/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* * ABSTRACT - all basic methods to manipulate ideals */ /* includes */ #include "misc/auxiliary.h" #include "omalloc/omalloc.h" #include "misc/options.h" #include "misc/intvec.h" #include "matpol.h" #include "monomials/p_polys.h" #include "weight.h" #include "sbuckets.h" #include "clapsing.h" #include "simpleideals.h" omBin sip_sideal_bin = omGetSpecBin(sizeof(sip_sideal)); static poly * idpower; /*collects the monomials in makemonoms, must be allocated befor*/ static int idpowerpoint; /*index of the actual monomial in idpower*/ /// initialise an ideal / module ideal idInit(int idsize, int rank) { assume( idsize >= 0 && rank >= 0 ); ideal hh = (ideal)omAllocBin(sip_sideal_bin); IDELEMS(hh) = idsize; // ncols hh->nrows = 1; // ideal/module! hh->rank = rank; // ideal: 1, module: >= 0! if (idsize>0) hh->m = (poly *)omAlloc0(idsize*sizeof(poly)); else hh->m = NULL; return hh; } #ifdef PDEBUG // this is only for outputting an ideal within the debugger // therefor it accept the otherwise illegal id==NULL void idShow(const ideal id, const ring lmRing, const ring tailRing, const int debugPrint) { assume( debugPrint >= 0 ); if( id == NULL ) PrintS("(NULL)"); else { Print("Module of rank %ld,real rank %ld and %d generators.\n", id->rank,id_RankFreeModule(id, lmRing, tailRing),IDELEMS(id)); int j = (id->ncols*id->nrows) - 1; while ((j > 0) && (id->m[j]==NULL)) j--; for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) { Print("generator %d: ",i); p_wrp(id->m[i], lmRing, tailRing);PrintLn(); } } } #endif /// index of generator with leading term in ground ring (if any); /// otherwise -1 int id_PosConstant(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); const int N = IDELEMS(id) - 1; const poly * m = id->m + N; for (int k = N; k >= 0; --k, --m) { const poly p = *m; if (p!=NULL) if (p_LmIsConstantComp(p, r) == TRUE) return k; } return -1; } /// initialise the maximal ideal (at 0) ideal id_MaxIdeal (const ring r) { ideal hh = idInit(rVar(r), 1); for (int l=rVar(r)-1; l>=0; l--) { hh->m[l] = p_One(r); p_SetExp(hh->m[l],l+1,1,r); p_Setm(hh->m[l],r); } id_Test(hh, r); return hh; } /// deletes an ideal/module/matrix void id_Delete (ideal * h, ring r) { if (*h == NULL) return; id_Test(*h, r); const int elems = (*h)->nrows * (*h)->ncols; if ( elems > 0 ) { assume( (*h)->m != NULL ); if (r!=NULL) { int j = elems; do { j--; poly pp=((*h)->m[j]); if (pp!=NULL) p_Delete(&pp, r); } while (j>0); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)((*h)->m),sizeof(poly)*elems); } omFreeBin((ADDRESS)*h, sip_sideal_bin); *h=NULL; } /// Shallowdeletes an ideal/matrix void id_ShallowDelete (ideal *h, ring r) { id_Test(*h, r); if (*h == NULL) return; int j,elems; elems=j=(*h)->nrows*(*h)->ncols; if (j>0) { assume( (*h)->m != NULL ); do { p_ShallowDelete(&((*h)->m[--j]), r); } while (j>0); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)((*h)->m),sizeof(poly)*elems); } omFreeBin((ADDRESS)*h, sip_sideal_bin); *h=NULL; } /// gives an ideal/module the minimal possible size void idSkipZeroes (ideal ide) { assume (ide != NULL); int k; int j = -1; BOOLEAN change=FALSE; for (k=0; km[k] != NULL) { j++; if (change) { ide->m[j] = ide->m[k]; } } else { change=TRUE; } } if (change) { if (j == -1) j = 0; else { for (k=j+1; km[k] = NULL; } pEnlargeSet(&(ide->m),IDELEMS(ide),j+1-IDELEMS(ide)); IDELEMS(ide) = j+1; } } /// count non-zero elements int idElem(const ideal F) { assume (F != NULL); int i=0; for(int j=IDELEMS(F)-1;j>=0;j--) { if ((F->m)[j]!