////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id$"; category="Teaching"; info=" LIBRARY: finitediff.lib procedures to compute finite difference schemes for linear differential equations AUTHOR: Christian Dingler OVERVIEW: @texinfo Using @code{qepcad}/@code{qepcadsystem} from this library requires the program @code{qepcad} to be installed. You can download @code{qepcad} from @uref{http://www.usna.edu/Users/cs/qepcad/INSTALL/IQ.html} @end texinfo PROCEDURES: visualize(f); shows a scheme in index-notation u(D[,#]); gives some vector; depends on @derivatives scheme([v1,..,vn]); computes the finite difference scheme defined by v1,..,vn laxfrT(Ut,U,space); Lax-Friedrich-approximation for the time-direction laxfrX(Ux,U,space); Lax-Friedrich-approximation for the space-direction forward(U1,U2,VAR); forward-approximation backward(U1,U2,VAR); backward-approximation central1st(U1,U2,VAR); central-approximation of first order central2nd(U1,U2,VAR); central-approximation of second order trapezoid(U1,U2,VAR); trapezoid-approximation midpoint(U1,U2,VAR); midpoint-approximation pyramid(U1,U2,VAR); pyramid-approximation setinitials(variable,der[,#]); constructs and sets the basering for further computations errormap(f); performs the Fouriertransformation of a poly matrixsystem(M,A); gives the scheme of a pde-system as one matrix timestep(M); gives the several timelevels of a scheme derived from a pde-system fouriersystem(M,A); performs the Fouriertransformation of a matrix scheme PartitionVar(f,n); partitions a poly into the var(n)-part and the rest ComplexValue(f); computes the complex value of f, var(1) being the imaginary unit VarToPar(f); substitute var(i) by par(i) ParToVar(f); substitute par(i) by var(i) qepcad(f); ask QEPCAD for equivalent constraints to f<1 qepcadsystem(l); ask QEPCAD for equivalent constraints to all eigenvals of some matrices being <1 "; LIB "ring.lib"; LIB "general.lib"; LIB "standard.lib"; LIB "linalg.lib"; LIB "matrix.lib"; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "teachstd.lib"; LIB "qhmoduli.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc getit(module M) { int nderiv=pos(U,@derivatives); def M2=groebner(M); module N1=gen(nderiv); def N2=intersect(M2,N1); def S=N2[1][nderiv]; return(S); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc visualize(poly f) "USAGE: visualize(f); f of type poly. RETURN: type string; translates the polynomial form of a finite difference scheme into an indexed one as often seen in literature EXAMPLE: example visualize; shows an example " { def n=size(f); string str; intvec v; if (n>0) { int i; int j; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { intvec w=leadexp(f); for(j=1;j<=size(@variables);j++) { v[j]=w[j+1]; } if(i==1) { str=print(leadcoef(f),"%s")+"*"+"U("+print(v,"%s")+")"; } else { str=str+"+"+print(leadcoef(f),"%s")+"*"+"U("+print(v,"%s")+")"; } kill w; f=f-lead(f); } } return(str); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; list D="Ux","Ut","U"; list P="a"; list V="t","x"; setinitials(V,D,P); scheme(u(Ut)+a*u(Ux),trapezoid(Ux,U,x),backward(Ut,U,t)); visualize(_); } /////////////////////////////////// static proc imageideal() { def n=size(@variables)-1; ideal IDEAL=var(1),var(2); int j; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { ideal II=var(2+j+n)+var(1)*var(2+2*n+j); IDEAL=IDEAL+II; kill II; } return(IDEAL); } ///////////////////////////////////// proc u(D,list #) "USAGE: u(D[,#]); D a string that occurs in the list of @derivatives, # an optional list of integers. RETURN: type vector; gives the vector, that corresponds with gen(n)*m, where m is the monomial defined by # EXAMPLE: example u; shows an example " { def n=size(#); def nv=nvars(basering)-1; int nn; if(nv<=n) { nn=nv; } else { nn=n; } int index=pos(D,@derivatives); poly g=1; if(nn>=1) { int j; for(j=1;j<=nn;j++) { int nnn; nnn=int(#[j]); g=var(1+j)**nnn*g; kill nnn; } return(gen(index)*g); } else { return(gen(index)*g); } } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; list D="Ux","Uy","Ut","U"; list P="a","b"; list