////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version modnormal.lib Dec_2013 "; // $Id$ category = "Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: modnormal.lib Normalization of affine domains using modular methods AUTHORS: J. Boehm boehm@mathematik.uni-kl.de W. Decker decker@mathematik.uni-kl.de S. Laplagne slaplagn@dm.uba.ar G. Pfister pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de A. Steenpass steenpass@mathematik.uni-kl.de S. Steidel steidel@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* OVERVIEW: Suppose A is an affine domain over a perfect field.@* This library implements a modular strategy for finding the normalization of A. Following [1], the idea is to apply the normalization algorithm given in [2] over finite fields and lift the results via Chinese remaindering and rational reconstruction as described in [3]. This approch is inherently parallel.@* The strategy is available both as a randomized and as a verified algorithm. REFERENCES: [1] Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister, Stefan Steidel, Andreas Steenpass: Parallel algorithms for normalization, preprint, 2011. [2] Gert-Martin Greuel, Santiago Laplagne, Frank Seelisch: Normalization of Rings, Journal of Symbolic Computation 9 (2010), p. 887-901 [3] Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Gerhard Pfister: The use of Bad Primes in Rational Reconstruction, preprint, 2012. KEYWORDS: normalization; modular methods SEE ALSO: normal_lib, locnormal_lib PROCEDURES: modNormal(I); normalization of R/I using modular methods "; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "ring.lib"; LIB "normal.lib"; LIB "modstd.lib"; LIB "parallel.lib"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Verify the char 0 result L of normalization of I modulo a prime p static proc pTestNormal(ideal I, list L, int p, ideal normalIP) { // We change the characteristic of the ring to p. def R0 = basering; ideal U = L[1]; poly condu=L[2]; list rl = ringlist(R0); rl[1] = p; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; ideal IP = fetch(R0,I); ideal UP = fetch(R0,U); poly conduP = fetch(R0, condu); ideal outP = fetch(R0,normalIP); poly denOutP = outP[1]; // Check if the universal denominator is valid ideal cOut = conduP*outP; ideal dI = ideal(denOutP) + IP; int inc = size(reduce(cOut, groebner(dI))); if(inc > 0) { "Inclusion is not satisfied. Unlucky prime?"; return(ideal(0)); } return(outComp(UP, outP, conduP, denOutP, IP)) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the normalization of I in characterisitic p. // Returns an ideal Out such that the normalization mod p is the // module 1/condu * Out static proc modpNormal(ideal I, int p, poly condu,printTimings,list #) { int tt = timer; int liftRelations; // We change the characteristic of the ring to p. def R0 = basering; list rl = ringlist(R0); rl[1] = p; def @r = ring(rl); int loc; int i; for ( i=1; i <= size(#); i++ ) { if ( typeof(#[i]) == "string" ) { if (#[i]=="inputJ") { loc = 1;ideal J=#[i][2];} } } setring @r; if (loc==1) {ideal JP = fetch(R0,J)}; //int t=timer; ideal IP = groebner(fetch(R0,I)); //"Time for groebner mod p "+string(timer -t); poly conduP = fetch(R0, condu); option(redSB); int t = timer; // We compute the normalization mod p if (loc==0) { //global list l = normal(IP); } else { //local list l = normal(IP,list(list("inputJ", JP))); } if (printTimings==1) {"Time for modular normal: "+string(timer - t);} t = timer; // Currently, the algorithm only works if no splitting occurs during the // normalization process. (For example, if I is prime.) if(size(l[2]) > 1){ ERRROR("Original ideal is not prime (Not implemented.) or unlucky prime"); } ideal outP = l[2][1]; poly denOutP = outP[size(outP)]; // Check if the universal denominator is valid ideal cOut = conduP*outP; ideal dI = ideal(denOutP) + IP; int inc = size(reduce(cOut, groebner(dI))); if(inc > 0) { ERROR("Inclusion is not satisfied. Unlucky prime?"); } // We change the denominator to the universal denominator outP = changeDenominator(outP, denOutP, conduP, IP); if(size(outP) > 1) { ideal JP = conduP, outP[1..size(outP)-1]; } else { ERROR("Normal ring - Special case not fully implemented."); ideal JP = conduP; ideal norid = 0; export norid; def RP = @r; } setring R0; ideal out = fetch(@r, JP); if (printTimings==1) {"Prime: "+string(p);} tt = timer-tt; return(list(out, p, tt)); } // Computes the normalization using modular methods. // Basic algorithm based on modstd. proc modNormal(ideal I, int nPrimes, list #) "USAGE: modNormal(I, n [,options]); I = prime ideal, n = positive integer, options = list of options. @* Optional parameters in list options (can be entered in any order):@* noVerificication: do not verify the result.