) { poly mc = p_Neg( p_Copy(m, r), r ); poly mmc = nc_mm_Mult_pp( mc, q, r ); p_Delete(&mc, r); int org_p=pLength(p); int org_q=pLength(q); p = p_Add_q(p, mmc, r); shorter = pLength(p)-org_p-org_q; // ring independent! return(p); } // returns p + m*q destroys p, const: q, m poly nc_p_Plus_mm_Mult_qq(poly p, const poly m, const poly q, int &lp, const int, const ring r) { p = p_Add_q(p, nc_mm_Mult_pp( m, q, r ), r); lp = pLength(p); return(p); } #if 0 poly gnc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq_ign(poly p, const poly m, poly q, int & d1, poly d2, const ring r, poly &d3) { poly t; int i; return gnc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq(p, m, q, d1, i, t, r); } #endif //----------- auxiliary routines-------------------------- poly _gnc_p_Mult_q(poly p, poly q, const int copy, const ring r) // not used anymore! /* destroy p,q unless copy=1 */ { poly res=NULL; poly qq,pp; if (copy) { qq=p_Copy(q,r); pp=p_Copy(p,r); } else { qq=q; pp=p; } while (qq!=NULL) { res=p_Add_q(res, pp_Mult_mm(pp, qq, r), r); // p_Head(qq, r)? qq=p_LmDeleteAndNext(qq,r); } p_Delete(&pp,r); return(res); } // return pPolyP * pPolyQ; destroy or reuse pPolyP and pPolyQ poly _nc_p_Mult_q(poly pPolyP, poly pPolyQ, const ring rRing) { assume( rIsNCRing(rRing) ); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(pPolyP, rRing); p_Test(pPolyQ, rRing); #endif #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(rRing); #endif int lp, lq; pqLength(pPolyP, pPolyQ, lp, lq, MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET); bool bUsePolynomial = TEST_OPT_NOT_BUCKETS || (si_max(lp, lq) < MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET); // ??? CPolynomialSummator sum(rRing, bUsePolynomial); if (lq <= lp) // ? { // always length(q) times "p * q[j]" for( ; pPolyQ!=NULL; pPolyQ = p_LmDeleteAndNext( pPolyQ, rRing ) ) sum += pp_Mult_mm( pPolyP, pPolyQ, rRing); p_Delete( &pPolyP, rRing ); } else { // always length(p) times "p[i] * q" for( ; pPolyP!=NULL; pPolyP = p_LmDeleteAndNext( pPolyP, rRing ) ) sum += nc_mm_Mult_pp( pPolyP, pPolyQ, rRing); p_Delete( &pPolyQ, rRing ); } return(sum); } // return pPolyP * pPolyQ; preserve pPolyP and pPolyQ poly _nc_pp_Mult_qq(const poly pPolyP, const poly pPolyQ, const ring rRing) { assume( rIsNCRing(rRing) ); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(pPolyP, rRing); p_Test(pPolyQ, rRing); #endif #ifdef RDEBUG rTest(rRing); #endif int lp, lq; pqLength(pPolyP, pPolyQ, lp, lq, MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET); bool bUsePolynomial = TEST_OPT_NOT_BUCKETS || (si_max(lp, lq) < MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET); // ??? CPolynomialSummator sum(rRing, bUsePolynomial); if (lq <= lp) // ? { // always length(q) times "p * q[j]" for( poly q = pPolyQ; q !=NULL; q = pNext(q) ) sum += pp_Mult_mm(pPolyP, q, rRing); } else { // always length(p) times "p[i] * q" for( poly p = pPolyP; p !=NULL; p = pNext(p) ) sum += nc_mm_Mult_pp( p, pPolyQ, rRing); } return(sum); } poly gnc_mm_Mult_nn (int *F, int *G, const ring r); poly gnc_mm_Mult_uu (int *F,int jG,int bG, const ring r); /* #define nc_uu_Mult_ww nc_uu_Mult_ww_vert */ poly gnc_uu_Mult_ww (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r); /* poly nc_uu_Mult_ww_vert (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r); */ /* poly nc_uu_Mult_ww_horvert (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r); */ /* poly nc_uu_Mult_ww_hvdiag (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r); */ /* not written yet */ poly gnc_p_Mult_mm_Common(poly p, const poly m, int side, const ring r) /* p is poly, m is mono with coeff, destroys p */ /* if side==1, computes p_Mult_mm; otherwise, mm_Mult_p */ { if ((p==NULL) || (m==NULL)) return NULL; /* if (pNext(p)==NULL) return(nc_mm_Mult_nn(p,pCopy(m),r)); */ /* excluded - the cycle will do it anyway - OK. */ if (p_IsConstant(m,r)) return(__p_Mult_nn(p,p_GetCoeff(m,r),r)); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(p,r); p_Test(m,r); #endif poly v=NULL; int rN=r->N; int *P=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *M=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); /* coefficients: */ number cP,cM,cOut; p_GetExpV(m, M, r); cM=p_GetCoeff(m,r); /* components:*/ const int expM=p_GetComp(m,r); int expP=0; int expOut=0; /* bucket constraints: */ int UseBuckets=1; if (pLength(p)< MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET || TEST_OPT_NOT_BUCKETS) UseBuckets=0; CPolynomialSummator sum(r, UseBuckets == 0); while (p!=NULL) { #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(p,r); #endif expP=p_GetComp(p,r); if (expP==0) { expOut=expM; } else { if (expM==0) { expOut=expP; #ifdef PDEBUG // if (side) // { // PrintS("gnc_p_Mult_mm: Multiplication in the left module from the right"); // } #endif } else { /* REPORT_ERROR */ #ifdef PDEBUG const char* s; if (side==1) s="gnc_p_Mult_mm"; else s="gnc_p_mm_Mult"; Print("%s: exponent mismatch %d and %d\n",s,expP,expM); #endif expOut=0; } } p_GetExpV(p,P,r); cP=pGetCoeff(p); cOut=n_Mult(cP,cM,r->cf); if (side==1) { v = gnc_mm_Mult_nn(P, M, r); } else { v = gnc_mm_Mult_nn(M, P, r); } v = __p_Mult_nn(v,cOut,r); n_Delete(&cOut,r->cf); p_SetCompP(v,expOut,r); sum += v; p_LmDelete(&p,r); } freeT(P,rN); freeT(M,rN); return(sum); } /* poly functions defined in p_Procs : */ poly gnc_pp_Mult_mm(const poly p, const poly m, const ring r) { return( gnc_p_Mult_mm_Common(p_Copy(p,r), m, 1, r) ); } poly gnc_p_Mult_mm(poly p, const poly m, const ring r) { return( gnc_p_Mult_mm_Common(p, m, 1, r) ); } /* m * p */ poly gnc_p_mm_Mult(poly p, const poly m, const ring r) { return( gnc_p_Mult_mm_Common(p, m, 0, r) ); } poly gnc_pp_mm_Mult(const poly p, const poly m, const ring r) { return( gnc_p_Mult_mm_Common(p_Copy(p,r), m, 0, r) ); } poly gnc_mm_Mult_nn(int *F0, int *G0, const ring r) /* destroys nothing, no coeffs and exps */ { poly out=NULL; int i,j; int iF,jG,iG; int rN=r->N; int *F=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *G=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); memcpy(F, F0,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); // pExpVectorCopy(F,F0); memcpy(G, G0,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); // pExpVectorCopy(G,G0); F[0]=0; G[0]=0; iF=rN; while ((F[iF]==0)&&(iF>=1)) iF--; /* last exp_num of F */ if (iF==0) /* F0 is zero vector */ { out=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(out,G0,r); p_Setm(out,r); freeT(F,rN); freeT(G,rN); return(out); } jG=1; while ((G[jG]==0)&&(jG1)) iG--; /* last exp_num of G */ out=p_One(r); if (iF<=jG) /* i.e. no mixed exp_num , MERGE case */ { { for(int ii=rN;ii>0;ii--) F[ii]+=G[ii]; } p_SetExpV(out,F,r); p_Setm(out,r); freeT(F,rN); freeT(G,rN); return(out); } number cff=n_Init(1,r->cf); number tmp_num=NULL; int cpower=0; if (ncRingType(r)==nc_skew) { if (r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant==1) { int tpower=0; for(j=jG; j<=iG; j++) { if (G[j]!=0) { cpower = 0; for(i=j+1; i<=iF; i++) { cpower = cpower + F[i]; } cpower = cpower*G[j]; // bug! here may happen an arithmetic overflow!!! tpower = tpower + cpower; } } cff = n_Copy(pGetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->COM,1,2)),r->cf); n_Power(cff,tpower,&tmp_num, r->cf); n_Delete(&cff,r->cf); cff = tmp_num; } else /* skew commutative with nonequal coeffs */ { number totcff=n_Init(1,r->cf); for(j=jG; j<=iG; j++) { if (G[j]!=0) { cpower = 0; for(i=j+1; i<=iF; i++) { if (F[i]!=0) { cpower = F[i]*G[j]; // bug! overflow danger!!! cff = n_Copy(pGetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->COM,j,i)),r->cf); n_Power(cff,cpower,&tmp_num, r->cf); cff = n_Mult(totcff,tmp_num, r->cf); n_Delete(&totcff, r->cf); n_Delete(&tmp_num, r->cf); totcff = n_Copy(cff,r->cf); n_Delete(&cff,r->cf); } } /* end 2nd for */ } } cff=totcff; } { for(int ii=rN;ii>0;ii--) F[ii]+=G[ii]; } p_SetExpV(out,F,r); p_Setm(out,r); p_SetCoeff(out,cff,r); freeT(F,rN); freeT(G,rN); return(out); } /* end nc_skew */ /* now we have to destroy out! */ p_Delete(&out,r); if (iG==jG) /* g is univariate monomial */ { /* if (ri->GetNC()->type==nc_skew) -- postpone to TU */ out = gnc_mm_Mult_uu(F,jG,G[jG],r); freeT(F,rN); freeT(G,rN); return(out); } int *Prv=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *Nxt=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *log=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int cnt=0; int cnf=0; /* splitting F wrt jG */ for (i=1;i<=jG;i++) { Prv[i]=F[i]; Nxt[i]=0; /* mult at the very end */ if (F[i]!=0) cnf++; } if (cnf==0) freeT(Prv,rN); for (i=jG+1;i<=rN;i++) { Nxt[i]=F[i]; /* if (cnf!=0) Prv[i]=0; */ if (F[i]!