V="t","x","y"; setinitials(V,D,P); u(Ux); u(Ux,2,3,7); u(Uy)+u(Ut)-u(Ux); u(U)*234-dx*dt*dy*3*u(Uy); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc pos(string D,list L) { int j; int index=-1; def n=size(L); for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { if(D==L[j]) { index=j; } } return(index); } /////////////////////////////////// static proc re(list L) { def n=size(L); int j; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { string s="string "+print(L[j],"%s")+"="+"nameof("+print(L[j],"%s")+")"+";"; execute(s); kill s; exportto(Top,`L[j]`); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////// proc scheme(list #) "USAGE: scheme([v1,..,vn]); v1,..,vn of type vector RETURN: poly PURPOSE: performs substitutions by the means of Groebner basis computation of the submodule, generated by the input vectors, then intersects the intermediate result with the suitable component in order to get a finite difference scheme NOTE: works only for a single PDE, for the case of a system use @code{matrixsystem} EXAMPLE: example scheme; shows an example " { def N=size(#); if(N==0) { if(defined(M)==1) { kill M; module M; } else { module M; } } else { int j; if(defined(M)==1) { kill M; module M; for(j=1;j<=N;j++) { M=M+#[j]; } } else { module M; for(j=1;j<=N;j++) { M=M+#[j]; } } } def S=getit(M); matrix mat[1][1]=S; list l=timestep(mat); poly f=l[2][1,1]; return(f); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; list D="Ux","Ut","U"; list P="a"; list V="t","x"; setinitials(V,D,P); def s1=scheme(u(Ut)+a*u(Ux),backward(Ux,U,x),forward(Ut,U,t)); s1; } //////////////////////// static proc diffpar(poly ff) { def gg=print(ff,"%s"); def str="d"+gg; return(`str`); } //////////////////////// proc laxfrT(string Ut, string U, poly space) "USAGE: laxfrT(U1,U2,var); U1, U2 are the names of occuring derivatives, var is a variable in the basering; RETURN: type vector; gives a predefined approximation of the Lax-Friedrich-approximation for the derivation in the timevariable as often used in literature; NOTE: see also laxfrX, setinitials, scheme; Warning: laxfrT is not to be interchanged with laxfrX EXAMPLE: example laxfrT; shows an example " { poly time=var(2); poly dtime=diffpar(time); poly dspace=diffpar(space); def v=dtime*space*u(Ut)-time*space*u(U)+1/2*(space**2*u(U)+u(U)); return(v); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; list D="Ux","Ut","U"; list P="a"; list V="t","x"; setinitials(V,D,P); laxfrT(Ux,U,x); } //////////////////////// proc laxfrX(string Ux, string U, poly space) "USAGE: laxfrX(U1,U2,var); U1, U2 are the names of occuring derivatives, var is a variable in the basering; RETURN: type vector; gives a predefined approximation of the Lax-Friedrich-approximation for the derivation in one of the spatial variables as often used in literature; NOTE: see also laxfrT, setinitials, scheme; Warning: laxfrX is not to be interchanged with laxfrT EXAMPLE: example laxfrX; shows an example " { poly dspace = diffpar(space); def v=2*dspace*space*u(Ux)-(space**2-1)*u(U); return(v); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; list D="Ux","Ut","U"; list P="a"; list V="t","x"; setinitials(V,D,P); laxfrX(Ux,U,x); } //////////////////////// proc forward(string U1,string U2,poly VAR) "USAGE: forward(U1,U2,var); U1, U2 are the names of occuring derivatives, var is a variable in the basering; RETURN: type vector; gives a predefined approximation of the forward approximation as often used in literature; NOTE: see also laxfrT,setinitials,scheme; EXAMPLE: example forward; shows an example " { if(pos(U1,@derivatives)n2) { return(n1); } else { return(n2); } } //////////////////////////////////// static proc minimal(int n1, int n2) { return(-maximal(-n1,-n2)); } //////////////////////////////////// static proc MatrixEntry(int n, intvec v) { int j; int entry; int spavar=size(@variables)-1; for(j=1;j<=spavar;j++) { entry=entry+v[j]*n**(spavar-j); } entry=entry+1; return(entry); } ////////////////////////////////// static proc CompareVec(intvec ToTest, intvec Reference)//1 if ToTest>=Reference, 0 else { int i; for(i=1;i<=size(@variables)-1;i++) { if(ToTest[i+2]size(@variables) or size(Matrices)!