@* printTimings: print timings.@* int ncores: number of cores to be used (default = 1). ASSUME: I is a prime ideal (the algorithm will also work for radical ideals as long as the normal command does not detect that the ideal under consideration is not prime). RETURN: a list of an ideal U and a universal denominator d such that U/d is the normalization. REMARKS: We use the algorithm given in [1] to compute the normalization of A = R/I where R is the basering. We apply the algorithm for n primes at a time until the result lifted to the rationals is correct modulo one additional prime. Depending on whether the option noVerificication is used or not, the result is returned as a probabilistic result or verified over the rationals.@* The normalization of A is represented as an R-module by returning a list of U and d, where U is an ideal of A and d is an element of A such that U/d is the normalization of A. In fact, U and d are returned as an ideal and a polynomial of the base ring R. KEYWORDS: normalization; modular techniques. SEE ALSO: normal_lib, locnormal_lib. EXAMPLE: example modNormal; shows an example " { int i,noVerif,printTimings; int liftRelations; int ncores = 1; for ( i=1; i <= size(#); i++ ) { if ( typeof(#[i]) == "string" ) { if (#[i]=="noVerification") { noVerif = 1;} if (#[i]=="printTimings") { printTimings = 1;} } if ( typeof(#[i]) == "int" ) { ncores = #[i]; } } int totalTime = timer; intvec LTimer; int t; def R = basering; int j; //-------------------- Initialize the list of primes ------------------------- int n2 = nPrimes; //---Computation of the jacobian ideal and the universal denominator list IM = mstd(I); I = IM[1]; int d = dim(I); ideal IMin = IM[2]; qring Q = I; // We work in the quotient by the groebner base of the ideal I option("redSB"); option("returnSB"); ideal I = fetch(R, I); attrib(I, "isSB", 1); ideal IMin = fetch(R, IMin); dbprint(dbg, "Computing the jacobian ideal..."); ideal J = minor(jacob(IMin), nvars(basering) - d, I); t=timer; J = modStd(J); if (printTimings==1) {"Time for modStd Jacobian "+string(timer-t);} setring R; ideal J = fetch(Q, J); //------------------ We check if the singular locus is empty ------------- if(J[1] == 1) { // The original ring R/I was normal. Nothing to do. return(ideal(1)); } //--- Universal denominator--- poly condu = getSmallest(J); // Choses the polynomial of smallest degree // of J as universal denominator. if (printTimings==1) {"conductor: ", condu;} //-------------- Main standard basis computations in positive ---------------- //---------------------- characteristic start here --------------------------- list resultNormal,currentPrimes; list resultNormalX,currentPrimesX; list LL; ideal ChremLift; ideal Out; list OutCondu; int ptn; int k = 1; int sh; int p; int h; intvec L; bigint N; int totalModularTime; int maxModularTime; int sumMaxModularTime; int sumTotalModularTime; ideal normalIP; I = groebner(I); // Largest prime: 2147483647 // Max prime for gcd: 536870909 // loop increasing the number of primes by n2 until pTest is true list modarguments; list modresults; int lastPrime; while (ptn==0) { L = primeList(I,k*n2+1,intvec(536870627),1); maxModularTime=0; totalModularTime = timer; if (k==1) {sh=0;} else {sh=1;} if (ncores == 1) { for(j = (k-1)*n2+1+sh; j <= k*n2+1; j++) { t = timer; normalIP = modpNormal(I, L[j], condu,printTimings,#)[1]; if(timer - t > maxModularTime) { maxModularTime = timer - t; } LTimer[j] = timer - t; setring R; resultNormalX[j] = normalIP; currentPrimesX[j] = bigint(L[j]); } lastPrime = L[k*n2+1]; } else { for(j = (k-1)*n2+1+sh; j <= k*n2+1; j++) { modarguments[j-(k-1)*n2-sh] = list(I, L[j], condu, printTimings, #); } modresults = parallelWaitAll("modpNormal", modarguments, 0, ncores); for(j = (k-1)*n2+1+sh; j <= k*n2+1; j++) { resultNormalX[j] = modresults[j-(k-1)*n2-sh][1]; currentPrimesX[j] = bigint(modresults[j-(k-1)*n2-sh][2]); LTimer[j] = modresults[j-(k-1)*n2-sh][3]; if(LTimer[j] > maxModularTime) { maxModularTime = LTimer[j]; } } normalIP = resultNormalX[k*n2+1]; lastPrime = modresults[n2-sh+1][2]; } if (printTimings==1) {"List of times for all modular computations so far: "+string(LTimer);} if (printTimings==1) {"Maximal modular time of current step: "+string(maxModularTime);} sumMaxModularTime=sumMaxModularTime+maxModularTime; totalModularTime = timer - totalModularTime; sumTotalModularTime=sumTotalModularTime+totalModularTime; if (printTimings==1) {"Total modular time of current step: "+string(totalModularTime);} resultNormal=delete(resultNormalX,size(resultNormalX)); currentPrimes=delete(currentPrimesX,size(currentPrimesX)); //------------------------ Delete unlucky primes ----------------------------- //------------- unlucky if and only if the leading ideal is wrong ------------ // Polynomials are not homogeneous: h = 0 LL = deleteUnluckyPrimes(resultNormal,currentPrimes,h); resultNormal = LL[1]; currentPrimes = LL[2]; if (printTimings==1) {"Number of lucky primes: ", size(currentPrimes);} //------------------- Now all leading ideals are the same -------------------- //------------------- Lift results to basering via farey --------------------- N = currentPrimes[1]; for(i = 2; i <= size(currentPrimes); i++) { N = N*currentPrimes[i]; } // Chinese remainder ChremLift = chinrem(resultNormal,currentPrimes); // Farey lifting Out = farey(ChremLift,N); OutCondu=Out,condu; // pTest if (pTestNormal(I,OutCondu,lastPrime,normalIP)==0) { if (printTimings==1) {"pTestNormal has failed, increasing the number of primes by "+string(n2);} k=k+1; } else { ptn=1; } } if (printTimings==1) { "Time for all modular computations: "+string(sumTotalModularTime); "Parallel time for all modular computations: "+string(sumMaxModularTime); "Time for randomized normal: "+string(timer - totalTime); "Simulated parallel time for randomized normal: "+string(timer - totalTime + sumMaxModularTime - sumTotalModularTime); } // return the result if no verification if (noVerif==1) { Out[size(Out) + 1] = Out[1]; Out = Out[2..size(Out)]; OutCondu=modStd(Out),condu; return(OutCondu); }; //------------------- Optional tests to ensure correctness -------------------- // Check for finiteness. We do this by checking if the reconstruction of // the ring structure is still valid t = timer; int tVerif=timer; if (printTimings==1) {"Verification:";} setring R; int isNormal = normalCheck(Out, I,printTimings); if(isNormal == 0) { ERROR("Not normal!"); } else { if (printTimings==1) {"Normal!";} } if (printTimings==1) { "Time for verifying normal: "+string(timer - t); "Time for all verification tests: "+string(timer - tVerif); "Simulated parallel time including verfications: "+string(timer - totalTime + sumMaxModularTime - sumTotalModularTime); "Total time: "+string(timer - totalTime); } // We put the denominator at the end // however we return condu anyway Out[size(Out) + 1] = Out[1]; Out = Out[2..size(Out)]; OutCondu=modStd(Out),condu; return(OutCondu); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; ring R = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int k = 4; poly f = (x^(k+1)+y^(k+1)+z^(k+1))^2-4*(x^(k+1)*y^(k+1)+y^(k+1)*z^(k+1)+z^(k+1)*x^(k+1)); f = subst(f,z,3x-2y+1); ring S = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = imap(R,f); ideal i = f; list L = modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); } // Computes the Jacobian ideal // I is assumed to be a groebner base static proc jacobIdOne(ideal I,int printTimings) { def R = basering; int d = dim(I); if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the ideal of minors...";} ideal J = minor(jacob(I), nvars(basering) - d, I); if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the modstd of the ideal of minors...";} J = modStd(J); if (printTimings==1) { "Groebner base computed."; "ideal of minors: "; J; } return(J); } // Procedure for comparing timings and outputs between the modular approach // and the classical approach. Remove static to be used. static proc norComp(ideal I, int nPrimes) { // nPrimes is the number of primes to use. int t = timer; list Out2 = modNormal(I, nPrimes,"noVerification"); "Time modNormal: ", timer - t; t = timer; ideal Out1 = normal(I)[2][1]; "Time normal: ", timer - t; "Same output?"; outComp(Out1, Out2[1], Out1[size(Out1)], Out2[2], I); } static proc outComp(ideal Out1, ideal Out2, poly den1, poly den2, ideal I) { I = groebner(I); Out1 = changeDenominator(Out1, den1, den1, I); Out2 = changeDenominator(Out2, den2, den1, I); Out1 = groebner(I+Out1); Out2 = groebner(I+Out2); return((size(reduce(Out1, Out2)) == 0) * (size(reduce(Out2, Out1)) == 0)); } // Make p homogeneous of degree d taking h as the aux variable of deg 1. static proc polyHomogenize(poly p, int d, intvec degs, poly h) { int i; poly q; for(i = 1; i <= size(p); i++) { q = q + p[i]*h^(d-deg(p[i], degs)); } return(q); } // verification procedure static proc normalCheck(ideal U, ideal I,int printTimings) // U / U[1] = output of the normalization { if (printTimings==1) {"normalCheck: computes the new ring structure and checks if the ring is normal";} def R = basering; poly D = U[1]; // universal denominator if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the new ring structure";} list ele = Normal::computeRing(U, I, "noRed"); def