=NULL) i++; } return i; } /// copies the first k (>= 1) entries of the given ideal/module /// and returns these as a new ideal/module /// (Note that the copied entries may be zero.) ideal id_CopyFirstK (const ideal ide, const int k,const ring r) { id_Test(ide, r); assume( ide != NULL ); assume( k <= IDELEMS(ide) ); ideal newI = idInit(k, ide->rank); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) newI->m[i] = p_Copy(ide->m[i],r); return newI; } /// ideal id = (id[i]), result is leadcoeff(id[i]) = 1 void id_Norm(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); for (int i=IDELEMS(id)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (id->m[i] != NULL) { p_Norm(id->m[i],r); } } } /// ideal id = (id[i]), c any unit /// if id[i] = c*id[j] then id[j] is deleted for j > i void id_DelMultiples(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); int i, j; int k = IDELEMS(id)-1; for (i=k; i>=0; i--) { if (id->m[i]!=NULL) { for (j=k; j>i; j--) { if (id->m[j]!=NULL) { if (rField_is_Ring(r)) { /* if id[j] = c*id[i] then delete id[j]. In the below cases of a ground field, we check whether id[i] = c*id[j] and, if so, delete id[j] for historical reasons (so that previous output does not change) */ if (p_ComparePolys(id->m[j], id->m[i],r)) p_Delete(&id->m[j],r); } else { if (p_ComparePolys(id->m[i], id->m[j],r)) p_Delete(&id->m[j],r); } } } } } } /// ideal id = (id[i]) /// if id[i] = id[j] then id[j] is deleted for j > i void id_DelEquals(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); int i, j; int k = IDELEMS(id)-1; for (i=k; i>=0; i--) { if (id->m[i]!=NULL) { for (j=k; j>i; j--) { if ((id->m[j]!=NULL) && (p_EqualPolys(id->m[i], id->m[j],r))) { p_Delete(&id->m[j],r); } } } } } /// Delete id[j], if Lm(j) == Lm(i) and both LC(j), LC(i) are units and j > i void id_DelLmEquals(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); int i, j; int k = IDELEMS(id)-1; for (i=k; i>=0; i--) { if (id->m[i] != NULL) { for (j=k; j>i; j--) { if ((id->m[j] != NULL) && p_LmEqual(id->m[i], id->m[j],r) #ifdef HAVE_RINGS && n_IsUnit(pGetCoeff(id->m[i]),r->cf) && n_IsUnit(pGetCoeff(id->m[j]),r->cf) #endif ) { p_Delete(&id->m[j],r); } } } } } /// delete id[j], if LT(j) == coeff*mon*LT(i) and vice versa, i.e., /// delete id[i], if LT(i) == coeff*mon*LT(j) void id_DelDiv(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); int i, j; int k = IDELEMS(id)-1; for (i=k; i>=0; i--) { if (id->m[i] != NULL) { for (j=k; j>i; j--) { if (id->m[j]!=NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS if (rField_is_Ring(r)) { if (p_DivisibleByRingCase(id->m[i], id->m[j],r)) { p_Delete(&id->m[j],r); } else if (p_DivisibleByRingCase(id->m[j], id->m[i],r)) { p_Delete(&id->m[i],r); break; } } else #endif { /* the case of a coefficient field: */ if (p_DivisibleBy(id->m[i], id->m[j],r)) { p_Delete(&id->m[j],r); } else if (p_DivisibleBy(id->m[j], id->m[i],r)) { p_Delete(&id->m[i],r); break; } } } } } } } /// test if the ideal has only constant polynomials /// NOTE: zero ideal/module is also constant BOOLEAN id_IsConstant(ideal id, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); for (int k = IDELEMS(id)-1; k>=0; k--) { if (!p_IsConstantPoly(id->m[k],r)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /// copy an ideal ideal id_Copy(ideal h1, const ring r) { id_Test(h1, r); ideal h2 = idInit(IDELEMS(h1), h1->rank); for (int i=IDELEMS(h1)-1; i>=0; i--) h2->m[i] = p_Copy(h1->m[i],r); return h2; } #ifdef PDEBUG /// Internal verification for ideals/modules and dense matrices! void id_DBTest(ideal h1, int level, const char *f,const int l, const ring r, const ring tailRing) { if (h1 != NULL) { // assume(IDELEMS(h1) > 0); for ideal/module, does not apply to matrix omCheckAddrSize(h1,sizeof(*h1)); assume( h1->ncols >= 0 ); assume( h1->nrows >= 0 ); // matrix case! assume( h1->rank >= 0 ); const int n = (h1->ncols * h1->nrows); assume( !