#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // the following headers are private... #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" using namespace std; void TestSum(const coeffs r, const unsigned long N) { clog << ( _2S("TEST: sum[0..") + _2S(N) + "]: "); clog << endl; assume( N > 0 ); // just for now... const unsigned long ssss = (N * (N+1)) / 2; number sum1 = n_Init(ssss, r); clog<< "N*(N+1)/2 (int: " << ssss << "): "; PrintSized(sum1, r); number s, ss, i, res; s = n_Init(N , r); i = n_Init(N+1, r); ndInpMult(s, i, r); n_Delete(&i, r); clog<< "N*(N+1): ("<< N*(N+1) << ")"; PrintSized(s, r); i = n_Init(2, r); clog<< "2: "; PrintSized(i, r); if( !n_IsZero( i, r) ) { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS TS_ASSERT( n_DivBy(s, i, r) ); #endif res = n_Div(s, i, r); clog<< "N*(N+1)/2: "; PrintSized(res, r); number d = n_Sub(res, sum1, r); TS_ASSERT( n_IsZeroDivisor(d, r) ); n_Delete(&d, r); if( n_GetChar(r) == 0 ) { TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(sum1, res, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(res, sum1, r) ); } } else TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( n_GetChar(r), 2); n_Delete(&s, r); n_Delete(&i, r); n_Delete(&sum1, r); n_Delete(&res, r); s = n_Init(0 , r); ss = n_Init(0 , r); for( int k = N; k >= 0; k-- ) { i = n_Init(k, r); ndInpAdd(s, i, r); // s += i i = n_Neg(i, r); ndInpAdd(ss, i, r); // ss -= i n_Delete(&i, r); } clog<< "ss: "; PrintSized(ss, r); ss = n_Neg(ss, r); // ss = -ss clog<< "real sum : "; PrintSized(s, r); clog<< "real sum(--): "; PrintSized(ss, r); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(s, ss, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(ss, s, r) ); n_Delete(&s, r); n_Delete(&ss, r); clog << ( " >>> TEST DONE!" ); clog << endl; } void TestArith(const coeffs r) { clog << ("TEST: Simple Arithmetics: "); clog << endl; number two = n_Init(2, r); number t = n_Init(1, r); ndInpAdd(t, t, r); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(two, t, r) ); n_Delete(&t, r); if( getCoeffType(r) == n_Q ) { number t = n_Init(1, r); nlInpAdd(t, t, r); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(two, t, r) ); n_Delete(&t, r); } const int N = 66666; number a = n_Init(N, r); clog<< "a: "; PrintSized(a, r); clog<< "two: "; PrintSized(two, r); number aa0 = n_Init(N*2, r); number aa = n_Add(a, a, r); clog<< "aa = a + a: "; PrintSized(aa, r); number aa2 = n_Mult(a, two, r); clog<< "aa2 = a * 2: "; PrintSized(aa2, r); number aa1 = n_Mult(two, a, r); clog<< "aa1 = 2 * a: "; PrintSized(aa1, r); n_Delete(&a, r); n_Delete(&two, r); a = n_Sub( aa, aa1, r ); clog<< "a = aa - aa1: "; PrintSized(a, r); TS_ASSERT( n_IsZero(a, r) ); n_Delete(&a, r); a = n_Sub( aa, aa2, r ); clog<< "a = aa - aa2: "; PrintSized(a, r); TS_ASSERT( n_IsZero(a, r) ); n_Delete(&a, r); a = n_Sub( aa1, aa2, r ); clog<< "a = aa1 - aa2: "; PrintSized(a, r); TS_ASSERT( n_IsZero(a, r) ); n_Delete(&a, r); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(aa, aa1, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(aa, aa2, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(aa1, aa2, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(aa0, aa, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(aa0, aa1, r) ); TS_ASSERT( n_Equal(aa0, aa2, r) ); n_Delete(&aa, r); n_Delete(&aa1, r); n_Delete(&aa2, r); n_Delete(&aa0, r); clog << ( " >>> TEST DONE!" ); clog << endl; } BOOLEAN Test(const n_coeffType type, void* p = NULLp) { clog << endl; clog << ( "----------------------- Testing coeffs: [" + _2S(type) + ", " + _2S(p) + "]: -----------------------"); clog << endl; const coeffs r = nInitChar( type, p ); if( r == NULLp ) { clog << ( "Test: could not get this coeff. domain" ); return FALSE; }; TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( r->cfCoeffWrite, NULLp ); if( r->cfCoeffWrite != NULL ) { clog << "Coeff-domain: " << endl; n_CoeffWrite(r); PrintLn(); } if (getCoeffType(r) == n_GF) //some special test for GF { number z = nfPar (0, r); // also any integer instead of 0//? clog << "Generator: "; PrintSized(z, r); n_Delete(&z, r); } clog << "Char: " << n_GetChar(r) << endl; TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( r, NULLp ); nSetChar( r ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( getCoeffType(r), type ); TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( r->cfInit, NULLp ); TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( r->cfWrite, NULLp ); TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( r->cfAdd, NULLp ); TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( r->cfDelete, NULLp ); switch( type ) { case n_Q: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, nlInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, nlWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, nlAdd ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, nlDelete ); TS_ASSERT( nCoeff_is_Q( r )); TS_ASSERT( nCoeff_is_Domain( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_has_Units( r )); // ? TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_has_simple_inverse( r ));// ? TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_has_simple_Alloc( r )); // ? TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Ring_2toM( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Ring_ModN( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Ring_PtoM( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Ring_Z( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Ring( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Zp( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_numeric( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_R( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Q_a( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Zp_a( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_GF( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_long_R( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_long_C( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_CF( r )); TS_ASSERT( !nCoeff_is_Extension( r )); break; } case n_long_R: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, ngfInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, ngfWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, ngfAdd ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, ngfDelete ); break; } case n_long_C: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, ngcInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, ngcWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, ngcAdd ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, ngcDelete ); break; } case n_R: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, nrInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, nrWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, nrAdd ); // TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, nrDelete ); // No? break; } case n_GF: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, nfInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, nfWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, nfAdd ); //TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, nfDelete ); break; } #ifdef HAVE_RINGS case n_Z2m: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, nr2mInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, nr2mWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, nr2mAdd ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, ndDelete ); break; } case n_Zn: { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfInit, nrnInit ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfWrite, nrnWrite ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfAdd, nrnAdd ); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r->cfDelete, nrnDelete ); break; } #endif default: { // ... } } TestArith( r ); TestSum( r, 10 ); TestSum( r, 100 ); TestSum( r, 101 ); TestSum( r, 1001 ); TestSum( r, 9000 ); nKillChar( r ); return TRUE; } // We can rely on this file being included exactly once // and declare this global variable in the header file. // static GlobalPrintingFixture globalPrintingFixture; class CoeffsTestSuite : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: // void test_dummy() { float fnum = 2.00001f; TS_ASSERT_DELTA (fnum, 2.0f, 0.0001f); } void test_Z2m4() { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_Z2m, nr2mInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_Z2m ); TS_ASSERT( Test(type, (void*) 4) ); #endif } void test_Zp101() { n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_Zp, npInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_Zp ); TS_ASSERT( Test(type, (void*) 101) ); } void test_Z2m8() { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_Z2m, nr2mInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_Z2m ); TS_ASSERT( Test(type, (void*) 8) ); #endif } void simple(const n_coeffType _type, cfInitCharProc p) { n_coeffType type = nRegister( _type, p); TS_ASSERT( type == _type ); // ? TS_ASSERT( Test(type) ); } void test_Q() { simple(n_Q, nlInitChar); } void test_R() { simple(n_R, nrInitChar); } void test_Z() { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS simple(n_Z, nrzInitChar); // No need in GMP? #endif } void test_GF_toobig() { n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_GF, nfInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_GF ); GFInfo param; param.GFChar= 5; param.GFDegree= 12; param.GFPar_name= (const char*)"q"; TS_ASSERT( !Test(type, (void*) ¶m) ); // it should not be used by numbers... right? // TODO: what is our policy wrt param-pointer-ownership? } void test_GF() { // TODO: what if it was already registered? // Q: no way to deRegister a type? n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_GF, nfInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_GF ); GFInfo param; param.GFChar= 5; param.GFDegree= 2; param.GFPar_name= (const char*)"Q"; TS_ASSERT( Test(type, (void*) ¶m) ); // it should not be used by numbers... right? // TODO: what is our policy wrt param-pointer-ownership? } void test_Zn3() { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS // TODO(Somebody, This will result in memory corruption at Z_2^m later on (due to the succs. setGMPFloatDigits?)...!?); // ???? n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_Zn, nrnInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_Zn ); TS_ASSERT( Test(type, (void*) 3) ); #endif } void test_Z2m2() { #ifdef HAVE_RINGS n_coeffType type = nRegister( n_Z2m, nr2mInitChar); TS_ASSERT( type == n_Z2m ); TS_ASSERT( Test(type, (void*) 2) ); #endif } TODO(Somebody, floating arithmetics via GMP rely on two global variables (see setGMPFloatDigits). Please fix it!); void test_LR() { setGMPFloatDigits( 10, 5 ); // Init global variables in mpr_complex.cc for gmp_float's... // Note that this seems also to be required for Z_2^m (and Zn?)!???? simple(n_long_R, ngfInitChar); } void test_LC() { setGMPFloatDigits( 10, 5 ); // Init global variables in mpr_complex.cc for gmp_float's... // Note that this seems also to be required for Z_2^m (and Zn?)!???? simple(n_long_C, ngcInitChar); } // polynomial rings needed for extentions: n_algExt, n_transExt ! };