=0) { cnt++; } /* effective part for F */ } freeT(F,rN); cnt=0; for (i=1;i<=rN;i++) { if (G[i]!=0) { cnt++; log[cnt]=i; } /* lG for G */ } /* ---------------------- A C T I O N ------------------------ */ poly D=NULL; poly Rout=NULL; number *c=(number *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(number)); c[0]=n_Init(1,r->cf); int *Op=Nxt; int *On=G; int *U=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); for (i=jG;i<=rN;i++) U[i]=Nxt[i]+G[i]; /* make leadterm */ Nxt=NULL; G=NULL; cnt=1; int t=0; poly w=NULL; poly Pn=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(Pn,On,r); p_Setm(Pn,r); while (On[iG]!=0) { t=log[cnt]; w=gnc_mm_Mult_uu(Op,t,On[t],r); c[cnt]=n_Mult(c[cnt-1],pGetCoeff(w),r->cf); D = pNext(w); /* getting coef and rest D */ p_LmDelete(&w,r); w=NULL; Op[t] += On[t]; /* update exp_vectors */ On[t] = 0; if (t!=iG) /* not the last step */ { p_SetExpV(Pn,On,r); p_Setm(Pn,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(Pn,r); #endif // if (pNext(D)==0) // is D a monomial? could be postponed higher // { // Rout=nc_mm_Mult_nn(D,Pn,r); // } // else // { Rout=gnc_p_Mult_mm(D,Pn,r); // } } else { Rout=D; D=NULL; } if (Rout!=NULL) { Rout=__p_Mult_nn(Rout,c[cnt-1],r); /* Rest is ready */ out=p_Add_q(out,Rout,r); Rout=NULL; } cnt++; } freeT(On,rN); freeT(Op,rN); p_Delete(&Pn,r); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)log,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); /* leadterm and Prv-part */ Rout=p_One(r); /* U is lead.monomial */ U[0]=0; p_SetExpV(Rout,U,r); p_Setm(Rout,r); /* use again this name Rout */ #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(Rout,r); #endif p_SetCoeff(Rout,c[cnt-1],r); out=p_Add_q(out,Rout,r); freeT(U,rN); freeN(c,rN+1); if (cnf!=0) /* Prv is non-zero vector */ { Rout=p_One(r); Prv[0]=0; p_SetExpV(Rout,Prv,r); p_Setm(Rout,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(Rout,r); #endif out=gnc_p_mm_Mult(out,Rout,r); /* getting the final result */ freeT(Prv,rN); p_Delete(&Rout,r); } return (out); } poly gnc_mm_Mult_uu(int *F,int jG,int bG, const ring r) /* f=mono(F),g=(x_iG)^bG */ { poly out=NULL; int i; number num=NULL; int rN=r->N; int iF=r->N; while ((F[iF]==0)&&(iF>0)) iF-- ; /* last exponent_num of F */ if (iF==0) /* F==zero vector in other words */ { out=p_One(r); p_SetExp(out,jG,bG,r); p_Setm(out,r); return(out); } int jF=1; while ((F[jF]==0)&&(jF<=rN)) jF++; /* first exp of F */ if (iF<=jG) /* i.e. no mixed exp_num */ { out=p_One(r); F[jG]=F[jG]+bG; p_SetExpV(out,F,r); p_Setm(out,r); return(out); } if (iF==jF) /* uni times uni */ { out=gnc_uu_Mult_ww(iF,F[iF],jG,bG,r); return(out); } /* Now: F is mono with >=2 exponents, jGGetNC()->COM; // number rescoef=n_Init(1,r); // number tmpcoef=n_Init(1,r); // int tmpint; // i=iF; // while (i>=jG+1) // /* all the non-zero exponents */ // { // if (MATELEM(LCOM,jG,i)!=NULL) // { // tmpcoef=pGetCoeff(MATELEM(LCOM,jG,i)); // tmpint=(int)F[i]; // nPower(tmpcoef,F[i],&tmpcoef); // rescoef=nMult(rescoef,tmpcoef); // i--; // } // else // { // if (F[i]!=0) break; // } // } // if (iF==i) // /* no action took place*/ // { // } // else /* power the result up to bG */ // { // nPower(rescoef,bG,&rescoef); // /* + cleanup, post-processing */ // } int *Prv=(int*)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *Nxt=(int*)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *lF=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int cnt=0; int cnf=0; /* splitting F wrt jG */ for (i=1;i<=jG;i++) /* mult at the very end */ { Prv[i]=F[i]; Nxt[i]=0; if (F[i]!=0) cnf++; } if (cnf==0) { freeT(Prv,rN); Prv = NULL; } for (i=jG+1;i<=rN;i++) { Nxt[i]=F[i]; if (cnf!=0) { Prv[i]=0;} if (F[i]!=0) { cnt++; lF[cnt]=i; } /* eff_part,lF_for_F */ } if (cnt==1) /* Nxt consists of 1 nonzero el-t only */ { int q=lF[1]; poly Rout=p_One(r); out=gnc_uu_Mult_ww(q,Nxt[q],jG,bG,r); freeT(Nxt,rN); Nxt = NULL; if (cnf!=0) { Prv[0]=0; p_SetExpV(Rout,Prv,r); p_Setm(Rout,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(Rout,r); #endif freeT(Prv,rN); Prv = NULL; out=gnc_p_mm_Mult(out,Rout,r); /* getting the final result */ } freeT(lF,rN); lF = NULL; p_Delete(&Rout,r); assume(Nxt == NULL); assume(lF == NULL); assume(Prv == NULL); return (out); } /* -------------------- MAIN ACTION --------------------- */ poly D=NULL; poly Rout=NULL; number *c=(number *)omAlloc0((cnt+2)*sizeof(number)); c[cnt+1]=n_Init(1,r->cf); i=cnt+2; /* later in freeN */ int *Op=Nxt; int *On=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *U=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); // pExpVectorCopy(U,Nxt); memcpy(U, Nxt,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); U[jG] = U[jG] + bG; /* Op=Nxt and initial On=(0); */ Nxt=NULL; poly Pp; poly Pn; int t=0; int first=lF[1]; int nlast=lF[cnt]; int kk=0; /* cnt--; */ /* now lF[cnt] should be <=iF-1 */ while (Op[first]!=0) { t=lF[cnt]; /* cnt as it was computed */ poly w=gnc_uu_Mult_ww(t,Op[t],jG,bG,r); c[cnt]=n_Copy(pGetCoeff(w),r->cf); D = pNext(w); /* getting coef and rest D */ p_LmDelete(&w,r); w=NULL; Op[t]= 0; Pp=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(Pp,Op,r); p_Setm(Pp,r); if (tcf); n_Delete(&c[cnt],r->cf); c[cnt]=num; Rout=__p_Mult_nn(Rout,c[cnt+1],r); /* Rest is ready */ out=p_Add_q(out,Rout,r); Pp=NULL; cnt--; } /* only to feel safe:*/ Pn=Pp=NULL; freeT(On,rN); freeT(Op,rN); /* leadterm and Prv-part with coef 1 */ /* U[0]=exp; */ /* U[jG]=U[jG]+bG; */ /* make leadterm */ /* ??????????? we have done it already :-0 */ Rout=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(Rout,U,r); p_Setm(Rout,r); /* use again this name */ p_SetCoeff(Rout,c[cnt+1],r); /* last computed coef */ out=p_Add_q(out,Rout,r); Rout=NULL; freeT(U, rN); freeN(c, i); freeT(lF, rN); if (cnf!=0) { Rout=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(Rout,Prv,r); p_Setm(Rout,r); freeT(Prv, rN); out=gnc_p_mm_Mult(out,Rout,r); /* getting the final result */ p_Delete(&Rout,r); } return (out); } poly gnc_uu_Mult_ww_vert (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r) { int k,m; int rN=r->N; const int cMTindex = UPMATELEM(j,i,rN); matrix cMT=r->GetNC()->MT[cMTindex]; /* cMT=current MT */ poly x=p_One(r);p_SetExp(x,j,1,r);p_Setm(x,r); /* var(j); */ poly y=p_One(r);p_SetExp(y,i,1,r);p_Setm(y,r); /*var(i); for convenience */ #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(x,r); p_Test(y,r); #endif poly t=NULL; /* ------------ Main Cycles ----------------------------*/ for (k=2;k<=a;k++) { t = MATELEM(cMT,k,1); if (t==NULL) /* not computed yet */ { t = nc_p_CopyGet(MATELEM(cMT,k-1,1),r); // t=p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,k-1,1),r); t = gnc_p_mm_Mult(t,y,r); cMT=r->GetNC()->MT[cMTindex]; // since multiplication can change the MT table... assume( t != NULL ); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(t,r); #endif MATELEM(cMT,k,1) = nc_p_CopyPut(t,r); // omCheckAddr(cMT->m); p_Delete(&t,r); } t=NULL; } for (m=2;m<=b;m++) { t = MATELEM(cMT,a,m); // t=MATELEM(cMT,a,m); if (t==NULL) //not computed yet { t = nc_p_CopyGet(MATELEM(cMT,a,m-1),r); assume( t != NULL ); // t=p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,a,m-1),r); t = gnc_p_Mult_mm(t,x,r); cMT=r->GetNC()->MT[cMTindex]; // since multiplication can change the MT table... #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(t,r); #endif MATELEM(cMT,a,m) = nc_p_CopyPut(t,r); // MATELEM(cMT,a,m) = t; // omCheckAddr(cMT->m); p_Delete(&t,r); } t=NULL; } p_Delete(&x,r); p_Delete(&y,r); t=MATELEM(cMT,a,b); assume( t != NULL ); t= nc_p_CopyGet(t,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(t,r); #endif // return(p_Copy(t,r)); /* since the last computed element was cMT[a,b] */ return(t); } static inline poly gnc_uu_Mult_ww_formula (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r) { if(ncExtensions(NOFORMULAMASK)) return gnc_uu_Mult_ww_vert(i, a, j, b, r); CFormulaPowerMultiplier* FormulaMultiplier = GetFormulaPowerMultiplier(r); Enum_ncSAType PairType = _ncSA_notImplemented; if( FormulaMultiplier != NULL ) PairType = FormulaMultiplier->GetPair(j, i); if( PairType == _ncSA_notImplemented ) return gnc_uu_Mult_ww_vert(i, a, j, b, r); // return FormulaMultiplier->Multiply(j, i, b, a); poly t = CFormulaPowerMultiplier::Multiply( PairType, j, i, b, a, r); int rN=r->N; matrix cMT = r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)]; /* cMT=current MT */ MATELEM(cMT, a, b) = nc_p_CopyPut(t,r); // t=MATELEM(cMT,a,b); // t= nc_p_CopyGet(MATELEM(cMT,a,b),r); // return(p_Copy(t,r)); /* since the last computed element was cMT[a,b] */ return(t); } poly gnc_uu_Mult_ww (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r) /* (x_i)^a times (x_j)^b */ /* x_i = y, x_j = x ! */ { /* Check zero exceptions, (q-)commutativity and is there something to do? */ assume(a!