( n > 0 && h1->m == NULL) ); if( h1->m != NULL && n > 0 ) omdebugAddrSize(h1->m, n * sizeof(poly)); long new_rk = 0; // inlining id_RankFreeModule(h1, r, tailRing); /* to be able to test matrices: */ for (int i=n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _pp_Test(h1->m[i], r, tailRing, level); const long k = p_MaxComp(h1->m[i], r, tailRing); if (k > new_rk) new_rk = k; } // dense matrices only contain polynomials: // h1->nrows == h1->rank > 1 && new_rk == 0! assume( !( h1->nrows == h1->rank && h1->nrows > 1 && new_rk > 0 ) ); // if(new_rk > h1->rank) { dReportError("wrong rank %d (should be %d) in %s:%d\n", h1->rank, new_rk, f,l); omPrintAddrInfo(stderr, h1, " for ideal"); h1->rank = new_rk; } } else { Print("error: ideal==NULL in %s:%d\n",f,l); assume( h1 != NULL ); } } #endif /// for idSort: compare a and b revlex inclusive module comp. static int p_Comp_RevLex(poly a, poly b,BOOLEAN nolex, const ring R) { if (b==NULL) return 1; if (a==NULL) return -1; if (nolex) { int r=p_LtCmp(a,b,R); return r; #if 0 if (r!=0) return r; number h=n_Sub(pGetCoeff(a),pGetCoeff(b),R->cf); r = -1+n_IsZero(h,R->cf)+2*n_GreaterZero(h,R->cf); /* -1: <, 0:==, 1: > */ n_Delete(&h, R->cf); return r; #endif } int l=rVar(R); while ((l>0) && (p_GetExp(a,l,R)==p_GetExp(b,l,R))) l--; if (l==0) { if (p_GetComp(a,R)==p_GetComp(b,R)) { number h=n_Sub(pGetCoeff(a),pGetCoeff(b),R->cf); int r = -1+n_IsZero(h,R->cf)+2*n_GreaterZero(h,R->cf); /* -1: <, 0:==, 1: > */ n_Delete(&h,R->cf); return r; } if (p_GetComp(a,R)>p_GetComp(b,R)) return 1; } else if (p_GetExp(a,l,R)>p_GetExp(b,l,R)) return 1; return -1; } // sorts the ideal w.r.t. the actual ringordering // uses lex-ordering when nolex = FALSE intvec *id_Sort(const ideal id, const BOOLEAN nolex, const ring r) { id_Test(id, r); intvec * result = new intvec(IDELEMS(id)); int i, j, actpos=0, newpos; int diff, olddiff, lastcomp, newcomp; BOOLEAN notFound; for (i=0;im[i]!=NULL) { notFound = TRUE; newpos = actpos / 2; diff = (actpos+1) / 2; diff = (diff+1) / 2; lastcomp = p_Comp_RevLex(id->m[i],id->m[(*result)[newpos]],nolex,r); if (lastcomp<0) { newpos -= diff; } else if (lastcomp>0) { newpos += diff; } else { notFound = FALSE; } //while ((newpos>=0) && (newpos=0) && (newposm[i],id->m[(*result)[newpos]],nolex,r); olddiff = diff; if (diff>1) { diff = (diff+1) / 2; if ((newcomp==1) && (actpos-newpos>1) && (diff>1) && (newpos+diff>=actpos)) { diff = actpos-newpos-1; } else if ((newcomp==-1) && (diff>1) && (newpos0)) notFound = FALSE; else newpos -= diff; } else if (newcomp>0) { if ((olddiff==1) && (lastcomp<0)) { notFound = FALSE; newpos++; } else { newpos += diff; } } else { notFound = FALSE; } lastcomp = newcomp; if (diff==0) notFound=FALSE; /*hs*/ } if (newpos<0) newpos = 0; if (newpos>actpos) newpos = actpos; while ((newposm[i],id->m[(*result)[newpos]],nolex,r)==0)) newpos++; for (j=actpos;j>newpos;j--) { (*result)[j] = (*result)[j-1]; } (*result)[newpos] = i; actpos++; } } for (j=0;jrankrank) res->rank=h1->rank; return res; } if ( idIs0(h2) ) { ideal res=id_Copy(h1,R); if (res->rankrank) res->rank=h2->rank; return res; } int j = IDELEMS(h1)-1; while ((j >= 0) && (h1->m[j] == NULL)) j--; int i = IDELEMS(h2)-1; while ((i >= 0) && (h2->m[i] == NULL)) i--; const int r = si_max(h1->rank, h2->rank); ideal result = idInit(i+j+2,r); int l; for (l=j; l>=0; l--) result->m[l] = p_Copy(h1->m[l],R); j = i+j+1; for (l=i; l>=0; l--, j--) result->m[j] = p_Copy(h2->m[l],R); return result; } /// insert h2 into h1 (if h2 is not the zero polynomial) /// return TRUE iff h2 was indeed inserted BOOLEAN idInsertPoly (ideal h1, poly h2) { if (h2==NULL) return FALSE; assume (h1 != NULL); int j = IDELEMS(h1) - 1; while ((j >= 0) && (h1->m[j] == NULL)) j--; j++; if (j==IDELEMS(h1)) { pEnlargeSet(&(h1->m),IDELEMS(h1),16); IDELEMS(h1)+=16; } h1->m[j]=h2; return TRUE; } /// insert p into I on