Changeset 0f7b79 in git for kernel/tgb.h

May 9, 2005, 11:02:50 AM (19 years ago)
Michael Brickenstein <bricken@…>
(u'spielwiese', 'fe61d9c35bf7c61f2b6cbf1b56e25e2f08d536cc')
*bricken: tgb.h now smaller

git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/Singular/svn/trunk@8099 2c84dea3-7e68-4137-9b89-c4e89433aadc
1 edited


  • kernel/tgb.h

    r87c25b r0f7b79  
    2020#include "kbuckets.h"
    22 //#define TGB_DEBUG
    23 #define FULLREDUCTIONS
    24 #define HANS_IDEA
    25 //#define HALFREDUCTIONS
    26 //#define HEAD_BIN
    27 //#define HOMOGENEOUS_EXAMPLE
    28 #define REDTAIL_S
    29 #define PAR_N 100
    30 #define PAR_N_F4 5000
    31 #define AC_NEW_MIN 2
    32 #define AC_FLATTEN 1
    33 //#define FIND_DETERMINISTIC
    34 //#define REDTAIL_PROT
    35 //#define QUICK_SPOLY_TEST
    36 struct sorted_pair_node{
    37   //criterium, which is stable 0. small lcm 1. small i 2. small j
    38   int i;
    39   int j;
    40   int deg;
    41   int expected_length;
    42   poly lcm_of_lm;
    43 };
    4522ideal t_rep_gb(ring r,ideal arg_I, BOOLEAN F4_mode=FALSE);
    46 //static ideal debug_Ideal;
    47 /**
    48     reduction_accumulators are objects which are shared by several sums
    49  **/
    51 class reduction_accumulator{
    53  public:
    54   /// (1/multiplied)*bucket=reduced original data
    55   number multiplied;
    56   ///the polynomial data
    57   kBucket_pt bucket;
    58   /// the short exponent vector
    59   unsigned long sev;
    60   /// the reference counter
    61   int counter;
    62   /// decrease the reference counter, at 0 it deletes the object
    63   void decrease_counter(){
    64     if((--counter)==0)
    65       {
    66         delete this; //self destruction
    67       }
    68   }
    69   int last_reduction_id;
    70   reduction_accumulator(poly p, int p_len, poly high_to);
    71   ~reduction_accumulator(){
    72     nDelete(&multiplied);
    73     kBucketDeleteAndDestroy(&bucket);
    74   } 
    77 };
    78 struct poly_list_node{
    79   poly p;
    80   poly_list_node* next;
    81 };
    82 struct formal_sum_descriptor{
    83   number c_my;
    84   number c_ac;
    85   reduction_accumulator* ac;
    86 };
    87 struct int_pair_node{
    88   int_pair_node* next;
    89   int a;
    90   int b;
    91 };
    92 struct monom_poly{
    93   poly m;
    94   poly f;
    95 };
    96 struct mp_array_list{
    97   monom_poly* mp;
    98   int size;
    99   mp_array_list* next;
    100 };
    101 class tgb_matrix{
    102  private:
    103   number** n;
    104   int columns;
    105   int rows;
    106   BOOLEAN free_numbers;
    107  public:
    108   tgb_matrix(int i, int j);
    109   ~tgb_matrix();
    110   int get_rows();
    111   int get_columns();
    112   void print();
    113   void perm_rows(int i, int j);
    114   void set(int i, int j, number n);
    115   number get(int i, int j);
    116   BOOLEAN is_zero_entry(int i, int j);
    117   void free_row(int row, BOOLEAN free_non_zeros=TRUE);
    118   int min_col_not_zero_in_row(int row);
    119   int next_col_not_zero(int row,int pre);
    120   BOOLEAN zero_row(int row);
    121   void mult_row(int row,number factor);
    122   void add_lambda_times_row(int add_to,int summand,number factor);
    123   int non_zero_entries(int row);
    124 };
    125 class mac_poly_r{
    126 public:
    127   number coef;
    128   mac_poly_r* next;
    129   int exp;
    130   mac_poly_r():next(NULL){}
    131 };
    132 //mac_polys exp are smaller iff they are greater by monomial ordering
    133 //corresponding to solving linear equations notation
    135 typedef mac_poly_r* mac_poly;
    136 class tgb_sparse_matrix{