=0); assume(b!=0); poly out=p_One(r); if (i<=j) { p_SetExp(out,i,a,r); p_AddExp(out,j,b,r); p_Setm(out,r); return(out); }/* zero exeptions and usual case */ /* if ((a==0)||(b==0)||(i<=j)) return(out); */ if (MATELEM(r->GetNC()->COM,j,i)!=NULL) /* commutative or quasicommutative case */ { p_SetExp(out,i,a,r); p_AddExp(out,j,b,r); p_Setm(out,r); if (n_IsOne(pGetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->COM,j,i)),r->cf)) /* commutative case */ { return(out); } else { number tmp_number=pGetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->COM,j,i)); /* quasicommutative case */ n_Power(tmp_number,a*b,&tmp_number, r->cf); // BUG! ;-( p_SetCoeff(out,tmp_number,r); return(out); } }/* end_of commutative or quasicommutative case */ p_Delete(&out,r); if(ncExtensions(NOCACHEMASK) && !ncExtensions(NOFORMULAMASK)) // don't use cache whenever possible! { // without cache!? CFormulaPowerMultiplier* FormulaMultiplier = GetFormulaPowerMultiplier(r); Enum_ncSAType PairType = _ncSA_notImplemented; if( FormulaMultiplier != NULL ) PairType = FormulaMultiplier->GetPair(j, i); if( PairType != _ncSA_notImplemented ) // // return FormulaMultiplier->Multiply(j, i, b, a); return CFormulaPowerMultiplier::Multiply( PairType, j, i, b, a, r); } /* we are here if i>j and variables do not commute or quasicommute */ /* in fact, now a>=1 and b>=1; and jN; int vik = UPMATELEM(j,i,rN); int cMTsize=r->GetNC()->MTsize[vik]; int newcMTsize=0; newcMTsize=si_max(a,b); if (newcMTsize<=cMTsize) { out = nc_p_CopyGet(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[vik],a,b),r); if (out !=NULL) return (out); } int k,m; if (newcMTsize > cMTsize) { int inM=(((newcMTsize+6)/7)*7); assume (inM>=newcMTsize); newcMTsize = inM; // matrix tmp = (matrix)omAlloc0(inM*inM*sizeof(poly)); matrix tmp = mpNew(newcMTsize,newcMTsize); for (k=1;k<=cMTsize;k++) { for (m=1;m<=cMTsize;m++) { out = MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)],k,m); if ( out != NULL ) { MATELEM(tmp,k,m) = out;/*MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)],k,m)*/ // omCheckAddr(tmp->m); MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)],k,m)=NULL; // omCheckAddr(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)]->m); out=NULL; } } } id_Delete((ideal *)&(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)]),r); r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)] = tmp; tmp=NULL; r->GetNC()->MTsize[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)] = newcMTsize; } /* The update of multiplication matrix is finished */ return gnc_uu_Mult_ww_formula(i, a, j, b, r); out = gnc_uu_Mult_ww_vert(i, a, j, b, r); // out = nc_uu_Mult_ww_horvert(i, a, j, b, r); return(out); } poly gnc_uu_Mult_ww_horvert (int i, int a, int j, int b, const ring r) { int k,m; int rN=r->N; matrix cMT=r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(j,i,rN)]; /* cMT=current MT */ poly x=p_One(r);p_SetExp(x,j,1,r);p_Setm(x,r);/* var(j); */ poly y=p_One(r);p_SetExp(y,i,1,r);p_Setm(y,r); /*var(i); for convenience */ #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(x,r); p_Test(y,r); #endif poly t=NULL; int toXY; int toYX; if (a==1) /* y*x^b, b>=2 */ { toXY=b-1; while ( (MATELEM(cMT,1,toXY)==NULL) && (toXY>=2)) toXY--; for (m=toXY+1;m<=b;m++) { t=MATELEM(cMT,1,m); if (t==NULL) /* remove after debug */ { t = p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,1,m-1),r); t = gnc_p_Mult_mm(t,x,r); MATELEM(cMT,1,m) = t; /* omCheckAddr(cMT->m); */ } else { /* Error, should never get there */ WarnS("Error: a=1; MATELEM!=0"); } t=NULL; } return(p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,1,b),r)); } if (b==1) /* y^a*x, a>=2 */ { toYX=a-1; while ( (MATELEM(cMT,toYX,1)==NULL) && (toYX>=2)) toYX--; for (m=toYX+1;m<=a;m++) { t=MATELEM(cMT,m,1); if (t==NULL) /* remove after debug */ { t = p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,m-1,1),r); t = gnc_p_mm_Mult(t,y,r); MATELEM(cMT,m,1) = t; /* omCheckAddr(cMT->m); */ } else { /* Error, should never get there */ WarnS("Error: b=1, MATELEM!=0"); } t=NULL; } return(p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,a,1),r)); } /* ------------ Main Cycles ----------------------------*/ /* a>1, b>1 */ int dXY=0; int dYX=0; /* dXY = distance for computing x-mult, then y-mult */ /* dYX = distance for computing y-mult, then x-mult */ int toX=a-1; int toY=b-1; /* toX = to axe X, toY = to axe Y */ toXY=b-1; toYX=a-1; /* if toX==0, toXY = dist. to computed y * x^toXY */ /* if toY==0, toYX = dist. to computed y^toYX * x */ while ( (MATELEM(cMT,toX,b)==NULL) && (toX>=1)) toX--; if (toX==0) /* the whole column is not computed yet */ { while ( (MATELEM(cMT,1,toXY)==NULL) && (toXY>=1)) toXY--; /* toXY >=1 */ dXY=b-1-toXY; } dXY=dXY+a-toX; /* the distance to nearest computed y^toX x^b */ while ( (MATELEM(cMT,a,toY)==NULL) && (toY>=1)) toY--; if (toY==0) /* the whole row is not computed yet */ { while ( (MATELEM(cMT,toYX,1)==NULL) && (toYX>=1)) toYX--; /* toYX >=1 */ dYX=a-1-toYX; } dYX=dYX+b-toY; /* the distance to nearest computed y^a x^toY */ if (dYX>=dXY) { /* first x, then y */ if (toX==0) /* start with the row*/ { for (m=toXY+1;m<=b;m++) { t=MATELEM(cMT,1,m); if (t==NULL) /* remove after debug */ { t = p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,1,m-1),r); t = gnc_p_Mult_mm(t,x,r); MATELEM(cMT,1,m) = t; /* omCheckAddr(cMT->m); */ } else { /* Error, should never get there */ WarnS("dYX>=dXY,toXY; MATELEM==0"); } t=NULL; } toX=1; /* y*x^b is computed */ } /* Now toX>=1 */ for (k=toX+1;k<=a;k++) { t=MATELEM(cMT,k,b); if (t==NULL) /* remove after debug */ { t = p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,k-1,b),r); t = gnc_p_mm_Mult(t,y,r); MATELEM(cMT,k,b) = t; /* omCheckAddr(cMT->m); */ } else { /* Error, should never get there */ WarnS("dYX>=dXY,toX; MATELEM==0"); } t=NULL; } } /* endif (dYX>=dXY) */ if (dYXm); */ } else { /* Error, should never get there */ WarnS("dYX=1 */ for (k=toY+1;k<=b;k++) { t=MATELEM(cMT,a,k); if (t==NULL) /* remove after debug */ { t = p_Copy(MATELEM(cMT,a,k-1),r); t = gnc_p_Mult_mm(t,x,r); MATELEM(cMT,a,k) = t; /* omCheckAddr(cMT->m); */ } else { /* Error, should never get there */ WarnS("dYX for use in NF algorithm */ poly gnc_ReduceSpolyOld(const poly p1, poly p2/*,poly spNoether*/, const ring r) { assume(p_LmDivisibleBy(p1, p2, r)); #ifdef PDEBUG if (p_GetComp(p1,r)!=p_GetComp(p2,r) && (p_GetComp(p1,r)!=0) && (p_GetComp(p2,r)!=0)) { dReportError("nc_ReduceSpolyOld: different components"); return(NULL); } #endif poly m = p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m,p2,p1,r); //p_Setm(m,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m,r); #endif /* pSetComp(m,r)=0? */ poly N = nc_mm_Mult_p(m, p_Head(p1,r), r); number C = p_GetCoeff(N, r); number cF = p_GetCoeff(p2, r); /* GCD stuff */ number cG = n_SubringGcd(C, cF, r->cf); if ( !n_IsOne(cG,r->cf) ) { cF = n_Div(cF, cG, r->cf); n_Normalize(cF, r->cf); C = n_Div(C, cG, r->cf); n_Normalize(C, r->cf); } else { cF = n_Copy(cF, r->cf); C = n_Copy(C, r->cf); } n_Delete(&cG,r->cf); p2 = __p_Mult_nn(p2, C, r); poly out = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m, pNext(p1), r); N = p_Add_q(N, out, r); p_Test(p2,r); p_Test(N,r); if (!n_IsMOne(cF,r->cf)) { cF = n_InpNeg(cF,r->cf); N = __p_Mult_nn(N, cF, r); p_Test(N,r); } out = p_Add_q(p2,N,r); p_Test(out,r); if ( out!=NULL ) p_Cleardenom(out,r); p_Delete(&m,r); n_Delete(&cF,r->cf); n_Delete(&C,r->cf); return(out); } poly gnc_ReduceSpolyNew(const poly p1, poly p2, const ring r) { assume(p_LmDivisibleBy(p1, p2, r)); const long lCompP1 = p_GetComp(p1,r); const long lCompP2 = p_GetComp(p2,r); if ((lCompP1!=lCompP2) && (lCompP1!=0) && (lCompP2!=0)) { #ifdef PDEBUG WerrorS("gnc_ReduceSpolyNew: different non-zero components!"); #endif return(NULL); } poly m = p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m, p2, p1, r); //p_Setm(m,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m,r); #endif /* pSetComp(m,r)=0? */ poly N = nc_mm_Mult_p(m, p_Head(p1,r), r); number C = p_GetCoeff(N, r); number cF = p_GetCoeff(p2, r); /* GCD stuff */ number cG = n_SubringGcd(C, cF, r->cf); if (!n_IsOne(cG, r->cf)) { cF = n_Div(cF, cG, r->cf); n_Normalize(cF, r->cf); C = n_Div(C, cG, r->cf); n_Normalize(C, r->cf); } else { cF = n_Copy(cF, r->cf); C = n_Copy(C, r->cf); } n_Delete(&cG,r->cf); p2 = __p_Mult_nn(p2, C, r); // p2 !!! p_Test(p2,r); n_Delete(&C,r->cf); poly out = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m, pNext(p1), r); p_Delete(&m,r); N = p_Add_q(N, out, r); p_Test(N,r); if (!n_IsMOne(cF,r->cf)) // ??? { cF = n_InpNeg(cF,r->cf); N = __p_Mult_nn(N, cF, r); p_Test(N,r); } n_Delete(&cF,r->cf); out = p_Add_q(p2,N,r); // delete N, p2 p_Test(out,r); if ( out!