=size(Approx)) { ERROR("Check number of variables: it must hold #(matrices)<= #(spatial variables)+1 !!! "); } if(size(Matrices)!=size(Approx)) { ERROR("Every variable needs EXACTLY ONE approximation rule, i.e. #(first argument) =#(second argument) ! "); } ideal Mon=leadmonomial(Approx[1]); int N=size(Matrices); int i; for(i=2;i<=N;i++) { Mon=Mon,leadmonomial(Approx[i]); } kill i; poly LCM=lcm(Mon); matrix M[nrows(Matrices[1])][ncols(Matrices[1])]; int i; for(i=1;i<=size(Matrices);i++) { M=M+(LCM/leadmonomial(Approx[i]))*normalize(Approx[i])[size(@derivatives)]*Matrices[i]; } kill i; return(M); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P); list Mat=unitmat(2),unitmat(2); list Appr=forward(Ut,U,t),forward(Ux,U,x); matrixsystem(Mat,Appr); } ////////////////////////////////// proc timestep(matrix M) "USAGE: timestep(M); M a square matrix with polynomials over the basering as entries; RETURN: type list; gives two matrices M1,M2 that are the splitting of M with respect to the degree of the variable t in the entries, where the first list-entry M1 consists of the polynomials of the highest timelevel and M2 of the lower levels in the form: M=0 => M1=M2, i.e. M1-M2=M NOTE: intended to be used for the finite-difference-scheme-construction and partition into the several time steps EXAMPLE: example timestep; shows an example " { int N=nrows(M); int i; int maxdegT; for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { int j; for(j=1;j<=N;j++) { poly f=M[i,j]; int k; for(k=1;k<=size(f);k++) { if(leadexp(M[i,j])[2]>maxdegT) { maxdegT=leadexp(M[i,j])[2]; } f=f-lead(f); } kill f; kill k; } kill j; } kill i; matrix highT[nrows(M)][nrows(M)]; vector leftside=0; int GenIndex=0; int i; for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { int j; for(j=1;j<=N;j++) { poly f=M[i,j]; int k; for(k=1;k<=size(f)+1;k++) { if(leadexp(f)[2]==maxdegT) { GenIndex++; highT[i,j]=highT[i,j]+lead(f); leftside=leftside+highT[i,j]*gen(GenIndex); } f=f-lead(f); } kill k; kill f; } kill j; } kill i; matrix tUpper=highT; matrix tLower=-1*(M-tUpper); tUpper=tUpper/content(leftside); tLower=tLower/content(leftside); list L=tUpper,tLower; return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P); list Mat=unitmat(2),unitmat(2); list Apr=forward(Ut,U,t),forward(Ux,U,x); matrixsystem(Mat,Apr); timestep(_); } ////////////////////////////////// proc fouriersystem(list Matrices, list Approx) "USAGE: fouriersystem(M,A); M a list of matrices, A a list of approximations; RETURN: type list; each entry is some matrix obtained by performing the substitution of the single approximations into the system of pde's, partitioning the equation into the several timesteps and fouriertransforming these parts EXAMPLE: example fouriersystem; shows an example " { matrix M=matrixsystem(Matrices,Approx); matrix T1=timestep(M)[1]; matrix T0=timestep(M)[2]; int i; for(i=1;i<=nrows(M);i++) { int j; for(j=1;j<=nrows(M);j++) { T1[i,j]=errormap(T1[i,j]); T1[i,j]=VarToPar(T1[i,j]); T0[i,j]=errormap(T0[i,j]); T0[i,j]=VarToPar(T0[i,j]); } kill j; } kill i; ideal EV1=eigenvals(T1)[1]; ideal EV0=eigenvals(T0)[1]; list L=list(T1,T0),list(EV1,EV0); def N1=size(EV1); def N0=size(EV0); list CV1; list CV0; int i; for(i=1;i<=N1;i++) { CV1[i]=VarToPar(EV1[i]); if(content(CV1[i])==CV1[i]) { CV1[i]=content(CV1[i]); CV1[i]=VarToPar(ComplexValue(numerator(CV1[i])))/VarToPar(ComplexValue(denominator(CV1[i]))); } } kill i; int i; for(i=1;i<=N0;i++) { CV0[i]=VarToPar(EV0[i]); if(content(CV0[i])==CV0[i]) { CV0[i]=content(CV0[i]); CV0[i]=VarToPar(ComplexValue(numerator(CV0[i])))/VarToPar(ComplexValue(denominator(CV0[i]))); } } kill i; list CV=list(CV1,CV0); L=L,CV; return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P); matrix M[2][2]=0,-a,-a,0; list Mat=unitmat(2),M; list Appr=forward(Ut,U,t),trapezoid(Ux,U,x); def s=fouriersystem(Mat,Appr);s; } ////////////////////////////////// proc PartitionVar(poly f,int n) "USAGE: PartitionVar(f); f a poly in the basering; RETURN: type poly; gives back a list L=f1,f2 obtained by the partition of f into two parts f1,f2 with deg_var_n(f1) >0 deg_var_n(f2)=0 EXAMPLE: example PartitionVar; shows an example " { if(n>=nvars(basering)) { ERROR("this variable does not exist in the current basering"); } int i; poly partition=0; poly g=f; for(i=1;i<=size(f);i++) { if(leadexp(g)[n]!