position pos BOOLEAN idInsertPolyOnPos (ideal I, poly p,int pos) { if (p==NULL) return FALSE; assume (I != NULL); int j = IDELEMS(I) - 1; while ((j >= 0) && (I->m[j] == NULL)) j--; j++; if (j==IDELEMS(I)) { pEnlargeSet(&(I->m),IDELEMS(I),IDELEMS(I)+1); IDELEMS(I)+=1; } for(j = IDELEMS(I)-1;j>pos;j--) I->m[j] = I->m[j-1]; I->m[pos]=p; return TRUE; } /*! insert h2 into h1 depending on the two boolean parameters: * - if zeroOk is true, then h2 will also be inserted when it is zero * - if duplicateOk is true, then h2 will also be inserted when it is * already present in h1 * return TRUE iff h2 was indeed inserted */ BOOLEAN id_InsertPolyWithTests (ideal h1, const int validEntries, const poly h2, const bool zeroOk, const bool duplicateOk, const ring r) { id_Test(h1, r); p_Test(h2, r); if ((!zeroOk) && (h2 == NULL)) return FALSE; if (!duplicateOk) { bool h2FoundInH1 = false; int i = 0; while ((i < validEntries) && (!h2FoundInH1)) { h2FoundInH1 = p_EqualPolys(h1->m[i], h2,r); i++; } if (h2FoundInH1) return FALSE; } if (validEntries == IDELEMS(h1)) { pEnlargeSet(&(h1->m), IDELEMS(h1), 16); IDELEMS(h1) += 16; } h1->m[validEntries] = h2; return TRUE; } /// h1 + h2 ideal id_Add (ideal h1,ideal h2, const ring r) { id_Test(h1, r); id_Test(h2, r); ideal result = id_SimpleAdd(h1,h2,r); id_Compactify(result,r); return result; } /// h1 * h2 /// one h_i must be an ideal (with at least one column) /// the other h_i may be a module (with no columns at all) ideal id_Mult (ideal h1,ideal h2, const ring R) { id_Test(h1, R); id_Test(h2, R); int j = IDELEMS(h1); while ((j > 0) && (h1->m[j-1] == NULL)) j--; int i = IDELEMS(h2); while ((i > 0) && (h2->m[i-1] == NULL)) i--; j *= i; int r = si_max( h2->rank, h1->rank ); if (j==0) { if ((IDELEMS(h1)>0) && (IDELEMS(h2)>0)) j=1; return idInit(j, r); } ideal hh = idInit(j, r); int k = 0; for (i=0; im[i] != NULL) { for (j=0; jm[j] != NULL) { hh->m[k] = pp_Mult_qq(h1->m[i],h2->m[j],R); k++; } } } } id_Compactify(hh,R); return hh; } /// returns true if h is the zero ideal BOOLEAN idIs0 (ideal h) { assume (h != NULL); // will fail :( // if (h == NULL) return TRUE; for( int i = IDELEMS(h)-1; i >= 0; i-- ) if(h->m[i] != NULL) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /// return the maximal component number found in any polynomial in s long id_RankFreeModule (ideal s, ring lmRing, ring tailRing) { id_TestTail(s, lmRing, tailRing); long j = 0; if (rRing_has_Comp(tailRing) && rRing_has_Comp(lmRing)) { poly *p=s->m; for (unsigned int l=IDELEMS(s); l > 0; --l, ++p) if (*p != NULL) { pp_Test(*p, lmRing, tailRing); const long k = p_MaxComp(*p, lmRing, tailRing); if (k>j) j = k; } } return j; // return -1; } /*2 *returns true if id is homogenous with respect to the aktual weights */ BOOLEAN id_HomIdeal (ideal id, ideal Q, const ring r) { int i; BOOLEAN b; i = 0; b = TRUE; while ((i < IDELEMS(id)) && b) { b = p_IsHomogeneous(id->m[i],r); i++; } if ((b) && (Q!=NULL) && (IDELEMS(Q)>0)) { i=0; while ((i < IDELEMS(Q)) && b) { b = p_IsHomogeneous(Q->m[i],r); i++; } } return b; } /*2 *initialized a field with r numbers between beg and end for the *procedure idNextChoise */ void idInitChoise (int r,int beg,int end,BOOLEAN *endch,int * choise) { /*returns the first choise of r numbers between beg and end*/ int i; for (i=0; i end-beg+1) *endch = TRUE; else *endch = FALSE; } /*2 *returns the next choise of r numbers between beg and end */ void idGetNextChoise (int r,int end,BOOLEAN *endch,int * choise) { int i = r-1,j; while ((i >= 0) && (choise[i] == end)) { i--; end--; } if (i == -1) *endch = TRUE; else { choise[i]++; for (j=i+1; j=t) { i = t+1; while ((i=d) { omFreeSize((ADDRESS)localchoise,(d-1)*sizeof(int)); return