=NULL ) p_Cleardenom(out,r); return(out); } /*4 * creates the S-polynomial of p1 and p2 * do not destroy p1 and p2 */ poly gnc_CreateSpolyOld(poly p1, poly p2/*,poly spNoether*/, const ring r) { #ifdef PDEBUG if ((p_GetComp(p1,r)!=p_GetComp(p2,r)) && (p_GetComp(p1,r)!=0) && (p_GetComp(p2,r)!=0)) { dReportError("gnc_CreateSpolyOld : different components!"); return(NULL); } #endif if ((ncRingType(r)==nc_lie) && p_HasNotCF(p1,p2, r)) /* prod crit */ { return(nc_p_Bracket_qq(p_Copy(p2, r),p1, r)); } poly pL=p_One(r); poly m1=p_One(r); poly m2=p_One(r); pL = p_Lcm(p1,p2,r); p_Setm(pL,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(pL,r); #endif p_ExpVectorDiff(m1,pL,p1,r); //p_SetComp(m1,0,r); //p_Setm(m1,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m1,r); #endif p_ExpVectorDiff(m2,pL,p2,r); //p_SetComp(m2,0,r); //p_Setm(m2,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m2,r); #endif p_Delete(&pL,r); /* zero exponents ! */ poly M1 = nc_mm_Mult_p(m1,p_Head(p1,r),r); number C1 = p_GetCoeff(M1,r); poly M2 = nc_mm_Mult_p(m2,p_Head(p2,r),r); number C2 = p_GetCoeff(M2,r); /* GCD stuff */ number C = n_SubringGcd(C1,C2,r->cf); if (!n_IsOne(C,r->cf)) { C1=n_Div(C1,C, r->cf);n_Normalize(C1,r->cf); C2=n_Div(C2,C, r->cf);n_Normalize(C2,r->cf); } else { C1=n_Copy(C1, r->cf); C2=n_Copy(C2, r->cf); } n_Delete(&C,r->cf); M1=__p_Mult_nn(M1,C2,r); p_SetCoeff(m1,C2,r); if (n_IsMOne(C1,r->cf)) { M2=p_Add_q(M1,M2,r); } else { C1=n_InpNeg(C1,r->cf); M2=__p_Mult_nn(M2,C1,r); M2=p_Add_q(M1,M2,r); p_SetCoeff(m2,C1,r); } /* M1 is killed, M2=res = C2 M1 - C1 M2 */ poly tmp=p_Copy(p1,r); tmp=p_LmDeleteAndNext(tmp,r); M1=nc_mm_Mult_p(m1,tmp,r); tmp=p_Copy(p2,r); tmp=p_LmDeleteAndNext(tmp,r); M2=p_Add_q(M2,M1,r); M1=nc_mm_Mult_p(m2,tmp,r); M2=p_Add_q(M2,M1,r); p_Delete(&m1,r); p_Delete(&m2,r); // n_Delete(&C1,r); // n_Delete(&C2,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M2,r); #endif if (M2!=NULL) M2=p_Cleardenom(M2,r); return(M2); } poly gnc_CreateSpolyNew(poly p1, poly p2/*,poly spNoether*/, const ring r) { #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(p1, r); p_Test(p2, r); #if MYTEST PrintS("p1: "); p_Write(p1, r); PrintS("p2: "); p_Write(p2, r); #endif #endif const long lCompP1 = p_GetComp(p1,r); const long lCompP2 = p_GetComp(p2,r); if ((lCompP1!=lCompP2) && (lCompP1!=0) && (lCompP2!=0)) { #ifdef PDEBUG WerrorS("gnc_CreateSpolyNew: different non-zero components!"); assume(0); #endif return(NULL); } // if ((r->GetNC()->type==nc_lie) && pHasNotCF(p1,p2)) /* prod crit */ // { // return(nc_p_Bracket_qq(pCopy(p2),p1)); // } // poly pL=p_One( r); poly m1=p_One( r); poly m2=p_One( r); poly pL = p_Lcm(p1,p2,r); // pL = lcm( lm(p1), lm(p2) ) #ifdef PDEBUG // p_Test(pL,r); #endif p_ExpVectorDiff(m1, pL, p1, r); // m1 = pL / lm(p1) //p_SetComp(m1,0,r); //p_Setm(m1,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m1,r); #endif // assume(p_GetComp(m1,r) == 0); p_ExpVectorDiff(m2, pL, p2, r); // m2 = pL / lm(p2) //p_SetComp(m2,0,r); //p_Setm(m2,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m2,r); #endif #ifdef PDEBUG #if MYTEST PrintS("m1: "); pWrite(m1); PrintS("m2: "); pWrite(m2); #endif #endif // assume(p_GetComp(m2,r) == 0); #ifdef PDEBUG #if 0 if( (p_GetComp(m2,r) != 0) || (p_GetComp(m1,r) != 0) ) { WarnS("gnc_CreateSpolyNew: wrong monomials!"); #ifdef RDEBUG PrintS("m1 = "); p_Write(m1, r); p_DebugPrint(m1, r); PrintS("m2 = "); p_Write(m2, r); p_DebugPrint(m2, r); PrintS("p1 = "); p_Write(p1, r); p_DebugPrint(p1, r); PrintS("p2 = "); p_Write(p2, r); p_DebugPrint(p2, r); PrintS("pL = "); p_Write(pL, r); p_DebugPrint(pL, r); #endif } #endif #endif p_LmFree(&pL,r); /* zero exponents !? */ poly M1 = nc_mm_Mult_p(m1,p_Head(p1,r),r); // M1 = m1 * lt(p1) poly M2 = nc_mm_Mult_p(m2,p_Head(p2,r),r); // M2 = m2 * lt(p2) #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M1,r); p_Test(M2,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M1: "); pWrite(M1); PrintS("M2: "); pWrite(M2); #endif #endif if(M1 == NULL || M2 == NULL) { #ifdef PDEBUG PrintS("\np1 = "); p_Write(p1, r); PrintS("m1 = "); p_Write(m1, r); PrintS("p2 = "); p_Write(p2, r); PrintS("m2 = "); p_Write(m2, r); WerrorS("ERROR in nc_CreateSpoly: result of multiplication is Zero!\n"); #endif return(NULL); } number C1 = p_GetCoeff(M1,r); // C1 = lc(M1) number C2 = p_GetCoeff(M2,r); // C2 = lc(M2) /* GCD stuff */ number C = n_SubringGcd(C1, C2, r->cf); // C = gcd(C1, C2) if (!n_IsOne(C, r->cf)) // if C != 1 { C1=n_Div(C1, C, r->cf);n_Normalize(C1,r->cf); // C1 = C1 / C C2=n_Div(C2, C, r->cf);n_Normalize(C2,r->cf); // C2 = C2 / C } else { C1=n_Copy(C1,r->cf); C2=n_Copy(C2,r->cf); } n_Delete(&C,r->cf); // destroy the number C C1=n_InpNeg(C1,r->cf); // number MinusOne=n_Init(-1,r); // if (n_Equal(C1,MinusOne,r)) // lc(M1) / gcd( lc(M1), lc(M2)) == -1 ???? // { // M2=p_Add_q(M1,M2,r); // ????? // } // else // { M1=__p_Mult_nn(M1,C2,r); // M1 = (C2*lc(p1)) * (lcm(lm(p1),lm(p2)) / lm(p1)) * lm(p1) #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M1,r); #endif M2=__p_Mult_nn(M2,C1,r); // M2 =(-C1*lc(p2)) * (lcm(lm(p1),lm(p2)) / lm(p2)) * lm(p2) #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M2,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M1: "); pWrite(M1); PrintS("M2: "); pWrite(M2); #endif #endif M2=p_Add_q(M1,M2,r); // M1 is killed, M2 = spoly(lt(p1), lt(p2)) = C2*M1 - C1*M2 #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M2,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M2: "); pWrite(M2); #endif #endif // M2 == 0 for supercommutative algebras! // } // n_Delete(&MinusOne,r); p_SetCoeff(m1,C2,r); // lc(m1) = C2!!! p_SetCoeff(m2,C1,r); // lc(m2) = C1!!! #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m1,r); p_Test(m2,r); #endif // poly tmp = p_Copy(p1,r); // tmp = p1 // tmp=p_LmDeleteAndNext(tmp,r); // tmp = tail(p1) //#ifdef PDEBUG // p_Test(tmp,r); //#endif M1 = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m1, pNext(p1), r); // M1 = m1 * tail(p1), delete tmp // ??? #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M1,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M1: "); pWrite(M1); #endif #endif M2=p_Add_q(M2,M1,r); // M2 = spoly(lt(p1), lt(p2)) + m1 * tail(p1), delete M1 #ifdef PDEBUG M1=NULL; p_Test(M2,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M2: "); pWrite(M2); #endif #endif // tmp=p_Copy(p2,r); // tmp = p2 // tmp=p_LmDeleteAndNext(tmp,r); // tmp = tail(p2) //#ifdef PDEBUG // p_Test(tmp,r); //#endif M1 = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m2, pNext(p2), r); // M1 = m2 * tail(p2), detele tmp #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M1,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M1: "); pWrite(M1); #endif #endif M2 = p_Add_q(M2,M1,r); // M2 = spoly(lt(p1), lt(p2)) + m1 * tail(p1) + m2*tail(p2) #ifdef PDEBUG M1=NULL; p_Test(M2,r); #if MYTEST PrintS("M2: "); pWrite(M2); #endif #endif p_Delete(&m1,r); // => n_Delete(&C1,r); p_Delete(&m2,r); // => n_Delete(&C2,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(M2,r); #endif if (M2!=NULL) p_Cleardenom(M2,r); return(M2); } #if 0 /*5 * reduction of tail(q) with p1 * lead(p1) divides lead(pNext(q2)) and pNext(q2) is reduced * do not destroy p1, but tail(q) */ void gnc_ReduceSpolyTail(poly p1, poly q, poly q2, poly spNoether, const ring r) { poly a1=p_Head(p1,r); poly Q=pNext(q2); number cQ=p_GetCoeff(Q,r); poly m=p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m,Q,p1,r); // p_SetComp(m,0,r); //p_Setm(m,r); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m,r); #endif /* pSetComp(m,r)=0? */ poly M = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m, p1,r); number C=p_GetCoeff(M,r); M=p_Add_q(M,nc_mm_Mult_p(m,p_LmDeleteAndNext(p_Copy(p1,r),r),r),r); // _pp? q=__p_Mult_nn(q,C,r); number MinusOne=n_Init(-1,r->cf); if (!n_Equal(cQ,MinusOne,r->cf)) { cQ=nInpNeg(cQ); M=__p_Mult_nn(M,cQ,r); } Q=p_Add_q(Q,M,r); pNext(q2)=Q; p_Delete(&m,r); n_Delete(&C,r->cf); n_Delete(&cQ,r->cf); n_Delete(&MinusOne,r->cf); /* return(q); */ } #endif /*6 * creates the commutative lcm(lm(p1),lm(p2)) * do not destroy p1 and p2 */ poly nc_CreateShortSpoly(poly p1, poly p2, const ring r) { #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(p1, r); p_Test(p2, r); #endif const long lCompP1 = p_GetComp(p1,r); const long lCompP2 = p_GetComp(p2,r); if ((lCompP1!=lCompP2) && (lCompP1!=0) && (lCompP2!