=0) { partition=partition+lead(g); } g=g-lead(g); } list L=partition,f-partition; return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P);////does not show the ring, since there is no output basering;///does show the ring poly f=t**3*cx**2-cy**2*dt+i**3*sx; PartitionVar(f,1); ////i is the first variable } ////////////////////////////////// proc ComplexValue(poly f) "USAGE: ComplexValue(f); f a poly in the basering; RETURN: type poly; gives back the formal complex-value of f, where var(1) is redarded as the imaginary unit. Does only make sence, if the proc is executed before -> nvars <= npars EXAMPLE: example ComplexValue; shows an example " { poly g=ParToVar(f); def L=PartitionVar(g,1); poly f1=subst(L[1],var(1),1); poly f2=L[2]; poly result=reduce(f1**2+f2**2,std(0)); return(result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P);////does not show the ring, as there is no output basering;///does show the ring poly f=t**3*cx**2-cy**2*dt+i**3*sx; f; VarToPar(f); } ////////////////////////////////// proc VarToPar(poly f) "USAGE: VarToPar(f); f a poly in the basering; RETURN: type poly; gives back the poly obtained by substituting var(i) by par(i), for all variables. Does only make sence, if the proc is executed before -> nvars <= npars; EXAMPLE: example VarToPar; shows an example " { int N=nvars(basering); int i; def g=f; for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { g=subst(g,var(i),par(i)); } return(g); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P);////does not show the ring, as there is no output basering;///does show the ring poly f=t**3*cx**2-cy**2*dt+i**3*sx; f; VarToPar(f); } ///////////////////////////////////// proc ParToVar(poly f) "USAGE: ParToVar(f); f a poly in the basering; RETURN: type poly; gives back the poly obtained by substituting par(i) by var(i), for the first nvars(basering parameters. Does only make sence, if setinitials is executed before -> nvars <= npars. Is the opposite action to VarToPar, see example ParToVar; EXAMPLE: example ParToVar; shows an example " { int N=nvars(basering); int i; number g=number(VarToPar(f)); number denom=denominator(g); g=denom*g; def gg=subst(g,par(1),var(1)); for(i=2;i<=N;i++) { gg=subst(gg,par(i),var(i)); } return(gg/denom); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P);////does not show the ring, as there is no output basering;///does show the ring poly f=t**3*cx**2-cy**2*dt+i**3*sx/dt*dx; f; def g=VarToPar(f); g; def h=ParToVar(g); h==f; } ///////////////////////////////////////// proc qepcad(poly f) "USAGE: qepcad(f); f a poly in the basering; RETURN: type list; gives back some constraints that are equivalent to f<1 (computed by QEPCAD); EXAMPLE: example qepcad; shows an example " { // how to test, whether QEPCAD is installed? createQCfilter(); // creates/overwrites qepcadfilter.pl system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-out"); system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-in"); if(denominator(content(f))==1) { poly g=f-1; } else { if(f==content(f)) { poly g=f*denominator(content(f))-1*denominator(content(f)); g=ParToVar(g); g=reduce(g,std(0)); } else { poly g=cleardenom(f)-1/content(f); g=ParToVar(g); g=reduce(g,std(0)); } } string in="QEPCAD-in"; string out="QEPCAD-out"; link l1=in; link l2=out; string s1="[trial]"; //description string s2=varlist(); //the variables string s3=nfreevars(); //number of free variables string s4=aquantor()+"["+writepoly(g)+rel()+"]."; //the input prenex formula string s5=projection(); string s6=projection(); string s7=choice(); string s8=solution(); write(l1,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8); system("sh","qepcad < QEPCAD-in | qepcadfilter.pl > QEPCAD-out"); string output=read(out); print(output,"%s"); if(size(output)==0) { return("Try manually"); //maybe too few cells } if(find(output,"FALSE")!