result; } } idGetNextChoise(d-1,end,&b,localchoise); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)localchoise,(d-1)*sizeof(int)); return 0; } /*2 *computes the binomial coefficient */ int binom (int n,int r) { int i,result; if (r==0) return 1; if (n-r= 0); ideal h = idInit(i, i); for (int j=0; jm[j] = p_One(r); p_SetComp(h->m[j],j+1,r); p_SetmComp(h->m[j],r); } return h; } /*2 *computes recursively all monomials of a certain degree *in every step the actvar-th entry in the exponential *vector is incremented and the other variables are *computed by recursive calls of makemonoms *if the last variable is reached, the difference to the *degree is computed directly *vars is the number variables *actvar is the actual variable to handle *deg is the degree of the monomials to compute *monomdeg is the actual degree of the monomial in consideration */ static void makemonoms(int vars,int actvar,int deg,int monomdeg, const ring r) { poly p; int i=0; if ((idpowerpoint == 0) && (actvar ==1)) { idpower[idpowerpoint] = p_One(r); monomdeg = 0; } while (i<=deg) { if (deg == monomdeg) { p_Setm(idpower[idpowerpoint],r); idpowerpoint++; return; } if (actvar == vars) { p_SetExp(idpower[idpowerpoint],actvar,deg-monomdeg,r); p_Setm(idpower[idpowerpoint],r); p_Test(idpower[idpowerpoint],r); idpowerpoint++; return; } else { p = p_Copy(idpower[idpowerpoint],r); makemonoms(vars,actvar+1,deg,monomdeg,r); idpower[idpowerpoint] = p; } monomdeg++; p_SetExp(idpower[idpowerpoint],actvar,p_GetExp(idpower[idpowerpoint],actvar,r)+1,r); p_Setm(idpower[idpowerpoint],r); p_Test(idpower[idpowerpoint],r); i++; } } /*2 *returns the deg-th power of the maximal ideal of 0 */ ideal id_MaxIdeal(int deg, const ring r) { if (deg < 0) { WarnS("maxideal: power must be non-negative"); } if (deg < 1) { ideal I=idInit(1,1); I->m[0]=p_One(r); return I; } if (deg == 1) { return id_MaxIdeal(r); } int vars = rVar(r); int i = binom(vars+deg-1,deg); if (i<=0) return idInit(1,1); ideal id=idInit(i,1); idpower = id->m; idpowerpoint = 0; makemonoms(vars,1,deg,0,r); idpower = NULL; idpowerpoint = 0; return id; } static void id_NextPotence(ideal given, ideal result, int begin, int end, int deg, int restdeg, poly ap, const ring r) { poly p; int i; p = p_Power(p_Copy(given->m[begin],r),restdeg,r); i = result->nrows; result->m[i] = p_Mult_q(p_Copy(ap,r),p,r); //PrintS("."); (result->nrows)++; if (result->nrows >= IDELEMS(result)) { pEnlargeSet(&(result->m),IDELEMS(result),16); IDELEMS(result) += 16; } if (begin == end) return; for (i=restdeg-1;i>0;i--) { p = p_Power(p_Copy(given->m[begin],r),i,r); p = p_Mult_q(p_Copy(ap,r),p,r); id_NextPotence(given, result, begin+1, end, deg, restdeg-i, p,r); p_Delete(&p,r); } id_NextPotence(given, result, begin+1, end, deg, restdeg, ap,r); } ideal id_Power(ideal given,int exp, const ring r) { ideal result,temp; poly p1; int i; if (idIs0(given)) return idInit(1,1); temp = id_Copy(given,r); idSkipZeroes(temp); i = binom(IDELEMS(temp)+exp-1,exp); result = idInit(i,1); result->nrows = 0; //Print("ideal contains %d elements\n",i); p1=p_One(r); id_NextPotence(temp,result,0,IDELEMS(temp)-1,exp,exp,p1,r); p_Delete(&p1,r); id_Delete(&temp,r); result->nrows = 1; id_DelEquals(result,r); idSkipZeroes(result); return result; } /*2 *skips all zeroes and double elements, searches also for units */ void id_Compactify(ideal id, const ring r) { int i; BOOLEAN b=FALSE; i = IDELEMS(id)-1; while ((! b) && (i>=0)) { b=p_IsUnit(id->m[i],r); i--; } if (b) { for(i=IDELEMS(id)-1;i>=0;i--) p_Delete(&id->m[i],r); id->m[0]=p_One(r); } else { id_DelMultiples(id,r); } idSkipZeroes(id); } /// returns the ideals of initial terms ideal id_Head(ideal h,const ring r) { ideal m = idInit(IDELEMS(h),h->rank); for (int i=IDELEMS(h)-1;i>=0; i--) if (h->m[i]!