=0)) { #ifdef PDEBUG WerrorS("nc_CreateShortSpoly: wrong module components!"); // !!!! #endif return(NULL); } poly m; #ifdef HAVE_RATGRING if ( rIsRatGRing(r)) { /* rational version */ m = p_LcmRat(p1, p2, si_max(lCompP1, lCompP2), r); } else #endif { m = p_Lcm(p1, p2, r); } pSetCoeff0(m,NULL); return(m); } void gnc_kBucketPolyRedOld(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c) { const ring r = b->bucket_ring; // b will not be multiplied by any constant in this impl. // ==> *c=1 if (c!=NULL) *c=n_Init(1, r->cf); poly m=p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m,kBucketGetLm(b),p, r); //pSetm(m); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m, r); #endif poly pp= nc_mm_Mult_pp(m,p, r); assume(pp!=NULL); p_Delete(&m, r); number n=pGetCoeff(pp); number nn; if (!n_IsMOne(n, r->cf)) { nn=n_InpNeg(n_Invers(n, r->cf), r->cf); n= n_Mult(nn,pGetCoeff(kBucketGetLm(b)), r->cf); n_Delete(&nn, r->cf); pp=__p_Mult_nn(pp,n,r); n_Delete(&n, r->cf); } else { pp=__p_Mult_nn(pp,p_GetCoeff(kBucketGetLm(b), r),r); } int l=pLength(pp); kBucket_Add_q(b,pp,&l); } void gnc_kBucketPolyRedNew(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c) { const ring r = b->bucket_ring; #ifdef PDEBUG // PrintS(">*"); #endif #ifdef KDEBUG if( !kbTest(b) ) WerrorS("nc_kBucketPolyRed: broken bucket!"); #endif #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(p, r); #if MYTEST PrintS("p: "); p_Write(p, r); #endif #endif // b will not be multiplied by any constant in this impl. // ==> *c=1 if (c!=NULL) *c=n_Init(1, r->cf); poly m = p_One(r); const poly pLmB = kBucketGetLm(b); // no new copy! assume( pLmB != NULL ); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(pLmB, r); #if MYTEST PrintS("pLmB: "); p_Write(pLmB, r); #endif #endif p_ExpVectorDiff(m, pLmB, p, r); //pSetm(m); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m, r); #if MYTEST PrintS("m: "); p_Write(m, r); #endif #endif poly pp = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m, p, r); p_Delete(&m, r); assume( pp != NULL ); const number n = pGetCoeff(pp); // bug! if (!n_IsMOne(n, r->cf) ) // does this improve performance??!? also see below... // TODO: check later on. // if n == -1 => nn = 1 and -1/n { number nn=n_InpNeg(n_Invers(n, r->cf), r->cf); number t = n_Mult(nn,pGetCoeff(pLmB), r->cf); n_Delete(&nn, r->cf); pp = __p_Mult_nn(pp,t,r); n_Delete(&t, r->cf); } else { pp = __p_Mult_nn(pp,p_GetCoeff(pLmB, r), r); } int l = pLength(pp); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(pp, r); // PrintS("PP: "); pWrite(pp); #endif kBucket_Add_q(b,pp,&l); #ifdef PDEBUG // PrintS("*>"); #endif } void gnc_kBucketPolyRed_ZOld(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c) { const ring r = b->bucket_ring; // b is multiplied by a constant in this impl. number ctmp; poly m=p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m,kBucketGetLm(b),p, r); //pSetm(m); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m, r); #endif if(p_IsConstant(m,r)) { p_Delete(&m, r); ctmp = kBucketPolyRed(b,p,pLength(p),NULL); } else { poly pp = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m,p,r); number c2; p_Cleardenom_n(pp,r,c2); p_Delete(&m, r); ctmp = kBucketPolyRed(b,pp,pLength(pp),NULL); //cc=*c; //*c=nMult(*c,c2); n_Delete(&c2, r->cf); //nDelete(&cc); p_Delete(&pp, r); } if (c!=NULL) *c=ctmp; else n_Delete(&ctmp, r->cf); } void gnc_kBucketPolyRed_ZNew(kBucket_pt b, poly p, number *c) { const ring r = b->bucket_ring; // b is multiplied by a constant in this impl. number ctmp; poly m=p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m,kBucketGetLm(b),p, r); //pSetm(m); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m, r); #endif if(p_IsConstant(m,r)) { p_Delete(&m, r); ctmp = kBucketPolyRed(b,p,pLength(p),NULL); } else { poly pp = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m,p,r); number c2; p_Cleardenom_n(pp,r,c2); p_Delete(&m, r); ctmp = kBucketPolyRed(b,pp,pLength(pp),NULL); //cc=*c; //*c=nMult(*c,c2); n_Delete(&c2, r->cf); //nDelete(&cc); p_Delete(&pp, r); } if (c!=NULL) *c=ctmp; else n_Delete(&ctmp, r->cf); } inline void nc_PolyPolyRedOld(poly &b, poly p, number *c, const ring r) // reduces b with p, do not delete both { // b will not by multiplied by any constant in this impl. // ==> *c=1 if (c!=NULL) *c=n_Init(1, r->cf); poly m=p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m,p_Head(b, r),p, r); //pSetm(m); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m, r); #endif poly pp=nc_mm_Mult_pp(m,p,r); assume(pp!=NULL); p_Delete(&m, r); number n=pGetCoeff(pp); number nn; if (!n_IsMOne(n, r->cf)) { nn=n_InpNeg(n_Invers(n, r->cf), r->cf); n =n_Mult(nn,pGetCoeff(b), r->cf); n_Delete(&nn, r->cf); pp=__p_Mult_nn(pp,n,r); n_Delete(&n, r->cf); } else { pp=__p_Mult_nn(pp,p_GetCoeff(b, r),r); } b=p_Add_q(b,pp,r); } inline void nc_PolyPolyRedNew(poly &b, poly p, number *c, const ring r) // reduces b with p, do not delete both { #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(b, r); p_Test(p, r); #endif #if MYTEST PrintS("nc_PolyPolyRedNew("); p_Write0(b, r); PrintS(", "); p_Write0(p, r); PrintS(", *c): "); #endif // b will not by multiplied by any constant in this impl. // ==> *c=1 if (c!=NULL) *c=n_Init(1, r->cf); poly pp = NULL; // there is a problem when p is a square(=>0!) while((b != NULL) && (pp == NULL)) { // poly pLmB = p_Head(b, r); poly m = p_One(r); p_ExpVectorDiff(m, b, p, r); // pDelete(&pLmB); //pSetm(m); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(m, r); p_Test(b, r); #endif pp = nc_mm_Mult_pp(m, p, r); #if MYTEST PrintS("\n{b': "); p_Write0(b, r); PrintS(", m: "); p_Write0(m, r); PrintS(", pp: "); p_Write0(pp, r); PrintS(" }\n"); #endif p_Delete(&m, r); // one m for all tries! // assume( pp != NULL ); if( pp == NULL ) { b = p_LmDeleteAndNext(b, r); if( !p_DivisibleBy(p, b, r) ) return; } } #if MYTEST PrintS("{b': "); p_Write0(b, r); PrintS(", pp: "); p_Write0(pp, r); PrintS(" }\n"); #endif if(b == NULL) return; assume(pp != NULL); const number n = pGetCoeff(pp); // no new copy number nn; if (!n_IsMOne(n, r->cf)) // TODO: as above. { nn=n_InpNeg(n_Invers(n, r->cf), r->cf); number t = n_Mult(nn, pGetCoeff(b), r->cf); n_Delete(&nn, r->cf); pp=__p_Mult_nn(pp, t, r); n_Delete(&t, r->cf); } else { pp=__p_Mult_nn(pp, pGetCoeff(b), r); } b=p_Add_q(b,pp,r); } void nc_PolyPolyRed(poly &b, poly p, number *c, const ring r) { #if 0 nc_PolyPolyRedOld(b, p, c, r); #else nc_PolyPolyRedNew(b, p, c, r); #endif } poly nc_mm_Bracket_nn(poly m1, poly m2, const ring r); /// returns [p,q], destroys p poly nc_p_Bracket_qq(poly p, const poly q, const ring r) { assume(p != NULL && q!= NULL); if (!rIsPluralRing(r)) return(NULL); if (p_ComparePolys(p,q, r)) return(NULL); /* Components !? */ poly Q=NULL; number coef=NULL; poly pres=NULL; int UseBuckets=1; if (((pLength(p)< MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET/2) && (pLength(q)< MIN_LENGTH_BUCKET/2)) || TEST_OPT_NOT_BUCKETS) UseBuckets=0; CPolynomialSummator sum(r, UseBuckets == 0); while (p!=NULL) { Q=q; while(Q!=NULL) { pres=nc_mm_Bracket_nn(p,Q, r); /* since no coeffs are taken into account there */ if (pres!=NULL) { coef = n_Mult(pGetCoeff(p),pGetCoeff(Q), r->cf); pres = __p_Mult_nn(pres,coef,r); sum += pres; n_Delete(&coef, r->cf); } pIter(Q); } p=p_LmDeleteAndNext(p, r); } return(sum); } /// returns [m1,m2] for two monoms, destroys nothing /// without coeffs poly nc_mm_Bracket_nn(poly m1, poly m2, const ring r) { if (p_LmIsConstant(m1, r) || p_LmIsConstant(m1, r)) return(NULL); if (p_LmCmp(m1,m2, r)==0) return(NULL); int rN=r->N; int *M1=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *M2=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *aPREFIX=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *aSUFFIX=(int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); p_GetExpV(m1,M1, r); p_GetExpV(m2,M2, r); poly res=NULL; poly ares=NULL; poly bres=NULL; poly prefix=NULL; poly suffix=NULL; int nMin,nMax; number nTmp=NULL; int i,j,k; for (i=1;i<=rN;i++) { if (M2[i]!=0) { ares=NULL; for (j=1;j<=rN;j++) { if (M1[j]!=0) { bres=NULL; /* compute [ x_j^M1[j],x_i^M2[i] ] */ if (iGetNC()->COM,nMin,nMax)!=NULL) && n_IsOne(pGetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->C,nMin,nMax)), r->cf) )) /* not (the same exp. or commuting exps)*/ { bres=NULL; } else { if (icf)) { bres=p_LmDeleteAndNext(bres, r); } else { nTmp=n_Sub(pGetCoeff(bres),n_Init(1, r->cf), r->cf); p_SetCoeff(bres,nTmp, r); /* only lc ! */ } #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(bres, r); #endif if (i>j) bres=p_Neg(bres, r); } if (bres!