=0) { return("FALSE"); } if(find(output,"WARNING")!=0) { return("WARNING! Try manually"); } else { string strpolys=findthepoly(output); list lpolys=listpolynew(strpolys); return(lpolys); } system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-out"); system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-in"); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ux","Ut","U"; list P="a"; list V="t","x"; setinitials(V,D,P); def s1=scheme(u(Ut)+a*u(Ux),laxfrX(Ux,U,x),laxfrT(Ut,U,x)); s1; def s2=errormap(s1); s2; def s3=ComplexValue(s2);s3; qepcad(s3); } /////////////////////////////////////////// proc createQCfilter() { // writes the following to the file qepcadfilter.pl // is there already such a file? remove it! system("sh","rm -f qepcadfilter.pl"); link l=":w qepcadfilter.pl"; write(l, "#!/usr/bin/perl"); write(l, "$flag = 0;"); write(l, "$res = \"\";"); write(l,"while(<>)"); write(l,"{ if ($_ =~ /Warning|WARNING|warning|Error|error|ERROR/) { print $_; }"); write(l,"elsif ($_ =~ /An\ equivalent/) { $flag = 1; }"); write(l,"elsif ($flag == 1 && $_ ne \"\n\") { print $_; $flag = 0; } }"); } /////////////////////////////////////////// proc qepcadsystem(list l) "USAGE: qepcadsytem(f); l a list; RETURN: list PURPOSE: gives back some constraints that are equivalent to the eigenvalues of the matrices in the list l being < 1 (computed by QEPCAD) EXAMPLE: example qepcadsystem; shows an example " { // how to test, whether QEPCAD is installed? createQCfilter(); // creates/overwrites qepcadfilter.pl system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-out"); system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-in"); string in="QEPCAD-in"; string out="QEPCAD-out"; link l1=in; link l2=out; string s1="[trial]"; //description string s2=varlist(); //the variables string s3=nfreevars(); //number of free variables string thepolys; int n2=size(l[2]); int count; int i; list lpolys; int j; for(j=1;j<=n2;j++) { count++; poly g2=ParToVar(l[2][j]); if(denominator(content(g2))==1) { lpolys[count]=writepoly(ParToVar(reduce(g2-1,std(0))))+rel(); } else { if(g2==content(g2)) { g2=g2*denominator(content(g2))-1*denominator(content(g2)); g2=ParToVar(g2); g2=reduce(g2,std(0)); lpolys[count]=writepoly(g2)+rel(); } else { lpolys[count]=writepoly(reduce(ParToVar(cleardenom(g2)-1/content(g2)),std(0)))+rel(); } } kill g2; } kill j; int k; for(k=1;k<=size(lpolys);k++) { thepolys=thepolys+lpolys[k]; if(k QEPCAD-out"); string output=read(out); print(output,"%s"); if(size(output)==0) { ERROR("Try manually"); //maybe too few cells } if(find(output,"FALSE")!=0) { ERROR("FALSE"); } if(find(output,"WARNING")!=0) { ERROR("WARNING! Try manually"); } else { string strpolys=findthepoly(output); list llpolys=listpolynew(strpolys); return(llpolys); } system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-out"); system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-in"); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list D="Ut","Ux","Uy","U"; list V="t","x","y"; list P="a","b"; setinitials(V,D,P); matrix M[2][2]=0,-a,-a,0; list Mat=unitmat(2),M; list Appr=forward(Ut,U,t),forward(Ux,U,x); //matrixsystem(Mat,Appr); //timestep(_); fouriersystem(Mat,Appr); qepcadsystem(_[2]); } /////////////////////////////////////////// static proc substbracketstar(string s) { int i; int k; int index=1; string finish=s; for(k=1;k<=size(s);k++) { if(finish[1]=="(" or finish[1]=="*" or finish[1]==" ") { kill finish; index=index+1; string finish=s[index..size(s)]; } } for(i=1;i<=size(finish);i++) { if(finish[i]=="*" or finish[i]=="(" or finish[i]== ")") { finish[i]=" "; } } return(finish); } //////////////////////////////////// static proc distribution(string SUM, string MON) { string sum=substbracketstar(SUM); string mon=substbracketstar(MON); string result; list signs; list p; int i; int j; int init; for(i=2;i<=size(sum);i++) { if(sum[i]=="+" or sum[i]=="-") { j++; p[j]=i; } } if(j==0) { if(sum[1]!