=NULL) m->m[i]=p_Head(h->m[i],r); return m; } ideal id_Homogen(ideal h, int varnum,const ring r) { ideal m = idInit(IDELEMS(h),h->rank); int i; for (i=IDELEMS(h)-1;i>=0; i--) { m->m[i]=p_Homogen(h->m[i],varnum,r); } return m; } /*------------------type conversions----------------*/ ideal id_Vec2Ideal(poly vec, const ring R) { ideal result=idInit(1,1); omFree((ADDRESS)result->m); result->m=NULL; // remove later p_Vec2Polys(vec, &(result->m), &(IDELEMS(result)),R); return result; } // converts mat to module, destroys mat ideal id_Matrix2Module(matrix mat, const ring R) { int mc=MATCOLS(mat); int mr=MATROWS(mat); ideal result = idInit(mc,mr); int i,j,l; poly h; sBucket_pt bucket = sBucketCreate(R); for(j=0;jm */ { for (i=1;i<=mr /*MATROWS(mat)*/;i++) { h = MATELEM(mat,i,j+1); if (h!=NULL) { l=pLength(h); MATELEM(mat,i,j+1)=NULL; p_SetCompP(h,i, R); sBucket_Merge_p(bucket, h, l); } } sBucketClearMerge(bucket, &(result->m[j]), &l); } sBucketDestroy(&bucket); // obachman: need to clean this up id_Delete((ideal*) &mat,R); return result; } /*2 * converts a module into a matrix, destroyes the input */ matrix id_Module2Matrix(ideal mod, const ring R) { matrix result = mpNew(mod->rank,IDELEMS(mod)); long i; long cp; poly p,h; for(i=0;im[i]); mod->m[i]=NULL; while (p!=NULL) { h=p; pIter(p); pNext(h)=NULL; cp = si_max(1L,p_GetComp(h, R)); // if used for ideals too //cp = p_GetComp(h,R); p_SetComp(h,0,R); p_SetmComp(h,R); #ifdef TEST if (cp>mod->rank) { Print("## inv. rank %ld -> %ld\n",mod->rank,cp); int k,l,o=mod->rank; mod->rank=cp; matrix d=mpNew(mod->rank,IDELEMS(mod)); for (l=1; l<=o; l++) { for (k=1; k<=IDELEMS(mod); k++) { MATELEM(d,l,k)=MATELEM(result,l,k); MATELEM(result,l,k)=NULL; } } id_Delete((ideal *)&result,R); result=d; } #endif MATELEM(result,cp,i+1) = p_Add_q(MATELEM(result,cp,i+1),h,R); } } // obachman 10/99: added the following line, otherwise memory leack! id_Delete(&mod,R); return result; } matrix id_Module2formatedMatrix(ideal mod,int rows, int cols, const ring R) { matrix result = mpNew(rows,cols); int i,cp,r=id_RankFreeModule(mod,R),c=IDELEMS(mod); poly p,h; if (r>rows) r = rows; if (c>cols) c = cols; for(i=0;im[i]); mod->m[i]=NULL; while (p!=NULL) { h=p; pIter(p); pNext(h)=NULL; cp = p_GetComp(h,R); if (cp<=r) { p_SetComp(h,0,R); p_SetmComp(h,R); MATELEM(result,cp,i+1) = p_Add_q(MATELEM(result,cp,i+1),h,R); } else p_Delete(&h,R); } } id_Delete(&mod,R); return result; } /*2 * substitute the n-th variable by the monomial e in id * destroy id */ ideal id_Subst(ideal id, int n, poly e, const ring r) { int k=MATROWS((matrix)id)*MATCOLS((matrix)id); ideal res=(ideal)mpNew(MATROWS((matrix)id),MATCOLS((matrix)id)); res->rank = id->rank; for(k--;k>=0;k--) { res->m[k]=p_Subst(id->m[k],n,e,r); id->m[k]=NULL; } id_Delete(&id,r); return res; } BOOLEAN id_HomModule(ideal m, ideal Q, intvec **w, const ring R) { if (w!=NULL) *w=NULL; if ((Q!=NULL) && (!id_HomIdeal(Q,NULL,R))) return FALSE; if (idIs0(m)) { if (w!=NULL) (*w)=new intvec(m->rank); return TRUE; } long cmax=1,order=0,ord,* diff,diffmin=32000; int *iscom; int i; poly p=NULL; pFDegProc d; if (R->pLexOrder && (R->order[0]==ringorder_lp)) d=p_Totaldegree; else d=R->pFDeg; int length=IDELEMS(m); poly* P=m->m; poly* F=(poly*)omAlloc(length*sizeof(poly)); for (i=length-1;i>=0;i--) { p=F[i]=P[i]; cmax=si_max(cmax,p_MaxComp(p,R)); } cmax++; diff = (long *)omAlloc0(cmax*sizeof(long)); if (w!=NULL) *w=new intvec(cmax-1); iscom = (int *)omAlloc0(cmax*sizeof(int)); i=0; while (i<=length) { if (i=length) break; p = F[i]; } //if (pLexOrder && (currRing->order[0]==ringorder_lp)) // order=pTotaldegree(p); //else // order = p->order; // order = pFDeg(p,currRing); order = d(p,R) +diff[__p_GetComp(p,R)]; //order += diff[pGetComp(p)]; p = F[i]; //Print("Actual p=F[%d]: ",i);pWrite(p); F[i] = NULL; i=0; } while (p!