Changeset 4732f8 in git for kernel/

Feb 21, 2009, 8:30:56 PM (15 years ago)
Viktor Levandovskyy <levandov@…>
(u'spielwiese', 'fe61d9c35bf7c61f2b6cbf1b56e25e2f08d536cc')
*levandov: ncratCreateSpoly added

git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/Singular/svn/trunk@11432 2c84dea3-7e68-4137-9b89-c4e89433aadc
1 edited


  • kernel/

    r28f164 r4732f8  
    77 *  Author:  levandov (Viktor Levandovsky)
    88 *  Created: 8/00 - 11/00
    9  *  Version: $Id:,v 1.13 2009-02-21 16:01:05 Singular Exp $
     9 *  Version: $Id:,v 1.14 2009-02-21 19:30:56 levandov Exp $
    1010 *******************************************************************/
    1111#include "mod2.h"
    7575/* TO TEST!!! */
    7676/* returns x-coeff of p, i.e. a poly in x, s.t. corresponding xd-monomials
    77 have the same D-part */
     77have the same D-part
     78does not destroy p
    7981poly p_GetCoeffRat(poly p, int ishift, ring r)
    207209  poly u = singclap_pdivide(q,g); //q/g
    208210  poly v = singclap_pdivide(p,g); //p/g
     211  v = p_Neg(v,r);
    209212  p_Delete(&p,r);
    210213  p_Delete(&q,r);
    366369// }
     372/*4 - follow the numbering of
     373* creates the S-polynomial of p1 and p2
     374* do not destroy p1 and p2
     376poly nc_rat_CreateSpoly(poly pp1, poly pp2, int ishift, const ring r)
     379  poly p1 = p_Copy(pp1,r);
     380  poly p2 = p_Copy(pp2,r);
     382  const long lCompP1 = p_GetComp(p1,r);
     383  const long lCompP2 = p_GetComp(p2,r);
     385  if ((lCompP1!=lCompP2) && (lCompP1!=0) && (lCompP2!=0))
     386  {
     387#ifdef PDEBUG
     388    Werror("nc_rat_CreateSpoly: different non-zero components!");
     390    return(NULL);
     391  }
     393/* note: prod. crit does not apply! */
     394  poly pL=pOne();
     395  poly m1=pOne();
     396  poly m2=pOne();
     397  int is = ishift; /* TODO */
     398  pLcmRat(p1,p2,pL,is);
     399  p_Setm(pL,r);
     400#ifdef PDEBUG
     401  p_Test(pL,r);
     403  poly pr1 = p_GetExp_k_n(p1,1,ishift,r); /* rat D-exp of p1 */
     404  poly pr2 = p_GetExp_k_n(p2,1,ishift,r); /* rat D-exp of p2 */
     405  p_ExpVectorDiff(m1,pL,pr1,r); /* purely in D part by construction */
     406  p_ExpVectorDiff(m2,pL,pr2,r); /* purely in D part by construction */
     407  p_Delete(&pr1,r);
     408  p_Delete(&pr2,r);
     409  p_Delete(&pL,r);
     410#ifdef PDEBUG
     411  p_Test(m1,r);
     412  PrintS("d^{gamma-alpha} = "); p_wrp(m1,r); PrintLn();
     413  p_Test(m2,r);
     414  PrintS("d^{gamma-beta} = "); p_wrp(m2,r); PrintLn();
     417  poly HF = NULL;
     418  HF = p_HeadRat(p1,is,r); // lm_D(f)
     419  HF  = nc_mm_Mult_p(m1, HF, r); // // d^{gamma-alpha} lm_D(f)
     420  poly C  = p_GetCoeffRat(HF,  is, r); // c = lc_D(h_f) in the paper
     422  poly HG = NULL;
     423  HG = p_HeadRat(p2,is,r); // lm_D(g)
     424  HG  = nc_mm_Mult_p(m2, HG, r); // // d^{gamma-beta} lm_D(g)
     425  poly K  = p_GetCoeffRat(HG,  is, r); // k = lc_D(h_g) in the paper
     427#ifdef PDEBUG
     428  PrintS("f: "); p_wrp(p1,r); PrintS("\n");
     429  PrintS("c: "); p_wrp(C,r); PrintS("\n");
     430  PrintS("g: "); p_wrp(p2,r); PrintS("\n");
     431  PrintS("k: "); p_wrp(K,r); PrintS("\n");
     434  ideal ncsyz = ncGCD(C,K,r);
     435  poly KK = ncsyz->m[0]; ncsyz->m[0]=NULL; //p_Copy(ncsyz->m[0],r); // k'
     436  poly CC = ncsyz->m[1]; ncsyz->m[1]= NULL; //p_Copy(ncsyz->m[1],r); // c'
     437  id_Delete(&ncsyz,r);
     439  p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&p1, is+1, r); // t_f
     440  p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&HF, is+1, r); // r_f = h_f - lt_D(h_f)
     442  p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&p2, is+1, r); // t_g
     443  p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&HG, is+1, r); // r_g = h_g - lt_D(h_g)
     446#ifdef PDEBUG
     447  PrintS(" t_f: "); p_wrp(p1,r); PrintS("\n"); 
     448  PrintS(" t_g: "); p_wrp(p2,r); PrintS("\n"); 
     449  PrintS(" r_f: "); p_wrp(HF,r); PrintS("\n"); 
     450  PrintS(" r_g: "); p_wrp(HG,r); PrintS("\n"); 
     451  PrintS(" c': "); p_wrp(CC,r); PrintS("\n"); 
     452  PrintS(" k': "); p_wrp(KK,r); PrintS("\n"); 
     456  // k'(r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f)
     458  p1 = p_Mult_q(m1, p1, r); // p1 = d^{gamma-alpha} t_f
     459  p1 = p_Add_q(p1,HF,r); // p1 = r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f
     460  p1 = p_Mult_q(KK,p1,r); // p1 = k'(r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f)
     462  // c'(r_f + d^{gamma-beta} t_g)
     464  p2 = p_Mult_q(m2, p2, r); // p2 = d^{gamma-beta} t_g
     465  p2 = p_Add_q(p2,HG,r); // p2 = r_g + d^{gamma-beta} t_g
     466  p2 = p_Mult_q(CC,p2,r); // p2 = c'(r_g + d^{gamma-beta} t_g)
     468#ifdef PDEBUG
     469  p_Test(p1,r);
     470  p_Test(p2,r);
     471  PrintS(" k'(r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f): "); p_wrp(p1,r);
     472  PrintS(" c'(r_g + d^{gamma-beta} t_g): "); p_wrp(p2,r);
     475  poly out = p_Add_q(p1,p2,r); // delete p1, p2; // the sum
     477#ifdef PDEBUG
     478  p_Test(out,r);
     481  if ( out!=NULL ) pContent(out);
     482  return(out);
    369487* reduction of p2 with p1
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