#include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FACTORY // int initializeGMP(){ return 1; } int mmInit(void) {return 1; } #endif #include #include BOOLEAN Test(const n_coeffType type, void* param) { BOOLEAN ret = TRUE; const coeffs r = nInitChar( type, param ); if( r == NULL ) { PrintS( "Test: could not get this coeff. domain" ); PrintLn(); return FALSE; } assume( r->cfCoeffWrite != NULLp ); if( r->cfCoeffWrite != NULL ) { PrintS( "Coeff-domain: " ); n_CoeffWrite(r); PrintLn(); } number t = n_Init(1, r); ndInpAdd(t, t, r); number two = n_Init(2, r); assume(n_Equal(two, t, r)); ret = ret && n_Equal(two, t, r); n_Delete(&t, r); n_Delete(&two, r); const int N = 2; // number of vars char* n[N] = {"x", "y"}; // teir names ring R = rDefault( r, N, n); // now r belongs to R! if( R == NULL ) { PrintS( "Test: could not get a polynomial ring over this coeff. domain" ); PrintLn(); nKillChar( r ); return FALSE; } rWrite(R); PrintLn(); #define RDEBUG #ifdef RDEBUG // rDebugPrint(R); PrintLn(); #endif const int exp[N] = {5, 8}; poly p = p_ISet(1, R); assume( p != NULL ); assume(pNext(p) == NULL); ret = ret && (pNext(p) == NULL); p_SetExp(p,1,exp[0],R); p_SetExp(p,2,exp[1],R); p_Setm(p, R); assume( p_GetExp(p, 1, R) == exp[0] ); assume( p_GetExp(p, 2, R) == exp[1] ); p = p_Add_q(p_Copy(p, R), p, R); ret = ret && p_EqualPolys(p, p, R); poly p2 = p_ISet(2, R); assume( p2 != NULL ); assume(pNext(p2) == NULL); ret = ret && (pNext(p2) == NULL); p_SetExp(p2,1,exp[0],R); p_SetExp(p2,2,exp[1],R); p_Setm(p, R); assume( p_GetExp(p2, 1, R) == exp[0] ); assume( p_GetExp(p2, 2, R) == exp[1] ); number s = p_GetCoeff(p, R); two = n_Init(2, r); assume(n_Equal(two, s, r)); ret = ret && n_Equal(s, two, r); n_Delete(&two, r); assume(p_EqualPolys(p2, p, R)); ret = ret && p_EqualPolys(p, p, R); p_Delete(&p, R); p_Delete(&p2, R); rDelete(R); return ret; } BOOLEAN simple(const n_coeffType _type, void* param = NULLp) { // n_coeffType type = nRegister( _type, p); // assume( type == _type ); // ? return ( Test(_type, param) ); } int main( int, char *argv[] ) { feInitResources(argv[0]); StringSetS("ressources in use (as reported by feStringAppendResources(0):\n"); feStringAppendResources(0); { StringAppendS("\n"); char* s = StringEndS(); PrintS(s); omFree(s); } // longrat if( simple(n_Q) ) PrintS("Q: Test Passed!"); else PrintS("Q: Test: Failed!"); PrintLn(); // modulop if( simple(n_Zp, (void*)7) ) PrintS("Zp: Test Passed!"); else PrintS("Zp: Test: Failed!"); PrintLn(); // due to coeffs/ffields.h struct { int GFChar; int GFDegree; char* GFPar_name; } param; param.GFChar= 5; param.GFDegree= 2; param.GFPar_name= (const char*)"Q"; if( simple(n_GF, (void*)¶m) ) PrintS("GF: Test Passed!"); else PrintS("GF: Test: Failed!"); PrintLn(); return 0; }