    137  private:
    138   ring r;
    139   mac_poly* mp;
    140   int columns;
    141   int rows;
    142   BOOLEAN free_numbers;
    143  public:
    144   void sort_rows();
    145   friend poly free_row_to_poly(tgb_sparse_matrix* mat, int row, poly* monoms, int monom_index);
    146   friend void init_with_mac_poly(tgb_sparse_matrix* mat, int row, mac_poly m);
    147   tgb_sparse_matrix(int i, int j, ring rarg);
    148   ~tgb_sparse_matrix();
    149   int get_rows();
    150   int get_columns();
    151   void print();
    152   void row_normalize(int row);
    153   void row_content(int row);
    154   //  void perm_rows(int i, int j);
    155   void perm_rows(int i, int j){
    156   mac_poly h;
    157   h=mp[i];
    158   mp[i]=mp[j];
    159   mp[j]=h;
    160   }
    161   void set(int i, int j, number n);
    162   number get(int i, int j);
    163   BOOLEAN is_zero_entry(int i, int j);
    164   void free_row(int row, BOOLEAN free_non_zeros=TRUE);
    165   int min_col_not_zero_in_row(int row);
    166   int next_col_not_zero(int row,int pre);
    167   BOOLEAN zero_row(int row);
    168   void mult_row(int row,number factor);
    169   void add_lambda_times_row(int add_to,int summand,number factor);
    170   int non_zero_entries(int row);
    171 };
    172 struct poly_array_list{
    173   poly* p;
    174   int size;
    175   poly_array_list* next;
    176 };
    177 struct calc_dat
    178 {
    179   int* rep;
    180   char** states;
    181   ideal S;
    182   ring r;
    183   int* lengths;
    184   long* short_Exps;
    185   kStrategy strat;
    186   int* T_deg;
    187   int* T_deg_full;
    188   poly tmp_lm;
    189   poly* tmp_pair_lm;
    190   sorted_pair_node** tmp_spn;
    191   poly* expandS;
    192   poly* gcd_of_terms;
    193   int_pair_node* soon_free;
    194   sorted_pair_node** apairs;
    195   BOOLEAN* modifiedS;
    196   poly_list_node* to_destroy;
    197   //for F4
    198   mp_array_list* F;
    199   poly_array_list* F_minus;
    201   //end for F4
    202 #ifdef HEAD_BIN
    203   struct omBin_s*   HeadBin;
    205   unsigned int reduction_steps;
    206   int n;
    207   int normal_forms;
    208   int current_degree;
    209   int Rcounter;
    210   int last_index;
    211   int max_pairs;
    212   int pair_top;
    213   int easy_product_crit;
    214   int extended_product_crit;
    215   int average_length;
    216   BOOLEAN is_char0;
    217   BOOLEAN is_homog;
    218   BOOLEAN F4_mode;
    219 };
    220 class red_object{
    221  public:
    222   kBucket_pt bucket;
    223   poly p;
    224   formal_sum_descriptor* sum;
    225   unsigned long sev;
    226   void flatten();
    227   void validate();
    228   void adjust_coefs(number c_r, number c_ac_r);
    229   int guess_quality(calc_dat* c);
    230   int clear_to_poly();
    231   void canonicalize();
    232 };
    235 enum calc_state
    236   {
    237     UNCALCULATED,
    238     HASTREP,
    239     UNIMPORTANT,
    240     SOONTREP
    241   };
    243 static int add_to_reductors(calc_dat* c, poly h, int len);
    244 static int bucket_guess(kBucket* bucket);
    245 static poly redNFTail (poly h,const int sl,kStrategy strat, int len);
    246 static poly redNF2 (poly h,calc_dat* c , int &len, number&  m,int n=0);
    247 static void free_sorted_pair_node(sorted_pair_node* s, ring r);
    248 static void shorten_tails(calc_dat* c, poly monom);
    249 static void replace_pair(int & i, int & j, calc_dat* c);
    250 static sorted_pair_node** add_to_basis(poly h, int i, int j,calc_dat* c, int* ip=NULL);
    251 static void do_this_spoly_stuff(int i,int j,calc_dat* c);
    252 //ideal t_rep_gb(ring r,ideal arg_I);