=NULL) { /* now mult (prefix, bres, suffix) */ memcpy(aSUFFIX, M1,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); memcpy(aPREFIX, M1,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); for (k=1;k<=j;k++) aSUFFIX[k]=0; for (k=j;k<=rN;k++) aPREFIX[k]=0; aSUFFIX[0]=0; aPREFIX[0]=0; prefix=p_One(r); suffix=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(prefix,aPREFIX, r); p_Setm(prefix, r); p_SetExpV(suffix,aSUFFIX, r); p_Setm(suffix, r); if (!p_LmIsConstant(prefix, r)) bres = gnc_p_mm_Mult(bres, prefix, r); if (!p_LmIsConstant(suffix, r)) bres = gnc_p_Mult_mm(bres, suffix, r); ares=p_Add_q(ares, bres, r); /* What to give free? */ /* Do we have to free aPREFIX/aSUFFIX? it seems so */ p_Delete(&prefix, r); p_Delete(&suffix, r); } } } if (ares!=NULL) { /* now mult (prefix, bres, suffix) */ memcpy(aSUFFIX, M2,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); memcpy(aPREFIX, M2,(rN+1)*sizeof(int)); for (k=1;k<=i;k++) aSUFFIX[k]=0; for (k=i;k<=rN;k++) aPREFIX[k]=0; aSUFFIX[0]=0; aPREFIX[0]=0; prefix=p_One(r); suffix=p_One(r); p_SetExpV(prefix,aPREFIX, r); p_Setm(prefix, r); p_SetExpV(suffix,aSUFFIX, r); p_Setm(suffix, r); bres=ares; if (!p_LmIsConstant(prefix, r)) bres = gnc_p_mm_Mult(bres, prefix, r); if (!p_LmIsConstant(suffix, r)) bres = gnc_p_Mult_mm(bres, suffix, r); res=p_Add_q(res, bres, r); p_Delete(&prefix, r); p_Delete(&suffix, r); } } } freeT(M1, rN); freeT(M2, rN); freeT(aPREFIX, rN); freeT(aSUFFIX, rN); #ifdef PDEBUG p_Test(res, r); #endif return(res); } /// returns matrix with the info on noncomm multiplication matrix nc_PrintMat(int a, int b, ring r, int metric) { if ( (a==b) || !rIsPluralRing(r) ) return(NULL); int i; int j; if (a>b) {j=b; i=a;} else {j=a; i=b;} /* iN; int size=r->GetNC()->MTsize[UPMATELEM(i,j,rN)]; matrix M = r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,rN)]; /* return(M); */ /* int sizeofres; if (metric==0) { sizeofres=sizeof(int); } if (metric==1) { sizeofres=sizeof(number); } */ matrix res=mpNew(size,size); int s; int t; int length; long totdeg; poly p; for(s=1;s<=size;s++) { for(t=1;t<=size;t++) { p=MATELEM(M,s,t); if (p==NULL) { MATELEM(res,s,t)=0; } else { length = pLength(p); if (metric==0) /* length */ { MATELEM(res,s,t)= p_ISet(length,r); } else if (metric==1) /* sum of deg divided by the length */ { totdeg=0; while (p!=NULL) { totdeg=totdeg+p_Deg(p,r); pIter(p); } number ntd = n_Init(totdeg, r->cf); number nln = n_Init(length, r->cf); number nres= n_Div(ntd,nln, r->cf); n_Delete(&ntd, r->cf); n_Delete(&nln, r->cf); MATELEM(res,s,t)=p_NSet(nres,r); } } } } return(res); } inline void nc_CleanUp(nc_struct* p) { assume(p != NULL); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)p,sizeof(nc_struct)); } inline void nc_CleanUp(ring r) { /* small CleanUp of r->GetNC() */ assume(r != NULL); nc_CleanUp(r->GetNC()); r->GetNC() = NULL; } void nc_rKill(ring r) // kills the nc extension of ring r { if( r->GetNC()->GetGlobalMultiplier() != NULL ) { delete r->GetNC()->GetGlobalMultiplier(); r->GetNC()->GetGlobalMultiplier() = NULL; } if( r->GetNC()->GetFormulaPowerMultiplier() != NULL ) { delete r->GetNC()->GetFormulaPowerMultiplier(); r->GetNC()->GetFormulaPowerMultiplier() = NULL; } int i,j; int rN=r->N; if ( rN > 1 ) { for(i=1;iGetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,rN)]),r); } } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->GetNC()->MT,rN*(rN-1)/2*sizeof(matrix)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->GetNC()->MTsize,rN*(rN-1)/2*sizeof(int)); id_Delete((ideal *)&(r->GetNC()->COM),r); } id_Delete((ideal *)&(r->GetNC()->C),r); id_Delete((ideal *)&(r->GetNC()->D),r); if( rIsSCA(r) && (r->GetNC()->SCAQuotient() != NULL) ) { id_Delete(&r->GetNC()->SCAQuotient(), r); // Custom SCA destructor!!! } nc_CleanUp(r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // deprecated: /* for use in getting the mult. matrix elements*/ /* ring r must be a currRing! */ /* for consistency, copies a poly from the comm. r->GetNC()->basering */ /* to its image in NC ring */ poly nc_p_CopyGet(poly a, const ring r) { #ifndef PDEBUG p_Test(a, r); #endif // if (r != currRing) // { //#ifdef PDEBUF // WerrorS("nc_p_CopyGet call not in currRing"); //#endif // return(NULL); // } return(p_Copy(a,r)); } // deprecated: /* for use in defining the mult. matrix elements*/ /* ring r must be a currRing! */ /* for consistency, puts a polynomial from the NC ring */ /* to its presentation in the comm. r->GetNC()->basering */ poly nc_p_CopyPut(poly a, const ring r) { #ifndef PDEBUG p_Test(a, r); #endif // if (r != currRing) // { //#ifdef PDEBUF // WerrorS("nc_p_CopyGet call not in currRing"); //#endif // return(NULL); // } return(p_Copy(a,r)); } /* returns TRUE if there were errors */ /* checks whether product of vars from PolyVar defines */ /* an admissible subalgebra of r */ /* r is indeed currRing and assumed to be noncomm. */ BOOLEAN nc_CheckSubalgebra(poly PolyVar, ring r) { // ring save = currRing; // int WeChangeRing = 0; // if (currRing != r) // rChangeCurrRing(r); // WeChangeRing = 1; // } int rN=r->N; int *ExpVar=(int*)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *ExpTmp=(int*)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); p_GetExpV(PolyVar, ExpVar, r); int i; int j; int k; poly test=NULL; int OK=1; for (i=1; iGetNC()->D,i,j); while (test!=NULL) { p_GetExpV(test, ExpTmp, r); OK=1; for (k=1;k<=rN;k++) { if (ExpTmp[k]!=0) { if (ExpVar[k]!=0) OK=0; } } if (!OK) { // if ( WeChangeRing ) // rChangeCurrRing(save); return(TRUE); } pIter(test); } } } } } freeT(ExpVar,rN); freeT(ExpTmp,rN); // if ( WeChangeRing ) // rChangeCurrRing(save); return(FALSE); } /* returns TRUE if there were errors */ /* checks whether the current ordering */ /* is admissible for r and D == r->GetNC()->D */ /* to be executed in a currRing */ BOOLEAN gnc_CheckOrdCondition(matrix D, ring r) { /* analyze D: an upper triangular matrix of polys */ /* check the ordering condition for D */ // ring save = currRing; // int WeChangeRing = 0; // if (r != currRing) // { // rChangeCurrRing(r); // WeChangeRing = 1; // } poly p,q; int i,j; int report = 0; for(i=1; iN; i++) { for(j=i+1; j<=r->N; j++) { p = nc_p_CopyGet(MATELEM(D,i,j),r); if ( p != NULL) { q = p_One(r); p_SetExp(q,i,1,r); p_SetExp(q,j,1,r); p_Setm(q,r); if (p_LmCmp(q,p,r) != 1) /* i.e. lm(p)==xy < lm(q)==D_ij */ { Werror("Bad ordering at %d,%d\n",i,j); #if 0 /*Singularg should not differ from Singular except in error case*/ p_Write(p,r); p_Write(q,r); #endif report = 1; } p_Delete(&q,r); p_Delete(&p,r); p = NULL; } } } // if ( WeChangeRing ) // rChangeCurrRing(save); return(report); } BOOLEAN gnc_InitMultiplication(ring r, bool bSetupQuotient = false); // just for a moment /// returns TRUE if there were errors /// analyze inputs, check them for consistency /// detects nc_type, DO NOT initialize multiplication but call for it at the end /// checks the ordering condition and evtl. NDC /// NOTE: all the data belong to the curr, /// we change r which may be the same ring, and must have the same representation! BOOLEAN nc_CallPlural(matrix CCC, matrix DDD, poly CCN, poly DDN, ring r, bool bSetupQuotient, bool bCopyInput, bool bBeQuiet, ring curr, bool dummy_ring /*=false*/) { assume( r != NULL ); assume( curr != NULL ); if( !bSetupQuotient) assume( (r->qideal == NULL) ); // The basering must NOT be a qring!?? assume( rSamePolyRep(r, curr) || bCopyInput ); // wrong assumption? if( r->N == 1 ) // clearly commutative!!! { assume( ( (CCC != NULL) && (MATCOLS(CCC) == 1) && (MATROWS(CCC) == 1) && (MATELEM(CCC,1,1) == NULL) ) || ( (CCN == NULL) ) ); assume( ( (DDD != NULL) && (MATCOLS(DDD) == 1) && (MATROWS(DDD) == 1) && (MATELEM(DDD,1,1) == NULL) ) || ( (DDN == NULL) ) ); if(!dummy_ring) { WarnS("commutative ring with 1 variable"); return FALSE; } } // there must be: assume( (CCC != NULL) != (CCN != NULL) ); // exactly one data about coeffs (C). assume( !((DDD != NULL) && (DDN != NULL)) ); // at most one data about tails (D). #if OUTPUT if( CCC != NULL ) { PrintS("nc_CallPlural(), Input data, CCC: \n"); iiWriteMatrix(CCC, "C", 2, curr, 4); } if( DDD != NULL ) { PrintS("nc_CallPlural(), Input data, DDD: \n"); iiWriteMatrix(DDD, "D", 2, curr, 4); } #endif #ifndef SING_NDEBUG if (CCC!=NULL) id_Test((ideal)CCC, curr); if (DDD!=NULL) id_Test((ideal)DDD, curr); p_Test(CCN, curr); p_Test(DDN, curr); #endif if( (!bBeQuiet) && (r->GetNC() != NULL) ) WarnS("going to redefine the algebra structure"); matrix CC = NULL; poly CN = NULL; matrix C; bool bCnew = false; matrix DD = NULL; poly DN = NULL; matrix D; bool bDnew = false; number nN, pN, qN; bool IsSkewConstant = false, tmpIsSkewConstant; int i, j; nc_type nctype = nc_undef; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check the correctness of arguments, without any real chagnes!!! // check C if ((CCC != NULL) && ( (MATCOLS(CCC)==1) || MATROWS(CCC)==1 ) ) { CN = MATELEM(CCC,1,1); } else { if ((CCC != NULL) && ( (MATCOLS(CCC)!