NTL -- a library for doing numbery theory -- version 5.5 Release date: 2009.04.08 Author: Victor Shoup (victor@shoup.net) NTL is open-source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file doc/copying.txt for complete details on the licensing of NTL. Documentation is available in the file doc/tour.html, which can be viewed with a web browser. For a detailed guide to installation, please see the appropriate documentation: * doc/tour-unix.html for unix systems * doc/tour-win.html for Windows and other systems The latest version of NTL is available at http://www.shoup.net. The sources (5.5.2) have been modified for Singular-3-x-x - for errors blame singular@mathematik.uni-kl.de, not Victor Shoup (victor@shoup.net)