    253 static BOOLEAN has_t_rep(const int & arg_i, const int & arg_j, calc_dat* state);
    254 static int* make_connections(int from, poly bound, calc_dat* c);
    255 static int* make_connections(int from, int to, poly bound, calc_dat* c);
    256 static void now_t_rep(const int & arg_i, const int & arg_j, calc_dat* c);
    257 static void soon_t_rep(const int & arg_i, const int & arg_j, calc_dat* c);
    258 static int pLcmDeg(poly a, poly b);
    259 static int simple_posInS (kStrategy strat, poly p,int len);
    260 static BOOLEAN find_next_pair(calc_dat* c, BOOLEAN go_higher=TRUE);
    262 static sorted_pair_node* pop_pair(calc_dat* c);
    263 static BOOLEAN no_pairs(calc_dat* c);
    264 static void clean_top_of_pair_list(calc_dat* c);
    265 static void super_clean_top_of_pair_list(calc_dat* c);
    266 static BOOLEAN state_is(calc_state state, const int & i, const int & j, calc_dat* c);
    267 static BOOLEAN pair_better(sorted_pair_node* a,sorted_pair_node* b, calc_dat* c);
    268 static int pair_better_gen(const void* ap,const void* bp);
    269 static poly redTailShort(poly h, kStrategy strat);
    270 static poly gcd_of_terms(poly p, ring r);
    271 static BOOLEAN extended_product_criterion(poly p1, poly gcd1, poly p2, poly gcd2, calc_dat* c);
    272 static poly kBucketGcd(kBucket* b, ring r);
    273 static void multi_reduction(red_object* los, int & losl, calc_dat* c);
    274 static sorted_pair_node* quick_pop_pair(calc_dat* c);
    275 static sorted_pair_node* top_pair(calc_dat* c);
    276 //static int quality(poly p, int len, calc_dat* c);
    277 /**
    278    makes on each red_object in a region a single_step
    279  **/
    280 class reduction_step{
    281  public:
    282   /// we assume hat all occuring red_objects have same lm, and all
    283   /// occ. lm's in r[l...u] are the same, only reductor does not occur
    284   virtual void reduce(red_object* r, int l, int u);
    285   //int reduction_id;
    286   virtual ~reduction_step();
    287   calc_dat* c;
    288   int reduction_id;
    289 };
    290 class simple_reducer:public reduction_step{
    291  public:
    292   poly p;
    293   kBucket_pt fill_back;
    294   int p_len;
    295   simple_reducer(poly p, int p_len, calc_dat* c =NULL){
    296     this->p=p;
    297     assume(p_len==pLength(p));
    298     this->p_len=p_len;
    299     this->c=c;
    300   }
    301   virtual void pre_reduce(red_object* r, int l, int u);
    302   virtual void reduce(red_object* r, int l, int u);
    303   ~simple_reducer();
    305   virtual void target_is_a_sum_reduce(red_object & ro);
    306   virtual void target_is_no_sum_reduce(red_object & ro);
    307 };
    308 class join_simple_reducer:public simple_reducer{
    309  public:
    310   join_simple_reducer(poly p, int p_len, poly high_to):simple_reducer(p,p_len){
    311     ac=new reduction_accumulator( p, p_len, high_to);
    314   }
    315     ~join_simple_reducer();
    316    void pre_reduce(red_object* r, int l, int u);
    317   void target_is_no_sum_reduce(red_object & ro);
    318   reduction_accumulator* ac;
    319 };
    320 //class sum_canceling_reducer:public reduction_step {
    321 //  void reduce(red_object* r, int l, int u);
    322 //};
    323 struct find_erg{
    324   poly expand;
    325   int expand_length;
    326   int to_reduce_u;
    327   int to_reduce_l;
    328   int reduce_by;//index of reductor
    329   BOOLEAN fromS;//else from los
    331 };
    333 static void multi_reduce_step(find_erg & erg, red_object* r, calc_dat* c);
    334 static void finalize_reduction_step(reduction_step* r);
    336 #endif
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