=r->N) || (MATROWS(CCC)!=r->N) )) { Werror("Square %d x %d matrix expected", r->N, r->N); return TRUE; } } if (( CCC != NULL) && (CC == NULL)) CC = CCC; // mp_Copy(CCC, ?); // bug!? if (( CCN != NULL) && (CN == NULL)) CN = CCN; // check D if ((DDD != NULL) && ( (MATCOLS(DDD)==1) || MATROWS(DDD)==1 ) ) { DN = MATELEM(DDD,1,1); } else { if ((DDD != NULL) && ( (MATCOLS(DDD)!=r->N) || (MATROWS(DDD)!=r->N) )) { Werror("Square %d x %d matrix expected",r->N,r->N); return TRUE; } } if (( DDD != NULL) && (DD == NULL)) DD = DDD; // mp_Copy(DDD, ?); // ??? if (( DDN != NULL) && (DN == NULL)) DN = DDN; // further checks and some analysis: // all data in 'curr'! if (CN != NULL) /* create matrix C = CN * Id */ { if (!p_IsConstant(CN,curr)) { WerrorS("Incorrect input : non-constants are not allowed as coefficients (first argument)"); return TRUE; } assume(p_IsConstant(CN,curr)); nN = pGetCoeff(CN); if (n_IsZero(nN, curr->cf)) { WerrorS("Incorrect input : zero coefficients are not allowed"); return TRUE; } if (n_IsOne(nN, curr->cf)) nctype = nc_lie; else nctype = nc_general; IsSkewConstant = true; C = mpNew(r->N,r->N); // ring independent! bCnew = true; for(i=1; iN; i++) for(j=i+1; j<=r->N; j++) MATELEM(C,i,j) = prCopyR_NoSort(CN, curr, r); // nc_p_CopyPut(CN, r); // copy CN from curr into r #ifndef SING_NDEBUG id_Test((ideal)C, r); #endif } else if ( (CN == NULL) && (CC != NULL) ) /* copy matrix C */ { /* analyze C */ BOOLEAN pN_set=FALSE; pN = n_Init(0,curr->cf); if( r->N > 1 ) if ( MATELEM(CC,1,2) != NULL ) { if (!pN_set) n_Delete(&pN,curr->cf); // free initial nInit(0) pN = p_GetCoeff(MATELEM(CC,1,2), curr); pN_set=TRUE; } tmpIsSkewConstant = true; for(i=1; iN; i++) for(j=i+1; j<=r->N; j++) { if (MATELEM(CC,i,j) == NULL) qN = NULL; else { if (!p_IsConstant(MATELEM(CC,i,j),curr)) { Werror("Incorrect input : non-constants are not allowed as coefficients (first argument at [%d, %d])", i, j); return TRUE; } assume(p_IsConstant(MATELEM(CC,i,j),curr)); qN = p_GetCoeff(MATELEM(CC,i,j),curr); } if ( qN == NULL ) /* check the consistency: Cij!=0 */ // find also illegal pN { WerrorS("Incorrect input : matrix of coefficients contains zeros in the upper triangle"); return TRUE; } if (!n_Equal(pN, qN, curr->cf)) tmpIsSkewConstant = false; } if( bCopyInput ) { C = mp_Copy(CC, curr, r); // Copy C into r!!!??? #ifndef SING_NDEBUG id_Test((ideal)C, r); #endif bCnew = true; } else C = CC; IsSkewConstant = tmpIsSkewConstant; if ( tmpIsSkewConstant && n_IsOne(pN, curr->cf) ) nctype = nc_lie; else nctype = nc_general; if (!pN_set) n_Delete(&pN,curr->cf); // free initial nInit(0) } /* initialition of the matrix D */ if ( DD == NULL ) /* we treat DN only (it could also be NULL) */ { D = mpNew(r->N,r->N); bDnew = true; if (DN == NULL) { if ( (nctype == nc_lie) || (nctype == nc_undef) ) nctype = nc_comm; /* it was nc_skew earlier */ else /* nc_general, nc_skew */ nctype = nc_skew; } else /* DN != NULL */ for(i=1; iN; i++) for(j=i+1; j<=r->N; j++) MATELEM(D,i,j) = prCopyR_NoSort(DN, curr, r); // project DN into r->GetNC()->basering! #ifndef SING_NDEBUG id_Test((ideal)D, r); #endif } else /* DD != NULL */ { bool b = true; // DD == null ? for(int i = 1; (i < r->N) && b; i++) for(int j = i+1; (j <= r->N) && b; j++) if (MATELEM(DD, i, j) != NULL) { b = false; break; } if (b) // D == NULL!!! { if ( (nctype == nc_lie) || (nctype == nc_undef) ) nctype = nc_comm; /* it was nc_skew earlier */ else /* nc_general, nc_skew */ nctype = nc_skew; } if( bCopyInput ) { D = mp_Copy(DD, curr, r); // Copy DD into r!!! #ifndef SING_NDEBUG id_Test((ideal)D, r); #endif bDnew = true; } else D = DD; } assume( C != NULL ); assume( D != NULL ); #if OUTPUT PrintS("nc_CallPlural(), Computed data, C: \n"); iiWriteMatrix(C, "C", 2, r, 4); PrintS("nc_CallPlural(), Computed data, D: \n"); iiWriteMatrix(D, "D", 2, r, 4); Print("\nTemporary: type = %d, IsSkewConstant = %d\n", nctype, IsSkewConstant); #endif // check the ordering condition for D (both matrix and poly cases): if ( gnc_CheckOrdCondition(D, r) ) { if( bCnew ) mp_Delete( &C, r ); if( bDnew ) mp_Delete( &D, r ); WerrorS("Matrix of polynomials violates the ordering condition"); return TRUE; } // okay now we are ready for this!!! // create new non-commutative structure nc_struct *nc_new = (nc_struct *)omAlloc0(sizeof(nc_struct)); ncRingType(nc_new, nctype); nc_new->C = C; // if C and D were given by matrices at the beginning they are in r nc_new->D = D; // otherwise they should be in r->GetNC()->basering(polynomial * Id_{N}) nc_new->IsSkewConstant = (IsSkewConstant?1:0); // Setup new NC structure!!! if (r->GetNC() != NULL) { #ifndef SING_NDEBUG WarnS("Changing the NC-structure of an existing NC-ring!!!"); #endif nc_rKill(r); } r->GetNC() = nc_new; r->ext_ref=NULL; return gnc_InitMultiplication(r, bSetupQuotient); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool nc_rCopy(ring res, const ring r, bool bSetupQuotient) { if (nc_CallPlural(r->GetNC()->C, r->GetNC()->D, NULL, NULL, res, bSetupQuotient, true, true, r)) { WarnS("Error occurred while coping/setuping the NC structure!"); // No reaction!??? return true; // error } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN gnc_InitMultiplication(ring r, bool bSetupQuotient) { /* returns TRUE if there were errors */ /* initialize the multiplication: */ /* r->GetNC()->MTsize, r->GetNC()->MT, r->GetNC()->COM, */ /* and r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant for the skew case */ if (rVar(r)==1) { ncRingType(r, nc_comm); r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant=1; return FALSE; } // ring save = currRing; // int WeChangeRing = 0; // if (currRing!=r) // { // rChangeCurrRing(r); // WeChangeRing = 1; // } // assume( (currRing == r) // && (currRing->GetNC()!=NULL) ); // otherwise we cannot work with all these matrices! int i,j; r->GetNC()->MT = (matrix *)omAlloc0((r->N*(r->N-1))/2*sizeof(matrix)); r->GetNC()->MTsize = (int *)omAlloc0((r->N*(r->N-1))/2*sizeof(int)); id_Test((ideal)r->GetNC()->C, r); matrix COM = mp_Copy(r->GetNC()->C, r); poly p,q; short DefMTsize=7; int IsNonComm=0; // bool tmpIsSkewConstant = false; for(i=1; iN; i++) { for(j=i+1; j<=r->N; j++) { if ( MATELEM(r->GetNC()->D,i,j) == NULL ) /* quasicommutative case */ { /* 1x1 mult.matrix */ r->GetNC()->MTsize[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)] = 1; r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)] = mpNew(1,1); } else /* pure noncommutative case */ { /* TODO check the special multiplication properties */ IsNonComm = 1; p_Delete(&(MATELEM(COM,i,j)),r); //MATELEM(COM,i,j) = NULL; // done by p_Delete r->GetNC()->MTsize[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)] = DefMTsize; /* default sizes */ r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)] = mpNew(DefMTsize, DefMTsize); } /* set MT[i,j,1,1] to c_i_j*x_i*x_j + D_i_j */ p = p_One(r); if (MATELEM(r->GetNC()->C,i,j)!=NULL) p_SetCoeff(p,n_Copy(pGetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->C,i,j)),r->cf),r); p_SetExp(p,i,1,r); p_SetExp(p,j,1,r); p_Setm(p,r); p_Test(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->D,i,j),r); q = nc_p_CopyGet(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->D,i,j),r); p = p_Add_q(p,q,r); MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)],1,1) = nc_p_CopyPut(p,r); p_Delete(&p,r); // p = NULL;// done by p_Delete } } if (ncRingType(r)==nc_undef) { if (IsNonComm==1) { // assume(pN!