="-") { result=sum+" "+" "+mon; result="+"+" "+result; } else { result=sum+" "+mon; } } else { int l; int anfang; if(sum[1]=="-") { result="-"+" "+result; anfang=2; } else { result="+"+" "+result; if(sum[1]=="+") { anfang=2; } else { anfang=1; } } for(l=1;l<=j;l++) { string a; int k; for(k=anfang;k<=p[l]-1;k++) { a=a+sum[k]; } result=result+" "+a+" "+mon+" "+sum[p[l]]; anfang=p[l]+1; kill a; kill k; } if(p[j]0"; int i; for(i=2;i<=n2;i++) { string s=" /\\"+" "+substbracketstar(print(par(n1+i),"%s"))+" >0"; assumption=assumption+" "+s; kill s; } assumption=assumption+" ]"+newline+"go"; return(assumption); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc projection() { string s="go"; return(s); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc choice() { string s="go"; return(s); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc solution() { string s="go"; return(s); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc nfreevars() { int n=npars(basering)-size(@variables)-1; string no=print(n,"%s"); return(no); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc aquantor() { string s="(A "+print(var(2),"%s")+")"; return(s); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc rel() { return("<0"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc rm() { system("sh","rm -f dummy"); system("sh","rm -f QEPCAD-in"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc findthepoly(string word) { int init=1; int index=find(word,newline); if(index==size(word) or index== 0) { return(word); } else { while(index","==>","<==";///these can occur in QEPCAD int i; for(i=1;i<=size(thesigns);i++) { list l=TestAndDelete(p,thesigns[i]); p=l[1]; v=addintvec(v,l[2]); kill l; } intvec w=rightorder(v); int N=size(v); list lstrings; if(size(w)==1 and w[1]==0) { N=0; lstrings[1]=p; } else { string s1=p[1..w[1]-1]; lstrings[1]=s1; int j; for(j=1;j1) { linterim[i]="*"; } else { linterim[i]=word[i]; } strpoly=strpoly+print(linterim[i],"%s"); } strpoly=strpoly+";"; execute(strpoly); return(f); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc rightorder(intvec v) ////////////orders the entries of an intvec from small to bigger { list ldown=intveclist(v); list lup; intvec v1; int counter; int min; int i; for(i=1;i<=size(v);i++) { min=Min(listintvec(ldown)); lup[i]=min; counter=listfind(ldown,min); ldown=delete(ldown,counter); } intvec result=listintvec(lup); return(result); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc listfind(list l, int n) //////gives the position of n in l, 0 if not found { int i; intvec counter; int j=1; for(i=1;i<=size(l);i++) { if(n==l[i]) { counter[j]=i; j++; } } int result=Min(counter); return(result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc cutoffrel(string str) /////////cut off the relations "/=,<= etc." from output-string { list rels="<=",">=","<",">","/=","="; //these are all of qepcad's relations int i; list l; for(i=1;i<=size(rels);i++) { l[i]=find(str,rels[i]); } intvec v=listintvec(l); v=addintvec(v,v); int position=Min(v); string result; if(position==0) { result=str; } else { result=str[1..position-1]; } return(result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc addintvec(intvec v1, intvec v2) ///////concatenates two intvecs and deletes occurring zeroentries, output intvec { list lresult; int i; list l1; list l2; for(i=1;i<=size(v1);i++) { l1[i]=v1[i]; } kill i; int k; for(k=1;k<=size(v2);k++) { l2[k]=v2[k]; } lresult=l1+l2; intvec result; int j; int counter=1; for(j=1;j<=size(lresult);j++) { if(lresult[j]!=0) { result[counter]=lresult[j]; counter++; } } return(result); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc intveclist(intvec v) //////returns the intvec as list { list l; int i; for(i=size(v);i>=1;i--) { l[i]=v[i]; } return(l); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc listintvec(list l) //////////returns the list as intvec: only integer-entries allowed { intvec v; int i; for(i=size(l);i>=1;i--) { v[i]=l[i]; } return(v); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc TestAndDelete(string str, string booleansign) { int decide=find(str,booleansign); intvec v; v[1]=decide; while(decide!=0 and decide