#ifndef MPR_BASE_H #define MPR_BASE_H /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* * ABSTRACT - multipolynomial resultants - resultant matrices * ( sparse, dense, u-resultant solver ) */ #include #define SNONE -1 #define SFREE -2 //%s //-> class resMatrixBase /** * Base class for sparse and dense u-Resultant computation */ class resMatrixBase { public: /* state of the resultant */ enum IStateType { none, ready, notInit, fatalError, sparseError }; resMatrixBase() : istate(notInit), totDeg(0) {} virtual ~resMatrixBase() {} virtual const ideal getMatrix() { return NULL; } virtual const ideal getSubMatrix() { return NULL; } virtual const poly getUDet( const number* evpoint ) { return NULL; } virtual const number getDetAt( const number* evpoint ) { return NULL; } virtual const number getSubDet() { return NULL; } virtual const long getDetDeg() const { return totDeg; } virtual const IStateType initState() const { return istate; } protected: IStateType istate; ideal gls; int linPolyS; ring sourceRing; int totDeg; private: /* disables the copy constructor */ resMatrixBase( const resMatrixBase & ); }; //<- //-> class uResultant /** * Base class for solving 0-dim poly systems using u-resultant */ class uResultant { public: enum resMatType { none, sparseResMat, denseResMat }; uResultant( const ideal _gls, const resMatType _rmt= sparseResMat, BOOLEAN extIdeal= true ); ~uResultant(); poly interpolateDense( const number subDetVal= NULL ); /* Interpolates n+1 determinat polys for coeff specializations. */ rootContainer ** interpolateDenseSP( BOOLEAN matchUp= false, const number subDetVal= NULL ); /* Uses Bareiss */ rootContainer ** specializeInU( BOOLEAN matchUp= false, const number subDetVal= NULL ); resMatrixBase * accessResMat() { return resMat; } private: /* deactivated copy constructor */ uResultant( const uResultant & ); ideal extendIdeal( const ideal gls, poly linPoly, const resMatType rmt ); poly linearPoly( const resMatType rmt ); int nextPrime( const int p ); ideal gls; int n; resMatType rmt; // sparse or dense resultant matrix ? resMatrixBase *resMat; // pointer to base resultant matrix class }; //<- uResultant::resMatType determineMType( int imtype ); enum mprState { mprOk, mprWrongRType, mprHasOne, mprInfNumOfVars, mprNotReduced, mprNotZeroDim, mprNotHomog, mprUnSupField }; mprState mprIdealCheck( const ideal theIdeal, const char * name, uResultant::resMatType mtype, BOOLEAN rmatrix= false ); ideal loNewtonPolytope( const ideal id ); extern size_t gmp_output_digits; //%e #endif /*MPR_BASE_H*/ // local Variables: *** // folded-file: t *** // compile-command-2: "make install" *** // compile-command: "make installg" *** // End: ***