=NULL); // if ((tmpIsSkewConstant==1) && (nIsOne(pGetCoeff(pN)))) r->GetNC()->type=nc_lie; // else r->GetNC()->type=nc_general; } if (IsNonComm==0) { ncRingType(r, nc_skew); // TODO: check whether it is commutative r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant = 0; // true; //tmpIsSkewConstant; // BUG??? } else assume( FALSE ); } r->GetNC()->COM=COM; nc_p_ProcsSet(r, r->p_Procs); if(bSetupQuotient) // Test me!!! nc_SetupQuotient(r, NULL, false); // no copy! // if (save != currRing) // rChangeCurrRing(save); return FALSE; } // set pProcs for r and global variable p_Procs as for general non-commutative algebras. static inline void gnc_p_ProcsSet(ring rGR, p_Procs_s* p_Procs) { // "commutative" p_Procs->p_Mult_mm = rGR->p_Procs->p_Mult_mm = gnc_p_Mult_mm; p_Procs->pp_Mult_mm = rGR->p_Procs->pp_Mult_mm = gnc_pp_Mult_mm; p_Procs->p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq = rGR->p_Procs->p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq = nc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq; // non-commutaitve multiplication by monomial from the left p_Procs->p_mm_Mult = gnc_p_mm_Mult; p_Procs->pp_mm_Mult = gnc_pp_mm_Mult; #if 0 // Previous Plural's implementation... rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.SPoly = gnc_CreateSpolyOld; rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.ReduceSPoly = gnc_ReduceSpolyOld; rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.BucketPolyRed = gnc_kBucketPolyRedOld; rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.BucketPolyRed_Z= gnc_kBucketPolyRed_ZOld; #else // A bit cleaned up and somewhat rewritten functions... rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.SPoly = gnc_CreateSpolyNew; rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.ReduceSPoly = gnc_ReduceSpolyNew; rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.BucketPolyRed_NF= gnc_kBucketPolyRedNew; rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.BucketPolyRed_Z= gnc_kBucketPolyRed_ZNew; #endif // warning: ISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object? if (rHasLocalOrMixedOrdering(rGR)) rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.GB = cast_A_to_vptr(gnc_gr_mora); else rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.GB = cast_A_to_vptr(gnc_gr_bba); /////////// rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.GB = gnc_gr_bba; // bba even for local case! // old /// r->GetNC()->GB() = gnc_gr_bba; // rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.GlobalGB = gnc_gr_bba; // rGR->GetNC()->p_Procs.LocalGB = gnc_gr_mora; // const ring save = currRing; if( save != r ) rChangeCurrRing(r); // ideal res = gnc_gr_bba(F, Q, w, hilb, strat/*, r*/); // if( save != r ) rChangeCurrRing(save); return (res); #if 0 // Old Stuff p_Procs->p_Mult_mm = gnc_p_Mult_mm; _p_procs->p_Mult_mm = gnc_p_Mult_mm; p_Procs->pp_Mult_mm = gnc_pp_Mult_mm; _p_procs->pp_Mult_mm = gnc_pp_Mult_mm; p_Procs->p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq = NULL; // gnc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq_ign; _p_procs->p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq= NULL; // gnc_p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq_ign; r->GetNC()->mmMultP() = gnc_mm_Mult_p; r->GetNC()->mmMultPP() = gnc_mm_Mult_pp; r->GetNC()->SPoly() = gnc_CreateSpoly; r->GetNC()->ReduceSPoly() = gnc_ReduceSpoly; #endif } // set pProcs table for rGR and global variable p_Procs void nc_p_ProcsSet(ring rGR, p_Procs_s* p_Procs) { assume(rIsPluralRing(rGR)); assume(p_Procs!=NULL); gnc_p_ProcsSet(rGR, p_Procs); if(rIsSCA(rGR) && ncExtensions(SCAMASK) ) { sca_p_ProcsSet(rGR, p_Procs); } if( ncExtensions(NOPLURALMASK) ) ncInitSpecialPairMultiplication(rGR); if(!rIsSCA(rGR) && !ncExtensions(NOFORMULAMASK)) ncInitSpecialPowersMultiplication(rGR); } /// substitute the n-th variable by e in p /// destroy p /// e is not a constant poly nc_pSubst(poly p, int n, poly e, const ring r) { int rN = r->N; int *PRE = (int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int *SUF = (int *)omAlloc0((rN+1)*sizeof(int)); int i,pow; number C; poly suf,pre; poly res = NULL; poly out = NULL; while ( p!= NULL ) { C = p_GetCoeff(p, r); p_GetExpV(p, PRE, r); /* faster splitting? */ pow = PRE[n]; PRE[n]=0; res = NULL; if (pow!=0) { for (i=n+1; i<=rN; i++) { SUF[i] = PRE[i]; PRE[i] = 0; } res = p_Power(p_Copy(e, r),pow, r); /* multiply with prefix */ pre = p_One(r); p_SetExpV(pre,PRE, r); p_Setm(pre, r); res = nc_mm_Mult_p(pre,res, r); /* multiply with suffix */ suf = p_One(r); p_SetExpV(suf,SUF, r); p_Setm(suf, r); res = p_Mult_mm(res,suf, r); res = __p_Mult_nn(res,C, r); p_SetComp(res,PRE[0], r); } else /* pow==0 */ { res = p_Head(p, r); } p = p_LmDeleteAndNext(p, r); out = p_Add_q(out,res, r); } freeT(PRE,rN); freeT(SUF,rN); return(out); } // creates a commutative nc extension; "converts" comm.ring to a Plural ring ring nc_rCreateNCcomm(ring r) { if (rIsPluralRing(r)) return r; ring rr = rCopy(r); matrix C = mpNew(rr->N,rr->N); // ring-independent!?! matrix D = mpNew(rr->N,rr->N); for(int i=1; iN; i++) for(int j=i+1; j<=rr->N; j++) MATELEM(C,i,j) = p_One(rr); if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, rr, false, true, false, rr, TRUE)) // TODO: what about quotient ideal? WarnS("Error initializing multiplication!"); // No reaction!??? return rr; } /* NOT USED ANYMORE: replaced by maFindPerm in ring.cc */ /* for use with embeddings: currRing is a sum of smaller rings */ /* and srcRing is one of such smaller rings */ /* shift defines the position of a subring in srcRing */ /* par_shift defines the position of a subfield in basefield of CurrRing */ poly p_CopyEmbed(poly p, ring srcRing, int shift, int /*par_shift*/, ring dstRing) { if (dstRing == srcRing) { return(p_Copy(p,dstRing)); } nMapFunc nMap=n_SetMap(srcRing->cf, dstRing->cf); poly q; // if ( nMap == nCopy) // { // q = prCopyR(p,srcRing); // } // else { int *perm = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(srcRing)+1)*sizeof(int)); int *par_perm = (int *)omAlloc0((rPar(srcRing)+1)*sizeof(int)); // int *par_perm = (int *)omAlloc0((rPar(srcRing)+1)*sizeof(int)); int i; // if (srcRing->P > 0) // { // for (i=0; iP; i++) // par_perm[i]=-i; // } if ((shift<0) || (shift > rVar(srcRing))) // ??? { WerrorS("bad shifts in p_CopyEmbed"); return(0); } for (i=1; i<= srcRing->N; i++) { perm[i] = shift+i; } q = p_PermPoly(p,perm,srcRing, dstRing, nMap,par_perm, rPar(srcRing)); } return(q); } BOOLEAN rIsLikeOpposite(ring rBase, ring rCandidate) { /* the same basefield */ int diagnose = TRUE; nMapFunc nMap = n_SetMap(rCandidate->cf, rBase->cf); // reverse? ////// if (nMap != nCopy) diagnose = FALSE; if (nMap == NULL) diagnose = FALSE; /* same number of variables */ if (rBase->N != rCandidate->N) diagnose = FALSE; /* nc and comm ring */ if ( rIsPluralRing(rBase) != rIsPluralRing(rCandidate) ) diagnose = FALSE; /* both are qrings */ /* NO CHECK, since it is used in building opposite qring */ /* if ( ((rBase->qideal != NULL) && (rCandidate->qideal == NULL)) */ /* || ((rBase->qideal == NULL) && (rCandidate->qideal != NULL)) ) */ /* diagnose = FALSE; */ /* TODO: varnames are e->E etc */ return diagnose; } /// opposes a vector p from Rop to currRing (dst!) poly pOppose(ring Rop, poly p, const ring dst) { /* the simplest case:*/ if ( Rop == dst ) return(p_Copy(p, dst)); /* check Rop == rOpposite(currRing) */ if ( !rIsLikeOpposite(dst, Rop) ) { WarnS("an opposite ring should be used"); return NULL; } nMapFunc nMap = n_SetMap(Rop->cf, dst->cf); // reverse? /* nMapFunc nMap = nSetMap(Rop);*/ /* since we know that basefields coinside! */ // coinside??? int *perm=(int *)omAlloc0((Rop->N+1)*sizeof(int)); if (!p_IsConstantPoly(p, Rop)) { /* we know perm exactly */ int i; for(i=1; i<=Rop->N; i++) { perm[i] = Rop->N+1-i; } } poly res = p_PermPoly(p, perm, Rop, dst, nMap); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)perm,(Rop->N+1)*sizeof(int)); p_Test(res, dst); return res; } /// opposes a module I from Rop to currRing(dst) ideal idOppose(ring Rop, ideal I, const ring dst) { /* the simplest case:*/ if ( Rop == dst ) return id_Copy(I, dst); /* check Rop == rOpposite(currRing) */ if (!rIsLikeOpposite(dst, Rop)) { WarnS("an opposite ring should be used"); return NULL; } int i; ideal idOp = idInit(I->ncols, I->rank); for (i=0; i< (I->ncols)*(I->nrows); i++) { idOp->m[i] = pOppose(Rop,I->m[i], dst); } id_Test(idOp, dst); return idOp; } bool nc_SetupQuotient(ring rGR, const ring rG, bool bCopy) { if( rGR->qideal == NULL ) return false; // no quotient = no work! done!? What about factors of SCA? bool ret = true; // currently only super-commutative extension deals with factors. if( ncExtensions(SCAMASK) ) { bool sca_ret = sca_SetupQuotient(rGR, rG, bCopy); if(sca_ret) // yes it was dealt with! ret = false; } if( bCopy ) { assume(rIsPluralRing(rGR) == rIsPluralRing(rG)); assume((rGR->qideal==NULL) == (rG->qideal==NULL)); assume(rIsSCA(rGR) == rIsSCA(rG)); assume(ncRingType(rGR) == ncRingType(rG)); } return ret; } // int Commutative_Context(ring r, leftv expression) // /* returns 1 if expression consists */ // /* of commutative elements */ // { // /* crucial: poly -> ideal, module, matrix */ // } // int Comm_Context_Poly(ring r, poly p) // { // poly COMM=r->GetNC()->COMM; // poly pp=pOne(); // memset(pp->exp,0,r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long)); // while (p!=NULL) // { // for (i=0;i<=r->ExpL_Size;i++) // { // if ((p->exp[i]) && (pp->exp[i])) return(FALSE); // /* nonzero exponent of non-comm variable */ // } // pIter(p); // } // return(TRUE); // } #endif