origEre = ele[1]; setring origEre; if (printTimings==1) {"Number of variables: ", nvars(basering);} if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the groebner base of the relations...";} norid = modStd(norid); if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the jacobian ideal...";} ideal J = jacobIdOne(norid,printTimings); ideal JI = J + norid; if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the radical...";} ideal JR = radical(JI); poly testP = getSmallest(JR); // Choses the polynomial of smallest degree qring Q = norid; ideal J = fetch(origEre, JR); poly D = fetch(origEre, testP); if (printTimings==1) {"Computing the quotient (DJ : J)...";} ideal oldU = 1; ideal U = quotient(D*J, J); U = groebner(U); // ----------------- Grauer-Remmert criterion check ----------------------- // We check if the equality in Grauert - Remmert criterion is satisfied. int isNormal = Normal::checkInclusions(D*oldU, U); setring R; return(isNormal); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // EXAMPLES // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // plane curves ring r24 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int k = 2; poly f = (x^(k+1)+y^(k+1)+z^(k+1))^2-4*(x^(k+1)*y^(k+1)+y^(k+1)*z^(k+1)+z^(k+1)*x^(k+1)); f = subst(f,z,2x-y+1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = imap(r24,f); ideal i = f; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1); ring r24 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int k = 3; poly f = (x^(k+1)+y^(k+1)+z^(k+1))^2-4*(x^(k+1)*y^(k+1)+y^(k+1)*z^(k+1)+z^(k+1)*x^(k+1)); f = subst(f,z,2x-y+1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = imap(r24,f); ideal i = f; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r24 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int k = 4; poly f = (x^(k+1)+y^(k+1)+z^(k+1))^2-4*(x^(k+1)*y^(k+1)+y^(k+1)*z^(k+1)+z^(k+1)*x^(k+1)); f = subst(f,z,2x-y+1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = imap(r24,f); ideal i = f; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r24 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int k = 5; poly f = (x^(k+1)+y^(k+1)+z^(k+1))^2-4*(x^(k+1)*y^(k+1)+y^(k+1)*z^(k+1)+z^(k+1)*x^(k+1)); f = subst(f,z,2x-y+1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = imap(r24,f); ideal i = f; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; int a=7; ideal i = ((x-1)^a-y^3)*((x+1)^a-y^3)*((x)^a-y^3)*((x-2)^a-y^3)*((x+2)^a-y^3)+y^15; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; int a=8; ideal i = ((x-1)^a-y^3)*((x+1)^a-y^3)*((x)^a-y^3)*((x-2)^a-y^3)*((x+2)^a-y^3)+y^15; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1); ring s24 = 0,(x,y),dp; int a=9; ideal i = ((x-1)^a-y^3)*((x+1)^a-y^3)*((x)^a-y^3)*((x-2)^a-y^3)*((x+2)^a-y^3)+y^15; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r=0,(x,y),dp; ideal i=9127158539954x10+3212722859346x8y2+228715574724x6y4-34263110700x4y6 -5431439286x2y8-201803238y10-134266087241x8-15052058268x6y2+12024807786x4y4 +506101284x2y6-202172841y8+761328152x6-128361096x4y2+47970216x2y4-6697080y6 -2042158x4+660492x2y2-84366y4+2494x2-474y2-1; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1); // surfaces in A3 ring r7 = 0,(x,y,t),dp; int a=11; ideal i = x*y*(x-y)*(x+y)*(y-1)*t+(x^a-y^2)*(x^10-(y-1)^2); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r7 = 0,(x,y,t),dp; int a=12; ideal i = x*y*(x-y)*(x+y)*(y-1)*t+(x^a-y^2)*(x^10-(y-1)^2); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r7 = 0,(x,y,t),dp; int a=13; ideal i = x*y*(x-y)*(x+y)*(y-1)*t+(x^a-y^2)*(x^10-(y-1)^2); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r22 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i = z2-(y2-1234x3)^2*(15791x2-y3)*(1231y2-x2*(x+158))*(1357y5-3x11); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r22 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i = z2-(y2-1234x3)^3*(15791x2-y3)*(1231y2-x2*(x+158))*(1357y5-3x11); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r23 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i = z5-((13x-17y)*(5x2-7y3)*(3x3-2y2)*(19y2-23x2*(x+29)))^2; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); // curve in A3 ring r23 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i = z3-(19y2-23x2*(x+29))^2,x3-(11y2-13z2*(z+1)); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); ring r23 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i = z3-(19y2-23x2*(x+29))^2,x3-(11y2-13z2*(z+1))^2; //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); // surface in A4 ring r23 = 0,(x,y,z,w),dp; ideal i = z2-(y3-123456w2)*(15791x2-y3)^2, w*z-(1231y2-x*(111x+158)); //locNormal(i); modNormal(i,1,"noVerification"); */