=NULL) { if (R->pLexOrder && (R->order[0]==ringorder_lp)) ord=p_Totaldegree(p,R); else // ord = p->order; ord = R->pFDeg(p,R); if (iscom[__p_GetComp(p,R)]==0) { diff[__p_GetComp(p,R)] = order-ord; iscom[__p_GetComp(p,R)] = 1; /* *PrintS("new diff: "); *for (j=0;jnrows)*(i->ncols),i->rank); r->nrows = i-> nrows; r->ncols = i-> ncols; //r->rank = i-> rank; for(int k=(i->nrows)*(i->ncols)-1;k>=0; k--) r->m[k]=pp_Jet(i->m[k],d,R); return r; } ideal id_JetW(const ideal i,int d, intvec * iv, const ring R) { ideal r=idInit(IDELEMS(i),i->rank); if (ecartWeights!=NULL) { WerrorS("cannot compute weighted jets now"); } else { short *w=iv2array(iv,R); int k; for(k=0; km[k]=pp_JetW(i->m[k],d,w,R); } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)w,(rVar(R)+1)*sizeof(short)); } return r; } /*3 * searches for the next unit in the components of the module arg and * returns the first one; */ int id_ReadOutPivot(ideal arg,int* comp, const ring r) { if (idIs0(arg)) return -1; int i=0,j, generator=-1; int rk_arg=arg->rank; //idRankFreeModule(arg); int * componentIsUsed =(int *)omAlloc((rk_arg+1)*sizeof(int)); poly p; while ((generator<0) && (im[i]; while (p!=NULL) { j = __p_GetComp(p,r); if (componentIsUsed[j]==0) { if (p_LmIsConstantComp(p,r) && (!rField_is_Ring(r) || n_IsUnit(pGetCoeff(p),r->cf))) { generator = i; componentIsUsed[j] = 1; } else { componentIsUsed[j] = -1; } } else if (componentIsUsed[j]>0) { (componentIsUsed[j])++; } pIter(p); } i++; } i = 0; *comp = -1; for (j=0;j<=rk_arg;j++) { if (componentIsUsed[j]>0) { if ((*comp==-1) || (componentIsUsed[j]=0;i--) { p = arg->m[i]; while (p!=NULL) { j = pGetComp(p); if (j>red_comp) { pSetComp(p,j-1); pSetm(p); } pIter(p); } } (arg->rank)--; } #endif intvec * id_QHomWeight(ideal id, const ring r) { poly head, tail; int k; int in=IDELEMS(id)-1, ready=0, all=0, coldim=rVar(r), rowmax=2*coldim; if (in<0) return NULL; intvec *imat=new intvec(rowmax+1,coldim,0); do { head = id->m[in--]; if (head!=NULL) { tail = pNext(head); while (tail!=NULL) { all++; for (k=1;k<=coldim;k++) IMATELEM(*imat,all,k) = p_GetExpDiff(head,tail,k,r); if (all==rowmax) { ivTriangIntern(imat, ready, all); if (ready==coldim) { delete imat; return NULL; } } pIter(tail); } } } while (in>=0); if (all>ready) { ivTriangIntern(imat, ready, all); if (ready==coldim) { delete imat; return NULL; } } intvec *result = ivSolveKern(imat, ready); delete imat; return result; } BOOLEAN id_IsZeroDim(ideal I, const ring r) { BOOLEAN *UsedAxis=(BOOLEAN *)omAlloc0(rVar(r)*sizeof(BOOLEAN)); int i,n; poly po; BOOLEAN res=TRUE; for(i=IDELEMS(I)-1;i>=0;i--) { po=I->m[i]; if ((po!=NULL) &&((n=p_IsPurePower(po,r))!=0)) UsedAxis[n-1]=TRUE; } for(i=rVar(r)-1;i>=0;i--) { if(UsedAxis[i]==FALSE) {res=FALSE; break;} // not zero-dim. } omFreeSize(UsedAxis,rVar(r)*sizeof(BOOLEAN)); return res; } void id_Normalize(ideal I,const ring r) /* for ideal/matrix */ { if (rField_has_simple_inverse(r)) return; /* Z/p, GF(p,n), R, long R/C */ int i; for(i=I->nrows*I->ncols-1;i>=0;i--) { p_Normalize(I->m[i],r); } } int id_MinDegW(ideal M,intvec *w, const ring r) { int d=-1; for(int i=0;im[i]!=NULL) { int d0=p_MinDeg(M->m[i],w,r); if(-1rank, c = IDELEMS(a); ideal b = idInit(r,c); int i; for (i=c; i>0; i--) { poly p=a->m[i-1]; while(p!=NULL) { poly h=p_Head(p, rRing); int co=__p_GetComp(h, rRing)-1; p_SetComp(h, i, rRing); p_Setm(h, rRing); h->next=b->m[co]; b->m[co]=h; pIter(p); } } for (i=IDELEMS(b)-1; i>=0; i--) { poly p=b->m[i]; if(p!=NULL) { b->m[i]=p_SortMerge(p,rRing,TRUE); } } return b; } /*2 * The following is needed to compute the image of certain map used in * the computation of cohomologies via BGG * let M = { w_1, ..., w_k }, k = size(M) == ncols(M), n = nvars(currRing). * assuming that nrows(M) <= m*n; the procedure computes: * transpose(M) * transpose( var(1) I_m | ... | var(n) I_m ) :== transpose(module{f_1, ... f_k}), * where f_i = \sum_{j=1}^{m} (w_i, v_j) gen(j), (w_i, v_j) is a `scalar` multiplication. * that is, if w_i = (a^1_1, ... a^1_m) | (a^2_1, ..., a^2_m) | ... | (a^n_1, ..., a^n_m) then (a^1_1, ... a^1_m) | (a^2_1, ..., a^2_m) | ... | (a^n_1, ..., a^n_m) * var_1 ... var_1 | var_2 ... var_2 | ... | var_n ... var(n) * gen_1 ... gen_m | gen_1 ... gen_m | ... | gen_1 ... gen_m + => f_i = a^1_1 * var(1) * gen(1) + ... + a^1_m * var(1) * gen(m) + a^2_1 * var(2) * gen(1) + ... + a^2_m * var(2) * gen(m) + ... a^n_1 * var(n) * gen(1) + ... + a^n_m * var(n) * gen(m); NOTE: for every f_i we run only ONCE along w_i saving partial sums into a temporary array of polys of size m */ ideal id_TensorModuleMult(const int m, const ideal M, const ring rRing) { // #ifdef DEBU // WarnS("tensorModuleMult!!!!"); assume(m > 0); assume(M != NULL); const int n = rRing->N; assume(M->rank <= m * n); const int k = IDELEMS(M); ideal idTemp = idInit(k,m); // = {f_1, ..., f_k } for( int i = 0; i < k; i++ ) // for every w \in M { poly pTempSum = NULL; poly w = M->m[i]; while(w != NULL) // for each term of w... { poly h = p_Head(w, rRing); const int gen = __p_GetComp(h, rRing); // 1 ... assume(gen > 0); assume(gen <= n*m); // TODO: write a formula with %, / instead of while! /* int c = gen; int v = 1; while(c > m) { c -= m; v++; } */ int cc = gen % m; if( cc == 0) cc = m; int vv = 1 + (gen - cc) / m; // assume( cc == c ); // assume( vv == v ); // 1<= c <= m assume( cc > 0 ); assume( cc <= m ); assume( vv > 0 ); assume( vv <= n ); assume( (cc + (vv-1)*m) == gen ); p_IncrExp(h, vv, rRing); // h *= var(j) && // p_AddExp(h, vv, 1, rRing); p_SetComp(h, cc, rRing); p_Setm(h, rRing); // addjust degree after the previous steps! pTempSum = p_Add_q(pTempSum, h, rRing); // it is slow since h will be usually put to the back of pTempSum!!! pIter(w); } idTemp->m[i] = pTempSum; } // simplify idTemp??? ideal idResult = id_Transp(idTemp, rRing); id_Delete(&idTemp, rRing); return(idResult); } ideal id_ChineseRemainder(ideal *xx, number *q, int rl, const ring r) { int cnt=0;int rw=0; int cl=0; int i,j; // find max. size of xx[.]: for(j=rl-1;j>=0;j--) { i=IDELEMS(xx[j])*xx[j]->nrows; if (i>cnt) cnt=i; if (xx[j]->nrows >rw) rw=xx[j]->nrows; // for lifting matrices if (xx[j]->ncols >cl) cl=xx[j]->ncols; // for lifting matrices } if (rw*cl !=cnt) { WerrorS("format mismatch in CRT"); return NULL; } ideal result=idInit(cnt,xx[0]->rank); result->nrows=rw; // for lifting matrices result->ncols=cl; // for lifting matrices number *x=(number *)omAlloc(rl*sizeof(number)); poly *p=(poly *)omAlloc(rl*sizeof(poly)); CFArray inv_cache(rl); extern int n_SwitchChinRem; //TEST int save_n_SwitchChinRem=n_SwitchChinRem; n_SwitchChinRem=1; for(i=cnt-1;i>=0;i--) { for(j=rl-1;j>=0;j--) { if(i>=IDELEMS(xx[j])*xx[j]->nrows) // out of range of this ideal p[j]=NULL; else p[j]=xx[j]->m[i]; } result->m[i]=p_ChineseRemainder(p,x,q,rl,inv_cache,r); for(j=rl-1;j>=0;j--) { if(inrows) xx[j]->m[i]=p[j]; } } n_SwitchChinRem=save_n_SwitchChinRem; omFreeSize(p,rl*sizeof(poly)); omFreeSize(x,rl*sizeof(number)); for(i=rl-1;i>=0;i--) id_Delete(&(xx[i]),r); omFreeSize(xx,rl*sizeof(ideal)); return result; } void id_Shift(ideal M, int s, const ring r) { // id_Test( M, r ); // assume( s >= 0 ); // negative is also possible // TODO: verify input ideal in such a case!? for(int i=IDELEMS(M)-1; i>=0;i--) p_Shift(&(M->m[i]),s,r); M->rank += s; // id_Test( M, r ); } ideal id_Delete_Pos(const ideal I, const int p, const ring r) { if ((p<0)||(p>=IDELEMS(I))) return NULL; ideal ret=idInit(IDELEMS(I)-1,I->rank); for(int i=0;im[i]=p_Copy(I->m[i],r); for(int i=p+1;im[i-1]=p_Copy(I->m[i],r); return ret; }